FOCUS MARKET Photo NFT Marketplace - Dec 2021

Page created by Joel Meyer
FOCUS MARKET Photo NFT Marketplace - Dec 2021
  Photo NFT Marketplace

Dec 2021
FOCUS MARKET Photo NFT Marketplace - Dec 2021
Monetize your Photos
Create NFTs from your photographic assets and sell them.
Focus Market allows anyone to mint and sell their photos on our platform as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).

                             FOCUS MARKET VISION:
                Focus Market is a community focused NFT platform that will power its own economy.
                With our FOCUS token, we are building a full economic ecosystem that will empower,
                                incentivise and enrich all stakeholders in this project.
FOCUS MARKET Photo NFT Marketplace - Dec 2021
FOR CREATORS (Photographers)
                      The Problem                                                The Solution

• Their photos are not safe as other people can use them    Yes, they are safe: Focus Market will mint these photos into
  without their permission through the copy and paste      NFTs and only the buyer will have access to the full resolution
  function.                                                                          digital file.

• No sense of scarcity for ‘special edition’ photos, as    Yes, with Focus Market creators can make one-off NFTs that
  photos can easily be reproduced (copy and paste).        are permanently recorded on the Public Blockchain as proof
                                                             of authenticity. So, all illegal digital copies are worthless.
• Since millions of photos are produced every single
  minute, it can become difficult to prove ownership of                              See above
  your own photos.
                                                           Focus Market has a lofty aim to democratise the photography
• The current Photography market is controlled by a few     industry and free the creators from these large stock photo
  large firms who profiteer at the expense of the
                                                             companies such as Getty Images. With Focus Market - it is
                                                                       Peer to Peer without any middleman.
FOCUS MARKET Photo NFT Marketplace - Dec 2021
                   The Problem                                              The Solution

                                                      Focus Market is aiming to become the go-to place for buying
• No unified place to buy photographic assets.        digital photographic assets (we want to become the Ebay of
                                                                         photographic assets).

• Not the same level of exclusivity as artworks as     Since each photo is minted into an NFT and hence there is
  photos can easily be perfectly reproduced, hence    proof of authenticity - special edition prints including one of
                                                                   one editions will maintain scarcity.
  eliminating scarcity.

                                                      As mentioned, because Focus Market can create scarcity via
• Lack of price appreciation of photographic assets     NFT/blockchain technology - prices can increase making
                                                         digital photographic assets a worthwhile buy and hold
  because of above reason.
                                                                      investment for the first time.
FOCUS MARKET Photo NFT Marketplace - Dec 2021
Global Market Size

 The photographic assets market is expected to be worth $48 billion in 2021. However, this is assuming that
 98% of all photos remain unsold. The true size of the market is many times this amount if the power of NFT
                                       marketplaces is to be realised.

FOCUS MARKET Photo NFT Marketplace - Dec 2021
NFT Growth Rate

   NFT Sales Shoot Towards $2 Billion in
               August 2021


                                                      Digital artist Mike Winkelmann, aka
                                                      Beeple recently sold a single NFT for
                                                                    $69 Million
FOCUS MARKET Photo NFT Marketplace - Dec 2021
The Product: NFT Marketplace Platform

Focus Market is a NFT marketplace platform which will be
running on the Ethereum Blockchain.

Buyers and sellers of photographic assets can transact using this
marketplace paying with cryptocurrencies.
                                                                    The marketplace is currently under development and
•   No fiat money is used (possibility to add this feature later)   undergoing testing. The public launch is expected to
•   No payment verification needed                                                  happen in Q1 2022.
•   No bank details needed
•   No credit card fees
•   No PayPal fees

To use the Focus Market platform all you need is a Cryptowallet
such as Metamask and some cryptocurrency (ETH).
FOCUS MARKET Photo NFT Marketplace - Dec 2021
How we Make Money
                Business Model:
                                                         So, if in a given month we have sales of $20 million, then 4%
     We take 4% transaction fee for each sale.
                                                         ($800,000) of that will be our revenue, from that revenue, 50%
    50% from our transaction revenue is paid to
                                                         ($400,000) will be redistributed to FOCUS token stakers.
              FOCUS token stakers

                             Why do we pay our FOCUS token holders 50% of the revenues?

The business model is very much                                                     The aim is to increase the value of the
based on our community - the main                                                   FOCUS token by increasing demand
members of the community being                                                      (based on platform revenues) and
the buyers and sellers on the                                                       reducing supply (staking the token to
platform.                                   We will have airdrops of FOCUS          earn a share of platform revenue).
                                           tokens for the buyers and sellers
We want to incentivise them to stake        based on their monthly trading          Based on the tokenomics of the project -
the token (i.e. take it out of supply).   activity- thereby incentivising them      we expect the value of the FOCUS token
This means that they are invested             to trade using our platform.          to increase to $3-$5 over the next 12-18
into the platform and their incentives                                              months (giving a realistic market cap of
are aligned with ours.                                                              $300-$500 million).
FOCUS MARKET Photo NFT Marketplace - Dec 2021
What are FOCUS Tokens?

                                                                                                                 However, we will use
                                                                                                               staking and LP tokens to
                                                                                      Like the majority of      incentivise the FOCUS
                                                                                      Crypto/Blockchain         token holders to stake
                                                             Same for sellers.              projects,         their tokens to receive the
                                                        This will incentivise them   we  will aim to list the      share of platform
                                                       to transact more, at higher FOCUS tokens on a crypto       revenues. This will
                              We will incentivise the                                exchange in the near      encourage them to hold
                                                         prices hence increasing
                               buyers to buy more                                   future, hence creating    and stake rather than sell.
                                                        revenue for the platform
The platform is built with a through a leaderboard       and EARNING a passive liquidity and flexibility for
      community focus.        which will grant biggest                               holders   to cash  out.
                                                         income on the side (via
 We want all stakeholders buyers free FOCUS tokens.          FOCUS tokens).
  of this platform, buyers,
 sellers, volunteers, etc. to
benefit from the success of
        the platform.
FOCUS MARKET Photo NFT Marketplace - Dec 2021
The Focus Market Community
Who is the community?

  •   Focus Market is a community focused NFT platform

  •   Our Community is our stakeholders, including the users of the platform (creators and collectors) and
      those who support our cause

  •   The community will receive airdrops of FOCUS tokens based on their contributions to the project

  •   The top sellers and buyers (creators and collectors) will receive airdrops of FOCUS tokens every month.
      This will incentivise them to use our platform more

  •   The community can use these FOCUS tokens to stake and earn a share of platform revenues

  •   This will internalise the community and align its interests with that of the Focus Market team
The Sell Side and Buy Side
How will we get it to work?
• It is not surprising that almost everyone has the capability to take photos via smart
  phones. The question arises on how do we get a good level of professional

                                  On the buy side, we are in the
                                   process contacting all major       Our belief is that we
      We have a well                celeb/sports outlets. These        want to build long
   connected team that                include Hollywood and         term relationships with
                                  Bollywood stars with millions
  has links with some big          of followers on social media.
                                                                         the previously
  names in photography.             We are also going to go for     mentioned people and
  We will be onboarding           sports stars/ galleries/ brands     become the de facto
     these over time.             and all those people who are       place for photography
                                   ready to move into the NFT
                                                                          NFT trading

                                       These are some of our
                                    competitors, however none of
                                        these are specific to
                                        photographic assets


• One of the first NFT marketplaces for photographers

• Influencer photographers on board as ambassadors and promotional
                                                                       (Focus Market key development
• Strong core team with a high level of experience in related fields               partner)

• Aiming to reduce the environmental impact of NFTs by supporting
  sustainability projects

The platform will be the centrepiece of the whole project.              We will be looking to onboard celebrities, sports stars, brands and
Therefore, we have put a lot of effort to make it stand out from the    other high-profile individuals.
                                                                        Moreover, we will be working with physical galleries across the
Our platform will have a clean design and strong and intuitive UI and   world to get their collections minted into NFTs on our platform.
UX. Moreover, it will have all the main features of a NFT trading
platform, including minting, selling for a fixed price and auctions.    So far, the indications are looking promising.

We will put a lot of effort to stay ahead of the competition by         So, it is very important to have the platform that stands out from
aiming to make our platform the most secure and well designed           the competition in order for us to achieve these aims.
with innovative features.

Indeed, we believe that after launch the platform will get better and
better as we will play close attention to our competitors and also
continue to get feedback from our users (KAIZEN approach).
Focus Market Platform Preview

                         These are some screenshots from the final design that will grace the platform.

   We are one of the few NFT platforms that have an original intuitive design ethic that appeals to the photographic industry.

     In consultation with our UI expert, we went through market research and beta tester feedback to arrive at this design.
                                              It will have a light and dark theme.
Key Plans

                                                                          Partnerships      Further
                                                                            with key       Strategic
                                                            Onboarding       Photo       Partnerships
                                FOCUS Token                                 Galleries        with
                                 Staking and     Public                   Around the      Metaverse
   Private Beta   Public Beta                               and Sports
                                  Rewards       sale/IDO                     World        Platforms
      Testing       Launch                                     Stars

   Q3/Q4 2021      Q1 2022        Q1 2022      Q1/Q2 2022    Q1 2022        Q2 2022      Q2-Q4 2022
Financial Predictions
   Financial Business Model
4% of transaction value
Some of the Focus tokens will be sold publicly on decentralised (or
centralised) exchanges.
Presale Focus tokens will have a vesting period of at least 12 months
after IDO.
We expect platform revenues to increase exponentially over the first few

Expected annual transaction values for the platform:
• End 2022: £100 million
• Platform revenue: £4 million

• End 2023: £300-£500 million
• Platform revenue: £12-£20 million

• End 2023: £800m-£800m-£1 billion
• Platform revenue: £40-£50 million

NB: Platform revenue estimated before Focus token stake rewards
Estimations based on getting exclusive deals/contracts with Bollywood
stars, sports/music stars and the high profile celebrities
Focus Market Beta Testing Feedback
    Private beta was concluded in September 2021
We concluded private beta testing of our platform.
There were a lot of interesting insights from this
exercise which we are implementing into the final
Overall the reaction was very favourable and here are
some excerpts from the beta testers:
What we Need

How much we want to raise:
$800K-$1.1million USD

What will the money be used for:
• Product development and refinement: $200K-$250K
• Marketing and celeb outreach: $200K-$250K
• Operations: $100K-$150K
• Team bonuses and Incentives: $100K-$150K
• Platform/DEX liquidity: $100K-$150K
• Other Contingencies: $100K-$150K

                                                    CONTACT US:
                                                       Ali Khan - Founding Partner
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