FLYING COLOURS Masina Bows Out with - SPECIAL EDITION - Inside Education.
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Meet the Young Minds Dr Mashazi Brings Humility, MAY 2021 Behind the City’s Clean Audit Rigour, and Compassion To Her PG. 15-18 Demanding Role, PG. 11-14 Ekurhuleni Executive Mayor, Cllr Mzwandile Masina SPECIAL EDITION Masina Bows Out with FLYING COLOURS 1.
MAY 2021 Masina Aims to Finish on a Clean Audit High Mzwandile Masina, the Executive Mayor of the City of Ekurhuleni, aims to finish his term of office on a high af- ter the metro obtained a clean audit from the Auditor General for the 2019/2020 financial year, the first during his term of office. This is after the Metro obtained unqualified audits for the preced- ing three years, with no unauthorised, irregular, fruitless or wasteful ex- penditure recorded over Mzwandile Masina, the Executive Mayor of the the period. City of Ekurhuleni. “I am delighted that our vision of receiving to provide ethical and of the COVID-19 a clean audit opinion honest governance over pandemic.” declared from the AG has finally state funds. Every cent Masina. come to fruition.” Ma- of the taxpayer’s hard- sina said of the mile- earned money must Masina’s administra- stone. “As we begin to go towards revitalising tion adopted an “Op- enter a post-COVID-19 our local economy and eration Clean Audit” era, there is no time providing the necessary when it assumed office when it has become relief and public ser- in late 2016. The start- more important for gov- vices for households to ing point of the road ernment institutions recover from the impact towards clean audit 2.
MAY 2021 was to audit the skills Under Masina’s lead- Masina says the city profile of all employ- ership, the City regu- has invested in bulk ees in the city’s finance larised 39 townships, infrastructure that department. This was which yielded 33 605 can support 210 000 then followed by the titled deeds to be dis- housing units. The City review and adoption tributed to the benefi- electrified about 40 in- of appropriate policies, ciaries. formal settlements and a rigorous governance increased the number framework as well as “Title deeds are not only of chemical toilets pro- strong oversight by the legal documents used vided and a further 43 audit committee, which as evidence of home informal settlements receives reports on a ownership – they are earmarked for incre- quarterly basis. a source of security for mental upgrade. people, who for many Some of Masina’s key decades have lived in a It also recorded some priorities when he took state of insecurity.” Re- notable achievements office was to address marked Masina in his under its ten-point lack of housing, health recent State of the City economic plan which facilities and the erad- Address. His admin- starts with revitalisation ication of hunger and istration also delivered of the manufacturing has gone about the over 42 773 housing sector. This includes an task with vigour and units through Mega investment of R1 billion diligence. Settlements and 26 in the Northern Pre- 543 serviced stands. cinct of the land around Ekurhuleni Mayor Mzwandile Masina,and members of the Executive Council. 3.
MAY 2021 President Cyril Ramaphosa and Ekurheni Mayor Mzwandile Masina during the opening of the Radisson Hotel & Convention Centre in Ekurhuleni. OR Tambo International oping 7,5 hectares of ations and is now ready Airport, which currently land around the airport. to advertise for the re- provides jobs for 2000 The Gauteng IDZ has lease of a further 45 people. There is also already attracted R1, council owned farms. investment in airport 5 billion in investment It has also released 40 Industrial Development and will focus on food Strategic parcels of land Zone as well as the processing, jewellery, for development. Tambo Springs Inland fuel cell technology and port, which is R20 bil- aerospace. The facili- On infrastructure, Ma- lion over 15 years. ty has already created sina says the City has 3 300 jobs out of an spent R800 million pro- Masina’s administra- anticipated 7000 jobs viding bulk infrastruc- tion also adopted the it will create at its com- ture and services along Aerotropolis Master pletion. the R21 corridor. The Plan, a 30-year in- Metro has unlocked in- vestment programme Under Masina’s lead- frastructure opportuni- centred on the logistics ership, the City has ties worth R80 billion. and manufacturing hub placed availability of It also successfully at- around the OR Tambo land at the heart of tracted the Gibela Pra- International Airport. strategic development. sa train facility in Nigel, The city also aims to During the current term the S&J Industrial park, accelerate the Gauteng of office, the Metro has and other investments Industrial development leased out 56 council along the R21. The Zone and Special Eco- owned farms to farmers Airports Company of nomic Zone by devel- of various scale of oper- South Africa also em- 4.
MAY 2021 Masina’s administration has leased out 56 Council owned farms to farmers of various scale of operations. barked on an expan- establishment of the ple with disabilities. sion programme. Ekurhuleni Communi- As part of revitalising ty Enterprise Develop- the township econo- The City has supported ment Fund. The City my, the City established SMMEs through a total also spent about R44 several industrial parks of eight programmes billion on promoting and business centres and initiatives. These localisation and pro- in areas such as Kwa include mentorship and duction, with about Thema and Tembisa enterprise development R10 billion worth of and will be establishing as well as tender ad- opportunities benefit- an automotive park in vice, business pitch- ing women while R331 Geluksdal. ing training as well the million benefited peo- 5.
MAY 2021 The City has built 8 clinics that run a 24-hour service, 3 clinics that render a 12-hour service and 19 that render Saturday services. One of Masina’s signa- The fight against demic, resolved to in- ture initiatives has been Covid19 put the City’s crease the number of the increase of the bur- resources and institu- local clinics piloting sary scheme from R10 tional capacity to the the 24-hour healthcare million to R100 million test. Tembisa hospital programmes. It is on per year. The scheme has now been desig- this pursuit of equita- has so far benefited nated as a vaccination ble healthcare that we 9000 young people site within the Met- currently have 8 clin- and cost R470 million. ro while the primary ics that render 24-hour The City also created healthcare system has services within the City 26 000 work opportu- been strengthened. of Ekurhuleni. Further- nities through the Ex- “The City, recognising more, 3 clinics render panded Public Works the importance of pro- 12-hour services while Programme and 454 viding quality health- 19 clinics render Sat- graduated in job oppor- care to its residents urday services.” Said tunities. This number and responding to the Masina. was undermined by the huge demand placed Covid 19 pandemic. by the COVID-19 pan- 6.
MAY 2021 Proper Planning Is Central To Ekurhuleni’s Top Achievements, Says Xhakaza Nkosindiphile Xhakaza, the MMC for Finance, Economic Develop- ment, and Information Communication Tech- nology (ICT) within the City of Ekurhuleni is a great believer in plan- ning for the execution of any task. “Proper planning is the foundation to good gov- ernance and service de- livery. Everything starts with the right plan.” he says of the city’s suc- cess to deliver some Nkosindiphile Xhakaza, Ekurhuleni MMC for Finance of its service delivery and Economic Development commitments during their term of office, as well as a clean audit for he says of a process R2 billion and required the last financial year. that starts in Septem- the finance department In preparation for pre- ber every year and to make three adjust- senting the city’s bud- culminates in the pre- ments to redirect re- get later this month, his sentation of the budget sources to where they department relies on around May. were needed to fight the integrated Devel- the pandemic. opment Plan (IDP) and Last year, the planning public participation. process was severely The process starts with tested by the outbreak the Mayoral Lekgot- “This is an extensive of COVID-19, which hit la, which is a strategic and involved process” the city’s revenue by planning session that 7.
MAY 2021 reviews the electoral growth and job cre- which covers a five-year mandate and the un- ation. The plan in- period. For the long dertakings made pri- cludes the revitalisation term, the city is guided or to taking office. In of the manufacturing by Gauteng Growth and the case of the current sector, adoption of the Development Strategy term of office, Xhakaza Aerotropolis Master 2055, which guides describes a pro poor Plan, Rapid Land Re- the long-term develop- programme where the lease for farming and ment of Gauteng’s sev- city undertook to build township-based busi- en regions and the pro- 100 000 housing nesses as well as boost- vision of power, water, units, mainly through ing small businesses and roads. mega settlements and through procurement. provide 59 000 ser- Throughout the plan- viced stands, electrify, Xhakaza says planning ning process commu- upgrade, and eventu- is short, medium, and nities are consulted first ally eliminate informal long term. The budget through ward commit- settlements and boost he will be presenting tees around October township economies on 26 May, will plan as well as through the and small businesses. for the short term, or IDP which has just the Medium-Term Ex- been concluded. In The current adminis- penditure Framework the March consulta- tration responded by (MTEF,) which cov- tion phase, stakehold- adopting a ten-point ers three years. There ers including business economic plan to drive is also medium term and the youth are also Ekurhuleni MMC for Finance and Economic Development, Nkosindiphile Xhakaza, 8.
MAY 2021 The City adopted the Aerotropolis Master Plan during the current term of office. consulted. Xhakaza grants from provincial Xhakaza says the city says from the recent and central government has spent R23 billion consultations, housing as well as borrowing. on capital projects and remains a key demand R8 billion in mainte- by residents. It is then The spending is then nance over the term of closely followed by a split to operational ex- office. This is money desire for consistent, penditure, which in- that has gone to build uninterrupted service cludes spending on sub stations, water delivery for electricity, employee’s salaries and reservoirs, health, and water, roads, sewage, benefits, which Xhaka- emergency facilities as and waste disposal. za says is essential to well as recreational fa- “Beyond these two maintain a motivat- cilities like community needs, residents want ed workforce that can swimming pools. a thriving economy discharge its duties. that creates jobs,” says Service delivery and Xhakaza says respond- Xhakaza maintenance of infra- ing to COVID-19 has structure are also criti- been a “learning expe- The next phase of the cal parts of operational rience” on “the ability planning process is set- expenditure. to navigate economic ting service delivery tar- difficulties.” The city’s gets and allocating as The other leg of spend- industrial and hospital- well as setting revenue ing is capital expendi- ity economy base suf- targets by adjusting tar- ture, which comprises fered from last year’s iffs. The city must then of spending of infra- lockdown leading to assess its funding mix structure such as elec- a loss of R2 billion. between rates revenue, tricity, water, and roads. This forced the city to 9.
MAY 2021 adopt cost cutting mea- COVID-19 also affect- prepared him for his sures, which Xhakaza ed the city’s ability to current role. Having says these cuts cannot borrow from finan- been an MMC for water, be too deep as small cial markets, starting sanitation and energy businesses and service with the downgrade of exposed him directly to providers depend on South Africa’s sover- the two most pressing government spending eign rating at the onset service delivery issues: to sustain jobs for their of the pandemic. Last water and electricity. own employees. June the city tried to raise R2,2 billion from Xhakaza studied Cost On obtaining a clean the markets, and man- and Management Ac- audit, Xhakaza notes aged only R1, 6 billion counting and started that the tone is set at meaning the city had working as a front-line the top and monitored. to use reserves to plug service worker at Stan- He notes that the key to the R500 million gap. dard Bank. He says a clean audit is to have In March this year, the this taught him about in place policy and pro- city went to market to service delivery prin- cedures and internal raise R1,9 billion and ciples later encoun- controls and of course, succeeded in raising tered in Batho Pele. He “if the plan is in place, the amount, reflecting a then went to work at then you will not need recovery on confidence Siemens learning ar- to spend on something of the markets. eas such as financial you did not plan for.” control. All those skills Xhakaza says employ- Xhakaza says educa- now come to bear as he ees must also know tion and his career has leads what is arguably that “Once they deviate, the city’s most import- consequence manage- ant function: that of ment must kick in.” planning. 10.
MAY 2021 Dr Mashazi Brings Humility, Rigour, and Compassion To Her Demanding Role City of Ekurhuleni’s first female City Manager, Dr Imogen Mashazi, brings to her role an exemplary humility and work ethic for other public servants, ana- lytic rigour that comes from her doctorate in nursing science, the empathy and com- passion of a seasoned health worker as well as a quite determina- tion to make a mark in every role she occupies. In her current role, she Ekurhuleni City Manager, Dr Imogen Mashazi, has given opportunities to women and young people in key posi- “Everyone who knows who should be able to tions, and each have me knows that I am work on an even play- reciprocated with ex- passionate about ad- ing field.” cellent performances dressing gender imbal- that has seen the city ances,” says Mashazi. Under her leadership, recognised with various “Gone are the days almost half of the 23 accolades for its service when women have to Heads of Departments delivery record as well experience gender dis- within the City of as a clean audit for the crimination in society Ekurhuleni are women. 2019/2020 financial and the workplace. To- These include the HOD year, with no irregular, day we are in the com- for city Planning, Palesa unauthorised, wasteful, pany of women with Tsita and HOD for Hu- or fruitless expenditure MBAs, Honours, BTech man Resources, Naledi for the past three years. Degrees and Diplomas, Modibedi. Mashazi has 11.
MAY 2021 Ekurhuleni City Manager, Dr Imogen Mashazi, and members of the Ekurhuleni metropolitan police conducting traffic patrol. equally given a chance fessional, passionate azine, Mashazi points to young people, most and energetic. out that monitoring her notably CFO Kagiso Le- team’s performance is rutla (35) a Chartered Mashazi says the city’s key to her office’s suc- Accountant who cut decision to invest in cess. his teeth at the Auditor young people is one General of South Africa. of the key contributing “I must say that I am not factors to the Metro’s an autocrat, but I am Lerutla’s appointment attainment of the clean very firm with my deci- in turn opened doors audit. sions and I can monitor for peers such as Mpho performance. We mon- Mgengo, the Division “We have an overall itor the performance Head for Supply Chain clean audit in terms of of HODs through per- Management, Gener- our financials. There formance information. al Moruri, the Division were no material irregu- On a quarterly basis, Head for Expenditure larities that were found they must come to me and Cost Management during our audit and and account in terms and Mogalanyane Ma- we are quite happy in of their performance kola, the Division Head terms of performance indicators, how far they for Financial reporting as a metro”. are in terms of achieve- in the Finance Depart- ment in their challeng- ment. She describes In a recent interview es. I should be able to her senior staff as pro- with Leadership Mag- assist them to ensure 12.
MAY 2021 Ekurhuleni City Manager, Dr Imogen Mashazi, that by the reporting and started her career in the 20 years since it period they have actu- at Baragwanath Hos- has been in existence, ally achieved their tar- pital. she worked at a the City of Ekurhuleni gets in terms of perfor- number of health facili- has achieved a tremen- mance,” says Mashazi. ties and rose to the rank dous amount and ex- of senior sister. She perienced many learn- In July last year, joined the city in the ing curves that have Mashazi was the win- late 1990s as a deputy equipped it with the ner of the Public Sec- director of health and knowledge to move to- tor Leader at the first social services. Among wards the vision it has Virtual Top Empow- the key positions she set itself for 2055. erment Awards. The held within the Metro, City of Ekurhuleni won is HOD for Health and She notes that over the the award for the Pub- Social Development as past 20 years, the city lic Service category at well as Chief Opera- has garnered many the Public Sector Excel- tions Officer. awards and achieve- lence Awards. ments across different She was appointed the areas, from environ- Mashazi was born and City Manager at the ment to water. raised in Soweto, where start of the current ad- she attended Meadow- ministration’s term of For instance, the City of lands High School. She office in 2016. Ekurhuleni was ranked then trained as a nurse Mashazi believes that number one in the 13.
MAY 2021 Quality of Life Survey, toric lows to 89% by disruptions, the latest surpassing its neigh- the time she left. Un- and biggest of which bouring metros with a der her watch, the city has been COVID-19. 66% rating. also pioneered the ARV programme for treating Mashazi maintains that The Gauteng City-Re- HIV positive residents. even though the city is gion Observatory con- a manufacturing, logis- ducts a Quality of Life It was also during this tics, mining beneficia- survey every two years period that the city tion and transportation to track perceptions started the revamp and hub, all activities that and mega trends on so- establishment of new generate a lot of waste cial, economic and gov- primary healthcare fa- and emissions, the city ernance issues across cilities, today the city has to look after its en- the Gauteng City Re- boasts eight 24 hour vironment, including gion. The city has also clinics, 3 that run for ecologically sensitive been a recipient of both 12 hours and a num- bird parks and estu- the Blue Dot status for ber that offer Saturday aries, through careful its quality of drinking service and these sites waste management. water and Green Dot, have proved crucial in Part of the city’s plans for its wastewater man- the city’s response to is to establish a botani- agement. the COVID-19 pandem- cal garden in the Giloo- ic. ly’s area. Mashazi says Some of Mashazi’s this is also important proudest achievements Mashazi would like to for the city to nurture come from early on in see the city embrace its tourism side and en- her tenure as HOD for technology as part of its hance its standing as Health Services and So- move to the digital age a leisure and business cial Development. She and the Fourth Industri- tourism destination. oversaw an increase al revolution which will in the city’s treatment enable it to deal with rate for TB from his- any future challenges or 14.
MAY 2021 Youth at the Heart of City’s Clean Audit Ekurhuleni Chief Finance Officer, Kagiso Lerutla The process of achiev- Lerutla leads the effort He says you then need ing a clean audit is a that has seen the city support from the may- complex one that re- achieve its first clean oral council, led by the quires co-operation audit in the current executive mayor. Most of many stakeholders term of office after three importantly, he values and a maintenance of unqualified audits but the support from the robust controls. That refuses to take credit for accounting officer, the is according to Kagi- this achievement. He City Manager Dr Imo- so Lerutla, CFO of the notes that the first thing gen Mashazi, whom Ekurhuleni Metropol- you need is stable lead- he credits as the over- itan Municipality. Le- ership at council as led all leader of the senior rutle (35) is a believer by the speaker. “The management team of in blending youth and council sets the tone the city. “She gives the experience to achieve and gives posture on instruction to senior results. the type of governance management” say Le- they want” he says. rutla. 15.
MAY 2021 The winning Ekurhuleni Finance Team during the 2020 budget speech delivered by MMC for Finance, Nkosindiphile Xhakaza, Above all, Lerutla val- This was before mov- ni has raided the AG’s ues stability pointing ing to Johannesburg to office for youthful CA. out that having a sta- complete his Certificate General Moruri (31) ble council, as well as in Theory of Account- is the Division Head a City Manager and ing at the University of of expenditure and Heads of Department Johannesburg. Lerut- cost management was who have been at their la says he chose to be poached from the AG’s roles for long periods a chartered accoun- office. Mpho Mgen- creates the necessary tant because it is a go (32) the Divisional institutional memo- challenging discipline Head for Supply Chain ry, which is critical for which he knew would Management was also achieving a clean audit. open doors for him and plucked from the coun- allow him to make an try’s chief auditor. This Lerutla was born and impact on society. youthful exuberance is raised in Jane Furse, a blended with the experi- peri urban town in the He joined Ekurhuleni ence of yet another CA, Sekhukhune region of in 2014 from the office Mogalanyane Makola, Limpopo. He complet- of the Auditor General who is Division Head ed his matric at Len- as head of Governance for financial reporting. gama Secondary school and Compliance. He At 42, he has 20 years before completing his was appointed as CFO experience in finance B.Com degree at the in 2019. Under his and auditing, with 15 University of Limpopo. leadership, Ekurhule- years in the public ser- 16.
MAY 2021 vice and seven years in clean audit requires dit Committee, which local government. a good governance also contributed to the framework, with over- effectiveness of the Lerutla says he was at- sight committees of turn around strategy tracted to the opportu- council monitoring the which has translated to nity to join Ekurhuleni work through quarterly the positive audit out- by his passion for lo- reports while his col- comes. cal government devel- leagues at finance track oped through his time the system daily and Lerutla is particularly at the AG. To achieve produce weekly and proud that they have the clean audit, he and monthly reports. put in place robust con- Mashazi implemented trols that can withstand a turnaround strategy The city’s Audit Com- emergency spending approved by the audit mittee conducts quar- of the COVID-19 pan- committee. terly reviews of internal demic. “During emer- processes and interro- gencies, that is when The first key ingredient gates the city’s perfor- controls collapse” he you require is compe- mance to ensure that says of the risk pre- tent people and stable the administration re- sented by items such senior management. mained committed to as COVID-19 related Lerutla says policies improving the control spending on procure- and procedures must environment. Lerut- ment of emergency and be in place and com- la notes that it is the health equipment. plied with. Finally, a oversight from the Au- He notes that the city The City of Ekurhuleni Headquarters in Germiston 17.
MAY 2021 Ekurhuleni MMC for Finance and Economic Development with Chief Financial Officer Kagiso Lerutla experienced no such service delivery pro- he says bring energy lapses, even though at tests. Lerutla also em- to their roles and are one point they worked phasizes that the city ready to take on more with a third of their must get value for mon- responsibility, with staff and another time ey and not overpay for guidance, of course. others work at home. goods or services. “When I took up this This gives him confi- opportunity, I told my- dence that they will be A clean audit also of- self that I will never fail able to maintain clean fers assurance to in- young people” he says audit when normality ternational investors, of his peers, noting that returns. Lerutla say it is who purchase the city’s if he fails other young important to work with bonds. They need as- people may not be giv- the Auditor General’s surance that the money en a chance. office, as their interro- they lend to the city will gation is designed to be paid back. In March His next challenge is to assist the entities they this year, the city suc- increase the city’s reve- audit. cessfully raised R 1, 9 nue base, and the city billion from the bond has already issued a He says a clean au- markets, a reflection tender for revenue en- dit gives confidence of the confidence that hancement strategy. He to communities that markets have despite would like to see the whatever the city is COVID-19. city close its revenue on entrusted with, is used its Metro peers like the properly. He notes that Lerutla would like to City of Johannesburg. the city has seen less open doors for more political unrest due to young people, who 18.
MAY 2021 Meet The City’s Rising Stars of Finance Management at the city. “My task is to ensure that all necessary doc- umentation is in place and fully complaint before money leaves the Council’s account.” says Moruri. He is also responsible for paying suppliers and the city’s employees. Moruri joined the Ekurhuleni Metro from the Auditor General of South Africa, where he cut his teeth and trained as Chartered Accoun- tant, from 2011. He joined Ekurhuleni first General Moruri, Division Head for Expenditure and Cost Management at the City of Ekurhuleni. as a senior manag- er for governance and compliance but was General Moruri, CA, combining his soon roped in to help The man whose job it is solid auditing experi- compile financial state- to keep close tabs on all ence with new skills ments and soon after payments made by the in accounting and fi- found himself acting in Ekurhuleni Metro was nance. his current role, before attracted to this oppor- General Moruri (31) is being confirmed in it tunity by a chance to the Division Head for last September. He val- become a well-rounded Expenditure and Cost ues working with a CFO 19.
MAY 2021 like Kagiso Lerutla, who as motivational speak- public sector needs at 35 is a peer. “I learn ers from the Thuthuka professionals that will a lot from him,” he says Bursary programme, drive change which of his boss, whom he who funded his stud- the country desperately says he respects “as a ies at the University of needs.” “Study and ac- mentor, for his title, and Johannesburg. He ob- quire all the experience as a human being” tained his Certificate in you need in order to be Theory of Accounting at a well-rounded profes- Moruri grew up in Unisa. sional” is another piece Durban and matricu- of advice he imparts. lated at the Sithengile “Go for it” is his advice In his free time, Moruri Secondary school. He to any young profes- likes watching soccer traces his inspiration sionals who are con- or movies, reading and to become a CA to his templating a career in playing with his child. maths teacher as well the public sector. “The Mpho Mgengo “The country needs wisdom but also inno- vation and fresh ideas. I urge the youth to rise to the occasion and claim their space in the ever-changing dynam- ics that drive the South African economy.” This is the advice that Mpho Mgengo (32) the Divi- sion Head for Supply Chain Management at the City of Ekurhuleni, a role she took up when she joined the city in October 2019. Mpho Mgengo, Division Head for Supply Chain Management at the City of Ekurhuleni. In her role, Mgengo is responsible for ensur- 20.
MAY 2021 ing that the city’s bud- tificate in Theory of Ac- She values both work- get is spent in compli- counting, at the Univer- ing for the City and with ance with all laws and sity of South Africa in her peers. “I appreciate regulations applicable 2010. She qualified as and value the oppor- in local government a CA in 2013. tunities presented by procurement process- the City and the plat- es’. This is critical to She views working in form we get as youth, helping the city obtain the public sector as her to be innovative and its clean audit for the calling. utilise the skills we’re 2019/2020 financial equipped with. The year, its first for this “After having completed leadership is receptive term of office following my articles with the AG, of ideas that present three years of unquali- I knew I was destined growth to the city and is fied audits. to work in the public supportive.” She says sector.” She says “The of working for the City Mgengo joined the City responsibility towards from the office of the citizens of the Republic “Working with my Auditor General, where and the continuous ef- peers is not only great she started her arti- forts to improve the sys- but also challenging as cles in 2011 and rose tem resonated with me. we constantly put our through the ranks as I knew then that public expertise and ideas to- assistant audit man- sector was home. “ gether for the best in- ager, audit manager terest of the City.” She and senior audit man- Mgengo hails from notes that they all em- ager. She obtained her Daveyton in Ekurhule- brace the City’s vision BCom Accounting De- ni and briefly stayed in and mission and the gree from the Universi- Watville. She matric- working relationship is ty of Johannesburg and ulated at Wordsworth “effortlessly awesome.” the honours equivalent, High School. also known as the Cer- “After having completed my articles with the AG, I knew I was destined to work in the public sector.”- says Mgengo 21.
MAY 2021 Produced by Inside Education and the department of Communica- tions and Brand Management of the City of Ekurhuleni. 22.
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