Festival and Event Approval Application Requirements and Application Guidelines 2019 - City of Hamilton
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2019 Festival and Event Approval Application Requirements and Application Guidelines City of Hamilton – Events Office – Tourism and Culture Division 905-546-4646 - P. O. Box 2040 Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 seat@hamilton.ca www.hamilton.ca/eventsoffice
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1 Is a Festival and Event Approval Application Needed? .............................................................................. 1 How Do I Complete a Festival and Event Approval Application? ............................................................... 2 What happens after I submit an Application? .............................................................................................. 4 Application FAQ and Information ...........................................................................................................5-28 First Time Events .................................................................................................................................... 5 Park or Parkette ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Roads or Road Allowances ...................................................................................................................... 6 City Hall Forecourt .................................................................................................................................... 8 Other City Property (Recreation Centres, Plaza at Tim Horton’s Field, Ham. Civic Museums, etc.) ................. 9 Metered Parking Spaces and Parking Lots .............................................................................................. 9 Event Description ................................................................................................................................... 10 Estimated Participation........................................................................................................................... 10 Insurance (including GameDay) ............................................................................................................ 11 Event Elements ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Fireworks ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Open Fire / Flame-Producing Device or Appliance ............................................................................... 14 Alcohol.................................................................................................................................................... 14 Tents and Temporary Structures (e.g. stages) ...................................................................................... 16 Inflatables (e.g. bouncy castles) ............................................................................................................ 18 Amusement Rides / Places of Amusement (e.g. midways) ................................................................... 19 Noise and Sound Amplification .............................................................................................................. 19 Lottery (e.g. raffle, bingo) ....................................................................................................................... 20 Signs and Banners ................................................................................................................................. 20 Power Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 20 Food and Non – Alcoholic Beverages .................................................................................................... 21 Smoke Free Hamilton............................................................................................................................. 22 Waste Diversion and Garbage ............................................................................................................... 24 Event Accessibility and Safety ............................................................................................................... 25 Final Authorizations ................................................................................................................................ 28
Introduction The City of Hamilton Events Office facilitates requests for outdoor, public events on City property. Working with a team of City staff from various municipal divisions, we ensure that events have all the necessary permits, permissions, and insurance in place and help to keep events healthy and safe for all concerned. • There is no fee to submit a Festival and Event Approval Application o Please be aware that there may be fees associated with permits, rentals, and / or other components of your event • Applications must be submitted at least 60 days before the event start date o We recommend that you start securing approvals for permits, such as Special Occasion Permits (SOPs) and Building Permits, as soon as you submit your application • If you have questions that are not answered in this guide, contact the Events Office at seat@hamilton.ca or 905-546-4646 Is a Festival and Event Approval Application Needed? You must submit a Festival and Event Approval Application if: (a) You are hosting a public event outdoors on City of Hamilton property at one of the following: o City Hall Forecourt o Parks and parkettes o Roads / road allowances o Tim Horton’s Field Plaza o Municipal parking lots o On-street metered parking spaces o Alleyways o Walkways, pathways and trails AND the event includes any of the following: o Amplified live or recorded music o Food sold or given to the general public o Alcohol sale or service to the general public o Pyrotechnics or fireworks o Open fire/flame-producing device or appliance o Tents (large) that require building permits 1
o Stages (large) that require building permits o Amusement rides and inflatables OR (b) You are hosting an event on private property that has a significant impact on City services You Do Not Require a Festival and Event Approval Application if: • You are holding a private event for invited guests only (i.e. wedding, birthday party, church or family picnic) • You are holding an event on private property (i.e. your backyard) which will not significantly impact City services • You are holding a Sport Tournament or Sporting Event o A sport tournament or sporting event is defined as an event where an element of sport is the focus of the competition or celebration. The Events Office does not provide approval for sport tournaments or sporting events o To check on the availability of a facility or for more information on booking a sport tournament or sporting event, contact the Recreation Division at facbook@hamilton.ca or 905-540-5590. You can visit the website at: https://www.hamilton.ca/parks- recreation/recreation/rental-spaces How Do I Complete a Festival and Event Approval Application? 1. Go to www.hamilton.ca/eventsoffice 2. Log in or create an account o Note: the email address that you provide will be the email address that the Events Office uses to contact you 3. Confirm the creation of your account – you will receive an email from Portal notifying you that you have successfully created an account. Click on the ‘Verify Email’ button. Enter the verification number provided in the email and enter a password. 2
4. Log-in to Portal, select ‘Special Events’ as application type. Then click ‘Submit an Application’. You can save your application and come back to complete it at another time. 5. Complete your application and click submit. 6. Submit a site and / or road closure map. Your application will not be considered complete until a map has been submitted of your site location and detailing the specific location or your event elements (i.e. tents, food vendors, food trucks, live music, alcohol tents, performance stages, podium for speeches, etc.) In the same window where you see that your application has been completed, click on ‘upload event site map / road closure map.’ Once you have uploaded your map, the status will read ‘complete.’ The map(s) that you submit with your application must be adhered to. Approval of your event includes the approval of the event layout. If there are any changes to your event layout during your event planning process, the Events Office must be notified. Approval of your new map will be required. 7. Submit your application – Once you have completed the application and uploaded a site map and / or road closure map, click on ‘Submit your application’ at the bottom of the online application. Please note that once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to access your application to make changes. You will need to contact the Events Office to notify of any changes to your application at 905-546-4646 or seat@hamilton.ca. 8. Your application is complete – you will receive an email from Portal confirming receipt of your application. If there are any changes made to your application after it has been approved (i.e. date, time, location etc.), the Events Office requires written notice at least 21 days prior to your event. 3
What Happens After I Submit a Festival and Event Approval Application? • Review o Once your application and map(s) is submitted, it will be reviewed by the Special Events Advisory (S.E.A.T) o If there are any questions about your application, a member of the committee will contact you to follow up o Note: if your event / organization has any outstanding fees owing to the City of Hamilton, your application will not be considered until owing amounts are paid in full, you will be notified of outstanding fees by the Events Office or another City department • Approval o If the event is approved, the primary contact listed on the application will receive an approval letter from the Events Office via email o The letter states that the approval of the event is conditional, pending the completion of certain tasks Tasks can include: providing proof of insurance, payment of road closure or park permit fees, payment of any outstanding bills from a previous year, etc. o Instructions on how to meet the approval conditions are outlined in the approval letter o If your event is not approved, you will be contacted by the Events Office to discuss the details • Follow-up o If you have questions about your application or approval letter, contact the Events Office at seat@hamilton.ca or 905-546-4646 4
Festival and Event Approval Application FAQ and Information The following section provides information related to the questions asked on the Festival and Event application. First Time Events We recommend that organizers of ‘first time events’ connect with the Events Office prior to submitting an application. Sometimes an application is not required and the Events Office can determine this for you. Events Office can be reached at seat@hamilton.ca or 905-546-4646. Note: • Rental fees for events taking place on City property are in effect from the day you are on-site setting up for your event until when you have completed your tear-down Park or Parkette • Staff will check the availability of the park you have requested on your application. If it is available, you will receive a park rental contract including the rental fees for the park. The rental fees must be paid at least 30 days before your event. Park fees can be paid in person or by phone through the Recreation Division: 28 James St. N., 3rd Floor Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm Phone: 905-540-5590 • Cancellations are subject to the following terms: o 14 days’ notice, in writing, is required to cancel a previously issued permit o A full refund will be provided if appropriate notice is provided o Refunds for cancellations received with less than 14 day’s notice will not be issued • Parks must remain open to the public at all times. You cannot reserve parking for the event or charge patrons a fee to use the lot • Leave the park as you found it – organizers are responsible for clean-up / garbage removal and will be billed back for damage/staff time • No digging or staking (including for tent stakes) or alterations to the park are allowed without the express permission of the park supervisor. Before requesting to dig/stake in a park, you must first call Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255 to request locates, and then contact the park 5
supervisor to review and confirm your plans. This is for your safety and to prevent damage. Any damage will be billed back to the event organizer • Vehicles (including vendor vehicles, food trucks, etc.) and equipment are not allowed on the turf without permission. Contact the Events Office to discuss your plans • In some situations, Parks staff may need to be on site during your event. Event organizers are responsible for paying for any Parks staff overtime. In these cases, Parks staff will reach out to you in advance to discuss your needs and advise of any costs • All events activity in Parks is governed by the City of Hamilton By-law 01-219 as amended to Manage and Regulate Municipal Parks • For more information about booking a park, contact Recreation (Facility Booking) at facbook@hamilton.ca or 905-546-5590 • Parking in Bayfront Park: Note between May 1st and October 1st, cars without boat trailers are not permitted to park in the smaller parking lot at the south-west corner of the park (near the boat launch and the beginning of the Waterfront Trail). There are long parking spots that are intended for boat launch users only. The boat launch is open to the public from May to October unless otherwise indicated Roads and Road Allowances The Events Office will inform you regarding the final decision as to whether an event that takes place on a road is a: Full Closure (no vehicular access is permitted on the roadway during the event); or a, Lane Closure (occupying one lane of a roadway while maintaining traffic in all directions) Event organizer responsibilities include: • Submitting a road closure map o A detailed map, specifically outlining the requested road closure, must be submitted for your application to be considered complete o Refer to step 6 of “How do I fill in a Festival and Events Approval Application” on page 2 • Paying for the Road Closure Permit(s) o Full Closure: $659.85 (2018 fee – subject to change) o Lane Closure: $50.00 (2018 fee – subject to change) • Paying for traffic detour signs and traffic warning boards 6
o The City does not cover the cost of advance pole-mounted traffic warning boards and / or traffic detour signs o Depending on the size of your road closure, the City’s Corridor Management group (Traffic) will need to create and install standard-issued advance warning signs to help inform traffic of the upcoming closure, as well as install trailblazers to safety direct traffic around your road closure o Costs vary, but good practice is to budget $300 per sign • Hiring and paying for a third-party road closure company to close the road o The City does not provide events with any ground mounted road closure supplies; such as barricades, pylons, ‘road closed’ signage, or set-up staff needed to close the road o Events involving a full road closure need to hire a third party (non-City) company to rent the required road closure supplies, hire staff to set up and tear down the actual closure, and create the Traffic Control Plan needed to close the road o Organizers must ensure that their road closure company provides the Corridor Management Section representative with a detailed Traffic Control Plan indicating how they will close the road o Prices vary based on the size of the closure and the company used, but prices start at $1,000+. It is advised that you start obtaining quotes from road closure companies early on to get an idea of how much the road closure will cost • Hiring and paying for Paid Duty Officers o Paid Duty Officers from the Hamilton Police Service will need to be hired at your expense to ensure that the road is properly closed and that safety is maintained throughout the duration of the closure o Visit https://hamiltonpolice.on.ca/how-to/hire-paid-duty-officer for the latest paid duty contract and applicable fees • Paying for Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) services (detours, additional buses, bus drivers, and HSR supervisors) o Fees can arise from several services HSR provides to accommodate road events: The advertisement of service changes resulting from a road closure associated with your event Additional HSR supervisor(s) required to work your event, assist with crowd disbursement, operational needs, and other customer needs Posting Bus Stop Pole Cards advertising the changes for route diversions and/or route impacts. The cost for 2018 was $3.40 per pole card 7
Shuttle Bus Service to / from your event, which is charged at a 3-hour minimum. The 2017 HSR charter rate was $134.90 per hour (plus HST) o A member from the HSR Transit Planning and Infrastructure Department will contact you if any of these fees are applicable to your event o For more information regarding HSR costs and your event, contact the Manager of Transit Planning and Infrastructure at 905-546-2424 ext. 2390 • Providing Corridor Management with a copy of the Roads Closure notification letter you will be distributing to local businesses / residents notifying them of your planned closure o This is required a minimum of 7 business days prior to your event o After approval, a highlighted map or checklist of properties the notice was delivered to must be submitted to Corridor Management • Leaving the road in the same condition that you found it. Cleaning / repair costs will be billed back to you if the City of Hamilton determines that the condition of the roadway needs cleaning / repair after your event • Note: the use of chalk and / or paint is not permitted on the roadway • For more information, visit: http://hamilton.ca/cm City Hall Forecourt The Events Office will work with the City of Hamilton’s Facilities Management Section (Facilities Service Centre) to book your event at the City Hall Forecourt if it is available. • There is no rental fee to use the Forecourt, but there are fees associated with access outside of regular business hours and for obtaining additional services (i.e. sound amplification, event setup, access to indoor washrooms, security services, etc.) • Amplified sound is not permitted on the Forecourt during Council or Committee meetings held in Council Chambers. View the schedule of meetings • You are expected to leave the Forecourt in the same condition in which you found it. Cleaning and/or repair costs will be billed back to the event organizer if the City of Hamilton determines this is necessary after your event • The use of glitter, confetti, paint, and chalk at City Hall and on the Forecourt is not permitted. Candles must be used in a shatter-proof container – electronic candles are preferred • For more information about availability and booking the City Hall Forecourt for your event, contact the Events Office at 905-546-4646 or seat@hamilton.ca 8
Recreation Centres • If you would like to book a Recreation Centre as part of your outdoor event on City property, include the name of the Recreation Centre required on your Festival and Event Approval Application • Recreation centre parking lot(s) must remain open at all times for public use. You are not able to charge patrons a fee to park in the lot • To rent space at the Recreation Centre named on your application, contact: recreation@hamilton.ca or 905-540-5590 • Note: The Events Office does not book Recreation Centres on your behalf Plaza at Tim Horton’s Field • This is the concrete event space outside the gates adjacent to Cannon Street • If you would like to book the Plaza at Tim Horton’s Field, include this information on your Festival and Event Approval Application • To rent the Plaza, email TimHortons.Field@hamilton.ca Note: The Events Office does not book the Plaza on your behalf Hamilton Civic Museums • To book a Hamilton Civic Museum for your event, include the name of the museum and / or park on your Festival and Event Approval Application • To rent the space at the museum or park, email the museum directly • Contact information for the Hamilton Civic Museums can be found on the City’s website by clicking here • Note: The Events Office does not book the Hamilton Civic Museum on your behalf Metered Parking Spaces • Event organizer is responsible for picking up, paying for, setting up (‘bagging’), and removing parking meter bags needed to prevent cars from parking within your road closure • It is recommended that you bag the meters at least 12 hours before your event start time to ensure that there are no vehicles parked within the limits of your road closure • Parking Meters in Hamilton / Ancaster ($1.50/hour) o 8am – 6pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Saturday - $15 per day o 8am – 9pm Thursday & Friday - $19.50 per day 9
o Sunday – all meters are free • Parking Meters in Dundas ($1.50/hour) o 9am – 6pm Monday to Friday - $13.50 per day o Saturday & Sunday – all meters are free • All fees are subject to a 15% administration fee • On-street metered parking space information can be found here Municipal Parking Lots • There is a fee for ‘closing’ a Hamilton Municipal Parking lot for your event • The fee varies based on the lot you plan to use • A Hamilton Municipal Parking System (HMPS) staff will determine if it is possible to use the lot specified in your Festival and Event Approval Application, and will determine the final cost based on your request • It is also your responsibility to ‘close’ the lot, including renting / securing and installing the appropriate equipment to ‘close’ the lot (i.e. saw-horse barriers, cones, pylons, and / or barrels) o Third-party closure road closure companies can provide this service for a fee • It is recommended that parking lots are closed 12 hours before your event start time • It is also recommended that you hire a security company to monitor the closure of the lot to prevent people from parking in it while it is being secured prior to your event start time • For more information, click here Event Description • Describe the nature and purpose of the event. What activities will be taking place and what do you hope your event will achieve? Estimated Participation: • Providing an estimate for event attendees allows the Events Office to gain a clear picture of the size and impact your event will have on the public and City services 10
Certificate of Insurance • All events are required to obtain a Certificate of Insurance for a minimum of $2 million dollars in third party liability insurance to protect you, your organization, and the City from lawsuits that may arise from your event • Your event will not be permitted to take place and you will not be permitted to use City property / services without acceptable proof of insurance • The Certificate of Insurance is due at least 30 days prior to the start of your event • The amount of insurance required (i.e. $2 or $5 million dollars in liability coverage) depends on the event components you want to have at your event o $2 Million A Commercial General Liability Insurance certificate for $2 million, naming the City of Hamilton as an ‘Additional Insured’ is a minimum requirement o $5 Million Events that include alcohol, amusement rides, bouncy castles, and / or fireworks require a certificate of insurance with a minimum of $5 million per occurrence and must name the City of Hamilton as ‘Additional Insured’ When the service is provided by a third-party vendor, the insurance must be provided in the name of the service provider and must also name the City of Hamilton and event organizer as additional insured Insurance for events that include alcohol must have a Host Liquor Liability endorsement • Note about inflatables: o Inflatables can fall under either the $2 or $5 million requirement, depending on what kind of inflatable is being used at your event. $5 million Commercial General Liability Insurance is needed when people are inside of an inflatable (e.g. bouncy castle). Inflatables that are in the form of information booths, arches, or movie screens (i.e. inflatables that do not carry or convey people on, along, around, over, or through a fixed or restricted course) are required to provide proof of $2 million in Commercial General Liability Insurance • You can use any insurance provider / broker to secure the required insurance • The following is a list of all required information to be included on the Certificate of Insurance o Name of Insurer (the insurance company) o Policy number and Term of Policy 11
o Type of Policy: General Liability Policy o Limit of Policy: $2 million or $5 million per occurrence o Named Insured (must be the same as the organization that is listed as the organizer on the Festival and Event Approval Application)Name of Event (as submitted in the Festival and Event Approval Application) o Description of event and activities to be insured (i.e. festival / event) o Dates of event (include set up and take down dates) o Location of event (i.e. Gage Park, or if a road closure, a list of all roads that are being used) o City of Hamilton is added as an ‘Additional Insured’ o Events that include alcohol must reference a Host Liquor Liability endorsement o Signature of insurance provider or broker o Note: failure to include this information on your Certificate of Insurance will render it invalid. This can result in delays in your approval and the possible cancellation of your event • Some insurance tips: o Check if the City’s GameDay Insurance program is an option for you o Visit the Festival and Events Ontario website (www.festivalsandeventsontario.ca) and download their Directory of Suppliers to research event-friendly insurance providers o Contact your home or auto insurance provider – as a current customer they might be able to offer the insurance your event needs at a preferred rate GameDay Insurance • GameDay Insurance is third party liability insurance offered through the City of Hamilton’s Recreation Division for a fee, based on the number of estimated event participants • Events with attendance up to 999 people that take place on City property are eligible for GameDay • The coverage provided is Commercial General Liability insurance with a limit of $5 million per occurrence, subject to a $500 deductible • If you are interested in purchasing your liability insurance through the City’s GameDay Insurance program, check the box on your Festival and Event Approval Application so that we can book the insurance for you 12
• GameDay Insurance does not provide coverage for the following event activities: fireworks, bouncy castles, cycling, horse-related activities, and skateboarding. If you wish to have these activities at your event, separate insurance must be purchased • The cost of GameDay can range from $35 to $450 depending on the size and complexity of your event • There is a $5 (+HST) administrative fee to the Recreation Division to purchase GameDay Insurance on your behalf • For more information, contact Facility Booking in the City’s Recreation Division at facbook@hamilton.ca or 905-540-5590 Event Elements Depending on the size and scope of your event, there may be permits and / or permissions required by the City. Fireworks • Include the name and contact information for your fireworks provider / supervisor on your Festival and Event Approval Application • The pyrotechnic company that you are hiring will need to submit the following documentation to the Events Office before your event can be approved: o An ‘Application to Purchase’ form o A detailed fireworks site plan indicating firing points, fall-out zone, and spectator areas o Legible copies of valid Fireworks Supervisor licenses (issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources) o Insurance certificate (in the amount of $5 million listing the City as an ‘Additional Insured’) • The fireworks supervisor is required to submit a full fireworks information package to the Hamilton Fire Department (Fire Prevention Bureau) for review and approval for all fireworks shows at least 14 days prior to your event • All events involving the discharge of fireworks for display purposes must adhere to City of Hamilton Fireworks By-law “To Regulate the Sale and Use of Fireworks” (No. 02-285). For more information, contact the Fire Prevention Bureau at 905-546-2424 ext. 1380 • Note: Due to the presence of protected trees and other flora, fireworks are not currently permitted in Gage Park 13
Open Fire / Flame-Producing Device or Appliance • If you plan to use a device or appliance that incorporates an open flame or burning of solid fuels, contact the Hamilton Fire Department at least 14 days prior to your event for approval and the issuance of an Open-Air Burn Permit • For more information, contact the Fire Prevention Bureau at 905-546-2424 ext. 1380 or visit: https://www.hamilton.ca/emergency-services/fire/fire-permits-and-services Alcohol If you wish to have alcohol at your event, you will need to adhere to both provincial and municipal guidelines to ensure that you are legally permitted to serve alcohol. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Alcohol Gaming Commission of Ontario and the City of Hamilton Municipal Alcohol Policy before proceeding with your Special Occasion Permit application. Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) • All alcohol licensing in the province is handled by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) www.agco.on.ca • Their website has information related to Special Occasion Permits and Temporary Liquor License extensions • We strongly urge that you read through all the AGCO’s regulations to develop an understanding of the procedures • You will not be permitted to serve alcohol on City property without applying for and obtaining a license from the AGCO • As part of your alcohol license application to the AGCO, you will be required to ‘notify the City’ and provide proof of this notification to the AGCO (more information below) • For more information about AGCO liquor licenses, contact: Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario: Toll-Free: 1-800-522-2876 Fax: 416-326-5555 customer.service@agco.ca 14
Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) • The City of Hamilton has a Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) that encourages the safe consumption of alcohol on City property • MAP provides suggestions to event organizers on how to limit alcohol related problems at their events • As per the City’s MAP, all alcoholic beverages served at events must be served in plastic or paper containers • For more information about MAP, visit: http://www.hamilton.ca/life-events/hosting-events/municipal-alcohol-policy Special Occasion Permit (SOP) / Temporary Extension Process • Turnaround time for requests to serve alcohol at events can be lengthy, as approvals need to happen on both the provincial and municipal level • If your event requires an Event of Municipal Significance designation, this process can take upwards of 3 months (more information below) • There are several necessary steps if you plan to serve or sell alcohol at your event o To start this process, you will need to complete the City of Hamilton In-House application form in addition to your Festival and Event Approval application You can submit your form to liquorlicense@hamilton.ca or in person at: City Hall, One Stop Centre, 71 Main Street West, 1st Floor, Hamilton, L8P 4Y5 Phone: 905-546-2782 (option 3) o Next, complete an application for a Special Occasion Permit o Pay the application fee of $87 at: City Hall, One Stop Centre, 71 Main Street West, 1st Floor, Hamilton, L8P 4Y5 Phone: 905-546-2782 (option 3) o Email your completed In-House application form to liquorlicense@hamilton.ca. The Liquor License Facilitator will circulate your application to Hamilton Police Services, Hamilton Fire Prevention, Hamilton Public Health Services, and Hamilton’s Building Department 15
What is an Event of Municipal Significance designation? • The AGCO requires for-profit organizations to obtain a municipal resolution, or letter from a delegated municipal authority, deeming their event ‘municipally significant’ • In the City of Hamilton, only City Council has the authority to issue a resolution deeming an event ‘municipally significant.’ These resolutions are approved at City Council meetings. Municipal staff are not authorized to deem an event ‘municipally significant • Municipal staff will process your special occasion application, collect comments from Municipal Departments, and arrange for your event to be presented to Council to obtain the required Municipal Significant designation • Once a resolution is approved by City Council, the information contained in the resolution cannot be altered. Any changes to your event will render the resolution null and void • For more information about notifying the City and obtaining an Event of Municipal Significance designation, contact the general mailbox for liquor licensing: liquorlicence@hamilton.ca. Note: To ensure safety, you may be required to hire paid duty officers from the Hamilton Police Service to help monitor the service of alcohol during peak times. Visit https://hamiltonpolice.on.ca/how-to/hire-paid-duty-officer for the latest paid duty contract and applicable fees. Tents and Temporary Structures • There are permits and approvals that you may need to obtain to erect tents and / or temporary structures (e.g. stages, structures supporting lighting and audio, etc.) at your event • Permits exist to ensure that the tents and temporary structures at your event are fireproof, have emergency exits, and are spaced in such a way to facilitate calm and orderly evacuation should an emergency arise • As event organizer, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with City regulations and the Ontario Building Code (2012) Tents • Depending on the size and / or configuration of your tents, you may be required to obtain a building permit 16
• According to the Ontario Building Code (2012), a tent or group of tents requires a building permit if they are: (a) more than 60m² in aggregate ground area; (b) attached to a building; and/or, (c) constructed less than 3m from other structures • We recommend that you contact the Building Division (building@hamilton.ca or 905-546- 2720) to determine whether building permits are required for your tent and / or group of tents Temporary Structures (e.g. stages, structures supporting lighting and audio, etc.) • The City of Hamilton’s Building Division requires event organizers to obtain a building permit for a stage platform in any of the following situations: o the platform is more than 225m² in area; o includes any element of the structure (i.e. wall, roof or floor) more than 5m above ground level; and / or, o it is more than 3m above ground level and more than 60m² in area • A building permit is required for a structure supporting lighting, audio, etc. in any of the following situations: o it supports a weight more than 115 kg (1.13 kN); o it is more than 3m above ground level when supported by the ground; and / or, o it is more than 3m above the stage platform when supported by the stage platform • As with tents, we recommend that you contact the Building Division (building@hamilton.ca or 905-546-2720) to determine if building permits are required for your temporary structure(s) Ontario Ministry of Labour (MOL) Guidelines • The Ontario Ministry of Labour (MOL) has issued a guideline to help event organizers understand their obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations related to the design, erection, use, dismantling and maintenance of temporary performance / event structures that are used either indoors or outdoors. This guideline covers: o design and materials o positioning o planning and control of work; o inspections o Operations Management Plans (OMP) 17
• Previous collapses of these structures resulted in tragedies and raised issues and concerns regarding their structural stability, design, construction, and maintenance • If you are planning to erect a temporary structure as part of your event, you will need to notify the Ministry of Labour, especially if your temporary structure: o will be used for multi-day events; o require large equipment, such as cranes, to assemble the temporary structure; or, o require separate temporary structures for sound, lighting, pyrotechnics, video equipment, etc. • This information should be provided to the MOL Health and Safety Contact Centre at 1-877- 202-0008 • You can read the Ministry of Labour’s Guidelines at: http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/hs/pubs/liveperformance/gl_live_structures.php Inflatables (e.g. bouncy castles), Amusement Rides, and Places of Amusement (e.g. midway) The City of Hamilton’s Licensing By-law (07-170) requires a licence for each ‘Place of Amusement’ business operating in Hamilton, including those offered at special events. Inflatables (e.g. bouncy castles) • Inflatables are a popular attraction, but due to health and safety reasons we recommend a safer entertainment option • If you choose to have inflatables at your event, they must be operated, controlled, and supervised by a third party licensed vendor o The vendor must supply the device and their own staff to deliver, set up, operate, and supervise the activity • Vendor must provide a certificate of insurance showing evidence of a Commercial General Liability policy of $5 million dollars endorsed to include the City of Hamilton as an additional insured and must obtain a license once a year • For more information, call Licensing at 905-546-2782 (option 3) 18
Amusement Rides and Places of Amusement (e.g. midway) • It is the event organizer’s responsibility to verify with the vendor that they have a current City of Hamilton license • Vendors must always be able to provide proof that they have permission to be operating at your event. This includes: o A copy of their City of Hamilton License o A letter from the you (event organizer) indicating that they have your permission to be there • All amusement companies must obtain a permit from the Electrical Safety Authority to operate • For more information, call Licensing at 905-546-2782 (option 3) Noise and Sound Amplification • Although your event may be approved and allow you to have outside amplified music / sound, you must remain in compliance with the City of Hamilton Noise Control By-law No. 11-285 • Outside amplified sound during special events is allowed between the hours of 11:00 am and 12:00 midnight • Noise levels cannot exceed 90 dBa, measured 10m from its source and not exceed 60 dBa at a point of reception • Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) and the Hamilton Police Services (HPS) are responsible for enforcing the Noise By-law and may attend your event to monitor or respond to a noise complaint • Violations of the Noise By-law may result in a ticket(s) • In some situations, the services of a MLE officer may be needed to ensure that there are no violations of the Noise By-law o Staff will contact you in advance if this is necessary, as this may result in additional costs to you • If your event is on private property, outside amplification is not permitted unless you are granted permission by submitting a Noise Exemption Permit application o Applications can be downloaded from: www.hamilton.ca/noiseexemptionpermit o Completed applications can be submitted to: Municipal Law Enforcement Division 77 James Street North Suite 250 A 19
Hamilton, Ontario L8R 2K3 o For more information on the Noise Exemption Permit, call 905-546-2782 (option 2) Lottery (e.g. raffle, bingo) The City of Hamilton’s Lottery Division must follow provincial regulations that are set out by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) when it comes to allowing these activities to take place at your event. For more information, contact the Lottery Division at 905-546-2782 (option 4), licensing@hamilton.ca, or visit www.hamilton.ca/lotterylicensing Signs and Banners • Permits are required for certain types of signs • Permits are not required for posters. However, there are some guidelines that event organizers must follow. These guidelines include: o posters cannot exceed 11" x 17" o posters must be made of biodegradable material o adhesive tape must be used for securing posters o only one poster can be posted per pole and 200m must be left in-between signs o posters cannot be posted any earlier than 21 days prior to the event taking place and must be removed within 3 days of the event finishing • Not all types of signs are permitting in the City of Hamilton (e.g. lawn bag signs) • Due to safety issues, signs are not permitted in certain locations, such as: poles on a median, a traffic island, a central boulevard, the Lincoln Alexander Parkway, or the Red Hill Creek Expressway • For more information on the Sign By-Law, visit www.hamilton.ca/signbylaw or call 905-546- 2424 ext. 1206 Power Requirements • Indicate if you require access to power during your event, or if you are planning on bringing a generator, in order to confirm that the City site you want to use has access to electrical plug- ins • Event organizers are responsible for bringing all extension cords needed to plug into available sockets and mats to cover cords to prevent them from becoming tripping hazards 20
• Generators must be placed in an area free from obstruction and away from any trees or bushes. It must be vented to the outside and a fire extinguisher should be readily available in case of fire • City staff may advise as to the best place for your generator at your event • If you are planning on using a generator or ‘tying in’ to a power source, contact the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) to determine if you require an inspection. If an inspection is required, you will have to complete an ‘Application for Electrical Inspection’ form and submit it to the ESA Customer Service Centre via fax, email, or phone • Any time electrical needs are greater than 10KW, a permit from ESA is required o Permits take a minimum of 2 business days to generate o The cost is dependent upon your event elements, needs, and uses o Permit applications can be found at https://www.esasafe.com/ Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages • Detailed information on the type of food you plan to have at your event and how it will be prepared is required. This is to ensure that there are proper food inspections and that your food vendors are properly licensed and can meet safe food handling requirements • All events where vendors sell or give food away to the public must be approved by Public Health Services and Licensing prior to operation • If you plan to sell or serve food and non-alcoholic beverages at your event, complete the following steps: 1. Complete Public Health Services’ Special Event Package and return it at least 14 days prior to your event. In 2018, the fee for each food vendor participating at an event was $38.00 (including HST) o Any packages submitted less than 14 days prior to your event will be subject to, per-vendor, late penalties. In 2018, late applications were charged an additional $27.00 (including HST) per vendor o For more information, contact the Public Health Services Department 905-546- 2424 ext. 2551 or foodsafety@hamilton.ca 2. Send the complete list of your food vendors to Licensing at least 14 days prior to your event o All food vendors must have a valid City of Hamilton issued license to participate at your event 21
o It is your responsibility (event organizer) to ensure that all food vendors participating at your event have a valid City of Hamilton, Food Service Vehicle license prior to attending and operating at your event o For more information, contact the Licensing Division at 905-546-2782 (option 3) or licensing@hamilton.ca Food Service Vehicles • A City of Hamilton license is required for all Food Service Vehicles, such as: chip wagons, food trucks, and ice cream bicycles • A license can be obtained from: Licensing Division 77 James St N Suite 250 A Hamilton, Ontario L8R 2K3 • Food service vehicles participating at events must have a copy of their current City of Hamilton license and a letter from the organizer stating that they are permitted to be at the event. The event dates must also be noted in this letter • For more information, including requirements and costs, call Licensing at 905-546-2782 (option 3) or review Business License Reference Guide Smoke Free Hamilton In Public Places • The Smoke-Free Ontario Act prohibits the smoking of tobacco, cannabis or electronic cigarettes in enclosed public places In Parks, Playgrounds, Recreation and Sporting Areas • All parks, playgrounds, recreation and sporting areas are smoke-free as per City By-Law 11- 080 (Prohibiting Smoking within City Parks and Recreation Properties) and under provincial legislation • Event organizers are responsible for ensuring that any event held in a park, playground, recreation or sporting area is smoke-free and that vendors and the general public are aware of and comply during their event 22
• For more information, contact the Tobacco Hotline at 905-540-5566 or e-mail tobacco@hamilton.ca On Restaurant and Patio Bars • It is illegal to smoke tobacco, cannabis or electronic cigarettes on restaurant and bar patios. A restaurant or bar patio is an area where: o The public is permitted access, whether or not a fee is charged for entry, or, the area is accessed by employees; and / or, o Food or drink is served, sold or offered for consumption, or, the area is part of or operated in conjunction with an area where food or drink is served or sold or offered • If food or drinks are served at your event, you are responsible for: o Providing notice to staff, volunteers and event organizers that smoking is prohibited on restaurant and bar patios o Posting ‘no-smoking’ signs at entrances and exits to patios to ensure everyone is aware that smoking is prohibited o Ensuring that no ashtrays (or similar items) are on the smoke-free patios; o Ensuring that workers and patrons do not smoke on patios o Ensuring that people who refuse to comply with the prohibition on smoking do not remain on the patio or at your event Selling Tobacco at Events • To sell tobacco at an event, you must obtain a Business License for Tobacco Retailers from the City of Hamilton • In addition, tobacco retailers need to comply with all federal and provincial legislation regarding marketing, display and sales for tobacco products • A health inspection is required prior to selling tobacco to the public • For more information about a license, call 905-546-2782(option 3) or email licensing@hamilton.ca • For more information about health inspections or display of tobacco, call the Tobacco Hotline at 905-540-5566 or email tobacco@hamilton.ca. Sponsorship at Events from Tobacco Companies 23
• Accepting funding from tobacco companies for events held in City parks or at City facilities may put funding agreements with the City of Hamilton in jeopardy • Email tobacco@hamilton.ca for more information Waste Diversion and Garbage • Event organizers are required to implement waste diversion opportunities for attendees and vendors • Waste management, collection, and disposal must be planned by event organizers ahead of their event taking place • Event locations must be left clean and free of litter following the event • The City’s Public Works staff review waste diversion requests from registered charities, incorporated non-profit and unincorporated groups with non-profit goals, who meet eligibility requirements o Events are eligible for waste diversion services if they are: Taking place on City property Expecting 1000+ attendees More than two days in length o The estimated daily attendance and length of an event are considered when determining what level of assistance the City can provide • A representative from Public Works reviews Festival and Event Approval Applications and follows up with event organizers regarding their waste diversion requests • Waste diversion, collection, and disposal costs vary based on the size of event • Fees are in accordance with the City of Hamilton’s approved user fee schedule • For-profit events are not eligible for municipal waste collection services. Organizers of for- profit events must hire a private contractor to remove all waste and litter from their events 24
Event Accessibility and Safety Accessibility • As a City entity and advocate for all Hamiltonians, the Events Office is committed to ensuring that all events that take place on City property are accessible to all Hamiltonians • The City of Hamilton is committed to ensuring that barrier-free programs, services, and opportunities are provided to persons with disabilities and their families • The City implements the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA) and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005 according to the legislation’s standards for Customer Service, Transportation, Employment, Design of Public Spaces, and Information and Communications • The City has developed policies, practices and procedures to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities including their service animals and support persons, when on City premises and accessing the City’s goods, programs, and services • The City also commits to foster a two-way communication process and provide customer service in a manner that respects a person’s disability, dignity and independence Event Organizers are required to ensure that their event is accessible. This can include, but is not limited to: o Clearly marked, reserved accessible parking spaces that are within closest proximity to event location, entrance and exits o Providing an accessible ramp and entrance to the event o An automatic door opener leading to the main entrance or washroom (if it is an indoor event or if the washrooms are located indoors) o Providing accessible washrooms and toilets near accessible pathways/walkways for people with disabilities o Accessible, prominently displayed directional and information signage at events o An accessible elevator or elevating devices (if the event is not occurring on the ground floor) o Sufficient lighting provided at hallways, pathways and stairs for persons with low vision o Designated and accessible entertainment viewing areas o ASL interpreter (if providing speeches or information pertinent for all event participants) 25
o Accessible pay stations, ticket booths or parking-lot operator stations o Accessible stage and seating for people who use mobility devices o Accessible public transportation located close to the event venue and relevant information in an accessible format o Accessible food services and eating areas o Mobility device charging stations for people with mobility devices • For more ideas on how you can make your event accessible, see the following reference guides: Guide to Accessible Festivals and Outdoor Events Planning Accessible Events Safety • Indicate the steps you are taking to ensure that your event is safe for your attendees, volunteers and staff • Depending on the size of your event, you may be required to submit a safety plan / provide additional safety information Hamilton Police Service – Paid Duty Officers • Depending on the size and scope of your event, you may be required to hire and pay for off- duty officers from Hamilton Police Service • For more information, visit: https://hamiltonpolice.on.ca/how-to/hire-paid-duty-officer or contact the Paid Duty office at 905-546-4366 or paidduties@hamiltonpolice.on.ca Hiring Security • Depending on the size and scope of your event, you may choose to hire and pay for security at your event • Event organizers are responsible for ensuring that the security company holds a valid security guard agency licence issued by the Province of Ontario • For more information, visit the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services website at http://www.mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca/english/PSIS/AgencyLicences/PSIS_agency.html 26
Hamilton Paramedic Service • To ensure health and safety, larger events may be required to secure the medical services from the Hamilton Paramedic Service • A staff member from Hamilton Paramedic Service is a representative on the Festival and Event Approval committee and will advise if medical services are required • It is good event planning practice to have a certified first-aid service on site during your event. Event organizers can be held liable for any injury that occurs to your staff, volunteers or event visitors and so it is prudent to ensure that you have safety measures in place • The 2018 rate was $938.63 for a four-hour minimum call for an Ambulance with Two Paramedics. Each additional hour or part thereof is $235.00 • The 2018 rate for a First Response Vehicle (One Paramedic) was $730.80 for a four-hour minimum. Each additional hour or part thereof is $182.74 Sun Safe Guidelines • Shade provides protection from the sun’s harmful rays and heat overexposure • The sun’s rays are the strongest between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. from April to September • The event site must include an area with shade for staff, vendors, volunteers and the public to get relief from the sun’s rays • If permanent shade is not available (from trees, buildings, sun shelter), event organizers need to arrange for a temporary shade structure at their own expense, such as a tent, canopy, shade sails, or large umbrellas Minimize the time that staff, volunteers, vendors and the public are outside on asphalt and concrete in the direct sun (not shaded) between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Concrete and asphalt reflect the sun’s rays and heat. Try to schedule these activities before 11 a.m. or after 3 p.m. Consider having an alternative indoor space available in case of a heat or smog alert or high UV Index on the day of your event. Check local weather forecasts for UV index ratings Encourage staff and volunteers to be sun safe by encouraging them to find shade, wear a hat, long-sleeved shirt and sunglasses and applying broad spectrum sunscreen of 30 SPF or higher 27
Final Authorizations • If you have any further questions regarding the Festival and Event Approval Application or Guidelines, contact the Events Office at seat@hamilton.ca or 905-546-4646 Consent to Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal and Other Information The City of Hamilton collects information under authority of section 227 of the Municipal Act, 2001. Personal information on this application form is collected for the purposes of administration, management and enforcement of the City's permits and applications related to special events. Personal information along with other information provided with this application will be shared among authorized City staff for the purposes of administering and managing approvals and permits required for the special event. Applicants may be contacted by the City or a City-contracted third party for the express purposes of gathering information about the event and/or obtaining feedback on the services related to special events. Questions about this collection can be addressed by calling 905-546-4646, emailing seat@hamilton.ca or by mail to Tourism and Events Office, P.O. Box 2040 Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5. Please note: information about your event may appear in a dataset on the City of Hamilton’s Open Data website. 28
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