Florida Land Steward Webinar - Forest Carbon Market Opportunity for Private Landowners - UF/IFAS Programs and Projects

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Florida Land Steward Webinar - Forest Carbon Market Opportunity for Private Landowners - UF/IFAS Programs and Projects
Florida Land Ste ward We binar

Fore st Carbon Marke t Opportunity for
         Private Landowne rs
                                NCAPX 20 21C
              May 6 20 21
Florida Land Steward Webinar - Forest Carbon Market Opportunity for Private Landowners - UF/IFAS Programs and Projects
Forest Landowners in Florida

Forest Landowners Association and Florida Forest Service:
 ● 11 million acre s private fore sts
 ● Growth is 2 x wood harve ste d
 ● Private fore sts capture e missions of 1.8 million cars annually
 ● $25B impact on Florida e conomy
 ● Fore stry supports 124,0 0 0 jobs

Carbon Fore stry Proje cts:
 ● Be gan in e arly 1990 s
 ● Some e arly failure s and some e arly succe ss
 ● Bottom line – 50 % of dry we ight of wood is carbon
 ● Fore st landowne rs can be paid for carbon capture in standing
    tre e s as this will re duce some impacts from climate change
Florida Land Steward Webinar - Forest Carbon Market Opportunity for Private Landowners - UF/IFAS Programs and Projects
Natural Climate Solutions
Current forest carbon efforts:
 ● California Air Re source Board (CARB)
 ● Affore station and re fore station (AFF & TNC)
 ● Wood base d construction – lumbe r, CLT, mass timbe r
 ● Re duce d impact logging
 ● Re duction in de fore station REDD+
 ● Harve st de fe rral

Future natural climate solutions:
 ● Wate r quality and quantity
 ● Fore st he alth
 ● Wildlife habitat
 ● Re duction in fire risk
 ● Endange re d spe cie s habitats
 ● Invasive spe cie s
Florida Land Steward Webinar - Forest Carbon Market Opportunity for Private Landowners - UF/IFAS Programs and Projects

Additionality : Business as usual (BAU) does not create real climate
impact. Forest carbon capture above BAU is the additional in

Leakage: This occurs when harvesting activity is “leaking” from areas
of restricted harvesting onto surrounding forests. The solution to
leakage is to provide every land owner and every acre with access to
forest carbon programs.

Permanence: We use the term durable which is an impact that lasts as
long as the purchaser chooses. One ton of carbon captured for 100
years has same climate impact as 17 tons captured for one year. Doing
more sooner is > doing less later.
Florida Land Steward Webinar - Forest Carbon Market Opportunity for Private Landowners - UF/IFAS Programs and Projects
Forest carbon buyers requirements
 ● Little de lay be twe e n action and impact
 ● Climate impact in this de cade
 ● Attainme nt of durable impact
 ● Support local communitie s

Scalable :
 ● Ecological capacity
 ● Low barrie r to participation for all landowne rs
 ● Empowe r landowne rs with small holdings

 Efficie nt:
 ● Low pre se nt cost to pre se nt be ne fit
 ● Finds lowe st cost carbon on landscape
Florida Land Steward Webinar - Forest Carbon Market Opportunity for Private Landowners - UF/IFAS Programs and Projects
The Natural Capital Exchange (NCAPX)

                            NCAPX 20 21C

 ● The story of SilviaTe rra
 ● Natural Capital Exchange (NCAPX)
 ● What make s NCAPX unique ?

Fre que ntly aske d que stions:
 ● How much might a landowne r ge t paid?
 ● What are le ngth and obligations of contract?
 ● Othe r FAQs
The story of SilviaTerra

● Co-founde d in 20 10 by Zack Parisa and
  Max Nova at Yale School of Fore stry.

●   Initial e mphasis on “pre cision fore stry”
    to he lp large landowne rs improve fore st
    manage me nt.

●   In 20 18 we partne re d with Microsoft to
    de ve lop Base map, the first e ve r high
    re solution map of the contiguous US.

●   Base map is update d annually. We
    me asure e ve ry acre e ve ry ye ar
Natural Capital Exchange (NCAPX)

● Our long-te rm goal is to cre ate a marke t for all landowne rs to be
  paid for all of the natural capital on the ir land. We ’re starting in
  20 21 with fore st carbon. We will facilitate quarte rly cycle s.

●   Le ve raging Base map and additional datase ts to asse ss the
    busine ss-as-usual (BAU) harve st activity base line for a prope rty.
    Landowners are selling a commitment to defer timber harvest

●   Buye rs are paying for carbon offse ts that are ge ne rate d harve st
    de fe rral. Deferred harvest = retained carbon on the landscape

●   Succe ssful pilot program in Pe nnsylvania in 20 19/20 20 , now
    ope rating in 16 state s and will be in all of the contiguous state s by
    e nd of 20 21

                     Go to www.silviaterra.com/ncapx/landowners
What makes NCAPX unique?

   1-ye ar te rms              No fe e s for               No acreage
                               landowne rs                 minimums
                               to participate

                    Go to www.silviaterra.com/ncapx/landowners
How does NCAPX actually work?

1. The fore st landowne r submits information for all of the prope rty unde r
   the ir owne rship. This is free and zero-commitment

1.   SilviaTe rra remotely asse sse s the harve st risk across all acre s on that
     prope rty and re turns an “e ligible carbon volume ” to the landowne r

1.   Landowne r de te rmine s how much harve st the y are willing to de fe r in
     orde r to re tain some or all of the e ligible carbon on the ir prope rty,
     and at what price . “Bids” are submitte d with the NCAPX Se lle r
     Agre e me nt

1.   SilviaTe rra matche s bids with buye rs and re turns counte r-signe d
     NCAPX Se lle r Agre e me nt to landowne r. 1-ye ar de fe rral pe riod be gins.

1.   At e nd of de fe rral pe riod, SilviaTe rra ve rifie s de fe rral commitme nts
     we re made and pays landowne rs pe r the Se lle r Agre e me nt bids
                        Go to www.silviaterra.com/ncapx/landowners
Natural Capital Exchange- 21B (Spring)

2021B is the largest forest carbon project ever in the US by acreage. 119 landowners and 1.17M acres under contract
Update on NCAPX 21B
Forest carbon supply
 ● US$17 pe r harve st de fe rral cre dit (HDC) or about one truck load of
    25 gre e n tons
 ● Molpus e nrolle d 468,0 0 0 acre s (WSJ April 20 , 20 21)
 ● Smalle st participant was 37 acre s
 ● 42% of prope rtie s unde r 50 0 acre s
 ● Payme nts afte r one ye ar to NIPFs range from $85 to >$25,0 0 0

Buye rs of harve st de fe rral cre dits (WSJ April 20 , 20 21)
 ● Microsoft Inc. – purchase d 20 0 ,0 0 0 HDC
 ● Royal Dutch She ll PLC
 ● South Pole
How does a landowner enroll?

1. Eligible landowne rs should visit ncapx.silviaterra.com and cre ate
   the ir fre e landowne r account

1.   Landowne rs will be aske d to provide basic contact information and
     basic prope rty information

1.   Landowne rs submit boundarie s for all of the prope rty unde r the ir
     owne rship, re vie w e nrollme nt docume nts, and submit the ir re que st
     for e ligible carbon asse ssme nt.

1.   Eligibility Re ports will be de live re d we e kly from April 17 through
     June 1. Assessment is entirely remote and no management plans
     are required.

                      Go to www.silviaterra.com/ncapx/landowners
Important dates for NCAPX 2021C

 Today: Landowners are able to submit properties and enroll

 April 13th: The first batch of Eligibility Reports were sent to landowners.
 Reports will be delivered every Thursday through June 4th

 June 1st: Enrollment closes for NCAPX 2021C

 June 7th: Bid submissions are due

 Week of June 7th: SilviaTerra matches buyers with sellers

 July 1st: Harvest deferral period begins for participating landowners

 June-July, 2022: SilviaTerra verifies and pays landowner + affiliates
                     Go to www.silviaterra.com/ncapx/landowners
Frequently asked questions
 How much will a landowner get paid per acre?

 This is difficult to know without a landowner submitting their property
 information. Many factors influence financial potential, including:

  ● Rotation age , spe cie s mix, and historical harve st activity
  ● Local timbe r e conomics
  ● Othe r commitme nts (e x. conse rvation e ase me nts)

 Submitting prope rty information and re que sting an e ligible carbon
 asse ssme nt is fre e and no commitme nt. Eligibility re ports will be
 de live re d we e kly. This is the faste st way to ge t an accurate e stimate .

 In 21B, landowne rs with me rchantable timbe r will be paid $15 to $70 pe r
 acre on e ligible acre s at the e nd of the contract.

                       Go to www.silviaterra.com/ncapx/landowners
Frequently asked questions

 How much should a landowner charge for their deferral credits?

  ● By comple ting a bid in the NCAPX Se lle r Agre e me nt, landowne rs
    choose the price s at which the y are willing to supply carbon to the
    marke t. The bid submission form allows for bids be twe e n $1-$30

  ●   Landowne rs can choose to submit multiple volume + price
      pairings whe n comple ting the Se lle r Agre e me nt. Only one pairing
      will be acce pte d. Sold HDCs represent a commitment to reduce
      harvest below the BAU scenario

  ●   Re se arch pape rs from Mississippi State Unive rsity can he lp
      provide guidance to landowne rs on what the y should bid base d
      on various sce narios. This guidance will be provided closer to
      the June 1 bid submission date.
                     Go to www.silviaterra.com/ncapx/landowners
Frequently asked questions

 Who are the buyers?

  ● Strong de mand from Fortune 10 0 and Fortune 50 0 companie s with
    big sustainability targe ts

  ●   US-base d firms, voluntary marke t

  ●   Microsoft has announce d major commitme nt for 20 21C

  ●   Ce rtification is important ne xt ste p, on track with Ve rra Carbon

                     Go to www.silviaterra.com/ncapx/landowners
Frequently asked questions

 How does the program handle natural disasters?

  ● If a natural disturbance occurs during the one -ye ar pe rformance
    pe riod and this re sults in a landowne r not me e ting the ir de fe rral
    commitme nts, no payme nts would be made for the associate d

  ●   Landowne rs will not be pe nalize d furthe r and will not be barre d
      from future participation in NCAPX cycle s

                     Go to www.silviaterra.com/ncapx/landowners


      Jeff Wright   jeff@silviaterra.com   843 575 9926
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