Flammability and physical stability of sugar palm crystalline nanocellulose reinforced thermoplastic sugar palm starch/poly(lactic acid) blend ...

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Flammability and physical stability of sugar palm crystalline nanocellulose reinforced thermoplastic sugar palm starch/poly(lactic acid) blend ...
Nanotechnology Reviews 2022; 11: 86–95

Research Article

Asmawi Nazrin, Salit Mohd Sapuan*, Mohamed Yusoff Mohd Zuhri,
Intan Syafinaz Mohamed Amin Tawakkal, and Rushdan Ahmad Ilyas

Flammability and physical stability of sugar palm
crystalline nanocellulose reinforced
thermoplastic sugar palm starch/poly(lactic
acid) blend bionanocomposites
https://doi.org/10.1515/ntrev-2022-0007                                 the physical stability of PLA/TPS blend bionanocomposites.
received September 11, 2021; accepted September 30, 2021                Based on Fickian law, the diffusion curve and coefficient of
Abstract: In this study, sugar palm crystalline nanocellu-              diffusion for seawater, river water, and sewer water were
lose (SPCNC)-reinforced thermoplastic sugar palm starch                 calculated. The flammability and limiting oxygen index
(TPS) was blended with poly(lactic acid) (PLA) in order                 (LOI) tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D635
to prioritize the biodegradation feature while offsetting                and ASTM D2863, respectively. For PLA60TPS40 (40% TPS),
individual polymer limitation. Prior to melt blending                   significant reduction (46–69%) was recorded in maximum
process, SPCNC was dispersed through sonication in                      water uptake in all mediums, while soil degradation rate
advance of starch gelatinization which was later casted                 experienced insignificant increment (7.92%) for PLA70TPS30
into petri dishes. PLA and TPS were melt blended into                   (30% TPS) owing to the reinforcement of SPCNC through the
five different ratios using Brabender mixer followed by                   well-dispersed TPS within PLA. Meanwhile, the flammability
compression molding. Soil degradation (4 months) and                    rates and LOI values for PLA40TPS60 and PLA60TPS40 indi-
water uptake (4 weeks) tests were conducted to evaluate                 cated flammable material properties.

                                                                        Keywords: bionanocomposites, poly(lactic acid), seawater
                                                                        uptake, soil degradation, thermoplastic starch
* Corresponding author: Salit Mohd Sapuan, Laboratory of
Biocomposite Technology, Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest
Products (INTROP), Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia; Advanced Engineering Materials and                  1 Introduction
Composites Research Centre (AEMC), Department of Mechanical
and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400         Non-biodegradable petrochemical-based plastics are pol-
UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia, e-mail: sapuan@upm.edu.my              luting the environment at a concerning rate instigating
Asmawi Nazrin: Laboratory of Biocomposite Technology, Institute of
                                                                        long term environmental, economic, and waste manage-
Tropical Forestry and Forest Products (INTROP), Universiti Putra
Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
                                                                        ment problems [1]. The effort to dispose and recycle
Mohamed Yusoff Mohd Zuhri: Laboratory of Biocomposite                    plastic wastes are inefficient due to poor management,
Technology, Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products          high recycling cost, and difficulties in polymer separa-
(INTROP), Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,       tion, which end up either in landfills or the ocean [2].
Malaysia; Advanced Engineering Materials and Composites                 Finite petroleum resources coupled with the rising environ-
Research Centre (AEMC), Department of Mechanical and
                                                                        mental issues had prompted scientists and material engi-
Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM
Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia                                             neers to shift toward biodegradable food packaging
Intan Syafinaz Mohamed Amin Tawakkal: Department of Process              materials derived from bioresources as an alternative
and Food Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM              replacement for current conventional plastics [3]. PLA
Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia                                             is a promising biodegradable polymer synthesized from
Rushdan Ahmad Ilyas: School of Chemical and Energy Engineering,
                                                                        bioresources with unique features such as glossy appear-
Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor
Bahru, Johor, Malaysia; Centre for Advanced Composite Materials
                                                                        ance, decent transparency, good processability, and high
(CACM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru,               rigidity [4]. However, PLA exhibits slow degradation rate
81310 Johor, Malaysia                                                   in soil and little to no degradation in seawater [5]. In soil,

   Open Access. © 2022 Asmawi Nazrin et al., published by De Gruyter.        This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
Flammability and physical stability of sugar palm crystalline nanocellulose reinforced thermoplastic sugar palm starch/poly(lactic acid) blend ...
Flammability and physical stability of TPS/PLA blend bionanocomposites            87

PLA films with thickness of 0.2 mm exhibited no mass                river water, and sewer water for polymer blend compos-
loss at 25 and 37°C after 1 year, but 40% mass loss was            ites of PLA with SPCNC-reinforced TPS. TPS and SPCNC have
detected at 45°C after 8 weeks [2]. PLA showed no mass             similar botanical origin with similar chemical composition
loss in seawater and fresh water under simulated condi-            forming good compatibility between fibers and matrixes. In
tions over 1 year. In sewage sludge, the biological degra-         the present study, PLA/TPS blend bionanocomposites were
dation (CO2 release) of PLA was 43% at 37°C after 277              fabricated into five different ratios and the capabilities of
days [6] and 75% at 55°C after 75 days [7].                        each composition was evaluated based on their flammability
     In an effort to solve the marine plastic waste pollu-          behavior, soil degradation behavior as well as water uptake
tion, starch is incorporated to induce biodegradation,             of seawater, river water, and sewer water.
while reducing the raw material cost of PLA. Starch had
piqued the interest of fellow researchers in manufac-
turing of food packaging plastics due to their promising
features such as colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic,        2 Materials and methods
and biodegradable properties [8]. Several modifications
have been carried out in order to improve their mechan-
                                                                   2.1 Materials
ical strength, water barrier, and thermal properties such
as plasticizers addition, fiber reinforcement, and polymer
                                                                   SPS in the form of mixture of starch and woody fibers
blending. Sugar palm starch (SPS) like most starches has
                                                                   extracted from the trunk of sugar palm tree was pur-
received considerable research attention in developing
                                                                   chased from Hafiz Adha Enterprise at Kampung Kuala
biodegradable food packaging materials. Its high amy-
                                                                   Jempol, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. PLA (NatureWork
lose content (37%) was reported as a good film-forming
                                                                   2003D), glycerol, and sorbitol were bought from Mecha
material in producing starch biopolymer films compa-
                                                                   Solve Engineering, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. SPCNC derived
rable to other commercial starches [9]. Sanyang et al. [10]
                                                                   from sugar palm fibers which are naturally entwined at the
reported that SPS films plasticized by sorbitol achieved
                                                                   outer part of sugar palm tree was provided by Laboratory
28.35 MPa in tensile strength, while the one plasticized by
                                                                   of Biocomposite Technology, Institute of Tropical Forestry
glycerol reached 61.63% in elongation at break. Prominently,
                                                                   and Forest Products, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor,
nanosized fibers have gained tremendous attraction due to
                                                                   Malaysia. Table 1 shows the physical properties of SPCNC
their outstanding features, such as excellent mechanical
                                                                   and their values.
properties, light weight, low density, high surface area
(100 m2/g), and high aspect ratio of 100 compared to other
commercial fibers [11]. Ilyas et al. [12] reported SPS biocom-
posite film reinforced with 0.5% sugar palm crystalline             2.2 Extraction and preparation of SPS
nanocellulose (SPCNC) which demonstrated an improve-
ment in both tensile strength (140%) and water vapor per-          SPS was extracted from the trunk of sugar palm trees
meability (19.94%). However, starch-based biocomposite             located at Jempol, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Initially,
deteriorates its mechanical strength easily upon prolonged         the mixture of starch and woody fibers were transferred
exposure to moisture. Hence, blending with hydrophobic             into a bucket and left out for 1 day for the sedimentation
polymer such as poly(lactic acid) (PLA) helps to offset the         of starch while less dense fibers floated to the surface.
low water barrier properties of starch-based biocomposite.         The floating fibers were removed and a strainer cloth was
The incorporation of low-cost starch filler will inevitably dete-
riorate mechanical strength, but at the same time induce           Table 1: Physical properties of SPCNC and their values
water absorption for microorganism inhabitation to enhance
degradability in aqueous environments [13].                        Properties                                               Value
     In this context, PLA is blended with SPCNC-rein-
                                                                   Density (g/cm )
forced thermoplastic sugar palm starch (TPS) in an effort
                                                                   Diameter (nm)                                            9
to overcome individual polymer limitations and achieve             Surface area (m2/g)                                      14.47
desirable material properties for intended application. To         Pore volume (cm3/g)                                      0.226
date, only limited research has been conducted on the              Moisture content (wt%)                                   17.90
water uptake within seawater, river water, and sewer               Molecular weight (g/mol)                                 23164.7
                                                                   Degree of crystallinity (%)                              85.9
water. To the best of authors’ knowledge, there have
                                                                   Degree of polymerization                                 142.86
been no study performed on water uptake of seawater,
Flammability and physical stability of sugar palm crystalline nanocellulose reinforced thermoplastic sugar palm starch/poly(lactic acid) blend ...
88           Asmawi Nazrin et al.

Table 2: Various composition of PLA/TPS blend bionanocomposites   in an oven for drying at 60°C for 24 h. Later, the dried-up
                                                                  gelatinized starch formed thin TPS films and were crushed
Designation                    PLA (%)                TPS (%)     into granule-size to ease the melt blending process. PLA
PLA20TPS80                      20                    80          granules and crushed TPS films were melt blended using
PLA40TPS60                      40                    60          Brabender Plastograph (Model 815651, Brabender GmbH &
PLA60TPS40                      60                    40          Co. KG, Duisburg, Germany) at 170°C for 13 min with
PLA70TPS30                      70                    30          a rotor speed of 50 rpm. PLA and TPS were blended into
PLA80TPS20                      80                    20
                                                                  five different ratios of 20:80, 40:60, 60:40, 70:30, and
PLA100                         100                     0
                                                                  80:20. Once again, the blend bionanocomposites were
                                                                  crushed into granule-size before being hot pressed
used to filter finer size woody fiber residue mixed with             (Technovation, Selangor, Malaysia) at 170°C for 17 min into
starch. Next the wet starch was spread evenly onto a              150 mm × 150 mm × 3 mm sheet. Table 2 shows the compo-
plastic film and left in open air for a moment. Then, the          sition of PLA/TPS blend bionanocomposites. Figure 1 shows
starch was transferred into an air circulating oven at            the overall preparation of PLA/TPS blend bionanocomposites.
120°C for 24 h to obtain starch powder. The extraction
method was adapted from Sahari et al. [14].

                                                                  2.4 Flammability test
2.3 Fabrication of SPCNC-reinforced TPS/
    PLA blend bionanocomposite sheets                             Flammability test was conducted in accordance with
                                                                  ASTM D635 in a horizontal position. Prior to the test,
Solution casting method was used to fabricate TPS. Initially,     samples (125 mm × 13 mm × 3 mm) were placed in an
1,000 mL of distilled water was filled in a beaker and 0.5 g       oven for 24 h at 100°C to remove remaining moisture.
SPCNC (0.5%), 15 g of both glycerol (15%) and sorbitol (15%)      Two reference lines were drawn at distances of 25 mm
were added. Sonication method was applied for 15 min to           and 100 mm as starting and finishing marks. Then, the
agitate SPCNC to ensure discontinuous particles distribu-         sample was clamped horizontally at the end side leaving
tion and uniform dispersion in the liquid. Then, the beaker       both reference lines visible using retort stand. The sample
was transferred into a water bath with a temperature of           was lit at the other end side and as soon as the flame
80°C. Progressively, 100 g SPS was added into the mixture,        reached a distance of 25 mm, the timer was started. The
while maintaining continuous stirring for 30–45 min until         test was carried out in triplicate and time taken for the
a semi-fluid consistency was attained. The gelatinized             flame to reach 100 mm was recorded. The burning rate of
starch was transferred into glass petri dishes and placed         the sample can be calculated using equation (1):

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the preparation of PLA/TPS blend bionanocomposites.
Flammability and physical stability of sugar palm crystalline nanocellulose reinforced thermoplastic sugar palm starch/poly(lactic acid) blend ...
Flammability and physical stability of TPS/PLA blend bionanocomposites      89

                                   L                               2.6 Biodegradation in compost soil
                             V=      ,                       (1)
where V is the linear burning rate (mm/min), L is the              Six samples (15 mm × 15 mm × 3 mm) were buried in poly-
burnt length (mm), and t is the time (min)                         bags containing characterized soil at 10 cm depth, which
                                                                   was moistened daily with water. Plastic mesh was used to
                                                                   wrap the samples before burying into the soil to facilitate
                                                                   removal of the degraded samples while maintaining the
2.5 Limiting oxygen index (LOI)                                    access of moisture and microorganism. The physiochem-
                                                                   ical properties of the soil were pH: 6; organic carbon:
The LOI test was conducted in accordance with ASTM
                                                                   35%; total nitrogen: 1.3%; phosphorus: 1,750 ppm; potas-
D2863 to measure the lowest oxygen concentration for com-
                                                                   sium: 1,750 ppm; magnesium: 2,500 ppm; and calcium:
bustion of a sample. Prior to the test, samples (100 mm ×
                                                                   4,500 ppm. Prior to testing, samples were dried at 100°C
6.5 mm × 3 mm) were placed in an oven for 24 h at 100°C to
                                                                   for 24 h and weighed to obtain the initial weight, Wi. Four
remove remaining moisture. The sample was clamped ver-
                                                                   sets of experiments were made for predetermined 1 month
tically in the glass chamber and lit up for 10 s until ignition.
                                                                   interval for 4 months. Samples were taken from the soil at
Figure 2 shows the experimental setup of LOI test. The test
                                                                   specified intervals and gently cleaned with distilled water
was carried out with ten replicate samples. The LOI value
                                                                   to remove impurities. Finally, samples were left to dry at
can be calculated using equation (2):
                                                                   100°C for 24 h and weighed to obtain the final weight, Wf.
                    LOI (vol%) = Cf + kd ,                   (2)   The test was done in triplicate and the average values were
                                                                   taken. The weight loss, Wl can be calculated using equa-
where Cf is the final value of oxygen concentration in vol%
                                                                   tion (3):
for the previous five measurements, d is the interval difference
in vol% between oxygen concentration levels (0.2 vol%), and k                         Wl =
                                                                                             Wi − Wf
                                                                                                     × 100%.                  (3)
is the factor derived from the experimental value.                                             Wi

Figure 2: The experimental setup of LOI test.
90           Asmawi Nazrin et al.

Table 3: Origin sources of seawater, river water, and sewer water         linear and the Fickian diffusion coefficient D is deter-
                                                                          mined by equation (6):
Medium            Source (coordinate)                                                                               2
                                                                                                   π h2 ⎛ Mt ⎞
Seawater          Shoreline of Malacca Strait                                                D=          ⎜      ⎟.                 (6)
                                                                                                   16 t ⎝ Mmax ⎠
                  (2°54′54.2″N 101°19′15.9″E)
River water       Kuyoh river of pale brown water                         As this equation is commonly used in square specimen
                  (3°00′51.6″N 101°43′07.7″E)
                                                                          dimension, a correction factor is required to interpret for
Sewer water       Seri Serdang town with less than 10 building
                  blocks (3°00′35.2″N 101°42′49.2″E)                      the finite length l and width w of the sample compared to
                                                                          its thickness h using equation (7):

                                                                                                       d  d −2
2.7 Water uptake                                                                            Dc = D⎛1 +   + ⎞ .                     (7)
                                                                                                  ⎝    l  w⎠

Total of six samples (20 mm × 15 mm × 3 mm) were
immersed in three different conditions which were sea-
water, river water, and sewer water. Table 3 shows the
origin sources of the three different mediums used in this                 3 Results and discussion
study. Prior to testing, samples were dried at 100°C for
24 h and weighed to obtain the initial weight, W0. After                  3.1 Flammability test
selected immersion periods, the samples were removed,
washed, wiped, and weighed (Wt) using OHAUS balance                       The flammability behavior of a material are attributed to
with a precision of 1 mg at room temperature (25°C and                    its chemical composition and interfacial bonding formed
RH 25%). The test was done in triplicate and the average                  within the material itself [15]. The chemical composition
values were taken. The percentage of weight gain at given                 of the plastic cause ease in ignition when exposed to
time Mt can be calculated using equation (4):                             sufficient heat in the presence of oxygen. In an effort to
                            Wt − W0                                       minimize the flammability of plastic, implementation of
                     Mt =           × 100%.                         (4)   additional flame retardant materials or substances had
                                                                          been utilized. Table 4 shows the effect of blending TPS
The test was done in triplicate and the maximum moisture                  with PLA at various ratios toward their burning rate and
absorption, Mmax, was calculated as an average value with                 behavior. As observed, the introduction of TPS into PLA
very little variation in water uptake. The weight gained                  induced flammability in the blend bionanocomposite sam-
from moisture absorption can be modeled in terms of                       ples but only for PLA60TPS40 and PLA40TPS60, while the
two parameters, the diffusion coefficient D and Mmax,                        flame for PLA80TPS20, PLA70TPS30, and PLA20TPS80
and are given by Fick’s first law in equation (5):                         quickly extinguished before reaching the first 25 mm refer-
 Mt      8                                     D(2n + 1)2 π2t ⎞           ence line. PLA60TPS40 and PLA40TPS60 continuously
     =1− 2
                  ∑ (2n 1+ 1)     2
                                      exp ⎛−

                                          ⎝         h2

                                                                ,   (5)   burned till 100 mm reference line indicating highly flam-
                                                                          mable properties. This is mainly caused by the incorpo-
where h is the thickness of the sample and D can be                       rated plasticizers in fabricating TPS which are glycerol and
calculated using the initial linear portion of the absorp-                sorbitol. Glycerol and sorbitol are known to be flammable
tion curve. For Mt/Mmax ≤ 0.5, the function Mt = f(√t) is                 substances with the flash point of 176 and above 300°C,

Table 4: Burning rate, UL94 rating, and burning behavior of pristine PLA and PLA/TPS blend bionanocomposites

Sample             Burning rate                  Burning behavior                                                         LOI (vol%)

PLA20TPS80         Inflammable                    Partially burned, slow dripping, moderate smoke, and low flame            —
PLA40TPS60         16.39 mm/min (HB)             Fully burned, fast dripping, less smoke, and low flame                    19.2%
PLA60TPS40         15.29 mm/min (HB)             Fully burned, fast dripping, less smoke, and low flame                    18.8%
PLA70TPS30         Inflammable                    Partially burned, moderate dripping, moderate smoke, and moderate flame   —
PLA80TPS20         Inflammable                    Partially burned, moderate dripping, moderate smoke, and moderate flame   —
PLA100             Inflammable                    Partially burned, moderate dripping, moderate smoke, and moderate flame   —
Flammability and physical stability of TPS/PLA blend bionanocomposites      91

respectively [16]. The higher concentration of plasticizers     with 25% glycerol and 21% for PLA/TPS plasticized with
in TPS seemed to greatly affect the burning rate as can be       5% glycerol. This verified that the higher content of TPS
seen for PLA40TPS60 (16.39 mm/min) which exhibited              required higher oxygen concentration for combustion
faster burning rate compared to PLA60TPS40 (15.29               although higher concentration of glycerol was incorpo-
mm/min). This occurrence can be associated with the             rated. This might be the reason as why PLA20TPS80 was
migration of glycerol from TPS into PLA due to its lower        not flammable as PLA40TPS60 and PLA60TPS40 even
molecular weight which activated the flammability in the         though it undoubtedly consisted the highest glycerol
PLA phase. Various authors [17–19] reported that during         concentration among all the blend bionanocomposite sam-
the melt mixing process, lower molecular weight of gly-         ples. Relatively higher TPS content indicated higher con-
cerol (92 g/mol) tends to migrate from TPS to PLA matrix,       centration of SPCNC within the samples. Supposedly, lignin
while higher molecular weight sorbitol (182 g/mol) stayed       content within cellulose generated char formulation which
within TPS. Sorbitol is responsible for decreasing the par-     helps to hinder flame propagation [21]. However, the
ticle size and promoted a fine dispersion of TPS within PLA      removal of lignin in order to produce low water retention
phase resulting in homogeneous composition. The uni-            of SPCNC might have induced the flammability rate for
form distribution of TPS within PLA triggered a continuous      sample with higher TPS content [23]. However, the effect
combustion of the samples. Even so, the burning rate of         of glycerol migration overwhelms the SPCNC reinforcement.
PLA40TPS60 and PLA60TPS40 were less than 40 mm/min
which classified as HB in UL94 rating. In other words,
they are considered to be the least flame retardant mate-
rial that required improvement in flammability features.         3.2 Soil burial: weight loss
Due to this fact, some researchers [20,21] substituted
glycerol with glycerol phosphate with the intention of          The calculation of weight loss during soil burial test was
increasing the flame retardant properties of starch-based        done by observing the biodegradation behaviors of a
polymer blend.                                                  material. The weight loss of the blend bionanocomposites
     According to our previous paper [22], the scanning         is due to consumption of starch by microorganisms.
electron microscope (SEM) image of PLA60TPS40 dis-              Figure 3 shows an increasing trend of the percentage of
played smooth surface morphology indicating good inter-         weight loss as the addition of TPS was increased within
facial bonding, while some visible agglomeration spots of       the blend. In the first 30 days, all blend bionanocompos-
TPS were detected for PLA40TPS60 and PLA20TPS80. All            ites went through active degradation process and for the
these samples showed a constant dripping of the melted          next 90 days, lower degradation rates were recorded.
material. Meanwhile, PLA80TPS20 and PLA70TPS30 dis-             Amylopectin residing within the blend consists of branched
played some microcracks and voids indicating poor inter-        hydroxylated chains, which promote hydration and water
facial bonding between PLA and TPS. It was observed             diffusion resulting in microorganisms growth [24]. The
that when these two samples lit up, fragment of material        reduction in degradation rate can be associated with the
was detached rather than a consistent dripping. The             adaptation of microorganisms to the materials after coloni-
minor proportion of TPS within the samples melted quickly       zation. Ohkita and Lee [25] fabricated PLA/TPS (70:30 and
as compared to less flammable PLA phase which led to the         50:50) blend composites with and without the incorpora-
detachment of PLA fragment with the assistance of spread        tion of lysine diisocyanate (LDI) as a coupling agent and
microcracks. Based on those behaviors, it was verified that      recorded that the samples with LDI had a steady weight loss
PLA60TPS40 and PLA40TPS60 have the optimal plasticiz-           for 1 month, while those without LDI had a significant
ers concentration to promote the flammability of PLA and         degradation rate for 1 week. LDI acts as a coupling agent
improve the dispersion of TPS into PLA. Nazrin et al. [19]      by removing the hydroxyl groups of PLA and TPS, thus
conducted Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and reported a            lowering the accessibility for microorganisms’ invasion.
significant increment in storage modulus for PLA60TPS40               In similar case, Ayana et al. [26] found that priorly
(53.5%), while trivial changes were recorded for PLA70TPS30     dispersed montmorillonite clays (1 PHR) during starch
(10%) and PLA80TPS20 (0.6%) due to the insufficient glyc-         gelatinization and later melt mixed with PLA (PLA/TPS,
erol migration to promote the chain mobility responsible in     40:60) promoted the compatibility between immiscible
improving the storage modulus.                                  polymer blends by reducing the size distribution of the
     Based on Table 4, PLA40TPS60 (19.2%) had a slightly        PLA in the starch matrix. The exfoliation of clay nano-
higher LOI value compared to PLA60TPS40 (18.8%). Bocz           layers established a tortuous path preventing further water
et al. [20] recorded the LOI value of 22% for TPS plasticized   penetration into the PLA/TPS blend nanocomposites. The
92         Asmawi Nazrin et al.

Figure 3: Weight loss against time of PLA100 and PLA/TPS blend bionanocomposites.

dispersion of SPCNC within TPS for all the blend bionano-         of glycerol from TPS into PLA led to a lower moisture
composites seemed to play the exact role as nanoclays to          content for all the samples. Lower moisture content
establish tortuous path hindering water penetration for           caused compact hydrogen bonds interaction between
microorganisms to inhabit [27]; though, this mechanism            starch and water suggesting that a high number of free
can work only if homogenous combination between PLA               hydroxyl groups of the starch are available to interact
and TPS was achieved. Within the first 30 days, a minor            with the active sites of sorbitol. Hence, the chances of
increase in weight loss was recorded between PLA70TPS30           sorbitol interacting with water molecules become lower.
(20.92%) and PLA60TPS40 (22.72%). In relation to flamma-
bility results, the homogenous composition achieved at
PLA60TPS40 seemed to prevent rapid degradation of TPS             3.3 Water uptake
phase. Taking into account the dispersion of SPCNC, the
water penetration into the sample was reduced resulting in        All bionanocomposite samples including pristine PLA
lower microorganism inhabitation. Other samples experi-           (PLA100) were immersed in three type of liquid medium
enced significant increase as TPS content was increased. At        which are seawater, river water, and sewer waste water.
60% of TPS content (PLA40TPS60) (44.45%), the weight              The water uptake of all bionanocomposite samples is
loss increased significantly as compared to PLA60TPS40             solely contributed by TPS content as PLA is well-known
(20.92%). The agglomeration spots presented in PLA40TPS60         for its strong hydrophobic nature. Based on Table 5, the
and PLA20TPS80 as mentioned in Section 3.1 acted as an            reduction in TPS content decreases the equilibrium water
active spot for microorganisms’ inhabitation which led to         content of the blend bionanocomposites regardless of the
rapid degradation. The physical condition of these two sam-       medium used. The sample with highest TPS content
ples were observed to be completely shrunk into smaller pieces    (PLA20TPS80) had the highest value of equilibrium water
after 24 h of oven drying process. Meanwhile, PLA60TPS40,         content. There are several factors that influenced the
PLA70TPS30, and PLA80TPS20 seemed to maintain their phy-          water absorption of a polymer composite which are dif-
sical shape with some visible cavities on the surface due to      fusivity, exposed surface area, permeability, tempera-
degradation of the TPS.                                           ture, surface protection, fiber content, and orientation
     PLA100 did not seem to experience degradation pro-           [12]. In this study, temperature was kept constant at
cess as no weight loss was recorded. Another factor               room temperature (25 ± 1°C) and uniform exposed surface
which might be affecting the degradation rate was the              area through fixed sample size with no incorporation of
plasticizers used. Sanyang et al. [10] reported that sor-         surface protection was considered. As the composition of
bitol-plasticized TPS had lower water vapor transmission          each sample was different, fiber content and orientation
rate compared to glycerol-plasticized TPS. The migration          are expected to be different. The differences between the
Flammability and physical stability of TPS/PLA blend bionanocomposites            93

Table 5: Equilibrium water content (Mmax), coefficient of diffusion (D), and corrected coefficient of diffusion (Dc) of pristine PLA and PLA/TPS
blend bionanocomposites within seawater, river water, and sewer water

Medium                       Seawater                                River water                               Sewer water
                              −6               −6                      −6                 −6
Sample        Mmax (%) D·10             Dc·10           Mmax (%) D·10              Dc·10         Mmax (%) D·10−6           Dc·10−6
                       (cm2/s)          (cm2/s)                  (cm2/s)           (cm2/s)                (cm2/s)          (cm2/s)

PLA20TPS80 18.37          2.45          1.35            17.87      2.45            1.35          20.24      4.91           2.69
PLA40TPS60 20.02          0.41          0.22            16.08      0.41            0.22          14.88      0.41           0.22
PLA60TPS40 6.08           1.23          0.67             8.68      1.23            0.67           6.34      1.23           0.67
PLA70TPS30  8.35          0.41          0.22             7.51      0.41            0.22           7.44      1.23           0.67
PLA80TPS20 6.22           0.41          0.22             5.7       0.41            0.22           7.68      0.21           0.11
PLA100      0             0             0                0         0               0              0         0              0

orientation can be observed from the SEM analysis of the                   Strangely, PLA40TPS60 has a lower coefficient of dif-
previous paper [22], where slight agglomeration spots                 fusion value compared to PLA60TPS40 within all med-
can be observed within samples that have TPS content                  iums. This might be due to the high concentration of
more than 40% (PLA20TPS80 and PLA40TPS60), while                      SPCNC within the sample which might hinder the diffu-
microcracks and voids are presented within samples that               sivity of the water molecules. Ilyas et al. [12] reported that
have TPS content lower than 40% (PLA70TPS30 and                       the incorporation of 0.5% SPCNC into sugar palm starch
PLA80TPS20).                                                          biocomposite films reduced the equilibrium water

Figure 4: The water uptake (%) against period of immersion (hour1/2) of PLA100 and PLA/TPS blend bionanocomposites within: (a) seawater,
(b) river water, and (c) sewer water.
94        Asmawi Nazrin et al.

sorption by 16%. The decrement in the coefficient of dif-         4 Conclusion
fusion for PLA40TPS60 can be attributed to the high crys-
tallization of SPCNC [28]. For PLA60TPS40, the sample           In a nutshell, the reinforcement of SPCNC within the blend
has a better compatibility between PLA and TPS, thus            bionanocomposites could only be optimized if TPS is well-
promoting uniform distribution of water molecules in            dispersed within PLA phase. In order to achieve such con-
TPS well-dispersed within PLA. This led to quicker diffu-        dition, a harmonize ratio between PLA and TPS must be
sivity of water molecules into the samples but at the same      identified. The maximum water uptake within seawater,
time reducing equilibrium water content [27]. Apart from        river water, and sewer water decreased as TPS content
that, PLA20TPS80 displayed higher coefficient of diffu-            decreased, but only PLA60TPS40 displayed a significant
sion in sewer water compared to seawater and river              reduction compared to other samples. However, the coeffi-
water. It is speculated that the static condition of sewer      cient of diffusion recorded a higher value for PLA60TPS40
water might be the cause of the high coefficient of diffu-         compared to PLA40TPS60 and PLA70TPS30 owing to uni-
sion. Continuous flow of seawater and river water stimu-         form distribution of water molecules within the well dis-
late the circulation of foreign particles while procuring       persed TPS within PLA leading to a quicker diffusivity but
them as compared to sewer water which remained static.          reducing maximum water uptake. The soil degradation
     The movement of water molecules into polymer com-          rate also showed minor change between PLA70TPS30 and
posites are based on three mechanisms [29]: diffusion,           PLA60TPS40 compared to PLA60TPS40 and PLA40TPS60
capillary movement, and transport of water molecules.           due to the tortuous path of SPCNC hindering water penetra-
Diffusion occurs inside the free volume (micro gaps)             tion for microorganisms to inhabit. PLA60TPS40 and
between polymer chains. Capillary transport occurs through      PLA40TPS60 demonstrated burning rate lower than 40
capillary connection through the gaps and cracks at the         mm/min which were classified as HB in UL94 rating and
interface between fibers and continuous phase. Transport         considered as least flame retardant material. Meanwhile, the
of water molecules occurs due to the swelling of fiber within    low LOI values of PLA40TPS60 (19.2%) and PLA60TPS40
the matrix. Based on Figure 4, sample with highest TPS          (18.8%) indicated that they were highly flammable materials
content reached equilibrium water uptake quickly com-           within atmospheric air. In food packaging application that
pared with lower content of TPS regardless of the medium        prioritize biodegradability and cheap material, PLA60TPS40
used. The highest value of equilibrium water uptake did not     demonstrated tolerable physical stability but required
exceed 20% for all samples, while for PLA60TPS40, a sig-        improvement in flame retardant features.
nificant drop of equilibrium water content can be observed
within all medium of immersion with seawater having the         Funding information: The authors wish to thank Universiti
lowest value which is 6.08%. It was reported [30] that the      Putra Malaysia for the financial support through Inisiatif
seawater contained various minerals (up to 3.5%) which          Pemerkasaan Penerbitan Jurnal Tahun 2020 (Vot number:
limited the diffusion of water molecules into the polymer        9044033) and Geran Putra Berimpak (GPB), UPM/800-3/
composite materials. Based on the previous paper [22],          3/1/GPB/2019/9679800.
water uptake of the PLA60TPS40 within distilled water
reached up to 25% for only 2 h of immersion period. The         Author contributions: All authors have accepted respon-
absence of components such as minerals facilitate the dif-      sibility for the entire content of this manuscript and
fusivity of water molecules. In the seawater medium, it is      approved its submission.
observed that PLA40TPS60 (20.02%) had a slightly higher
equilibrium water content value compared to PLA20TPS80          Conflict of interest: The authors state no conflict of interest.
(18.37%). Since the coefficient of diffusion for PLA40TPS60
within all mediums were the same, the difference was insig-
nificant considering the large standard deviation displayed
in Figure 4. It was suspected that some replicates might have   References
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