Fixing the False Claims Act - The Case For Compliance-Focused Reforms

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Fixing the False Claims Act - The Case For Compliance-Focused Reforms
the False
Claims Act
The Case For
Compliance-Focused Reforms

© U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, Octorber 2013. All rights reserved.
This publication, or part thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform.
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary............................................................................................................... 1
False Claims Act Overview. . .................................................................................................. 5
FCA Reforms to Incentivize Effective Compliance Programs............................................. 8
Four Proposed FCA Reforms............................................................................................... 13
FCA Reforms to Ensure Fair and Effective Enforcement................................................... 23
Proposed Policy Changes to DOJ Use
of Civil Investigative Demands............................................................................................ 45
Conclusion. . .......................................................................................................................... 49

Prepared for the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform by
Peter B. Hutt II and Anna Dolinsky
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
David W. Ogden and Jonathan G. Cedarbaum
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Executive Summary
The False Claims Act (FCA) is the government’s most important
tool to uncover and punish fraud against the United States. The
FCA has been used to address alleged false claims in many
economic sectors, including healthcare, pharmaceuticals, finance,
and defense. The statute is intended not only to recover funds
for the federal fisc, but also to deter fraud and encourage ethical
corporate behavior. The FCA also provides a monetary reward to
whistleblowers (known as “relators”) who come forward with
evidence of fraud and file lawsuits on behalf of the government.

Despite some successes, the FCA is             This paper proposes reforms to the
simply ineffective at preventing fraud as it   FCA that build on the FCA’s strengths—
is currently structured and enforced. The      including the important role that
Government Accountability Office has           whistleblowers play in detecting fraud—
estimated that the United States Treasury      and improve its enforcement, while
loses approximately $72 billion to fraud,      radically improving its role in preventing
abuse, and improper payments each year.1       fraud. The proposed reforms are based on
The Department of Health and Human             three basic premises:
Services (HHS) has estimated that fraud          • First, the FCA is a complex statute
costs the Medicare program $60 billion              that in operation has proved flawed in
annually.2 Looking at the Medicare program          ways that reduce its effectiveness in
alone, simple math suggests that an                 preventing fraud. The statute does not
astounding $600 billion may have been lost          promote compliance with applicable
to fraud in the past decade. Using the FCA,         laws as effectively as it could or provide
the government has recovered only $35               the right incentives to ensure that fraud
billion since 1987—a tiny fraction of the           is reported to the government. As a
moneys believed to be lost to fraud over            result, the government recovers only
that period.3 Based on these figures alone,         a fraction of what it loses to fraud and
the FCA plainly is not getting the job done.        spends too much time and money on

1                                                                              Fixing the False Claims Act
investigations and enforcement after         Proposed Amendments
  fraud has already been committed rather
  than on preventing it in the first place.    First, the paper explains how rigorous
                                               compliance programs can reduce the
• Second, earlier detection and better        incidence of fraud, describes a model
   prevention of fraud will generate           for creating incentives for widespread
   greater savings for the government          adoption of such programs, and proposes
   and the public than the existing after-     that independent entities should determine
   the-fact, punishment-through-litigation     whether a company’s practices meet
   approach. Businesses are best placed        general and industry-specific state-of-
   to detect and prevent wrongdoing as         the-art “gold standards” for compliance.
   the first line of defense against fraud.    Companies that obtain and maintain this
   They should be incentivized to maintain     “gold standard” certification would gain the
   effective compliance programs that          benefit of four proposed FCA reforms:
   stop violations before they occur and
   to disclose and make restitution to the        1. Re-calibration of the damages
   government swiftly and completely                  multiplier, so that a defendant would be
   when violations do occur. Appropriately            liable for treble damages only if it acted
   incentivizing whistleblowers is a crucial          with specific intent to defraud; double
   component of FCA enforcement,                      damages if it acted with knowledge,
   but the statute should incentivize                 reckless disregard, or deliberate
   companies to take the lead in curbing              ignorance; and 1.5 times damages if it
   and reporting fraud.                               made a qualifying self-disclosure to the
                                                      government of the conduct.
• Third, certain aspects of the FCA
   as used by many relators and the               2. With limited exceptions, a bar on qui tam
   government today, and as interpreted              actions against a company if the company
   and applied by some courts, incentivize           had previously disclosed substantially
   the filing of frivolous lawsuits and              the same allegations to an appropriate
   impose irrationally excessive penalties,          government Inspector General or other
   sometimes for technical violations                federal investigative office.
   that occur despite businesses’ good            3. In order to create incentives for
   faith efforts to comply with contracts             employees to report alleged
   or regulations. These aspects of FCA               misconduct internally, an employee
   practice generate unnecessary litigation           who failed to report internally at least
   costs for government and businesses                180 days before filing a qui tam action
   and coerce businesses that may have                would face dismissal of the action.
   done nothing wrong to pay enormous
                                                  4. A change to the government’s
   out-of-court settlements based on
                                                      exclusion and debarment regulations
   untested and questionable legal theories.
                                                      to provide that a company and,
                                                      absent personal involvement in
                                                      fraud, its executives would not be
                                                      subject to mandatory or permissive
                                                      exclusion or debarment.

 U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform                                                       2
Second, the paper describes eight                 3. A
                                                      definition of the phrase “false or
proposed reforms that would apply to all             fraudulent claim” to exclude the
individuals and entities subject to the FCA.         judicially-created concept of “implied
These reforms are designed to address                false certification” liability, so that
current inefficiencies in the way the statute        liability is imposed when a claim is
operates and is enforced. The proposed               “materially false or fraudulent on its
reforms are as follows:                              face,” or when a claim is presented
                                                     or made “when the claimant has
    1. A reduction to the relator’s share
                                                     knowingly violated a requirement
        of the government recovery to
                                                     that is expressly stated by contract,
        provide substantial but not excessive
                                                     regulation, or statute to be a condition
        incentives for bringing fraud to light.
                                                     of payment of the claim.”
        In cases in which the government
        intervenes, relators would receive 15     4. A
                                                      requirement that all essential
        to 25 percent of the first $50 million       elements of liability under the FCA
        recovered; plus 5 to 15 percent of           must be proven by “clear and
        the next $50 million recovered; plus         convincing evidence” to bring the FCA
        1 to 3 percent of amounts recovered          in line with other federal and state
        above $100 million. In non-intervened        anti-fraud statutes.
        cases, relators would receive 25 to       5. A
                                                      n amendment to the FCA damages
        30 percent of the first $50 million          provision to better measure the
        recovered; plus 20 to 25 percent             government’s actual loss. The
        of the next $50 million recovered;           government would recover its “net
        plus 10 to 20 percent of amounts             actual damage” before application
        recovered above $100 million.                of any damage multiplier, which
    2. A bar on qui tam actions brought             is defined to mean “out-of-pocket
       by former or present government               monetary losses, less the value of
       employees arising out of such                 benefits received by the government,
       person’s employment by the                    and does not include indirect or
       government to prevent government              consequential damages.”
       employees from cashing in on their
       government service.

3                                                                             Fixing the False Claims Act
6. A change to the current irrational                 agencies and employees of their
    penalty structure of the FCA, so that              obligation to preserve the documents.
    statutory penalties are assessed only              If it fails to provide this notification, the
    where no damages are awarded and are               court would be instructed to “draw
    capped at an “amount equal to the sum              or instruct the jury to draw a negative
    sought in the claim in addition to all             inference from any failure of the
    costs to the government attributable to            government to produce documents
    reviewing the claim.”                              requested in the course of litigation
                                                       based on their loss or destruction.”
7. An amendment to the Wartime
    Suspension of Limitations Act, which         Third, the paper proposes a policy reform
    has been badly misconstrued in several       to the use of Civil Investigative Demands
    recent court decisions, to clarify that it   (CIDs) by the DOJ, which are investigative
    applies only to criminal actions, not to     tools that can impose extreme costs and
    the civil FCA.                               burdens on companies and individuals. The
                                                 paper proposes that the DOJ should adopt
8. A requirement that once the
                                                 internal policy guidelines to ensure that CIDs
    Department of Justice (DOJ) has
                                                 are issued only when necessary to a fraud
    received a qui tam complaint, or
                                                 investigation and when less burdensome
   initiates a false claims investigation,
                                                 alternatives are unavailable.
   it must notify all relevant government

U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform                                                          4
False Claims Act Overview
Liability Under the FCA                          FALSE OR FRAUDULENT
                                                 The FCA imposes liability only when a claim
The FCA imposes liability on any person          is “false or fraudulent.” A claim may be
who knowingly submits a false claim              “false” on its face—for example, if it seeks
seeking government funds. A company is           payment for more money than is due—or it
liable under the FCA when it “knowingly          may be “false” if the claimant has failed to
presents, or causes to be presented, a           comply with contract or grant requirements,
false or fraudulent claim for payment or         regulations, statutes, or other requirements
approval,” or “knowingly makes, uses,            on which payment is conditioned.
or causes to be made or used, a false
record or statement material to a false or       KNOWING CONDUCT
fraudulent claim.”4 The most important           The FCA imposes liability when a claimant
elements of liability are summarized below.      has “knowingly” submitted a false
                                                 claim. The term “knowingly” is defined
C                                                to include not only actual knowledge of
The FCA applies to all “claims” for              falsity, but also “reckless disregard” as
payment, defined to mean any request             to whether a claim is true or false and
for money or property that is directly           “deliberate ignorance” as to whether a
presented to the government, or that is          claim is true or false.6 Although the FCA
made indirectly to a contractor, grantee, or     does not impose liability for negligence or
other recipient, if the money or property is     mistakes, a claimant cannot evade liability
to be spent or used on the government’s          by contending that it did not intend to
behalf or to advance a government program        commit fraud or submit false claims; the
or interest and if the government provides       law states that liability can be imposed
or will provide any portion of the money         even when there is no intent to defraud
or property requested.5 The effect of this       the government.
definition of “claim” is that any person
receiving funds traceable to the federal
government is potentially subject to liability
under the Act.

5                                                                              Fixing the False Claims Act
The “reverse false claim” provision of the   Enforcement of FCA
FCA imposes liability for the “reverse”
of the typical situation: when a company     by Qui Tam Plaintiffs
“knowingly conceals or knowingly             Both the DOJ and private citizens are
and improperly avoids or decreases           authorized to bring actions asserting
an obligation to pay or transmit money       violations of the FCA. When an individual
or property to the government.”7 This        files a qui tam complaint, the DOJ
type of liability can be imposed when a      investigates the allegations and decides
company improperly retains a government      whether to intervene. If the DOJ intervenes
overpayment or otherwise seeks to            in the qui tam action, it has the primary
evade other kinds of established payment     responsibility for prosecuting the action,
obligations that arise from contracts,       although the relator remains a party and can
grants, licenses, fee-based relationships,   assist in the litigation. If the DOJ declines
statutes, or regulations. Liability is not   to intervene, the relator has the right to
imposed when a company seeks to avoid        conduct the case on his or her own.9
paying a “contingent” future obligation,
                                             The FCA provides financial incentives for
however, such as the potential imposition
                                             current and former employees, and others,
of a fine.
                                             to file qui tam lawsuits. If the government
Violations of the FCA can have substantial   intervenes, the relator is eligible for an
monetary consequences. A company that        award of between 15 and 25 percent of the
has violated the FCA is liable for three     government’s recovery, whether the action
times the amount of the United States’       is resolved by settlement, on summary
damages. In addition, the company must       judgment, or at trial.10 If the DOJ declines
pay civil penalties of between $5,500        to intervene, the relator is eligible for an
and $11,000 per individual false claim,      award of between 25 and 30 percent.11
which can add up to amounts far larger       The statute also provides that a relator
than the multiples of actual harm to the     in a successful action shall be awarded
government in many cases where multiple      reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, to be
invoices or prescriptions are issued for     paid by the defendant.12
small dollar amounts.8
                                             In addition, qui tam plaintiffs may bring
                                             personal “retaliation” claims alleging that
                                             their employers have retaliated against
                                             them for actions to stop an ongoing FCA
                                             violation. Successful plaintiffs can be
                                             awarded back-pay and other damages,
                                             attorneys’ fees, and reinstatement in their
                                             former position.13 Relators are entitled to
                                             retain all of the damages they recover from
                                             defendants as a result of their retaliation
                                             claims, whether or not the government
                                             intervenes in the qui tam action.

   U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform                                                 6
“     DOJ intervention is almost always an accurate predictor
    of the ultimate success of the case. Approximately 95 percent
    of intervened cases result in a settlement or judgment for the
    government, while only 6 percent of non-intervened cases do.

Snapshot of FCA                                   more than $35 billion under the FCA, of
                                                  which $24 billion has been attributable
Enforcement History                               to qui tam matters. The government
Litigation under the FCA has steadily             recovered roughly $3 billion in each of 2010
increased in the quarter century since            and 2011, and an all-time high of almost $5
the Act was substantially revised in 1986,        billion in 2012.14
and the law has been highly successful in         The most recent available DOJ statistics
providing incentives for relators to file suit.   show that the DOJ has intervened in
The last two decades have seen roughly            approximately 23 percent of all qui tam
three times as many qui tam cases as non-         cases filed between 1987 and 2010.15
qui tam cases each year.                          DOJ intervention is almost always an
Even more striking than the increase in           accurate predictor of the ultimate success
FCA litigation is the growth of settlement        of the case. Approximately 95 percent of
and award amounts. The amount of                  intervened cases result in a settlement or
total government recoveries under the             judgment for the government, while only 6
statute has significantly increased over          percent of non-intervened cases do.16
the past quarter century, and the majority
of the government’s recoveries now are
attributable to qui tam cases. Since 1987,
the government has recovered a total of

7                                                                               Fixing the False Claims Act
FCA Reforms to Incentivize Effective
Compliance Programs
Under the FCA as it is currently constituted, the government
emphasizes adversarial investigatory and enforcement efforts after
fraud has occurred rather than directly encouraging companies to
prevent fraud before it happens or to support the government’s
interests through early detection and prompt reporting when it does.

Of course, investigations and enforcement        The reforms we propose will preserve
will always be needed in some cases, but         the FCA’s beneficial effects and increase
the government’s post hoc enforcement            healthy incentives for prevention and
approach to fighting fraud in government         corporate self-reporting while decreasing
contracting is imbalanced and ineffective.       unhealthy incentives for frivolous litigation
As top officials at DOJ have recognized,         and coercive out-of-court settlements.
“[l]itigation to recover the costs of fraud      At the heart of the proposed reforms are
is a far inferior option to preventing fraud     provisions that will incentivize businesses
in the first place.”17 DOJ is increasingly       that contract with the government or
considering “forward-looking compliance          participate in government programs to
measures” and has asked the business             prevent, identify, and disclose wrongdoing,
community “to join with the Department           while also providing rational sanctions
in establishing structures that help prevent     and restitution to the government in
fraud—and the need for lawsuits to combat        cases of genuine fraud. These reforms
it—in the first instance.”18                     would create meaningful incentives for
                                                 businesses to detect wrongdoing and

   “    Investigations and enforcement will always be needed
   in some cases, but the government’s post hoc enforcement
   approach to fighting fraud in government contracting is
   imbalanced and ineffective.
   U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform                                                   8
“    Rigorous corporate compliance programs can be effective
    at preventing fraud before it happens.
disclose it to the government, generating     really want to deter white-collar crime,
significant savings to taxpayers through      the best weapon is an effective compliance
less expensive but more effective             program.”21 A study by the Ethics Resource
government investigations, and less           Center, a leading nonprofit specializing
litigation. At the same time, the proposed    in corporate ethics, concluded that
reforms will not reduce the effectiveness     [w]hen well-implemented . . . ethics and
of qui tam relators as a crucial final line   compliance programs reduce misconduct
of defense when corporations do not           and grow strong ethical cultures.”22
prevent, detect, or disclose fraud.           There are of course many government
The proposed reforms do not seek to           regulations and guidelines recommending
undo the amendments to the FCA enacted        or mandating compliance practices and
through the Fraud Enforcement and             programs for different types of federal
Recovery Act of 2009 (FERA),19 which          contractors and industries, but the world
were intended to clarify that the statute     of government contracting and federal
applies to indirect recipients of federal     programs lacks a coherent and forward-
funds and to the retention of government      looking approach to compliance. Moreover,
overpayments.20 To the contrary, these        assessments of the effectiveness of a given
proposals would complement FERA’s             compliance program typically occur case-
goal of holding organizations that receive    by-case and often after fraud has already
government funds responsible for fraud        occurred (e.g., when DOJ is considering
by also ensuring that they undertake          whether to impose a lower penalty on a
meaningful compliance programs to             company because it has made a good-faith
prevent fraud from occurring in the first     effort to comply with applicable laws). This
place rather than relying only on post hoc    is like closing the barn door after all the
enforcement and punishment.                   livestock have run out of the building.
                                              We propose a system for voluntary
Certified State-of-the-Art                    accreditation of rigorous compliance
Compliance Programs                           programs tailored to specific industries.
Reduce Fraud                                  Companies that adopt independently
                                              certified, state-of-the-art compliance
Rigorous corporate compliance programs        programs would get the benefit of the
can be effective at preventing fraud before   package of FCA reforms outlined below.
it happens. Officials and former officials    The proposed certification program would
across administrations of both parties have   have two components, each carried
increasingly acknowledged that “if you

9                                                                           Fixing the False Claims Act
out by independent third parties—whether        This combination of cross-cutting general
new single-purpose non-profits, or other        standards with standards targeted at
industry-specific organizations.                particular industry sectors should help
                                                ensure consistency across industries while
                                                at the same time allowing compliance
                                                programs to take account of particular
First, the legislation would authorize these
                                                risks and challenges unique to individual
independent entities to develop state-of-
                                                industries. Importantly, both the cross-
the-art standards for corporate compliance
                                                sector best practices and the industry-
programs in a range of industries. The
                                                specific best practices must be more
standard-setting process should be flexible
                                                detailed and more rigorous than existing
and continually evaluated over time to ensure
                                                compliance and guidance regimes.
that it reflects the latest in compliance
practices and responds to evolving sources      INDEPENDENT ACCREDITING BODY
of compliance risk. At the same time,           Second, companies would be required
effective compliance programs must be           to retain—at their own expense—an
tailored to a company’s specific business and   independent accrediting body (with legal,
to the risks associated with that business.     auditing, investigative, and loss prevention
                                                skills)26 to regularly review and certify
In addition to developing cross-sector
                                                their individual compliance programs as
“best practices,” standard-setting
                                                meeting the new standards. Accreditation
organizations should design industry-
                                                would require monitoring, auditing, and
specific practices that are continually
                                                reporting activities designed to ensure
updated in light of changing business
                                                that a company, once certified, maintains
conditions and practices. For example,
                                                compliance with the rigorous standards
standards in the healthcare industry could
                                                applicable to its industry. This approach
build on the regulatory guidance already
                                                builds on a feature of many government
provided by the HHS Inspector General’s
                                                settlements in which the government
Office for several types of providers.23
                                                requires a company to retain an
Standards in the defense industry could
                                                independent corporate monitor to assess
build on the Defense Industry Initiative’s
                                                a corporation’s compliance with the terms
standards for responsible conduct.24 Similar
                                                of the agreement.27
standards could be developed by industry
organizations in the pharmaceutical,            While the independent certifier in this
manufacturing, insurance, banking,              context will not continuously monitor
transportation, energy, consumer services,      the corporation’s activities, periodic
and telecommunications sectors.25               re-certification will ensure that the
                                                compliance program maintains and applies
                                                the relevant standards.

   U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform                                                 10
to prevent violations in the future.              Readers of this report may well ask
                                                       why the compliance reforms suggested
       Features of a                                   above should not be mandatory instead
       State-of-the-Art                                of voluntary. If high-quality compliance
       Compliance Program                              programs prevent fraud and save the
                                                       government money, and if independent
       Existing government regulations                 certification ensures that such programs
       and guidance generally identify the             are truly effective, why shouldn’t Congress
       following features of an effective              require all government contractors
                                                       and participants in federal programs to
       compliance program.28
                                                       adopt such measures? There may be
       • Compliance office and officer to             companies for whom the costs of obtaining
        provide oversight, commit resources,           certification will exceed the benefits—
        and ensure that a compliance program           either because their volume of government
        is visible, active, and accountable.
                                                       contracting is low or for other reasons.
                                                       To require them to expend the resources
       • Written standards (such as a code of         needed to achieve certification may be
        conduct and policies and procedures) to        unfair and may unnecessarily constrict the
        demonstrate organization-wide commitment       government’s options in obtaining goods or
        to the detection and prevention of fraud.      services or selecting those who will carry
                                                       out federal programs. Many companies
       • Training and education to engage the         would elect to forego the benefits that
        workforce in compliance efforts.               companies with certified programs would
                                                       obtain, and in a system that mandated
       • I nternal reporting mechanisms               certified compliance, those companies
        (such as an anonymous telephone hotline)       would simply opt out of government
        to allow employees to voice concerns           contracting or participation in federal
        without fear of retaliation.                   programs—which would be a bad result.

       • Risk assessment measures to
        identify fraud and abuse risks specific
        to a company’s activities.

       • Auditing and monitoring to ensure that
        all aspects of operations adhere to
        the organization’s compliance policies
        and procedures.

       • Investigation, response, and
        corrective action to indentify
        non-compliant conduct, report violations
        to the relevant authorities, and take action

11                                                                                  Fixing the False Claims Act
“    Certified gold-standard compliance programs contemplated
   by this paper can be expected to save the government billions of
   dollars each year that would otherwise be lost to fraud.

Under this proposal, however, such
                                               Certified gold-standard compliance
companies would be eligible for federal        programs contemplated by this paper
funding but would remain subject to the        can be expected to save the government
existing statutory framework of the FCA.       billions of dollars each year that would
On the other hand, under this proposal,        otherwise be lost to fraud. As noted above,
companies that undertake the costs of          conservative estimates indicate that the
obtaining and maintaining certification        United States Treasury loses $60 billion or
will accrue meaningful benefits as will        more to fraud each year.29 It is reasonable
the government, which will experience          to believe that, as a result of the increased
a significantly reduced risk of fraud. To      self-policing prompted by the proposed
put it simply, under this proposal certified   compliance programs, billions of dollars
businesses will face moderated—though          worth of fraud each year will be prevented
still very substantial—consequences,           before it occurs. It is also reasonable to
because they pose less risk to the             believe that, as a result of the proposed
government. Accordingly, there should be       robust self-reporting requirements,
less fraud. But a universal mandate would      corporations will be much more likely
be counterproductive.                          to self-report (and repay) fraud or false
                                               claims when they do occur, making the
                                               government’s enforcement efforts both
                                               more comprehensive and more efficient.
                                               If the proposals in this paper lead to even
                                               a 20 percent annual reduction in fraud, the
                                               government could save over $12 billion
                                               each year or $120 billion over a decade. It is
                                               possible the proposals will result in an even
                                               greater reduction in fraud.

   U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform                                                 12
Four Proposed FCA Reforms
Calibration of Multiplier                         the government of the misconduct, has
                                                  fully cooperated with the government,
to Culpability                                    and had no knowledge of a government
For companies with certified compliance           investigation at the time of the disclosure.
programs, the FCA damages multiplier              Courts have only rarely relied on this
would be calibrated to the defendant’s            provision, however, often finding that
culpability, so that a defendant would be         defendants failed to meet one or more of
liable for treble damages only if it acted with   its requirements.31 As a result, the provision
specific intent to defraud; double damages if     has not provided companies with any
it acted with knowledge, reckless disregard,      material incentive for timely reporting.
or deliberate ignorance; and a maximum of         PROPOSED REFORMS
1.5 times damages if it made a qualifying         We propose that for companies with
disclosure to the government of the               certified compliance programs, the
conduct. Section 3729(a)(2).                      multiplier structure should differentiate
CURRENT LAW                                       between entities that have acted with
Under the current FCA, a person who               intent to defraud (treble damages),
violates the law is generally liable for three    entities that have made good-faith
times the amount of damages sustained by          attempts to ensure compliance but whose
the government, regardless of the person’s        employees have engaged in misconduct
level of culpability.30 Thus, a defendant         (double damages), and entities that
who submits false claims with the express         promptly disclose any wrongdoing to the
intent of defrauding the government is            government (1.5 times damages).
subject to the same damages multiplier            As a general matter, the proposed
as the defendant who lacked such intent           graduated damages structure follows the
but is later deemed to have been reckless         structure of most penal regimes—including
about the truth or falsity of some aspect of      Internal Revenue Service penalties
a claim. The FCA at present also provides         for fraudulent and negligent errors on
for a reduction to double damages if              tax returns; U.S. Customs and Border
the defendant has made a disclosure to            Protection enforcement of import controls

13                                                                               Fixing the False Claims Act
under the Tariff Act of 1930; and the Model     for the government through settlements
Penal Code—in imposing its harshest             with disclosing entities. Agency officials
punishment for the most reprehensible           routinely praise such programs for
conduct, namely actions undertaken with         promoting effective corporate compliance
specific intent to defraud. But when a          programs and view them as a necessary
company has implemented a certified             tool in fighting fraud.
compliance program and despite that an          A maximum of 1.5 times damages is
employee acts wrongfully but without            an appropriate multiplier whenever a
specific intent, a reduction from treble to     defendant with a certified compliance
double damages operates as an incentive         system has made a good-faith disclosure
to adopt a state-of-the-art compliance          to a relevant government investigative
system and reflects the company’s lesser        agency or the DOJ.42 As with the current
culpability. Finally, companies that also       self-disclosure provision, the reduction in
voluntarily disclose potential FCA violations   the multiplier will only be available if the
would get a further reduction, which will       defendant has made a disclosure of the
incentivize not only the adoption and           misconduct, has fully cooperated with the
maintenance of a certified program but          government, and had no knowledge of a
prompt self-reporting as well.                  government investigation at the time of
Certified compliance programs reduce fraud      the disclosure. Since certified compliance
and thus save the government money.             programs would include rigorous
Self-reports also save the government           mechanisms for monitoring compliance and
significant time and money, by reducing         identifying fraud, companies will be more
the cost of investigating and prosecuting       likely to uncover information about potential
fraud and ensuring that violations are          wrongdoing. A reduction in damages would
detected and that restitution is made.          serve as strong incentive to fully investigate
Without concrete incentives—such as             and disclose any fraud, instead of putting
assurances that lower damages will be           the matter on a back burner.
imposed—companies may be hesitant
to come forward with reports of possible
misconduct. Such incentives are already
in place in several federal agencies and
have resulted in significant recoveries

   U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform                                                   14
Examples of Effective Incentives for Self-Disclosure
The HHS Office of Inspector General Provider Self-Disclosure Protocol (SDP)
(in place since 1998) received more than $280 million between 1998 and 2013.32
• Providers may utilize the SDP to make                   • Commenting on the updated self-disclosure protocol,
   disclosures that “in the disclosing party’s                HHS Inspector General Daniel Levinson said
   reasonable assessment, potentially violate                 that “self-policing is such a critical part of making
   Federal criminal, civil, or administrative laws            compliance work” and that health care providers
   for which Civil Monetary Penalties (CMPs) are              should “take on the role to a certain degree of the
   authorized.”33                                             internal inspector general for their institutions.”35

• HHS typically imposes a multiplier of only 1.5 times
   single damages in settlements of matters in which
   an entity has self-disclosed under the SDP.34

The DOD Voluntary Disclosure Program (in place from 1986 to 2008)36
recovered $497 million for the government during its existence.37

• Defense contractors could “bring to light potential     • DOD officials noted that contractors “were far more
   civil or criminal fraud matters.”38                        cooperative” in “disclosing a wrongdoing, conducting
                                                              an internal investigation, and providing an internal
• The DOD and DOJ considered various factors—                investigative report without resorting to subpoenas
   including the contractor’s cooperation; truthfulness,      or grand juries” when participating in the Voluntary
   completeness, and timeliness of the disclosure;            Disclosure Program than they would be “in any
   and extent of the fraud—in determining whether to          adversarial investigation.”40 The DOJ stated that the
   prosecute, suspend, or debar the contractor.39             Program “has been remarkably effective in nurturing
                                                              business honesty and integrity and in bringing good
                                                              new cases to the government’s attention.”41 42

15                                                                                               Fixing the False Claims Act
Jurisdictional Bar on Qui Tam                    PROPOSED REFORM
                                                 When a corporation has made a disclosure
Actions after a Defendant’s                      of fraud to an agency Inspector General or
Disclosure to the Government                     other investigative office, qui tam actions
With limited exceptions, qui tam actions         based on the same allegations of fraud
against a company with a certified               should be foreclosed. As one court aptly
compliance program will be barred if the         noted, the qui tam enforcement mechanism
company has disclosed “substantially the         essentially allows the government to
same allegations or transactions as alleged in   “purchase” from private citizens the
the action or claim to a government Inspector    information they may have about fraud
General or other federal investigative office    on the U.S. Treasury.44 Taxpayers should
under a government voluntary disclosure          not be paying relators who file qui tam
program or pursuant to a mandatory               lawsuits based on information already in the
disclosure obligation.” Section 3730(e)(5).      government’s possession.

Under the current FCA, a qui tam plaintiff
who files suit after the defendant has
already disclosed the same conduct to
an agency Inspector General is entitled
to proceed with the suit and receive a
full bounty.43 This possibility exists even
though the disclosure has been made
to the government authority responsible
for investigating fraud and even though
the party making the disclosure is
typically required to cooperate fully
in the investigation.

   “    Taxpayers should not be paying relators who file qui tam
   lawsuits based on information already in the government’s

   U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform                                                  16
Existing Jurisdictional Bars on Parasitic Relators
Congress recognized that the prospect of a bounty might lure “freeloaders” without
any valuable new information and has amended the FCA several times to ensure that
the qui tam provisions pay whistleblowers only with fresh information:

• In 1986 Congress enacted a public disclosure            •C
                                                             ongress also enacted a “first-to-file” provision
   provision to bar qui tam actions based upon              that ensured the rewards available under the FCA
   information already publicly disclosed, and              were given only to the first whistleblower to come
   therefore already available to the government.45 The     forward, not subsequent would-be whistleblowers.47
   purpose of the public disclosure bar is to safeguard     This is because “[t]he first-filed claim provides
   against “parasitic exploitation of the public coffers    the government notice of the essential facts of
   [by] . . . opportunistic plaintiffs who have no          an alleged fraud, while the first-to-file bar stops
   significant information to contribute of their own,”     repetitive claims.”48
   while rewarding “whistle-blowing insiders with
   genuinely valuable information.”46

Just as the public disclosure and first-to-file bars guard against qui tam payments to
relators that bring no new information about fraud to the table, we believe it equally
important for Congress to enact a bar against qui tam payments to relators who provide
substantially the same information already disclosed to the government by the alleged
wrongdoer itself.

The proposed self-disclosure bar                               • Second, the proposed self-disclosure
would leave open critical avenues for                             bar would not foreclose qui tam
whistleblowers to file qui tam lawsuits.                          actions when the corporation had
                                                                  made a disclosure to any government
     • First, the self-disclosure provision
                                                                  employee other than an Inspector
        advocated here would not foreclose
                                                                  General or other investigative office.
        actions filed by whistleblowers
                                                                  This addresses the concern that
        who provide the government with
                                                                  corporations could make sham
        information about fraud before a
                                                                  disclosures of information to a non-
        corporation makes a self-disclosure.
                                                                  investigative government official
                                                                  or office that is unlikely to act on
                                                                  the information or vindicate the
                                                                  government’s interests.

17                                                                                            Fixing the False Claims Act
• Third, the proposed self-disclosure        Incentives for Potential Relators to
      bar would not interfere with an
      employee-relator’s ability to file a qui   Report Internally to their Employers
     tam action even after a company’s           When a potential relator who is an
     self-reporting to the government,           employee or who has a contractual or legal
     so long as the employee reported            duty to report alleged misconduct internally
     internally first and waited at least 180    fails to do so under a company’s certified
     days before going to court (see next        compliance program at least 180 days
     reform).                                    before filing a qui tam action, the court shall
In certain circumstances, a relator may          dismiss such a qui tam action.
come forward with valuable new information       If the company fails to disclose the
related to a company’s activities after the      violation within 180 days, the individual
company has disclosed its violation to the       may proceed with the qui tam lawsuit.
government. Our provision would not bar          Relators who report internally shall be
actions based on such new information, as        deemed to have filed an action at that
long as the relator’s action did not merely      time for purposes of the “first-to-file”
disclose “substantially the same allegations     prohibition in the FCA and the proposed
or transactions” found in the corporation’s      “self-disclosure” bar (see previous reform).
prior disclosure. A relator who provides
                                                 If the company discloses the violation
additional, non-duplicative information would
                                                 within 180 days of the employee’s
be permitted to proceed with a qui tam
                                                 internal report and there is a resulting
action based on that information and recover
                                                 government recovery from the company,
an award under the FCA’s bounty provisions.
                                                 the individual who reported misconduct
Importantly, the self-disclosure qui tam bar     internally shall be eligible for up to ten
should be available only if a corporation        percent of the government recovery, if the
has implemented a certified compliance           individual notifies the DOJ of his or her role
program. As noted above, a certified             pursuant to administrative provisions to be
compliance program would include rigorous        established by the DOJ.
mechanisms for identifying fraud and
                                                 CURRENT LAW
disclosing any information uncovered
                                                 The FCA currently provides no incentive
about fraud. A statutory bar on subsequent
                                                 for employees to report concerns about
qui tam actions raising substantially the
                                                 potential fraud to their employers. To the
same allegations or transactions already
                                                 contrary, the statute contains a structural
self-disclosed would serve as a concrete
                                                 disincentive to internal reporting in the
incentive for the corporation to fully
                                                 form of the “first-to-file” provision, which
investigate and disclose any fraud.
                                                 specifies that only the first relator who files
                                                 suit is eligible for a bounty.49 This provision
                                                 creates a “race to the courthouse,” with
                                                 the problematic effect that a potential
                                                 relator has no incentive to take the extra
                                                 step of reporting internally first since

   U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform                                                     18
doing so might reveal information to other
                                                      employees, one of whom might beat the
     Incentives for                                   initial discoverer of the problem to court.
                                                      The FCA thus encourages employees to
     Internal Reporting                               “circumvent internal reporting channels
     A number of statutory and                        altogether.”50 The FCA’s disincentives for
     regulatory regimes recognize that                prompt internal reporting are out of sync
     incentivizing internal reporting is              with modern statutory and regulatory
     more effective at reducing fraud                 mechanisms that encourage internal
                                                      reporting and more robust corporate
     than incentivizing a race to the
                                                      compliance programs.
     courthouse. For example:
                                                      PROPOSED REFORM
     • The Sentencing Guidelines offer a strong      The reforms proposed here would create
        incentive for companies to encourage          incentives under the FCA similar to those
        employees to use internal reporting and       found in other whistleblowing regimes.
        compliance programs and to develop            These reforms would apply to companies
        systems that make such reporting              that have adopted the certified compliance
        effective. The Guidelines provide for a       program proposed in this paper. These
        reduction in penalties when a company         amendments would provide that if an
        has taken reasonable steps to “have           employee of a company with a certified
        and publicize a system, which may             compliance program (or any other individual
        include mechanisms that allow for
                                                      with a contractual or legal obligation to
        anonymity or confidentiality, whereby
                                                      make reports to such a company) fails to
        the organization’s employees and agents
                                                      report the alleged misconduct internally at
        may report or seek guidance regarding
                                                      least 180 days before filing a qui tam suit,
        potential or actual criminal conduct
                                                      the court would be required to dismiss the
        without fear of retaliation.”51
                                                      action. The 180-day window would afford
     • The SEC, in implementing the Dodd-            the employer sufficient time to investigate
        Frank Act’s whistleblower provisions, has     the allegations and make a determination
        established several regulatory incentives     whether to self-disclose a violation to the
        to encourage employees to report              government and/or take corrective action.
        possible violations of federal securities
        laws to the company, including giving         In order to ensure that a person who
        the employee a “place in line” that dates     uses the internal reporting mechanism
        to the first internal report and treating     is not disadvantaged, the reforms would
        as a plus-factor the whistleblower’s          also provide that a person who reports
        “participation . . . in internal compliance   internally and triggers a prompt disclosure
        systems.” These incentives encourage          by the company to the government would
        companies to develop robust internal          still be eligible for up to 10 percent of any
        reporting mechanisms and in turn              government recovery that results from the
        increase the likelihood that employees
        will report misconduct.52

19                                                                                   Fixing the False Claims Act
“   This reform would ensure that an employee’s internal reporting
  would not handicap the employee in the ‘race to the courthouse’.
company’s disclosure, by following                The current “first-to-file” rule serves two
administrative procedure to be established        purposes, both of which will be furthered
by the DOJ. If the whistleblower                  by the proposed amendment. The rule is
reports internally, but the company               designed “to encourage whistleblowers
does not promptly self-disclose and the           to come forward with allegations of fraud
whistleblower proceeds with a qui tam             and to prevent copycat actions that do not
action, then the whistleblower will be            provide additional material information to
deemed to have filed an action for purposes       the government.”53 The proposed change
of the FCA’s “first-to-file” bar dating back to   would advance both of those purposes,
the time of the internal report. This reform      without the negative incentives the current
would ensure that an employee’s internal          rule imposes.
reporting would not handicap the employee         First, the amendment would encourage
in the “race to the courthouse.”                  desirable whistle-blowing. Indeed,
We propose to limit these changes to              available evidence suggests that
companies with certified compliance               “[w]histleblowers prefer to report internally
programs for two reasons. First,                  to their employers,” especially if the
certification will assure employees that the      company has robust reporting
company in question is conforming to the          mechanisms.54 One study, for example,
highest standards with respect to fraud           found that almost 90 percent of employees
prevention, protection of whistleblowers,         who filed a qui tam case had initially
and self-reporting of violations. An              reported their concerns internally.55 Thus,
employee who bypasses such a system               amending the FCA to provide a concrete
is unlikely to have a good reason for doing       monetary incentive for whistleblowers to
so. Second, this change will provide a            report concerns internally should not have
meaningful incentive for companies to             any deleterious effect on whistleblowing.
adopt certified compliance programs.              The proposed amendment would have the
Companies that provide clear reporting            additional positive effect of inducing the
channels and appropriate protections for          minority of whistleblowers who would not
whistleblowers and develop effective              otherwise report internally
protocols for reporting misconduct to             to do so if their employers have strong
the government will benefit from more             compliance programs.56
consistent internal reporting of potential        Second, because the program proposed
fraud by their employees.                         here contemplates disclosure to the
                                                  government of discovered wrongdoing,
                                                  the government would obtain all of the
                                                  information that it now obtains from the
                                                  first whistleblower to file.

   U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform                                                        20
No Mandatory or Permissive                      prescribed to program beneficiaries
                                                subject to exclusion.58 In non-healthcare
Exclusion or Debarment                          contracting matters, the similar threat
The government’s exclusion and debarment        of “debarment” has also led to huge
regulations should be revised to provide that   settlements.59 In 2011 alone, over 3,300
a corporation with a certified compliance       federal contractors were suspended or
program (and—unless they were personally        debarred as a result of increased contract
engaged in fraud—its executives) would          monitoring by federal agencies.60
not be subject to mandatory or permissive       PROPOSED REFORM
exclusion or debarment.                         Exclusion or debarment may be necessary
CURRENT LAW                                     to protect federal programs from entities or
As explained in detail in the U.S. Chamber      individuals who present a particularly high
Institute for Legal Reform (“ILR”) October      risk of recidivism. But for many companies
2012 study entitled The Exclusion Illusion,     and employees in many fields, exclusion or
a principal reason for the huge sums that       debarment threatens their very existence
healthcare and pharmaceutical companies         or the continuation of their careers.
have paid to settle FCA matters is the          Consequently, the threat of exclusion
threat of exclusion from federal healthcare     or debarment gives agencies enormous
programs, including Medicare and                leverage to compel companies to accept
Medicaid.57 Over the last decade, HHS has       settlements on the government’s terms,
expanded dramatically the reach of the          even when there is little proof that fraud
threat of exclusion by making entities that     actually occurred or that the government
are indirectly reimbursed for products          suffered any harm.61 This, in turn, precludes
                                                the courts from playing their vital roles in

     “   Eliminating the threat of exclusion would create a
     powerful incentive for companies to adopt state-of-the-art
     compliance programs

21                                                                            Fixing the False Claims Act
articulating the law to provide guidance          on prosecutorial discretion.”64 Those very
for future conduct and of guarding against        same considerations apply to the FCA,
government overreaching.62 And when               yet the government continues to use the
a company has implemented a certified             threat of exclusion or debarment to induce
compliance program, the rationale for             irrationally high FCA settlements.
exclusion or debarment no longer applies          The legislation proposed here aims to
because the company should not present a          reduce the unfairness and inefficiencies
significant risk of recidivism. Eliminating the   caused by the use of exclusion and
threat of exclusion would create a powerful       debarment as settlement leverage. At the
incentive for companies to adopt state-of-        same time, the proposed legislation is
the-art compliance programs while also            aimed directly at the heart of the problem
affording such companies the meaningful           that the FCA is designed address—
ability, where appropriate, to seek the           reducing fraud in government programs.
guidance and protection of the courts.            Some debarment regulations already
The government itself has recognized the          take into account considerations such as
distorting and counterproductive effects          “[w]hether the contractor had effective
of exclusion and debarment in other               standards of conduct and internal control
contexts. For example, the government has         systems in place at the time of the activity
rejected the possibility of using mandatory       which constitutes cause for debarment.”65
debarment as a remedy for Foreign Corrupt         This legislation would create a front-end
Practices Act violations, finding that the        incentive to adopt such controls, while
remedy “would likely be outweighed by the         eliminating the counterproductive and
accompanying decrease in incentives for           unjustified possibility that a company with
companies to make voluntary disclosures,          such a program may be subject to the
remediate problems, and improve                   threat of exclusion or debarment.
their compliance systems.”63 Justice
Department officials have acknowledged
that debarment does not “deter or punish
wrongdoing” and “impinge[s] negatively

   U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform                                                       22
FCA Reforms to Ensure Fair
and Effective Enforcement
The following proposed amendments are intended to address
discrete aspects of the FCA that are ineffective, irrational, or
unfair. The amendments would be applicable to all companies
and individuals, not just those companies that elect to maintain a
certified compliance program.

Some of the problems these amendments            Graduated Reduction in
address have arisen because relators
sometimes receive rewards that are               Relator’s Share Percentages
much larger than necessary to incentivize        In intervened cases, relators shall receive
whistleblowing, or rewards that are based        15 to 25 percent of the first $50 million
on information the relator gained from           recovered; plus 5 to 15 percent of the next
government service. Other problems have          $50 million recovered; plus 1 to 3 percent
arisen because a number of courts have           of amounts recovered above $100 million.
interpreted the FCA to permit lawsuits           In non-intervened cases, relators shall
based on violations of regulations or            receive 25 to 30 percent of the first $50
contractual provisions unrelated to the          million recovered; plus 20 to 25 percent
goods or services defendants provide to          of the next $50 million recovered; plus
the government. Still other problems have        10 to 20 percent of amounts recovered
resulted from the statute’s authorization of     above $100 million. Attorney’s fees and
large per-claim penalties on top of treble       costs would still be available to successful
damages, even when the government                relators under Section 3730(d)(1)(D).
receives valuable services or goods for its
                                                 CURRENT LAW
money. Finally, problems have resulted
                                                 The current structure of the FCA
from erroneous court interpretations of
                                                 systematically overpays relators and
the FCA’s statute of limitations. In the
                                                 their counsel. The law provides that in
aggregate, the proposals below will provide
                                                 cases where the government intervenes,
clarity and a more fair and rational structure
                                                 relators are generally paid 15 to 25 percent
to the FCA.

23                                                                             Fixing the False Claims Act
of the overall recovery, and where the          Qui tam advocates criticized the proposed
government declines to intervene, relators      $15 million cap on several grounds. First,
are paid 25 to 30 percent of the recovery.      they noted that an absolute cap would
These percentages remain fixed, no matter       provide a disincentive for relators and
how high the government’s recovery. The         their counsel to continue to help the
statute also provides for compensation          government achieve recoveries of greater
to the relator’s attorney by requiring the      than approximately $100 million, because
defendant to pay successful relators their      they would not have any incremental
attorneys’ fees and costs. Attorneys also       financial incentive to do so.68 Second, they
typically receive 40 percent of the relator’s   contended that the $15 million amount was
share, on top of fees and costs.                too low because it failed to account for
                                                the various risks relators and their counsel
                                                face.69 Significantly, qui tam advocates did
In high-dollar cases, the government is
                                                not seriously contest the major premise
paying dramatically more—often tens or
                                                underlying the ILR proposal—namely, that
hundreds of millions of dollars—than is
                                                awards of hundreds of millions of dollars
necessary to incentivize whistleblowers
                                                are not necessary to induce whistleblowers
and their counsel to uncover and assist in
                                                to come forward, and that appropriate
the prosecution of fraud under the FCA.66
                                                restructuring of the bounty provisions would
In an October 2011 paper, ILR advocated         save the government hundreds of millions
for imposing a $15 million cap on relator       of dollars while continuing to provide an
awards, calculated to provide sufficient        adequate incentive for whistle-blowing.
compensation to induce relators to come
forward by guaranteeing that the typical        To address concerns relating to the $15
relator with information concerning a           million award cap, this paper proposes a
high-dollar-value fraud scheme would be         revised approach to save the government
able to maintain his or her standard of         money while adequately rewarding relators
living even if the relator were never again     and their counsel: a graduated structure of
able to find work as a result of blowing        award percentages. Under this alternative,
the whistle.67 ILR calculated that if the       the reward percentages would remain
government had instituted this $15 million      unchanged for all cases in which the
cap in 1986, it would have saved at least       amount of the government’s recovery is
$674 million in the 10 largest cases alone      $50 million or less—as reflected in Table 1,
over the past 25 years.                         the great majority of qui tam cases.70

     “    The government is paying dramatically more—often
     tens or hundreds of millions of dollars—than is necessary to
     incentivize whistleblowers and their counsel to uncover and
     assist in the prosecution of fraud under the FCA.

   U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform
                                                                    ”                      24
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