Page created by Greg Newton
First FaB.ER days
                    Family Business & Entrepreneurship Research
                          March 17th & 18th, 2020 - IAE Paris Sorbonne (France)
                                Deadline for submissions: January 31st, 2020

Why the FaB.ER days?
The fields of family businesses and entrepreneurship have developed independently, while maintaining a
certain proximity in terms of education, conferences and scientific associations. (Katz, 2003; Sharma, Hoy,
Astrachan et Koiranen, 2007; Chabaud et Sammut, 2014). This has given them the opportunity to create a
fruitful dialogue: while entrepreneurship takes place in family contexts (Aldrich et Cliff, 2003; Salvato et
Aldrich, 2012), emphasis has also been placed on the entrepreneurial behavior of family businesses
(Shepherd et Patzelt, 2017), leading to the emergence of a field of research devoted to their connection:
family entrepreneurship (Fayolle et Bégin, 2009; Bettinelli et al., 2014; Radu Lefebvre et Lefebvre, 2016;
Randerson et al., 2015, 2016).
Themes of the first FaB.ER Days
The aim of the FaB.ER Days is to allow researchers from these disciplines to gather and strengthen their
dialogue. In particular, it promotes exchanges between the two thematic groups “BET - Business Transfer
and Entrepreneurship” and “Family businesses and entrepreneurship” of the Academy of Entrepreneurship
and Innovation, and more generally welcomes all contributions focused on the connection between
entrepreneurship and family businesses.
The first edition is also devoted to:
   -   Research on the theme of “Business Transfers: An opportunity for dialogue between
       Entrepreneurship and Family Business Research”, which is the subject of a special issue of the
       International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (see below).
   -   The presentation of a research handbook by the BET thematic group and discussion of the accepted

Tuesday, March 17th
12:00             Lunch            Crous Buffon : 17 rue Hélène Brion - Paris 13e
13:00             Coffee Welcome
13:30-15:30       Session 1-       The Brightness of the Founder's Shadow: It is not an oxymoron!,
                                   Liliana Dinis, Pedro Neves, Alfredo De Massis
                  Family business
                  and              Les facteurs clés de succès d'une entreprise             familiale
                  entrepreneurship multigénérationnelle, Patrice Charlier
                                   The strategic renewal of family SMEs: insights from a case
                                   study, Didier Chabaud, Hedi Yezza, Mariem Hannachi
                                   The “manufacturing” of family entrepreneurs How heirs become
                                   entrepreneurs and take over a family business, Paulette Robic,
                                   Dominique Barbelivien, Nicolas Antheaume
15:30-15:45       Break
15:45-17:45       Session 2 –      Mixed transmission strategy: When family is not enough, Marie-
                                   Josée Drapeau, Maripier Tremblay
                  scenarios        Central paradoxes of managing a transferred company: the case
                                   of external successors, Nihel Jabri, Wafi Chtourou, Bérangère
                                   Transfert et contre-transfert : les enjeux de la transmission dans
                                   une grande maison de Champagne, Elen Riot
                                   Revisiting the entrepreneurial exit decision process: A Decision-
                                   making model, Marie-Josée Drapeau, Maripier Tremblay
17:45-18:00       Break
18:00-19:30       Panel            Andrea Calabro and Leo-Paul Dana
20:00             Diner            Restaurant Dans la Cuisine : 54 Avenue de France, Paris 13eme

Wednesday, March 18th
8:30              Coffee Welcome
9:00-11:00        Session 3 –        Emotions in the Family Business succession, Soumaya Sfeir
                  Emotions, stress Do you know the family transfer That is a stressful event for
                  and conflicts in successors, Florence Guiliani, Luis Felipe Cisneros
                                   Factors underlying psychological barriers to business transfers: A
                                   quantitative approach, Edwin Weesie, Lex Van Teeffelen
                                     Le quotidien des routines influence-t-il le processus de
                                     succession ? Cas d'une entreprise familiale du bâtiment, Pascal
11:00-11:15       Break
11:15-12:45       Session 4 –        The institution to reflect upon the role of women in the transfer
                                     of family businesses, Paulette Robic
                  Diversity     and
                  performance of How does diversity in medium-sized Family Firms influence the
                  family businesses roles of Board?, Soumaya Sfeir
                                     Exploring Nonlinear Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on
                                     Performance in Small- and Medium-Sized Family Enterprises,
                                     Olivier Colot, Jonathan Bauweraerts
12:45             Lunch              Crous Buffon : 17 rue Hélène Brion - Paris 13e

Table of contents
The Brightness of the Founder's Shadow: It is not an oxymoron!, Liliana Dinis, Pedro Neves, Alfredo De
Les facteurs clés de succès d'une entreprise familiale multigénérationnelle, Patrice Charlier
The strategic renewal of family SMEs: insights from a case study, Didier Chabaud, Hedi Yezza, Mariem
The “manufacturing” of family entrepreneurs How heirs become entrepreneurs and take over a family
business, Paulette Robic, Dominique Barbelivien, Nicolas Antheaume

Les scenarios de succession
Mixed transmission strategy: When family is not enough, Marie-Josée Drapeau, Maripier Tremblay
Central paradoxes of managing a transferred company: the case of external successors, Nihel Jabri, Wafi
Chtourou, Bérangère Deschamps
Transfert et contre-transfert : les enjeux de la transmission dans une grande maison de Champagne, Elen
Revisiting the entrepreneurial exit decision process: A Decision-making model, Marie-Josée Drapeau,
Maripier Tremblay

Emotions in the Family Business succession, Soumaya Sfeir
Do you know the family transfer That is a stressful event for successors, Florence Guiliani, Luis Felipe
Factors underlying psychological barriers to business transfers: A quantitative approach, Edwin Weesie, Lex
Van Teeffelen
Le quotidien des routines influence-t-il le processus de succession ? Cas d'une entreprise familiale du
bâtiment, Pascal Jouxtel

The institution to reflect upon the role of women in the transfer of family businesses, Paulette Robic
How does diversity in medium-sized Family Firms influence the roles of Board?, Soumaya Sfeir
Exploring Nonlinear Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Performance in Small- and Medium-Sized
Family Enterprises, Olivier Colot, Jonathan Bauweraerts

Table of contents
The strategic renewal of family SMEs: insights from a case study, Didier Chabaud, Hedi Yezza, Mariem
Les facteurs clés de succès d'une entreprise familiale multigénérationnelle, Patrice Charlier
Exploring Nonlinear Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Performance in Small- and Medium-Sized
Family Enterprises, Olivier Colot, Jonathan Bauweraerts
The Brightness of the Founder's Shadow: It is not an oxymoron!, Liliana Dinis, Pedro Neves, Alfredo De
Mixed transmission strategy: When family is not enough, Marie-Josée Drapeau, Maripier Tremblay
Revisiting the entrepreneurial exit decision process: A Decision-making model, Marie-Josée Drapeau,
Maripier Tremblay
Do you know the family transfer That is a stressful event for successors, Florence Guiliani, Luis Felipe
Central paradoxes of managing a transferred company: the case of external successors, Nihel Jabri, Wafi
Chtourou, Bérangère Deschamps
Le quotidien des routines influence-t-il le processus de succession ? Cas d'une entreprise familiale du
bâtiment, Pascal Jouxtel
The institution to reflect upon the role of women in the transfer of family businesses, Paulette Robic
The “manufacturing” of family entrepreneurs How heirs become entrepreneurs and take over a family
business, Paulette Robic, Dominique Barbelivien, Nicolas Antheaume
Transfert et contre-transfert : les enjeux de la transmission dans une grande maison de Champagne, Elen
How does diversity in medium-sized Family Firms influence the roles of Board?, Soumaya Sfeir
Emotions in the Family Business succession, Soumaya Sfeir
Factors underlying psychological barriers to business transfers: A quantitative approach, Edwin Weesie, Lex
Van Teeffelen

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