Page created by Kenneth Holland
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
               Fire Risk Assessment
                Significant Findings
                        Physics Building
             University of Essex, Colchester

Conducted by Simon Hewitt GIFireE, MIFPO), Fire Risk Assessor on 12th June 2018

The assessment and reviews represent the professional judgement of the assessor at the time
based, in part, on information provided by others; liability for the accuracy of such information rests
with them.
This report is prepared for the exclusive use of the University of Essex and a third party shall not rely
upon the information that it contains.

Review carried out by:       J.Crust                              Date of review      30.01.19

Extent of review: Review of Action Plan

Review findings / details:

Action Plan ammendments

Revised risk rating Life safety                              Building preservation


     1. Description of the premises

    The building (whch is linked to other buildings/departments) is constructed of reinforced concrete with
    internal stairs also constructed on concrete. The building has a flat roof area
    This building is part of a larger complex which forms interlinking corridors to other Departments. The main
    access is via Squares 2 @ 3.
    There is a lift provided at each corridor junction to other departments. These are classified as evacuation
    lifts. The doors leading into the stair lobby are held in the open position with hold open devices. The door to
    the stairs are kept closed.
    Long corridors generally have corridor doors which are held in the open position. All exit doors generally
    have vision panels inserted.
    Each Department is designed as a separate building with warning and fire separation at each entrance.
    There are service risers which are accessed of corridors. These are open at each floor level.
    Toilets are provided in various locates at each level.
    There are a number of exceptionally long corridors.
    The ceiling height is approx. 2.6m.
    Level 2
             This level is below podia.
             There are workshop areas, a plant room and student study rooms.
             The open plan Carpenters Workshop area has an exit to the front and the rear.
             The plant rom (2.004) has a first-floor area:
                  o The area – 46m2.
                  o The ceiling high – 7.3m.
             There is a short single means of escape from 4N.2.6 and there is an alternative means of escape.
   Level 3
        There are offices, meeting rooms and a post room.
        There is a central corridor from the Post Room to room 3.115.
        There are 3 sets of corridor doors.
        There are exits via secure stairs.
        The Multi Faith area has a number of offices/rooms, and there is an alternative exit from the meeting
        Toilets are located by rooms 3.300.
        Canteen restaurant and kitchen is accessed from Square 3.
        The computer lab is accessed from a final exit route.
    Level 4
             There are a number or offices and meeting rooms which are accessed of a central corridor.
             There are secure exit stairs located at the end of the straight section and centrally.
             Additional offices have been built between rooms 4.338 & 4.129.
             There are alternative exit routes from all areas.
    Level 5

   There are offices which are accessed off the central corridor.
       Additional offices have been built between rooms 5B.332 & 5B.135.
       This level is of similar layout to level 4.
Levels 6
       Without the extension, the floor layout is similar to level 5.
Roof area
       There are a number of plant rooms which are accessed via 2 stairs.

Design Standard                   Built in the 1960’s.
                                  Used as offices and teaching.
                                  Compliance with Building regulations when constructed or modified is

Major changes since               Unknown

Height / floors                   7

Floor area: (m2 per floor):       Level 2 – 830                Floor area: (m2 total):      14,200
                                  Level 3 – 2,500
                                  Level 4 – 2.700
                                  Level 5 – 2,700
                                  Level 6 – 2,700
                                  Level 7 – 2,700

How is building used?             Teaching, office space along with workshops and plant rooms.
(main activities, access,         It includes student bar & restaurant areas.

Additional notes:                 Further information is available in the Fire Strategy, Fire Safety File or EMS

 2. The Occupants / Persons at risk

Staff, students, tenants, contractors and the general public can access the building and lone workers may be
present when open.
Persons who may have difficulty evacuating by standard means may be present.
Sleeping is not permitted in the building.

 3. Fire performance

History of fires:                 No fire at the University has every escalated beyond the room of origin.

History of false alarms:          Unknown

Inspections/audits by the         ECFRS sample audit UoE annually and have a Link Officer for regular
enforcing authority               consultation.

4. Further General Information

The following areas were not accessed at the time of inspection:
       Barclays Bank area and riser in Top Bar.
       Level 2 – riser in 4S.2.4, room 4SA.2.6, 2.001 & 2.005-7.
       Level 3 – plant room 4SA.3.3, 4N.21/3 and rooms 5N.3.1/2/3.
       Level 3 – riser 3.118.
       Level 3 – room 3.116.
       Level 3 – cupboard to riser by room 4N.3.1.
       Level 3 – riser opposite room 3.320.
       Level 4 – risers by rooms 4.344, 4.311, 4.303A & stairs by 4.318.
       Level 5 – risers by the exit stairs.
       Level 5 – 5.000A and duct by entrance.
       Level 6 – rooms 5S.3.20A/C/D & 4SB.6.6B & 8B.
       Level 7 – risers by 5N.7.15; 5S.7.30 & 5N.7.3.

General Information Findings
There is no compartmentation in the service risers.
There are provisions for evacuation for those with mobility issues.
There are a number of areas which were not accessed.


 5. Plant and fixed equipment

Plants rooms:
       2.004 – 3 gas boilers.
       4N.2.2A – 1 gas boiler.
       4S.2.1 – 2 gas boilers (6.7m high).
       4SB.4.15 – 1 gas boiler.
       5S.2.2 – 2 gas boilers.
Roof – mainly ventilation plant and lift rooms.

Were any concerns identified? There is storage in the following plant rooms:
                                           Room 3.112.
                                           Room 4N2.2.
                                           Room 4SA.3.1.
                                               o Refer to section 32, pictures 6-15.

 6. Electrical sources of ignition

The fixed installation is periodically inspected and tested by the Estate Management Section. Portable
electrical appliances are inspected and tested in accordance with the University’s PAT Standard
The University’s Electrical Safety Standard identifies electrical items that are prohibited and action to be
taken if prohibited or dangerous electrical items are found.
Inspections to identify and remove unsafe / prohibited items are carried out annually.

Were any concerns identified?       The fixed electrical installation was tested:

   Level 2 – 12th March 2011, retest due 12th March 2022 (4B2.2)
                                          Level 6 – 11th March 2017, retest due March 2022.
                                          Level 7 – June 2012, retested due June 2022 (5S.7.30).
                                          Room 5B.307 – September 2017.
                                 PAT was carried out on:
                                          Level 3 – April 2018 (Post Room).
                                          Level 4 – 22nd February 2018 (Student Bar).
                                          Level 7 – 5S.7.30 May 2017 & March 2018.
                                 Level 6 – No PAT (riser by 4SB.6.8).
                                          Refer to section 32, picture 40.

 7. Smoking

The University has a No Smoking Policy with a requirement not to smoke within 5 meters of buildings.
Disciplinary action is taken against students who smoke in residences. Smoking shelters are available.

Is there evidence of             No
unauthorised smoking?

 8. Arson

There is unrestricted access to the University Campuses. Buildings are locked down when unoccupied. 24/7
on site security patrol and monitor via CCTV. Flammable materials are not permitted within 5m of the
buildings or in corridors and staircases, bulk flammable material is in locked storage.

Were any concerns identified?    None

 9. Cooking

Cooking is only normally permitted in designated kitchens and is not left unattended. It may be permitted in
other areas for events, subject to individual risk assessment.
Suppression systems are installed over cooking ranges in the commercial kitchens. Extraction system filters
and ductwork are changed or cleaned regularly.

Were any concerns identified?     Cooking takes place in Happy Days and the Students Bar kitchen.
                                  There is a kitchenette in room 5S.7.30 with a kettle, microwave cooker and
                                  There is a small kitchen area in 4SW.6.20A.

 10. Lightning Protection

Does the building have           Yes
lightning protection system if

 11. Dangerous substances

Flammable or explosive liquids and gas containers, are limited as far as is reasonably practicable and the
least dangerous suitable materials are used. All use and storage are subject to specific risk assessment and
well controlled.

There are x5 LPG cylinders outside room 4SA.2.6. These are located in an external cage in fresh air.
There is a metal flammable store cabinet in room 4SW.5.22 where there is a small amount of flammable
substances. COSHH sheets are available.

Do risk assessments and            Unknown
controls adequately cover the
risk of fire / explosion

 12. Hazardous activities

All hazardous activities are controlled and subject to specific risk assessment. ‘Safe contractor and ‘permit to
work schemes are in place’ for building works. Building works are adequately managed with appropriate

Do the risk assessments and         Yes
controls adequately cover the
risk of fire / explosion

 13. Other sources of ignition


Were any concerns identified?       None

 14. Housekeeping

Storage of combustible materials is minimised as far as is reasonably practicable; bulk provision is in suitable
stores separated from ignition sources.
Metal waste and recycling bins are sited in escape routes, sections for flammable material have metal lids
and no items are allowed to be left loose. All waste and recycling material is removed from the building

Were any concerns identified?      There is storage in the service cupboards by rooms 6.106 & 6.1C3.

 15. Summary of fire hazard control

The main source of ignition is electrical.

Hazard Control Findings


 16. Means of escape

The means of escape provision supports the simultaneous evacuation strategy and the potential presence of
people who may have difficulty evacuating by standard means.

Are there sufficient routes with   The corridor between rooms 5B342 and 5B308 is not subdivided, it is
travel distances within            approx. 40m in length.
Government guidelines?
                                   Other long corridors:
                                            Corridor 5S6C4.
      Between rooms 5S.5.5 & 5S.5.29 (37m).
                                            Between rooms 5S.6.6 & 5S.2.26.
                                   18m is the usual maximum single direction travel distance.

Are escape routes adequately       Yes
protected and of adequate
width?                             A minimum 30-minute fire resistance is provided in secure exit routes.

Are exit route doors easily        The final exit door by room 3.322 has a break-glass bolt fitted.
openable and do they open in
the direction of travel where      The leading leaf of the final exit doors from the Plant Room opposite room
necessary?                         4SA.3.10 obstructs the exit route.
                                            Refer to section 32, picture 16.

Are the fire doors fitted with     Yes
self-closing devices where

Do the fire doors close fully      The cold smoke seals did not seal all the gaps to many service riser
onto the frame to provide an       cupboard doors and the corridor doors.
effective seal?
                                   Seals are fitted to older doors whenever areas are refurbished or if doors
                                   are removed for any other purpose.

Is there evidence of fire doors    The corridor by room 3.205 was wedged in the open position. The wedge
being left wedged open?            was removed at the time of inspection.
                                   Door wedging is permitted on rooms while occupied with strict instruction
                                   to close whenever left empty even for short periods.

Is appropriate signage fitted to   Yes
fire doors?

Are there suitable fire            Single direction escape routes and rooms within rooms are avoided where
precautions for all inner          reasonably practical.

Are escape routes                  Where items are present they are secure and do not reduce the minimum
unobstructed, free of              exit width.
combustible materials and
ignition sources?                  Recycling bins are sited in some corridors; these are metal with metal lids
                                   on sections containing flammable materials to control the risk.
Are there suitable means of        There are Refuge communications/points in the stairs case e.g. by rooms
escape for those who may           5S.5.1 and 5S.7.5.
have difficulty using the
stairs?                            Lifts are to evacuation standard and not linked to the fire alarms as they are
                                   used for disabled self-evacuation. Refuges with communication systems
                                   linked to security are provided on staircases and evacuation chairs with
                                   trained operators are provided where there is not adjacent lift; chairs from
                                   elsewhere may be used in the event of a lift failure.
                                   Evacuation chairs are located in 5A.106 & 6.116.

 17. Measures to limit fire spread and development.

Does there appear to be a          There is a metal shutter (assumed fire shutter) in the entrance corridor to
sufficient standard of          the Students Bar.
compartmentation and sub-
compartmentation?               There are fire shutters in corridor by rooms 4.326 & 5B.215.
                                The ceiling in the room by 5S.7.23 has been compromised.
                                The compartmentation above the corridor door by room 6.131 has been
                                compromised with cabling.
                                         Refer to section 32, picture 5.

Are linings that promote fire   Yes
spread avoided as far as
reasonably practicable?

Does external cladding meet     All concrete with large areas of glass.
the required standard?

 18. Emergency lighting / Exit signage

Is there a reasonable           Emergency lighting does not appear to be installed in the following areas:
standard of escape lighting
provided?                                Room 4N.2.2.
                                         Room 3.005.
                                         Stairwell by room 4SW.2.13.
                                         Room 4S.6S2.
                                         Stairs by rooms 4SW.5.7/10/28.
                                         Room 4S.6C6.
                                         In corridor leading to room 5N.3.13.
                                         External areas of roof.

Is emergency lighting present   Yes
in hazardous areas?

Are fire safety signs and       There is an emergency switch signage in the Boiler Room 4S.2.1.
notices suitable and
sufficient?                     Exit signage is on exit doors by rooms 3.106, 4SB.6.8 and by room 4N.4.4.
                                         Refer to section 32, pictures 26 – 27.
                                There is no exit sign by room 4SA.3.11 or from the Multi Faith meeting
                                         Refer to section 32, picture 21.
                                There is no ‘Fire Door Keep Clear on the outside of the door from the Plant
                                Room opposite room 4SA.3.10, final exit by room 5N.3.3, exit door by
                                4SA.3.11 & from the Student Bar kitchen.
                                There are no fire action signs in the following locations:
                                         Outside room 5S.2.1.
                                         Plant rooms 2.004, 4SB.4.13 & 4N.2.2A.
                                         In room 4SB.4.14.
                                         Student kitchen.
                                         Exit by Student Bar kitchen.
                                         By room 4SB.4.15.
                                         Old Barclay Bank area.
                                         Plant room 10.
   Large meeting room (Multi Faith area).
                                        In Canteen Restaurant.
                                        Finance office.
                                             o Refer to section 32, pictures 23, 32 & 37.
                                 The illuminated exit sign opposite room 4S.2.3 and to room 4N.6C1 from
                                 4N.6C2 are incorrectly positioned.
                                        Refer to section 32, picture 22.
                                 The Push Bar To Open system from the Student Bar Kitchen and exit by the
                                 Kitchen has no instruction signage provided.
                                 There is no fire door keep closed signs on the riser cupboard door by room
                                        Refer to section 32, picture 33.
                                 An exit sign is located over the door to room 5S.4.1, but the exit route is not
                                 detailed from there.
                                        Refer to section 32, pictures 17, 18 & 23.
                                 There is lack of exit signage in corridors by rooms 3.115, 3.105, 5.005, 5.011
                                 & 6.132.
                                        Refer to section 32, pictures 4, 19, 20 & 24.
                                 Emergency switch’s do not have signage which details the purpose of the
                                 switch in the following areas:
                                        Roof top Plant rooms 1, 1A, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11.
                                        Room 3.112.
                                        Plant room 4N.2.2A and off room 4N.3.0.
                                             o Refer to section 32, pictures 23, 34 & 37.

 19. Means of giving warning in the event of fire

The fire detection was covered in rooms 2.004, 4SB4.16 & 5S.7.11A.
      Refer to section 32, pictures 1 – 3.

Is suitable automatic fire       There is no fire detection in the following areas:
detection provided?
                                        Riser opposite stairs by main entrance to Students bar.
                                        Room 3.005.
                                        Room 4N.2.2.
                                        Room 4N.3.4.
                                        Riser by 4SB.6.8.
                                        Rooms 4SB.4.12A & B.
                                        Electrical riser opposite room 4SW.5.24A.
                                        Ducting by room 4SW.5.22.
                                        Riser opposite room 4SB.5.11.
                                        Riser (5S.7.30).
                                        Lobby and riser by room 5S.7.5.
                                        In riser by room 5S.7.24.
                                 There is no provision to warn of fire on the roof areas; use is infrequent and

management controls are a requirement of access.
                                   There is detection in the ducting in Plant room 11.

 20. Fire extinguishing appliances/systems

The institution operates a general no fire-fighting policy; most staff and students are not trained in
extinguisher use. Extinguisher provision will generally be lower than the usual standard; they are provided at
the extremities of single direction escape routes and at floor entrances.
Specialist extinguishers and suppression systems are fitted in the commercial kitchens.
Fire Blankets are provided in kitchens.

Is there suitable and sufficient   A variety of Water, Foam and CO2 fire extinguishers are provided
provision of fire-fighting         throughout.
                                    There is no fire extinguisher signage:
                                          By rooms 4SA.3.11; 4S.2.4; 5S.2.2; 4SB.4.13 & 14; 5N.3.2; 5N.3.1;
                                           5W.7.15; 5S.7.4; 5S.7.15; 5S.7.25.
                                          Room 5S.6C6.
                                          By room 3.201.
                                          Room 4S.6C6.
                                          Opposite room 4SW.5.22/24A.
                                          Room 4N.3.4.
                                          In corridor leading to room 5N.3.13 or in room.
                                          In Student Bar Center, by room 5S.5.5.
                                          In corridor to the Fusion Restaurant.
                                          Finance room.
                                               o Refer to section 32, pictures 28 – 31.
                                   The CO2 by room 4SW.6.11 has been removed. There is signage, but it is
                                   deemed not necessary.
                                   There is no fire extinguisher for electrical fires in Boiler Room 4S.2.1.
                                   The following fire extinguishers are not located on a suitable wall mounted
                                          Foam – Plant room 4SB.4.15
                                          Water – room 4N.3.4.
                                          CO2 – room 2.004.
                                              o Refer to section 32, pictures 36, 38 & 39.
                                   The fire blanket is not located on a wall in the Student Bar kitchen and by
                                   the kitchen in Canteen.
                                          Refer to section 32, picture 30.
                                   The fire blanket has not been detailed with suitable signage by room
                                   5S.4.18 and room 4N.2.2.
                                          Refer to section 32, pictures 28 & 30.

Is automatic fire suppression      The Student Bar, Happy Days and Fusion kitchens are covered with a
provided?                          suppression firefighting system – Ansul.

21. Facilities, equipment & devices for Fire Service use

Suitable access is provided. Security staff meet the Fire Service at pre-arranged points and guide them to
incidents. Operational Fire Service personnel frequently visit campus and are familiar with the site.
Security staff also provide any information required and assist the Fire Service at all incidents; specialist staff
are also available on call to assist further if required.
The following are provided for Fire Service use: Dry risers are located in the exit stairs by rooms 4.318,
3.302, 4.317, 5.306, 5A.106 5A.331, 5B.111A, 5B.116, 5B.130, 5B.327, 6.116 & 6.320.

Were any concerns identified?     A fireman’s switch is located by room N.5.1. the purpose of the switch is
                                  unknow and it is not known when it was last maintained.
                                         Refer to section 32, picture 35.

 22. Further comments on fire protection measures

The UoE Building Design Guide for Fire Safety and Evacuation Policy are available for further information.

Fire Protection Measures Findings

To review the provision of warning in case of fire, fire safety signage, emergency lighting and

 23. Responsibility
The premises are under the control of the University of Essex. The Registrar is the Responsible Person; fire
safety responsibilities are documented on the University website.
Occupiers                          Unknown

Are responsibilities clear?       Unknown

 24. Monitoring and Auditing
Health and safety inspections (including electrical fire risk items) of work areas are carried out annually.
Room inspections of accommodation are carried out twice a year and unsafe / prohibited items removed.
ECFRS audit UoE annually and have a Link Officer for oversight and regular consultation.
The University Fire Safety Officers audit and review this assessment three yearly and if there is significant
Guidance is provided for failed fire safety systems and further advice available from the FSO.
Are arrangements suitable         Unknown
and sufficient?

 25. Fire Safety Training
All staff are required to undertake basic and site-specific fire safety training. Health and safety induction
processes include an explanation of fire safety/evacuation procedures. Students are providing with fire safety
information through various means (some face to face, videos, welcome guides, as part of fire evaluation
drills, conditions of residence, residence life talks). Fire drills are carried out at the beginning of each
academic year.
Are arrangements suitable         Unknown

and sufficient?

 26. Emergency Procedures
The emergency plan is available LINK to appropriate campus. Competent persons to assist in implementing
fire safety arrangements. This includes trained fire marshals on all sites (security / patrol staff and hotel
porters) and evacuation stewards in academic buildings (employees nominated by their Head of Department
to assist with evacuation). Their duties can be found on the above link. Where necessary there are trained
evacuation chair operators.
Are arrangements suitable       There are 2 Fire Marshalls in the level 3 Post Room.
and sufficient?

 27. Record Keeping
General fire safety information maintained by the Fire Safety Officers.
UoE training records are maintained by the Health and Safety Advisory Service; contractors and tenants
maintain their own.
Those responsible for the testing and maintenance of fire safety equipment maintain the records.
Detailed building construction records are maintained by Estates Management Section.
Are arrangements suitable       Unknown
and sufficient?

 28. Testing and maintenance of fire safety equipment
There are arrangements in place for periodic inspection testing and servicing, UoE Policy is available LINK,
which applies to all sites
Responsibility lies with Estates Management.
Performance is regularly audited and monitored by the Estates Management Service Building Services
Manager (Compliance, Assets & Contracts).
Are arrangements suitable       Fire extinguishers were serviced May 2017 (by room 4SB.6.11) and lobby to
and sufficient?                 roof top February 2018.
                                Water fire extinguishers by room 4SW.6.7. last service November 2017.
                                Foam and CO2 extinguishers were serviced May 2018.
                                The fire extinguisher in room 4SA.3.1 was last serviced July 2013.
                                The foam fire extinguisher in Plant room 4SB.4.15 was last tested October
                                The CO2 fire extinguisher in Plant room 2.004 was last service November
                                The fire blanket was service March 2018 (kitchen 4SB.6.20A).
                                There are 3 water and 1 CO2 fire extinguishers whch were last serviced in
                                July 2013 in room 4SA.3.1.
                                The gas boilers were serviced on 30th May 2017.

 29. Further comments on fire safety management in the building

To ensure that all fire safety system are being maintained as detailed in the University of Essex maintenance
policy, in accordance with the relevant standards.



PART E: Overall findings
Part A: GENERAL INFORMATION – the building is well built.
Part B: FIRE HAZARDS AND CONTROL – the hazards are low with the main risk of ignition being electrical.
Part C: FIRE PROTECTION MEASURES – the fire safety systems are well provided except that the provision of
emergency lighting has to be confirmed and appropriate warning in case of fire has to be provided on the
roof area.
Part D: MANAGEMENT OF FIRE SAFETY – the fire safety is well managed.
The automatic attendance of trained security personnel within 5 minutes of an alarm activation are very
considerable major advantages over standard.
Assessment of risk
Likelihood of fire:
     Medium - normal likelihood of fire
Likely consequences:
     Life safety: Slight - outbreak of fire unlikely to result in serious injury or death of any occupant.
     Property protection: Moderate - fire damage will extend across all areas of the compartment
Current risk level:
     Life safety - Tolerable
     Building preservation - Moderate

30. Compliance   Recommendations

     Ref     Item              Finding                                  Recommendation                            Risk priority

     30.1    4                 The following areas were not             To ensure that there is no risk of fire           M
             Further General   accessed at the time of inspection:      and smoke compromising the means of
             Information                                                escape and spreading between
                                    Level 2 – riser in 4S.2.4,
                                     room 4SA.2.6, 2.001 & 2.005-
                                     7.                                 JC- EMS to check fire stopping, door
                                    Level 3 – plant room 4SA.3.3,      seals and smoke detector provision at
                                     4N.21/3 and rooms                  the top of each riser
                                    Barclays Bank area and riser
                                     in Top Bar.
                                    Level 3 – riser 3.118.
                                    Level 3 – room 3.116.
                                    Level 3 – cupboard to riser
                                     by room 4N.3.1.
                                    Level 3 – riser opposite
                                     room 3.320Level 7 – risers
                                     by 5N.7.15; 5S.7.30 & 5N.7.3.
                                    Level 4 – risers by rooms
                                     4.344, 4.311, 4.303A & stairs
                                     by 4.318.
                                    Level 5 – risers by the exit
                                    Level 6 – rooms
                                     5S.3.20A/C/D & 4SB.6.6B &

     30.2    5                 Plants rooms:                            To ensure that all plant rooms are free           M
             Plant and fixed   There is storage in the following        from storage.
equipment         electrical rooms:                       JC- EMS
                               Room 3.112.
                               Room 4N2.2.
                               Room 4SA.3.1.

30.3   14                There is storage in the service         All service cupboard should be kept        L
       Housekeeping      cupboard by rooms 6.106 & 6.1C3.        sterile. JC- EMS

30.4   16                The corridor between rooms              To ensure that large areas of the means    L
       Means of escape   5B342 and 5B308 is not                  of escape is not compromised, corridors
                         subdivided, it is approx. 40m in        should be subdivided with corridor
                         length.                                 doors.
                         Other long corridors:                   JC- EMS to program for inclusion when
                                                                 the corridor will be refurbished.
                               Corridor 5S6C4.
                               Between rooms 5S.5.5 &
                               Between rooms 5S.6.6 &

30.5   16                The leading leaf of the final exit      To ensure that the doors are               L
       Means of escape   doors from the Plant Room               reconfigured to open easily and that
                         opposite room 4SA.3.10 obstructs        they do not compromise the escape
                         the exit route.                         route. JC- EMS to program for inclusion
                                                                 when the corridor will be refurbished;
                                                                 notify users of the plant room to be
                                                                 aware until done.

30.6   16                The cold smoke seals did not seal all   To ensure that cold smoke seals seal the   L
       Means of escape   the gaps to many service riser          gap between the door and door frame
                         cupboard doors and the corridor         and between the doors where there are
                         doors.                                  2 doors. JC- As item 30.1, no additional
                                                                 action required.

30.7   17                There is a metal shutter (assumed       To ensure that the purpose of the          L
Measures to limit   fire shutter) in the entrance            shutter is fully understood and if
        fire spread and     corridor to the Students Bar.            required, that it is maintained and
        development.        There are fire shutters in corridor by   operates correctly.
                            rooms 4.326 & 5B.215.

30.8    17                  The ceiling in the room by 5S.7.23       To ensure that there is good fire         L
        Measures to limit   has been compromised.                    separation between compartments.
        fire spread and                                              JC- EMS

30.9    17                  The compartmentation above the           To ensure that compartmentation is        M
        Measures to limit   corridor door by room 6.131 has          sealed correctly with appropriate fire-
        fire spread and     been compromised with cabling.           resistant materials.
        development.                                                 JC- EMS

30.10   18                  There does not appears to be             To ensure that there is adequate          M
        Emergency           emergency lighting in the                emergency lighting on all escape routes
        lighting / Exit     following areas:                         and in rooms where trips hazards could
                                                                     affect the means of escape.
        signage                   There does not appears to
                                   be emergency lighting in          JC- EMS to check provision
                                   the following areas:
                                  Room 4N.2.2.
                                  Room 3.005.
                                  Stairwell by room
                                  Room 4S.6S2.
                                  Stairs by rooms
                                  Room 4S.6C6.
                                  In corridor leading to room
                                  External areas of roof.

30.11   18                There is no fire door keep closed       To ensure that all fire doors have        L
        Emergency         signs on the riser cupboard door        signage stating ‘Fire door Keep Locked
        lighting / Exit   by room 3SW.3.04.                       Shut’.
        signage                                                   JC- EMS

30.12   18                Exit signage is on exit doors by        To ensure that exit signage is located    M
        Emergency         rooms 3.106, 4SB.6.8 and by room        above or beside the door and can be
        lighting / Exit   4N.4.4.                                 clearly seen when the door is open.
        signage                                                   JC- EMS

30.13   18                There is no exit sign by room           To ensure that all final exits are        M
        Emergency         4SA.3.11 or from the Multi Faith        adequately identified with appropriate
        lighting / Exit   meeting room.                           signage.
        signage                                                   JC- EMS

30.14   18                There is no ‘Fire Door Keep Clear       To ensure that all final exit doors are   L
        Emergency         on the outside of the door from the     adequately identified.
        lighting / Exit   Plant Room opposite room                JC- EMS (‘Fire door Keep Locked Shut’
        signage           4SA.3.10, final exit by room 5N.3.3,    sign)
                          exit door by 4SA.3.11 & from the
                          Student Bar kitchen.

30.15   18.               There are no fire action signs in the   To ensure that fire action notices are    L
        Emergency         following locations:                    provided by all manual call points.
        lighting / Exit         Plant rooms 2.004, 4SB.4.13      JC- EMS
        signage                  & 4N.2.2A.
                                In room 4SB.4.14.
                                Student kitchen.
                                Exit by Student Bar kitchen.
                                By room 4SB.4.15.
                                Outside room 5S.2.1.
                                Old Barclay Bank area.
                                Plant room 10.

   Large meeting room (Multi
                                 Faith area).
                                In Canteen Restaurant.
                                Finance office.

30.16   18                The illuminated exit signs opposite      To ensure that all signage gives clear       M
        Emergency         room 4S.2.3 and to room 4N.6C1           instruction.
        lighting / Exit   from 4N.6C2 are incorrectly              JC- EMS to site so that they are clearly
        signage           positioned.                              visible from approaches

30.17   18                The Push Bar To Open system              To ensure that there is clear instruction    L
        Emergency         from the Student Bar Kitchen and         in how to operate all securing
        lighting / Exit   exit by the Kitchen has no               mechanisms on exit doors.
        signage           instruction signage provided.            JC- EMS

30.18   18                An exit sign is located over the         To ensure that all exit signage leads to     M
        Emergency         door to room 5S.4.1, but the exit        an approved exit route, which ultimately
        lighting / Exit   route is not detailed from there.        leads to a place of safety.
        signage                                                    JC- EMS

30.19   18                There is lack of exit signage in         To ensure that all exit routes are clearly   M
        Emergency         corridors by rooms 3.115, 3.105,         identified.
        lighting / Exit   5.011 & 6.132.                           JC- EMS

30.20   18                Emergency switch’s do not have           To ensure that signage is provided as to     L
        Emergency         signage which details the purpose        the purpose of emergency switches.
        lighting / Exit   of the switch in the following           JC- EMS
        signage           areas:
                                Roof top Plant rooms 1, 1A,
                                 2, 3, 4, 10, 11.
                                Room 3.112.
                                Plant room 4N.2.2A and off

room 4N.3.0.

30.21   19                   There is no fire detection in the      To ensure that fire detection is provide   M
        Means of giving      following areas:                       in all risk areas which could
        warning in the                                              compromise the means of escape.
                                  Room 3.005.
        event of fire             Room 4N.2.2.                     JC- EMS, seek advice from Drax
                                  Room 4N.3.4.
                                  Riser by 4SB.6.8.
                                  Riser opposite stairs by main
                                   entrance to Students bar.
                                  Rooms 4SB.4.12A & B.
                                  Electrical riser opposite
                                   room 4SW.5.24A.
                                  Ducting by room 4SW.5.22.
                                  Riser opposite room
                                  Riser (5S.7.30).
                                  Lobby and riser by room
                                  In riser by room 5S.7.24.

30.22   19                   There does not appear to be            To ensure that adequate warning            L
        Means of giving      suitable warning in case of fire on    (audible and visual) is provided.
        warning in the       the roof area.                         JC- EMS to confirm they have a
        event of fire                                               management procedure in place

30.23   20                   There is no fire extinguisher          To ensure that there is appropriate        L
        Fire extinguishing   signage:                               signage which identifies which fire
                                                                    extinguisher should be provided.
        appliances/syste          By rooms 4SA.3.11; 4S.2.4;
        ms                         5S.2.2; 4SB.4.13 & 14; 5N.3.2;   JC- EMS
                                   5N.3.1; 5W.7.15; 5S.7.4;
                                   5S.7.15; 5S.7.25.
                                  Room 5S.6C6.
                                  By room 3.201.
   Room 4S.6C6.
                                  Opposite room
                                  Room 4N.3.4.
                                  In corridor leading to room
                                   5N.3.13 or in room.
                                  In Student Bar Center, by
                                   room 5S.5.5.
                                  In corridor to the Fusion
                                  Finance room.

30.24   20                   The CO2 by room 4SW.6.11 has             To remove any signage which is not          L
        Fire extinguishing   been removed. There is signage,          required.
        appliances/syste     but it is deemed not necessary.          JC- EMS

30.25   20                   There is no fire extinguisher for        To ensure that there is appropriate (e.g.   M
        Fire extinguishing   electrical fires in Boiler Room          CO2) firefighting media to deal with
        appliances/syste     4S.2.1.                                  electrical fires.
        ms                                                            JC- EMS install a CO2

30.26   20                   The fire extinguishers in the            To ensure that all fire extinguishers are   L
        Fire extinguishing   Student kitchen are not located on       located on appropriate wall mounted
        appliances/syste     suitable wall mounted brackets.          brackets.
        ms                                                            JC- Check with Simon what room this is
                                                                      then check if it contains a cooker, refer
                                                                      back to me.

30.27   20                   The following fire extinguishers         To ensure that all fire extinguishers are   L
        Fire extinguishing   are not located on a suitable wall       located on appropriate wall mounted
        appliances/syste     mounted bracket:                         brackets.
        ms                        Foam – Plant room 4SB.4.15         JC- EMS

   Water – room 4N.3.4.
                                  CO2 – room 2.004.

30.28   20                   The fire blanket is not located on a    To ensure that all firefighting equipment         L
        Fire extinguishing   wall in the Student Bar kitchen and     is located on the wall with appropriate
        appliances/syste     by the kitchen in Canteen and           signage.
        ms                   suitable signage by room 5S.4.18        JC- SU
                             and room 4N.2.2has not been

30.29   21                   A fireman’s switch is located by        To ensure the purpose of the fireman’s            M
        Facilities,          room N.5.1. the purpose of the          switch is identified and that it is
        equipment &          switch is unknow and it is not          maintained in accordance with current
        devices for Fire     known when it was last                  guidance.
        Service use          maintained.                             JC- EMS to check and consult me

30.30   28                   The fire extinguisher in room           To ensure that all fire extinguishers are         M
        Testing and          4SA.3.1 was last serviced July          service annually.
        maintenance of       2013.                                   JC- EMS
        fire safety          There are 3 water and 1 CO2 fire
        equipment            extinguishers whch were last
                             serviced in July 2013 in room
                             The foam fire extinguisher in Plant
                             room 4SB.4.15 was last tested
                             October 2016.

30.31   28                   The CO2 fire extinguisher in Plant      To ensure that all test records detail the        L
        Testing and          room 2.004 was last service             correct information.
        maintenance of       November 2016.                          JC- EMS
        fire safety

30.32   28                   It is unknown when the fire alarm       To ensure that the fire alarm/detection      JC

Testing and        was last maintained.                    system us completely tested every 12
             maintenance of                                             months.
             fire safety                                                JC- No action required; standing
             equipment                                                  protocol in place.

     30.33   28                 It is unknown when the fire alarm       To ensure that the emergency lighting        JC
             Testing and        was last maintained.                    system us completely tested annually.
             maintenance of                                             JC- No action required; standing
             fire safety                                                protocol in place.

     30.34   29                 It is unknown when the last fire        To ensure that all staff receive refresher   JC
             Further            safety training took place.             fire safety training and that it is
             comments of fire                                           recorded.
             safety                                                     JC- No action required; standing
             management in                                              protocol in place.
             the building

31. Non-statutory   Recommendations

     Ref      Item              Finding                                 Recommendation                               Risk priority


32. Pictures

       Picture 1    Picture 2    Picture 3

       Picture 4    Picture 5    Picture 6

       Picture 7    Picture 8    Picture 9

       Picture 10   Picture 11   Picture 12

Picture 13   Picture 14   Picture 15

Picture 16   Picture 17   Picture 18

Picture 19   Picture 20   Picture 21

Picture 22   Picture 23   Picture 24

Picture 25   Picture 26   Picture 27

Picture 28   Picture 29   Picture 30

Picture 31   Picture 32   Picture 33

Picture 34   Picture 35   Picture 36

Picture 37                        Picture 38                     Picture 39

                                               Picture 40.

Guidance for assessment of risk
Using the assessment criteria detailed in PAS 79, the consequence assessment for fire within the building
would be:

Likely consequence:

Life safety:

Slight harm                Outbreak of fire unlikely to result in serious injury or death of any occupant (other
                           than an occupant sleeping in a bedroom in which the fire occurs).
Moderate harm              Outbreak of fire could result in injury of one or more occupants, but it is unlikely to
                           involve multiple fatalities.
Extreme harm               Significant potential for serious injury or death of one or more occupants

Property protection:

Slight harm                Fire damage will be limited to a small area within the compartment/room of origin.

Moderate harm              Fire damage will extend across all areas of the compartment/room of origin.

Extreme harm               Fire damage will extend throughout a significant part of the building involved and
                           viable repair will be unlikely.

Likelihood of fire

Likelihood from this fire risk assessment:

Low                       Minimal likelihood of fire (no ignition sources present, low fire load).
Medium                    Normal likelihood of fire (controlled ignition sources present, no highly flammable fire
High                      High likelihood of fire (numerous ignition sources present, some uncontrolled, high

Assessment of risk

Risk level estimator for life safety preservation:

Consequence                     Slight harm               Moderate harm                    Extreme harm
Fire hazard
Low                              Trivial risk                 Tolerable risk                 Moderate risk
Medium                          Tolerable risk                Moderate risk                 Substantial risk
High                            Moderate risk                Substantial risk               Intolerable risk

Risk level estimator for building preservation:

Consequence                     Slight harm               Moderate harm                    Extreme harm
Fire hazard
Low                              Trivial risk                 Tolerable risk                 Moderate risk
Medium                          Tolerable risk                Moderate risk                 Substantial risk
High                            Moderate risk                Substantial risk               Intolerable risk

Based on the above the overall assessment of risk for this building is:


Life Safety (injury or death)                                                        Tolerable

Building Preservation (building damaged or destroyed)                                Moderate

Risk based control plan (from PAS 79)

Risk level               Action and timescale
Trivial                  No action is required and no detailed records need to be kept.
Tolerable                No major additional controls required. However, there may be a need for consideration
                         of improvements that involve minor or limited cost.
Moderate                 It is essential that efforts are made to reduce risk. Risk reduction measures should be
                         implemented within a defined time period. Where moderate risk is associated with
                         consequences that constitute extreme harm, further assessment may be required to
                         establish more precisely the likelihood of harm as a basis for determining the priority
                         for improved control measures.
Substantial              Considerable resources may have to be allocated to reduce the risk. If the building is
                         unoccupied, it should not be occupied until the risk has been reduced. If the building is
                         occupied, urgent action should be taken.
Intolerable              Building (or relevant area) should not be occupied until the risk is reduced. If the
                         building is occupied evacuate the building immediately.

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