Fine-tuning the stimulation of MLL1 methyltransferase

Fine-tuning the stimulation of MLL1 methyltransferase
The FASEB Journal • Research Communication

Fine-tuning the stimulation of MLL1 methyltransferase
   activity by a histone H3-based peptide mimetic
           Vanja Avdic,*,†,1 Pamela Zhang,*,†,1 Sylvain Lanouette,*,†, Anastassia Voronova,†
           Ilona Skerjanc,† and Jean-Francois Couture*,†,2
           *Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology and †Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and
           Immunology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

ABSTRACT       The SET1 family of methyltransferases        while the heterozygotes display retarded growth and
carries out the bulk of histone H3 Lys-4 methylation in     hematopoietic abnormalities (5, 6). Correlative to these
vivo. One of the common features of this family is the      observations, MLL proteins regulate several differenti-
regulation of their methyltransferase activity by a tri-    ation programs, including hematopoiesis (7), myogen-
partite complex composed of WDR5, RbBP5, and                esis (8, 9), and neurogenesis (10).
Ash2L. To selectively probe the role of the SET1 family        MLL1 and its yeast homologue SET1 (ySET1) harbor
of methyltransferases, we have developed a library of       several evolutionarily conserved domains and are virtu-
histone H3 peptide mimetics and report herein the           ally always found in multisubunit complexes. Interac-
characterization of an N␣ acetylated form of histone        tions with other protein subunits regulate their cellular
H3 peptide (N␣H3). Binding and inhibition studies           localization and enzymatic activity (11). The catalytic
reveal that the addition of an acetyl moiety to the N       domain of MLL1, also referred to as the suppressor of
terminus of histone H3 significantly enhances its bind-     variegation 3–9, enhancer of zeste and trithorax (SET)
ing to WDR5 and prevents the stimulation of MLL1            domain (12), is located on its C terminus and is pivotal
methyltransferase activity by the WDR5-RbBP5-               in controlling skeletal development and HOX gene
Ash2L complex. The crystal structure of N␣H3 in             expression (6). Similar to other members of the SET1
complex with WDR5 reveals that a high-affinity hy-          family, MLL1 has minimal methyltransferase activity
drophobic pocket accommodates the binding of the            toward its substrate; however, upon interaction with a
acetyl moiety. These results provide the structural         3-protein complex composed of WDR5, Ash2L, and
basis to control WDR5-RbBP5-Ash2L-MLL1 activity             RbBP5, MLL1 enzymatic activity is enhanced (13–15).
and a tool to manipulate stem cell differentiation             The biochemical determinants underlying the for-
programs.—Avdic, V., Zhang, P., Lanouette, S.,              mation of the MLL complex have recently been de-
Voronova, A., Skerjanc, I., Couture, J.-F. Fine-tuning      tailed. Initial work carried out by Dou et al. (15) showed
the stimulation of MLL1 methyltransferase activity by       that each subunit contributes in modulating the enzy-
a histone H3-based peptide mimetic. FASEB J. 25,            matic activity of MLL1, and the level of histone H3
960 –967 (2011).                             Lys-4 methylation in vivo. Notably, the same researchers
                                                            also demonstrated the importance of WDR5 within the
Key Words: epigenetics 䡠 chromatin biology 䡠 nucleosomes    core complex as its depletion impaired MLL1 methyl-
 䡠 SET1 family of methyltransferases                        transferase activity. Similarly, Patel and coworkers (14,
                                                            16) found that WDR5 is central in binding a region on
                                                            MLL1 termed the WDR5 interacting motif (WIN) and
Histone methylation plays an important role in a            bridging the methyltransferase to the other subunits of
large variety of biological processes. Depending on its     the core complex. Binding of the MLL1WIN peptide is
position on a substrate and the number of methyl            achieved through a peptidyl arginine binding pocket
groups transferred to its ε-amine, lysine methylation has   located in one of the central clefts of the ␤ propeller.
been associated with DNA damage response (1), DNA           Site-directed mutagenesis studies of the MLL1WIN pep-
replication (2), and transcription (3). Of these posi-      tide and the WDR5 peptidyl arginine binding cleft
tions, lysine 4 of histone H3 (H3K4) is a key methyl-       revealed that loss of binding between MLL1 and WDR5
ation site and commonly found in the promotor re-
gions of actively transcribed genes.
   Histone H3 K4 methylation is predominantly cata-              These authors equally contributed to this work.
lyzed by the SET1 family of methyltransferases. Com-            Correspondence: University of Ottawa, Ottawa Institute of
posed of 7 members, this family includes Ash1,              Systems Biology, 451 Smyth Rd., Roger Guindon Hall, Ot-
                                                            tawa, ON K1H 8M5, Canada. E-mail: jean-francois.couture@
SET1A/B, and 5 myeloid lymphoma leukemia proteins 
(MLL1–5) (4). MLL1 is essential for proper develop-           doi: 10.1096/fj.10-171959
ment during embryogenesis (5). Homozygous disrup-             This article includes supplemental data. Please visit http://
tion of the mouse MLL1 gene is embryonically lethal, to obtain this information.

960                                                                                       0892-6638/11/0025-0960 © FASEB
Fine-tuning the stimulation of MLL1 methyltransferase
caused severe impairment in MLL1 methyltransferase              2H14.pdb) as a search model. After 2 rounds of refinement
activity, further underscoring the importance of the            with Refmac5 (23), the structure and electron density map
role of WDR5-MLL1 interaction (15–17).                          were inspected using Coot (24). The structure has been
                                                                solved at 1.7 Å with final Rfactor/Rfree values of 15.4/20.5
   The detrimental effects of misregulating histone H3          molecules in the asymmetric unit. Geometric parameters
Lys-4 methylation have been documented. The MLL1                were calculated using Molprobity (25) (Table 1).
gene is prone to chromosomal aberrations, such as
translocations and duplications, which are associated           Isothermal titration calorimetry
with aggressive leukemic disorders (17). Alterations of
H3K4me3 levels are observed in peripheral blood                 Equilibrium dissociation constants were obtained as de-
mononuclear cells from systemic erythematosus pa-               scribed previously (20). Briefly, binding of the N␣H3 peptide
tients (18, 19), while, in C. elegans, misregulation of         was measured using a VP-ITC microcalorimeter from Micro-
H3K4 methyl mark levels leads to a reduction in life            Cal (Piscataway, NJ, USA) with 0.5–1 mM of peptide and
                                                                30 –50 ␮M of WDR5. Equilibrium dissociation constants were
span (18). The involvement of the SET1 family of                calculated with the Origin software (OriginLab, Northamp-
methyltransferases in various diseases underlines the           ton, MA, USA).
importance of gaining a better understanding in their
functions and modulating their enzymatic activity by            Overexpression and purification of MLL1 SET domain,
the WDR5-RbBP5-Ash2L complex.                                   Ash2L, and RbBP5
   In this study, we report the characterization of a
histone H3-based peptide mimetic on MLL1 methyl-                Fragments corresponding to full-length Ash2L and RbBP5
transferase activity. We found that the addition of an          were PCR amplified using the OpenBiosystem clones 3921999
N␣-acetyl moiety to histone H3 N terminus (N␣H3)                and 5266066, respectively (OpenBiosystem, Huntsville, AL,
                                                                USA). PCR fragments were cloned in a modified version of
increases its binding affinity for WDR5 by 84-fold when
                                                                pET3d (26), and the proteins were overexpressed with 0.1
compared to its unacetylated form. The crystal struc-           mM IPTG in Rosetta cells (EMD, Gibbstown, NJ, USA) for
ture of the WDR5-N␣H3 complex reveals that N␣H3                 16 h at 18°C. Cells were harvested in 50 mM sodium phos-
undergoes structural reorganization to fit in a shallow         phate, 500 mM NaCl, and 5 mM ␤-mercaptoethanol; lysed by
pocket that stabilizes the acetyl moiety using novel            sonication; clarified by centrifugation; and purified by Talon
hydrophobic contacts and hydrogen bonds. We also                Co2⫹ affinity chromatography (Clontech, Mountain View,
show that incubation of the N␣H3 peptide mimetic
with WDR5 impairs the stimulation of MLL1 methyl-               TABLE 1. Data collection and refinement statistics
transferase activity. These results provide a basis for the     for WDR5-N␣H3
use of histone H3 peptide mimetics in regulating MLL1
activity and present a new tool for the study of biolog-        Statistic                                        Value
ical processes regulated by MLL1 methyltransferase
activity.                                                       Data Collection
                                                                  Space group                                        P1
                                                                  Cell dimensions
                                                                    a, b, c (Å)                            45.9, 48.6, 63.3
MATERIALS AND METHODS                                               ␣, ␤, ␥ (deg)                          98.8, 90.9, 117.5
                                                                    Resolution                           40.0–1.7 (1.76–1.70)
Peptides                                                          Rmerge                                      6.5 (23.2)
                                                                  I/␴I                                       20.6 (2.4)
Peptides were purchased either from Peptide2.0 (Chantilly,        Completeness (%)                           97.0 (93.8)
VA, USA) or New England Peptides (Gardner, MA, USA) with          Redundancy                                  3.1 (2.4)
95–99% purity with an additional tyrosine on their C termi-     Refinement
nus for UV quantification. Peptides were suspended in water       Resolution (Å)                              35.65–1.70
at 100 mM concentration and stored at ⫺20°C.                      Reflections                                 47,864
                                                                  Rwork/Rfree                                 15.4/20.5
WDR5 expression, purification, crystallization, and
                                                                    Protein                                     4601
structure determination
                                                                    Peptides                                      67
                                                                    Water                                        351
A fragment of WDR5 corresponding to residues 22–334 was           B factors (Å2)
overexpressed and purified as described previously (20).            Protein                                          17.7
WDR5 and the peptides were mixed in equal molar ratio and           Ligands                                          15.6
incubated on ice for 15 min. Crystals were grown at 22°C in a       Water                                            31.7
buffer containing 50 mM NaAcetate, 100 mM NH4SO4, and             Root mean square deviations
20% PEG4000, pH 4.6. Crystals were harvested and soaked in          Bond lengths (Å)                                  0.007
a cryoprotecting solution composed of the mother liquor             Bond angles (deg)                                 1.108
supplemented with 20% glycerol. Complete data sets were           Molprobity scores
collected at the General Medicine and Cancer Institutes             Ramachandran favored (%)                         96.6
Collaborative Access Team (GM/CA-CAT) at the Advanced               Ramachandran allowed (%)                          3.4
Photon Source (Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL,
USA). Reflections were integrated and scaled using HKL2000           Data were collected at GM/CA-CAT (Argonne National Labora-
(21). Using Molrep (22), a molecular replacement solution       tory, Argonne, IL, USA). Values in parentheses are for highest-
has been found using the apo-WDR5 structure (RCSB code          resolution shell.

INHIBITION OF MLL1 METHYLTRANSFERASE ACTIVITY                                                                                 961
CA, USA). TEV-cleaved Ash2L and RbBP5 were further                 27–29). A comparison of the KD values revealed that
purified by metal affinity and by size exclusion chromatogra-      WDR5 bound an N-␣-acetylated form of an histone H3
phy steps (Superdex 200; GE Healthcare, Piscataway, NJ,            peptide (N␣H3) ⬃84- and ⬃13-fold more tightly than
   A DNA fragment encoding the WIN and SET domains                 histone H3 and MLL1WIN peptides, respectively (16,
(3753–3969) of MLL1 has been synthesized (Eurofins; MWG            20) (Fig. 1A). We then sought to verify whether this
Operon, Huntsville, AL, USA) and cloned in fusion with a           peptide could prevent the stimulation of MLL1 meth-
TEV-cleavable glutathione sulfotransferase. GST-MLL1 has           yltransferase activity by the core complex proteins.
been overexpressed similarly to Ash2L. Cells were harvested        Using a radiometric methyltransferase assay, we deter-
in PBS buffer, lysed by sonication, and centrifuged. The           mined that the N␣H3 peptide inhibited MLL1 methyl-
supernatant was applied to glutathione Sepharose 4B for 1 h,
                                                                   transferase activity with an IC50 of 4.1 ␮M (Fig. 1C). To
and unbound proteins were washed with 50 column vol of
PBS. The slurry was resuspended in 25 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 100        assess the methylation state of histone H3 on Lys-4
mM NaCl, 5 mM ␤-mercaptoethanol, and 250 ␮g of TEV                 following inhibition of the complex with N␣H3, we
protease for 12 h. Cleaved MLL1 was further purified by            performed Western blot with antibodies specific for the
size-exclusion chromatography (Superdex 75) preequili-             mono- and dimethylated state of H3K4 (H3K4me and
brated with the slurry buffer.                                     H3K4me2). Consistent with the role of the core com-
                                                                   plex on MLL1 methyltransferase activity, a significant
In vitro methyltransferase assay                                   loss of H3K4me and H3K4me2 was observed upon
                                                                   incubation of the WDR5-RbBP5-Ash2L-MLL1 complex
Methyltransferase assays were conducted using 5 ␮M of              with N␣H3, confirming that blocking the WDR5 pepti-
recombinantly purified MLL1 SET domain with equimolar              dyl arginine binding cleft provides a way to control the
amounts of Ash2L, RbBP5, and WDR5. Reactions were initi-
                                                                   stimulation of MLL1 methyltransferase activity by its
ated by the addition of 1 ␮Ci of radiolabeled S-adenosyl-l-
methionine and incubated during 2 h at 22°C. Methyltrans-          core complex subunits. However, the persistence of
ferase assays were carried out in 50 mM Tris (pH 8.5), 200         H3K4me and H3K4me2 and incomplete inhibition of
mM NaCl, 3 mM DTT, 5 mM MgCl2, 5% glycerol, and 1 mM               MLL1 methyltransferase activity suggest that other do-
histone H3 peptide (ARTKQTARKSTGGKAPRKQY), and                     mains of Ash2L or RbBP5 also play important roles in
stopped by spotting the reactions onto Whatman P-81 filter         the stimulation of MLL1 methyltransferase activity. As
papers (Whatman, Piscataway, NJ, USA). Free AdoMet was             expected, incubation of WDR5-RbBP5-Ash2L-MLL1
removed by washing the filter papers in 250 ml of 50 mM
NaHCO3 at pH 9.0. Activity was quantified by liquid scintilla-
                                                                   did not alter the substrate specificity of MLL1 (Supple-
tion counts. Inhibition analyses were performed similarly,         mental Fig. S1).
with the exception that the peptide inhibitor was added to the        These initial results indicated that adding an acetyl
assay prior to adding AdoMet and the substrate peptide.            moiety to the N terminus of histone H3 improves the
                                                                   binding capabilities of a peptide mimetic to WDR5.
Western blot analysis                                              However, an initial modeling of an N␣Ac moiety on
                                                                   the available WDR5-H3 crystal structure (RCSB code
To evaluate the product specificity of the WDR5-RbBP5-             2H13.pdb; ref. 20) revealed numerous steric clashes
Ash2L-MLL1 complex upon inhibition with N␣H3, methyl-              between the WDR5 side chains and the N␣Ac moiety
ation reactions were performed as described previously, with       (data not shown), suggesting that the N␣Ac H3
the exception that the peptide substrate was replaced by           peptide must undergo significant structural rear-
full-length histone H3. Methylated histone proteins were
separated on a 15% SDS-PAGE, transferred onto PVDF, and            rangement to bind the peptidyl arginine binding
blotted with histone H3, H3-K4me1, or H3-K4me2 specific            cleft.
antibodies (Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA).
                                                                   Crystal structure of WDR5 in complex with N␣H3

RESULTS                                                            To understand the structural basis underlying the recogni-
                                                                   tion of N␣H3, we have solved its crystal structure in complex
Biochemical analysis of a histone H3-based peptide                 with WDR5. Overall, the WDR5 structure is similar to the
mimetic                                                            previously published apo-structure with root-mean-square
                                                                   deviations of 0.42 Å for all protein atoms. The density of the
On the basis of initial studies showing that MLL1-WDR5             peptide is unambiguous (Fig. 2A) for the first three amino
interaction is essential for proper histone H3 Lys-4               acids including the N␣-acetyl moiety, while there is no
methylation (14), we surmised that the development of              visible electron density for K4 ε-amine and Q5 resi-
a high-affinity peptide mimetic targeting WDR5 pepti-              due (single letter will refer therein to WDR5-bound
dyl arginine binding cleft would prevent its interaction           peptide residues).
with MLL1 and impair its methyltransferase activity. To               The peptide is maintained in the central peptidyl
verify this hypothesis, we performed isothermal titra-             arginine binding cleft of WDR5, in which it engages in
tion calorimetry (ITC) and determined the equilibrium              several hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic contacts.
dissociation constants (KD) of a peptide library for               Briefly, N␣H3 T3 makes van der Waals contacts with
WDR5 (data not shown). All peptides were designed to               residues delineating a cleft composed of Tyr-260, Leu-
include an arginine residue in position 2, which is                321, AL-47, and Ala-65 side chains (Fig. 2B, D). As
considered to be essential for binding to WDR5 (20,                observed for the WDR5-H3 and WDR5-MLL1WIN com-

962   Vol. 25   March 2011                      The FASEB Journal 䡠                                 AVDIC ET AL.
carbonyl groups. Similar to T3, A1 is stabilized by
                                                                several hydrophobic and polar contacts. Notably, A1 is
                                                                maintained in a shallow depression, henceforth re-
                                                                ferred to as the A1 pocket (Fig. 2D), comprising
                                                                Phe-133, Phe-149, and Tyr-131 phenyl rings. In addi-
                                                                tion, the A1 amide group is stabilized by two hydrogen
                                                                bonds with the Asp-107 carboxylate and Ser-91 hydroxyl
                                                                groups, respectively. Finally, the A1 carbonyl group is
                                                                maintained by a 3.1-Å hydrogen bond with the K4
                                                                amide group.
                                                                   Unambiguous electron density for this region of the
                                                                peptide allowed us to accurately model the N␣ acetyl
                                                                moiety. Initial analysis of the acetyl group reveals that it
                                                                has comparable geometry to an amide bond, as its
                                                                carbonyl group is planar with the nitrogen atom of A1.
                                                                This geometry allows the methyl group of the N␣ acetyl
                                                                moiety to snuggly fit into an hydrophobic cleft, hence-
                                                                forth referred as the N␣ acetyl pocket, composed of
                                                                Ala-65, Leu-88, Gly-89, and Ile-90 (Fig. 2D). The car-
                                                                bonyl group of the acetyl moiety is further stabilized by
                                                                two intramolecular hydrogen bonds of 2.7 and 2.9 Å
                                                                with T3 hydroxyl and amide groups, respectively. Over-
                                                                all, the hydrogen bonding pattern concurs with a
                                                                recent modeling analysis and molecular dynamics
                                                                study showing that intramolecular hydrogen bonds
                                                                are important to maintain high-affinity binding of
                                                                peptide mimetics in the WDR5 peptidyl arginine
                                                                binding cavity (30).

                                                                Peptide scanning

                                                                N␣H3 is maintained through several hydrogen bonds
                                                                and van der Waals contacts within the WDR5 peptidyl
                                                                arginine-binding cleft. To probe the role of these
                                                                interactions, we mutated A1, R2, and T3 residues and
                                                                measured their effects on WDR5 binding and inhibi-
                                                                tion of MLL1 methyltransferase activity. Mutation of A1
                                                                to a glycine or serine residue had variable effects on the
                                                                affinity for WDR5 and inhibition of histone H3 meth-
                                                                ylation. The alanine substitution weakened the interac-
                                                                tion between WDR5 and N␣H3 (Table 2) and resulted
                                                                in a loss of inhibition of histone H3 methylation by
                                                                MLL1 (Fig. 3). In contrast, the A1S mutation bound
                                                                WDR5 with similar affinity when compared to the
                                                                wild-type N␣H3 and inhibited histone H3 methylation
                                                                with comparable activity.
Figure 1. Binding profiles of N␣H3. A) Table illustrating the
                                                                   As observed for the WDR5-H3 and WDR5-MLL1WIN
equilibrium dissociation constants for N␣H3, histone H3         complexes, R2 of N␣H3 is stabilized, in the central
peptide, and MLL1WIN. B) ITC titration experiment with          cavity of the ␤-propeller, by several hydrogen bonds
N␣H3 peptide and WDR5 (top panel) and the fitted binding        and hydrophobic contacts. Given the high-affinity bind-
curve (bottom panel). C) Inhibition assays of MLL1 methyl-      ing capability of N␣H3, we posited that the addition of
transferase activity with increasing concentration of N␣H3      an acetyl moiety to the N terminus of H3 would
peptide and 5 ␮M of MLL1 and its core complex subunits.         alleviate the requirement of R2. However, substitution
Inset: histone H3 K4 methylation state in the presence or
absence of N␣H3.                                                of R2 to a leucine, glutamic acid, or alanine residue
                                                                abolished binding of the mutant peptides (Table 2)
                                                                and, correlatively, failed to inhibit MLL1 methyltrans-
plexes, R2 of N␣H3 is maintained in the central cavity          ferase activity (Fig. 3). These results concur with previ-
of the ␤-propeller by a pair of phenylalanine residues          ous studies (20, 27–29, 31) and highlight the impor-
and several direct and water-mediated hydrogen bonds            tance of R2 for high-affinity binding of a peptide
with Ser-91, Phe-133, Ser-175, and Cys-261 backbone             mimetic to WDR5.

INHIBITION OF MLL1 METHYLTRANSFERASE ACTIVITY                                                                           963
Figure 2. WDR5 binds N␣H3 through the peptidyl arginine binding cleft.
                                                          A) Zoom view of a simulated annealing fo-fc omit map (green) contoured
                                                          at 2␴. B) View of the N␣-acetylated histone H3 binding pocket, WDR5
                                                          carbon atoms are shown in blue. Hydrogen bonds are rendered as orange
                                                          dashed lines. C) Surface representation of the WDR5 peptidyl arginine
                                                          binding cleft showing the 3 pockets. D) Two-dimensional schematic
                                                          representation of important hydrogen bonds and resonance of the new
                                                          amide bond. To improve clarity of the figure, the hydrogen bond
                                                          between A1 carbonyl group and K4 amide group is not shown.

   To probe the role of the hydrogen bond between the                   Comparison of N␣H3 binding mode
T3 hydroxyl group and the acetyl carbonyl moiety,
binding studies were performed with a T3V substituted                   Structural alignment and analysis of the WDR5-N␣H3
peptide. To our surprise, no loss of binding was ob-                    complex with the previously described WDR5-MLL1WIN
served, as identical binding constants were calculated                  and WDR5-H3 complexes allowed us to further under-
for the N␣H3 T3V peptide (Table 2). Consistent with
the binding studies, the T3V peptide inhibited histone H3
methylation to similar levels as the WT N␣H3 (Fig. 4).
These results suggest that the hydrogen bond between
the carbonyl group of the acetyl moiety and the T3
amide group is sufficient to maintain high-affinity bind-
ing capability of the N␣H3 peptide. Overall, the map-
ping and structural analyses suggest that for high-
affinity binding, a peptide mimetic requires an N␣-
acetyl moiety, a residue other than a glycine in position
1 and an arginine residue in position 2.

TABLE 2.        Mutational analysis of the N␣-acetylated peptides

␣-A1R2T3K4Q5T6A7R8K9S10Y                                  KD (␮M)

           WT                                           0.13 ⫾ 0.02
           A1S                                          0.09 ⫾ 0.01
           A1G                                          1.30 ⫾ 0.18
           R2L                                              N.B.
           R2A                                              N.B.        Figure 3. Mapping of the N␣H3 peptide. Methyltransferase
           R2E                                             ⬎500a        assay of MLL1 SET domain performed in presence of the
           T3V                                          0.10 ⫾ 0.01     RbBP5/WDR5/Ash2L complex. Enzymatic assays have been
           A1G/R2S                                          N.B.        carried out either in the absence (NP) or presence of 4 ␮M of
                                                                        N␣H3 peptides outlined in Table 1. Inhibition is shown as a
        N.B., no heat of binding could be detected; WT, wild type.      relative percentage of activity compared to methylation reac-
    Saturation could not be achieved.                                   tions performed in absence of N␣H3 peptides.

964      Vol. 25   March 2011                        The FASEB Journal 䡠                                AVDIC ET AL.
Figure 4. Difference in compaction of peptide in WDR5 peptidyl arginine binding cleft. A) Comparison of WDR5-H3 and
WDR5-N␣H3 complexes. Carbon atoms are shown in yellow and cyan for N␣H3 and H3 complexes, respectively. B) Comparison
of WDR5-N␣H3 and WDR5-MLL1WIN complexes. MLL1WIN carbon atoms are shown in orange. Hydrogen bonds are rendered
as in Fig. 2.

stand the structural basis underlying the differences in    consequently leads to shorter hydrogen bonds. In the
equilibrium dissociation constants between MLL1WIN,         WDR5-MLL1WIN complex, residues preceding A3764
histone H3, and N␣H3 peptides. Overall, the structure       stack onto Ala-65. This additional interaction likely
of WDR5-N␣H3 is similar to the previously published         forces the peptide to adopt a more relaxed conforma-
structure of WDR5-MLL1WIN and WDR5-H3 with root-            tion in comparison to N␣H3. Collectively, our observa-
mean-square deviations of 0.33 and 0.34 Å for all atoms,    tions point to a model in which the compaction,
respectively. However, close inspection of the peptides     achieved by a shift of A1 and an intramolecular hydro-
revealed several conformational differences. The addi-      gen bond between the carbonyl group of the acetyl
tional van der Waals contacts of A1 side chain in its       moiety and the T3 amide proton, plays an important
aromatic pocket are permitted by a 180° rotation along      role in high-affinity binding to WDR5.
its C␣-C bond comparatively to H3 peptide (Fig. 4A).
This rotation places the A1 amide group within hydro-
gen bond distances with Ser-91 and Asp-107 hydroxyl         DISCUSSION
and carboxylate groups, respectively. Moreover, the
addition of the N-terminal acetyl moiety also permits       The MLL1 protein catalyzes methylation of histone H3
new van der Waals contacts in the WDR5 peptide              on Lys-4, an enzymatic activity required for proper
binding cleft. Furthermore, the carbonyl group of the       control of skeletal development (6). As MLL1 methyl-
acetyl moiety allows the formation of intramolecular        transferase activity is dependent on its association with
hydrogen bonds with T3, inducing a tighter packing of       the core complex and relies on WDR5 peptide-binding
the peptide.                                                ability, a peptide mimetic with a high affinity for its
   The equilibrium dissociation constant calculated for     peptidyl arginine cleft would be expected to impair
the N␣H3 peptide is ⬃13-fold lower than the MLL1WIN         MLL1 activity. As demonstrated for many other protein
peptide. Although the number of contacts with WDR5          targets (32–34), an understanding of the structural
is greater for the MLL1WIN peptide (16, 27), the            determinants of peptide binding is key to the design of
differences in binding affinities between these peptides    such mimetics. To achieve this, we sought to character-
can be rationalized by the peptide-binding mode em-         ize the interaction of WDR5 with specifically designed
ployed by N␣H3. Close inspection of the overlay of          peptides.
WDR5- MLL1WIN and WDR5-N␣H3 reveals a clear shift              Our results show that the addition of an acetyl moiety
of 1 Å inward the propeller cleft for N␣H3 A1 in            to the N terminus of a histone H3 peptide increases its
comparison to MLL A3764 (Fig. 4B). This shift places        binding affinity to WDR5 by 84-fold. The same peptide
the A1 amide group closer to Ser-91 and Asp-107             has a 13-fold higher affinity comparatively to the previ-
hydroxyl and carboxylate groups, respectively, which        ously characterized MLL1WIN peptide. These results are

INHIBITION OF MLL1 METHYLTRANSFERASE ACTIVITY                                                                    965
supported by a recent study by Karatas et al. (30), who         in controlling the high-affinity binding of N␣H3 to
also observed a higher affinity for short N␣-acetylated         WDR5.
peptide mimetics of histone H3 and MLL1WIN pep-                    Analysis of apo-WDR5 reveals that, in the absence of
tides.                                                          peptides, WDR5’s acetyl pocket binds 3 water molecules
                                                                (data not shown). In light of these observations, one
Three binding pockets within WDR5 control its                   alternate possibility is that the addition of an acetyl
high-affinity binding to the peptide mimetic                    group in the N terminus of histone H3 decreases the
                                                                energy of desolvation comparatively to a free N-termi-
                                                                nal group. Another explanation of how peptide acety-
Comparison of the WDR5-peptide complexes and the
                                                                lation may increase binding affinity by 2 orders of
probing analyses provided several insights on the struc-
                                                                magnitude is simply by virtue that acetylation blocks a
tural determinants required for the high-affinity bind-
                                                                repulsive positive charge at the N terminus. This idea is
ing of N␣H3 to WDR5. First, the arginine in position 2
                                                                further supported by the 10-fold increase in binding
is an obligatory element for binding WDR5, as its
                                                                affinity for the MLL1WIN peptide in comparison to a
substitution to leucine, glutamic acid, and glycine resi-
                                                                histone H3 peptide (Fig. 1A).
dues completely abrogated binding to WDR5. These
observations are supported by a comparison of WDR5-
peptide structures, which reveals that an identical net-        N␣H3 as a lead molecule?
work of direct and water-mediated hydrogen bonds, as
well as hydrophobic interactions maintain the arginine          The combination of in vitro methyltransferase and
side chain in the central aperture of WDR5 (20, 29, 31,         binding assays, as well as structural studies reveal that
35). Second, the addition of an acetyl group to the             N␣H3 potently inhibits the stimulation of MLL1 meth-
histone H3 N terminus allows two intramolecular hy-             yltransferase activity by the WDR5-RbBP5-Ash2L com-
drogen bonds in the peptide structure. However, our             plex. The crystal structure of N␣H3 bound to WDR5
mutational analysis suggests that the hydrogen bond             gives us a rationale to design new peptide mimetics with
between the carbonyl group of the N␣-acetyl moiety              high binding capabilities. The proximity of the T3 side
and T3 hydroxyl group is dispensable for high-affinity          chain and the acetyl moiety suggests that cyclization of
binding to WDR5. These observations may be attrib-              N␣H3, through the formation of oxaloacetate or ma-
uted to the change in polarity of the peptidyl arginine         lonate bridges, would increase the binding of the
binding pocket as substitution of T3 to a valine residue        peptide to WDR5 by inducing a tighter packing in the
decreases the polarity of the microenvironment,                 binding cleft. Notwithstanding that N␣H3 does not
whereby reinforcing the hydrogen bond between T3                penetrate cells efficiently (data not shown), it is likely
amide proton and N␣Ac carbonyl group (36). Alterna-             that inducing a planar geometry to the peptide would
tively, these results may simply imply that only two            likely increase its ability to penetrate cells.
intramolecular hydrogen bonds are important for high-              In summary, our data offer the first structural basis
affinity binding to WDR5 peptidyl arginine binding              for controlling the assembly of WDR5-mediated protein
cleft, an hypothesis that is further supported by previ-        scaffolding with an unnatural peptide mimetic and
ous studies (30). Collectively, our study suggests that         hold promise for future studies of biological processes
modulating intramolecular contacts will influence the           related to the enzymatic activity of the SET1 family of
packing of the peptide in the WDR5 peptidyl arginine            methyltransferases.
binding cleft, allowing stronger hydrogen bonds be-
tween A1 amide group and WDR5 residues. These                      The authors thank Dr. Alexandre Blais for reviewing this
bonds are likely to be further strengthened by the              manuscript. This work was supported by a Canadian Institutes
delocalization of A1 nitrogen atom electrons along the          of Health Research grant to J.-F.C. J.-F.C. holds a Canadian
amide bond created by the addition of the acetyl                Research Chair in Structural Biology and Epigenetics. The
moiety. This conformation is further stabilized by a            coordinates for the WDR5-NaH3 complex have been depos-
                                                                ited in the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformat-
delocalization of the charge through T3 amide proton,           ics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank under accession number
carbonyl oxygen of N␣Ac and Asp-107 carboxylate                 3PSL.pdb.
group (Fig. 2D). The network of water-mediated hydro-
gen bonds with the Ser-91 hydroxyl group likely stabi-
lizes the free electron doublet of Asp-107 carboxylate
group. The formation of an amide bond orients the A1            REFERENCES
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