Finding Shechianu Moments - Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3 - Camp Wise

Page created by William Dominguez
Finding Shechianu Moments - Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3 - Camp Wise
Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3

Finding Shechianu Moments
                           One of the many                House” and to close out the summer; in           And as I look ahead to next summer, I am
                           traditions of Camp             the beginning of the summer we gather in         excited to return to Chardon as a camp
                           Wise, is our final             expectant circles to sing the Shehecheyanu       community. 2021 will certainly bring several
                           night called CW                marking the start of something new and           more Shehecheyanu moments:
                           Night. The last                exciting, something well worth the wait!         • The first meal in our camp dining hall!
                           song we sing on                The Shehecheyanu is one of the most              • The first opening campfire of the summer!
                           this special night is          versatile blessings in Jewish tradition. The     • The first days for first-time campers and
                           “Bless This House”.            prayer is meant to be said at the beginning         first-days back home for Camp Wise
                           In a way, this                 of a new occasion. It is a celebratory prayer       Lifers!
                           song serves as a               as we embark on something new.                   • The first tie dyed t-shirt and tie dyed
blessing or a prayer for us as we part ways               For many, the Shehecheyanu is a prayer we           hands, Jet Ski ride, top-secret raid, skit on
physically, though we will forever remain                 say a handful of times each year. On the            stage, and many more!
connected as a camp community. Standing                   first night of Chanukah, at the first Passover
                                                          Seder, the birth of a new child, etc.            These moments will be sweeter this year
together as a cabin, connected to the large                                                                than ever. We have waited longer, counted
camp community, we gather in intimate                     While we associate this prayer with these
                                                          aforementioned sacred occasions, it’s often      more days, and anticipated more summer
circles, arms around each other to recite                                                                  fun than ever before. We now realize that
“Bless this House”. For many, just hearing                unrecognized that the Shehecheyanu can
                                                                                                           every moment at the Home of Happiness
the words to that song bring a myriad of                  be said at any new or first moment.
                                                                                                           is a moment to be celebrated. In between
feelings, years after their last CW Night in              Over the past several months, I have had         all of the fun and excitement surrounding
the Chadar (dining hall).                                 a chance to reflect on our “lost summer”.        camp, I will surely be reminded to take a
A few years ago, when we introduced                       And while there were so many moments             pause and express gratitude for everything
the new tradition of holding an All-Camp                  missed at Camp Wise in Chardon,                  that has occurred that allowed us to reach
Opening Campfire as a community, we                       our community was still able to create           each momentous occasion! I cannot wait
intentionally planned it to be a bookend                  many firsts. I am grateful for all of these      to see all of you back at the “Home of
                                                          opportunities and , wanted to share              Happiness” in 2021.
with our CW Night closing program. In
                                                          some special Shehecheyanu moments
considering a closing “song” that could
                                                          that I celebrated along with our camp
compete with emotional depth of “Bless                                                                       SHEHECHEYANU
This House”, it was easy to turn to our                                                                      Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech
                                                          • The first community Shabbat & Havdalah
Jewish culture and the Shehecheyanu.                                                                         Haolam, shehechiyanu, v’kiy’manu,
                                                             held over zoom!
While at the end of the summer, we gather                                                                    v’higianu lazman hazeh.
                                                          • The first time we brought families
in somber circles to sing “Bless This                                                                        Blessed are You Eternal Spirit who has
                                                             together for an afternoon playing at the
                                                             Camp Wise Lake, exploring our grounds,          given us life, sustained us and allowed

   Table of Contents                                         and picnicking as part of our Outdoor
                                                             Fun Days program!
                                                                                                             us to arrive in this moment.

                                                                                                             BLESS THIS HOUSE
   Outdoor Adventure........................2             • The first time we went live on Facebook
                                                                                                             Bless this house for we are all together
   Shana Says......................................3         and Zoom with camper engagement
                                                             which resulted in a new Camp Wise               Bless us all we may not meet again
   Alumni Spotlight.............................3
                                                             village, Zoomar!                                Think of all the happiness we found here
   Summer Programs..........................4
                                                          • The first (of many) alumni gatherings held      Take it home and share it with a friend
                                                             online, connecting our community past           Come along, sing a song
   Welcome Back Bess & Rebecca.....7
   Milestones.......................................8        and present in new ways!                        And you’ll never say goodbye
   We’re Hiring....................................9      • The first day of 2021 camper registration       And you’ll see, and agree
                                                             with more than 300 campers ready to             Friendships won need never die
                                                             return to the Home of Happiness

   1           camp wise news | winter 2020
Finding Shechianu Moments - Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3 - Camp Wise
Outdoor Fun Days
Summer 2020 brought a new and different        for 3-hour time slot on camp. Groups were       receptacles which are already in place all
opportunity to Camp Wise. While we could       welcome to bring their own lunch and snacks     over camp. These groups also, then had
not have the summer we had planned, we         and spent time at the lake, doing arts and      some time to spend at the lake or in other
were able to bring many families safely on     crafts or playing sports. For groups with new   camp activities. Finally, we offered a Shabbat
camp for some outdoor adventures. Running      campers or community members, we added          experience. Families joined us on the
from July to the middle of August, our camp    a tour of camp in addition to their time to     basketball court for a socially distanced camp
and community families had many options to     participate in activities. Some campers and     Shabbat service, complete with a story from
be at camp. Over 300 people were able to       families also took advantage of the evening     Rabbi Shana. These groups then had their
experience Camp Wise, even in a pandemic       campfire option, and brought their own dinner   own camp fire spaces to end the evening with
summer.                                        to cook out followed, of course, by s’mores!    snacks and s’mores.
Participants were able to sign up in groups    For campers who wanted to give something        While this was not a typical Camp Wise
of up to 10 people for a number of different   back to Camp Wise, we offered a ‘Live Wise’     summer, we were thrilled for families to
opportunities. Most popular was our ‘Picnic    session. Participants completed service         come and experience camp together. Some
and Play’. Families and friends joined us      projects such as building new wood trash        campers came once with their families and
                                                                                               again with some friends, while other families
                                                                                                                             participated in
                                                                                                                             multiple days
                                                                                                                             and activities.
                                                                                                                             Overall, Outdoor
                                                                                                                             Fun Days was
                                                                                                                             a huge success
                                                                                                                             and a great way
                                                                                                                             to experience
                                                                                                                             camp any way
                                                                                                                             we could.


  Carry the
  Camp Wise spirit
  with you
  this summer!
  We have stock remaining from our winter
  swag sale, and would love for our campers,
  staff, parents, and alumni to wear this
  special sweatshirt honoring our favorite CW
  night song! This crewneck is Bella + Canvas

                                                             $   50
  Ultra Soft Crewneck in Heather Navy Blue.
  Cost: $50 (includes taxes)
  Shipping costs not included. Local orders will be
  delivered by a CW team member!

                      TO ORDER:

  2          camp wise news | winter 2020
Finding Shechianu Moments - Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3 - Camp Wise
Shana Says: Celebration Delayed
                         Ask most Jewish            C.E., almost 700 years after the Maccabees            Kipnes, Congregation Or Ami, Calabasas, CA)
                         people why we              recaptured the Temple. A more accurate                The truth is both stories of Chanukah matter!
                         celebrate Chanukah,        historical record of the Maccabean war is             This delayed celebration of Sukkot was so
                         and they will give you     found in the Second Book of Maccabees.                important that the rabbis at the time decided
                         some version of the        This book, written for Jews who lived outside         we needed to continue to celebrate it for
                         “Miracle of Oil” story.    the land of Israel, was composed around               generations to come. It reminds us that
                         They will tell you that    120 BCE – about 300 years after the first             sometimes when we are forced to do things
                         after the Maccabees        Chanukah. The Second Book of Maccabees                a little differently, we discover awesome new
                         reclaimed the temple       explains that the mitzvah of celebrating eight        traditions along the way. And the “Miracle
                         and went to light the      days of Chanukah was actually invented                of Oil” story along with lighting our menorot
                         menorah, there was         as a substitute for celebrating the eight
Rabbi Shana Nyer –                                                                                        reminds us of our responsibility to bring
                         only enough oil to         days of Sukkot [which did not occur while
Jewish Educator                                                                                           our light to the darkness. Last summer
                         last for one day, but      the Maccabees were fighting]. It does not             was definitely not typical, but we learned
instead it lasted for eight days until more oil     mention the “Miracle of Oil” story…The                new ways to be together as a community,
was procured.                                       message of this “Second Sukkot” account               and together we brought light to the dark
However, the “Miracle of Oil” story is not          is clear: Judaism is so important that, if            times. And this summer will be our delayed
the whole story of Chanukah. This story was         necessary, Jews will create new ways to               celebration. Summer 2021 will be our very
reported in the Babylonian Talmud in 500            observe our Jewish tradition. (Rabbi Paul             own miracle, and I cannot wait!

Alumni Spotlight

Eli Steinberger & Melissa Shamis
If you were to see us today, sitting in our         Our closest friends are the friends
apartment in Chicago, quarantined from the          we made at camp. We have had
rest of the world, and working on slide decks       the great honor of remaining in
and spreadsheets late into the evenings,            the lives of our bunk mates and
you might think that the time we spent at           co-counselors throughout college
Camp Wise were memories from a children’s           and into the real world; celebrating
book our parents read to us about another           weddings, newborns, or just
world. Not just because the thought of eating       stopping by for a meal when we are
indoors with 300 other people or gathering          in town. We even named our dog                             sa Then
                                                                                                    Eli & Melis
inside a Moadon with an entire village is           after one of our camp friends, Jake Cole!
against CDC guidelines! You might think that        Today, Melissa works as an Organization
our time at overnight camp had very little          Designer at IDEO and Eli works in M&A
impact on the people we are today, but boy          Tax at PWC. We often reflect on how our
would you be wrong!                                 experiences at camp gave us a sense of
To this day, Camp Wise has had a huge               responsibility and confidence that we could
impact on our lives. We met each other as           not have gotten in any internship. Camp
campers in the summer of 2002. Eli was              taught us to work collaboratively in teams,
a devastatingly handsome, albeit slightly           infuse creativity into any situation, and to                    Eli & Melis
                                                                                                                               sa    Now
awkward, 15 year old Solel camper and               always have a rainy day plan.
Melissa was an adorably outgoing, albeit            When we first heard about camp being
slightly awkward, 14 year old Noar gal. Our                                                               Connecting with alumni across the many
                                                    cancelled for the 2020 summer, our hearts
romantic relationship didn’t kick off until 2004,                                                         camp generations in attendance felt like we
                                                    broke for the campers and counselors who
but we have been together ever since. We                                                                  were all sitting around a picnic table instead of
                                                    wouldn’t get to spend their days on the
credit our summers at the Home of Happiness                                                               a laptop screen.
                                                    Ohalim Rec and nights around the campfire.
for building the foundation for our entire          We immediately knew we wanted to help.                We were so glad to be able to help camp and
relationship. We will often find ourselves          We quickly transitioned into camp mode and            connect with alumni at the same time! We are
singing camp songs, brainstorming the next          evening program planning, and hosted two              eternally grateful for our time at Camp Wise,
great Maccabiah, or even getting our days           virtual alumni trivia fundraising nights reaching     and can’t imagine a single aspect of our lives
started with morning circle.                        over 120 alumni, and raising close to $10,000!        that hasn’t been positively affected by it.

   3          camp wise news | winter 2020
Finding Shechianu Moments - Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3 - Camp Wise
Teen Programs for Summer 2021

Our Solel village (for rising 10th graders)    OPTIONS FOR 2021                                     OPTIONS FOR 2021
and Israel Leadership Summer program (for      RISING 11TH GRADERS                                  RISING 12TH GRADERS
rising 11th graders) have come to represent    (last year’s Solel Groups)                           FULL SUMMER
important milestone summers for our teens at
                                               1ST SESSION                                          June 11 – August 4
Camp Wise. With the cancelation of Summer
                                               June 13 – July 11:                                   Option #1: Staff in Training (SIT) We are
2020 due to COVID-19, it was important to
                                               Tosafot Village (NEW for this summer)                very excited to invite our rising 12th graders
us, our teens, our families, and our summer
staff to ensure that the 2020 10th and 11th    This is a new village for Summer 2021! The           to this summer to apply to be a part of
grade cohorts from last summer did not miss    name Tosafot, meaning “toppings, add-ons,            the Staff-in-Training (SIT) program! The SIT
out on these pivotal experiences. We have      or extra!” We felt this was an appropriate           program has become a meaningful, rite-of-
made adjustments to our programs for this      name as this program is a bonus for our              passage summer for those in our community.
upcoming summer to best support them in        rising 11th graders this summer! As Tosafot          As SITs, our teens will receive training and
2021! Much of our planning was informed by     campers, teens will be living at camp as an          opportunities to develop the necessary skills
critical conversations we had with our teens   integral part of our community, engaging in          to become amazing CW staff members. The
and staff this summer in focus groups.         leadership opportunities, while also enjoying        program is focused on leadership, community,
                                               their favorite activities and experiencing some      stewardship, and responsibility that will
Note: Campers who are aging up naturally
                                               of the best elements of the Solel summer they        prepare them as young leaders in camp and
into Solel and ILS this year will be able to
                                               missed last year.                                    beyond. Teens who choose option #1 will
participate in these programs as normal!
                                               2ND SESSION                                          participate in the SIT program for 7 week at
                                               July 12 – August 4:                                  camp!
                                               Israel Leadership Summer (ILS)                       Option #2: Staff in Training (SIT) + Israel
                                               Our Israel program will run during second            Leadership Summer (ILS) This option allows
                                               session this summer and will be offered              our rising 12th graders to be at camp for first
                                               to both rising 11th and 12th graders! This           session as an SIT (see description above) and
                                               special ILS program will include a 20-day tour       to then travel to Israel with the ILS program
                                               experience, allowing our teens to experience         during second session (see description above).
                                               the historical and modern parts of Israel and        Teens who choose option #2 will participate
                                               to visit our sister city of Beit She’an for a home   in these two programs for a 7 week CW
                                               hospitality experience. Teens will engage in         experience at camp and in Israel!
                                               leadership development programming as well           2ND SESSION
                                               as they prepare for future summers at camp as        July 12 – August 4
                                               SITs and staff!                                      Option #3: Israel Leadership Summer (ILS)
                                               If one session just won’t be enough for              See description above!
                                               them…teens can participate in both programs
                                               for an amazing full summer experience!

  4         camp wise news | winter 2020
Finding Shechianu Moments - Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3 - Camp Wise
AVery Special “Todah Rabah”                                                                                                            TO

TO ALL OF OUR MOST RECENT CAMP WISE DONORS!                                                                                           HERE

The cancellation of camp this past summer hit home for all of us –           possible through JCamp 180, a program of the Harold Grinspoon
from our current campers, parents, and staff to alumni and our wider         Foundation.
community. It has also had a deep financial impact on Camp Wise              At this time, we have secured the full All Together Now matching
and the Mandel JCC. Over the course of the past eight months, the            grant. As a reminder, through the matching grant all tuition
support from our community has truly shown how many people care              donations were matched dollar for dollar (1:1), and all additional
about The Home of Happiness and its continuing legacy. Thank you             donations received a match of $1 for every $2 raised. This list of
to our donors from near and far, for your unwavering commitment              contributions includes gifts processed between March 31, 2020
to ensuring that future generations of Camp Wise campers have the            and November 23, 2020.
opportunity to experience a summer at 13164 Taylors Wells Road.
                                                                             We are overwhelmed with gratitude to our entire community of
To date, we have raised $352,100 thanks to the generosity of                 donors and to the Harold Grinspoon Foundation for believing in the
428 donors and the All Together Now matching grant, made                     power and the importance of the Camp Wise experience. Toda raba!

Rachel Adams                  Brian Chessin                  Megan Garrett                Doug Katz                   Amanda Mayan
Olivia Adelman                Carly Chessin                     – IHO all the caring,    Abby Kaufman                Evan Meles
Suzanne & Lee Appel           Sara Chinsky                         dedicated staff at     Becca Kendis                Susie Meles
Jamie Babin                   Heidi & Loren Chylla                 Camp Wise              Alise Kermisch              Gabrielle Meles
Andrea Baer                   Maya Cohen                     Joni & Todd Giterman         Dana Kessner                Aaron Mendelsohn
Dan Baer                      Naomi Cohn                     Rachel Gleitman              Jessica Kibbe               Hannah Mendelsohn
Marla & Jeremy Bass           Jake Cole                      Elana Gloger                 Tova Kieval                 Maxine Middleton
Jennie & Ben Becker           Jackson Coleman                Andrea & Adam                Adam Klein                  Arielle Miller
Cathy & Paul Becker           Lissy Collin Allen             Goldberg                     Deborah Klein               Darby & Jon Miller
Meredith Belman               Alex Collins                      – IHO Solel 2004 – All   Brad Kleinman                  Steiger
Steven Belman                 Lory Conte                           our love               Joel Kling                  Kenneth Miller
   – IHO Meredith Belman         – IHO Rachel Felber’s      Amanda & Josh                Sherri Koppel               Kelly Millstone
Cheryl Bendis                       leadership and all the   Goldberg                     Sarah Kornfeld              Mitch Morgan
Joshua Beren                        ways she brings joy to   Matthew Golden               Nicole Krasnow              Harrison Morgenstern
   – IHO the life & memory         the community!           Sydney Goldstein             Dustin Kress                Katie Moscowitz
      of David Bruell         Rebecca Copeland               Dan Goodman                  Ryan Lahiff                 Jodi Moskowitz
Berko Family                  Carr Jamie                     Ethan Goodman                Julia Leb                   Jill Muencz
Marla Berns                   Ella Corvin                    Susan Goodman                Adam Levin                  Ryan Muencz
Sylvia Biarsky                Mitch Cronig                   Bernard & Jennifer           Marc Levin                  Susan Nathan
   – IHO Ben & Becky          Larry Davidoff                    Gordon                    Joseph Levin                   – IHO Audrey Ratner
Stalsmith’s wedding              – IMO Mr. Sperling          Lesley Gordon                Meredith Levine                   for Mother’s day. With
Susan Bichsel                 Grant Davis                    Gideon Greenberg                – IHO the 2020 staff           Love, Susie, Paul,
Samuel Bird                   Carly Day                      Jeffrey Greenwald            Kevin Levine                      Lyndi & Danielle
Dana Blitstein                Michael Diamond                Maya Greller                 James Levine                Audrey Ratner
Cori Bloch                    Andrea DeMar                   Helen Grubb                  Drs. Frederic Levine &      Hailey Nazinitsky
Eliana Bloom                  Jason Drasner                     – IMO Barbara Straus         Janine                   Matthew Newamn
Linda Bloomfield              Stacey Ehrenberg               Naomi & Jeremy               Martyn Levine               Shoshana Nyer &
Deborah Bobrow                Jenna Eisenberg                   Grunzweig                 Eliana LeVine               Stephen Langel Nyer
Rebecca Bornstein             Lisa Eisenberg                 Lindsey Guth                 Julia Levitt                Edith Orenstein
Eric Boykin                   Larissa Elgudin                Mitchell Haut                Joshua Levy                    – IHO all the planners
Rachel Braun                  Elizabeth Eliah                Hecker Family                Matthew Levy                      of the CW 70s-80s
Heather Brody                 Aaron Engel                    Hannah Henschel              Shelly & Scott Lewis              virtual Havdalah/
Simon Brown                   Rebecca Entel                     – Sending so much        Samantha Licker &                 songfest
Ellen & Jonathan Brown        Michael Epstein                      love to the Camp          Adam Babcock Licker      Matthew Ortman
Bess Brown                    Craig Eppy                           Wise community!        Simone Light                Seth Osnowitz
Scott Brown                   Sam Eppy                       Jeff Hensien                 Celia Livshin               Jessie Paley
Jack Brownlee                 Julie Eschenbrenner            Abigail Herbst               Rebecca Lord                Ilyssa Peltz
Jessie Bruder                 Neal Felstein                  Jodie Herbst                 Wendy Lord                  Julian Peskin
Abby Bruell                   Scott Figler                   Debra Hollander              Stacy Lundy                 Allison Peterson
Gary Buchler                  Jodi Fish                      Jessica Horowitz-Moore       Aimee & Steven Lurie        Brandon Polien
David Buchner                 Kenneth Fisher                 Elise Jaffe                  Jordin Luxinberg            Beth Pollack
Isaac Cadesky                 Adam Flacks                    Elizabeth Jones-Minsinger    Larry Mack                  Robert Port
Rachel Cahn                   Jill Fogel                     Adam Josephson               Zach Mandel                 Susan Post
Hannah Caplan                 Michael Frayman                Emily Josephson              Gary Mann                      – IHO future camper
Sarah Caplan                  Hallie Freed                   Mitchell Josephson              – IHO Andrew Mann        Abe Becker
Jill & Gary Cappy             Phillip Friedman               Rachel Kabb-Effron           Julie Manning               Michael Post
Iani Cheistwer                Rachel Garber                  Amy & RJ Kalk                Jaryn Marcus                Sam Radwany
                                                             Naomi Kall                   Melissa Marks               Julia Radwany
                                                             Amanda Karp                  Jordan Marks                Brian Reiss
                                                             Lindsay Kattan               Barry Marlin                Shara Reiss
                                                             David Kattan                 Zachary Marlin              Kim Resnick
  5          camp wise news | winter 2020
Finding Shechianu Moments - Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3 - Camp Wise
Max Resnik                    Halle Schwartz                Jordan Sowards                Ann & Iliya Weinstein        Shani & Scott Spiegle
Michael Resnick                  – IHO Rachel and her      Madi Spector                  Yair Weinstock               	Donor Advised Fund
  – In appreciation of the         amazing Camp team!      Jodi Sperling                    – IHO their daughter          of JFC
     Cronig families help     Mallory Schweiger                – IHO Camp wise            Beth Young                   John Andrew Lang
     delivering groceries     Alan & Jessica Semel          Ann Stallsmith                Marisa Weisel                	Philanthropic Fund
     to Wiggins Place for     Kari Semel                    Karen Stallsmith              Alexis Weiss                 Scott & Amy Bilsky Family
     my Mom!                  Melissa Shamis                   – Triple Chai! One        Lindsey Weller               	Charitable Fund
Julia Rhodes                  Gary & Mary Ann Shamis              for Ben Stallsmith,     Rena Widzer                  Dr. Herman Smith
Jamie Rindsberg               Martin Shankle                      one for Becky Lord      Amy Williams                 	Memorial Fund of the
Steven Ring                   Alexa Shankman                      Stallsmith, and one     Idelle Wolf                      Jewish Community
Celena Ritchey                Jeremiah Shapera                    for the union of the    Elida Yamson                     Federation
  – Thinking of the Camp     Michael Shapiro                     two lives to one!          – IHO Rachel Felber &    IHO the 2020 campers
     Wise community           Meredith Sharp                Erica Starrfield                    Abby Kaufman           and staff by the 2004
Elena Rodriguez               Robin Shell                   Lily Steiger                  Evette Yedid                 Supervisors
Jessica Rosenblitt            Stacey & Steven Shore         Rabbi Daniel Stein            Sharon Young                 Michael Bertner
Decio Rozenbojm               Ivy Shtull                    Andrea & Sidney               Elin Young
Sophia Rozenbojm              Moriah Shtull                 Steinberger                   Mark Young                   IHO the 2020 campers
Kelly & Gil Rubanenko         Kaleigh Shupp                 Staci Steinberger             Amy & Brian Zack             and staff by the 2010
Abby Rubin                    JoAnn Silkes                  Tivon Sterin                  Cathy Zbanek                 Supervisors
Lauren Rubin                     – In recognition of the   Lexi Stovsky                  Jeffrey Zimon                David Leb
Rachel Rubin                        amazing legacy of       Lydia Stux                    Matthew Zukerman             IHO the 2020 campers
Chad Rubin                          Camp Wise and the       Donna Sullivan                Community Funding and         and staff by the 2013
Patricia Rubin                      influence it has had    Hannah Sullivan                  Foundations                Supervisors
Jon Rubinstein                      on my life              Hannah Teitelbaum             Michael D. & Anita H.         Jamie Collins
Alyssa Rukin                  Jake Simon                    Karen Tindel                  	Siegal One Happy            Sara Federman
Amy Saltzman                  Mose Simon                    Heidi Tolchinsky                 Camper Endowment           Cydney Goldberg
Andy Saltzman                 Shawn Simon                   Laura Tolchinsky                 Fund of the Jewish         Nick Goldman
Joel Saltzman                 Deborah Singer                Jessica Traeger                  Federation of              Lauren Kresnye
Jennifer & Lewis                 – For the future of       Benji Trangle                    Cleveland                  Morgan Levin
Sanderow                            Camp Wise               Kari Traugott                 Foundation for Jewish         Andrew Mann
  – IHO Mara, Gabi &         Jennifer Slate                Sydney Ungar                  	Camping                     Lindsay Migdal
     Emma                     Solel 2006 & The Camp         Adam Unger                    Jewish Federation of          Jenny & Sean Morgan
Alyssa Sands                  	Wise Class of 2009          Jason Wachs                      Cleveland                  Rebecca Semel
Leah Sass                     Solel 2017                    Michael Wallenstein           Nachshon Foundation           Jessica Wainer
Stacy Scholnick Lundy         Jeremy Sosin                                                                              Beth & Chris Young

Until We Meet Again
We say goodbye to our Associate Director,          across our camper, staff, parent,
Abby Kaufman as she leaves Camp Wise               and alumni communities.
to pursue new opportunities with her family        Abby played a significant role
in Colorado. We are grateful for Abby’s            in building and implementing
time with us at camp and for the many              our new Israel Leadership
accomplishments and contributions she has          Summer (ILS) program that
shared with us over the years.                     was launched in 2018. And for 2021, Abby
Abby and Camp Wise have been synonymous            cleared the path for even more teens to          We are so grateful for everything Abby has
for many years. Abby first joined the Camp         participate in our ILS program by securing       accomplished and we look forward to
Wise Family as a Chalutzim camper in 1997,         RootOne Vouchers* ($3000 value) for all of       supporting Abby in her new role as a Camp
and Camp Wise quickly became a formative           this year’s participants!                        Wise Alum! With 19 summers spent at The
part of Abby’s identity. After joining the         Abby is also known for fostering a strong        Home of Happiness, it’s remarkably evident
professional team in the fall of 2016, Abby’s      camper and staff community and culture           that what CW gave to Abby, she returned
contributions and impact have been felt            and for developing our statements and            tenfold.
                                                   practices on inclusion. Most recently, Abby      While we will miss working with Abby,
                                                   spearheaded our fundraising & sustainability     her dedication, accomplishments and
                                                   efforts. She is the brains behind our now        contributions to camp will be felt for many
                                                   annual Wise Madness Campaigns and was            years ahead. We wish Abby luck on her
                                                   the driving force which led Camp Wise to         future endeavors and cannot wait to see
                                                   reaching our goal with the All Together          what lies ahead for her!
                                                   Now Matching Grant, made possible
                                                   through JCamp 180, a program of the                         We Are Proud of You,
                                                   Harold Grinspoon Foundation. All of Abby’s                Say We Are Proud of You!
                                                   contributions have helped to strengthen          * RootOne is seeded through the generosity
L-R: Beth Young, Abby, Jennie Becker,              Camp Wise as we look ahead to many, many         of The Marcus Foundation, and is powered
Jessie Bruder and Ben Becker                       more summers under the Chardon skies.            by The Jewish Education Project.

  6          camp wise news | winter 2020
Finding Shechianu Moments - Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3 - Camp Wise
We Welcome You (Back)
  To Chardon, We’r e Mighty Glad You’re Here!
                                         In November, we welcomed Rebecca Copeland and Bess Brown to our year-round team.
                                                   Rebecca and Bess have spent a collective 20 summers in Chardon;
                                             and together with their more recent professional experiences bring a wealth of
                                                                 knowledge and passion to our team!

                                 BESS BROWN                                                       REBECCA COPELAND
       BR                        1. When was your first summer at Camp Wise? How                  1. When was your first summer at Camp

                                 many summers have you spent at the Home Of                       Wise? How many summers have you spent

                                 Happiness before 2021?                                           at the Home Of Happiness before 2021?
                                 My first summer was 2005. I’ve spent 13 summers at the           My first summer was 1985, in Ohalim. I’ve
                                 Home of Happiness.                                               spent 7 summers at the Home of Happiness.

                                 2. When you think of camp you smell…                             2. When you think of camp you smell…
                                 That fresh smell right after its finished raining.               Campfires!

                                 3. Favorite camp song from when you were a                       3. Favorite camp song from when you
                                 camper? Staff member?                                            were a camper? Staff member?
                                 As a camper I loved Brown Eyed Girl. I had A LOT of              As a camper I loved One Tin Soldier and as a
           OPELAND               energy as a kid and those shna-na-na-na’s were the best          staff member I loved Bless this House.
        CAC                      way to get that energy out. Now I’d say my favorite is
       C                                                                                          4. Everyone at camp will know me this
                                 ANNOUNCEMENTS because so many camps all over

                                                                                                  summer because I…

                                 the country have a cheer when someone says this one
                                 word. It’s awesome to see so many different versions             I will be in flip flops as much as possible.
                                 about the same thing!
                                                                                                  5. Something my years at Camp Wise has
                                 4. Everyone at camp will know me this summer                     taught me is…
                                 because I…                                                       Besides how to build a fire, it taught me to
                                 I’ll be known as the girl who walks around in her Hot Dog        always be me!
                                 costume for no apparent reason.
                                                                                                  6. The best job you ever had at camp
                                 5. Something my years at Camp Wise has taught me is…             was… why?
                                 Growing up at camp taught me that even if I don’t think          Head Counselor (modern day = Village
                                 I can do something, I should still try. As an adult, my          Programmer) for Noar. First time on staff
                                 friends are always shocked at some of the skills I have. I       in Noar, got to work with an amazing
                                 can go from troubleshooting the Wi-Fi to pitching a tent         Supervisor, Max Middleton and Director,
                                 to making chocolate balls. I owe my confidence in trying         Karin Hess.
                                 new things to camp!
                                                                                                  7. What is the first thing you’re going to
                                 6. The best job you ever had at camp was… why?                   do on your first day back in Chardon?
                                 Art Shack supervisor! My hands were always covered in            Go for a walk in the woods and look up at
                                 tie-dye and the shack is such a central place for people         the stars!
                                 to come and hang out which I loved!

                                 7. What is the first thing you’re going to do on your
                                 first day back in Chardon?
                                 Jump on the Wishing Rock and get myself pumped for
                                 the best summer ever!

                                                                               Be in touch!
                                                                               Summer:                      Fall, Winter & Spring:
                                                                               13164 Taylor Wells Road      26001 South Woodland Road
                                                                               Chardon, OH 44024            Beachwood, OH 44122
                                                                               216.593.6250                 216.593.6250


 7       camp wise news | winter 2020
Finding Shechianu Moments - Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3 - Camp Wise
“I’m tryin’ to tell you something about my life...”
C.I.T.s (Campers in Training)
                                                                        Camp Wise Alum                  Years at Camp               Future
                                                                        Ann Kravec Weinstein &          1996-2003, 2005-2011/       Noam
                                                                        Iliya Weinstein                 2010-2011
                                                                        Lissy Collin Allen              1993, 1995-1997, 1999       Samuel
                                                                        Phillip Friedman & Jessica      2000-2010/ 1995-1998        Harrison
Noam Weinsteirn           Samuel Allen             Harrison Friedman
                                                                        Hoffman Friedman
                                                                        Bailey Harner &                 2005-2010/ 2008-2009        Jackson
                                                                        Adam Murphy
                                                                        Lucy Cahn & Jonny Bolton        2008-2010,                  Jovie
                                                                                                        2013-2014/ 2011-2014
                                                                        Lindsay Weiss Hilton            1989-1999                   Leo
                                                                        Sarah Kest Philips              2002-2012                   Braelyn
Jackson Murphy            Jovie Bolton             Leo Weiss Hilton     Zac Sebo                        2000-2007                   Archer
                                                                        Jessica Binstock Kolodin        2000-2007                   Noa

                                                                       Please let us know when any Camp Wise alumnus
                                                                       welcomes a new baby and we will send them a Future
                                                                       Camper onesie, featured here on Leo Weiss Hilton.

Braelyn Philips           Archer Zebo              Noa Kolodin

Wedding Bells                                                                      B’nei Mitzvah
                                                                                   We are proud of you, I said
                                                                                   we are proud of you... uh!
                                                                                   When someone at Camp Wise celebrates a big day, we all
                                                                                   stand on our benches and cheer about it! Here is a big CW
                                                                                   cheer for all those campers, who with their families have
                                                                                   celebrated their B’nai Mitzvah since our last newsletter.
                                                                                   Please let us know if we’ve missed you and we will include
                                                                                   you in our next issue.

Becky Lord (Solel           Mallory Schweiger          Jamie Collins (Solel        Miranda Benson         Noah Grischkan      Ben Mitchell
2008) and Ben “Stallz”      (Solel 2011) married       2006) and Max Garber        Nate Brecher           Zander Joltin       Lolan Reiss
Stallsmith (Solel 2006)     Torrey Tarschis            (Solel 2011) were           Eva Golub              Sarah Korland       Noah Seaman
were married June 26,       September 6, 2020          married November 28,        Charlotte Goykberg     Max Leebow
2020                                                   2020

  8         camp wise news | winter 2020
Finding Shechianu Moments - Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3 - Camp Wise
Mandel Jewish Community Center of Cleveland
26001 South Woodland Road • Beachwood, Ohio 44122

                                                      Searching for a fun, meaningful, and exciting way to earn money this summer?

                                                      WE RE HIRING                                                                      AVAILABLE POSITIONS

                                                                                                                                             summer 2021
                                                                                                                                       • CABIN COUNSELORS
                                                                                                                                       • SPECIALISTS:
                                                                                                                                         Horseback Riding, Pool &
                                                                                                                                         Waterfront Lifeguards, Nature/
                                                                                                                                         Camping, Gardening, Songleader,
                                                                                                                                         Theatre, Dance, Podcasting,
                                                                                                                                         Video, Photographer, Pottery
       • Want to make a difference in                    At the heart of Camp Wise is a compassionate and
          a child’s life?                                 energetic team of 150 staff members. Our staff is                            • VILLAGE (UNIT) SUPERVISORS:
       • Have valuable skills and                        comprised of dedicated leaders working together                                 2-5 grade, 6-7 grade, 8-9 grade,
          experience in teaching,                         to create a vibrant and enriching Jewish community                              10 grade, Israel Trip, Staff-in-
          coaching, and working with                      for our campers. The rewards are great – the joy                                Training
          children?                                       of helping a child, the beauty of living in nature,                          • PROGRAM AREA SUPERVISORS:
       • Enjoy working in teams and                      and the excitement and fun of working alongside a                               Horseback Riding, Waterfront,
          using your creativity to think                  creative and enthusiastic team.                                                 Nature & Camping, Arts & Crafts,
          outside the box?                                                                                                                Sports
                                           SUMMER EMPLOYMENT DATES:
                                        May 30 - August 4, 2021                                                                        • CAMPER CARE SPECIALISTS
                                                                                                                                       For a complete list visit
        ust be 18 years old (staff) and 21 years old (supervisors) by June 2nd and have experience working with children ages 6-15.
       Must be caring, empathetic, patient, hard working, and diligent professional who exhibits sound judgment

                                                                     TO APPLY – CLICK HERE
                                     FOR MORE INFORMATION: (216) 593-6250 • CAMPWISE.ORG
Finding Shechianu Moments - Winter 2020 | Volume 13, No. 3 - Camp Wise
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