Financial Support and Awards - Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate applicants beginning their course in 2022 - Aberystwyth University

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Financial Support and Awards - Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate applicants beginning their course in 2022 - Aberystwyth University
GOOD         WELSH         GOOD         UNIVERSITY
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Financial Support
and Awards
Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate
applicants beginning their course in 2022
Financial Support and Awards - Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate applicants beginning their course in 2022 - Aberystwyth University
Contents                                                                                           Introduction

Entrance Examinations: Scholarships and Merit Awards                                               Studying at university can be a transformative       means you can combine a variety of awards to
(opportunity to win up to £2,000 a year plus a guaranteed place to study at Aberystwyth)    4-10   experience as you deepen your understanding          make your financial package more valuable.
                                                                                                   of your chosen subject, make new discoveries
                                                                                                   and meet friends for life. For many students,        We have a range of different scholarships
Academic Excellence Scholarships
                                                                                                   it’s also a time of learning to live independently   and bursaries to cover all needs - and the
(£2,000 for applicants who excel in their studies before coming to Aberystwyth)               11   and managing budgets.                                good news is that, unlike a student loan, you
                                                                                                                                                        don’t have to pay this money back. There
Aberystwyth School of Veterinary Science Bursaries                                                 At Aberystwyth, we understand the financial          are academic excellence awards, bursaries
(Up to £2,400 for applicants to the BVSc Veterinary Science course)		                         12   implications of higher education. Thanks to the      to assist students from disadvantaged
                                                                                                   generous support of our alumni and friends,          backgrounds, awards for sporting and musical
Nursing Bursaries                                                                                  we have been able to offer scholarships for          ability, and incentives to study through the
(Accommodation Bursaries for Nursing applicants)		                                            12   over 125 years and we remain as committed            medium of Welsh.
                                                                                                   as ever to supporting our students. That’s why
Departmental Awards                                                                                we’ve put together a generous package of             Find out whether you could benefit from one
(Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Welsh)                                            13-14   awards which can help you with day to day            or more of our awards. Read through the
                                                                                                   living costs.                                        brochure for more information and get in
Sports Scholarships                                                                                                                                     touch if you have any questions.
(£1,000 a year plus other benefits, available for any degree scheme)                          15   We don’t restrict the number of awards you
                                                                                                   can receive - providing you meet the eligibility     Professor Elizabeth Treasure
Aberystwyth University / Aberystwyth Town Football Club Scholarship                                criteria, you can hold multiple awards. That         Vice-Chancellor
(£4,000 plus other benefits)                                                                  16
Bursaries for Care Leavers, Young Carers and Estranged students
(£1,500 a year plus a tailored support package)                                               17
Music Scholarships
(£650 a year plus other benefits, available for any degree scheme)                         18-19
Welsh Medium Study Scholarships
(up to £400 a year for studying all or part of your course through the medium of Welsh)       21
Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Scholarships
(additional scholarships for studying through the medium of Welsh)                            21
Old Students Association Grant
(up to £1,500 for applicants from the South East Wales area)                                 22
Employment and Additional Support
(AberWorks and the Advice, Information and Money Service)                                    23
Important Information to note                                                                24
Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards 2022 entry
An overview                                                                                26-27                                                                                                  3
Financial Support and Awards - Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate applicants beginning their course in 2022 - Aberystwyth University
Entrance Examinations:                                                                                 Examination Subjects
Scholarships and Merit Awards
                                                                                                       Entrance Examinations are online exams which must be taken           •   Geography (Physical)
                                                                                                       in TWO of the following subjects. Unless otherwise indicated,
                                                                                                       the scope of the examination is similar to that of A levels,         •   Geology
                                                                                                       but does not follow any particular syllabus. It’s important to       •   German
                                                                                                       ensure that the subjects you choose are relevant to the degree
                                                                                                       scheme you have applied for.                                         •   History – the British Isles
What are the Entrance           1. Faculty Scholarships – £2,000 a year
Examinations?                   We have 20 Faculty Scholarships available, which are worth             Please see the Scholarship web pages for information about           •   History – Europe and
                                £2,000 a year, as well as guaranteed accommodation in a                the content of each paper to ensure you’ve chosen appropriate            America
Entrance Scholarships and
Merit Awards are available      University property for the duration of the course*. See also          subjects, and to view past exam papers:                              •   Information Studies
to applicants studying          no.4 below. Our academic faculties allocate these awards based
any degree scheme at            on excellent performance in the Entrance Examinations.                                                                                      •   Information Technology
Aberystwyth. You will be                                                                                                                                                    •   Law
required to sit TWO online      2. University Scholarships – £1,000 a year                             •   Accounting and Finance         •   Creative Writing (in
exams from the choice of        We have 50 University Scholarships to award to the candidates                                                 English)                      •   Mathematics
                                                                                                       •   Agriculture and the
subjects we offer. Each exam    scoring the highest aggregate marks of both examination                                                   •   Criminology
                                                                                                           Countryside                                                      •   Mathematics: Further
lasts for an hour and a half.   papers. Successful candidates receive £1,000 for each year
The exams are set and marked                                                                                                              •   Cymraeg (Iaith Fodern)            Mathematics
                                of their course. University Scholarship holders also receive           •   Animal and Equine
by our academic departments,    guaranteed accommodation in a University property throughout               Science                                                          •   Physics
                                                                                                                                          •   Cymraeg (Iaith Gyntaf)
so they don’t follow any        the length of their course*. See also no.4 below.
particular syllabus, but they                                                                          •   Art History                    •   Drama and Theatre Studies     •   Photography - Portfolio
should be a similar standard    3. Merit Awards – £1,000 in the first year                             •   Art – Portfolio                •   Economics                     •   Politics
to A level exams.
                                We offer approximately 250 Merit Awards each year to students
                                                                                                       •   Biology 1: Molecules to        •   Education and Childhood       •   Politics: International
                                who do well in the Entrance Examinations but narrowly miss out
                                                                                                           Organs                             Studies                           Politics
                                on attaining a Scholarship. Merit Award holders receive £1,000
                                during the first year of their course. See also no.4 below.                                               •   English Literature            •   Psychology
                                                                                                       •   Biology 2: Organisms to
                                                                                                           Ecosystems                     •   Environmental Science         •   Sociology
                                4. Unconditional offers
                                Strong performance in the Entrance Examinations can result in          •   Business and Management        •   Film and TV Studies           •   Spanish
                                the University confirming your place without further conditions,
                                                                                                       •   Chemistry                      •   French                        •   Sport and Exercise Science
                                resulting in an unconditional UCAS offer.
                                                                                                       •   Computer Science               •   Geography (Human)             •   Tourism
                                Candidates who do not receive an award may be given an
                                unconditional offer on the basis of their strong performance in
                                the Entrance Examinations.

                                                                                                           Dates of Examinations
                                                                                                           * Tuesday, 8 March for those sitting the          Candidates will usually sit one paper during
                                                                                                           exams at their school/college                     the morning session and the other during
                                * In order to secure your guaranteed place in Residence, you must                                                            the afternoon session. The exam timetable is
                                apply for accommodation for the following academic year within dates       * Saturday, 5 March for those sitting the         available on the website:
                                advertised by the Accommodation Office for returning students.             exams at Aberystwyth University          (if
                                                                                                                                                             both of your subjects are timetabled for the
                                                                                                                                                             same session you will sit one of the papers in
                                                                                                                                                             the morning and the other paper in
                                                                                                                                                             the afternoon).
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Financial Support and Awards - Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate applicants beginning their course in 2022 - Aberystwyth University
Which subjects should I choose?

In order to be considered for an award and/             Please also see our website for details about                                   Applicants to the Department of History and Welsh History are required to take
or an unconditional offer it is important to            the content of individual exam papers:                 History and Welsh        at least one of the papers we offer: History – British Isles and History – Europe
select exam papers which are acceptable to                                              and America. Although applicants are encouraged to consider taking both
                                                                                                               History                  papers they may choose to take one of these papers in combination with any
the Department(s) you have applied to study
                                                        If you are applying for a course which includes                                 other subject.
at. It is your responsibility to ensure you have
selected appropriate subjects.                          a foundation year and you’re unsure about                                       Although applicants to Information Studies are encouraged to select the
                                                        which subjects to choose, please email us:             Information Studies      Information Studies paper, any subject combination is acceptable.
                                                                                                                                        Applicants to the Department of International Politics are required to take at
                                                                                                                                        least one of the papers we offer: Politics and International Politics. Although
                                                                                                               International Politics   applicants are encouraged to consider taking both papers they may choose to
                                                                                                                                        take one of these papers in combination with any other subject.
                            Applicants to degree schemes including Fine Art or Photography must submit a
                                                                                                                                        Although applicants to the Department of Law and Criminology are encouraged
                            Portfolio of their art/photography work as one of their Entrance Examinations
                            (see Applicants to degree schemes              Law and Criminology      to consider selecting the Law / Criminology papers, any subject combination is
 Art (including                                                                                                                         acceptable.
                            including Art History must take the Art History paper in combination with any
 Photography)               other subject. Applicants with both Fine Art and Art History in their degree
                                                                                                                                        Candidates who have applied for a course that includes mathematics* must
                            scheme (for example BA Fine Art / Art History) must submit both the Fine Art
                                                                                                                                        take the Mathematics paper as one of their subject options.
                            portfolio and the Art History paper.
                                                                                                                                        *The courses that include mathematics are those listed at
                            Applicants should select at least one exam paper which is directly related to                      
                            the course they are applying for. If candidates are uncertain regarding choices,
 & Rural Sciences           they can contact IBERS admissions on for guidance.                                      If applicants are studying the modern language (French, German or Spanish)
 (IBERS)                                                                                                       Modern Languages         to A level standard they will be expected to select that language as one of their
                                                                                                                                        subject options.
                            Although applicants to the Business School are encouraged to consider
 Business School            selecting the paper for the subject which they have applied to study, any                                   Scholarship applicants intending to study Physics must take the Physics paper
                            subject combination is acceptable.                                                                          as one of their options. If candidates are taking A level Mathematics they can
                                                                                                               Physics                  choose any other subject for their second paper. However, candidates not
                            Candidates who have applied for a course that includes Computer Science                                     taking A level Maths should choose Mathematics as their second paper.
 Computer Science           must take at least one of the Computer Science or Information Technology
                            papers.                                                                                                     Candidates who have applied to the Department of Psychology should take the
                                                                                                               Psychology               Psychology paper as one of their options.
                            The exam paper is suitable both for candidates currently studying for a
                            qualification in Education or Childhood and those who have an interest in the                               Applicants to Sociology are expected to sit the Sociology paper and any other
 Education                  subject. Although applicants to the Department are encouraged to consider          Sociology                paper of their choosing. We would recommend considering the papers in
                            selecting this paper, any subject combination is acceptable.                                                human geography and psychology.

                            Applicants to the Department of English and Creative Writing are expected                                   Any applicant for a single or joint honours course in Drama and Theatre Studies
                            to take one or both of the papers we offer: Creative Writing (in English) and                               will be expected to take the Drama and Theatre Studies paper as one of their
 English and Creative                                                                                          Theatre, Film and
                            English Literature. Although applicants are encouraged to take both papers                                  subject options. Any applicant for a single or joint honours course in Film and
 Writing                    they may choose to take one of these papers in combination with any other          Television Studies       Television Studies will be expected to take the Film and Television exam paper
                            subject.                                                                                                    as one of their subject options.

                            Applicants applying to study Geography, Sociology, Earth or Environmental                                   Applicants to study Welsh are encouraged to choose one of the two scholarship
 Geography and Earth        Sciences are expected to sit at least one exam offered by the department,          Welsh and Celtic         papers, either the Cymraeg Iaith Fodern paper for second language Welsh
 Sciences                   including: Physical Geography, Human Geography, Geology, Environmental             Studies                  speakers, or the Cymraeg Iaith Gyntaf paper, in the case of first language Welsh
                            Science, Sociology.                                                                                         speakers.

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Financial Support and Awards - Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate applicants beginning their course in 2022 - Aberystwyth University
How to Apply                                       Location of examinations:
•   You can apply quickly and easily via the       You can take the exams either:
    Application Form on our website. The
    closing date for applications is 11 February   •   At your UK school/college (on Tuesday, 8
    2022 and late applications will not be             March)
                                                   •   At Aberystwyth University (on Saturday, 5
•   You will receive an email to confirm that we       March)
    have received your application form. If you
                                                   •   Outside of the UK if you attend an eligible
    do not receive an email after submitting
                                                       school, such as an international school, If
    your form please get in touch with us. The
                                                       you do not attend an eligible school, there
    email acknowledgement is proof that we
                                                       may be an option of sitting the exams at
    have received your application, and any
                                                       a British Council Office (on Tuesday, 8
    issues cannot be rectified after the closing
                                                       Any such arrangements would be at the          Mature Applicants
Special Examination Arrangements                                                                                                                             Please note that although you must
                                                       expense of the applicant, who would need       We welcome applications from mature
Candidates who opt to sit the exams in                 to make all necessary arrangements directly    candidates but please note that you are not            have applied to study at Aberystwyth
Aberystwyth, and have specific examination             with the British Council. Applications         permitted to sit the exams if you have already         University by the closing date, you do
requirements for their normal school                   outside of the UK will be considered on an     been a student at any University for more than         not need to wait to receive an offer
examinations (e.g. extra time) must submit             individual basis.                              one semester.                                          before you can apply to sit the Entrance
with their application an email from their                                                                                                                   Examinations.
school/college confirming their requirements.      Before submitting your application form MUST
                                                                                                      Deferred Entry
Eligible candidates may be entitled to 25%         obtain your Exams Officer’s permission, to
extra time, and arrangements as per normal         ensure they are able to make the necessary         If you intend to defer your application to the
school examinations.                               arrangements. We will need their name and          University you can sit the exams and defer any     Results
                                                   email address as part of the application           award alongside your deferred entry to the         Applicants and Exams Officers will be notified
Please see our policy on making reasonable         process.                                           University. Alternatively, you may prefer to sit   of their results approximately 4-6 weeks after
adjustments for applicants sitting the Entrance                                                       the exams whilst you’re on your year out.          the exams have taken place. If you are offered
Examinations, which is on our website.             It is the responsibility of the applicant to                                                          a Scholarship or a Merit Award, you will need
                                                   liaise with their Exams Officer before the                                                            to place Aberystwyth as your Firm choice of
                                                   day of the exams to ensure that appropriate                                                           University via UCAS in order to accept the
                                                   arrangements have been made (regarding the                                                            financial award (see the Terms and Conditions
                                                   exam room, invigilator etc). Any errors notified                                                      on the website for the only exceptions).
                                                   to the University after the exams have been
                                                   timetabled to take place cannot be rectified.

                                                   Exam Procedure
                                                   The exams will be online and you will need
                                                   access to a school/college computer with
                                                   Microsoft Word, internet connection, and a
                                                   web browser (preferably Chrome, Firefox or
                                                                                                      Shannon O’Donnell
                                                   Edge) in order to access and submit the exam       Geography
                                                   papers. You, and your school/college, will be      Open Scholarship
                                                   provided with full instructions. There is one      Hayling Island, Hampshire
                                                                                                      My teacher told me about the Entrance Examinations and my family were very
                                                   •   Mathematics and Further Mathematics            proud when I received an award. I wanted to come to Aberystwyth anyway but
                                                       which will need to be downloaded,              it made me feel more secure and excited about my choice. I’m using the money
                                                       completed on paper, scanned and emailed        for fieldtrips and academic books, so it’s been a big help. My advice if you’re
                                                       to us by your Exams Officer.                   thinking of applying would be that you may as well - believe in your abilities and
                                                                                                      it will increase your confidence - as well as looking good on your CV.

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Financial Support and Awards - Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate applicants beginning their course in 2022 - Aberystwyth University
Payment of Awards                                 Benefactors
Payments will be made direct to you via BACS      The provision of our Entrance Scholarships
in two equal instalments for each eligible year
– the first payment will be in early December,
                                                  has been made possible by generous
                                                  donations from a number of benefactors over      Academic Excellence
and the second payment will be in early March.
Merit Award payments are made during the
                                                  the years. It is not necessary to apply for a
                                                  specific Scholarship – if your exam results      Scholarships                                                                            £2,000
first year only.                                  are sufficiently high we will award a suitable
                                                  Scholarship to you. However, you should let
Information for Schools and Colleges              us know if you are the son of a Nonconformist
                                                  Minister and therefore eligible for
Information about the exam arrangements
                                                  consideration for the David Morgan Thomas of
and what is required of Exams Officers can be
                                                  Caterham Memorial Scholarship.                   In order to reward academic excellence
found on our website:                                                                achieved prior to beginning at the University,
                                                       we are pleased to offer Academic Excellence
                                                                                                   Scholarships worth £2,000 in the first year of
                                                                                                                                                          Joe Kirkwood
All instructions and materials for the
examinations will be forwarded to the                                                              study to applicants from the UK who achieve            International Politics and Military History
nominated Examinations Officer approximately                                                       at least:                                              Academic Excellence Scholarship
                                                     Please see the website for full Terms
one week before the exams.                                                                                                                                Ledbury, Herefordshire
                                                     and Conditions relating to the Entrance       •   Grades AAA at A level*
There is no charge associated with sitting the       Examinations:
                                                                                                   •   DDD in the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma           I didn’t even have to apply for the Scholarship,
Entrance Examinations, but the University  
                                                                                                                                                          I just received a letter telling me I had been
is unable to contribute to any invigilation or                                                     •   34 points in the International Baccalaureate       awarded it based on my BTEC results. It felt
room booking costs which may be incurred.                                                                                                                 amazing that my achievements had been
Normal exam arrangements apply.                                                                    •   Additional (single) qualifications equivalent
                                                                                                                                                          recognised and rewarded. The money has given
                                                                                                       to 144 UCAS tariff points may be
                                                                                                                                                          me extra security and I’m keeping it to one side
                                                                                                                                                          for when I need it.
                                                                                                   There is no need to apply, awards will
                                                                                                   automatically be allocated to eligible students.

                                                                                                   * Grade A in the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced
                                                                                                   Diploma, to include the Advanced Skills Challenge
                                                                                                   Certificate, may be accepted in lieu of one of the A
                                                                                                   level grades.

Edward Forbes
Plant Biology
Faculty Entrance Scholarship
Crowthorne, Berkshire

I found that the scholarship and bursary provision at Aberystwyth was much
better than the other universities I was looking at. The main attraction of the
Entrance Exams for me was the financial support and guarantee of 3 years in
student accommodation. It was easy to apply and I did some of the past papers
which are online for practice. I’m using the money to help towards my day to day
living costs. Receiving the Scholarship has improved my confidence and may help
future employment prospects, so it was very worthwhile.

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Financial Support and Awards - Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate applicants beginning their course in 2022 - Aberystwyth University
Aberystwyth School of 		                                                up to                            Departmental                                       Department of Mathematics
                                                                                                                                                            Departmental Scholarships to pursue studies
Veterinary Science Bursaries                                            £2,400                           Awards                                             in Mathematics

                                                                                                                                                               Single Honours: £500 per year
                                                                                                                                                               Major subject of Major/Minor:
                                                                                                                                                               £500 per year
                                                                                                                                                               Joint Honours: £250 per year
Applicants to the Veterinary Science (BVSc)         •   Welsh Medium Study Bursaries - for               A number of our academic
course follow a specific path for accessing             students studying 5 or more credits through
bursaries. We are pleased to offer the following:       the medium of Welsh
                                                                                                         departments offer Departmental
                                                                                                                                                            To qualify, an applicant must be either in
                                                    •   Bilingual EMS Bursaries - for students           Awards, which can be held in                       receipt of a University Entrance Scholarship
•    Means-tested Bursaries, based on a                 who undertake at least 6 weeks of work           addition to many of our other                      in Mathematics, or achieve grade A* in A level
     household income assessment.                       placement in a Welsh or bilingual Welsh/         awards. Full details and the online                Mathematics. The level of the award is £500
•    Achievement Bursaries – for students who           English environment                                                                                 per year for single honours and major-minor
     demonstrate they can achieve academically                                                           application forms can be found at:
                                                                                                                                                            students (with the major in mathematics), and
     while also showing leadership and service      Students are encouraged to apply for as                           £250 per year for joint honours students.
     outside the academic environment               many bursaries as they wish but the university
•    Vision Bursaries – for students who are high   reserves the right to prioritise applications from
                                                                                                                                                            The award is automatically given to students
     achievers and who can articulate a clear       students who were previously unsuccessful.
                                                                                                         Department of Computer Science                     meeting the above criteria, and is retained
     vision for solving challenges facing the       Students enrolled on the Veterinary Science                                                             provided an exam average of 70% or above in
     veterinary profession in Wales.                                                                     Departmental Scholarships to pursue studies
                                                    (BVSc) course also have access to the full                                                              Mathematics modules is achieved each year.
•    Vet Start Bursaries - open to applicants who                                                        in Computer Science
                                                    range of services offered by our Student
     received their secondary education in Wales    Support and Careers Service, including the                                                              For further details contact the Department of
                                                    Hardship Fund.                                                                                          Mathematics:
                                                                                                            Single Honours: £500 per year
                                                                                                            Joint Honours: £250 per year
                                                                                                                                                            Department of Physics
                                                                                                                                                            Departmental Scholarships to pursue studies
                                                                                                         Up to three scholarships are available to          in Physics
                                                                                                         students who achieve excellent grades in the

Nursing Bursaries                                   £3,500                                               Entrance Examinations or achieve excellent
                                                                                                         (A*) grades in their A levels or equivalent. The      Single Honours: £500 per year
                                                                                                                                                               Joint Honours: £250 per year
                                                                                                         level of the award is £500 per year for the
                                                                                                         duration of your degree scheme (three or four
                                                                                                         years) giving a total award of up to £7,500 (if
                                                                                                         including a Faculty Entrance Scholarship).         To qualify, an applicant must be either in
                                                                                                                                                            receipt of a University Entrance Scholarship
We are pleased to offer 2 Accommodation Bursaries for                                                    The award is retained providing an exam            in Physics or Mathematics, or achieve at least
applicants to our BSc Adult Nursing and BSc Mental Health                                                average of 70% or above is achieved each year.     two A grades at A level, one of which must be
Nursing courses.                                                                                         Joint honours students are eligible for £250       Physics. The level of the award is £500 per year
                                                                                                         per year.                                          for duration of your degree scheme (three or
Applicants must live in specified areas of Wales                                                                                                            four years) giving a total award of up to £7,500
- please see the website for further details.                                                            For further details contact the Department of      (including a Faculty Entrance Scholarship).
                                                                                                         Computer Science:
The bursary will comprise a discount of £3,500 for                                                                                                          The award is retained providing an exam average
accommodation in a university property for the first                                                                                                        of 70% or above is achieved each year. Joint
year of study.                                                                                                                                              honours students are eligible for £250 per year.

                                                                                                                                                            For further details contact the
                                                                                                                                                            Department of Physics:
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Financial Support and Awards - Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate applicants beginning their course in 2022 - Aberystwyth University
Sports Scholarships                                                      £1,000 a year

                                                                                                      Sports Scholarships are intended for UK               How to apply
                                                                                                      domiciled students who can demonstrate
                                                                                                                                                            •   Students will need to have applied
                                                                                                      recent achievement of a high standard in their
                                                                                                                                                                through UCAS by 30 June 2022 and hold
                                                                                                      chosen sport, and commitment to performance
                                                                                                                                                                Aberystwyth University as their Firm choice
                                                                                                                                                                of university.
                                                                                                      As part of our commitment to supporting               •   Students will need to complete and submit
                                                                                                      highly-accomplished athletes to achieve a                 the online application form by 30 June
                                                                                                      balance between sport and study, we have                  2022.
                                                                                                      identified some key ‘focus sports’ where we are
                                                                                                      able to offer particular expertise.                   •   Applicants may be invited to attend an
                                                                                                                                                                interview to discuss their application further.
                                                                                                      Having developed a number of exciting
                                                                                                                                                            Sports Scholarships can be held with any other
                                                                                                      partnerships with experts in their field, we can
                                                                                                                                                            undergraduate award.
                                                                                                      facilitate access to specialist coach education
                                                                                                      and top-class facilities for these sports within
                                                  Margaret Evelyn “Lynne” Williams                    close proximity to Aberystwyth.
Emily Price Scholarship                           Bursary
                                                                                                                                                                Full details and the online application
                                                                                                      •   Football
                                                                                                                                                                form can be found at:
                                                                                                      •   Mountain biking
   £500 in the first year                            £500 in the first year                                                                           
                                                                                                      •   Netball
                                                                                                      •   Rugby
                                                                                                      •   Wild Card - if you excel in a different sport,
This Scholarship has been established by          A Bursary of £500 in the first year for up to two
                                                                                                          which we can facilitate here at the University,
the family and friends of former student,         applicants to the Department of Welsh and
                                                                                                          the Wild Card option may be for you
Emily Price, to reward female applicants to       Celtic Studies. Applicants must have attended
Mathematics or Physics courses (including         secondary school in Ceredigion, Carmarthen          Sports Scholarships are available to students
joint honours Mathematics/Physics) at             or Swansea.                                         applying for ANY full-time course at
Aberystwyth. The successful candidate will                                                            Aberystwyth.
demonstrate academic promise and a passion
for increasing the involvement of women in
                                                  Waldo Williams Bursary
                                                                                                      The benefits of Sports
                                                                                                                                                            Sports Merit
mathematics and/or Physics. The Scholarship
will be payable during the first year of study.      £500 in the first year
                                                                                                      Scholarships are:
                                                                                                      •   £1,000 a year (5 awards available annually)
                                                                                                                                                            Awards                                  £500
                                                                                                      •   Tailored support programme specific to
                                                  A Bursary of £500 in the first year for up to two       your sport
                                                  applicants to the Department of Welsh and           •   Free Platinum membership of the University
                                                  Celtic Studies. The Bursary is open to first and        Sports Centre for each year of study
                                                  second language Welsh speakers and involves         •   Guaranteed accommodation in a Hall of             If you excel in your chosen sport after arriving
                                                  the submission of a piece of work related to            Residence / University managed property           at Aberystwyth University, you could apply
                                                  Waldo Williams’s work.                                  for the duration of the course*                   for a Sports Merit Award in your second or
                                                                                                                                                            subsequent year of study. Awards are worth
                                                                                                      * In order to secure your guaranteed place in
                                                                                                      Residence, you must apply for accommodation for       £500 plus free Platinum membership of the
                                                                                                      the following academic year within dates advertised   University Sports Centre for one
                                                                                                      by the Accommodation Office for returning students.   academic year.
 14                                                                                                                                                                                                         15
Financial Support and Awards - Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate applicants beginning their course in 2022 - Aberystwyth University
Aberystwyth University / Aberystwyth                                                                 Bursaries for Care Leavers,
Town Football Scholarships        £4,000                                                             Young Carers and
                                                                                                     Estranged Students                                                    £1,500 a year

Applications are invited from gifted footballers     •   Medical insurance through AU SU
from the UK who are applying to study full-time
for a degree in any subject (undergraduate or        •   Access to ATFC physiotherapy
postgraduate). Successful candidates will play for
                                                                                                     Aberystwyth University is aware of the financial
                                                     •   ATFC match and training kits
Aberystwyth Town Football Club or Aberystwyth                                                        difficulties faced by students entering higher
Town Ladies Team in the Welsh Premier League         Closing date for applications – 15 July 2022.   education who have previously been in care,
and also the Aberystwyth University BUCS                                                             or who have caring responsibilities, or who are
football team when appropriate.
                                                         Full details and the online application     estranged from families or guardians. In order
Applicants MUST have achieved at least the               form can be found at:                       to ease this financial pressure, we are pleased to
standard of playing in the Welsh Premier                        offer financial aid of £1,500 a year, along with an
League or equivalent (this would be the                                                              extensive support package for eligible students.
Vanarama National League in England).
                                                     Applicants are also welcome to contact Aber     This package includes:
Benefits include:                                    Town FC to discuss suitability:
•    £4,000 during your first year of study
                                                                                                     •   contribution towards travel costs if you visit us
•    Platinum membership of Aberystwyth              This Scholarship cannot be held alongside an
                                                     Aberystwyth University Sports Scholarship,      •   a contextual offer (lower than our standard offer)
     University Sports Centre
                                                     but can be held along with any of the other     •   access to our Hardship Fund
•    Football coaching development                   undergraduate awards offered. Postgraduate
     opportunities with Aberystwyth Town             applicants are advised to check with the        •   guaranteed accommodation in a university residence for 52
     Football Club (ATFC) and Aberystwyth            Postgraduate Admissions Office whether any          weeks of the year if required
     University Students Union (AU SU)               other PG funding would be affected.
                                                                                                     •   a welcome pack when you arrive, containing essentials such as
                                                                                                         bedding and kitchen equipment
                                                                                                     •   a Signpost Mentor to support your transition from school to
                    Mathew Jones                                                                     •   careers advice and work placement experience
                    Sport & Exercise Science                                                         •   a tuition fee discount if you continue to postgraduate study at
                    Aberystwyth University / Aberystwyth Town                                            Aberystwyth immediately after graduating
                    Football Club, Academic Excellence Scholarship
                                                                                                     Full details on how to apply, the supporting evidence we
                                                                                                     require, and an application form can be found on our website:
I would recommend that any gifted footballers who are interested in coming to
study at Aber apply for the Aber Town FC Scholarship. The process of applying
was straightforward, and being awarded the Scholarship has really helped take                        You can also email us:
the stress out of financing my time at University, whilst also being able to carry
on playing football at a high standard.                                                              These bursaries can be held with any other award.

    16                                                                                                                                                                                17
Financial Support and Awards - Scholarships and bursaries for UK undergraduate applicants beginning their course in 2022 - Aberystwyth University
Music Scholarships                                                      £650 a year

A great musical life is one of the strengths
of Aberystwyth. Although Music degrees are
                                                  The benefits:                                     How to apply:                                     Rhodri Rutherford
                                                  •   Free membership of all musical and            •   Students must have applied to the
no longer offered by the University, we still                                                                                                         Philomusica and University Singers
                                                      affiliated ensembles (including orchestras,       University and hold Aberystwyth as their
appreciate the importance of a vibrant musical                                                                                                        Music Scholarship – Clarinet and Voice
                                                      bands, etc.)                                      Firm choice.
community. Our provision offers all students
the opportunity to play, learn, and enjoy music   •   Free use of practice, library and other       •   Complete and submit the online form by        Receiving the Music Scholarship has been
alongside their studies.                              appropriate facilities                            30 June 2022.                                 an incredible experience for me. I’ve had the
                                                                                                                                                      opportunity to play a large number of musical
Music Scholarships (4 available annually)         •   Guaranteed accommodation in a University      •   If invited, applicants must be available to
                                                                                                                                                      pieces by a variety of composers. I have also
are intended for experienced musicians who            managed property for the duration of the          audition at a mutually convenient time.
                                                                                                                                                      developed my skills in reading and playing
can actively contribute to the University’s           course*
                                                                                                    •   Scholarships are available to eligible        music as I have grown in confidence.
orchestras, bands, choirs and other ensembles.
                                                  * In order to secure your guaranteed place            instrumentalists or singers from all
They are awarded on the basis of competitive                                                                                                          The Music Centre provides a wide range of
                                                  in a University managed property, you must            countries, as set out in the regulations.
audition to new entrants in any discipline                                                                                                            musical groups, with something suitable for
                                                  apply for accommodation for the following
(undergraduate or postgraduate) and held for                                                        For full details see or      everybody. It is a lovely feeling to join the
                                                  academic year within dates advertised by the
the duration of the course.                                                                         email                            musical community since you meet people who
                                                  Accommodation Office for returning students.
                                                                                                                                                      share the same interests and experiences. It is a
                                                                                                                                                      very good way of having a rest from the course
                                                                                                                                                      to relax and enjoy. It also ensures a balance of
                                                                                                                                                      time in terms of university life, which is key.

 18                                                                                                                                                                                                19
Welsh Medium Study
     Scholarships                                                up to £400 a year

     There is a significant increase in demand for       •   £400 for students studying 85+ credits
     Welsh language skills in the workplace in               through the medium of Welsh
                                                         •   £350 for students studying 65-84 credits
     To encourage more of our students to take               through the medium of Welsh
     advantage of the opportunity to learn and and       •   £300 for students studying 45-64 credits
     develop these skills, we offer Scholarships to          through the medium of Welsh
     those following at least part of their course
     through the medium of Welsh.                        •   £250 for students studying 25-44 credits
                                                             through the medium of Welsh
     There is no need to apply for these
     Scholarships – they will automatically be           •   £200 for students studying 5 – 24 credits
     awarded to eligible students. Details of eligible       through the medium of Welsh
     modules will be available upon registration at
     the start of each academic year.

     Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Scholarships

     The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol is an
     independent body with responsibilities for
     planning and funding Welsh medium provision
     within the entire higher education sector, in
     partnership with all the universities of Wales.

     The Coleg offers a Scholarship scheme to
     support students studying all, or part of their
     course through the medium of Welsh. You
     must become a member of the Coleg to apply
     for these awards. Please visit their website for
     further details. It is possible to hold a Coleg
     Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Scholarship alongside
     any Aberystwyth University awards.

20                                                                                                    21
Employment and Additional Support

                                                                                           AberWorks                                         The Advice, Information and
                                                                                           Opportunities for part-time, casual work          Money Service
                                                                                           through AberWorks range from catering and         The Advice, Information and Money Service
                                                                                           administrative work, to ambassador roles and      within Student Support Services provides
                                                                                           more. During term-time, if work is available,     specialist advice on a range of money matters.
                                                                                           you may choose to work up to 15 hours             Our NASMA (National Association of Student
                                                                                           per week, with more hours possible during         Money Advisers) accredited student advisers
                                                                                           vacation periods. Work could be based on any      will be able to make sure that you are receiving
                                                                                           of the University’s campuses including the Old    everything you are entitled to from your
                                                                                           College and our Farms.                            funding body. They can also give you advice on
                                                                                                                                             how to manage your money more effectively
                                                                                           What’s great about the scheme is that you can     and may be able to offer financial assistance
                                                                                           accept work that fits around your schedule, so    for unforeseen circumstances.
                                                                                           that you’re not disrupting your studies but are
                                                                                           still gaining experience, and additional cash
                                                                                           that you may need.


Old Students Association,
Aberystwyth (Cardiff Branch)                                              up to   £1,500

A grant of between £500 and £1,500, payable in two equal
instalments in the student’s first academic year in Aberystwyth.
Applications are invited from students attending a school or
college situated in the South East Wales area.

Further details will be sent to eligible applicants by mid-March

                Up to date information on all our awards can be found on our website:
 22                                                                                                                                                23
Important information to note:

Contingency Plans                                  7. Most payments are made twice annually
                                                      direct into students’ bank accounts. It is
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all areas
                                                      the award holders’ responsibility to provide
of our lives, including exams. If it happens
                                                      valid bank details when requested to do
that the Entrance Exams are disrupted due to
                                                      so. Failure to provide bank details by the
virus restrictions, we have contingency plans
                                                      specified date will result in payments being
in place. We will do our utmost to ensure
                                                      with-held. Where bank details have not
that no applicant is at a disadvantage but
                                                      been provided by the specified date, the
circumstances may dictate that some flexibility
                                                      award holder will not be entitled to receive
is required.
                                                      that year’s payment. Subsequent years’
                                                      payments may continue if the award holder
1. It is possible to hold an Entrance
                                                      provides their bank details by the specified
   Scholarship or Merit Award together with
                                                      date in subsequent years.
   any, or all, of the other awards we offer.
                                                   8. Payments for students who temporarily
2. Each Scholarship and Bursary has its own
                                                      withdraw will resume from the start of the
   terms and conditions, which are available at
                                                      next full term in which they recommence
                                                      their studies (any remaining payment from
3. Students deferring their entry will be             the term in which they withdrew will not be
   entitled to receive Scholarships/Bursaries         repaid).
   at the level publicised for the year of
                                                   9. Please note that if you become indebted
   application (rather than the year of entry in
                                                      to the University, Scholarship and Bursary
   the case of deferred applications).
                                                      payments will be withheld and set against
4. Awards are only payable to students                any outstanding debt.
   studying for a full degree at Aberystwyth
                                                   10. If a student permanently withdraws from
   (not transferring into years 2 or 3 of the
                                                       their studies before 1st December, the
                                                       entire first instalment of any award will be
5. Payments will continue for the tenure of            reclaimed by the Finance Department. If a
   the award subject to continued eligibility          student permanently withdraws from their
   (payments are not made during repeat                studies between 1st December and 2nd
   years).                                             March, the entire second instalment of any
                                                       award will be reclaimed by the Finance
6. Awards are paid whilst students are                 Department. Failure to repay any award in
   registered as full-time and full fee-paying.        such an instance could result in a referral
   Payments will not be made during years              to the University’s debt collection agency.
   abroad, years in employment, sandwich
   years etc.                                      11. The information contained in this brochure
                                                       is only applicable to applicants who will
                                                       undertake their studies in Aberystwyth,
                                                       and does not apply to students studying
                                                       franchised or validated programmes
                                                       delivered by our partners.

 24                                                                                                   25
Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards 2022

We offer a generous range of Scholarships and Bursaries to support your
                                                                                                                           Name of
study and living costs. It’s possible to hold a number of these awards                                                     award
                                                                                                                                              Value and
                                                                                                                                                                           Who can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    When to
together to make YOUR financial package more valuable.
                                                                                                                           Emily Price        • £500                       Female Maths/Physics applicants who      By 31 January     Yes
                                                                                                                           Scholarship                                     demonstrate academic promise and a
                                                                                                                                                                           passion for their subject

                                                                                                                           Margaret Evelyn    • £500                       Applicants to the Department of          By 31 January     Yes
                                                                                                                           “Lynne” Williams                                Welsh and Celtic Studies who live
                                                                                                                           Bursary                                         in Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire, or
 Name of             Value and                    Who can          Eligibility              When to               Extra                                                    Swansea
 award               benefits                     apply            criteria                 apply                 form
                                                                                                                           Waldo Williams     • £500                       Applicants         Welsh speakers and    By 31 January     Yes
 Entrance            • Up to £2,000 a year        Undergraduate    • Must sit two           By 11 February        Yes,     Bursary                                         to the             learners
 Examinations                                     applicants         exams in two                                 online                                                   Department of
                     • An unconditional offer
                                                                     different subjects                                                                                    Welsh
                     • Guaranteed
                       accommodation                               • Exams taken
                                                                     in March at a                                         Sports             • £1,000 a year              UK applicants      Must have applied     By 30 June        Yes
                       in University                                                                                       Scholarships                                    including          to Aberystwyth by
                       accommodation for                             school/college                                                           • Free Platinum
                                                                     in the UK, or                                                              Membership of the          postgraduates      30 June and place
                       the duration of your                                                                                                                                                   Aberystwyth as
                       course                                        at an approved                                                             University Sports Centre
                                                                     examination                                                                                                              your Firm choice of
                                                                                                                                              • A package of benefits                         University
                                                                     centre                                                                     tailored to your sport

 Merit Awards        • Up to £1,000 in the                                                                                 Aber Uni/          • £4,000 in the first year   Male/female        Applicants must       By 15 July        Yes
                       first year                                                                                          Aber Town FC         plus additional benefits   applicants         have experience of
                     • An unconditional offer                                                                              Scholarship                                     from the UK        playing football to
                                                                                                                                                                           including          Welsh Premiership
 Academic            • £2,000 in the first year   Students from    For applicants           No need to            No                                                       postgraduates      level or equivalent
 Excellence                                       the UK           achieving                apply
 Scholarships                                                      excellent results                                       Care Leaver,       • £1,500 a year              UK students        Full details of       After firm        Yes
                                                                   in pre-University                                       Young Carers                                    with               eligibility and       acceptance of
                                                                   qualifications                                          and Estranged                                   experience of      supporting evidence   offer
                                                                                                                           Students                                        one of these       required are
 Aberystwyth         • Up to £2,400               Applicants       Varies - please see      Varies, please        Yes      Bursaries                                       categories         available on our
 School of                                        to the BVSc      website                  see website                                                                                       website
 Veterinary                                       Veterinary
 Science Bursaries                                Science course                                                           Music              • £650                       All applicants,    Talented musicians    30 June 2022      Yes
                                                                                                                           Scholarships                                    including
 Nursing             • £3,500 discount on         Applicants       Must live in specified regions of Wales.       No                                                       postgraduates
 Accommodation         accommodation in a         to the Adult     The Bursary will be offered to the first
 Bursaries             university property for    Nursing and      eligible students who confirm their                     Welsh              • Up to £400 a year          Students studying a set number of        Applicants are    No
                       your first year            Mental Health    place on the course.                                    Medium Study                                    credits through the medium of Welsh      automatically
                                                  Nursing                                                                  Scholarships                                    on eligible courses                      considered
                                                                                                                           Coleg Cymraeg      • Usually up to £3,000       Welsh medium       Please see the        Different dates   Must
 Departmental        • £250 - £500 a year         Applicants       Please see details for each individual award            Cenedlaethol                                    applicants         Coleg’s website       depending on      become a
 Awards                                           to Computer                                                              Scholarships for                                                                         award             member
                                                  Science,                                                                 studying through                                                                                           of the
                                                  Maths, Physics                                                           the medium of                                                                                              Coleg
                                                  and Welsh                                                                Welsh                                                                                                      Cymraeg

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            27
For more information visit our website:


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Cledwyn Building,
Penglais Campus,
Aberystwyth University,
SY23 3DD.


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