File Release List Government Records Branch January 2014

File Release List

Government Records Branch

             January 2014
National Records of Scotland, File Release List, January 2014

NRS Reference   File Title                      File Description                                          Date         Original  Availability
                                                                                                                       Open Date
AF45/888        Land Tenure: Policy             Rating of agricultural property and the de-rating of     1991-1998     1/01/2029   Available
                                                certain classes of buildings: departmental                                         Friday 3rd
                                                consideration and drafting of further regulations to the                           Jan. No pre-
                                                Local Government Finance Bill, including                                           ordering
                                                correspondence with the Scottish Landowners'                                       required.
                                                Federation (SLF) and the Scottish National Farmers
                                                Union (SNFU).
AF45/901        The Organic Aid (Scotland)      Drafting of regulations and explanatory notes:            1994         1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                Regulations 1994                departmental consideration.                                                        required
AF45/902        Heather Moorland                Establishment of the scheme, including consideration      1994         1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                Extensification Scheme          of new statutory regulations.                                                      required
AF62/6062       European Community Council      Total Allowable Catches not covered by EC/Norway          1998         1/01/2029   Available
                Meetings, 17-18 December        negotiations; consideration of proposals for the                                   Friday 3rd
                1998                            common pond policy and North Sea haddock quotas.                                   Jan. No pre-
AF62/6070       Conservation of Shellfish:      Introduction of byelaws to control access by land    1994              1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                Solway Cockles                  based dredging equipment to the foreshores along the                               required
                                                Solway Firth.
AF62/6071       Fisheries Conservation          The impact of Danish industrial sandeel fishing on the    1993-1994    1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                                depletion of fish stocks for human consumption and                                 required
                                                marine predators.
AF62/6080       United Kingdom Parliamentary    Papers relating to an estimates debate on agriculture     1994         1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                Proceedings: Scottish Grand     and fisheries on Tuesday, 12th July 1994                                           required
AF85/109        Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Correspondence relating to the appointment of an         1997-1998    1/01/2029   Available
                Act 1991                         arbiter to determine the rent of the holding at Newton                            Friday 3rd
                                                 of Cawdor Farm, Nairn, a copy of the final award                                  Jan. No pre-
                                                 document and concerns about land reform and the                                   ordering
                                                 arbitration process (Green Folder).                                               required.
AF85/110        Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Correspondence relating to the appointment of an          1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                Act 1991                         arbiter to determine the rent of the holding at Piperhill                         Friday 3rd
                                                 Farm, Nairn, and a copy of the final award document.                              Jan. No pre-
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National Records of Scotland, File Release List, January 2014 (continued)

AF94/40       Food Safety                    E Coli 0157 Lanarkshire outbreak: Fatal Accident        1998        1/01/2029   Available
                                             Inquiry counsel notes and arrangements for pre-                                 Friday 3rd
                                             inquiry meeting with North Lanarkshire Council.                                 Jan. No pre-
DD4/5955      Roads: Capital Planning        Departmental evaluation of local authority roads        1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                             projects and value for money: bridge strengthening                              Friday 3rd
                                             and repair.                                                                     Jan. No pre-
DD4/5956      Local Government               Review of Scotland's trunk and strategic road           1998        1/01/2029   Available
              Reorganisation: Roads          programme: new appraisal methodology (NAM) felt-                                Friday 3rd
                                             fair panel.                                                                     Jan. No pre-
DD4/6080      Environmental Statement :      Assessment of proposed route and its effects on the     1991-1998   1/01/2029   Available
              A74(M) Ecclefechan to          environment and tourism.                                                        Friday 3rd
              Kirkpatrick Fleming                                                                                            Jan. No pre-
DD5/2564      Local Government Act 1988      Investigation of anti-competitive behaviour by          1993-1994   1/01/2025   Available
                                             Lochaber District Council concerning award of leisure                           Friday 3rd
                                             services management contract and consideration of                               Jan. No pre-
                                             complaint by Slainthe Ltd: Secretary of State's                                 ordering
                                             instruction under s13 and 14 to re-tender, including                            required.
                                             details of the re-tender won by Council's Direct
                                             Services Organisation (DSO).
DD6/4378      Housing Plans: Banff and       Housing plan 1995-2000: departmental consideration. 1994            1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Buchan District Council                                                                                        required
DD6/4379      Housing Plans: Clydesdale      Housing management plan, annual policy statement     1994           1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              District Council               and checklist 1995-1999: departmental consideration.                            required
DD6/4380      Housing Plans: Cumbernauld     Housing plan 1995-2000; housing management plan         1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              and Kilsyth District Council   1994-1998: departmental consideration.                                          required

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DD6/4381      Housing Plans: Cumnock and     Housing management plan 1995-1999; housing plan         1988-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Doon Valley District Council   1992-1997: departmental consideration.                                          required
DD6/4382      Housing Plans: Cunninghame     Housing management plan 1995-1999; housing plan         1992-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              District Council               1993-1998; housing plan 1995-2000: departmental                                 required
DD6/4394      Housing Plan                   Angus District Council.                                 1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
DD6/4395      Housing Plan                   Motherwell District Council housing management plan, 1994           1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             including departmental comments.                                                required
DD6/4396      Housing Plan                   Renfrew District Council, including departmental        1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             comments.                                                                       required
DD6/4397      Housing Plan                   Strathkelvin District Council, including departmental   1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             comments.                                                                       required
DD6/4399      Housing Plan                   City of Aberdeen District Council, including            1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             departmental comments.                                                          required
DD6/4401      Housing Plan                   Caithness District Council housing management plan:     1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             departmental comments.                                                          required
DD6/4402      Housing Plan                   Inverness District Council housing management plan:     1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             departmental comments.                                                          required
DD6/4403      Housing Plan                   Lochaber District Council housing management plan:      1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             departmental comments.                                                          required
DD6/4405      Housing Plan                   Skye and Lochalsh District Council housing              1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             management plan: departmental comments.                                         required
DD6/4406      Housing Plan                   Sutherland District Council housing management plan: 1993-1994      1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             departmental comments.                                                          required
DD6/4407      Housing Plan                   East Kilbride District housing management plan and      1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             Glasgow University study on housing needs and                                   required
                                             demands in district: departmental comments.
DD6/4408      Housing Plan                   Eastwood District Council housing management plan:      1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             departmental comments.                                                          required
DD6/4409      Housing Plan                   Inverclyde District Council housing management plan: 1994           1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             departmental comments.                                                          required
DD6/4410      Housing Plan                   Kilmarnock and Loudoun District Council housing         1988-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering

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                                          management plan: departmental comments.                                          required
DD6/4411      Housing Plan                Kyle and Carrick District Council housing management 1988-1994       1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                          plan: departmental comments.                                                     required
DD6/4412      Housing Plan                Monklands District Council housing management plan: 1994             1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                          departmental comments.                                                           required
DD6/4413      Housing Plan                Gordon District Council housing management plan:         1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                          departmental comments.                                                           required
DD6/4414      Housing Plan                Kincardine and Deeside District Council housing          1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                          management plan: departmental comments.                                          required
DD6/4415      Housing Plan                Moray District Council housing management plan:          1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                          departmental comments.                                                           required
DD6/4514      Homelessness: Policy        Liaison with local authorities and other organisations   1992-1994   1/01/2025   Available
                                          and Under Secretary's Group on Homelessness Policy:                              Friday 3rd
                                          minutes of meetings.                                                             Jan. No pre-
DD6/4515      Local Authority Capital     Lochaber District programme: minutes of departmental 1992-1994       1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Programme                   meetings with local authority.                                                   required
DD6/4534      Housing Plan: Shetland      Housing management plan 1994-1995 and housing            1992-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                          plan 1922-1996.                                                                  required
DD6/4539      Scottish Homes: Strategic   Fifth strategic plan: departmental consideration of      1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Planning                    drafting.                                                                        required
DD6/4757      Community Care: Housing     General                                                  1992-1998   1/01/2029   Available
              Contribution                                                                                                 Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                           Jan. No pre-
DD6/5006      Homelessness: Policy        Code of practice: responses from Shelter and others to 1998          1/01/2029   Available
                                          March 1996 guidance code on homelessness and draft                               Friday 3rd
                                          consultation paper.                                                              Jan. No pre-
DD6/5040      Housing Policy              Drafting of Green paper on housing for consideration     1998        1/01/2029   Available
                                          by ministers, including invitation for departmental                              Friday 3rd

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                                             comments.                                                                       Jan. No pre-
DD6/5131      Household Analysis - Household Data relating to revision of 1994-based household       1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
              Projections: 1994-based        projection.                                                                     Friday 3rd
              Household Projection                                                                                           Jan. No pre-
DD6/5133      Public Accounts Committee      Departmental consideration of Public Accounts           1992-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              report on Scottish Housing     Committee recommendations on Scottish housing                                   required
              Conditions.                    conditions and National Audit Office proposals for
                                             Value for Money studies, and drafting of responses to
DD6/5239      Housing in Scotland            Draft policy statement on housing strategy: siting and 1998         1/01/2029   Available
                                             design of new housing in the countryside, housing and                           Friday 3rd
                                             community care and housing and the environment.                                 Jan. No pre-
DD9/337       Crown Premises: Vulcan Naval   Reports on visits and departmental correspondence       1987-1994   1/01/2025   Available
              Reactor Test Establishment     with local council concerning VNRTE at Dounreay.                                Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                             Jan. No pre-
DD9/338       Departmental Correspondence    Correspondence with Wigtown District Council and        1986-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              with Local Authorities         Dumfries and Galloway Regional Council concerning                               required
                                             pollution and background levels of radioactivity.
DD9/347       Atomic Energy Authority:       Extension to low level waste pits: departmental         1993-1994   1/01/2025   Available
              Dounreay                       correspondence and interim report.                                              Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                             Jan. No pre-
DD9/348       Atomic Energy Authority:       Extension to low level waste pits: revised planning  1994           1/01/2025   Available
              Dounreay                       application by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy                                 Friday 3rd
                                             Authority (UKAEA), including environmental statement                            Jan. No pre-
                                             with technical appendix.                                                        ordering
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National Records of Scotland, File Release List, January 2014 (continued)

DD9/349       Scottish Universities Research   Proposals and preliminary report on, 'An Airborne   1993-1994         1/01/2025   Available
              and Reactor Centre               Gamma Ray Survey of Parts of South West Scotland in                               Friday 3rd
                                               February 1993', including first to third drafts.                                  Jan. No pre-
DD9/400       Code of Practice on              Request by Campaign for Freedom of Information            1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Government Information.          concerning price paid by the Scottish Office for a                                required
                                               research contract awarded by Her Majesty's Industrial
                                               Pollution Inspectorate (HMIPI) to Scottish Universities
                                               Research and Reactor Centre (SURRC), East Kilbride:
                                               departmental consideration of responses.
DD9/408       Dounreay Nuclear                 Dounreay site licence approvals: departmental             1990-1994   1/01/2025   Available
              Establishment                    consideration and authorisation of proposed                                       Friday 3rd
                                               moderations to the plant.                                                         Jan. No pre-
DD9/409       Dounreay Nuclear                 Reports on inspection visits by HM Industrial Pollution   1992-1995   1/01/2026   Available
              Establishment                    Inspectorate (HMIPI) staff: general.                                              Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                                 Jan. No pre-
DD9/410       Dounreay Nuclear                 Review of Agreed Environmental Monitoring Survey          1988-1995   1/01/2026   Available
              Establishment                    Programme at Dounreay: general, including                                         Friday 3rd
                                               correspondence and related papers.                                                Jan. No pre-
DD9/411/1     Dounreay Nuclear                 Press Releases from the United Kingdom Atomic         1987-1995       1/01/2026   Available
              Establishment                    Energy Authority (UKEAE) and press cuttings regarding                             Friday 3rd
                                               Dounreay: correspondence and papers regarding the                                 Jan. No pre-
                                               monitoring of environmental contamination by                                      ordering
                                               radioactive material.                                                             required.
DD9/412       Dounreay Nuclear                 Radioactive Waste Processing Policy: general regarding 1989-1995      1/01/2026   Available
              Establishment                    the storage of decommissioning wastes and                                         Friday 3rd
                                               reprocessing at Dounreay: position paper on High                                  Jan. No pre-
                                               Level Waste Management at Dounreay by the                                         ordering
                                               Department of Trade and Industry Atomic Energy                                    required.

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National Records of Scotland, File Release List, January 2014 (continued)

DD9/419       Nuclear Sites                   Hunterston 'A' and 'B' Nuclear Power Stations: Ministry 1987-1994   1/01/2025   Available
                                              of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food surveys:                                     Friday 3rd
                                              Investigation of Radiation Exposure Pathways from                               Jan. No pre-
                                              Liquid Effluents at Hunterston Power Station: Local                             ordering
                                              Habits Survey 1987, with covering letters; notification                         required.
                                              of high activity.
DD9/431       Environmental Protection Act    HM Industrial Pollution Inspectorate Consultation Paper 1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              1990                            on the Definition of Components for the 1994-5                                  required
                                              Charging Scheme, and responses.
DD9/432       Environmental Protection Act    HM Industrial Pollution Inspectorate Charging Scheme: 1994          1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              1990                            Consultation Paper on revised definition of components                          required
                                              (resulting from the publication of Statutory Instrument
                                              1994 No. 1271); responses; revised copy.
DD9/435       Nuclear Sites                   AEA Technology (UK Atomic Energy Authority),          1992-1995     1/01/2026   Available
                                              Dounreay: investigation into unplanned releases of                              Friday 3rd
                                              Argon Gas Blanket gas from the Prototype Fast                                   Jan. No pre-
                                              Reactor, Dounreay: papers.                                                      ordering
DD9/451       Power Stations: Hunterston B    Inspection reports and correspondence regarding       1989-1995     1/01/2026   Available
              Nuclear Generating Station      monitoring programmes for waste disposal.                                       Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                              Jan. No pre-
DD9/452       Torness Nuclear Power Station   SSEB monthly gaseous discharge returns.               1987-1995     1/01/2026   Available
                                                                                                                              Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                              Jan. No pre-
DD9/453       Rosyth Naval Dockyard Base      Reports by Babcock Thorn Ltd on the discharge of      1987-1995     1/01/2026   Available
                                              gaseous effluent.                                                               Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                              Jan. No pre-
DD9/611       Ministry of Agriculture,        Correspondence with MAFF Fisheries Laboratory         1988-1995     1/01/2026   Available

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              Fisheries and Food (MAFF),     regarding monitoring of aquatic environment around                               Friday 3rd
              Fisheries Laboratory.          UK nuclear plants. Includes results, departmental                                Jan. No pre-
                                             observations, and Fisheries Laboratory reports:                                  ordering
                                             'External radiation exposure pathways in the eastern                             required.
                                             Irish Sea'; 'Natural radionuclides in the UK marine
                                             environment'; and 'The use of caesium-137 to
                                             measure dispersion from discharge pipeline at nuclear
                                             sites in the UK'.
DD9/612       Ministry of Agriculture,       MAFF Fisheries Laboratory aquatic monitoring around      1993-1994   1/01/2025   Available
              Fisheries and Food (MAFF),     Scottish nuclear sites. Includes results, departmental                           Friday 3rd
              Fisheries Laboratory -         observations and correspondence. Also includes                                   Jan. No pre-
              Environmental Monitoring.      Fisheries Laboratory report: 'Radioactivity in surface                           ordering
                                             and coastal waters of the British Isles, 1993'.                                  required.
DD9/617       Holy Loch and Gareloch -       Results of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 1987-1994    1/01/2025   Available
              Environmental Monitoring.      Fisheries Laboratory environmental monitoring of Holy                            Friday 3rd
                                             Loch and Gareloch, with reports on local habits.                                 Jan. No pre-
DD9/621       COMARE Dounreay Beach          Papers and correspondence relating to meetings of        1992-1994   1/01/2025   Available
              Monitoring Working Group.      COMARE Dounreay Beach Monitoring Working Group,                                  Friday 3rd
                                             including minutes of meeting, environmental                                      Jan. No pre-
                                             monitoring reports and minutes of site inspection.                               ordering
DD9/622       Radioactivity in Drinking Water Papers relating to testing of radioactivity in public 1992-1995     1/01/2026   Available
                                              water supplies in Scotland. Includes reports on and                             Friday 3rd
                                              results of testing process; correspondence with                                 Jan. No pre-
                                              Scottish Office Environment Department, Department                              ordering
                                              of the Environment and the National Radiological                                required.
                                              Protection Board; correspondence with Scottish local
                                              authorities regarding changes in the testing process;
                                              administrative correspondence; and copy of agreement
                                              between the Secretary of State for Scotland and the
                                              Secretary of State for Trade and Industry regarding
                                              analytical quality control under water supply
DD9/628       H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth.         Departmental consideration and inspection of dockyard 1984-1995      1/01/2026   Available

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                                                 in relation to handling and disposal of radioactive                                 Friday 3rd
                                                 waste. Includes correspondence; minutes of inspection                               Jan. No pre-
                                                 visits; reports on procedures; radiological safety report                           ordering
                                                 on the Rosyth effluent treatment plant; and papers                                  required.
                                                 relating to question raised over possible health risks
                                                 posed by discharges from Rosyth.
DD9/639       Dounreay Nuclear                   Correspondence relating to and results of Ministry of       1986-1994   1/01/2025   Available
              Establishment - Tacky Shade        Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) environmental                                Friday 3rd
              Monitoring.                        testing around Dounreay. Includes MAFF report, The                                  Jan. No pre-
                                                 Dry Cloth Airborne Radioactivity Programme:                                         ordering
                                                 Summary of Results 1987-1990, giving results for all                                required.
                                                 UK nuclear powers stations.
DD9/640       Hunterston 'A' Nuclear Power       Papers relating to authorisation of Hunterston 'A' under 1992-1995      1/01/2026
              Station.                           Radioactive Substances Act, 1960. Includes minutes of
                                                 inspection visits by both HMIPI and HM Nuclear
                                                 Installations Inspectorate; reports on disposal of
                                                 radioactive waste from premises; proposals for solid
                                                 radioactive waste disposal; radiological safety report;
                                                 and papers relating to plans for decommissioning of
                                                 Hunterston 'A'.
DD9/654       Correspondence with district       Correspondence with Midlothian District Council             1976-1994   1/01/2025   Available
              councils and regional              regarding the work of HMIPI within the district, with                               Friday 3rd
              authorities: Midlothian District   particular reference to air pollution, Edinburgh Crystal                            Jan. No pre-
              Council.                           factory in Penicuik and the use of Melville Castle for                              ordering
                                                 Paintball games. Includes copy of Midlothian District                               required.
                                                 Council's Environmental Health Handbook.
DD9/656       Correspondence with district       Correspondence with West Lothian District Council      1991-1994        1/01/2025   Available
              councils and regional              regarding the work of HMIPI within the district, with                               Friday 3rd
              authorities: West Lothian          particular reference to development of premises for                                 Jan. No pre-
              District Council.                  Vandervell (engineers), Whitehall Industrial Estate,                                ordering
                                                 Bathgate; reported death of search and rescue dogs                                  required.
                                                 involved in Lockerbie crash; and environmental
                                                 monitoring at Pumpherston. Also includes a copy of
                                                 West Lothian District Council's Environmental Strategy
                                                 and Policy Statement.
DD9/661       Correspondence with regional       Correspondence with Tayside Regional Council                1976-1994   1/01/2025   Available

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              authorities and district          regarding the work of HMIPI within the region, with                           Friday 3rd
              councils: Tayside Regional        particular reference to the Tayside Regional Report,                          Jan. No pre-
              Council.                          1976, produced under the Local Government                                     ordering
                                                (Scotland) Act, 1973, and the Tayside Radiation                               required.
                                                Monitoring Scheme, with annual reports 'Radionuclide
                                                levels in Angus, Dundee and Perth & Kinross', 1991-
DD9/699       European Atomic Energy            Papers relating to visit by representatives of        1993-1995   1/01/2026   Available
              Community (Euratom) Treaty,       Directorate General XI, Environment, Nuclear Safety                           Friday 3rd
              Article 35                        and Civil Protection (DG XI), of the European                                 Jan. No pre-
                                                Community (EC) to inspect environmental monitoring                            ordering
                                                facilities at Dounreay Nuclear Establishment under                            required.
                                                article 35 of the Euratom treaty. Includes minutes of
                                                'wash-up' meetings between HMIPI, Department of the
                                                Environment (DoE) and Atomic Energy Authority
                                                (AEA); departmental consideration of (DG XI)
                                                Technical Report on verification visit; copy
                                                correspondence between Alex Smith (MEP) and
                                                Jacques Delors, President of the European
                                                Commission, regarding the contamination of Dounreay
DD9/729       Committee on Medical Aspects      Departmental consideration of the publication by          1995    1/01/2026   Available
              of Radiation in the Environment   COMARE and RWMAC on the 'Potential Health Effects                             Friday 3rd
              (COMARE): Radioactive Waste       and Possible Sources of Radioactive Particles Found in                        Jan. No pre-
              Management Advisory               the Vicinity of Dounreay Nuclear Establishment';                              ordering
              Committee (RWMAC)                 submissions to ministers regarding the                                        required.
                                                recommendations in the report and correspondence
                                                with the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
                                                (UKAEA) and the HMIPI; press cuttings relating to
                                                publicity surrounding the publication, including copies
                                                of report and papers issued to COMARE members for
DD9/737       Committee on Medical Aspects Working group on Dounreay beach monitoring; papers, 1994-1995          1/01/2026   Available
              of Radiation in the Environment agenda and correspondence.                                                      Friday 3rd
              (COMARE)                                                                                                        Jan. No pre-

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DD9/739       Committee on Medical Aspects Working group on Dounreay beach monitoring: papers, 1994                 1/01/2025   Available
              of Radiation in the Environment minutes and correspondence.                                                       Friday 3rd
              (COMARE)                                                                                                          Jan. No pre-
DD9/746       Dounreay Nuclear                 Radioactive waste processing policy: departmental       1989-1994    1/01/2025   Available
              Establishment                    consideration, including proposals for storage and                               Friday 3rd
                                               reprocessing.                                                                    Jan. No pre-
DD9/749       Scottish Nuclear Ltd: Torness    The proposed radioactive dry fuel store and the          1993-1994   1/01/2025   Available
              Nuclear Power Station            requirements of a submission under article 37 of the                             Friday 3rd
                                               1990 Euratom Treaty: correspondence, meetings and                                Jan. No pre-
                                               drafting of submissions, including data produced by                              ordering
                                               Her Majesty's Industrial Pollution Inspectorate (HMIPI).                         required.
DD9/756       Revised Discharge                Correspondence regarding an application for a           1997-1998    1/01/2029   Available
              Authorisations: United Kingdom   certificate of authorisation from the Scottish                                   Friday 3rd
              Atomic Energy Authority          Environmental Protection Authority to dispose of                                 Jan. No pre-
              (UKAEA) Dounreay                 radioactive waste from Dounreay.                                                 ordering
DD12/3501     Forestry Review Group Report     Drafting and comments by Forestry Commission.           1994         1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
DD12/3502     Forestry Review Group Report     Official consideration.                                 1994         1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
DD12/3503     Forestry Review Group Report     Comments by part-time Forestry Commissioners:           1994         1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                               departmental consideration.                                                      required
DD12/3526     Regional Parks: Pentland Hills   First and second annual reports; publicity brochures;   1990-1994    1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                               draft subject local plan.                                                        required
DD12/3561     Forestry Review Group            Forestry Commission: appointment of chairman and        1994         1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                               chairman's brief.                                                                required
DD12/3563     Forestry Review Group: Report Departmental consideration, including possible             1994         1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                            privatisation.                                                                      required
DD12/3733     Forestry Review Group Report     Publication of report and drafting.                     1993-1994    1/01/2025   Pre-ordering

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DD12/4093     Mainframe decommissioning;     Migration of electronic records to the Scottish Record   1996-1998   1/01/2029   Available
              Scottish Record Office         Office on the decommissioning of the Scottish Office's                           Friday 3rd
              requirements                   mainframe, including minutes of meetings, staffing                               Jan. No pre-
                                             implications, and schemes selected for permanent                                 ordering
                                             preservation.                                                                    required.
DD12/4102     Environmental Assessment:      Proposed extension of runway 21/03 at Prestwick          1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Kyle and Carrick District      International Airport: departmental consideration of                             required
                                             the planning application requiring an environmental
                                             statement, including correspondence with the local
                                             authority and E.J. Lawrence the planning consultant
                                             acting on behalf of Prestwick International Airport.
DD13/3081     Water Restructuring Briefing   Minutes and matters arising.                             1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Group                                                                                                           required
DD13/3089     Water and Sewerage             General.                                                 1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Restructuring                                                                                                   required
DD13/3098     Water and Sewerage             Water authorities: general.                              1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Restructuring                                                                                                   required
DD13/3144     Waste Management               Minutes of meetings, papers and circulated papers.       1991-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Consultative Group                                                                                              required
DD13/3174     Scottish Groundwater           Drafting.                                                1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Protection Policy Document                                                                                      required
DD13/3196     Coast Protection Scheme        Gourdon Harbour: Ware Hole. Enclosures to                1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             DD13/3195.                                                                       required
DD13/3204     Water Policy                   Catchment Management issues: departmental                1998        1/01/2029   Available
                                             consideration of policy, including schemes and                                   Friday 3rd
                                             research projects undertaken by the Scottish                                     Jan. No pre-
                                             Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and Scottish                              ordering
                                             National Heritage (SNH) resulting European                                       required.
                                             Community (EC) directives.
DD13/3205     Water Policy                   Acidification of Scottish waters: general.               1995-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                                                                                                              Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                              Jan. No pre-
DD13/3309     Scottish Environment           Proposals for establishment of SEPA and responses to     1991-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                                                 - 13 -                                           Government Records Branch
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              Protection Agency (SEPA)      consultation exercise.                                                          required
DD13/3336     Scottish Environment          Draft clauses and schedules: minor and consequential    1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Protection Agency :           amendments to the legislation.                                                  required
              Environment and Countryside
DD13/3337     Scottish Environment          Draft clauses and schedules: minor and consequential    1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Protection Agency :           amendments to the legislation.                                                  required
              Environment and Countryside
DD13/3339     Scottish Environment          Draft clauses and schedules: minor and consequential    1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Protection Agency :           amendments to the legislation.                                                  required
              Environment and Countryside
DD17/1903     Public Transport Fund         Drafting of procedures and guidance for the             1998        1/01/2029   Pre-ordering
                                            management and administration of the fund, including                            required
                                            evaluation and distribution of resources for particular
                                            projects: departmental consideration
DD17/1981     Civil Aviation                Loganair: general regarding air services and contracts. 1996-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                                                                                                            Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                            Jan. No pre-
DD17/1982     Civil Aviation                Loganair: general, including Loganair's takeover of     1998        1/01/2029   Available
                                            routes formally operated by British Regional Airways.                           Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                            Jan. No pre-
DD17/1992     Civil Aviation                Edinburgh Airport: general: correspondence, including 1998          1/01/2029   Available
                                            ministerial correspondence, papers including BAA                                Friday 3rd
                                            Airports Traffic Statistics 1996/97; Transport links to                         Jan. No pre-
                                            the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood: correspondence.                            ordering
DD17/2054     Stornoway Airport             Development of facilities at Stornoway airport to       1977-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                            include defence base for NATO. Correspondence,                                  required
                                            memoranda and press cuttings.

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DD17/2068     Glasgow Airport Initiative   Consideration of development plans, including a           1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                           proposed international business centre, and a rail link                           required
                                           to the airport.
DD37/161      National Heritage            Cairngorms Working Party Interim Group: minutes of        1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                           meetings, circulated papers and drafting of report.                               required
DD37/174      Rural Policy and Research    Responses to the consultation paper 'Towards a            1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                           Development Strategy for Rural Scotland'.                                         Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                             Jan. No pre-
DD37/175      Rural Policy                 Responses to consultation paper 'Towards a                1998        1/01/2029   Available
                                           Development Strategy for Rural Scotland'.                                         Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                             Jan. No pre-
DD37/176      Rural Policy                 Responses to the consultation paper 'Towards a            1998        1/01/2029   Available
                                           Development Strategy for Rural Scotland'.                                         Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                             Jan. No pre-
DD37/185      Rural Policy                 Departmental consideration of a draft response       1998             1/01/2029   Available
                                           following consultations and submissions on the                                    Friday 3rd
                                           discussion paper 'Towards a Development Strategy for                              Jan. No pre-
                                           Rural Scotland'.                                                                  ordering
DD37/186      Rural Policy                 'Towards a Development Strategy for Rural Scotland:       1998        1/01/2029   Available
                                           The Framework': launch of the document, including                                 Friday 3rd
                                           ministerial briefs and arrangements.                                              Jan. No pre-
DD37/207      Planning: Superquarry at     Papers relating to application for the construction of a 1993-1994    1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Lingerabay, Harris.          coastal quarry at Lingerabay, South Harris. Includes                              required
                                           correspondence with the Western Isles Islands Council,
                                           specifications from developers, and witness statements
                                           to the public inquiry held regarding the development.

                                                               - 15 -                                            Government Records Branch
National Records of Scotland, File Release List, January 2014 (continued)

DD37/208      Scottish Natural Heritage         Papers relating to recruitment and appointment of the      1991-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                                Chief Executive, including advertisement, job                                      required
                                                description, selection criteria, press release regarding
                                                appointment, and memorandum on the role of the
                                                Non-Departmental Public Body Accounting Officer.
DD37/212      Nature Conservation Order:        Departmental minutes and correspondence with               1991-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Loch Obisary.                     various government departments and wildlife                                        required
                                                associations regarding an appeal against the Loch
                                                Obisary Nature Conservation Order 1990 under the
                                                Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 by North Uist
                                                Fisheries Limited and North Uist Estate Trust.
DD37/219      Oil Spillage: Braer Disaster      Ecological Steering Group on the Oil Spill in Shetland     1993-1994   1/01/2025   Available
                                                (ESGOSS): notes of meetings, drafting of the three                                 Friday 3rd
                                                monthly report, including correspondence on future                                 Jan. No pre-
                                                funding arrangements and monitoring programmes;                                    ordering
                                                Includes a copy of a Greenpeace report on the                                      required.
                                                environmental impact of the spill and a Royal Society
                                                for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) report on 'Winter
                                                Seabird Monitoring, January to March 1993'.
DD37/238      Cairngorms Working Party          Responses to the Working Party report 'Common              1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                                Sense and Sustainability: A Partnership for the                                    required
                                                Cairngorms' from Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish
                                                Landowners Federation and the Secretary of State,
                                                including briefing and correspondence.
ED3/413       National Institutions: National   Departmental consideration of proposals for the            1994        1/01/2025   Available
              Galleries of Scotland (NGS)       establishment of a Gallery of Scottish Art. Includes                               Friday 3rd
                                                departmental minutes on NGS sponsored report, 'The                                 Jan. No pre-
                                                National Gallery of Scottish Art - economic appraisal'                             ordering
ED18/3650     School Inspectors' Reports        Dunbartonshire: Primary Schools Helensburgh, St            1971-1973   1/01/2014   Available
                                                Joseph's R C.                                                                      Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                                   Jan. No pre-
ED18/3755     School Inspectors' Reports        Lanarkshire: Primary Schools Gartsherrie Academy.          1951-1973   1/01/2014   Available
                                                                                                                                   Friday 3rd

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                                                                                                                                Jan. No pre-
ED18/3893     School Inspectors' Reports       Lanarkshire: Senior Secondary Schools Motherwell,        1959-1973   1/01/2014   Available
                                               Braidhurst High.                                                                 Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                                Jan. No pre-
ED18/4275     School Inspectors' Reports       Glasgow: Senior Secondary Schools North Kelvinside.      1967-1973   1/01/2014   Available
                                                                                                                                Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                                Jan. No pre-
ED18/4293     School Inspectors' Reports       Glasgow: Senior Secondary Schools St Margaret Mary's 1967-1973       1/01/2014   Available
                                               RC                                                                               Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                                Jan. No pre-
ED18/4326     School Inspectors' Reports       Glasgow: Special Schools Ladyloan R C                    1967-1973   1/01/2014   Available
                                                                                                                                Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                                Jan. No pre-
ED26/1778     Departmental Research            Scottish Further Education Unit report, 'Towards         1990-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                               Councils of Excellence, A Study of the Introduction of                           required
                                               the New Further Education College Council System':
                                               preparation, publication and distribution.
ED26/1924     Finance: Annual Allocations of   Capital allocations to Further Education Colleges 1993   1991-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Capital Funding                  - 1994: general.                                                                 required
ED26/2001     Higher Education                 Ministerial briefing for meetings and visits.            1992-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
ED26/2014     Further Education Progress       Agendas and minutes of meetings.                         1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Group                                                                                                             required
ED26/2030     European Community               Principals of colleges as accounting officers:           1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Regulations on Public            departmental consideration of effect of new EEC                                  required

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              Procurement                  directives on award of public supply contracts on
ED26/2041     Further Education Colleges   General, including departmental circulars to colleges   1997-1998    1/01/2029   Available
                                           on preparation arrangements for funding application                              Friday 3rd
                                           methodologies and statistics.                                                    Jan. No pre-
ED26/2071     Scottish Higher Education    Joint Working Group on Performance Indicators           1998         1/01/2029   Available
              Funding Council              Teaching Quality Sub-Group: agendas and minutes of                               Friday 3rd
                                           meetings, including consideration of policy framework                            Jan. No pre-
                                           documents and circulated papers.                                                 ordering
ED26/2162     Social Exclusion             Development of policy on widening access to Further     1998         1/01/2029   Available
                                           Education; Social Exclusion employment zones;                                    Friday 3rd
                                           Welfare Reform                                                                   Jan. No pre-
ED26/2163     Scottish Higher Education    Contributions and amendments to Annual Reports.         1996-1998    1/01/2029   Available
              Funding Council (SHEFC)                                                                                       Friday 3rd
              Sponsorship Branch                                                                                            Jan. No pre-
ED26/2166     Universities: Policy and     Proposal for a new University in the Highlands and       1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
              Planning                     Islands (UHI): departmental consideration of funding                             Friday 3rd
                                           arrangements for the first years and the strategic plan,                         Jan. No pre-
                                           including ministerial visits and a review and evaluation                         ordering
                                           of the UHI project; copy of the UHI Academic                                     required.
                                           Standards and Quality Document, 1998.
ED26/2167     Research into Women in       Women into Further Education Management Advisory        1996-1998    1/01/2029   Available
              Management in Further        Group: minutes of meetings and draft chapters of the                             Friday 3rd
              Education                    report; copy of the final draft and the executive                                Jan. No pre-
                                           summary publication.                                                             ordering
ED27/543      Further Education Policy     Working Group on the Future of Community Education: 1998             1/01/2029   Available
                                           departmental consideration of the arrangements for                               Friday 3rd
                                           the remit and membership, including agenda, minutes                              Jan. No pre-
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                                             and circulated papers of the first meeting.                                      ordering
ED27/544      Further Education Policy       Working Group on the Future of Community Education: 1998             1/01/2029   Available
                                             drafting of papers and reports for consideration by the                          Friday 3rd
                                             group.                                                                           Jan. No pre-
ED27/545      Further Education Policy       Working Group on the Future of Community Education: 1998             1/01/2029   Available
                                             drafting of the report and consideration of comments                             Friday 3rd
                                             by the Scottish Community Education Council (SCEC)                               Jan. No pre-
ED27/546      Further Education Policy       Working Group on the Future of Community Education: 1998             1/01/2029   Available
                                             drafting of the final report, including submissions to                           Friday 3rd
                                             ministers on progress.                                                           Jan. No pre-
ED27/547      Further Education Policy       Working Group on the Future of Community Education: 1998             1/01/2029   Available
                                             drafting of a report.                                                            Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                              Jan. No pre-
ED28/485      Research, Studies and Surveys Special Educational Needs Database (SEND) Project:        1988-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                            departmental consideration of feasibility and                                     required
                                            expenditure, including the involvement of the Scottish
                                            Council for Educational Technology.
ED33/39       Science Competitiveness        Technology Foresight Programme: departmental             1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                             consideration of implementing foresight surveys and                              Friday 3rd
                                             strategies, including correspondence with the Scottish                           Jan. No pre-
                                             Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC) and the                                 ordering
                                             Office of Science and Technology (OST) on setting up                             required.
                                             phase II of the programme.
ED39/781      Community Care Plans: Central Draft joint community care plan, 1994-1997, by            1992-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Region                        Central Regional Council and Forth Valley Health                                  required
                                            Board: departmental consideration.

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ED39/786      Community Care Plans: Fife     Submission of joint community care plan by Fife        1991-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Region                         Regional Council and Fife Health Board: departmental                           required
ED39/789      Community Care Plans:          Submission of joint community care plan 1992-1995      1991-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Grampian Region                by Grampian Regional Council and Grampian Health                               required
                                             Board: departmental consideration.
ED39/792      Community Care Plans: Lothian Submission of joint community care plan 1992-1995       1992-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Region                        by Lothian Region and Lothian Health Board:                                     required
                                            departmental consideration.
ED39/795      Community Care Plans:          Submission of joint community care plan by           1992-1994     1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Strathclyde Region             Strathclyde Region and Greater Glasgow Health Board:                           required
                                             departmental consideration.
ED39/797      Community Care Plans:          Submission of joint community care plan by             1992-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Strathclyde Region             Strathclyde Region and Lanarkshire Health Board:                               required
                                             Lanarkshire housing plans.
ED39/803      Community Care Plans:          Submission of joint community care plan by Shetland 1991-1994      1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Shetland Islands               Isles Council and Shetland Health Board: departmental                          required
ED39/805      Community Care Plans:          Submission of Western Isles Council and Western Isles 1991-1994    1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Western Isles                  Health Board joint community care plan, including                              required
                                             accountability review, 1993.
ED39/806      Community Care Plans: Orkney Submission of joint community care plan by Orkney        1992-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Islands Council              Islands Council and Orkney Health Board:                                         required
                                           departmental consideration.
ED39/831      Community Care Plans: Lothian Lothian Region and Lothian Health Board joint plan:     1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Region                        review 1993.                                                                    required
ED39/859      Social Work Services Group     Board meetings: minutes and working papers.            1992-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              (SWSG)                                                                                                        required
ED39/863      Pre School Provision: Policy   Expanding opportunities for under fives: general.      1994        1/01/2025   Available
                                                                                                                            Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                            Jan. No pre-
ED39/908      Prison Based Social Work       Response by Scottish Prisons Service (SPS).            1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering

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              Report                                                                                                              required
ED39/930      Association of Directors of       Minutes of meetings with Social Work Services Group     1993-1994     1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Social Work                       (SWSG); annual conference and speech by Lord                                      required
                                                Fraser, including briefing and background notes.
ED39/958      Social Work Services:             General, including government proposals for changes     1993-1994     1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Inspectorate Management           in inspection system.                                                             required
ED39/959      Social Work Services:             Minutes of meetings, agendas and working papers.        1993-1994     1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Inspection Programme                                                                                                required
              Management Group
ED39/970      Social Work Statistical Liaison   Community care sub-group: minutes and papers,           1998          1/01/2029   Available
              Group (SWSLG)                     including reports on the Referrals, Assessment and                                Friday 3rd
                                                Packages of Care (RAP) project.                                                   Jan. No pre-
ED39/1043     Pre-School Provision:             Correspondence and reports on the regulatory            1997-1998     1/01/2029   Available
              Harmonisation of Regulatory       standards of staffing, space and care in the public,                              Friday 3rd
              Standards :                       private, voluntary and independent pre-school                                     Jan. No pre-
                                                education sectors.                                                                ordering
ED39/1092     Pre-School Education: Gaelic      Consideration of budget allocation for pre-school       1997-1998     1/01/2029   Available
                                                Gaelic, and the curriculum framework.                                             Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                                  Jan. No pre-
ED39/1102     Childrens Panels: Research        Evaluation of the effectiveness of the children's hearing 1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                                system: departmental consideration and comment on                                 Friday 3rd
                                                the submitted report 'Decision Making in the Scottish                             Jan. No pre-
                                                Children's Hearings System' Hallet, C. and Murray, C.                             ordering
                                                with Jamieson J. and Veitch W. University of Stirling,                            required.
                                                October 1997.
ED39/1103     Children's Panels: Research       Evaluation of the effectiveness of the childrens        1998          1/01/2029   Available
                                                hearings system: departmental consideration of the                                Friday 3rd
                                                draft report and findings by the University of                                    Jan. No pre-
                                                Edinburgh team for the cohort study 'The Scottish                                 ordering

                                                                    - 21 -                                            Government Records Branch
National Records of Scotland, File Release List, January 2014 (continued)

                                              Children's Hearings: A Study of Children Referred in                             required.
                                              February 1995', including submissions for ministerial
                                              approval to publish; copies of the other research
                                              studies 'The Children's Hearing System in Context: A
                                              Review of Trends in Juvenile Justice and Child Care
                                              and Protection Systems' by C. Hallet and N. Hazel,
                                              University of Stirling, 1998 and 'Children's Hearings:
                                              Outcomes in Child Care Decision Making' by
                                              Department of Social Work University of Edinburgh,
ED39/1104     Mental Handicap Policy          Resettlement of people with learning disabilities from   1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                              Scottish hospitals: consideration of research reports by                         Friday 3rd
                                              the Social Work Research Centre at Stirling University,                          Jan. No pre-
                                              including copies of the interim report of October 1997.                          ordering
ED45/167      5-14 Development Programme: Minutes of 1st to 4th meetings of committee on               1989-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Arrangements for National   testing.                                                                             required
ED45/177      5-14 Development Programme: Committee on testing: general, including complaints          1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              National Testing            about teacher workload.                                                              required
ED45/183      5-14 Development Programme: Sub-committee on language: general, including                1989-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Committee on National Testing revision of writing criteria.                                                      required
ED45/246      The Assessment of           Fifth survey of attainment in English Language, 1998; 1997-1998          1/01/2029   Available
              Achievement Programme (AAP) planning papers - specification for survey, estimates of                             Friday 3rd
              : English                   costs, survey design specifications, pilot surveys, and                              Jan. No pre-
                                          applications for AAP English Specialist positions. Also                              ordering
                                          includes proposals and correspondence regarding AAP                                  required.
                                          assessments in Modern Languages.
ED45/256      HM Inspectorate of Education:   Minutes and papers from March 1983 - January 1998.       1983-1998   1/01/2029   Available
              Mathematic Panel                                                                                                 Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                               Jan. No pre-
ED48/2220     Careers Service Matters         Scottish career service consultative group: minutes      1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                              and general, including report on careers education in                            required
                                              Tayside secondary schools.
                                                                 - 22 -                                            Government Records Branch
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ED48/2278     Special Educational Needs       Funding of places at independent schools: general.       1988-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
ED48/2325     Scottish School Board           General, including minutes of meetings and notes with 1992-1994      1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Association                     departmental officials and ministers; responses to                               required
                                              presentation of departmental consultation papers on
                                              'School Management: The Way Ahead', 'National
                                              Testing' and anti-vandalism initiatives.
ED48/2400     Scottish Consultative Council   Board of Management: circulated papers, including        1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              on the Curriculum (SCCC)        background notes to proposed Corporate plan.                                     required
ED48/2475     Higher Still                    Higher Still Information and Publicity Group: papers,    1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                              including minutes of meetings, draft Strategy Paper,                             required
                                              press cuttings and Higher Still Development Plan;
ED48/2481     Scottish Consultative Council   Committee on Special Educational Needs: reports;         1990-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              on the Curriculum               minutes of meetings.                                                             required
ED48/2519     State School Organisation:      Papers relating to departmental funded policy related 1992-1994      1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              School Boards                   research and evaluation relating to School Boards.                               required
                                              Includes planning and review of publications; 'Making
                                              School Boards Work', 'School Boards Conference
                                              Report', 'Enterprise Initiatives within the framework of
                                              Devolved School Management', 'Scottish Experience of
                                              Devolved Management: An enhanced role for School
                                              Boards', 'Making School Boards Better', and a copy of
                                              HM Inspectors of Schools report, 'School Boards'.
ED48/2524     Discipline, Suspension and      Papers relating to policies on exclusions from school.   1990-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Exclusion.                      Includes correspondence with members of parliament                               required
                                              and regional councils regarding specific instances of
                                              exclusion; departmental minutes on discipline,
                                              exclusions and truancy, teacher workload, and
                                              statistics on exclusions from schools; correspondence
                                              with the Scottish Council for Research in Education
                                              regarding their Truancy and Attendance Survey;
                                              Department for Education consultation paper,
                                              'Categorisation of Absence' and discussion paper,
                                              'Exclusions'; and Barnardos report 'School's Out : the
                                              family perspective on school exclusion'.

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ED48/2530     Self-governing schools;       Consideration of an application from Dornoch Academy 1993-1994     1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Dornoch Academy. Preparation, (the first self-governing school in Scotland) to upgrade                       required
              submission and decision.      to six-year status from two-year. Includes discussion
                                            of meeting the needs of children with special
                                            educational requirements, general correspondence,
                                            minutes of meetings, formal proposal, and Highland
                                            Regional Council's comments.
ED48/2531     Self-governing schools;       Correspondence, press-releases, and parliamentary      1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Dornoch Academy. Preparation, questions about the incorporation of Dornoch Academy                           required
              submission and decision.      as the first self-governing school in Scotland and its
                                            application for change in status to a 6-year school.
                                            Includes circular about procedures for checking
                                            possible criminal backgrounds of prospective
ED48/2551     Adult and Continuing Education Meetings, reviews and recommendations for the         1992-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                             Scottish Wider Access Programme, providing                                    required
                                             continuing higher education to mature age students.
ED48/2617     Curriculum and Assessment 5-   Religious and moral education: papers relating to the 1991-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              14: Review and Development     production of national guidelines and a supplement for                        required
              Groups                         Catholic schools.
ED65/4        Higher Still Research          Research: evaluation of Higher Still.                 1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                                                                                                           Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                           Jan. No pre-
ED65/8        Higher Still                   Responses to consultation paper from schools and      1996-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                             others.                                                                       Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                           Jan. No pre-
ED65/12       Higher Still                   Further Education: general issues.                    1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                                                                                                           Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                           Jan. No pre-
ED65/17       Higher Still: Education        Implementation: meetings with Education Authority     1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                                                 - 24 -                                        Government Records Branch
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              Authorities               managers and consultation papers.                                               Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                        Jan. No pre-
ED65/18       Higher Still: Education   Implementation: arrangements for meetings.            1998          1/01/2029   Available
              Authorities                                                                                               Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                        Jan. No pre-
ED65/19       Higher Still: Education   Implementation: meetings of Strategy Groups.          1998          1/01/2029   Available
              Authorities                                                                                               Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                        Jan. No pre-
ED65/22       Higher Still              Consultation with Educational Institute of Scotland and 1996-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                        other teachers' unions, and responses.                                          Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                        Jan. No pre-
ED65/31       Higher Still              Implementation strategy from May 1997.                1997-1998     1/01/2029   Available
                                                                                                                        Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                        Jan. No pre-
ED65/32       Higher Still              Implementation strategy from May 1997.                1998          1/01/2029   Available
                                                                                                                        Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                        Jan. No pre-
ED65/33       Higher Still              Implementation strategy from May 1997.                1998          1/01/2029   Available
                                                                                                                        Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                        Jan. No pre-
ED65/42       Higher Still              National Liaison Group: papers and reports.           1998          1/01/2029   Available
                                                                                                                        Friday 3rd
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                                                                                                                            Jan. No pre-
ED65/43       Higher Still                  National Liaison Group: guidance notes; applications      1998      1/01/2029   Available
                                            from individual institutions to delay introduction of new                       Friday 3rd
                                            syllabus.                                                                       Jan. No pre-
ED65/62       Higher Still                  Scottish Upper Secondary Awards Feasibility Study:      1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                            proposals and reports.                                                          required
ED65/78       Higher Still                  Introductory workshop: letter sent to attendees.        1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
ED65/87       Higher Still                  Specialised Groups: membership and remits of various 1994           1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                            groups, including minutes and circulated papers.                                required
ED65/100      Higher Still                  English and Communication: departmental                 1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
                                            consideration of issues concerning units and courses,                           Friday 3rd
                                            including correspondence from teachers and teacher's                            Jan. No pre-
                                            representatives.                                                                ordering
ED65/112      Higher Still                  Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum Sub-    1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                            Group on use of National Certificate and Vocational                             required
                                            Qualifications in Upper Secondary Education: minutes
                                            of meetings and circulated papers for consideration.
ED65/120      Howie Committee               Review of curriculum and examinations in 5th and 6th    1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                            year: final drafting and launch of a White Paper,                               required
                                            'Higher Still: Opportunity for All'.
ED65/124      Higher Still Implementation   Minutes and papers of meetings of the Higher Still      1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
              Group                         Implementation Group, with notes of departmental                                Friday 3rd
                                            representative.                                                                 Jan. No pre-
ED65/125      Higher Still Implementation   Minutes, circulated papers and notes of meetings of     1998        1/01/2029   Available
              Group                         the Higher Still Implementation Group.                                          Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                            Jan. No pre-

                                                               - 26 -                                           Government Records Branch
National Records of Scotland, File Release List, January 2014 (continued)

HH16/437      Criminal case file: Brian James .                                                          1963        1/01/2014   Available
              Bates                                                                                                              Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                                 Jan. No pre-
HH41/2121     Legal Aid                        Departmental paper, 'The Scottish Legal Profession:       1989-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                               The Way Forward': legal aid aspects.                                              required
HH41/2287     Legal Aid (S) Act, 1986          Criminal Legal Aid Amendment Regulations:                 1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                               departmental consideration and drafting.                                          required
HH41/2288     Legal Aid (S) Act, 1986          Civil Legal Aid (Financial Conditions) (S) Regulations,   1994        1/01/2025   Available
                                               1994: departmental consideration and drafting.                                    Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                                 Jan. No pre-
HH41/2289     Legal Aid (S) Act, 1986          Amendments to criminal and civil legal aid regulations: 1994          1/01/2025   Available
                                               departmental consideration and drafting.                                          Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                                 Jan. No pre-
HH41/2301     Open Government: Review and General, including draft guidelines for review and             1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Disposal of Departmental Files disposal of files; Scottish Office office automation                                required
                                             standards and guidance; information on IMPReS
HH41/2305     Scottish Legal Aid Board         Financial memorandum governing SLAB operations:           1991-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
                                               departmental consideration and general.                                           required
HH41/2421     Public Records: Registers of     Coal Industry Bill: registration of interests in coal:    1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Scotland                         departmental consideration.                                                       required
HH41/2477/1   Miscellaneous Legislation:       Notes on amendments.                                      1997-1998   1/01/2029   Available
              Scotland Bill                                                                                                      Friday 3rd
                                               One document has been removed from this file as it                                Jan. No pre-
                                               contains personal information which is exempt from                                ordering
                                               release under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of                                     required.
                                               Information Act 2000. This document is now held
                                               under the reference HH41/2477/2.

                                                                    - 27 -                                           Government Records Branch
National Records of Scotland, File Release List, January 2014 (continued)

HH41/2592     Legal Aid: Financial Conditions   Review of criminal evidence and procedure: response        1993-1994   1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              for Eligibility                   by Edinburgh Bar Association and others.                                           required
HH41/2641     Scottish Record Office: Next      Possible privatisation of SRO, including Scottish Office   1993-1994   1/01/2025   Available
              Steps to Privatisation            Central Research Unit report on readers' services;                                 Friday 3rd
                                                plans for refurbishment of General Register House;                                 Jan. No pre-
                                                completion of Thomas Thomson House.                                                ordering
HH41/2670     "Open Government" Initiative      Review and disposal of departmental files: general.        1994        1/01/2025   Available
                                                                                                                                   Friday 3rd
                                                                                                                                   Jan. No pre-
HH41/2686     Open Government Initiative        Review and disposal of departmental files:                 1992-1994   1/01/2025   Available
                                                departmental consideration of revised closure periods                              Friday 3rd
                                                and sensitive files.                                                               Jan. No pre-
HH41/2687     Office Procedure: Review of       Release of public records under thirty year closure        1987-1994   1/01/2025   Available
              Classified Files                  rule: departmental consideration, including report of                              Friday 3rd
                                                Scottish Records Advisory Council, 1987.                                           Jan. No pre-
HH41/2808     Scottish Legal Aid Board          Financial memorandum: drafting                             1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              (SLAB)                                                                                                               required
HH41/2809     Requirement of Writings (S) Bill Instructions to Draftsman.                                  1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
HH41/2820     House Purchasing and              Building Societies Bill and Act: Notes and departmental 1986-1994      1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Conveyancing                      consideration of amendments                                                        required
HH41/2832     Legal Aid                         European Court of Human Rights: Maxwell versus the 1993-1994           1/01/2025   Available
                                                UK under article 6 on the right to legal representation:                           Friday 3rd
                                                preparations for the case and consideration of the                                 Jan. No pre-
                                                judgement.                                                                         ordering
HH41/2838     Public Records Preservation and Consideration of representations from local authority        1994        1/01/2025   Pre-ordering
              Destruction Provisions for      archives and the Keeper of the Records concerning                                    required

                                                                    - 28 -                                             Government Records Branch
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