Scottish Election Briefing 2021 - scottishelection - AN ANALYSIS OF PARTY POLICIES ON ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO CHRISTIANS - The ...

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Scottish Election Briefing 2021 - scottishelection - AN ANALYSIS OF PARTY POLICIES ON ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO CHRISTIANS - The ...
Scottish Election
Briefing 2021

Scottish Election Briefing 2021 - scottishelection - AN ANALYSIS OF PARTY POLICIES ON ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO CHRISTIANS - The ...

    3                  Introduction

    8                  Scottish National Party
    12                 Scottish Conservatives
    16                 Scottish Labour
    19                 Scottish Liberal Democrats
    21                 Scottish Greens
    23                 Reform UK Scotland

    24                 More information about legislation and public policy
    32                 References


                                                                                                                 
        Party manifestos                             Questions for your                                     This Scottish
                                                        candidates                                        Election Briefing
         Find links to 2021                              These help Christians                               Further copies can
     manifestos of the parties                        find out the views of their                           be ordered from our
    covered in this publication                        candidates. See the back                             office on 0191 281
     as they become available                          cover of this publication                            5664 or downloaded
        at                              or                              at
          scottishelection                                  scottishelection                                  scottishelection

        All information in this briefing is correct at time of publication  |  Copyright © The Christian Institute 2021  |  All rights reserved
       Published by The Christian Institute, Wilberforce House, 4 Park Road, Gosforth Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 8DG
     No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical,
2                    electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of The Christian Institute.
Scottish Election Briefing 2021 - scottishelection - AN ANALYSIS OF PARTY POLICIES ON ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO CHRISTIANS - The ...

SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT                               (Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2). This benefits all
ELECTION 2021                                     people in this world, not just Christians.
                                                      As a general rule Christians follow Jesus’
As Christian citizens, we should think            command to: “Render therefore unto Caesar
carefully about how we vote in the elections      the things which are Caesar’s” (Matthew
for the Scottish Parliament on 6 May.             22:21, KJV).1 Christians are citizens of
    The Christian Institute is a registered       heaven (Philippians 3:20) and also of an
charity and we cannot tell you how to vote.       earthly nation. The Christian’s duty is to obey
What we can do in this briefing is address:       the governing authorities. The exception
                                                  is where they forbid what God requires, or
   ĥ   why should you vote?                       require what God forbids (Acts 5:29).
   ĥ   biblical priorities                            It is our earnest prayer that Christians
   ĥ   issues on the horizon                      will have freedom to share the Gospel
   ĥ   two key factors in voting                  and live out the Christian life (1 Timothy
   ĥ   speaking to candidates                     2:1-4). In praying “deliver us from evil”
   ĥ   party policies on key issues               (Matthew 6:13) we are praying against the
   ĥ   background information on                  persecution of the Church as well as against
       legislation and public policy.             personal temptation.

    Our analysis of party policies covers         Common grace and the
many issues where important Christian             privilege of voting
principles are at stake. They tend to be issues   Romans 13 makes clear that God has
where biblical standards, particularly the Ten    ordained the governing authorities in every
Commandments, directly apply. In modern           country, whether rulers are Christian or not.
Scotland they can be among the most               Thanks to God’s common grace, there are
controversial subjects, yet in our view the       many non-Christians who take the morally
Bible is perfectly clear about them.              right view on a range of issues. Nobody’s
    We cannot be exhaustive. There will           thinking is wrong at every point. Politicians
be other areas of concern where much              who disagree with Christians about
material is available or where there is           redefining marriage can still be strongly
honest disagreement among Christians              against assisted suicide or liberalising drug
holding to the Bible as their authority,          laws. Some atheists will strongly defend
such as the environment.                          the free speech of Christians. The Christian
                                                  Institute can testify that there are men and
WHY SHOULD YOU VOTE?                              women of integrity in parties across the
                                                  political spectrum.
The state is a means of God’s ‘common                 Like the prophet Daniel, God’s people
grace’. The Bible is very clear that the          must encourage leadership which promotes
governing authorities act on God’s behalf         truth and righteousness, such as when he
to restrain evil and promote what is good         said to King Nebuchadnezzar: “Therefore,
Scottish Election Briefing 2021 - scottishelection - AN ANALYSIS OF PARTY POLICIES ON ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO CHRISTIANS - The ...
O king, be pleased to accept my advice:               For a very large proportion of political
Renounce your sins by doing what is right,        issues, making a Christian judgement
and your wickedness by being kind to the          depends on the wise assessment of
oppressed” (Daniel 4:27).                         several biblical principles. This can result in
    But unlike Daniel, Christians in Scotland     Christians arriving at different conclusions.
today get to play a part in electing their        For example, we know for certain that the
leaders. In our democracy we all have the         state has a right to levy taxes (Romans 13:7).
legal right to vote. Billions of people around    But Christians who hold to biblical truth
the world do not enjoy the same freedoms          can legitimately disagree on the level of
as we have here. We elect Members of              individual taxes.
the Scottish Parliament and so ultimately
the Scottish Government. We help choose           ISSUES ON THE HORIZON
‘Caesar’. So voting is a privilege and a
serious responsibility.2                          The new Parliament elected on 6 May
    The election provides an opportunity for      2021 could vote on laws affecting religious
Christians to speak out and play their part       liberty, freedom of speech, transgender
by voting. Governments can make it easier         rights, abortion, assisted suicide and drugs
or harder to live freely as a Christian or to     legalisation. More information about
share the Gospel. Believers have to make a        legislation and public policy on these and
judgement about how their vote can be used        other issues is given on page 24 onwards.
to best effect.                                        These are all issues of concern to
                                                  Christians. Some are ‘conscience votes’,
BIBLICAL PRIORITIES                               where MSPs are free to vote without a party
                                                  whip, which underlines the importance
When it comes to matters of public policy,        of finding out what individual election
Christians have to assess biblical priorities.    candidates think.
We can distinguish those political issues on           Biblical Christians believe that the Gospel
which the Bible is absolutely clear from those    is paramount. Salvation is only found in
on which it is not.                               Christ, not in any political programme. Yet
     For instance, the Bible is not clear on      followers of Christ are to care about their
how to improve access to GPs or the most          world, being salt and light in our society.
appropriate level of university tuition fees.     And in order for that to happen, and for
To decide on these issues involves a detailed     evangelism, there has to be freedom for the
assessment of the facts and the exercise          Gospel. Religious liberty is a crucial issue.
of judgement based on experience. Many                 Christians in this country have enjoyed
situations we encounter in ordinary life are at   remarkable freedom for centuries, which
this level, and so are many political issues.     was hard won down the years. Yet this
     But at the other end of the spectrum         is being increasingly challenged. Street
the Bible is “clear, direct, and decisive”3       preachers have been arrested, Christians
about a whole host of political issues. For       have lost their jobs for talking about their
example, a vote for abortion or euthanasia        faith, and individuals and churches have
is a vote to break the sixth Commandment          been discriminated against for believing in
(Exodus 20:13). These are the kinds of issues     traditional marriage.
that we mainly focus on in this briefing –            Many Christians are also gravely
straightforward matters of right or wrong.        concerned about legislative proposals that
Scottish Election Briefing 2021 - scottishelection - AN ANALYSIS OF PARTY POLICIES ON ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO CHRISTIANS - The ...
intrude into ordinary family life, evangelism     CANDIDATES AND PARTIES
and the running of the local church.
Christians believe that governing authorities     In the voting system for elections to the
are established by God, but at the same           Scottish Parliament, each elector has two
time the Government is not responsible for        votes – one for their constituency and one
everything – indeed it must not be, if there is   for their region. A system of proportional
to be freedom.                                    representation is used. Overall, the aim of
    It is important to say that society is more   the electoral system is to ensure that the
than the state. Society is made up of families    number of seats in the Parliament won by
and many institutions and organisations           each party broadly reflects their percentage
between the state and the citizen.                of votes in each region.
Government by itself cannot solve all our              You have to consider how you will cast
problems or even come remotely close.             your two votes. In the constituency list you
                                                  vote for individual candidates; in the regional
DEVOLUTION                                        list you vote for a party.
                                                       There are therefore two obvious factors
The Scottish Parliament can make laws in          which you must consider: the individual
areas such as education, health, family life,     candidates and the political parties.
crime, local government, agriculture, social           Thinking first about the constituency
work, economic development and transport.         list: you may decide it is better to vote for
As a result of the Scotland Act 2016, it has      an exceptional candidate who shares your
powers to set rates and bands of income tax,      Christian views across a range of moral
and powers over certain aspects of welfare.       issues, even if they are standing for a party
The Act has also devolved abortion law to         which you would not naturally support.
the Scottish Parliament.                          You may decide that the most important
    Westminster retains responsibility for        consideration is to vote for the candidate
other areas such as defence, equality/            who is standing for a party which in your
discrimination law, employment law and            view represents the ‘least-worst’ option.
foreign affairs. These are ‘reserved matters’     You may decide that it is better to vote for a
on which Holyrood cannot legislate.               candidate representing a Christian political
    Though Westminster makes laws on              party who may happen to stand in your area.
reserved matters, the Scottish Parliament         These are decisions which ultimately only
can still have a role on those same issues.       you can make.
Although legislation such as the Equality Act          Christians should exercise their Christian
2010 can only be passed at Westminster,           conscience in these matters. Just because
Holyrood can significantly affect the             your parents or your work colleagues vote in
equality agenda in Scotland – for example         a certain way does not mean that you need
it has power to make its own regulations to       to do the same. It is your choice.
implement the ‘public sector equality duty’            In terms of the regional list, people’s
contained in the 2010 Act.                        thinking is more in terms of the parties as a
                                                  whole. That makes finding out the policies,
                                                  and past record, of the political parties all
                                                  the more important. Of course, you are free
                                                  to vote for a candidate from one party in the
                                                  constituency list, but vote for a different party
Scottish Election Briefing 2021 - scottishelection - AN ANALYSIS OF PARTY POLICIES ON ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO CHRISTIANS - The ...
in the regional list. You are also free to vote     if elected. If they say that they will, you
for individuals standing in a constituency or       can hold them to their promise should
region who have no party affiliation.               they be elected.
     It is highly unlikely that you will find a          If you speak to a representative
party or a candidate you feel has all the right     canvassing on behalf of the candidate, ask for
views. In some constituencies there will be         your concerns to be forwarded. The very act
the option to vote for a candidate who takes        of asking questions is a Christian witness.
a firm stand on moral issues. This is unlikely
to be the norm. For many Christians there           CONTACTING YOUR CANDIDATES
is a genuine dilemma over choosing a party
or a particular candidate. Whatever your            You don’t need to wait for candidates to
decision, it is relevant to consider how the        contact you. You can contact them by letter
parties fared in previous elections in your         or email, or on social media, in order to raise
constituency and your region.4                      your concerns. This way you can be sure that
     Type in your postcode here to find out which   all the candidates have been made aware of
constituency you live in:      the issues important to you.
                                                         For contact information about candidates
                                                    and parties, go to:
                                                         Election literature put through your
Candidates or their representatives may             letterbox will give contact details for your
come to your door, phone or stop you in             candidates. If you write to a candidate,
the street to ask how you intend to vote.           keep your letter short but do raise specific
This presents an ideal opportunity to               points. Make sure you tell them you are a
raise concerns and to find out where the            constituent. You could swap notes with other
candidates stand on biblical issues, with a         Christian friends who have had contact with
view to promoting wider debate on those             a candidate.
matters. The candidate’s opinions on certain             There are many ways of being a Christian
moral issues can be quite different from the        citizen, but elections provide a good
position of their party.                            opportunity for Christians to be salt and light
    More than at any other time, the                in our society. We must pray for wisdom and
candidates and the sitting MSPs will be             speak out for the truth.
open to listening to your views. Should
they be elected they will be representing           THE POLICIES OF THE POLITICAL
you at Holyrood.
    Think through one or two issues
and have our Questions for candidates               Since its inception, The Christian Institute
ready in case canvassers contact you.               has sought to promote the Christian faith in
Limit yourself to the one or two issues             the public square in six main areas – religious
with which you are most concerned. Be               liberty in the UK, marriage and the family,
prepared to give a reason for your view.            medical ethics, education, matters of public
This briefing will help you get to grips with       morality, and constitutional issues.
the issues you are interested in.                       Within these broad areas, this Scottish
    If you speak to the candidates                  Election Briefing highlights some of the
themselves, ask if they are willing to raise        policies of the political parties currently
your concerns at the Scottish Parliament,           represented at Holyrood – the SNP, the
Scottish Election Briefing 2021 - scottishelection - AN ANALYSIS OF PARTY POLICIES ON ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO CHRISTIANS - The ...
Scottish Conservatives, Scottish Labour,       only note what they have said and the way
the Scottish Greens, the Scottish Liberal      they have voted.
Democrats and Reform UK Scotland. Space            Christians must weigh the evidence
and time constraints do not permit us to       and exercise their Christian conscience,
cover other parties fielding candidates.       remembering that: “If any of you lacks
    The parties set out their policies in      wisdom, he should ask God, who gives
their manifestos, official policy documents,   generously to all without finding fault, and it
or resolutions determined by their party       will be given to him” (James 1:5).
conferences. The Christian Institute’s
Scottish election website will link to the
2021 manifestos of the parties covered in        For contact information about
this publication as they become available:        candidates and parties, visit:
    Obviously the Scottish Government’s
actions are there for all to see. Since the      For party manifestos (as available)
                                                  and other election information, visit:
opposition parties have not been in a
position to implement their ideas, we can

Scottish Election Briefing 2021 - scottishelection - AN ANALYSIS OF PARTY POLICIES ON ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO CHRISTIANS - The ...
National Party

The Scottish National Party (SNP) has been in Government in Scotland since 2007. It currently
has 61 MSPs in the Scottish Parliament. The Party’s leader, Nicola Sturgeon MSP, is First
Minister. The SNP has 47 MPs at Westminster.


Hate crime – The Scottish Government             The sectarianism legislation was repealed
introduced the Hate Crime and Public Order       in 2018 – the SNP voted against repeal.9
(Scotland) Bill in 2020. The Bill extended the   See More Information.
law on ‘hate crime’, including on grounds of
religion, sexual orientation and transgender     Covid church closures – During the
identity. New ‘stirring up hatred’ offences      coronavirus outbreak, the Scottish
were widely criticised for endangering free      Government outlawed gathered public
speech.5 As originally tabled, the legislation   worship for several months, including
would have criminalised words or behaviour       in 2021, later than any other part of the
perceived to be “abusive” and “likely” to        UK. When public worship was allowed,
stir up hatred. The Government agreed to         attendance was restricted to 50 or 20
amend the Bill during its passage, including     depending on an area’s infection rate,
strengthening free speech protections and        regardless of the size of the church building.10
requiring intention to stir up hatred for
an offence to be committed.6 However, it         Smacking – The SNP strongly supported the
rejected a defence for private conversations     Bill that criminalised parents for reasonable
in the home.7 The Bill passed in March 2021.     chastisement.11 It came into force in
See More Information.                            November 2020.12 See More Information.
     A 2018 Scottish Government campaign
against hate crime that included a poster        Named Person – In 2014 the SNP
addressed “Dear Bigots” was criticised as        Government passed legislation to give every
singling out religious believers.8               child in Scotland a ‘named person’ – a state
                                                 employee – to oversee their ‘wellbeing’ or
Free speech – The SNP’s Criminal Justice         happiness. The Supreme Court ruled in 2016
and Licensing (Scotland) Bill in 2009 and        that the scheme breached the right to a
sectarianism Bill in 2011 gave rise to serious   private and family life. The SNP repealed the
free speech concerns, but were amended           statutory scheme in 2019, after being unable
during their passage to include protections.     to make it lawful and workable.13

8                                                                                            SNP
Scottish Election Briefing 2021 - scottishelection - AN ANALYSIS OF PARTY POLICIES ON ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO CHRISTIANS - The ...
Same-sex marriage – A Government Bill to
                                                  introduce same-sex marriage was passed in
                                                  the Scottish Parliament in 2014. SNP MSPs
                                                  were given a free vote on the Bill; 56 SNP
                                                  MSPs voted for the Bill and seven voted
                                                  against it. The Government denied that there
                                                  was any need for amendments to protect
                                                  religious liberty and freedom of speech.21
                                                  See More Information.

                                                  Transgenderism – In late 2019, the Scottish
 Nicola Sturgeon MSP, First Minister
                                                  Government launched a consultation on a
                                                  draft Bill to allow self-declaration of legal
Home education – Guidance published by            sex. The consultation also asked for views on
the SNP Government in 2007 upheld the             lowering the age for changing legal sex from
right of parents to home educate and denied       18 to 16.22 Legislation was paused because
that child protection problems are any more       of the Covid pandemic. The Government
likely to arise with home-educated children       supports a third gender option for passports,
than those educated at school.14 In 2019 the      and amending the Equality Act to explicitly
Government announced plans to review the          protect “all trans and non-binary people”.23
guidance, including a consultation that is yet
to take place.15                                  Assisted suicide – The SNP gave its MSPs
                                                  a free vote on a Member’s Bill to legalise
Religious education – As part of the Scottish     assisted suicide in 2015. Nicola Sturgeon
Government’s Curriculum for Excellence,           voted against the Bill, having questioned
paganism was introduced into religious            how such legislation could contain sufficient
education classes for the first time in 2012.16   safeguards.24 See More Information.

Sex education – Government guidance from          Organ donation – The SNP Government
2014 on Relationships, Sexual Health and          legislated for an opt-out organ donation
Parenthood (RSHP) education emphasises            system in the Human Tissue (Authorisation)
children’s rights at the expense of parental      (Scotland) Act 2019.25 See More Information.
involvement.17 The guidance is set to be
revised to cover various themes relating to       Abortion – In 2020 the Government
LGBT lifestyles.18 The Scottish Government        introduced early home abortions during the
defended an RSHP online resource that             coronavirus pandemic and consulted on
parents have said promotes masturbation           making the move permanent.26 In the 2020-
and pornography.19                                2021 Programme for Government it pledged
                                                  to “improve access to abortion”.27 In 2017 the
LGBT education – In November 2018 the             Scottish Government offered to cover the
SNP Government announced that Scotland            cost of abortions for Northern Irish women
would be the first country in the world           on the NHS in Scotland.28
to embed LGBT education across the

SNP                                                                                               9
Scottish Election Briefing 2021 - scottishelection - AN ANALYSIS OF PARTY POLICIES ON ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO CHRISTIANS - The ...
Abuse of trust – In 2018, the Scottish            Pornography – As part of its Criminal
Government consulted on extending the             Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act
existing definition of a ‘position of trust’ in   2010, the SNP introduced an offence of
the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 to        possessing extreme pornography.
better protect children.29 The law has not yet
been extended.                                    Drugs – Nicola Sturgeon has pledged to
                                                  improve funding for rehab services.33 The
Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 – The         Government wants to be able to introduce
Bill originally proposed by the SNP minority      facilities where drug addicts can inject
Government would have legalised oral sex          themselves and wants to make heroin-
between teenagers, but the Government             assisted treatments more widely available.34
moved an amendment to close the loophole          The SNP Government introduced new limits
after a parliamentary committee scrutinising      to tackle drug-driving in October 2019.35
the Bill raised concerns. See More Information.       Cannabis – In 2003 the party supported
                                                  the UK Government’s reclassification of
Prostitution – In September 2020 the              cannabis from class B to class C.36 However,
Minister for Community Safety published           in 2008 an SNP minister in the Scottish
a consultation asking for views on how to         Government welcomed the decision to return
end the demand for prostitution. It outlined      cannabis to class B.37 In May 2016, Nicola
the Government’s view that it is a form           Sturgeon said: “Cannabis is not a harmless
of violence against women.30 In 2015 the          substance. I am not in favour of general
Scottish Government passed legislation            decriminalisation but I do think there is a
to tackle human trafficking but resisted          specific case for medicinal use.” 38
amendments on criminalising the purchase
of sex.31 The SNP supported the Prostitution      Alcohol – The SNP Government passed the
(Public Places) (Scotland) Act 2007 which         Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) Scotland Act
strengthened the law against prostitution in      2012. The Act allows for a minimum price per
Scotland.32 See More Information.                 unit of alcohol and was implemented in May
                                                  2018.39 See More Information.

Islamophobia – The SNP has adopted the            Transphobia – The SNP national executive
All-Party Parliamentary Group on British          has adopted a definition of transphobia that
Muslims’ definition of ‘Islamophobia’.40          would see Party members punished for using
                                                  words, forms of address or pronouns that do
LGBT ‘conversion therapy’ – The Party is          not correctly reflect the gender with which
committed to pushing for Westminster law          someone identifies.42
reform “to ban and prevent the practice of
LGBTI conversion therapy”.41 Depending            LGBT rights – The SNP has said that in an
on drafting, there are concerns this could        independent Scotland it would embed LGBTI
affect the ordinary work of churches.             rights in a written constitution.43
See More Information.

10                                                                                         SNP
Marriage allowance – The SNP is against           Gambling – In 2019 the SNP’s manifesto
marriage tax breaks.44                            pledged to “press for greater devolution
                                                  of gambling regulation to the Scottish
‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders – In 2020 the         Parliament”, put pressure on the UK
First Minister said “no one should receive        Government to “stop underage gambling on
a DNR form out of the blue without…               video games” and “support a full public health
sensitive discussions having taken place,         inquiry into gambling related harm”.47
and absolutely nobody should feel under
any pressure to complete such a form.”45          Constitution – The SNP campaigns for an
See More Information.                             independent Scotland. The Party’s 2019
                                                  manifesto pledged to oppose the repeal of
Drugs – In October 2019 the SNP conference        the Human Rights Act.48
backed a resolution to decriminalise the
possession and consumption of drugs.46            House of Lords – The SNP committed
                                                  in its 2019 manifesto to abolishing the
                                                  “undemocratic” House of Lords.49


Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act            LGBT envoy – The SNP has pledged to “press
2008 – SNP MPs had a free vote on the Bill,       for the establishment of a special envoy to
including on abortion.50                          promote the rights of LGBTI people, and to
                                                  make LGBTI equality an integral part of UK
GM babies – When the House of Commons             foreign policy.”53
voted on plans to allow genetically modified
babies with three or four parents, four SNP       Abortion – In July 2019 Nicola Sturgeon gave
MPs voted in favour; two voted against.           her support to SNP MPs voting to legalise
                                                  abortion in Northern Ireland.54
Sexual Orientation Regulations 2007
(SORs) – At the time the SORs were being          Gambling – The SNP spoke out against the
considered, the Party said Roman Catholic         Gambling Act 2005.55 In November 2018
adoption agencies should be free to refuse to     SNP MPs were involved in a cross-party
place children with same-sex couples.51           effort to force an earlier introduction of
                                                  a reduced maximum stake on Fixed Odds
Equality Act 2010 – The SNP offered general       Betting Terminals.56
support for the legislation.52 SNP MP John
Mason moved amendments in the Commons             Sunday trading – In 2016 SNP MPs voted
to protect religious liberty, making clear that   against the Government’s plans to relax
he did so as a backbench MP and not on            Sunday trading.57 The party supports Sunday
behalf of his party.                              trading in principle, but did not want Scottish
                                                  workers to be adversely affected by the
                                                  legislation for England and Wales.58

SNP                                                                                            11

The Scottish Conservatives currently have 30 MSPs. The leader of the Scottish Conservatives
is Douglas Ross MP. The leader in the Scottish Parliament has been Ruth Davidson MSP,
who is standing down at the election. The Conservative Party has 365 MPs in the House of
Commons, including its leader, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.


Hate crime – Scottish Conservatives raised      Named Person – The Scottish Conservatives
concerns about the impact of the Hate           opposed the now-repealed Named Person
Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill on       provisions.62 Conservative MSPs abstained
free speech. Justice spokesman Liam Kerr        on the legislation as a whole, saying that
described the ‘stirring up hatred’ provisions   they did not want to oppose the other
as “dangerous”.59 He tabled amendments to       things in the Bill.63
remove these sections from the Bill and to
exempt private conversations in the home.       Education – The 2016 manifesto said that
These were rejected and the Conservatives       school inspections “should specifically ask
voted against the final Bill at Stage 3.        about action on LGBT issues as opposed to
                                                simply broad equality matters”.64
Sectarianism Bill – The Scottish
Conservatives voted against the Offensive       Sex education – In 2018 the Party’s
Behaviour at Football and Threatening           education spokeswoman acknowledged
Communications (Scotland) Act 2012 and          parents’ concerns that some content of
supported its repeal in 2018.60                 sex education lessons might not be age-
Smacking – Each Conservative MSP voted
against the Children (Equal Protection          Same-sex marriage – At Holyrood, Scottish
from Assault) (Scotland) Act 2019 at least      Conservative MSPs had a free vote on
once. Just before the law came into effect      redefining marriage. Seven voted in favour of
at the end of 2020, a Party spokesman           the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland)
said that the previous law was “entirely        Bill and eight voted against.
sufficient” to tackle abuse and that parents
risk being criminalised.61

12                                                                 SCOTTISH CONSERVATIVES
Abortion – In 2019, a Scottish Conservatives
                                                  spokesperson said: “Our position is that
                                                  the current set-up in Scotland in relation
                                                  to abortions is appropriate, and we are not
                                                  seeking to change that.”70

                                                  Prostitution – The Party supported the
                                                  Prostitution (Public Places) (Scotland) Act
                                                  2007 to strengthen law against prostitution
                                                  in Scotland. Party spokesmen have said
                                                  there needs to be a debate on the issue,71
 Douglas Ross MP, Scottish Conservative leader
                                                  that it is not “healthy or cohesive for any
                                                  community”, and that it is vital to address
Transgenderism – Scottish Conservative            the drivers behind it.72
MSPs have raised concerns about the
proposals to make it easier to change legal       Drugs – The Scottish Conservatives say
sex. Spokesperson Annie Wells has said            they would review the current methadone
that before amending the law, “we need to         treatment regime, and redirect funds into
consider all the evidence and examine the         “rehabilitation, recovery and abstinence”.73
detail of any changes”.66                         Deputy Leader Annie Wells has called on the
                                                  Scottish Government to increase the number
Assisted suicide – Conservative MSPs              of rehab beds.74
were given a free vote on the late Margo
MacDonald’s Bill to legalise assisted             Alcohol – The Party supported the Alcohol
suicide in 2015. Of the 15 Conservative           (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Act 2012,
MSPs at the time, 13 voted against the Bill,      which allows for a minimum price per unit of
including Ruth Davidson. Davidson has             alcohol (see More Information).75 Since then,
since said she has become convinced that          the Party has said that unless improvements
the law should change.67                          in drinking behaviour are apparent, the policy
                                                  should be scrapped.76
Organ donation – Party spokesperson
Brian Whittle MSP welcomed the Human              Constitution – The 2019 Scottish
Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Act, which      Conservative manifesto said the party
introduced an opt-out organ donation              would “update” the Human Rights Act.77
system in Scotland. The Party also pushed for
a “consistent marketing campaign” to ensure       House of Lords – The 2019 manifesto
“maximum understanding of the idea of             pledged to review the role of the House
expressed consent”.68                             of Lords.78

‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders – The Scottish
Conservatives health spokesperson has
called for an inquiry into the “widespread”
use of Do Not Resuscitate orders for elderly
people during the Covid-19 pandemic.69

SCOTTISH CONSERVATIVES                                                                       13

The Conservatives have been in Government at Westminster since 2010. From 2010 to 2015,
the Conservatives were coalition partners with the Liberal Democrats.

Covid church closures – During the             GM babies – The Coalition introduced
coronavirus outbreak, the Conservative         regulations under the 2008 HFE Act
Government outlawed gathered public            in February 2015 allowing genetically
worship for several months.                    modified babies with three or four parents.
                                               See More Information.
LGBT ‘conversion therapy’ – The
Conservative Government says it is             Abortion – In 2020 the Government
“committed” to “ending the practice of         introduced early home abortions during
conversion therapy” and will “consider all     the coronavirus pandemic and consulted
options”.79 Depending on drafting, there are   on making the move permanent. In July
concerns this could affect the ordinary work   2019 the Government allowed time for
of churches. See More Information.             amendments to be discussed that led to
                                               abortion on demand being introduced
Same-sex marriage – The coalition              in Northern Ireland. Conservative MPs
Government passed the Marriage (Same Sex       were given a free vote. The Province had
Couples) Act 2013 for England and Wales.       previously had the most pro-life abortion
Though it was supposed to be a free vote       laws in the UK.
for Government MPs, there were reports of
undue pressure put on Conservative MPs.80      Gender Recognition Act 2004 – The
In July 2019 the Government allowed time       Conservative Party had a free vote on this
for amendments to be discussed that led        issue, though the frontbench spokesman
to same-sex marriage being legalised in        voted for it. The Party also permitted a
Northern Ireland. Conservative MPs were        free vote on an amendment to protect
given a free vote.                             churches from the effects of the Act.
                                               In 2018 the Westminster Government
Marriage allowance – The coalition             consulted on making it easier to change
Government introduced a tax break for          legal sex in England and Wales, but
married couples from April 2015, now worth     dropped the plans in 2020.
around £250 a year.
                                               Sexual Orientation Regulations 2007
Divorce – In 2020 the Westminster              (SORs) – The then Conservative leader
Government passed the Divorce, Dissolution     David Cameron voted for the SORs
and Separation Act, which introduces ‘no-      and said that Roman Catholic adoption
fault’ divorce in England and Wales.           agencies would have to comply with the
                                               law.81 Conservative MPs and Peers were
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act         given a free vote.
2008 – Conservative MPs had a free vote on
the Bill, including on abortion.

14                                                                     SCOTTISH CONSERVATIVES
Equality Act 2010 – Conservative MPs
and Peers were whipped to support an
amendment by Lady O’Cathain maintaining
existing employment exemptions for
churches, but the Party gave its general
support to the Bill as a whole.82

Gambling – In 2005, the Party did not
oppose the then Labour Government’s
Gambling Act. The Westminster Government
is now reviewing the Act, having expressed
concern that it is not “fit for the digital age”.83

Constitution – The Coalition’s Succession
to the Crown Act 2013 changed the law
relating to royal succession, allowing a future
monarch to marry a Roman Catholic.

SCOTTISH CONSERVATIVES                                15
Scottish Labour

The Scottish Labour Party has 23 MSPs. Anas Sarwar MSP became leader of Scottish
Labour in February 2021, replacing Richard Leonard MSP. Labour currently has 199 MPs
at Westminster.


Hate crime – Scottish Labour supported           Sex education – In its 2017 manifesto,
the overall principles of the Hate Crime         Scottish Labour committed to including
and Public Order (Scotland) Bill, but raised     “LGBTI relationships and sexual health”
free speech concerns about the ‘stirring up      within sex education.88
hatred’ offences as originally drafted.84 The
Party welcomed the additional safeguards         Same-sex marriage – Scottish Labour
introduced and backed the final legislation.85   supported the introduction of same-sex
                                                 marriage in 2014. Labour MSPs were given a
Sectarianism Bill – In 2017, Labour MSP and      free vote, and 31 voted to redefine marriage
spokesman James Kelly introduced a Bill to       in Scotland, while three voted against. The
repeal the Offensive Behaviour at Football       2017 manifesto said “it was only through
and Threatening Communications (Scotland)        Labour votes that equal marriage became law
Act 2012. Labour MSPs voted for the Bill.        across the UK”.89
See More Information.
                                                 LGBT ‘conversion therapy’ – Anas Sarwar
Smacking – Scottish Labour supported the         has pledged his “full support” to a campaign
Bill that criminalised parents for reasonable    to end so-called conversion therapy in
chastisement.86                                  Scotland.90 Depending on drafting, there are
                                                 concerns this could affect the ordinary work
Named Person – Scottish Labour MSPs              of churches. See More Information.
voted in favour of the Children and Young
People (Scotland) Act 2014, containing the       Transgenderism – The Party’s manifestos
statutory Named Person provisions. The           have supported self-declaration of sex,
Party was supportive of “the principle of the    legal recognition for non-binary people, and
named person scheme”, but later criticised       lowering the minimum age for changing legal
the implementation.87                            sex from 18 to 16.91 The 2019 manifesto
                                                 noted the Government consultation on
                                                 changing the gender recognition process

16                                                                         SCOTTISH LABOUR
Prostitution – Scottish Labour’s 2016
                                                manifesto supported “criminalising the
                                                buying of sex, decriminalising people
                                                involved in prostitution, and providing long-
                                                term support and exiting services for those
                                                exploited through prostitution”.98 The law
                                                against prostitution was strengthened by
                                                the Prostitution (Public Places) (Scotland)
                                                Act 2007, when Labour ran the Scottish
                                                Executive with its Liberal Democrat coalition
                                                partners. See More Information.
 Anas Sarwar MSP, Scottish Labour leader

                                                Drugs – Scottish Labour backed the SNP’s
and said Scottish Labour would “listen          ‘safe injection space’ proposals in 2018
carefully to the submissions and debate as      and supports a focus on “harm reduction
the legislation progresses”.92                  rather than criminalisation”.99 In 2020,
                                                health spokeswoman Monica Lennon called
Assisted suicide – Labour MSPs were             for “urgent funding” to “boost access to
given a free vote on Margo MacDonald’s          treatment and residential rehab”. She added
Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill in 2015.       that the Scottish Government “must get
Five Labour MSPs voted in favour of the         behind safe consumption facilities”.100
Bill, while 31 voted against.
                                                Alcohol – Labour abstained on the Alcohol
Organ donation – Scottish Labour supported      (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Act 2012,
the Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland)     which allows for a minimum price per
Bill, which legislated for an opt-out organ     unit of alcohol (See More Information). The
donation system.93 See More Information.        2019 manifesto supported “restrictions
                                                on licensing, marketing, labelling and
‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders – Former            affordability” and a “social responsibility
Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard called   levy on alcohol sales”.101
for more transparency and better record
keeping on the use of DNR forms.94 The          Gambling – The Party’s 2019 manifesto
party has stated that those in care homes       sought to: “curb gambling advertising in
should be treated the same as everyone else     sports and introduce a new Gambling Act
when diagnosed with Covid-19, and called        fit for the digital age, establishing gambling
for an end to blanket DNR letters to care       limits, a levy for problem gambling
home residents.95                               funding and mechanisms for consumer
                                                compensations”.102 (See also Record at
Abortion – The Party’s 2019 manifesto           Westminster before 2010 overleaf).
supported “access to a safe, legal abortion”
for all women.96 Scottish Labour supported      Persecution of Christians – The 2015
extending abortion to Northern Ireland.97       manifesto committed Scottish Labour
                                                to appointing a “Global Envoy for
                                                Religious Freedom”.103

SCOTTISH LABOUR                                                                                  17
Constitution – The Scottish Labour Party        House of Lords – Scottish Labour has
maintains a “firm commitment to the Human       said it wants to replace the House of
Rights Act”.104 The Labour Party supported      Lords with “an elected Senate of the
the Succession to the Crown Act 2013,           Nations and Regions”.106
which lifted the legal bar on heirs to the
throne marrying Roman Catholics.105


In 2008 Labour passed the Human                 The Equality Act 2010 consolidated all
Fertilisation and Embryology Act which:         discrimination laws, including the SORs, into
ĥ legalised the creation of animal-human        a single Act. The Bill as introduced would
    hybrid embryos for research;                have narrowed the employment freedom of
ĥ allowed the creation of ‘saviour siblings’;   churches and religious organisations. The
ĥ abolished the ‘need for a father’             House of Lords voted three times against the
    consideration before commencing IVF         plans and the Labour Government gave way.
    treatment.                                  The Act also places a duty on public bodies
                                                – like schools and the police – to promote
Labour allowed its MPs a free vote on these     homosexual and transsexual rights.
three issues and on abortion, though Labour
MPs were whipped to support the Bill as a       The law on cannabis was downgraded
whole. The legislation included regulation-     by the Labour Government in 2004 –
making powers to allow the birth of GM          cannabis became a class C drug on a par
children with three or four parents.            with sleeping pills. However, in response
                                                to overwhelming evidence of cannabis
The 2007 Sexual Orientation Regulations         damaging mental health, it restored the
(SORs) outlawed discrimination on the           drug to class B in 2009.
ground of sexual orientation and resulted
in almost all religious adoption agencies in    The Labour Government’s Gambling Act
Britain becoming entirely secular bodies        2005 provided for a massive deregulation
or closing down. At the time, then First        of the gambling industry, allowing for a
Minister Jack McConnell insisted that           great multiplication of betting shops, slot
Scottish Labour was in favour of an opt-out     machines and internet gambling.
for Roman Catholic agencies.107 The SORs
have also been used to sue Christian B&B
owners for operating a ‘married couples
only’ policy for double rooms.

18                                                                         SCOTTISH LABOUR
Scottish Liberal

The Scottish Liberal Democrats have five MSPs. Their leader is Willie Rennie MSP.
The Liberal Democrats currently have eleven MPs in Westminster.


Hate crime – The Scottish Liberal               Same-sex marriage – All five Lib Dem MSPs
Democrats supported “the overall aim            at the time voted to introduce same-sex
of updating hate crime law”.108 However,        marriage in 2014.
Justice Spokesman Liam McArthur raised
free speech concerns and said the Hate          LGBT ‘conversion therapy’ – The Scottish
Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill          Liberal Democrats have formally backed
needed “urgent and, in places, radical          a campaign to ban so-called conversion
surgery”.109 All five Lib Dem MSPs voted in     therapy in Scotland.112 Depending on
favour of the amended Bill at Stage 3.          drafting, there are concerns this could
                                                affect the ordinary work of churches.
Sectarianism Bill – All five Liberal Democrat   See More Information.
MSPs at the time voted against the Offensive
Behaviour at Football and Threatening           Transgenderism – The 2016 manifesto
Communications (Scotland) Act in 2012 and       committed to “reform” the Gender
for its repeal in 2018.                         Recognition Act, including recognising “the
                                                gender identity of non-binary people”.113
Smacking – The Liberal Democrats strongly
supported the Bill that criminalised parents    Assisted suicide – Scottish Liberal
for reasonable chastisement and all its         Democrats voted in favour of assisted
MSPs voted for it.110                           suicide at their Spring Conference in March
                                                2015,114 but the Party’s MSPs had a free
Named Person – All five Lib Dem MSPs at         vote when it came before Holyrood later
the time voted in favour of the Children and    in the year. Three Lib Dem MSPs voted in
Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.               favour of legalising assisted suicide, while
                                                two, including Willie Rennie, voted against.
Sex education – The Scottish Lib Dems want
to ensure that “sexual health, parenthood       Abortion – The Lib Dems backed devolving
and relationships education is LGBTI            abortion law to Scotland.115 Westminster
inclusive in all schools”.111                   MPs have previously been allowed to vote
                                                according to their conscience on lowering
                                                the time limit for abortion from 24 weeks.
SCOTTISH LIBERAL DEMOCRATS                                                                     19
Alcohol – The Lib Dems voted against
                                                  amendments to set a minimum price for
                                                  alcohol in the Alcohol etc. (Scotland) Bill (see
                                                  More Information). They want the minimum
                                                  unit price of alcohol to be raised to 60p “to
                                                  meet the policy’s original ambition”.118

                                                  Prostitution – The Lib Dems have
                                                  repeatedly called for decriminalising of
                                                  prostitution.119 The law against prostitution
 Willie Rennie MSP, Scottish Lib Dems leader
                                                  was strengthened by the Prostitution (Public
                                                  Places) (Scotland) Act 2007, when the Liberal
Drugs – The Scottish Liberal Democrats            Democrats were coalition partners with
propose to decriminalise drug possession and      Labour in the Scottish Executive.
treat drug use as a health issue.116
    Cannabis – The Party supports allowing        Human Rights Act – The Liberal Democrats
cannabis for personal use.117                     opposed plans to repeal the Human Rights
                                                  Act and introduce a Bill of Rights.120


From 2010 to 2015 the Liberal Democrats were coalition partners with the Conservatives in
the Westminster Government.

Same-sex marriage – The Coalition passed          Equality Act 2010 – The Lib Dems firmly
the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act               supported the Equality Bill and voted for
2013 for England and Wales. The Liberal           narrowing employment protections for
Democrats allowed their MPs a free vote.121       churches and religious organisations.125

Marriage allowance – Despite describing the       Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act
marriage tax break measure as “patronising        – In 2008, Liberal Democrats were allowed
drivel” before entering into coalition, the Lib   to vote according to their conscience on
Dems at Westminster agreed not to block           lowering the time limit for abortion from 24
its introduction.122 However, they have           weeks. MPs were also allowed a free vote
committed to abolishing it.123                    on the creation of animal-human embryos,
                                                  ‘saviour siblings’ and scrapping the ‘need for
Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs)             a father’ requirement for IVF children.
– The Lib Dems supported the Labour
Government in voting for the SORs
and opposed exemptions for religious
adoption agencies.124

20                                                               SCOTTISH LIBERAL DEMOCRATS
Scottish Greens

The Scottish Green Party has five MSPs, including its co-leader Patrick Harvie MSP.


Hate crime – The Scottish Greens supported         Named Person – Both Green MSPs at the
the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland)         time voted in favour of the Children and
Bill in Parliament, including criminalising        Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. When
‘stirring up hatred’.126 During the progress       the statutory scheme was abandoned in
of the Bill, the Party tabled amendments to        September 2019, education spokesman
narrow proposed protections for free speech.       Ross Greer MSP said that the policy of
All of its MSPs voted for the final legislation.   having named persons was “unquestionably
                                                   legitimate” but had been ‘bungled’.127
In 2008 Patrick Harvie MSP brought
forward the Offences (Aggravation by               Education – Ross Greer has called on the
Prejudice) (Scotland) Bill, which introduced       Government to introduce “critically important
tougher penalties for crimes committed             LGBTI*-inclusive sex and relationships
against homosexuals and transsexuals.              education”.128 The party wants to ensure that
See More Information.                              education as a whole is “LGBTI+ inclusive”.129

Sectarianism Bill – Both Green MSPs at the         Same-sex marriage – The two Green MSPs
time voted against the Offensive Behaviour         at the time voted in favour of introducing
at Football and Threatening Communications         same-sex marriage in 2014.
(Scotland) Act 2012 and all its MSPs voted
for its repeal in 2018.                            LGBT ‘conversion therapy’ – Patrick Harvie
                                                   has pledged to support a campaign to ban
Smacking – Green MSP John Finnie                   so-called conversion therapy in Scotland. He
introduced a Bill that criminalises parents        said: “Attempts to use conversion therapy of
for reasonable chastisement. It came into          any form against LGBT+ people stem from
force in November 2020. The Scottish               prejudice”, adding that it is “a form of abuse”
Greens strongly supported the Bill, and all        and “should be outlawed”.130 Depending
its MSPs voted for it.                             on drafting, there are concerns that a ban
                                                   could affect the ordinary work of churches.
                                                   See More Information.

SCOTTISH GREENS                                                                                     21
Abortion – The Scottish Greens support
                                                  the total decriminalisation of abortion.133
                                                  They support the provisions allowing DIY
                                                  abortions at home.134

                                                  Prostitution – The Scottish Green Party
                                                  advocates the total decriminalisation of
                                                  prostitution.135 Green MSPs abstained on
                                                  the Prostitution (Public Places) (Scotland)
                                                  Bill 2007, arguing that it failed to deal
                                                  with the harm and exploitation that
 Patrick Harvie MSP, Scottish Greens co-leader
                                                  surrounds prostitution.136

Transgenderism – The Scottish Green Party         Drugs – The Scottish Greens “support the
supports the self-definition of legal sex,        decriminalisation of the cultivation and
including an option for those who claim to be     possession of cannabis for personal use,
“neither male nor female”.131                     and decriminalisation of possession of
                                                  drugs that grow wild in the UK”.137
Assisted suicide – Patrick Harvie MSP took
charge of Margo MacDonald’s Assisted              Alcohol – In 2010, both Scottish Green MSPs
Suicide (Scotland) Bill after her death. Both     at the time voted in favour of introducing a
Green MSPs at the time voted for the Bill.        minimum price per unit of alcohol.
See More Information.
                                                  Constitution – The Scottish Greens would
‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders – Patrick Harvie      campaign for an independent Scotland in a
questioned the First Minister over concerns       second independence referendum.138
that ‘Do Not Resuscitate orders’ were
being issued on a blanket basis. He asked         The Scottish Green Party wants to “make
for assurance that care homes and medical         sure Scotland’s Human Rights Commission
professionals would be reminded of the need       is strong and independent, to protect
to sensitively discuss these matters with the     and uphold the European Convention on
individuals concerned.132                         Human Rights”.139

22                                                                            SCOTTISH GREENS
Reform UK

Reform UK Scotland has one MSP, Michelle Ballantyne. A Conservative MSP until November
2020, Ballantyne was made leader of Reform UK Scotland in January 2021. Reform UK was
formerly known as ‘The Brexit Party’.


Hate crime – Reform UK Scotland says
that it would repeal the Hate Crime and
Public Order (Scotland) Bill.140 It says:
“The basic right of freedom of thought
and worship is fundamental… The right
to disagree in a reasoned and respectful
manner is fundamental and not negotiable
in a free society.”141 Ballantyne voted
against the Bill at Stage 3.

Smacking – Ballantyne (while a
Conservative member) voted against
                                                  Michelle Ballantyne MSP
the Bill that criminalised parents for
reasonable chastisement.
                                               Drugs and alcohol – Ballantyne (while
Named Person – Ballantyne (while a             a Conservative member) called for
Conservative member) opposed the Named         reform of Scotland’s drugs and alcohol
Person scheme, which she called “poorly        policy. She has spoken in opposition
designed” and “unnecessary”.142                to long-term methadone use and the
                                               normalisation of drugs and alcohol use in
Assisted suicide – As convener of the          the family.145 She has stated support for
Cross-Party group on End of Life Choices,      minimum alcohol pricing.146
Michelle Ballantyne has sought to change
Scotland’s law on assisted suicide.143 She
formerly served on the council of ‘Friends
at the End’, a group campaigning to legalise
assisted suicide.144

REFORM UK SCOTLAND                                                                         23
More information about
  legislation and public policy
                                                  protection for religious debate. Additional
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY IN THE UK                       amendments to further strengthen the free
                                                  speech safeguards and create an exception
Free speech and hate crime                        for conversations in the home were rejected.
                                                  The final Bill was passed by 82 votes to 32
Hate Crime and Public Order                       in March 2021.
(Scotland) Bill 2021
The most serious forms of hate crime are          Offensive Behaviour at Football
‘incitement to hatred’ offences. Before the       and Threatening Communications
Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill       Act 2012 (‘Sectarianism Bill’)
2021, these only covered race in Scotland.        In June 2011 the Scottish Government
     The Scottish Government commissioned         brought forward a Bill aimed at tackling
retired judge Lord Bracadale to conduct           sectarian violence in Scotland, particularly in
a review of hate crime legislation. He            relation to football matches. The Offensive
reported in 2018. After consulting on             Behaviour at Football and Threatening
its implementation of Lord Bracadale’s            Communications (Scotland) Bill sought
recommendations, the Scottish Government          to outlaw various types of threatening
brought forward the Hate Crime and Public         behaviour, but it also sought to criminalise
Order (Scotland) Bill in April 2020.              communications intended to stir up religious
     Part 2 of the Bill created incitement        hatred. This raised significant religious liberty
to hatred offences on various protected           and free speech concerns. The Christian
characteristics: race, sexual orientation,        Institute lobbied for the inclusion of a free
transgender identity, religion, disability, age   speech clause in the offence.
and variations in sex characteristics (known          The Scottish Government introduced a
as ‘intersex’). The original Bill covered         free speech clause through an amendment.
abusive behaviour deemed ‘likely’ to stir up      This ensured that evangelism, discussions
hatred. It included free speech clauses on        about faith and criticism of other religions
religion and sexual orientation, but not the      would not be caught within the remit of
controversial issue of transgender identity.      the Bill. In December 2011, the Bill was
     Significant and sustained objections         passed into law by 64 votes to 57 – all the
to the Bill as drafted led to a series of         opposition parties opposed the legislation.
concessions during the parliamentary                  After implementation, the Act remained
process. On most protected characteristics –      controversial. It was criticised by sheriffs and
including the contentious issues of religion,     a large proportion of cases brought under it
sexual orientation and transgender identity       led to acquittals. In 2017, Labour MSP James
– intent to stir up hatred will have to be        Kelly introduced a Member’s Bill to repeal
shown for an offence to be committed. A           the 2012 Act. This was passed by 62 votes to
free speech clause was added that covers          60 in March 2018 – all the opposition parties
transgender identity and strengthens              supported repeal.
The Criminal Justice and Licensing                Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill 2021
(Scotland) Act 2010                               as part of consolidating hate crime legislation.
The Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland)
Bill was introduced by the SNP minority           LGBT ‘conversion therapy’
Government in March 2009.                         The Westminster Government has promised
     At Stage 2 the Government tabled an          to ban LGBT ‘conversion therapy’. At the
amendment aimed at prosecuting stalking           time of writing, the Government has not
and domestic abuse, but which was more            been clear about what the proposed ban will
akin to a general public order offence. The       cover. The Westminster ban is expected to
wording would have caught a huge range            extend to Scotland. The Scottish Government
of conduct and gave rise to serious free          has said it “fully supports moves by the UK
speech concerns. At its worst, the draft          Government to end conversion therapy” and
offence would have criminalised private           that “officials here are engaging with the UK
behaviour which was not intended to cause         Government as they develop proposals”.148
fear, alarm or distress, and caused no one            The ‘End Conversion Therapy Scotland’
fear, alarm or distress.                          campaign is inviting Scottish political parties
     In the face of concerns, the Scottish        and candidates to sign up to their pledge
Government brought forward an alternative,        to introduce a criminal ban on conversion
narrower proposal that omitted reference to       therapy.149 It says: “Conversion therapy aims
distressing behaviour. At its lowest threshold,   to change or suppress an individual’s sexual
it catches ‘abusive’ speech which is likely       orientation, to repress or reduce their sexual
to cause ‘alarm’ to a reasonable person. It       attraction or behaviours, or to change an
became Section 38 of the Criminal Justice         individual’s gender identity to match the
and Licensing (Scotland) Act, which received      sex they were assigned at birth.”150 Scottish
Royal Assent on 6 August 2010.                    LGBT activists say that: “Legislation should
                                                  ban conversion therapy practices that take
Offences (Aggravation by Prejudice)               place in both the public and private sphere,
(Scotland) Act 2009                               including those performed by healthcare
Patrick Harvie introduced the Offences            professionals and within faith communities…
(Aggravation by Prejudice) (Scotland) Bill        There should be no restrictions on who is
on 19 May 2008 as a ‘Handout Bill’ – a            protected by the ban. Children and adults,
Member’s Bill which is sponsored and              deemed vulnerable or not, must be protected,
supported by the Government.147 It                including those who ‘consented’.”151
introduced stronger sentences for crimes              Many of those calling for a ban have been
committed against homosexuals and                 clear that it should cover prayer, preaching
transsexuals, where it was shown that the         and pastoral conversations that disagree with
offence was motivated by malice and ill-will      LGBT theology. Everyday church life would
based on sexual orientation or transgender        be beset by the risk of prosecution.
identity. The Bill did not introduce any new
offences. There were concerns that the            Islamophobia
proposals could undermine free speech and         The All-Party Parliamentary Group on
religious liberty by giving LGBT groups a legal   British Muslims published a definition
mechanism for targeting those who disagree        of ‘Islamophobia’ in November 2018:
with them. The Bill received Royal Assent         “Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a
on 8 July 2009. It was replaced by the Hate       type of racism that targets expressions of
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