FCI Syllabus 2019, Check FCI Phase II Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2019 - TestHill.com

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FCI Syllabus 2019, Check FCI Phase II Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2019 - TestHill.com
FCI Syllabus 2019, Check FCI Phase II Exam
Pattern & Syllabus 2019
FCI Various Posts Recruitment 2019
FCI has released an o cial noti cation regarding FCI Recruitment 2019 for 4103 vacancies for Junior
Engineer (JE), Assistant Grade II (AG-II) (Hindi), Steno Grade-II, Typist (Hindi) & Assistant Grade-III (AG III)
posts. Candidates who want to be a JE or any other from given can apply for this recruitment after being
sure about their eligibility. This is a good chance for those also who want to a job in govt sector and
particularly want a job in the FCI Department. Applications have started on 23rd Feb 2019 to 30th March

FCI Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2019
Candidates who have applied or going to apply for FCI Various Recruitment 2019 have to participate in the
selection process which is the written exam, Skill Test, and Documents Veri cation. To appear in the
written examination, they have to know about the Food Corporation of India Recruitment Syllabus and
exam pattern. They can know about their syllabus from this page. We are going to present all the required
details regarding FCI Exam Pattern Phase II and Syllabus O cial Notice in this article.

In this article, we will discuss the detail of the Indian Food Corporation course in detail. FCI Syllabus has 3
sections, including Reasoning Ability, Numerical Aptitude, and English Language. All these FCI Syllabus
classes will be mentioned later with no mention in this article. It is explained in detail in the table below
about the expected questions from each subject, the weight of these questions and how to approach them!
Before beginning with FCI Syllabus 2019, discuss the FCI exam dates, exam pattern and FCI selection
process to get a better view of the Indian Food Corporation Examination.

FCI Recruitment 2019 Exam Pattern
The Indian Food Corporation exam is divided into two parts – Paper 1 and Paper 2. Exam pattern for Paper
1 is given below. 100 questions will be asked and 60 minutes will be allocated. Go through the traces and
time delivery given below:

FCI Paper-I Exam Pattern
S. No Name of Test                    No. of Questions      Marks Time Duration           Version

1       English Language              30                    30       20 Minutes           English

2       Reasoning Ability             35                    35       20 Minutes           Hindi & English

3       Numerical Aptitude            35                    35       20 Minutes           Hindi & English

        Total                         100                   100      60 Minutes

    The FCI Paper I exam will be of multiple choice questions.
    There will be negative marking also of 0.25 marks.
    The marks obtained in Phase-I will not be considered in the last merit ranking.

FCI PHase II Latest Exam Pattern
Paper-II exam pattern will be as below

Total Papers in FCI Post
                            Post Name           Notable Points
Phase-II                Code

           Paper-I      F   AG-III (General)

           Only         I   AG-III (Depot)
Paper                   E   Typist (Hindi)      –

                        C   Steno Grade-II

Two        Paper-I          Junior Engineer     Candidates who have applied for any ONE of the postcode A,
Paper      and Paper-       (Civil)             B, G, and H will appear in Paper-I to be followed by Paper-II.
Exam       II          B    Junior Engineer        ONLINE TEST for G {AG-III (Accounts) Paper – I and Paper –
                            (Electrical,           II shall be conducted in single sitting only

                       G    {AG-III (Accounts)

                       H    {AG-III (Technical)}

                                                   Candidates who have applied for Postcode D will appear in
           Paper-III                               Paper-III to be followed by Paper-IV.
           and Paper- D     {AG II (Hindi)}
                                                   ONLINE TEST for Paper – III & Paper-IV shall be conducted in
                                                   single sitting only

     Paper 1 is familiar for the postcode A, B, F, G, H, and I
     Paper 3 is familiar for the postcode D and E

FCI Exam Pattern Phase II: Post Wise
You can check the FCI Phase 2 Exam Pattern according to JE, AG II, AG III, Steno, Typist Posts. There will
be 5 Papers in Phase 2 which are under One Paper Exam and Two Paper Exam. Check your FCI Syllabus
for Phase II from below tables as per your respective posts

FCI Phase II Paper I Exam pattern
Assistant Grade III (General) and AG III (Depot) Post Exam Pattern

                                                        Paper I

        SUBJECT NAME                                              TOTAL QUESTIONSMAX MARKSTIME DURATION

1       Reasoning/General Intelligence                            30                 30           90 Minutes

2       English Language                                          20                 20

3       General Awareness/Current Events                          30                 30
4     Computer Pro ciency                                     20               20

      Data analysis/Numerical Ability/Data
5                                                             20               20

      TOTAL                                                   120              120

JE (Civil), JE (Electrical Mechanical), Assistant Grade III (Accounts), AG III
(Technical) Exam Pattern

                                                   Paper I

      SUBJECT NAME                                            TOTAL QUESTIONSMAX MARKSTIME DURATION

1     Reasoning/General Intelligence                          30               30

2     English Language                                        20               20

3     General Awareness/Current Events                        30               30

4     Computer Pro ciency                                     20               20            90 Minutes

      Data analysis/Numerical Ability/Data
5                                                             20               20

      TOTAL                                                   120              120

                                                   Paper II

6     Professional Knowledge                                  60               120           60 Minutes

A separate test for each post. AG III (Technical) to have two separate tests for Group A (Agriculture, Botany,
Zoology) and Group B (Agriculture, Chemistry, Physics)

Typist (Hindi) Exam pattern (Paper III)
Paper III


1       General Engish          20                  20

2       English Hindi           40                  40

3       General Awareness       20                  20
                                                                  90 Minutes
4       General Intelligence    20                  20

5       Computer Knowledge      20                  20

        TOTAL                   120                 120

Assistant Grade-II (Hindi) Exam Pattern

                                        Paper III

S. SUBJECT                                                                 TIME
                   TOTAL QUESTIONS                        MAX MARKS
No. NAME                                                                   DURATION

1   General Engish 20                                     20

2   English Hindi 40                                      40

3                  20                                     20

    General                                                                90 Minutes
4                  20                                     20

5                  20                                     20

    TOTAL          120                                    120

                                        Paper IV
120 Marks
      Subjective      2 (Translation passage. One each – Hindi to
6                                                                         Each question will carry 90 Minutes
      Paper           English & English to Hindi)
                                                                          60 marks

Steno Grade II Exam Pattern

                                                    Paper III

S.                                                                  TOTAL             MAX        TIME
No.                                                                 QUESTIONS         MARKS      DURATION

1     General Engish                                                40                40

2     General Awareness                                             20                20

3     General Intelligence                                          20                20
                                                                                                 90 Minutes
      Computer Knowledge (with a special allusion to MS word
4                                                                   40                40
      and Internet)

      TOTAL                                                         120               120

You should check the FCI Phase II Exam Pattern O cial Notice. Here you will get some samples of
questions type which is expected to come in the exam. Question from General Hindi, General English,
General Awareness, General Intelligence, Data Analysis / Numerical Ability / Data Interpretation, and
Computer Pro ciency are given in the FCI Exam pattern Phase II O cial Notice.

FCI Vacancy 2019 Syllabus
As we know, Food Corporation of India (FCI) announced a total of 4103 vacancies for Steno Grade-II, Typist
(Hindi), Junior Engineer (JE) (Civil Engineering / Electrical Mechanical Engineering), Assistant Grade II (AG-
II) (Hindi), and Assistant Grade-III (AG III) (General / Accounting / Technical / Depot) between East, West,
North, South, and North-Eastern areas. The entire recruitment process will include: Step-I online preliminary
examination, phase-II online examination, and phase-III skill test/document veri cation application.
FCI issued an annual announcement of 4103 vacancies for the posts of Junior Engineer (JE) (Civil /
Electrical / Mechanical Engineering), Assistant Grade II (AG-II) (Hindi), Steno Grade-II, Typist (Hindi) and
Assistant Grade That is. -III (AG III) (General / Accounting / Technical / Depot) under various departments.
Those candidates, who want to secure jobs under the Indian Food Corporation (FCI), have to check this
article to know about exam pattern & Syllabus of FCI.

Since FCI is a central government job, it is considered to be highly prestigious and also
has big competition. FCI Syllabus is like a road map that gives the right direction to crack the exam. So, to
crack the FCI JE exam, candidates should be aware of FCI syllabus and exam pattern. In this article, we will
provide you all detailed information about FCI Junior Engineer, Steno, Typist and Assistant Syllabus 2019
for all 3 stages. Read this page entirely to know everything about FCI Syllabus.

FCI Paper-I Syllabus
Food Corporation of India Syllabus for Reasoning म       व था और पैटन, वग करण, सा      , ृंखला, कोिडंग और
िडकोिडंग, िदशा और दू री, र   संबंध, आदे श और रिकंग और अिधक जैसे िवषय शािमल ह। For the FCI Syllabus it is
explained in details in the table given below for the number of questions expected from each subject, how
to load these questions and how to contact them:

                   Weightage of
Topics Name                        Types of Questions

Arrangement &                      General series of alphabets, Random sequence of alphabets, Number
Pattern                            arrangement, Dictionary or alphabet based etc.

Analogy            0-1             Letter & Number, GK & Meaning based

Blood Relation     1-3

Classi cation      0-1             Letter & Number, GK & Meaning based

Series             0-1             Number Series, Alphabet Series, Mixed Series,

Coding &                           Coding by analogy, coding by words, coding-decoding by letter shifting,
Decoding                           etc.

                   1-3             Number system, Flow Chart, Routes, and Network Etc.
Direction &
                   1-3           Problem-based on route, network, and distance traveled

Inequalities       1-2           Mathematical & Coded Inequalities

                                 Seating Arrangement, Circular Arrangement, Linear Arrangement, Double
Puzzles            2-5
                                 Line Up Arrangement, Floor Puzzle etc.

                   0-1           Coding-Decoding, Scheduling, Direction and Distance, Blood Relation etc.
Decision Making

Verbal                           Statement & Conclusion, Statement and Interfaces, Statements and
Reasoning                        Assumptions etc.

English Language
FCI English Language के िलए FCI Syllabus म Reading Comprehension, Spelling, Fill in the Blanks, वा      ांश या
मुहावरे का अथ, समानाथ और िवलोम जैसे िवषय शािमल ह। For the FCI Syllabus it is explained in details in the table
given below for the number of questions expected from each subject, how to load these questions and how
to contact them:


Topics Name     of           Types of Questions

                8-10         Error Spotting, Phrase Replacement, Fill in the Blanks etc.

Vocabulary      2-4          Synonym, Antonym, Spellings.

Reading                      The passage will focus on topics like moral stories, humanities (medicine,
Comprehension                psychology, arts, human behavior, etc.), social issues economy, business, etc.

Cloze Test      0-1          Questions based on a passage containing a particular idea.

Idioms          1-3          Meaning of Idioms, One-word Substitution.
Error Detection 4-5           Questions based on nding an error in a sentence or in a phrase etc.

                              Questions based on Para Jumbles, Para Completion, Odd Man Out, Sentence
Verbal Ability   5-8
                              jumble etc. can be asked.

FCI Numerical Ability Syllabus
Numerical Ability के िलए FCI Syllabus म सरलीकरण,       ाज, ितशत, अनुपात और अनुपात, औसत, उ पर सम ाएं और
अिधक जैसे िवषय शािमल ह। नही ं।     ेक िवषय से अपेि त   ों का, इन   ों का भार और उनसे कैसे संपक कर, इसके बारे म
नीचे तािलका म िव ार से बताया गया है:

                       Weightage of
Topics Name                              Types of Questions

Simpli cation          2-5               BODMAS, Fraction, Decimal, Ratio & Proportion, etc.

Ratio & Proportion     0-1               Simple Ratios, Compound Ratios, Direct & Indirect Proportion etc.

                                         Questions based on Mixture of two or three quantities and their
Mixture Problems       1-2

Number System          0-1               LCM, HCF, Integers, Rational Irrational Numbers

Algebra                2-5               Identities, Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, etc.

                                         Problem related to Dishonest Dealings, Successive Selling,
Pro t & Loss           1-2
                                         Partnership & Discount, and MP

                                         Average Weight/Height/Age/Marks, Average Money Expenditure,
Average                0-1
                                         Average Temperature, etc.

Percentage             1-2               Calculation-oriented basic percentage Questions

Time & Work            1-2               Work E ciency, Work & Wages, Pipe & Cistern, Time & Work.

Interest               0-1               Simple, Compound, Interest etc.

Speed, Time &
                       1-2               Problems on Trains, Boats, Rivers, Relative Speed, etc.
Problems related to area, surface area & volume of various
Mensuration          0-1
                                         geometrical shapes

Permutation &
                     4-6                 Triangles, Circles, Chords, Quadrilaterals, Cubes, Cones etc.

Probability          1-3                 Heights and Distances, Trigonometric Ratios and Identities etc.

Data Interpretation 3-5                  Pie Chart, Line Chart, Bar Graph, Table

FCI Phase II Syllabus for Professional Knowledge
i). Junior Engineer (Civil Engineering) (Post Code A):
Building Materials:
  Physical and Chemical properties building stones, cement (Portland), Asbestos products, Timber and
  Wood based Products, laminates, bituminous materials, paints, varnishes, etc.

Principles of surveying, plane table surveying, theodolite, leveling and contouring, curvature, permanent
adjustment of dumpy level, methods of contouring, tachometric survey, etc.

Soil Mechanics:
  Void ratio, porosity, saturation, water content, speci c gravity of soil grains and unit weights, grain size,
  Atterberg’s limits, soil classi cation, plasticity chart, permeability, consolidation of soils. Lab tests,
  moisture content, bearing capacity of soils, plate load test, standard penetration test, etc.

Environmental Engineering:
  Quality of water, puri cation, distribution, sanitation, sewerage and sewage treatments.

Concrete Technology:
  Latest technology and uses of concrete, water-cement ratio, work-ability, mix design, placement,
  compaction, nishing and curing of concrete, quality control of concrete, repair, and maintenance of the
  concrete structure, etc.

Structural Engineering:
Theory of structures, bending moment and shear force diagrams retaining walls, eccentric loads, slope
  de ection, critical load and columns, torsion, etc.

Transportation Engineering:
  Types of pavements, pavement materials – aggregates and bitumen, Design of exible and rigid
  pavements, bituminous construction, rigid pavement joint, pavement maintenance, Railway

Estimating, Costing and Valuation:
  Estimate, analysis of rates, earthwork, Brick, RCC work shuttering, Painting, Flooring, Plastering exible
  pavements, Tube well, isolates and combined footings, Steel Truss, Piles, etc.

Steel Design:
  Steel design and construction of steel columns, beams, roof trusses, plate girders.

RCC Designs:
  RCC exural strength, shear strength, bond strength, design of single reinforced beams, retaining walls,
  water tanks (RCC design questions may be based on both Limit State method and Working Stress

Construction Management:
  Construction scheduling Bar Chart, CPM and PERT, etc.

ii). Junior Engineer (Electrical Mechanical Engineering) (Post
Code B):
  Basic concepts:- Concepts of current, voltage, power, energy and their units,
  Circuit law,
  Estimation and costing, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Basic Electronics,
  Theory of Machines and Machine Design,
  Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials,
  Thermal Engineering,
  AC Fundamentals,
  Measurement and measuring instruments,
  Electrical Machines,
  Synchronous Machines,
  Transmission and Distribution of power in different power stations,
  Air Compressors & their cycles,
Boilers Refrigeration cycles,
  Production Engineering.
  Air standard Cycles for IC engines,
  Rankine cycle of steam etc

iii). Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) (Post Code G):
  1. Basic Accounting concept including preparation of books of accounts.
  2. Basics of Sales of Goods Act, (d) Negotiable Instrument Act
  3. Basic of Computers: (a) Operating System, (b) Browsers, (c) Email, (d) Memory (Internal, External,
     portable), (e) Chats, (f) O ce (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), (g) Networks
  4. Taxation including Income Tax and Goods and Services Tax.
  5. Auditing – (a) Auditing concepts and methods, (b) Internal & External audit of companies. Page 13 of
     Commercial Laws – (Basic Knowledge) (a) Basics of Contract Act, (b) Basics of Company Act, (c)

iv). Assistant Grade-III (Technical) (Post Code H)
  Statics of Indian Agriculture (Cereals & Pulses), Elementary entomology, Plant Protection, Agricultural

  Chemical bonding, Organic Chemistry, Basics of Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Alcohols, Aldehydes and
  acids, Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry in daily life.

  Cell Biology: Tissue, Organ & Organ System, Genetics, Plant Classi cation, Diversity, Ecology.

  Animal Cell & Tissue, Organ System, Heredity & Variation, Animal Classi cation, Micro Organism,
  Insects & Rodents.

Life Process:
  Photosynthesis, Respiration, Circulation, Movement, etc, Basics of Biochemistry

Check General Instructions for FCI Phase II Exam
Admit Card 2019 and FCI Exam Phase II
You can also read