Farmer Empowerment Strategy in Improving Local Chicken Farming Businesses in Minahasa District, North Sulawesi Province
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International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science ISSN (Online): 2455-9024 Farmer Empowerment Strategy in Improving Local Chicken Farming Businesses in Minahasa District, North Sulawesi Province Jolanda K. J. Kalangi, Jolyanis Lainawa, Cathrien A. Rahasia Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia Abstract— Local chicken farming in Minahasa District, North efforts to empower farmers through counseling and mentoring Sulawesi Province, cannot develop into a commercial business, activities, development of management systems, development because the farmers' resources have not mastered the cultivation and of database-based marketing systems and strengthening of marketing technology that is in line with current demands. The farmer institutions are needed. purpose of this study was to obtain a strategic model for farmer empowerment in order to be able to master cultivation and marketing Formulation of the problem: (1) How do farmers perceive the technology. By relying on the measurement of perceptions and concept of farmer empowerment through extension and formulating strategies, it is known that the role of extension agents is mentoring activities, development of management systems, the most important thing in empowering farmers. Empowerment of development of database-based marketing systems and farmers must be stimulated by the driving force of the market, namely strengthening of farmer institutions. (2) How to formulate a how to develop a culinary business and local chicken meat strategy for the development of a local chicken farm in processing industry. This can be done through the seriousness of the Minahasa District. government in making regulations that implement special programs. Research purposes: (1) To find out farmers' perceptions of the Empowerment in cultivation development should be oriented towards concept of farmer empowerment to increase the business of the use of digital media which leads to efficiency and effectiveness in the use of production factors, while in marketing, namely utilizing native chicken farming in Minahasa District. (2) To formulate technology with a data base system. a strategy for the development of commercial domestic free- range chicken farming in Minahasa District. Keywords— Farmer empowerment: farmer perception: strategy Proposition: (1) Farmers want to increase the local chicken formulation. farm business, because they realize that they can increase income for the economic welfare of the family. (2) Business I. INTRODUCTION development is directed at the strategy of penetration and The population of local chickens or native chickens in market expansion, because this is the belief of farmers in Minahasa Regency continues to increase. Although there is no increasing their business with a commercial maintenance definite data on population size, according to research results system. in Kakas District, the average population increase is around II. LITERATURE REVIEW 15-20 percent. This population increase is due to natural reproductive processes. A. The Concept of Empowerment The significant increase in population does not make The concept of empowerment states that each individual or farmers develop intensive maintenance efforts by being group obtains sufficient skills, knowledge and power to confined, farmers still survive in traditional ways, even though influence their own life and the lives of others [1]. The first they are faced with various risks of being stolen by people, stage is the desire of the community itself to change for the chickens are eaten by predatory animals so they are better. In the second stage, the community is expected to be susceptible to infectious diseases that cause death. able to remove obstacles or factors that are resistant to In line with the government's strategy to develop a local progress in themselves and their communities. In the third chicken farming industry, it is appropriate that joint efforts be stage, the community is expected to have received additional made to empower farmers. Almost all farmers in Minahasa freedom and feel they have a responsibility in developing Regency continue to maintain the traditional way of raising themselves and their communities. The fourth stage is an local chickens, namely that the livestock are only released to effort to develop broader roles and limits of responsibility, this find their own food, without having to be caged with regular is also related to interest and motivation to do a better job. In feeding, for fear of taking the risk of loss if they change their this fifth stage, tangible results of empowerment begin to commercial methods of raising. This anxiety was exacerbated appear, where an increased sense of belonging results in better during the conditions of the Covid 19 Pandemic, where performance outcomes. In the sixth stage, there has been a farmers were worried that if they were already producing a lot, change in behavior and his impression of himself, where they would experience marketing difficulties. success in improving performance is able to increase This condition is because farmers are still behind in the psychological feelings over the previous position. In the mastery of cultivation and marketing technology, so that seventh stage, people who have succeeded in empowering 117 Jolanda K. J. Kalangi, Jolyanis Lainawa, and Cathrien A. Rahasia, “Farmer Empowerment Strategy in Improving Local Chicken Farming Businesses in Minahasa District, North Sulawesi Province,” International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 117-122, 2021.
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science ISSN (Online): 2455-9024 themselves feel challenged to a bigger effort to get better Generally, the local traditional domestic chicken rearing results. system. This maintenance system is usually carried out by most rural farmers with an average maintenance scale of 3 B. Agricultural Extension cows per farmer. Local chickens are raised by being left free, The definition of extension as contained in Law no. 16 of farmers do not pay attention to technical aspects and economic 2006 is a learning process for main actors and business actors calculations, where native chicken feed is not provided so that they are willing and able to help and organize specifically, only relying on agricultural leftovers. There are themselves in accessing market information, technology, also breeders who give rice bran but not regularly. The capital and other resources, as an effort to increase housing system is not paid attention to, some are locked up productivity, business efficiency, income and welfare, as well near the kitchen, and some are just perched on the branches of as raise awareness in the preservation of environmental trees at night [9]. functions. Local chickens are often found in rural areas and almost The real purpose of agricultural extension is to change the every household raises them. However, there are still many target behavior. The goal to be achieved by agricultural obstacles in the local chicken business, such as a high extension is to gradually develop the ability of farmers to have mortality rate, this is due to the background of its maintenance an increasing level of knowledge, an adequate inventory of being a side business with the aim of taking the meat and eggs information and the ability to apply the required technology so as a family nutrition addition and selling them when they need that they are finally able to solve problems and make the best money. decisions for their farming [2]. In agricultural extension, the role of an extension is very E. Comprehensive Strategy Formulation Analytical important. In carrying out its duties, an agricultural extension Framework. agent has a role as a Facilitator, Motivator, Communicator, The important strategy formulation techniques can be Innovator and a role as an organizer [3]. integrated into three decision-making frameworks [10]. C. Perception Concept Stage I: Input Stage People’s perceptions are influenced by one's view of a Internal Factor External Factor Competitive Profile situation, fact, or action. There are three mechanisms for Evaluation (IFE) Evaluation (EFE) Matrix Matrix (CPM) Matrix shaping perception, namely: selectivity, closure, interpretation. Stage 2 : Matching Stage The information that reaches a person causes the individual to Strategic form perceptions, starting with selecting or filtering it, then the Strength- Boston Position and Internal Weaknesses- Consulting Grand incoming information is compiled into a meaningful unit, and Opportunities- Action Group External Strategy finally there is an interpretation of the facts of the whole Evaluation (IE) Threats (SWOT) (BCG) (SPACE) information [4]. Stage 3: Decision Stage Perception is the process by which we become aware of Quantitative Strategy Planning Matrix (QSPM) the many stimuli that affect our senses [5]. Perception is the Fig. 1. Analytical Framework for Strategy Formulation process of receiving information on stimuli from the Source: David and David (2015) environment and turning it into psychological awareness [6]. Stage 1 of the framework formulation consists of an EFE According to [7], perception is essentially a cognitive process matrix, IFE matrix and Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM). experienced by everyone in understanding information about Called the input stage, stage 1 summarizes the basic input their environment, either through sight, hearing, appreciation, information needed to formulate a strategy. Stage 2, called the feeling, and smell. matching stage, focuses on developing viable alternative Therefore, to change one's behavior must start from strategies by aligning key internal and external factors. Stage 2 changing one's perception. In the perceptual process, there are techniques include the Strength-Weaknesses-Opportunities- three main components as follows [8]: (1) Selection is the Threats (SWOT) Matrix, Strategic Position and Action process of filtering the senses to external stimuli, their Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) intensity and type can be many or a little. (2) Interpretation, Matrix, Internal External Matrix (IE), Grand Strategy Matrix. namely the process of organizing information so that it has Stage 3, which is called the decision stage, involves a single meaning for someone. (3) Interpretation and perception are technique, the Quantitative Strategy Planning Matrix (QSPM). then translated into behavior as reactions. QSPM uses the input information from stage 1 to objectively D. Local Chicken Farm evaluate the alternative strategies identified in stage 2. QSPM Local chicken is very popular with the name chicken or reveals the relative attractiveness of alternative strategies and ayan not rasa (Buras). The scientific name for local chickens is provides an objective basis for selecting a particular strategy. Gallus domesticus. Local chicken farming activities have The nine techniques included in the strategy formulation existed since ancient times. Local chicken livestock is a type framework require integration of intuition and analysis. of poultry that has become popular in the community and The most important thing in the Strategy Formulation spread throughout the archipelago. For the Indonesian people, analysis is that there is a relationship starting from identifying local chicken is not new external opportunities and threats and determining internal strengths and weaknesses (EFE-IFE), then building long-term 118 Jolanda K. J. Kalangi, Jolyanis Lainawa, and Cathrien A. Rahasia, “Farmer Empowerment Strategy in Improving Local Chicken Farming Businesses in Minahasa District, North Sulawesi Province,” International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 117-122, 2021.
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science ISSN (Online): 2455-9024 goals (IE), producing alternative strategies (SWOT), and is made. The analytical tool used is the QSPM (Quantitative choosing a priority strategy / strategy implementation (QSPM) Strategic Planning Matrix). QSPM is a tool to indicate which [11]. alternative strategy is the best and most feasible to implement. QSPM uses input at the data entry stage and matching at the III. RESEARCH METHOD guidance stage to objectively select among several alternative This research was conducted in Minahasa District from strategies. January to March 2020. This type of research was qualitative research in the form of descriptive-qualitative research. The IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION research design or method is a survey method conducted on A. General Condition of the Research Area farmer respondents who are raising local chickens, with the Minahasa Regency is one of the districts in North Sulawesi consideration that they have been doing this business for more Province, Indonesia. Minahasa District has an area of 4,626 than 2 years. km2. Consists of 25 districts with the district capital in Primary data was obtained directly from the respondent by Tondano. Kakas sub-district is one of the sub-districts in the asking questions from the questionnaire that has been capital of Minahasa Regency. provided as well as conducting FGD and observing directly One of the potential regional development strategies in the state of the business from the aspects of production and Minahasa Regency is the development of local livestock-based marketing. Instruments or measuring instruments used in data agribusiness. Animal husbandry has enormous potential to be collection are; Questionnaires, audio-visual recording devices a source of economic growth in the agricultural sector. One of and writing instruments (ATM). the strengths in the livestock sector is local chicken farming The variables observed in this study were the role of [14]. extension agents as motivators, educators, facilitators and communicators. Furthermore, internal and external factors TABLE 1. Farmers' Perceptions of the Role of Extension Officers as (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). Motivators. Data analysis is used to describe qualitatively the data No Indicator SB B RR TB STB Assist farmers in obtaining obtained from the research. Where in this study used the data 1 information about production results 8 12 0 0 0 analysis method "four qualitative stages" (identifying data, and how to manage them reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions). 2 Provides guidance on how to manage 1 8 3 6 2 The four-stage qualitative analysis is an effort made in a good maintenance effort qualitative analysis of the stages of collecting data, organizing 3 how to use technology 3 6 4 4 3 How to increase the added value of data, sorting them into manageable units, synthesizing them, 4 production 4 11 3 2 0 looking for and finding patterns, finding what what matters Provide comparisons with farmers and what to learn and decide what to tell others [12]. 5 who have successfully managed a 8 8 3 1 0 Furthermore, the activities in qualitative data analysis are; data local chicken farm. Total 24 45 13 13 5 reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. Meanwhile, to Average 4,8 9 2,6 2,6 1 determine Petyani's perception of the role of the instructor, calculations were used with the guidance of the data analysis Local chicken farming in Minahasa Regency is mostly model "Likert scale" [13]. carried out by rural communities, so it is not only done by In formulating a complete strategy, there are three stages farmers, either on a side-by-side basis or for those who are of strategy formulation (framework), namely stage I is input, actually engaged in a livelihood. Local chicken farming is an stage II is matching, and stage III is a decision. alternative business that does not require a lot of capital and 1) Input Stage: the results of the analysis of the company's large land. The local chicken livestock are potential external and internal environment become the basic input germplasm and genetically have a high adaptability to the formulated into the EFE matrix and IFE matrix. environment. This indicates that local chickens have a large 2) Matching Stage: At this stage, opportunities and threats enough role in the development of livestock in Indonesia, as (external) are matched with strengths and weaknesses well as as the economic base for rural farmers for the needs of (internal) based on the information obtained in the input animal protein for the community [15]. The further state, the stage. The analysis tools used at this stage are the Internal- problem that occurs in local chicken farms is because the External (IE) matrix and the Strength-Weakness- business is managed by breeders who do not have a business Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) matrix. All of these tools rely orientation. on information gleaned from the input stage to match external opportunities and threats with internal strengths B. Farmers' Perceptions of the Role of Extension Officers and weaknesses. Internal-External Matrix Analysis (IE) is Farmers' perceptions of the role of extension personnel a combination of the EFE matrix and the IFE matrix which include the role as a motivator, the role as a communicator, the contains nine types of cells that show the combined total role as a facilitator and the role as an innovator. weighted values of the EFE and IFE matrices. Next, refer to the formula: T x Pn. Where; T = Total Decision Stage: The decision stage is the final stage in number of respondents who voted, and Pn = Choice of Likert strategy formulation. At this stage, the choice of the best score, then; alternative strategy and which is a priority for implementation 1. Respondents who answered very useful (5) = 4.8 x 5 = 24 119 Jolanda K. J. Kalangi, Jolyanis Lainawa, and Cathrien A. Rahasia, “Farmer Empowerment Strategy in Improving Local Chicken Farming Businesses in Minahasa District, North Sulawesi Province,” International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 117-122, 2021.
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science ISSN (Online): 2455-9024 2. Respondents who answered useful (4) = 9 x 4 = 36 TABLE 3. Farmers' Perceptions of the Role of Extension Officers as 3. Respondents who answered doubtful (3) = 2.6 x 3 = 7.8 Facilitators 4. Respondents who answered not useful (2) = 2.6 x 2 = 5.2 No Indicator SB B RR TB STB Assisting farmers in providing 5. Respondents who answered very useless (1) = 1 x 1 = 1 1 production facilities and equipment 7 9 2 2 0 After all the results have been added together, (24+ 36+ for local chicken farming businesses 7.8+ 5.2+ 1), the total score is 74. 2 Give an example to farmers in using 4 2 3 7 1 Standard criteria for interpretation of scores based on agricultural production facilities Facilitating farmers in accessing intervals were; 3 information from the government 3 10 5 1 3 1. Figures 0% - 19.99% = Very Useless and the private sector 2. Figures 20% - 39.99% = Not Useful Providing solutions / facilities for 4 1 11 5 3 0 3. Figures 40% - 59.99% = Doubtful / Neutral problems faced by farmers. 4. Figures 60% - 79.99% = Helpful Providing the facilities needed by 5 5 11 3 1 0 farmers. 5. Figures 80% - 100% = Very Useful Total 20 43 18 14 4 Because the final result is 74, based on the interpretation Average 4 8,6 3,6 2,8 0,8 criteria, the Farmer's Perception of the Role of the Extension Officer as a Motivator falls into the "role" category. Next, refer to the formula: T x Pn. Where; T = Total number of respondents who voted, and Pn = Choice of Likert score, TABLE 2. Farmers' Perceptions of the Role of Extension Officers as then; Communicators 1. Respondents who answered very important (5) = 4 x 5 = 20 No Indicator SB B RR TB STB 2. Respondents who answered role (4) = 8.6 x 4 = 34.4 Towards the development of farmer 1 groups 15 5 0 0 0 3. Respondents who answered doubtful (3) = 3.6 x 3 = 10.8 2 Helping farmers in making decisions 9 6 3 2 0 4. Respondents who answered no role (2) = 2.8 x 2 = 5.6 3 How to solve the problem being 3 10 4 2 1 5. Respondents who answered absolutely no role (1) = 0.8 x 1 faced by farmers = 0.8 Helping farmers accelerate the flow After all the results are added up, (20+ 34.4+ 10.8+ 5.6+ 4 4 11 5 0 0 of information Assisting farmers in increasing their 0.8), the total score is 71.6. 5 9 10 1 0 0 Standard criteria for interpretation of scores based on ability to raise local chickens Total 40 42 13 4 1 intervals, were; Average 8 8,4 2,6 0,8 0,2 1. Figures 0% - 19.99% = Very Not a role 2. Figures 20% - 39.99% = Does not play a role Next, refer to the formula: T x Pn. Where; T = Total 3. Figures 40% - 59.99% = Doubtful / Neutral number of respondents who voted, and Pn = Choice of Likert 4. Figures 60% - 79.99% = play a role score, then; 5. Figures 80% - 100% = Very important 1. Respondents who answered very important (5) = 8 x 5 = 40 Because the final result is 71.6, based on the interpretation 2. Respondents who answered role (4) = 8.4 x 4 = 33.6 criteria of Farmers' Perceptions of the Role of Extension 3. Respondents who answered doubtful (3) = 2.6 x 3 = 7.8 Officers as Facilitators, it is included in the category of "role”. 4. Respondents who answered no role (2) = 0.8 x 2 = 1.6 TABLE 4. Farmers' Perceptions of the Role of Extension Officers as 5. Respondents who answered absolutely no role (1) = 0.2 x 1 Innovators. = 0.2 No Indicator SB B RR TB STB After all the results are added up, (40+ 33.6+ 7.8+ 1.6+ Provide a good impact on the 0.2), the total score is 83. 1 development of farmer groups and 11 9 0 0 0 their businesses Standard criteria for interpretation of scores based on Helping farmers in technology intervals were; 2 1 5 4 8 2 adoption 1. Figures 0% - 19.99% = Very Not a role Provide innovation in terms of local 3 3 14 3 0 0 2. Figures 20% - 39.99% = Does not play a role chicken cultivation 3. Figures 40% - 59.99% = Doubtful / Neutral Encouraging a change in the mindset 4 6 8 4 1 1 of farmers 4. Figures 60% - 79.99% = play a role Delivering information on the 5. Figures 80% - 100% = Very important 5 development of local chicken farms 5 9 4 1 1 Because the final result is 83, based on the interpretation in Indonesia criteria, the Farmer's Perception of the Role of the Extension Total 26 45 15 9 4 Officer as a Communicator falls into the category of "very Average 5,2 9 3 1,8 0,8 important role”. Next, refer to the formula: T x Pn. Where; T = Total number of respondents who voted, and Pn = Choice of Likert score, then; 1. Respondents who answered very important (5) = 5.2 x 5 = 26 2. Respondents who answered role (4) = 9 x 4 = 36 120 Jolanda K. J. Kalangi, Jolyanis Lainawa, and Cathrien A. Rahasia, “Farmer Empowerment Strategy in Improving Local Chicken Farming Businesses in Minahasa District, North Sulawesi Province,” International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 117-122, 2021.
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science ISSN (Online): 2455-9024 3. Respondents who answered in doubt (3) = 3 x 3 = 9 Production Means 4. Respondents who answered did not play a role (2) = 1.8 x 2 Barriers to the application 7 of intensive business 0.106 4 0.42 II = 3.6 systems 5. Respondents who answered absolutely no role (1) = 0.8 x 1 Potential of Fishery 8 0.106 2 0.21 VII = 0.8 Products After all the results are added up, (26+ 36+ 9 + 3.6 + 0.8), Bargaining Ability of 9 0.100 2 0.10 IX Farmers the total score is 75.4. Obstacles in the Standard criteria for interpretation of scores based on 10 0.011 4 0.04 X Reproductive System intervals were; TOTAL 2.72 1. Figures 0% - 19.99% = Very Not a role Average Total Score 0.27 2. Figures 20% - 39.99% = Does not play a role (Opportunity + Threat) 3. Figures 40% - 59.99% = Doubtful / Neutral TABLE 7: IFE Matrix (Strength Factor) 4. Figures 60% - 79.99% = play a role Weight Factor Strength Rating Score Priority 5. Figures 80% - 100% = Very important (%) Because the final result is 75.4, based on the interpretation 1 Institutional System 0.11 4 0.44 III criteria, the role of the instructor as an innovator falls into the 2 Agricultural Extension 0.09 3 0.27 V Availability of Business category of "Role”. 3 Capital 0.10 3 0.30 IV B. External Factor Evaluation (EFE Matrix) and Internal 4 Independence of Farmers 0.10 3 0.30 IV Potential of farmer labor Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix 5 resources 0.10 3 0.30 IV To get the factors of strategy formulation, the calculation 6 Potential of Agricultural 0.09 3 0.27 V of the EFE (External Factor Evaluation) and IFE (Internal Products 7 Reproductive Technology 0.06 2 0.12 VI Factor Evaluation) matrix models is used, with the following Experiences and Social results; 8 0.12 4 0.48 II Conditions of Farmers Development of Processed TABLE 5: EFE Matrix (Opportunity Factor) 9 0.10 3 0.30 IV Industry Technology Weight 10 Culinary Business Potential 0.14 4 0.56 I Factor Opportunity Rating Score Priority (%) Sub Total 3.34 1 Food Independence Program 0.082 2 0.16 VII Investment Interest in Animal TABLE 8: IFE Matrix (Weakness Factor) 2 0.087 3 0.26 V Husbandry Sub Sector Weight 3 Product Request 0.092 2 0.18 VI Factor Weakness Rating Score Priority (%) Infrastructure Development 1 Extensive Business Patterns 0.11 1 0.11 III 4 0.087 4 0.35 IV and Technical Services. 2 Limited Access to Capital 0.09 2 0.18 VII Development of Information 3 Limited Land 0.09 1 0.09 I 5 Technology (Agricultural 0.103 4 0.41 I The Reproductive System Is Digitalization) 4 0.11 1 0.11 III Still Natural Potential HR Farmers in Not Entrepreneurship 6 0.130 3 0.39 II 5 0.14 1 0.14 V Rural Areas Oriented 7 Agroecosystem Support 0.136 3 0.41 I Feed management system Law.RI.No.16 of 2006 6 0.10 2 0.20 VIII from agricultural products concerning Agricultural, Farmer Group Management 8 0.092 4 0.37 III 7 0.08 2 0.16 VI Fisheries and Forestry System Extension Systems. Marketing Support Capacity Law. RI No. 19 of 2013 8 0.12 1 0.12 IV (Animal Market) 9 concerning the Protection and 0.103 4 0.41 I Application of Cultivation Empowerment of Farmers 9 Technology and animal 0.06 2 0.12 IV 10 Land use 0.087 4 0.35 IV feed TOTAL 3.29 Supporting capacity of 10 0.10 1 0.10 II poultry slaughterhouses TABLE 6: EFE Matrix (Threat Factor) Sub Total 1.33 Weight Average Total Score (Strength + Factor Threat Rating Score Priority 2.34 (%) Weakness) Low Competitiveness 1 0.083 3 0.25 VI Products V. CONCLUSION Limited mastery of 2 0.094 4 0.38 III Overall, farmers in North Sulawesi responded positively to marketing technology Decrease in the Labor Force the digitization program in the development of intensification 3 in the Animal Husbandry 0.067 3 0.20 VIII of local chicken farms towards a strategy of market Sub-Sector penetration and expansion. Social engineering, which is the 4 Transfer of Land Functions 0.111 3 0.33 IV Climate Change Affecting strengthening of the farmer institutional system and the 5 Feed Procurement and 0.106 3 0.32 V intensity of counseling to farmers, was the determining factor Animal Health in the strategy of empowering farmers in relation to 6 Dependence on Imported 0.117 4 0.47 I developing local chicken farms in North Sulawesi. 121 Jolanda K. J. Kalangi, Jolyanis Lainawa, and Cathrien A. Rahasia, “Farmer Empowerment Strategy in Improving Local Chicken Farming Businesses in Minahasa District, North Sulawesi Province,” International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 117-122, 2021.
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