How to be a Farmers' Market Vendor - Open ...

Page created by Dean Anderson
How to be a Farmers’
        Market Vendor
        Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF) is committed to the long-term success of approved farmers’ markets in
        Alberta. One of the ways this can be achieved is through increasing the level of skill and knowledge of the
        entrepreneurs who choose to sell at farmers’ markets. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information to
        vendors and potential vendors on selling at farmers’ markets. The information contained within is directed at both
        food and non-food vendors with the word “producer” being used to describe both types of vendors.

                                                                         market as well as learn from others who may
        The Opportunity
                                                                         have been in the business for many years.
        Farmers’ markets are the most popular of the farm               Price maker: Farmers’ market vendors set their
        direct marketing channels – for both vendors and                 own price, eliminate the middleman and receive
        customers alike. From a vendor viewpoint, there are              immediate payment for their product sales.
        several benefits to selling at an approved farmers’              Selling into retail stores means you generally are
        market:                                                          selling that product to the store at a wholesale
         Business incubator and testing ground:                         price, which will be lower than what you can
            Farmers’ markets are venues where small                      receive at the farmers’ market. It also means
            businesses can “test the waters” to see how                  you can sell smaller volumes in order to make
            popular their products are with customers. It is a           the same amount of money; something that is
            place where a vendor can receive immediate                   attractive to small businesses.
            feedback from customers on taste, quantity,                 Minimal start-up costs: Costs for selling at a
            packaging, price, additional product ideas,                  farmers’ market are typically much lower when
            salesmanship, etc.                                           compared to setting up your own retail operation
         Guaranteed crowd and location: Farmers’                        either on-farm on in the local community.
            markets tend to attract much larger crowds than
            individual businesses, making your potential             Seventy eight per cent (78%) of Alberta households
            customer base much larger. In addition, the              shop at farmers’ markets, spending on average $70
            farmers’ market provides a stable location with          per visit, with 84% of that spent on local food.
            adequate parking and other amenities that                Source: Study of Local Food Demand in Alberta,
            customers demand.                                        2016.
         Group advertising: Farmers’ markets provide
            group advertising for the market as a whole,             There are many reasons customers shop at farmers’
            benefitting all vendors. All approved markets            markets:
            are listed on the AF website/phone app as a free          Food: The top three products customers come
            service for approved markets.                               to farmers’ markets to buy are vegetables, fruit
         Learning opportunities: Vendors can develop                   and baking.
            and hone entrepreneurial skills at a farmers’

        ©2020 Government of Alberta | Published: August 2020 |
Classification: Public
    Food safety: Customers are confident in the          farmers’ markets” into the search field and select the
             safety of the local food sold at farmers’ markets.   one with the Sunnygirl logo in the icon.
            Support Alberta farms and the local                  This app and the interactive online map found at
             economy: Customers want to support local    contains the most up-to-date
             businesses.                                          information about the markets. Each market is
            Freshness, quality and taste: In surveys,            designated by a pin which when clicked on provides
             customers state they are motivated to seek out       a pop-up window with information about each
             local food because of the freshness, quality and     market as well as contact information. Sort markets
             taste.                                               by market type, day of the week, date or location.
            Authenticity: Customers come to the farmers’
             market because it is an authentic experience         In addition, the Alberta Farmers’ Market Association
             where they can meet the producer of the              offers an online listing for paid vendor members.
             products they are buying and learn “the story” of    This site will also link to individual websites. This is
             how that product was grown or made. It is the        a great opportunity to help build and maintain
             next best thing to actually going to the farm.       clientele.
             Non-food items are always unique because they
             are not mass-produced. They also carry a story,
             which is very appealing to potential customers.      Costs to Consider
            Trust: Customers want to know the person who         Just like any other business venture, it is important
             grew or made the food they are buying; they          that you consider and track all the costs you will
             want to have a better understanding of crop          incur when selling at a farmers’ market. Don’t
             inputs, animal welfare and ingredients used.         undersell; customers understand that they are not
             They want to know that the vendor’s values align     buying a commodity product and are more willing to
             with their own.                                      pay the true cost of the food. The following are
            Social atmosphere: Customers come to                 some things to consider when determining your
             farmers’ markets because it is a unique              product prices but is not an exhaustive list. Some
             shopping experience, unlike shopping in a retail     additional hints have also been included.
             store. The relaxed atmosphere allows it be a
             place where families and friends meet to savor
                                                                     Tables:
             time and enjoy all that the market has to offer.         o In some markets, the vendors are required
                                                                         to supply their own tables.
                                                                      o If you need to purchase your own table, be
        How to Find an Alberta                                           sure to purchase one that is easy to set up
        Approved Farmers’ Market                                         and take down but which is also sturdy and
                                                                         able to hold all your products without
        There are over 130 Alberta approved farmers’
        markets. AF approves markets that meet the
                                                                     Table cloths:
        minimum standards as outlined in the Alberta
                                                                      o Markets generally require that you have a
        Approved Farmers’ Market Program Guidelines.
                                                                         table covering.
        Each market is independently operated and, as
                                                                      o Be sure the covering can be easily cleaned.
        such, determines its own rules and regulations, sets
                                                                         A plastic covering is more easily cleaned
        table fees, etc.
                                                                         throughout the day if you are selling fresh
                                                                         produce while a cloth covering can be
        To assist with marketing the approved farmers’
                                                                         laundered before each market.
        markets, AF maintains a free phone
                                                                      o In addition, be sure your tablecloth does not
        app, available through the App Store or
                                                                         detract from the product you are selling. For
        Google Play. Simply type “Alberta

        ©2020 Government of Alberta | Published: August 2020 |
Classification: Public
example, tablecloths with bright fruit or               are heavy, be sure to provide sturdy bags
                vegetable patterns may not accent your                  that won’t tear if filled.
                fresh produce.                                       o In most markets, you are not allowed to put
             o A table cloth that extends to the floor/ground           customer food purchases in your used
                will cover any boxes or other items you want            grocery store bags as it poses a food safety
                to store under your table during the market.            risk. Customers can, however, bring their
            Displays:                                                  own bags and pack themselves.
             o Will your products be laid flat on the table or      Signage:
                do you require some sort of display                  o Signage is important for both your booth and
                equipment to make them more eye-catching                your individual products. It is an extension
                to potential customers?                                 of your business and portrays the image you
             o Displays can be home-made or purchased.                  want to leave with your customers.
             o They need to look professional, adding to             o Booth signage is important so customers
                your overall stall atmosphere.                          know the business name of the vendor - and
            Vehicle and travel expenses:                               they will find you more easily the next time
             o Always consider all your vehicle expenses                too! Booth signage can be outside your
                such as gas, maintenance and insurance as               booth or behind your booth hanging on the
                well as any other travel expenses that you              wall if indoors or at the back of the canopy if
                incur when taking your products to the                  outdoors. Some markets have standard
                farmers’ market.                                        signs for all vendors or you could make or
            Canopy:                                                    purchase your own.
             o When selling at an outdoor market, it is              o Product signage should contain at least the
                critical that you have a good quality canopy            name of the product and the price per unit
                (tent) to protect you and your products from            whether that is per bunch, per bag, by
                the elements.                                           weight or by item.
             o Select a canopy that can withstand being set          o If selling at an outdoor market, product signs
                up and taken down frequently, that has well             should be able to withstand the elements.
                sewn seams for water proofing, removable             o Customers are less likely to trust vendors
                sidewalls to protect you from wind and rain             who do not display their business name and
                and which is easy to set up and take down.              who don’t have product signage listing
             o Canopies need to be weighted down so they                prices. Less trust = less sales.
                don’t blow away and hurt people or damage           Table/stall rental fees:
                property. Purchase weights or make your              o Table fees are set by each individual market
                own. Four litre milk jugs filled with sand,             and vary widely across the province.
                water or cement is one example. Attach                  Average table/stall rentals in Alberta are $22
                your weights to the legs of the canopy at               (2019), ranging from $5 per week to $79 per
                least at all four corners. Many vendors will            week.
                also attach their canopies to their                  o Many markets have a seasonal rate or a
                neighboring vendors’ canopies for additional            reduced rate if a vendor pays for the entire
                support. Check with the market manager as               season up front.
                some markets will stipulate the amount of           Packaging and labelling:
                weight required per leg.                             o Depending on the products sold, you will
            Bags:                                                      require different types of packaging.
             o Having something available for customer                  Canned products must be sealed using new,
                purchases is a necessity.                               approved lids (two-piece snap lids is
             o Will you supply plastic bags or sell cloth               preferred). Containers and bags for baking
                bags to your customers? If your products                and all other food products must be new.

        ©2020 Government of Alberta | Published: August 2020 |
Classification: Public
Keep in mind that even fresh vegetables                insurance can protect you in the event a
                 must be hauled to market in food grade                 customer has an adverse reaction to your
                 containers.                                            product (product liability insurance) as well
             o All food, cosmetic and textile products                  as for other events that may happen at your
                 require a label. Refer to the Canadian Food            farmers’ market stall such as a customer
                 Inspection Agency Industry Labelling Tool              slipping on something in front of your stall or
                 for federal requirements. Refer to the                 your canopy damaging property during a
                 information on selling low-risk home                   windstorm.
                 prepared foods in Alberta for additional            o Markets requiring vendors to provide proof
                 labelling requirements.                                of liability insurance prior to vending is
            Scales:                                                    becoming more common - 31 per cent of
             o If you are selling products by weight, you               markets in 2019. You may be able to get an
                 must use a calibrated scale. Consider                  additional rider placed on your home or farm
                 whether you will pre-weigh your items and              insurance. The Alberta Farmers’ Market
                 package accordingly or if you will bring a             Association also has a group policy
                 scale to the market each week.                         available for members.
             o There are many different types of scales             Costs of Production:
                 with different features ranging from a basic        o Be sure to include the costs of seeds/plants,
                 scale to ones that can print a product label.          input costs such as fertilizer, labour,
                 Choose one that will suit your needs.                  equipment, ingredients and power.
            Staff:                                                  o The costs of becoming and maintaining
             o Depending on how many markets you                        organic certification status should be
                 attend each week and how busy the markets              included. Generally, customers are willing
                 are, you may require staff to work the                 to pay more for certified organic products.
                 markets. Some markets have restrictions on         Payment options:
                 who can sell at a market with some markets          o Think about your options – cash, debit,
                 requiring that the seller also be the grower.          credit. Studies have shown that vendors
                 Check with the market manager.                         who accept electronic payments have higher
            Power:                                                     sales.
             o If you are selling products that require              o There are many electronic options available
                 refrigeration or special lighting, you may             but all come with a cost. Research the most
                 need power at the market. Some markets                 cost effective system that will meet your
                 charge higher fees for stalls with power. If           needs and be able to operate in remote
                 you are at an outdoor market or a market               locations.
                 without power available, you may need to           Time:
                 make alternate arrangements for lighting or         o Selling at a farmers’ market can be very time
                 to keep your food at the proper                        consuming – from production to harvesting
                 temperatures. This may involve using                   to packaging to transporting to selling. Don’t
                 coolers and ice packs or even bringing a               forget to consider all of these when
                 small chest freezer and purchasing a                   determining your product price.
                 portable generator. An alternative to a            Miscellaneous items:
                 generator is using an 8D-cell tractor battery       o Aprons: keeps your clothes clean and can
                 and a power inverter. It is also considerably          be used to hold cash;
                 quieter than a gas-powered generator.               o Logo wear: t-shirts or aprons to identify your
            Liability insurance:                                       business and portray a professional image;
             o It is good business practice to ensure you            o Nametags: important when building the
                 have adequate liability insurance. This                relationship with customers;

        ©2020 Government of Alberta | Published: August 2020 |
Classification: Public
o    Cash box-if you don’t use an apron. Keep           customers are afraid to take product for fear of
                  out of sight so thieves aren’t tempted.            making the whole pile come down. Create
                                                                     ambiance in your stall. Invite your customers
                                                                     into your stall with a u-shaped set-up.
        Marketing 101                                               Offer samples. Taste sells! Check with the
                                                                     market manager regarding health requirements
        So you’ve decided to sell at the farmers’ market.
                                                                     for sampling. Alberta Health Services generally
        What do you need to do now? If you make it, bake it
                                                                     prefer samples prepared before coming to
        or grow it, you are a prime candidate to sell at an
                                                                     market. Care must be taken to prevent product
        Alberta approved farmers’ market. Eighty percent
                                                                     contamination in transport and at the market. If
        (80%) of the vendors selling at approved farmers’
                                                                     you must prepare samples on site or if you wish
        markets must be Albertans selling products which
                                                                     to offer hot samples, you will need to work with
        they, a family member or a staff member have
                                                                     your public health inspector to ensure you are
        made, baked or grown.
                                                                     doing it according to their requirements in order
         Scout out potential markets. There are over
                                                                     to keep the food and the public safe.
            130 approved farmers’ markets in the province
                                                                    What is your image? Four C’s – Be
            with about 18 of them operating year round.
                                                                     Consistent, Be Credible, Be Compelling and Be
            Visit a few of them to see what products are
                                                                     Creative. When you are at a farmers’ market,
            sold, how many vendors attend, amount of
                                                                     you are part of the display. How you portray
            customer traffic. Talk with the market manager
                                                                     yourself is as important as what you have for
            about your product and if they have space for
                                                                     sale. It is important that you always look and act
            you, their application process, any rules you
                                                                     professionally – clean clothes, name tags,
            need to know, etc. Keep in mind that the closest
                                                                     business and product signage, and a big
            market is not always the best market for your
                                                                     welcoming smile. Always be ready to tell your
            product. Be strategic and consider all the costs
                                                                     story. Part of marketing yourself is making sure
            and benefits prior to committing to a market.
                                                                     your customers are happy. If you receive a
            The phone app noted before will also show
                                                                     customer complaint, make it right even if the
            which markets are located close together and
                                                                     customer is wrong. Remember – customers tell
            operate on the same day. It may be lucrative to
                                                                     3 people about a great customer experience but
            piggyback trips and sell at multiple markets on a
                                                                     will tell 10 people if they are dissatisfied.
            given day.
                                                                    Value added is in. Convenience is a driver for
         Merchandising. There are many ways to
                                                                     many customers. They may have limited
            display your products so they attract people to
                                                                     knowledge on preparation or have a limited
            your stall. Use open and visible displays.
                                                                     amount of time to spend making meals or
            Create multiple levels when possible. Prime
                                                                     lunches so they come to farmers’ markets to
            visual real estate is from the belt buckle to 6
                                                                     seek out unique value added products. You see
            inches above the sight line or at the 4 – 6 foot
                                                                     everything from jams and jellies to chutneys to
            level. Maximize the space you have where the
                                                                     bagged salads to sauces to dry mixes. This is
            eye focuses. Place your higher return products
                                                                     great for business and also gives some
            in this sight area. Place your lower sale
                                                                     producers an outlet for their excess fresh
            products from the belt to the knee. Don’t put
                                                                     product as it can be further processed and sold.
            any products below knee level- that is storage in
                                                                     Keep in mind that Alberta approved farmers’
            the customers’ eyes and they don’t want to have
                                                                     markets are the only venue in Alberta where
            to squat down to get their products. Maximize
                                                                     both low and high-risk food products can be
            color and texture and use different display
                                                                     produced in home kitchens. Check with your
            equipment to set off your products. Keep your
                                                                     local public health inspector regarding the food
            displays full but don’t make them so perfect that

        ©2020 Government of Alberta | Published: August 2020 |
Classification: Public
product you want to produce to ensure you are           Alberta Agriculture and Forestry publications:
             meeting all the requirements.                            AF has many publications, both free of charge
                                                                      and priced, available on a variety of topics from
                                                                      production to marketing. Phone 1-800-292-5697
        Know the Regulations                                          (toll-free in Canada) or 780-427-0391 (Monday
                                                                      to Friday, 8:15 am to 4:30 pm, Mountain time).
        There are many pieces of provincial and federal
        legislation and related regulations which impact             Alberta Health Services has developed a fact
                                                                      sheet for Alberta approved farmers’ market
        farmers’ market production and sales, particularly
                                                                      managers and vendors.
        with respect to food, cosmetics and textiles. It is the
        responsibility of each farm direct marketer to               Alberta Farmers’ Market Association (AFMA):
                                                                      AFMA is a voluntary membership, non-profit
        research and ensure full compliance with all
                                                                      organization that provides direction and support
        legislation. Sometimes the requirements are
                                                                      to member markets, vendors, managers, boards
        different depending on the venue you want to sell at,
                                                                      and sponsors through advocacy, education,
        i.e. approved farmers’ market vs public market/on-
                                                                      promotion and innovation. To become a
        farm store. A good starting point is a series of six
                                                                      member, download a membership form at:
        publications from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
                                                             or call 780-265-
        called Farm Direct Marketing: Know the
                                                                      2362 for more information.
        Regulations. They are available online at:             Alberta Farm Fresh Producers Association
        producers.aspx under the Farm direct marketing                (AFFPA): AFFPA is a voluntary membership,
        heading.                                                      non-profit organization dedicated to supporting
                                                                      the production of farm direct marketed vegetable
        Food vendors at Alberta approved farmers’ markets             crops, berry and fruit crops, bedding plants,
        are required to complete food safety training. The            perennials, herbs, flowers, meats, poultry, eggs
        minimum requirement as noted in the Program                   and other specialty items in Alberta. To become
        Guidelines: Vendors selling food and/or agricultural          a member, download a membership form at:
        products who have not already completed an           or call 403-964-3276
        approved Alberta food sanitation and hygiene                  for more information.
        training program or who are not required to complete         Alberta Craft Council (ACC): ACC is a non-
        the food safety training described under Section 31           profit, non-governmental, member organization
        of the Food Regulation must complete Food Safety              dedicated to supporting, developing and
        Basics for Farmers’ Markets available through                 promoting fine craft in Alberta. To become a
        Alberta Health Services. Compulsory within one                member, download a membership form at:
        year of becoming a new vendor and renewable          or call 780-488-6611.
        every three years.

        Other Resources
            Alberta Approved Farmers’ Market Program: AF
             manages the Alberta Approved Farmers’ Market
             Program. Information about the Program and
             resources are available at or
             by calling Eileen Kotowich at 780-853-8223 (dial
             310-0000 first for toll free access) or email

        ©2020 Government of Alberta | Published: August 2020 |
Classification: Public
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