Farewell to our 8th Grade Students - Goodbye Gators - Boone County Schools

Page created by Chris Carter
Farewell to our 8th Grade Students - Goodbye Gators - Boone County Schools
Gator Gazette
       End of Year Gazette/Summer Edition

 The 2013-2014 School Year is quickly coming to an end! This year has
 been full of successes and wonderful achievements made by our GMS
student body. As our students embark on the summer months ahead, we
               wish you a safe, relaxing, fun filled summer!

Farewell to our 8th Grade Students

                                 Goodbye Gators

Dear GMS 8th grade Students:
Congratulations on completion of your middle school career. Over the
past three years, the staff and faculty at GMS have taught and given you
the tools to become safe, responsible and respectful young ladies and
gentlemen. You have risen to the occasion and not only accomplished
this task, but have done it with remarkable success. Your hard work and
dedication to your academics has paid off and now you can sit back and
reap the rewards. You have made us all proud. While you worked hard
at Gray Middle School, you will have to keep up the hard work next year
in high school. Remember that the doors here at Gray Middle School are
always open to our graduating students. We wish you continued success
as you become a Raider or Jaguar.
Farewell to our 8th Grade Students - Goodbye Gators - Boone County Schools
Incoming 6th Grade Orientation

Where: Gray Middle School
When: Wednesday, July 23
Time: 9:00—12:00
All incoming 6th grade students and parents, put this
date on your calendar!
This will be an opportunity for all incoming 6th grade
students to pick up their schedule, tour the building
and participate in team building activities. Parents will
be able to pick up schedules and tour the building
with their students from 9:00 to 10:00. From 10:00 to
noon students will be participating in staff led activi-
This will be a wonderful opportunity for your student
to get acquainted with Gray Middle School and fellow
students for the upcoming school year.
Farewell to our 8th Grade Students - Goodbye Gators - Boone County Schools

For your convenience, GMS will have a number of op-
   tions for our students and their families regarding
       schedule pick for the 2014-15 school year.

   July 23—5:00-7:30 Gatorama for all grade levels
    (pick up schedules, pay fees and tour the building)
   July 29—11:00-1:00 Gatorama for all grade levels
    (pick up schedules, pay fees and tour the building)

Note: If you are unable to attend the above dates to pick up your
child’s schedule, you will be able to drop by the school office on Thurs-
day, July 31, Tuesday, August 5 or Thursday, August 7 from 11:00 to
1:00 only. August 7 will be the last day for schedule pickup. After Au-
gust 7, schedules will not be available to be picked up. The next availa-
ble date will be the first day of school, August 13.
(unfortunately after July 29, the building will not be availa-
ble for tours)
Farewell to our 8th Grade Students - Goodbye Gators - Boone County Schools
Welcome GMS 8th Grade News

                     elcome to the 8th Grade!!!
                     We are thrilled to finally meet you as your middle school jour-
                     ney comes to a wonderful finish!
Your 8th grade year is an exciting one. We prepare for your transition to high school
by offering wonderful opportunities to grow and learn.
As an 8 grader, you will have the chance to attend overnight camp at Camp Joy in
Clarksville, OH. Camp Joy is an amazing experience. It is a combination of history,
environmental awareness and self-discovery that will leave you with a new sense of
maturity. The cost of the all-inclusive trip is approximately $140.00. We will distrib-
ute information in early October and collect money through early November. The trip
is scheduled November 10-11 for one group and November 12-13 for the second
The 8th grade will also travel to Chicago April 23-25. This two night hotel stay is a
perennial favorite at Gray!! We visit world class museums, attend the theatre and visit
Chicago landmarks. This all-inclusive trip will cost approximately $500.00 per student.
We use a payment plan for the Chicago trip, collecting installments in the months of
September, December, January, February and March. We encourage all 8th graders to
attend, but certain behavioral and academic criteria must be met in order to partici-
pate. We will distribute Chicago information in early September so that you can plan
All activities in the 8th grade are planned well in advance and we will do our best to
keep you informed of any trips or events in the 8th grade. We will use e-mail lists and
All-Call phone messages to keep you in the loop on all events.
Good Luck in the 8th grade this year and we look forward to working with you!!!!
Gray Middle School 8th Grade Staff
Farewell to our 8th Grade Students - Goodbye Gators - Boone County Schools
Gray Middle School
                   SIXTH GRADE SUPPLY LIST

ALL SUBJECTS                                      LANGUAGE ARTS
   Pencils                                          Spiral notebook
   Colored pencils                                  Loose leaf paper
   Highlighters                                     Index Cards
   Loose leaf notebook paper
   Red, blue, & black ink pens                   UNIFIED ARTS CLASSES
   8 or10 pocket folder (sold in school front
                                                     1½ inch binder
    office $4)
                                                     Notebook paper
   Erasers
                                                     Set of subject dividers (5 at least)
   One subject spiral notebook for Channel
    One                                              Calculator, hand held
                                                     Large eraser
                                                     Hand held pencil sharpener
                                                     Pencil box or bag
   1 inch 3 ring binder w/dividers
   1 set of subject dividers
                                                  SPANISH CLASS ONLY
                                                     1 inch plastic view binder
                                                     Loose leaf paper
   1-3 subject notebook
   1 pack of index cards
                                                  Below items not required, yet if
                                                  you’d like to send
                                                     1 box of tissues
   1 inch 3 ring binder w/dividers - or—single
    subject notebook                                 1 container disinfectant wipes
                                                     1 roll paper towels
Farewell to our 8th Grade Students - Goodbye Gators - Boone County Schools
Gray Middle School
General supplies for all classes                   Social Studies
   Ink Pens (blue/black/red)                         5 Subject College Rule Notebook
   Pencils                                           Blue Folder
   Loose Leaf Paper                                  12 Glue Sticks
   12 Pack of Colored Pencils                        Jumbo Book Cover
   Hand Held Pencil Sharpener                        1 pack of 3"x5" index cards
   Pencil Bag (labeled with name in permanent
    marker)                                        Unified Arts Classes
   8 pocket folder or other organizing tool for      1½ inch binder
    homework papers                                   Notebook paper
   Small pair of scissors
                                                      Set of subject dividers (5 at least)
   Highlighters
                                                      Calculator, hand held
Science                                               Large eraser
   Dry erase markers                                 Pencil box or bag
   1 inch 3 ring binder
   Dividers
                                                   Optional Items (wish list) to be given
Language Arts                                      to 3rd period teacher for entire class-
   Yellow pocket folder for writing               room use:
   1½ inch binder
                                                      3 packs of #2 pencils
   Package of dividers (5 in a pack)
                                                      Tissues
   Pink and yellow highlighters
                                                      Hand Sanitizer
   2 packs of 3x5 index cards
                                                      Paper Towels
   3 packs of notebook paper
                                                      Disinfectant Wipes
   3 or 5 subject notebook
   Graph Paper
   Book Cover
   Scientific calculator (optional)
Farewell to our 8th Grade Students - Goodbye Gators - Boone County Schools
Gray Middle School
                  EIGHTH GRADE SUPPLY LIST
General supplies for all classes               Language Arts
   Notebook paper                                1 inch or 1½ inch - 3 ring binder
   Pencils                                       5 Dividers
   Glue sticks                                   Spiral bound notebook
   Colored Pencils
   Highlighters                               Science
                                                  1½ inch binder
Math 8                                            Spiral bound notebook
   Spiral bound notebook                         2 Pocket folder
   2 pocket folder                               Graph paper
   Graph paper

                                               Social Studies
Algebra 1                                         Spiral bound notebook
   Red 2 Pocket folder                           2 Pocket folder
   Graph paper                                Unified Arts Classes
   Spiral bound notebook                         1½ inch binder
                                                  Notebook paper
Geometry                                          Set of subject dividers (5 at least)
   Graph paper                                   Calculator, hand held
   1½ inch binder                                Large eraser
   Compass                                       Hand held pencil sharpener
   Ruler                                         Pencil box or bag
   Protractor
   Calculator (Scientific or Graphing)        Below items not required, yet if
                                               you’d like to send
                                                  1 box of tissues
                                                  1 container disinfectant wipes
                                                  1 roll paper towels
Farewell to our 8th Grade Students - Goodbye Gators - Boone County Schools
GMS Library Books
Turn in your library

It’s never too late to return your library
books!! If your child still has a library book
checked out from the Gray Middle School li-
brary please return it to the school office so
that it can be put back in circulation and re-
moved from your child’s account.

GMS Cafeteria
Lunch charges need to be
paid in full by May 30. Any
student who eats on May
30th and has no outstanding charges will be
entered into a drawing for a Kindle Fire!
Farewell to our 8th Grade Students - Goodbye Gators - Boone County Schools
GMS Summer School

          Summer School
     When: June 16th –July 3rd.
       Time: 8:00—12:00
         Cost: $120.00
Farewell to our 8th Grade Students - Goodbye Gators - Boone County Schools
Holocaust Survivor Speaks at GMS
On Tuesday, May 27, 2014, Gray Mid-
dle School invited Holocaust survivor
Werner Coppel to visit the school
and speak with the entire eighth
grade class. The students had been
studying the Holocaust in their Eng-
lish Language Arts classes. With less
than 200,000 survivors still living,
GMS was honored to have Mr. Cop-
pel present his first-hand experience
with students. This visit was made
possible by the Speaker’s Bureau of
the Center for Holocaust and Hu-
manity Education in Cincinnati.

Mr. Coppel was born in Germany. At
the age of 15, he joined a group of young people whose goal was to immi-
grate to Palestine. The Nazi police arrested the group’s members in 1943,
and they were deported to Auschwitz concentration camp. Through the
support of his friends and teachers, Werner was able to survive the trials
of the concentration camp. In January of 1945, Werner escaped from a
Death March, returning to Berlin shortly after the war.

Students were able to engage in a question and answer session with Mr.
Coppel following his presentation. Relating to the students very well, he
conveyed the atrocities of the Holocaust but also was able to share a
message of hope, discussing how he was able to overcome his experience
and lead a productive, meaningful life. Mr. Coppel went on to marry and
have two sons and many grandchildren. To this end, he stated, “The Nazis
won many battles, but I won the war.”
Items Needed

Spring Cleaning? Used Sheets or Blankets Needed

Gray Middle School will be collecting old blankets, sheet sets,
mattress pads, table cloths, curtains and fabric to make quilts for
the Lutheran World Relief Quilt Campaign. Gray students will be
making quilts as a community service project this summer. The
sheets are used for backs and the blankets, curtains and mattress
pads are sewn in the middle of the quilts to help make a warm
blanket. Please place clean items in the tub located in the front
breezeway of the school any time until June 16th. Contact Barb
Trickel at barbara.trickel @boone.kyschools.us with any ques-
Box Tops for Education

Don’t forget to save your
box tops over the summer
and send them in next fall!!
We will be collecting Boxtops for the li-
brary next year.

Summer Reading Assignments

If you need a copy of your
child’s Summer Reading or
English Assignment, check
the Gray Middle School
webpage. Summer assign-
ments will be posted on the webpage soon.
GMS Student Council
A Note from the President:
Student Council has been amazing this year! I have been blessed with the opportuni-
ty to work with these selfless students that dedicated their time to help work on
multiple charity drives this year. They helped me organize the Christmas Drive,
which helped raise money for toys that were given to students that are less fortu-
nate for holidays. We also had another drive that was very successful called the Pen-
nies for Patients Drive. We raised a bunch of money for a cancer foundation through
a two week period. I was so lucky to be given the opportunity to work with these
wonderful people and hope that next year they continue to help out the community
as well as they did this school year.
Cameron DeKruif
Student Council President

End of Year Student Council Pizza Party

Standing, left to right: Courtney Dolwick, Addi Fish, Abigail Laws, Tate Ohmer, Kyle Dolwick, Jadin Moor-
man, Logan Batte, Michael Koch, Edward Uyeda.

Sitting/kneeling: Kaitlyn Gillespie, Alicia Kalil, Maggie Cook, and Cameron DeKruif.
GMS Jazz Ensemble
The GMS Jazz Ensemble competed at the King’s Is-
land Music in the Parks Festival on Saturday, May
3rd. They received first place and were the only
group there to receive a superior rating. Sam
Huseman also received the “outstanding jazz soloist”
Congratulations GMS Jazz Ensemble !

Go Pantry Food Drive
Gray Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society partnered with Go Pantry Sum-
mer Food Boxes by participating in a Food Drive. Together they will bring hope, relief
and security to Boone County kids struggling with hunger. Our food drive will help
Go Pantry feed Boone County kids over the summer. Every single donation helps,
and together our combined donations will make a real difference for those in
need. Thank you GMS for your outstanding support.

Pictured left to right: Jordan Reed, Garrett Holley, Carter McIntire, Devyn Eubank,
Lauren Hsu, and Hannah Gallatin.
GMS Archery News
GMS Archery is finishing this year on a high note. Our Teams
#1 and #2 are going to the World Tournament! Very few
schools can say they have multiple team qualifiers for a World
Tournament of any type - much less archery. But, our Gray Ga-
tors have done it!
The teams will be competing this July in Madison, Wisconsin against teams from
Canada, South Africa, Mongolia and many more countries.
Having just competed 2 weeks ago at Nationals, held in Louisville, Gray archers shot
against students from 47 other states, including Alaska. Team #1 finished 37th overall
- Nationally! This is no small achievement and we are all very proud of you.
18 of our 43 archers shot a "personal best".
12 of those were our female archers. The girls have become strong competitors.
Ladies,You Rock!

Did you know that we had 6 archers place in the top 100 individually for their re-
spective divisions? Let us congratulate these fine archers: Samantha Duty, Ethan
Mefford, Hannah Hamilton, Kaylin Conley, John Lyons and Kiersten Riddle.
Congratulations Samantha Duty our best archer with a score of 278 (300 is a per-
fect score).
Also to Ethan Mefford with the next highest score of 277.
A big thanks to all our archers, their parents and especially to our coaching staff:
Susan Schneider, Mike Riddle, Deanna Riddle, Kim Desmond, Mike Benton, Sherry
Moen, Bill Moen, Roy Sanders and Mark Evans.

On to World - Win Big!

Susan Schneider
Archery Head Coach
Gray Middle School Archery Team

Robotics/STEM Summer Camp
Robotics/STEM Summer Camp at St. Henry
High School in Erlanger

St. Henry High School in Erlanger will be
hosting a Robotics/STEM Summer Camp on
Wednesday, June 25 through Thursday, June
26 from 9 till 3PM each day. The camp is for
Teachers/Coaches and students in grades 7-
12 interested in starting or participating in a
FIRST Tech Challenge robotics team at their
school. During the camp students will partic-
ipate in hands on math and science activities
and build Lego NXT Mindstorms robots and
program them to complete a set course. To
register, contact Peggy Myatt at
Energy Camp

Gateway Community and Technical
College is offering a summer Energy
Camp for middle school students
interested in having hands-on expe-
riences with energy, engineering,
and manufacturing. The camp will
be held on the Florence Gateway
Campus from June 23-26 from
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

If interested, please contact Sandy
Holtzapfel for more information.
Emily Mays—KMSA Scholarship Winner
The Kentucky Middle School Association (KMSA) has named Emily Mays an eighth grade
student at Gray Middle School as one of their 2014 scholarship winners. Each year 16
eighth grade students across the Commonwealth are selected to receive the award. This
year’s students receive a certificate of recognition and a $50 cash award.
Emily is a veritable role model of the perfect student. She always does everything asked
of her in a timely, polite, and professional manner, and always answers questions and
completes assignments intelligently and in-depth. Emily is also involved in several extra-
curricular and service activities. She was recently inducted into the National Junior Honor
Society based on her grades, behavior, extra activities, and input from all of her teachers.
Students are selected based on a written application and must exemplify academic excel-
lence, outstanding citizenship, a commendable attitude, leadership and appropriate mid-
dle school college and career readiness. The application includes a student written essay
explaining how the student exemplifies the traits advocated by KMSA and letters of rec-
ommendation from one of the student’s current teachers and principal. Also, the stu-
dent’s grades, attendance, and conduct records are reviewed. Any eighth grade student
may submit an application.
The scholarship program was started as a way to recognize young adolescents that are
making positive contributions to their schools and communities while also building aware-
ness of scholarship programs with eighth grade students. Schools are encouraged to use
the application process as a tool for teaching students about submitting applications with
a written product and obtaining letters of recommendation.
The Kentucky Middle School Association (www.kmsaonline.com) is an organization that
promotes and supports middle level education across the state. Membership includes in-
dividuals and institutions that serve students in grades 5-8 and other individuals who work
with or have an interest in the education of young adolescents.
Congratulations Emily!
Ken Ryumae - Award of Excellence
GMS 8th Grader Ken Ryumae’s Reflection entries in Music
Composition and Photography each obtained an Award of
Excellence at the Kentucky State PTA Reflection level of
competition and will now advance to the National PTA Re-
flection. Ken’s photography entry was selected to be on
the front page of the KY State PTA Reflection brochure!
Congratulations Ken!
Gray Middle School Has Beautiful Voices

8th Graders Maddie McGinnis, Sydney Malatesta, and Elli
Harmon represented Gray Middle School at the monthly
Boone County School Board Meeting by singing the Na-
tional Anthem. Beautiful job girls.

From left to right, Maddie McGinnis, Sydney Malatesta, Elli Harmon.
A Note From the President

Thank you for your continued support of the PTSA. My name is
Diana Corbin and I will be serving as the President of the PTSA
for the upcoming school year. I have two students in Gray Middle
School and look forward to working with each of you. If you need
to reach me my number is 404-667-7715 or my email address is

For the upcoming school year there are several open positions
and the opportunity to shadow several other positions. Open po-
sitions include: Awards Coordinator, 8th Grade Dance Committee
Chair, VP, Ways and Means Dance Social. Shadowing opportuni-
ties include: VP Volunteers, Membership, and Reflections Chair.
Please contact Beth koch@use.net for volunteer opportunities or
join us at PTSA meetings usually held on the second Monday of
each month at 6:00pm in Room 101 (immediately across from the
office) if you are interested in learning more about the PTSA.

I would also like to thank our outgoing officers Carie Holley - Pres-
ident; Melinda Lloyd - Treasurer; Crystal Perkins - VP Ways and
Means Dance; and Michelle Kennedy - Reflections Chair. These
ladies have worked tirelessly to insure that our PTSA is function-
ing at the highest level. Thank you for all of your hard work.
 8th Grade Dance Success

8th Grade "Mardi Gras" was a blast this year!
The students were beautiful, handsome and on their best behavior. It's amazing to
see how much they have matured as they prepare to step out the door to high

Thank you to the staff and many volunteers who helped transform Gray Middle
School into our very own version of the French Quarter. Without your donations and
creativity, it would have been just another dance. A special thank you to the 8th
grade teachers who worked so very hard to make a slide show for the kids. They
loved seeing themselves incorporated into a Mardi Gras themed show!

 GMS PTSA Volunteers are the Best!

What a wonderful year for Gray Middle School! The PTSA is so grateful for
all the volunteer assistance we have received from parents and teachers this
year. Some events which greatly benefitted from your help included:
- Staff Appreciation
- 8th Grade "Mardi Gras" Dance
- Reality Day
- Dance Social Events held monthly to benefit various clubs and school groups
- PBIS Reward Days
- Picture Days
- Reflections Art Contest
- Walkathon Fundraiser
- Open House
- Gatorama

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers! Your time and efforts are
essential to building the strong community of learners at Gray Middle
Beth Koch, VP Volunteers
GMS Athletic News

 Remember: Students wanting to tryout
 for cheerleading, dance, volleyball, basket-
 ball and/or any of the sports at Gray and
 Ryle MUST have a current KHSAA physi-
 cal form turned into the school before
 tryouts. No exceptions!!! KEEP checking
 the Gray and Ryle athletic webpages for
 information on camps held during the
I mpor ta nt Da tes

5/26 Memorial Day—No School

6/3 Last day of school

6/3 8th Grade Promotion 7:00 pm

6/16—7/3 Summer School

7/23 6th grade Orientation 9:00 am—noon

7/23 Gatorama 5:00—7:30

7/29 Gatorama 11:00-1:00

7/31, 8/5, 8/7 11:00-1:00 Schedule pick-up only in School Office

8/13/14 First Day of School

SBDM meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 5:00 pm.
PTSA meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 6:00 pm.
Please feel free to join us for these meetings.
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