FAQ COVID-19 GOK-UNON vaccination exercise

Page created by Nelson Gonzales
FAQ COVID-19 GOK-UNON vaccination exercise
COVID-19 GOK-UNON vaccination exercise


Who is eligible to submit an application online?        I submitted my request for myself and my
                                                        dependents but the email I received does not
    Staff
                                                        indicate who the appointment is for?
    Recognized dependents
    Non-staff personnel (consultants,                  As the emails are generated in bulk, it is not
     independent contractors, UNVs etc.)                possible to personalize the same. You are welcome
    UN Retirees                                        to respond to the email, provide your name and
                                                        index number to confirm. Please note that at this
All applicants should be in possession of the
                                                        current phase, family members might not be
following identification documents as may be
                                                        receiving vaccinations at the same time.
applicable - valid UN grounds pass, UNLP,
diplomatic passport, diplomatic ID, OR valid UN         If dependents are under 18, they will not be invited
medical insurance card in combination with national     as the vaccine is not recommended for this age
ID or passport.                                         group. Prioritization is made following several
                                                        parameters including age, and they may be eligible
The vaccine is suitable for persons 18 years of age
                                                        to be booked for a later date.
and older. However, due to the current prioritization
of older persons and critical staff the scheduling of   I filled my form using the link, but I have not
vaccination appointments will follow, and evolve, in    received any response.
accordance with Ministry of Health (MoH) guidance.
                                                        Due to the large number of registration requests,
Regrettably, dependents above 21 years or 25            the need to match registration confirmations with
years for school-going, spouses of non-staff            daily vaccination capacity and the limitation in the
category personnel are not included in this initial     IT application being employed, there may be an
phase. All dependents of non-staff personnel are        interval of several days before you are contacted.
not included in the demographic being invited at the    Majority of registration requests are being
moment. We shall keep you updated in the event          processed and notified within 2 weeks.
there is a change to this policy.
                                                        I gave wrong details when registering; how can I
I submitted the online application and did not          have them rectified?
receive an acknowledgement confirmation. Should I
                                                        Details can be corrected upon arrival for the
resubmit another request?
                                                        booked appointment. For the appointment, only
The portal does not provide a confirmation of           name and index number or diplomatic ID is
submission; however, you can be assured that your       required.
details have been submitted. Only one submission
                                                        Are UN retirees eligible?
is required. Multiple submissions will add delays to
the booking process and inconvenience to all staff

Yes, they are as per Ministry of Health age            and will need to show the message received from
guidance. Retirees can apply through the same          the ministry of health as documentation.
online form provided.
Can I get my second vaccine from JMS if I got my                 Registration form
1st one elsewhere?
Yes. Please inform us of the date of your vaccine.
You can book to have the second vaccine at JMS


What do I need to bring on my appointment date?        can access vaccination in any of the several other
                                                       vaccination centres designated by the government
You require identification in the form of a valid UN
                                                       across the country.
grounds pass, a UNLP, a diplomatic passport or a
Kenyan diplomatic ID. Valid UN medical insurance       I missed my appointment, or I am unavailable at the
card may be accepted in combination with national      specified date or time, what should I do?
ID or passport. Please note, no other forms of
                                                       To request a different day, respond to the booking
identification will be accepted.
                                                       email and provide your name and index number.
You will not be vaccinated with only a confirmed
                                                       If you are booked for a particular day, you can
booking without one of the 5 means of
                                                       receive your vaccine at any time during that same
                                                       day. For example, you are booked for March 29th
You will be required to complete a form for Joint      from 10-11am, you can still receive your vaccine at
Medical Service and Ministry of Health registration.   3pm.
You will receive this form upon arrival, once you
                                                       When I arrive for my appointment, how long does
have been verified on site. Kindly bring a pen to
                                                       the process take?
complete the form.
                                                       Your booking indicates a 1-hour time slot, kindly
I have been invited, but my spouse has not, yet
                                                       ensure you are available for 1 hour.
s/he is the one with underlying medical conditions
                                                       Is there any possibility to obtain a vaccine as a
The vaccination capacity is limited; hence it is not
                                                       walk-in without an appointment?
always possible to book staff member at the same
time as the eligible dependent. As soon as your        There have been instances of a small amount of
dependents booking is confirmed, an email will be      vaccine left over in the last vial at the end of the
sent to the address you provided.                      day if it was opened and there were no-shows. You
                                                       are welcome to come and wait on a first come, first
I was called but my child/dependent who has a
                                                       served basis, only at the end of the day at 2pm.
medical condition was not.
                                                       Please note, you are not guaranteed to obtain a
The prioritization also has an age component and       vaccine as a walk-in nor is the waiting time
you will receive a notification for your eligible      guaranteed.
dependent with a medical condition. However, the
                                                       I am based in the field. Can I get the vaccine during
vaccine is only cleared as suitable for persons 18
                                                       my R&R? Can we be assured of vaccine when we
years and older. Younger dependents will not be
invited for the vaccine.
                                                       The vaccine is currently provided by the Kenya
Can I bring my unregistered dependent?
                                                       Government and is provided based on a
At the moment, vaccination is open to eligible         prioritization framework. At duty stations away from
personnel and dependents only. Dependents who          Nairobi, we would advise accessing the vaccine at
are not recognized by your entity as per HR rules,     the vaccination centres located near you.
Assurance of vaccine at the JMS is dependent on         when JMS has received fewer daily doses based
continued supply by MoH. There are occasions            on available stock.


I am in quarantine/awaiting a COVID test                Can I take the vaccine if I am breastfeeding?
result/been in contact with a known COVID-19
                                                        There is limited data on the use of COVID-19
case. Should I come for the vaccine?
                                                        AstraZeneca vaccine by breastfeeding women. If
Due to site access and safety requirements,             you are in the early phase, approximately up to 6
anyone who is in quarantine following contact with      weeks post-delivery, it would be advisable to
a person who tests positive for COVID must defer        consult your doctor before taking the vaccine.
their appointment to a later date. We would advise
                                                        After how long should one wait for to get vaccinated
that you book your vaccination date after you have
                                                        after contracting COVID?
been discharged from quarantine.
                                                        There is no absolute contraindication to receiving
I have a medical condition and feel unwell today.
                                                        the vaccine following covid-19 infection. One can
Should I come for the vaccine?
                                                        wait up to 6 months as there is possibly some
Please contact your medical practitioner for            immunity conferred. But following recovery one
evaluation and treatment, and determination of your     should be able to receive the vaccine
suitability to receive the vaccine. Do not visit the
                                                        After receiving the first vaccine dose, what signs
vaccination site if you are feeling unwell and send
                                                        should one monitor for blood clots? Who to call if
an email with a request to defer your booking. If
                                                        those signs appear?
you appear unwell at the location, vaccination will
be deferred until a JMS doctor visits you.              This may be very non-specific but in the event of
                                                        symptoms such as worsening persistent headache,
Can I get the vaccine if I am pregnant?
                                                        abdominal pain, lower limb pain and swelling or
Discuss with your doctor about this. There is limited   sudden onset symptoms like chest pain and
data about use of COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine          shortness of breath, occurring between 5 – 28 days
on women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.             following vaccination please call JMS emergency
Express consent from your obstetrician may be           line 0724255378 and visit your nearest emergency
required before issuing you the vaccine.                facility.


Will my vaccine book be updated?                        I have received the vaccine but have not received a
                                                        text to alert me when to take the next dose. Others
Following the first dose you will be provided with
                                                        have received.
the vaccine batch number. This is available at the
vaccination site. It is also shared with you via text   This is related to IT connectivity and when MoH
message from MOH. You may enter this as a line in       officials enter data and is unrelated to the booking
your vaccine book. The book will be stamped by          process. The text may come through later, and in
JMS upon receiving the second dose.                     the interim, note that your 2nd dose is 8 weeks after
                                                        the first dose, kindly diarize the actual date.
Can I get my second dose earlier than the stated 8
weeks?                                                  Will other vaccine types be availed to staff?
In the current context, the Ministry of Health has      Only vaccines obtained via the government and
determined that the second dose will be                 later through the UN procurement mechanism will
administered after an interval of 8 weeks.              be available through this program. We are limited to
the options that will be provided to us and cannot              If you have completed the two in the schedule,
say which will be available later.                              please report completion via medical.un.org
Should I inform JMS if I have already been                      Can children receive the vaccine?
vaccinated or received 1st dose of the AstraZeneca
                                                                Currently there are no COVID vaccines approved
through other National Vaccination Programmes?
                                                                for paediatric use as no trials have been concluded.
Yes. Please inform us and this will enable                      On-going trials are for children 12 years and older.
scheduling you appropriately for your second dose.

What about dependents or spouses without a                      What are the requirements for accessing the
grounds pass?                                                   complex?
A valid grounds pass ensures that eligibility has                    -   UN personnel should be in possession of a
been determined by HRMS. Regrettably,                                    valid UNON ground pass (Expired passes
dependents above 21 years or 25 years for school-                        can be renewed at the Pass & ID office
going, spouses of non-staff category personnel are                       before accessing the complex).
not included in this initial phase. We shall keep you                -   Other personnel (Missions, Embassy,
updated in the event there is a change to this                           NGOs and GoK officials) should be in
policy.                                                                  possession of valid National
                                                                         ID/passport/driving license or a diplomatic
I do not have a ground pass or my grounds pass
                                                                         pass issued by the Kenyan government.
has expired?
                                                                     -   All individuals driving in through the
Kindly follow the normal procedure for issuance                          Commissary/Delivery gate should have a
and renewal through HRMS. The pass and ID office                         valid UNON ground pass and a parking
remains fully operational.                                               sticker/decal issued by UNON Security and
                                                                         safety services.
My UN spouse works in another duty station, am I                     -   Those individuals without a parking decal
eligible to receive the vaccine at the facility?                         should park at the visitors Pavilion parking,
Provided they have a valid UN Identification, you                        and walk in.
can proceed to book online for appointment.                          -   The security officer at the Pavilion Turnstile
                                                                         will open for all individuals who have no
What is the security procedure for access to the                         card access to UNON complex.
UNON Complex during COVID-19 Vaccination?                            -   Procedural security checks shall be
                                                                         maintained at both access points.
There are two access points namely: Visitors
                                                                     -   Security Officers shall only grant access to
Pavilion and Commissary/Delivery gate.
                                                                         individuals whose names appear on the
                                                                         vaccination list.

                     WHO COVID-19 Dashboard (Kenya)       https://covid19.who.int/region/afro/country/ke

                             UN Joint Medical Services    https://medical.unon.org/

                                    Emergency - (24/7)    +254 (0)724 255 378

                                       Clinic (Mon-Fri)   +254 (0)20 762 1267

                                                          +254 (0)20 762 2267

                                                          +254 (0)20 762 2268


                                       UNON Facilities    unon-fmts-servicedesk@un.org

UNON Human Resources        +254 (0)20 762 1111 (*3)

         UNON Travel Unit    unon-travel@un.org

Host Country Services Unit   +254 (0)20 7623711


                  UNDSS      +254 (0)707 722 503 / +254 (0)707 722 505

               WHO FAQs      https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-

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