Fannie C. Williams Charter School - Family Handbook - Fannie C Williams Charter School

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Fannie C. Williams Charter School - Family Handbook - Fannie C Williams Charter School
                 Family Handbook
Fannie C. Williams Charter School
                       Serving Grades Pre-K - 8

                          Home of the Warriors
                               11755 Dwyer Road
                            New Orleans, LA 70128
                          504.373.6228 (Office Phone)

                       Chief Executive Officer/Principal
                                Kelly S. Batiste
                            Chief Academic Officer
                           Tarynesa “Terri” Williams

                          under the auspices of
        Community Leader Advocating Student Success (C.L.A.S.S.)
                       Debra Dean, President
                           Board Members
                    Candice Forest, Duane Stelly,
                   Donnyette Love & Al Edwards

        Where failure is NOT an option because the road to college begins here!
Fannie C. Williams Charter School - Family Handbook - Fannie C Williams Charter School
The road to college begins here at . . .                           Marching Warriors Creed
Fannie C. Williams Charter School

Grade                                      Class of                                  I’m a Warrior through and through
Pre-Kindergarten                           2026
Kindergarten                               2025                                      All I bleed is white and blue!
1st Grade                                  2024
2nd Grade                                  2023
3rd Grade                                  2022
4th Grade                                  2021
5th Grade                                  2020
6th Grade                                  2019                    Quick Facts About Fannie C. Williams Charter School
7th Grade                                  2018
                                                                   Mission Statement
8th Grade                                  2017
                                                                   The mission of Fannie C. Williams Charter School is to achieve
                                                                   the highest academic success through collaboration of staff,
                                                                   parents, and community.

                                                                   School Motto–Failure is NOT an option . . . the road to college
                                                                   begins here.
                                                                   School Mascot–The Warriors
                                                                   School Colors–Royal Blue & White

                                                                   School Profile
School Song                                                        Fannie C. Williams Elementary School was established during the
                                                                   2007-2008 school year on the site of the former Fannie C.
Fannie C. Williams we love you.                                    Williams Middle School on Dwyer Road in New Orleans East.
We will strive for excellence all our lives through.
                                                                   It was opened as a Recovery School District school, with open
Wave her colors royal blue and white,                              enrollment for families returning to the city’s eastern area after
We will wear them with dignity and pride.                          the storms and flooding of 2005. We have open access for all
                                                                   students who reside in Orleans Parish. FCWCS educates students
We do believe when we conceive a thought,                          in grades Pre-K through 8 and we’re expecting a population of
We will achieve it with all our hearts.                            about 550 students for the 2012-2013. Our student body is
                                                                   composed primarily of African-American children, but we also
We do believe when we conceive a                                   have students of Hispanic, Asian, and European descent.
thought, we will achieve it with all
our hearts.                                                        This year marks our 2nd year as a Type 5 charter school. We are
                                                                   anxiously anticipating moving into our new state-of-the art
Fannie C. Williams we love you!                                    facility in October 2012.

                                                                   Mailing Address
Warrior’s Creed                                                    11755 Dwyer Road, New Orleans, LA 70128
                                                                   Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday)
Who are We?                                                        Office Phone: 504.373.6228 Office Fax: 504.245.2796
We’re Fannie C. and at Fannie C., we live the 4Ps:
                                                                   School Instructional Day
P1 - We are Prompt–That means we’re always on time;                8:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. (Monday -Friday)
P2 - We are Polite–We strive to always be kind;                    Breakfast Served
P3 - We are Prepared–Ready to go, focused all the way;             7:30 a.m. daily
P4 - We are Productive–Giving our all, each and every day!
                                                                   Transportation (
THIS IS OUR CREED–It’s what we believe leads to our                Berry Transportation, a private vendor, provides transportation
success. THIS IS OUR CREED–And we believe Warriors                 via yellow school bus for about 90% of the student body. The
are the best!                                                      service is provided for students who live in Orleans Parish.
Fannie C. Williams Charter School - Family Handbook - Fannie C Williams Charter School
Table of Contents
Road to College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i                                Homework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 9
                                                                                                     Lockers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
School Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i                              Lunch & Breakfast Program . . . . 10
                                                                                                     Marching Warriors (and other student
Warrior’s Creed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i                                organizations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
                                                                                                     Parent-Teacher Association . . . . . 11
                                                                                                     Parental-Involvement . . . . . . . iii, 11
Marching Warrior’s Creed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i                                         Promotion Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
                                                                                                     Searches by School Officials . . . . 12
Quick Facts About FCWCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i                                          Textbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 13
                                                                                                     Transportation (School Bus) . . . . 13
Who Was Fannie C. Williams? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii                                           Visitors on Campus . . . . . . . . . . . 14
                                                                                                     Withdrawals from FCWCS . . . . . . 14
Message to Our Parents & Guardians . . . . . . . iii
                                                                                          Addendum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 20
Opportunities for Parental Involvement . . . . . iii                                            Uniform Policy for 2012-2013 . . . . 15
                                                                                                Non-Acceptable Articles . . . . . . . . .15
School Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
                                                                                          FCWCS Faculty & Staff Roster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
ABCs of Fannie C. Williams Charter School 1 - 20                                          Fannie C. Williams Master Plan for Discipline . . . . 17 - 20
Everything parents and students should know about our school!
                              Of Special Importance
           Academics (Grading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
           Abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
           Arrivals (late)/Dismissal (early) . . . . . . . . 1 - 2
           Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
           Attendance Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 3
           Breakfast Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
           Bullying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 4
           Cancellation of School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
           Cell Phones (and other electronics) . . . . . . . . 4
           Communicable Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 8
           Discipline & Student Behavior . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 6
           Dress Code & Uniform Guidelines . . . . . 6 - 7
           Emergency Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . 7
           Health & Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Who was Fannie C. Williams?                                                               their services free of charge. She retired from Valena C. Jones in
Fannie C. Williams was born March 23, 1882 in Biloxi,                                     1954.
Mississippi. In 1904 she graduated from Straight College, a
school that later merged with New Orleans University to form                              Williams participated in three White
Dillard University. From 1908 to 1916 she taught near Biloxi,                             House Conferences on education during
Mississippi. In 1920, she received two degrees from Michigan                              the administrations of presidents
State College, a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Pedagogy.                             Hoover, Roosevelt, and Truman. She
                                                                                          also served as president of the National
When she returned to New Orleans in 1921, Williams served as                              Association of Teachers in Colored
principal of Valena C. Jones Normal School. The school was                                Schools and on the board of directors
established to train African American teachers and then certify                           of Dillard University and Flint-
them to work in New Orleans’ schools with African American                                Goodridge Hospital. In 1977, she was
students. She was instrumental in having nursery and                                      the recipient of awards from the
kindergarten classes established for black children in the public                         American Teacher’s Assoc. and the National Teacher’s Assoc.
school system. She also created an annual child health day, when
medical professionals visited schools and performed                                       She died June 12, 1980, at the age of 98 in New Orleans.

Fannie C. Williams Charter School - Family Handbook - Fannie C Williams Charter School
Mission Statement
     The mission of Fannie C. Williams Charter School is to achieve the highest academic success through collaboration of staff, parents, and community.

                     Message to Our Parents & Guardians
                                                  We’re moving on up through teamwork!

The summer (but not the heat) is gone! We’re back on our journey to provide the best educational opportunities for
the students enrolled at FCWCS.

Our job as educators is to provide quality education to all students on our campus. This is our mission. But we can’t
do it alone. You, as parents, are your child’s first teachers. Educators and parents are partners–or the “village” in
providing what is best for young people. Our quest to provide the best–academically, emotionally, and socially–for
all our Warriors. Every child is entitled to the best we have to offer. The collaboration of the adults in their lives will
help to ensure they are given all the tools (skills) needed to become successful adults.

We’ve watched our new building go up for the last year and half. We’ve witnessed growth academically in many of
our students. In our sixth year of existence, we’ve watch Pre-K students turn into fourth graders. We’ve stressed the
importance of being prompt, polite, prepared, and productive. We are also aware that many of you do the same at
home. Thank you. The contractors are putting the finishing touches on our new home, but we know that
developing and molding a child into a productive adult takes a little longer–no a lot longer. But the rewards are so
much greater.

The staff asks that every parent or guardian stress the importance of a good education to their young ones.
Illustrate your caring by making a commitment to the school. We request that you check the list (at the bottom of
this letter) to find at least six activities you can commit to to help with the “collaboration” part of our mission.
Attend scheduled report card conferences; review monthly or weekly communications sent home; support the
uniform/dress code policy; and participate in all PTA activities (membership is only $5.00 per family). Good
schools always have strong parental involvement. Your child deserves our best efforts and also yours!

Take the time to review this handbook carefully. Review the information within its covers and make sure your son
or daughter understands how the rules and regulations of FCWCS work. Please return the Acknowledgement Page
to your child’s homeroom teacher within two or three school days of receiving it. Keep the handbook in a
convenient place at home, so that your family can refer to it throughout the school year. If you have a computer and
access to the Internet, utilize the school’s website ( for the most up-to-date information regarding
the happenings on campus.

Remember, parental and community involvement will play a huge role in our success as a learning
community. The faculty and staff of FCW Charter School are honored to have your son or daughter as a member
of our community of learners. See you on campus soon.

Kelly S. Batiste
Kelly S. Batiste, Chief Executive Officer/Principal

                                           Opportunities for Parental Involvement
Report Card Conferences • Open House/Tour Day • Fall Festival • Grandparent’s Day • Donuts for Dads • Muffins
with Mom • Scholastic Book Fairs (Spring & Fall) • Monthly PTA Meetings • Spring Bling • High School Night •
School Candy Drive • Box Tops for Education • Title I Parent Forum • LEAP Night

Fannie C. Williams Charter School - Family Handbook - Fannie C Williams Charter School
                                                          School Calendar
             Every effort has been made to make this calendar as accurate as possible. But, there may be events that are beyond the control of
             the school’s administration and/or Board of Directors. Therefore, the calendar below is subject to change if situations warrant it.
             Your understanding is appreciated.

9 - First Day for Students (Grades 1-8)                                             January (con’t)
13 - First Day for Pre-K & Kindergarten                                             30 - 3rd Quarter Report Cards Issued
13 - First Day for Enrichment Classes                                               TBA - Monthly PTA Meeting
21 - C.L.A.S.S. (Board of Directors) Meeting, 6 p.m.                                TBA - C.L.A.S.S. Meeting

September                                                                           February
 3 - Labor Day, NO SCHOOL                                                           11 - 15 NO SCHOOL, Mardi Gras Break
14 - 1st Quarter Progress Report Issued                                             25 - 26 Third Quarter Exams
18 - 20 ANET Interim Assessment 1 (A1)                                              28 - 3rd Quarter Ends (40 days)
TBA - School Candy Drive                                                            TBA - Monthly PTA Meeting
TBA - Monthly PTA Meeting                                                           TBA - C.L.A.S.S. Meeting
TBA - Scholastic Book Fair
TBA - C.L.A.S.S. (Board Directors Meeting)                                          March
                                                                                     1 - 4th Quarter Begins
October                                                                              8 - Donuts for Dads
 1 - 2 First Quarter Exams                                                          12 - 14 ANET Interim Assessment 4 (A4)
 4 - First Quarter Ends (40 days)                                                   15 - 3rd Quarter Awards Celebration
 5 - Second Quarter Begins                                                          19 - LEAP Phase 1
11 - Report Cards Issued to Students                                                22 - Flight for Excellence (Tentative)
12 - NO SCHOOL for Students (Staff Data Day)                                        29 - NO SCHOOL, Good Friday
15 - 19 NO SCHOOL for Students (move to new bldg.)                                  TBA - Monthly PTA Meeting
22 - Open House/Tour Day                                                            TBA - C.L.A.S.S. Meeting
23 - Students Return to New Building
TBA - Monthly PTA Meeting                                                           April
TBA - C.L.A.S.S. Meeting                                                            8 - 11 LEAP/iLEAP/ITBS/LAA2 Testing
                                                                                    18 - 19 NO SCHOOL, Spring Break
November                                                                            24 - 4th Quarter Progress Reports Issued
 2 - Fall Festival                                                                  TBA - Monthly PTA Meeting
 6 - NO SCHOOL for Staff & Students (Election Day)                                  TBA - Scholastic Book Fair
20 - Grandparents’ Day                                                              TBA - Spring Bling (Spring Festival)
21 - 23 NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break                                               TBA - C.L.A.S.S. Meeting
26 - Students & Staff Return
27 - 29 ANET Interim Assessment (A2)                                                May
TBA - Monthly PTA Meeting                                                            8 - 9 - 8th Grade Exams
TBA - C.L.A.S.S. Meeting                                                            10 - Muffins for Moms
                                                                                    13 -17 - 8th Grade Spirit Week
December                                                                            13 - 14 - 4th Quarter Exams
13 - Second Quarter Ends (39 days)                                                  14 - Last Day for Enrichment Classes
14 - Third Quarter Begins                                                           16 - Pre-K Closing Program
14 - Holiday Program                                                                17 - Kindergarten Closing Program
17 - 18 Second Quarter Exams                                                        17 - Classroom Awards Presentations
19 - Classroom Holiday Parties                                                      18 - 8th Grade Closing Ceremony
20 - 31 NO SCHOOL, Holiday Break                                                    20 - Awards Program (Grades 1 - 7)
TBA - Monthly PTA Meeting                                                           22 - Last Day for Students (4th Quarter Ends, 58 days)
TBA - C.L.A.S.S. Meeting                                                            24 - Staff Last Day
                                                                                    28 - LEAP Remediation Begins
January                                                                             TBA - Monthly PTA Meeting
 1 - NO SCHOOL, Holiday Break                                                       TBA - C.L.A.S.S. Meeting
 2 - Staff and Students Return
 9 - 2nd Quarter Report Card Conferences, 4 - 6 p.m.
11 - 1st Semester Awards Celebration
21 - NO SCHOOL, MLK, Jr. Birthday
22 - 24 ANET Interim Assessment 3 (A3)

Fannie C. Williams Charter School - Family Handbook - Fannie C Williams Charter School
The ABCs of Fannie C. Williams                                                   Abuse (Child)
Charter School                                                                   Fannie C. Williams Charter School abides by the Child
(everything parents and students should know about our school)                   Abuse Prevention, Adoption, and Family Services Act. This
                                                                                 act mandates that all cases of suspected abuse and/or
                                     A                                           neglect be reported to Child Protection Services.
Grading Procedure:                                                               Mandated reporters are defined in Louisiana Law as
1. The scale listed below is used for all subject areas.                         professionals who may work with children in the course of
                                                                                 their professional duties and consequently are required to
2. Teachers will issue Interim Progress Reports from the                         report all suspected cases of child abuse or neglect.
electronic grade book to parents/guardians as noted by the
school’s calendar found in the handbook on page iv and on                        There are five groups mandated of reporters as defined by
the school’s website (                                            Louisiana law. They are:
                                                                                 •Health Practitioners (doctors, nursers, hospital staff, etc.)
3. In determining quarter averages, numerical averages will                      •Mental Health/Social Service Practitioner (psychiatrist,
be used to assign a letter grade. Letter and numerical grades                     social workers, marriage or family counselors, etc.)
will appear on the final transcript.                                             •Teaching or Child Care Providers (teachers, para-
                                                                                  professionals, foster home parents, day care providers, etc.)
4. The lowest F in the grade book will be a 60.                                  •Police Officers or Law Enforcement Officials
                                                                                 •Commercial Film and Photographic Print Processors.
5. A student whose cumulative average is an “F” at the
end of the school year fails for the year.                                       The faculty and staff are bound by law to report any
                                                                                 cases of abuse or neglect we suspect or witness.
6. In determining semester and final grades, numerical
averages will be converted to letter grades and quality points                   Animals (Pets and Insects)
are to be averaged to determine semester and the final                           Students are not allowed to bring any type of animal, pet, or
grades.                                                                          insect to school under any circumstances. Teachers may
                                                                                 bring or authorize adults to bring animals to school as part
7. Student conduct will not be considered when computing                         of a special activity.
the quarterly grade. A separate conduct grade will be issued.
                                                                                 Animals are never allowed on the school bus.
8. In order to be eligible for promotion, students must
be in attendance daily. Students missing more than 12                            Arrival on Campus
days will repeat the grade (as of August 2012).                                  Prompt arrival at school is expected of all students.

                                                                                 Classroom instruction begins each day at 8:00 a.m.
                  Grading and Reporting Policies                                 Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. are considered late and will
                            2012-2013                                            be marked tardy. Late arrivals disrupt classroom activities
                                                                                 and cause the loss of instructional time for themselves and
                                                                                 their classmates.
 Letter Grade         Numerical            Quality               Quality
                       Grade               Points                Points          Parents must escort tardy students to the ISC (Instructional
                                                                 Range           Support Center–the office) to receive an admit pass. All
                                                                                 tardies are counted as unexcused, unless the student has a
        A               93-100                4.0                3.5-4.0         note from a doctor/dentist, has attended a funeral of an
                                                                                 immediate family member, has participated in a school
        B                85-92                3.0                2.5-3.4         sponsored event, or the school bus was late or did not arrive
                                                                                 at the designated stop.
        C                75-84                2.0                1.5-3.4
                                                                                 Students should arrive at school no earlier than 7:30
        D                70-74                1.0                1.0-1.4         a.m. Teachers are not on duty until 7:30 a.m.
        F                60-69                0.0          Below 1.0             FCW Charter School is not liable for students arriving
                                                                                 before 7:30 a.m. Please do not drop your child to school
                                                                                 before 7:30 a.m.

Fannie C. Williams Charter School - Family Handbook - Fannie C Williams Charter School
Late Arrival/Early Dismissal                                             Attendance
Students who arrive after 10:30 a.m. or leave before 1:30 p.m.           Fannie C. Williams Charter’s Staff believes that all children
are counted absent 1/2 day. Parents are encouraged to                    can learn, but they must be present to do so!
schedule doctor and dentist appointments after school or
during the extended holiday breaks, if at all possible.                  New state law (2012-2013) mandates that elementary and
                                                                         middle school students may not be absent more than 12 days
Parents must come to the ISC to check children out of                    during the academic year to be eligible for promotion to the
class. Teachers cannot release a child who has not been                  next grade. Students missing 13 days or more will repeat
properly checked out through the ISC. This is a safety                   the grade next year, regardless of the student’s Grade Point
measure to ensure the well-being of all Fannie students.                 Average (GPA).

Assessments                                                              Louisiana State Law mandates compulsory attendance
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) emphasizes                   and students are expected to be in attendance each
the theories of standard-based education reform, which                   school day as directed by their local school board until
stresses the importance of high standards and measurable                 their 18th birthday or completion of high school.
goals to improve student achievement in education. The Act
requires all 50 states to develop assessments in basic skills to         The only exception to the attendance regulation shall be
be given to all students in certain grades if the schools were           extenuating circumstances that are verified by the
to receive federal funding. Emphasis is placed on the “core”             administration (or school counselor or social worker). The
subjects–reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social              following are the only extenuating circumstances that are
studies.                                                                 deemed acceptable for keeping a minor (child) out of the
Classroom instruction is developed from these standards.
Each spring, students are tested for their mastery of the                1. Extended personal physical or emotional illness as verified
curriculum. The test, known as LEAP (grades 4 & 8) is given                 by a physician or dentist;
in two phases. iLEAP (grades 3, 5, 6, and 7) is administered             2. Extended hospital stay as verified by a physician or dentist;
in one part, during the second phase of LEAP. Our 2nd                    3. Extended recuperation from an accident as verified by a
graders take the ITBS (Iowa Tests of Basic Skills). The dates               physician or dentist;
of these tests are included in our school calendar in this               4. Extended contagious disease within a family as verified by
handbook and on the school’s website.                                       physician or dentist;
                                                                         5. Prior school system approved travel for education;
Students in Grades 4 and 8 are involved in high-stakes testing.          6. Death in the family (not to exceed one week);
Promotion to Grades 5 and 9 are contingent upon their                    7. Natural catastrophe and/or disaster;
successful passing of the LEAP test. Those students who do               8. Mandated court appearances as verified by a court official;
not experience success during Spring testing will have an                9. For any other extenuating circumstances, parents may make
opportunity to re-test after remediation during the extended                a formal appeal in accordance with the due process
school year.                                                                procedures established by the Board of Directors of
To assist students in preparing for spring testing, students in
2nd through 8th grades are administered tests known as                   Students missing school as a result of any suspension
ANET (Achievement Network) every six weeks. We think of                  shall be counted as absent and unexcused. Each student
these as diagnostic tools that enable the classroom teacher to           must turn in all assignments he/she missed while on
adjust instruction in a timely manner. They provide teachers             suspension with five (5) days of returning to school. For
and administrators with data to determine what should be re-             any other extenuating circumstances, parents, tutors,
taught to ensure maximum success on ITBS, iLEAP and                      guardians shall have the right to appeal the denied promotion
LEAP. Dates for these tests can also be found on the school’s            to the parish supervisor of child welfare and attendance.
calendar and website.
                                                                         The principal or her designee shall contact parents or
Athletics (see Marching Warriors & rules regarding                       guardians to obtain the reasons for the absences. When a
participating in extracurricular activities)                             student returns to school after an excused absence, the
                                                                         student shall have the opportunity to complete missed
                                                                         assignments. Missed assignments and/or tests should be
                                                                         made-up within five (5) days of returning to school, unless an
                                                                         extension is granted by the principal. It is the responsibility
                                                                         of the student and/or parent to request make-up work.

Unexcused absences will result in the student being ineligible            Breakfast Program
to make up and receive credit for missed assignment.                      The Warrior Café is a low-noise zone. Students are
                                                                          instructed to use their “indoor voices” when in the café.
         Consequences for Unexcused Absences
                                                                          The school nutrition program is an important part of the
1 or 2 unexcused absences           parental contact                      educational program. All students should have breakfast
3 unexcused absences                warning letter                        before beginning their academic day.
3-4 unexcused absences              parental conference
5 unexcused absences                RTI team meeting                                                Breakfast Schedule
5 or more unexcused absences        referral to Social Worker
5 or more unexcused absences        referral to Juvenile Court            The Yellow School (Grades 6, 7, & 8)           7:30 - 7:40 a.m.

                                                                          The Blue & Red Schools (Grades 3 - 5)          7:30 - 7:40 a.m.
In order to be eligible for the FCW Charter Honor Roll
                                                                          The Red School (Grade 2 )                      7:40 - 7:50 a.m.
(Principal’s Honor Roll), a student may have no grader lower              (escorted by their teachers)
than “A” in any subject.                                                  The Green School (Pre-K, K, 1)                 7:50 - 8:00 a.m.
                                                                          (escorted by their teachers)
In order to be eligible for the Merit Honor Roll, a student may
have no grade lower than a “B” in any subject.
                                                                          All students are required to complete a new meal (lunch
In order to be eligible for perfect attendance in any grading             and breakfast) application for the 2012-2013 school year.
period, students are required to be present from 8:00 a.m. to             Students will be allowed to eat breakfast
3:15 p.m. each school day. Students who arrive after the tardy            and lunch free for the first 30 days of the
bell or leave before the official dismissal of school will not be         school year. Failure to return a completed
eligible for perfect attendance recognition for the grading               application will result in your child paying
period in which the incident occurs. Excessive late arrivals or           for breakfast and lunch (current prices can be
early pick-ups can result in further administrative action.               found in Lunch/Breakfast Program section of
                                                                          this handbook). Students taking part in the
                                                                          breakfast program should arrive by
                               B                                          7:30 a.m.
Band (see Marching Warriors)
                                                                          The Warrior Café, can’t accommodate the entire school in one
Behavior (see Discipline)                                                 sitting, so the schedule above is in place to facilitate the
                                                                          serving of breakfast.
Birthday Celebrations in the Classroom
Birthday Celebrations involving cake and ice cream are                    Bullying
welcomed at FCWCS. However, parents must make                             Bullying is defined as any pattern of behavior by a student, or
arrangements at least seven (7) days in advance with the                  a group of students, that is intended to harass, intimidate,
classroom teacher and the principal when planning a                       ridicule, humiliate, or install fear in another student or group
party. If the date requested interferes with the educational              of students.
process in the classroom, the request can be denied.
                                                                          Respect for others is the cornerstone of a great school.
All students in the class must be included in the celebration,            Bullying creates an atmosphere that makes school a center of
unless a child is excluded for behavioral problems by the                 fear for those being attacked. Students who prey on others
teacher or the school’s administration.                                   will be subjected to disciplinary action.

Box Tops for Education                                                    Students, please note . . .
Box Tops for Education has helped                                         It is your responsibility to alert an administrator, your
FCWCS raise more than $500 last                                           teacher, or another responsible adult on campus to any
year. Each coupon is worth .10 to the                                     hostile attempts directed at you. Administrators are then
school’s coffers. Parents are asked to                                    required to take immediate action to prevent any further
look for these coupons and send                                           confrontations from developing.
them to their child’s homeroom
teacher. Additional information will
appear in the monthly newsletter.

Examples of “Bullying” may include the following (but are               school. Students who bring cell phones (or other
not limited to those listed below):                                     electronic devices) to school must check them in upon
                                                                        arrival with security in the morning. Students who follow
1. Mocking, taunting, or belittling;                                    this procedure will receive their items back at the end of
2. Pointed questions intended to embarrass or humiliate;                the school day.
3. Sarcastic “compliments” about another student’s personal
   appearance;                                                          Students found in possession of these items will have them
4. Non-verbal threats and/or intimidation employing the body            confiscated by a staff member. Parents will
   or bodily gestures;                                                  have to come to the school’s office to
5. Demanding humor relating to a student’s race, gender,                pick them up from the principal or her
   ethnicity, or personal characteristics;                              designee. The date and time for pick-up
6. Blackmail, extortion, demand for protection money, or                will be at the discretion of the principal.
   other involuntary donations or loans;                                The school will not be responsible for
7. Stealing or hiding belongings or the books of another                any of these items that are lost,
   student;                                                             stolen, broken or misplaced.
8. Blocking access to school property or facilities;
9. Deliberate physical contact or injury to person or property,         NO ACTION will be taken by the school’s
   and/or                                                               administration to recover forbidden items reported lost
10. Threats or harm to student(s), possessions, or others.              or stolen, which should not have been brought to school.

                              C                                         Checkouts from School
Cancellation (Closing) of School/Inclement Weather                      The following procedures will be used to sign students out of
School is cancelled only during circumstances such as extreme           school before the start of dismissal at 3:00 p.m.
                             weather conditions, public crisis,         1. Students who leave school for any reason must be signed
                             or equipment failure. The                     out in the ISC (the main office).
                             administration makes every                 2. Students may only be signed out by persons whose names
                             attempt not to cancel school. It              appear on the registration form, unless the school receives
                             understands the hardships it                  permission in writing from the parent/guardian in advance.
                             causes to working parents when it          3. Written permission is to be given by the parent/guardian or
                             is abruptly cancelled.                        “emergency person” shown on the registration form before
                                                                            each checkout. Picture identification must be presented to
                                                                            the school official.
Parents are notified via the following media of school                  4. No student will be checked out at 2:45 p.m. or later.
closings: Radio Stations: WWL/FM, 870 and WYLD/FM,                          It disrupts the dismissal process for the classroom teacher
98.5. TV Stations: WWL-TV, Channel 4; WDSU-TV, Channel                      and the rest of the campus.
6; WVUE-TV, Fox 8 and WGNO-TV, Channel 26. The
school’s website will also be utilized (                 Clubs & Organizations
                                                                        FCW Charter School has established several clubs, teams, and
The above media will be contacted to give information to the            organizations geared to develop our students socially and
public. Please do not call the school.                                  physically. These groups are open to all students on campus
                                                                        (however, some are restricted by age and/or grade).
In the unusual event that school must be cancelled during the
school day, the school’s administration and the classroom               At present, our school sponsors a marching band, basketball
teacher will determine that all students have satisfactory              team, flag football team, cheerleaders, dance team, majorettes,
transportation and an adult at home before releasing them               flag twirlers, choir, S.T.E.M. and student council. We anticipate
from school.                                                            additional groups being formed this academic year. Students
                                                                        are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities.
Cell Phones (and other electronic devices)
Electronic devices such as (I-Pods, I-Pads, MP3 players,                Communicable Diseases (Contagious Diseases)
cameras, camcorders, PSPs, X-Boxes, etc.) are not allowed in            FCWCS reserves the right to remove or exclude any student
the classroom during the school day. These devices are                  whose physical condition interferes with his/her ability to
distracting and disruptive to the instructional process. They           learn or exposes other students to contagious diseases. The
also present a security problem during testing.                         school also reserves the right to request verification of
                                                                        treatment after removal. A doctor’s slip will be required for
We realize that cell phones are ubiquitous–they are found               readmission (also see Health & Wellness).
everywhere in today’s world. However, they do not belong in
the classrooms of elementary and middle school students.                Computers in the Classroom & Internet (see Internet @ School)
Many of our students do bring them to school because they
are the means of communicating with their parents after

Corporal Punishment                                                                          Warriors’ Discipline Plan
FCW Charter does not allow corporal punishment.                                             Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
However, students will be reprimanded by any FCW Charter
employee for disruptive or unmanageable conduct such as                   The goals of our Discipline Plan (PBS) is to:
vulgar language, insubordination, violent behavior, bullying,             • encourage students to develop feelings of self-worth and self-
class cutting, theft, etc. (see Positive Behavior Support).                 esteem;
                                                                          • guide students toward self-control and self-discipline;
Crisis Management Plan                                                    • teach students how to relate appropriately to their fellow
The school has developed a Crisis Management Plan in                        human beings (socialization skills);
accordance with state mandates. All staff has been instructed             • assist in the emotional development of all our students;
on the course of action to be taken, should the need arise.               • develop capabilities to distinguish between right and wrong.
(see Cancellation (Closing) of School/Inclement Weather for
additional information).                                                  What kind of behaviors will warrant discipline action?
                                                                          A safe campus with happy, energetic learners is what our school
Custody Notice                                                            community strives for daily. However, several behaviors common
It is the responsibility of the custodial parent to furnish the           in elementary and middle school students can threaten this
school with a copy of the custody section of their divorce                secure environment. They are:
decree.                                                                   • loss of self-control;
                                                                          • showing disrespect;
                               D                                          • use of inappropriate language;
                                                                          • refusal to follow school and/or classroom rules and
Discipline and Student Behavior
Discipline is defined as the steps or actions in which teachers,
                                                                          • refusal to follow the rules and regulations regarding riding the
administrators, support staff, parents, and students follow to
                                                                            school bus;
enhance student academic and social success. Every student
                                                                          • inappropriate use of computers, cell phones, and other
shall comply with all the rules and regulations of Fannie C.
                                                                            electronic devices at school;
Williams Charter School. Each teacher is responsible for
                                                                          • causing bodily harm to another individual (hitting, kicking,
providing learning environments that are humane–designed to
                                                                            spitting, biting, etc.)
promote excellence, maintain safety and good order. The
                                                                          • bullying or making fun of others;
home shares this responsibility in educating our youth.
                                                                          • nonobservance of school/classroom rules.
Our expectations are simple regarding student behavior–all
                                                                          What are the consequences for inappropriate behaviors?
Warriors are expected to be . . .
                                                                          A student displaying any of the aforementioned behaviors, will
                                                                          have the following consequences (a minimum of three)
                                                                          employed by the classroom teacher to correct the negative
                                                                          behavior. The Dean of Students or school’s administration is
We refer to these expectations as the 4Ps and we spend the
                                                                          involved when appropriate.
first few weeks of school reinforcing this concept to all
                                                                          • Talk to the student;
students. We refer to it as learning “the culture of Fannie C.
                                                                          • Classroom consequences as given by the teacher (using PBS
Williams Charter School.” The 4Ps provide the guidelines for
student behavior that we expect from all students, whether
                                                                          • Parent contact (phone call or note home);
they are in Pre-K or 8th grade.
                                                                          • After school detention (parents responsible for ride home)
                                                                          • Conference with parent, teacher(s), Dean of Students, and/or
All students will exhibit the 4Ps of Warrior Behavior, whether
at school or at school functions, on or off campus. They serve
                                                                          • Lunch detention;
as guidelines that will promote the personal well-being of each
                                                                          • In-school suspension (ISS, 1/2 day or full day);
pupil, as well as the common good of the school community.
                                                                          • Probationary status;
                                                                          • Loss of privileges (attendance at field trips, school festival,
Disciplining Children with Disabilities
                                                                            membership in student organizations, etc.);
Discipline procedures for children with disabilities will be
                                                                          • Out-of-school suspension (OSS);
consistent with federal and state laws. These procedures will
                                                                          • Expulsion.
include, but are not limited to employing Positive Behavior
Support (PBS) strategies, Intervention Room, and ISS.
Suspension and expulsion are also available, if warranted.               for Students with Disabilities. A student with a disability
                                                                         may not be out-of-school for more than a total of 10 days
Students for whom a disability has not yet been confirmed                per school year as a result of disciplinary actions.
according to the Pupil Appraisal Handbook criteria, but
are known to have or are suspected of having a
disability, are also covered under the Louisiana
Department of Education (LDE) Discipline Guide
Discuss these expectations and consequences with your child,                         Dress Code & Uniform Guidelines
so that the school year is always a positive educational                             Students attending FCWCS are required to adhere to the
experience for the entire Fannie Family.                                             official dress code.

                                                                                     All students are expected to maintain personal attire and
                          Incentives for Warriors                                    grooming standards that promote safety, health and acceptable
                            following the 4Ps*                                       standards of social conduct. Cleanliness should be a basic
                                                                                     consideration. Students are expected to be responsible in the
    Most of our Warriors follow the school’s code of conduct–                        dress and grooming by avoiding extremes and manifesting
    they know the 4Ps of acceptable Warrior Behavior and                             self-discipline with regard to their appearance.
    exhibit them daily . . .
    Warriors are always prompt, polite, productive, & prepared!                      Elementary pupils rely on their parents for guidance regarding
                                                                                     dress and grooming. FCWCS encourages all parents to play an
    These students are our role models. It is this type of                           active role in helping their young children dress for school
    behavior that we want all to emulate on campus. In an                            each day.
    effort to encourage positive behavior, several incentives will
    be employed at FCWCS.                                                            Parents/guardians should carefully observe older students
                                                                                     before they leave home each morning. Guidelines for
    • Positive recognition (congratulations in front of the                          acceptable, normal, good grooming should be taught and
      peers);                                                                        enforced in the home by adults.
    • Banner or poster with student’s name and
      accomplishment;                                                                When parents send their child(ren) to FCWCS, it is
    • Paper award/certificate;                                                       understood that they agree to uphold the policy
    • Congratulatory letter mailed home via USPS;                                    governing the use of uniforms. It is expected that all
    • IOU redeemable for credit on one wrong item on future                          students will come to school neatly dressed, in clean
      in-class work assignment;                                                      clothes, and properly bathed. All students are required to
    • Student-of-the-Week/Month Recognition;                                         follow the uniform policies. This is not optional.
    • Bulletin Board Honors with photograph;
    • Honor of reading morning announcements over PA                                                                       Polo-styled uniform shirt for
                                                                                                                           male and female students.
    • Student becoming classroom teacher for part of the class                                                             School logo belongs in the
                                                                                                                           area depicted by arrow.
    • Student receiving a positive note from the teacher;
    • Entire class earns a pizza party or ice cream party;                                                                 Pre-K through 5 wear royal
    • Student receives a coupon to be redeemed at a later time                                                             blue shirts. Middle school
      for a preferred activity;
                                                                                                                           (grades 6-8) wear gold shirts.
    • Warrior Bucks (school “currency” utilized to earn items
      from the Warrior Store);
    • Special lunch or breakfast with the principal;
    • Opportunity Tickets to attend Fall or Spring Festival;
    • Field Trips;
    • Dance or hop (upper elementary or middle school);
    • Awards Ceremony Breakfast at the end of the school
      year;                                                                           See the chart in Addendum for a complete list of
    • Warrior Ways Portfolio (information TBA).                                       Do’s and Don’ts as it relates to the school uniform
    *The aforementioned incentives will be utilized at the discretion of the          policy. The dress code policy can also be found on
    classroom teacher, Dean of Students, and/or the school’s administration.          the school’s website–

Doctor and Dentist Appointments
Medical appointments should be scheduled outside of school
hours, if at all possible. However, when such scheduling is not
possible, students will be excused for these special situations,
if written notice of the absence is provided within the allowed
time frame. However, the student will not be recognized
for perfect attendance.

Dress Down Days                                                          3. If the parent feels the complaint is still unresolved after
Occasionally, as a special reward or school fundraiser, the                 Step 2, the parent may request a meeting with the CAO or
administration may allow students to “dress down” or appear                 CEO/Principal.
on campus out of uniform.                                                4. If the parent feels the complaint or grievance is still
                                                                            unresolved after meeting with administration, they should
Days when uniforms are optional (Dress Down Days)                           request a meeting with a representative of the FCW Charter
will always be preceded with a note home from the                           Board of Directors. The decision of the BOD will be final.
school’s administration. On these days students may wear
jeans, t-shirts, shorts (knee length), etc. However, we ask              The BOD of FCWCS (C.L.A.S.S.) mandates that all students
parents to ensure that their child wears clothing that is in             shall be treated fairly and honestly in resolving grievances,
keeping with their destination–school.                                   complaints, or in the consideration of any suspension or
Please refrain from allowing students to leave home in
clothing that our educational community would find offensive                                                 E
or in poor taste. Their attire for the day should not be                 Emergency Contact Information
disruptive to learning. Middle school parents (grades 6-8)               In case of an emergency, each student should have the
especially, are asked to review the attire of the child before           following information on file in the school’s ISC:
allowing them to come to school. You will be asked to bring              1. Parent’s/guardian’s name;
appropriate clothing if your child’s clothing is not                     2. Complete and up-to-date home address (street and zip
appropriate for school!                                                     code);
                                                                         3. Home phone number (landline if applicable)
Remember–unless a note from the school is sent home,                     4. Cell phone number of parent’s/guardians (including area
all students should appear in full uniform each school                      code);
day.                                                                     5. Phone number of two (2) relatives or close family friends
                                                                            and their name and relationship to the student;
Drug-Free School                                                         6. Physician’s name and phone number;
FCW Charter School strives to provide a drug-free, alcohol-              7. Medical alert information (e.g., Is your child diabetic, asthmatic,
free, and tobacco-free learning                                             allergic to certain foods, bee stings? Is your child on medication? We
environment for all students. Discipline                                    need to know . . . ).
policies dealing with using, possessing,
or being under the influence of illicit                                  Any changes in the above items during the
drugs and alcohol are in compliance                                      school year should be updated immediately
with state and local laws. Use of                                        in the ISC and/or with the school nurse.
drugs, tobacco, or alcohol on                                            Send the information in writing to your
campus will result in suspension or                                      child’s homeroom teacher or come into the
possible expulsion for the student.                                      office and submit the new information in
Due Process (Grievances & Complaints)
Parents and guardians must recognize that school personnel               Expanded Learning Time (ELT)
must enforce school rules and regulations. Teaching your                 Beginning in September, V.I.E.T’s program offers academic
child to obey school rules and regulations will help to avoid            tutorials, arts & crafts, health & fitness activities for students
most unpleasant situations. Remember, the FCWCS Family                   Pre-K - 8. Hours: 3:30 - 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
Handbook is published so that parents and students have                  Free to FCWCS students. Applications must be submitted to
references regarding the school’s expectations for student’s             attend.
behavior. This handbook is dedicated to making sure all
students are in school and engaged in learning. The rules and                                                F
regulations apply not only on campus, but ON THE WAY                     Food Allergies (see Health & Wellness)
TO AND FROM SCHOOL, on school property, in
sponsored vehicles (school buses), and while attending all               Food Service (see Lunch Program)
school sponsored events.
If a parent or guardian has a complaint or grievance                     Gifted & Talented Program
concerning a policy of the school, the following procedure               FCWCS seeks students early in the school year who are
should be employed:                                                      candidates for the gifted and talented program. The
1. The parent should put the grievance in writing or may                 Intervention Services (Gifted Students Division) will make
   present it orally to the individual staff member.                     arrangements for the testing of these children. Teachers are
2. If the parent feels the complaint is unresolved after Step 1,         asked to survey their classes for students who exhibit the
   the parent may request a meeting with the CAO (Chief                  characteristics of academically gifted or artistically talented
   Academic Officer or her designee, Dean of Students).                  students.

Parental approval is always sought before proceeding with the          role is to improve the physical and mental health of students
evaluation.                                                            based on their own physical needs. Her duties include
                              H                                        emergency care, providing for students who become ill at
Health & Wellness                                                      school, dispensing medication according to the Board of
It is the responsibility of parents to keep all students               Director’s and state’s guidelines, providing health screenings,
diagnosed with or suspected to have contagious or infectious           and maintaining immunization records.
diseases at home. Students with fevers should be fever free
for 24 hours (without medication) before being allowed                 The nurse provides first aid only. She does not diagnose
to return to school (also see Communicable Diseases in this            illness, but will note symptoms and notify parents of her
handbook). A doctor’s slip will be required upon return if a           observations. Students injured at school will be administered
student has been out with a communicable disease.                      first aid and parents will be notified.

Students who suffer with Food Allergies should contact the             Parents with ill children should do the following:
school nurse and/or the school’s                                       • keep a sick child at home;
administration immediately to advise                                   • ensure children always wash their hands after using the
them of this health concern.                                             restroom and before eating;
                                                                       • make sure your ill child does not share food with other
Administrating any medicine to                                           children;
students is not a recommended procedure                                • throw away used tissues immediately;
for schools, but at times it is necessary.                             • make sure your sick child drinks plenty of fluids to avoid
The school’s nurse or trained designee will                              dehydration;
give any medicine that needs to be                                     • check an ill child’s breathing and temperature at regular
administered at school.                                                  intervals;
                                                                       • keep the child in bed and warm;
The following procedures will be used to administer                    • make sure medications are kept in child-proof containers
medication if necessary:                                                 and out of the reach of children. See:
1. Written orders from a physician detailing the name of the                              (
   drug, dosage, and time interval the medication is to be
   taken. An expiration date (if applicable) should also be            The entire school community is endangered when these
   present.                                                            guidelines are not followed. Students kept home for the
2. Written permission from the parent/guardian of the                  above mentioned reasons, must have medical clearance from a
   student requesting the school’s nurse to comply with the            doctor before they return to school. Medical clearance is
   physician’s order. The school will not dispense                     needed for any student absent five (5) or more days from
   medication without written parental authorization and               the classroom.
   doctor’s orders.
3. Medication must be brought to school in the                         Homework
   container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or                  Homework traditionally picks up where
   physician and given to the school nurse.                            the classwork left off–it is often an
4. Students are not allowed to self-medicate (an exception             extension of the learning activities that
   can be made for students with asthma). A student with               take place daily in the classroom. It is an
   asthma may possess and self-administer the prescription             opportunity for students to get
   while on campus if:                                                 additional practice and apply those skills
         a. a prescription is labeled on the medication;               introduced and taught in the classroom.
         b. the self-medication is done in compliance with the         It allows students time to study and prepare for the next class
            prescription or written instructions from the              or demonstrate mastery on quizzes and tests.
            student’s doctor or provider;
         c. a written statement from the student’s doctor              Homework is a vital part of the learning process. It is the
            stating that the student has asthma and is capable         student’s responsibility to complete the assignments, not
            of self-administrating the prescribed medication,          the parents! Students benefit in many ways from doing
            the prescribed dosage, the time at which or                homework:
            circumstances under which the medicine may be              • they become capable;
            administered, and the period for which the                 • they learn to be self-reliant and self-directed;
            medicine is prescribed.                                    • completing homework on time builds a sense of
                                                                         responsibility, character, and perseverance;
No student is allowed to have any medication (over-the-                • it is through doing homework that students practice time
counter or prescribed) at any time in his/her possession,                management skills, taking initiative, and being resourceful;
unless granted permission by FCWCS administration.                     • homework provides the opportunity for students to take
                                                                         pride in their accomplishments.
Parents should note that the school nurse’s primary
Homework Guidelines for Parents                                          All rain gear should be marked clearly with your child’s
• Be a motivator. Act positively about homework, your child’s            name and classroom number.
  capabilities and the importance of school;
• Be a monitor. Watch for signs of frustration. Provide
• Be a provider. Make sure the needed materials are available.
  Create a quiet, well-lit place to do homework.
• Establish   a daily routine–the when, where, and how of
  homework in your home will make this daily task much
  easier for you and your child.
                                                                         Internet Use @ School
Warriors are assigned homework each school day! Teachers                 Our campus has Internet access. The new school will have
will send home a FCW Charter School Behavior Calendar for                two computer labs and each classroom will have at least three
Grades 1 & 2. Pupils in grades 3-8 are required to keep a                desktop computers for classroom use. Students, teachers,
FCWCS Student Agenda. Parents are required to initial the                administrators, and support personnel use the Internet daily.
Behavior Calendar for Grade 1 & 2 and initial the Student                Teachers input attendance and grades into the system’s
Agenda for grades 3-8. Your initials indicate you                        network.
received, reviewed, and ensured the completion of the
assignments.                                                             Our student body heavily utilizes our computer labs daily.
                                                                         Computer Literacy is part of the Enrichment Program and
Remember homework (or lack of . . .) impacts a student’s                 many of our pupils are enrolled in Scholastic’s Read 180
report card grades and more importantly, mastery of the                  reading intervention program. Students utilizing the Internet
subject!                                                                 are always under the supervision of their classroom teachers.

Homework Requests (for ill students, etc.)                               Students are responsible for good behavior on the school’s
Homework requests for students who are out illnesses or                  computer network, just as they are responsible for good
other important reasons should be made through the                       behavior everywhere else on campus.
counselor’s office. Please allow 24 hours (one school day)
from the time of the request so that teachers may prepare a              Computer usage is to provide students with computer skills,
complete packet.                                                         conduct research, and extra educational experiences/lessons.
                                                                         We stress the importance of the computer as a tool of
Illness or Injury                                                        learning and productivity, not just a device for gaming. Those
In case of sudden illness or injury, the school nurse, Dean of           students who agree to act in a considerable and responsible
Students, or a staff member will provide temporary care for              manner will be allowed to use the school’s computer and
your child. School personnel will administer basic first aid             network.
treatment only.
                                                                         We utilize web sites and online programs for instructional
If emergency medical treatment is necessary, you will be                 purposes, so it is important that students realize that certain
contacted. Please make sure your                                         negative behaviors regarding the labs (and classroom)
contact and/or emergency numbers                                         equipment and the Internet will not be tolerated.
and information in the school’s ISC
(main office) are current. Remember,                                     The following is a list of unacceptable behaviors while
medical personnel are very reluctant to                                  using computer equipment at FCWCS:
treat minors without the permission of                                   • sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures;
a parent or guardian. Please keep your                                   • using obscene, profane, vulgar, or rude language;
cell and home numbers up-to-date and                                     • harassing, insulting, threatening, or attacking others;
be sure to provide the school with an                                    • damaging computers, computer peripherals, computer systems, or
alternative contact in case you can’t be                                   computer networks;
reached.                                                                 • attempting to gain unauthorized access;
                                                                         • violating copyright laws;
                               I                                         • trespassing in other’s folders, work, documents, or files;
Inclement Weather                                                        • intentionally wasting limited resources;
Parents are asked to invest in rain gear for students. Umbrellas         • loading or downloading software on any of the school’s machines
and raincoats or ponchos are especially appropriate. Students               without permission;
who catch the school bus must wait at the bus stop, without              • revealing personal information about yourself to others in
the benefit of shelter. By the time they reach school, they are             cyberspace;
“drenched.”                                                              • accessing and using I-Tunes, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Skype,
                                                                           or any social media network without specific instruction from the

classroom teacher;                                                                                  owner can claim them. Any student
• accessing sites that have been deemed inappropriate for classroom                                  who has lost an item should check with
  use by the teacher;                                                                                the Deans of Students or the Physical
• changing the settings on the computer without permission from                                      Education teachers (items are usually
  the teacher;                                                                                       stored in the gym until reunited with
• eating, drinking, or chewing gum in the labs or while using the                                    their owners). Eyeglasses are placed in
   lab, classroom or library equipment.                                       the ISC until they are claimed.

Instruction Support Center (ISC, Main Office)                                 Clothing not claimed by the end of the school year is given to
The ISC staff is part of the school’s professional personnel. It              the Goodwill or Salvation Army.
is their responsibility to conduct the school’s business in strict
accordance with the policies and regulations established in this              Lunch & Breakfast Program (Child Nutrition Program)
handbook.                                                                     The Warrior Café serves a nutritious breakfast and lunch daily.
                                                                              C.L.A.S.S. has placed the management of the food program
The school’s business office is open from 8:00 a.m. to                        under OPSB. All federal guidelines are followed. Parents are
3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.                                             advised to fill out the federal
                                                                              application for free or reduced
                                 L                                            lunch immediately upon
Lockers                                                                       receiving it. Eligibility for free or
Our new building will have lockers for middle school students.                reduced lunch is based upon
The locker will be assigned to one student, but all lockers are               family size and income. The
the property of the school and may be inspected by school                     National School Lunch &
personnel without notice.                                                     Breakfast Program sets these
Locker Regulations will be as follows (these items are
subject to amendment or changes):                                             Parents must reapply each year if they wish to have their
                                                                              child(ren) continue receiving free or reduced meals. An
1. Lockers are the property of the school and may be                          application will be sent home during the first few days of
   inspected.                                                                 school with each student to be completed by the parent/
2. Do not share your locker or its combination with anyone                    guardian. One is needed for each child enrolled at
   for any reason.                                                            FCWCS. Parents not returning the completed application
3. Take care in closing your locker to avoid items getting                    to their child’s homeroom teacher will be required to pay full
   caught in the door.                                                        price for school lunch and breakfast.
4. Do not deface by drawing, painting, writing, or marking on
   on your locker inside or out (this includes stickers).                                       Orleans Parish School Board
5. Do not attach a second lock to your locker.                                                   Elementary Meal Prices
6. Do not keep valuables–band instruments, electronics,
   money, jewelry, etc. in the locker. It is meant for books, gym
                                                                                   Full Price     Reduced           Adult          Visitor
   clothes, sweaters, and/or jackets. The school is not
   responsible for stolen valuables placed in a locker.
7. Report any problems immediately to the Dean of Students                          $1.00*            .30*          $2.00*         $2.25*
   (this includes vandalism, thefts, broken locks, etc.).
8. Anything that is deemed illegal to have on campus does not
                                                                                     $2.00**         .40**          $3.00**        $3.25**
   belong in a locker (e.g., alcohol, cigarettes, matches, lighters,
   drugs, etc.)
9. There will be designated times to use the lockers. Make                                   * = Breakfast        ** = Lunch
    sure to adhere to the times as given by the school’s
    administration.                                                           Breakfast is served each morning beginning at 7:30 a.m.
10. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in lost of
     locker use.                                                              Students arriving late to school will miss the opportunity to
                                                                              take part in the breakfast program (see Breakfast Program in this
Lost & Found                                                                  handbook for schedule).
Students are responsible for keeping up with their belongings–
books, backpacks, sweaters, jackets, eyeglasses, umbrellas, etc.              Students may bring lunch (or breakfast) from home. However,
Parents should mark all items belonging to their child                        no canned or bottled soft drinks are allowed in the school’s
with their names and homeroom number.                                         cafeteria. Students who bring lunch (or breakfast) to school
                                                                              must comply with the state and federal regulations for the
Students who find lost items are asked to return them to their
teacher or the Deans of Students, where the
You can also read