Page created by John Wells
Family Guide
                         2023 GIRL SCOUT
                         COOKIE PROGRAM

                                           Cookie Program Dates
                                           Wednesday, Dec. 14 - Sunday, Feb. 26
                                           Unanswered cookie questions?
                                           Ask your Troop Cookie Manager and/or email us at

Troop #                                    Community

Troop Cookie Manager (TCM)

TCM Phone                                     TCM Email

Initial cookie order due to TCM by

Pick up initial cookie order on

    IMPORTANT: Money is due to the troop each week.
    Final payment is due to the troop by                  .

    Absolutely NO additional cookies will be issued if
    money is owed for previous orders.
Cookie                        Welcome, families!
Business &                    The Girl Scout Cookie Program gives your Girl Scout the ability to power unique
Financial                     opportunities and adventures for herself and her troop while learning to think and act
                                like an entrepreneur. And you’re key to her success. Supporting your girl’s cookie
Literacy                           business has never been easier when you work together as a cookie entrepreneur
Badges                               family. You’ll not only help your girl crush those cookie goals but also have
                                                   high-quality time working together. There’s no team sweeter than
When Girl Scouts              		                    a cookie entrepreneur family during cookie season!
participate in the
cookie program,
they’re already
completing several        Ways to Participate
badge-earning steps.           Order Cards
From goal setting              Using the order card, your Girl Scout can ask neighbors, your co-workers, or even staff
to giving back to         members at your doctor’s office for orders before they have cookies in hand. Once girls have
perfecting customer       cookies, order cards are handy to track customer sales and inventory available. Order taking can
service, Girl Scouts      begin on Wednesday, Dec. 14. Please note: All orders made on the order card are paid for at the
start the badge           time of delivery, not at the time of the order, and cookies will be available to troop/girls at the end
process without           of January.
even realizing it. And                                                    UPDATE
NEW for 2023, girls                                                       Cookies
                                                                           $5 per
now have 13 updated
financial literacy               Cookie Booths
badges—one badge                 Cookie pop-up shops in areas with lots of foot traffic are a fun way for girls to connect
to earn each year of      with their community and practice their sales pitch with new customers. Booth locations must
the cookie program!       be approved by the council and facilitated within our jurisdiction. Participants must follow all
                          council guidelines about setting up, running, and taking down a booth. Cookie booths are always
                          girl-led but supported by your TCM and parent volunteers. Adult-only booths are not allowed.

                          Council-sponsored Cookie Booths             Independent Cookie Booths
                          WHO: Troops/Girl Scouts with an             WHO: Troops/Girl Scouts with an adult volunteer
                          adult volunteer                             WHERE: Locations that are not listed as council-
                          WHERE: Locations the council has            sponsored in eBudde (ask your TCM)
                          scheduled booth dates and times             WHEN: Wednesday, Jan. 25-Sunday, Feb. 26
                          WHEN: Friday, Feb. 3-Sunday, Feb. 26        HOW: Complete an independent booth request form
                          HOW: Council coordinates booth              with approval from the business. Give to your TCM
                          dates and times with local businesses,      at least five business days before your booth to input
                          and TCMs can sign up for booths in          into eBudde for approval. Your TCM will let you know
                          eBudde                                      when your booth request has been approved

                                 Digital Cookie
                                 Girls can use Digital Cookie, an online platform to reach customers near and far. Girls can
                          promote their site by emailing friends and family, creating videos to share on social media, and
                          hosting a virtual cookie booth where they make their pitch online. There are endless ways for
                          girls to get creative in spreading the word about their Digital Cookie site!
                          Digital Cookie opens: Wednesday, Dec. 14
                          Digital Cookie closes: Wednesday, March 1
                          • For younger girls, using Digital Cookie is a great way to begin learning about all the ways
                            technology can be used to run a business and build relationships with customers.
Find all cookie badge
                          • For girls aged 13 and over, Digital Cookie acts as a great backdrop to discuss safety online and
requirements at       allows them to stretch their independence while being their own cookie boss.

                                Gift of Caring Donation Program
Once requirements
                                Customers who don’t want to purchase cookies or want other ways to support girls can
are met, badges are
available for purchase    donate a package of cookies to a local hero or cause. Customers can support the donation
in the Girl Scout shop!   program through any of the above selling methods. GSSWT gives these donations to United
                          Service Organizations (USO), San Antonio Food Bank, Fisher House, and Ronald McDonald House.
Complete with your Girl Scout!
                                     Turn in to your TCM who will use it to order your Girl Scout’s rewards.
                                     My Girl Scout,                                                  , would like the following rewards based
Cookie                               on the package level reached.
                                     � By checking this box and signing below, I acknowledge that I promise to turn in ALL MONEY to the
Rewards                              TCM and I allowed my Girl Scout to set her goal and choose her reward items for levels that require a

Selection                            Parent/Guardian Signature                                                            Date
                                     Parent/Guardian Email
Initial Order Rewards
                                     Girl T-shirt Size: � YS � YM � YL � YXL � AS � AM � AL � AXL � A2X � A3X
225+ pkgs
Dolphin Tail Bracelet
                                     15+ pkgs   Go Bright Ahead Theme Patch                     4,000+ pkgs � Girl Scout Day at Schlitterbahn Water
375+ Troop PGA (Per Girl Average)    30+ pkgs   Dolphin Tail Pen                                            Park and Resort*—(one girl & one adult; two
Long Sleeve Hooded T-Shirt                                                                                  dates TBA for May/June) OR
                                     60+ pkgs   Scrunchie w/ Secret Pocket Set
475+ Troop PGA (Per Girl Average)                                                                           � Outdoor Adventurer Gear—Tent &
Troop receives one Booth Kit         90+ pkgs   Adorable Mini Plush Dolphin                                 Camping Chair
(1 kit per troop)—to be announced.   150+ pkgs  Write-your-own-dreams Journal                               AND $300 Cookie Credits
                                                w/ stickers
                                                                                                5,000+ pkgs SeaWorld Dolphin Beach Experience
                                     210+ pkgs Dolphin Tail Mood Rings
                                                                                                            —(girl-only event; one date TBA for
Digital Cookie Rewards               300+ pkgs Themed Water Bottle & Decals                                 May/June)
Digital Cookie is a fun and          365+ pkgs � Headlamp Headband OR                                       AND $300 Cookie Credits
educational online tool that helps              � $5 Cookie Credits*                            6,000+ pkgs Paddle Board Yoga Day Trip—(girl-only
girls run and manage their cookie    450+ pkgs � Super Patch                                                event; one date TBA for May/June)
business. Girls using the online                                                                            AND Paddle Board w/ Goodie Bag
platform sell 123 percent more                  AND Snuggly Dolphin Plush OR
                                                                                                            AND $300 Cookie Credits
cookies than those just using the               � $5 Cookie Credits*
cookie order card or booths!         550+ pkgs � Go Bright Ahead T-Shirt* OR
                                                                                                   Superstar reward opt-out option for Cadettes,
                                                � $10 Cookie Credits                               Seniors, and Ambassadors
                                     675+ pkgs � Cushiony Travel Pillow w/ Mask* OR
                                                                                                   C/S/A girls must reach 1,200+ AND
                                                � $10 Cookie Credits
                                                                                                   complete the Superstar form to opt-out of
                                     750+ pkgs � Paddleboard Beach Towel* OR                       ALL rewards to INSTEAD receive:
 35+ emails                                     � $15 Cookie Credits
                    110+ pkgs                                                                      • ONE reward item from 30-1,000 levels; girl
Digital Cookie
                  Paddle Board       850+ pkgs � Beach Bash Bag—Sunglasses,                          will still receive all patches earned AND one
                                                Bandana Scarf & Beach Bag OR
 (style/color      Desk Stand                                                                        of the following:
  will vary)                                    � $15 Cookie Credits
                                                                                                     ∘ Customize-your-own Converse
                                     1,000+ pkgs � Cozy Hooded Blanket* OR
                                                 � $20 Cookie Credits                                ∘ Cool Mini Fridge & Moon Lamp
                                                                                                     ∘ Snazzy Polaroid Kit
                                     Girls reaching 1,200+ levels will receive ONLY reward
          210+ pkgs                                                                                  ∘ Grow-your-own Inside Garden with
                                     items—NOT Cookie Credits—at 15-1,000+ levels,
                                                                                                       Seed Pods
      Cookie Techie AND              as she will automatically receive Cookie Credits
      Sparkly Dry Pouch              corresponding with the highest level achieved for               ∘ Outdoor Adventurer Tent & Inflatable
                                     1,200+.                                                           Hammock
                                                                                                     ∘ Techy-lovers Bluetooth Keyboard
                                     1,200+ pkgs � One-week FREE GSSWT Camp OR                         & Speaker
Gift of Caring Rewards
                                                 � Cool Mini Fridge*                                 ∘ Decorate-your-own Camping
(council only)
Gift of Caring rewards will be                   AND $120 Cookie Credits                               Trunk Kit
available for only council Gift      1,500+ pkgs � 2023 American Girl-of-the-Year Doll OR
of Caring donations. Troops are                  � Snazzy Polaroid Kit*
welcome to continue to donate
                                                 AND $150 Cookie Credits                                                                  For every 500
to their chosen causes; however,                                                              Cookie Credits
                                     2,023+ pkgs 2023 Year Bar Patch                                                                      packages sold
rewards will not be earned for                                                                 can be used                              exceeding 6,000
troop Gift of Caring.                            AND Girl Scout Day at Six Flags Fiesta 		 for GSSWT or
                                                                                                                                         packages, girls
                                                 Texas with GSSWT CEO—(girl-only 		 troop travel!                                        earn additional
                                                 event; three dates TBA for May/June)                                                     $50 in Cookie
             30+ pkgs                            AND Summer Goodie Bag                                                                       Credits.
             Gift of Caring                      AND $220 Cookie Credits
             patch                   3,000+ pkgs � Paint-your-pet Party*—(girl-only event;
                    65+ pkgs                      two dates TBA for May/June) OR
                    Glow-in-the-                  � Customize-your-own Converse
                    dark Flying
                                                 —High or Low-Tops
                                                  AND $300 Cookie Credits                  *Default item; See girl order card reward panel for further
                                                                                               details about rewards. Rewards may vary in size and style/color.
Parent Tips                                                                                     Did you know? All proceeds from
 • Respect all troop instructions and due dates!                                                 Girl Scout Cookies® stay local!
 • Turn in money regularly.                                                                      When you purchase Girl Scout Cookies
 • You are responsible for paying $5 per package of cookies                                      from a young, budding entrepreneur, you're
   you sign for; cookies cannot be returned.                                                     supporting her success today and tomorrow.
 • Ask how you can help her troop!                                                               Girl Scout Cookies' proceeds stay local to:
 • Follow all social media guidelines.
 • No adult-only booths—the Girl Scout Cookie Program is a girl
   program and running the program herself (with the help of
   an adult) is how she learns lifelong skills.

                                                                                                   Cover the costs of running the          Fund Take Action projects for
 Why should my Girl Scout participate in the                                                         Girl Scout Cookie Program,            the community and amazing
 Girl Scout Cookie Program?                                                                        including the costs of cookies,
                                                                                                       materials, and logistics.
                                                                                                                                           girl-led adventures for troops.

    More than half (57%) of Girl Scout              More than half (53%)
    alums in business say that the                  of female entrepreneurs
    Girl Scout Cookie Program was                   and business owners are
    beneficial in the development of                      Girl Scout alums.
    their skills today.

                                                                                                                      Help councils provide Girl Scout
                                                                                                                      programs in STEM, the outdoors,
                                                                                                                      life skills, and entrepreneurship,
                                                                                                                         as well as camps, leadership
                                                                                                                              training, and more!

    Nine in 10 Girl Scouts say the cookie program has built their
    entrepreneurship skills and interest in pursuing entrepreneurship
    as a career path.

 Participating in the program gives girls an entrepreneurial edge!                            Ways to Support Your Entrepreneur
 Encouraging an interest in entrepreneurship builds curiosity,
 confidence, and problem-solving skills—qualities that prepare                                • Help her earn the Cookie Entrepreneur Family
 girls for academic and career success. As your Girl Scout runs                                 pin to practice building her skills at home.
 her own cookie business, she’ll gain five skills along the way
                                                                                              • Help her set up her Digital Cookie site.
 that she’ll use the rest of her life.
                                                                                              • Help her keep money safe.
      Through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, girls learn:                                     • Know the rules and safety guidelines.
                                                                                              • Model business ethics, decision making,
                                                                                                people skills, and safety as you support her.
                                                                                              • Ask your troop leader how you can help the
Goal Setting        Decision          Money             People Skills        Business          whole troop reach its goals. Your Girl Scout
                    Making          Management                                Ethics
    Girls set                                             Girls learn to                       will learn to be a helper and take action by
   individual         Girls help      Girls develop       safely talk to    Girls run their
   goals with       decide where     a budget, take     their customers       own small
                                                                                               watching you.
help from their     and when to      cookie orders,      in person and         business
 families! Girls                                        virtually. These
                                                                                              • Help her make arrangements to connect with
                    sell cookies,         handle                              using the
work together      how to market        customer          experiences         Girl Scout        people in her network.
  to set troop       their cookie      money, and          help them           Law as a
  goals based      business, and     learn practical    develop healthy      guide, being     • Never do things for your girl that she can do
 on what they         what to do    life skills about     relationship       honest and        for herself, even if it’s quicker and easier for
   want to do         with troop        financial         and conflict       responsible
   with troop         proceeds.          literacy.         resolution       every step of
                                                                                               you to do them.
   proceeds.                                                  skills.          the way.
                                                                                              • Have fun together along the way and
“I know I can do      “I can          “I know how           “I have          “I am honest,      engage your whole family in supporting
  it now and in     make smart       to handle and       confidence to       trustworthy,
   the future!”     decisions.”     manage money.”      talk to others.”     and reliable.”

                                                                                                                                              @GirlScoutsSWTX                                                       811 N Coker Loop, San Antonio, TX 78216 • 210-349-2404 / 800-580-7247
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