Page created by Leslie Johnston

                              INSIDER’S GUIDE



                                                                                                                                       COVER STORY                                                    3 DREA M VACATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Monte Carlo                         Travel Tip
                                                                                                                                                                                                      4 ON TH E HORIZON                   Need a ride from your Club to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Events 3, 6, 9 and 12-plus          the airport? The solution is at
                                                                                                                                                                                                      months out                          your fingertips. Members can now
                                                                                                                                                                                                      5 TH E 10                           order a ride from Uber directly
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Incredible stargazing spots         from the My Trip screen of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      6 TH E BIG PICTU RE                 HGV mobile app.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      8 CITY LI FE
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chiang Mai

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Plan                            Club
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      25 ASK A CLU B
                                                                                                                                                                                                      9 ASK TH E RESORT               COU N SE LOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Celebrate the holidays in       What’s the best way to check                01
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Honolulu                        my Hilton Honors points
                                                                                                                                                                                                      10 LEADE R OF                   balance?
                                                                                                                                                                                                      TH E PACK                       26 CLU B N EWS
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Go-to gadgets                   Property openings, program
                                                                                                                                                                                                      11 ON TH E FLY                  changes, new cruise partner
                                                                                                                                                                                                      New train fleets, priority      and more
                                                                                                                                                                                                      passes and more                 27 AT YOU R SE RVICE
                                                                                                                                                                                                      12 PICTU RE PE RFECT            Get to know Stewart Bloom
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Shoot pro-quality panoramic     28 RCI EXCHANG E
                                                                                                                                                                                                      shots                           Discover artistic destinations

                                                                                                                                      Your Ticket
                                                                                                                                                                                                      14 GOOD SAVE
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Affordable, exotic eats
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Grand Finale
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Go                              32 Members share their favorite

                                                                                                                                      to Paradise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hawaii vacation memories
                                                                                                                                                                                                      15 LOCAL PERSPECTIVE
                                                                                                                                                                                                      An insider’s look at Cabo San
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lucas                                                                  16
                                                                                                                                                                                                      16 FOOD AN D DRI N K
                                                                                                                                                               Tropical beaches, sumptuous resorts,   Dine around Orlando

                                                          Enjoy a pristine snowfall on any of                                                                  supersized waves and more              17 KI DDI NG AROU N D
                                                          the 300-plus trails in Park City, Utah.                                                                                                     A family-friendly guide to
                                                          Club Members can start planning a
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                     SCOTT MARKEWITZ/ROBERT HARDING

                                                          2017/2018 ski season stay at Sunrise
                                                          Lodge, a Hilton Grand Vacationts Club, a                                                                                                    18 LONG WE E KE N D
                                                          cozy yet sprawling resort nestled in the
                                                          mountainside and just steps from Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Denver: weekday edition
                                                          City Mountain Resort, the largest ski                                       COVER: SUNNY AWAZUHARA-REED/
                                                          resort in the U.S.                                                          OFFSET.COM
                                                                                                                                      THIS PAGE, FROM LEFT: ELYSE BUTLER;
                                                                                                                                      COURTESY OF DOVECOTE
Where is your favorite winter getaway? Tell us and send                                                                               INSIDE BACK COVER: COLIN
your pictures to feedback@clubtraveler.com.                                                                                           ANDERSON/OFFSET.COM
                                                                                                                                      BACK COVER: MICKY WISWEDEL/
Dear Club Member
                                 The year is off to a great start at Hilton Grand Vacations Club! Our
                                 newest Club resort opened in Honolulu this past March, giving you
                                 brand-new accommodations and increased availability in Hawaii.
                                 Find out more about The Grand Islander by Hilton Grand Vacations
                                 Club in the feature story on page 20.
                                    This year also marks Hilton Grand Vacations’ 25th anniversary.
                                 We’re honored to have spent the past two and a half decades
                                 helping you explore your love of travel, and we look forward to
                                 continuing on that mission in the years ahead.
        I hope you’ve noticed more and more opportunities to share your thoughts with us during
     the past several months, and your feedback has led to action. We launched new program
     and fee changes in 2017 driven by your input, and we will continue to look for new ways to
     enhance your membership experience.
        Our Member education program, which started with a pilot last year, is already underway
     for 2017. We held a successful first event in Charlotte, North Carolina, and have three more
     planned—stay tuned for additional information later this year.
        Another major focus this year will be our website and mobile app. You’ve logged on more
     than ever and shared your thoughts, and we’ve heard you. We are working diligently to
     ensure that these tools make it even easier to use your membership, so we plan to introduce
     significant upgrades to the functionality of the website and app in the coming months.
                                                                                                        ON THE WEB
02      As we continue listening to and learning from you, I can’t thank you enough for your
     honest insights and opinions. Hilton Grand Vacations Club truly is your Club, and we remain        Stay up to date with our monthly
     committed to using your input to help guide the future.                                            eNewsletter. Find top 2017 eNewsletter
                                                                                                        stories on clubtraveler.com.

       Happy travels,
                                                                                                            “Check Out 3 New Vacation
                                                                                                        Opportunities in Mexico”

       Stan Soroka
                                                                                                         2   “Got Club Questions? More
       Chief Customer Officer                                                                           Workshops Ahead”

                                                                                                         3    “Meet Our Newest Cruise
                                                                                                        Partner: CruisesOnly”

                                                                                                         4   “Big Things Ahead for the Club
                                                                                                        Website in 2017”

                                                                                                         5    “Say Salute to Tuscany’s Wines”

                                      6355 MetroWest Boulevard, Suite 180
                                          Orlando, Florida 32835 USA
                                                                                                         6    “Explore Hawaii Like a Five-O”
                        Club Traveler is published by Hilton Grand Vacations Club and is distributed
                                                 exclusively to Club Members.
                                              © 2017 Hilton Grand Vacations Inc.
                        Hilton Grand Vacations® and Hilton Grand Vacations Club® are registered
                   trademarks of Hilton International Holding LLC licensed to Hilton Grand Vacations    Send Us Your Feedback!
                  Inc. Hilton Grand Vacations and its ownership properties and club programs operate
                     under the Hilton name pursuant to a license agreement with Hilton Worldwide
                                                                                                        What do you think about Club Traveler? Send
                                                         Holdings Inc.                                  us an email at feedback@clubtraveler.com.
                                     WHERE TO GO

                                                                                                                       Dream Vacation                                 03
                                                                                                                       Club Member Josh Abrams, Owner at
                                                                                                                       Elara, a Hilton Grand Vacations Club in Las
                                                                                                                       Vegas since January 2015, says his dream
                                                                                                                       vacation would include a blend of sports,
                                                                                                                       games like blackjack and craps, rich culture
                                                                                                                       and pampering.
                                                                                                                          “Monte Carlo can check all those
                                                                                                                       boxes if I attend the Monaco Grand
                                                                                                                       Prix,” he says. The Cannes Film Festival,
                                                                                                                       which, like the Formula 1 race, takes place
                                                                                                                       annually in May, would be a must-see
                                                                                                                       attraction during the trip, too, he adds.
                                                                                                                       “While over there, I’d tour Monaco,
                                                                                                                       Venice and Rome. I’d sample the best
                                     The House of
                                     Grimaldi has                                                                      French and Italian foods, eating more
                                     ruled Monaco,                                                                     than my share of gelato and cannoli. Oh,
                                     a principality,
                                     since 1297.                                                                       and, of course, there would be (at least)
                                                                                                                       daily massages.”

                                                                                                                       Where to Stay: Start your adventure at
                                                                                                                       Hilton Milan in Milan, Italy, conveniently
                                                                                                                       located a few hours’ drive from both
                                                                                                                       Monte Carlo and Florence and one block

                                                                                                                       from the city’s Central Train Station. Once
                                                                                                                       you’re in the region, stay just a stone’s
                                                                                                                       throw away from Monte Carlo in the
                                                                                                                       heart of Nice, France, at Residence
                                                                                                                       Massena, by RCI.

                                 @   Want to be featured in Club Traveler? Tell us your dream destination by emailing us at feedback@clubtraveler.com.

     Plan Ahead
     Events worth the trip—whatever your time frame

     3 months                               6 months
     Fiesta of the Virgin of                A Month of Magi-
     Carmen, Cabo San Lucas,                cal Food, Orlando,
     Mexico, July 16                        Florida, September
     Summer is right around the             With all of autumn’s beautiful
     corner, but you’re in luck—            transitions, why not transform
     Cabo is all about spontaneity.         your palate as well? Orlando’s
     Experience the rich culture            Magical Dining Month is a food-
     of Baja California during this         frenzied marathon drawing world-
     storied holiday, honoring a            renowned chefs and adventurous
     woman viewed as a protector of         eaters from the world over. Eat your

                                                                                                                                                          CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: ANNABELLE BREAKEY/GETTY IMAGES; COURTESY OF SUNNY SIDE UP TROPICAL FESTIVAL; DOUGLAS PEEBLES/ROBERT HARDING
     Mexico. Start the day walking          greens, if you want—but at $33 for
     the streets, chock-full of             three courses, this excursion won’t be
04   vendors selling local food and         eating yours. Bonus: Orlando landed
     handiwork, then catch a parade         among Wine Enthusiast’s 10 Best
     of puppets and schoolchildren.         Wine Travel Destinations in recent
                                            years. Check out visitorlando.com/
                                            magicaldining for more information.

                                   9 months                         12-plus months
                                    Volcano Sightings               Sunny Side Up Tropical Festival,
                                    and Mochi Pound-                Bali, Indonesia, August 2018
                                                                    Addictive electro-pop music and authentic Balinese flair converge for two
                                    ing Festival,Hawaii             adrenaline-fueled days in the hip and burgeoning Seminyak. Stay at Anantara
                                    Island, December 30             Vacation Club Seminyak Bali and be minutes away from trendy bars, chic restaurants
                                     Treat yourself before          and local designer shops—that is, if you can pull yourself away from the jams of
                                     the onslaught of holiday       world-class musical talent, which has included the likes of Ellie Goulding, Azealia
                                     stress with a getaway          Banks and Mark Ronson.
                                     to the balmy, breezy           Club Members with Elite
                                     Hawaii Island. While           status can take advantage
                                      you’re there, wear a          of the Elite booking
                                      lei and lounge on the         window at Anantara
                                      beach, or try your luck       properties—up to 365
     at glimpsing a lava flow from one of the most active           days from their check-
     volcanoes in the world—Kīlauea. Or join the hundreds           out date. The standard
     of visitors who arrive in Hakalau village every year for       Anantara booking
     the annual mochi pounding to hammer away at sticky             window is 275 days
     rice for good luck in the new year.                            from check-out date.
                                                                                                                                                                   The last time a total solar
                                                                                                                                                                   eclipse occurred over the
                                                                                                                                                                   continental United States, the
                                            THE 10                                                                                                                 Bee Gees topped the charts
                                                                                                                                                                   and gas cost less than $1 a
                                                                                                                                                                   gallon. Thirty-eight years later,
                                                                                                                                                                   on August 21, 2017, the moon

                                      Look Up
                                                                                                                                                                   will slide in front of the sun
                                                                                                                                                                   and a narrow path of total
                                                                                                                                                                   eclipse will cross 12 states,
                                                                                                                                                                   from Oregon to South Carolina.
                                                                                                                                                                   The rare celestial spectacle
                                                                                                                                                                   has everyone from astronomy
                                                                                                                                                                   geeks to great-grandmothers
                                      10 incredible stargazing spots                                                                                               making travel plans to witness
                                                                                                                                                                   the brilliant corona.
                                                                                                                                                                     The largest city in the path of

                                                                                                                                                                   totality (the moon completely
                                                                                                                                                                   covering the sun) is Nashville,

                                      Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain                                                                                              Tennessee; the longest
                                                                                                                                                                   period of totality (2 minutes,
                                      Let your imagination swim wild in an ocean of stars off the coast of Morocco on the Canary                                   42 seconds) will occur near
                                      Islands. The tourist-friendly isle of Tenerife is home to the famed Teide Observatory, which has                             Carbondale, Illinois.
                                      hosted the likes of Stephen Hawking and Neil Armstrong.

                             2. Mauna Kea, Hawaii                of San Pedro de Atacama, the        South Island, the world’s largest    astronomers with dark,             9. Kissimmee Prairie
                             Beyond the island of Hawaii’s       region’s hub for globetrotting      Dark Sky Reserve is a prime          dependably clear skies above       Preserve State Park, Florida
                             idyllic beaches and luxury          stargazers.                         location for marveling at the        Lake Alqueva. Take a night-        Declared an International Dark
                             resorts you’ll find a lofty                                             southern lights (aurora australis)   canoeing excursion on the lake     Sky Park in 2016, these central
                             window to the universe atop         4. Death Valley National            between March and September.         or saddle up for a moonlight       Florida grasslands boast an inky     05
                             the dormant Mauna Kea               Park, California                                                         horseback ride.                    black sky virtually free of light
                             volcano—a perch for powerful        Exceptionally dark, typically       6. Galloway Forest Park,                                                pollution. Keep an eye peeled
                             research telescopes and a public    cloud-free desert skies dazzle      Scotland                             8. Big Bend National Park,         for the flash of rocket launches
                             observation station high above      stargazers at the lowest, driest,   One of the United Kingdom’s          Texas                              from nearby Cape Canaveral.
                             the clouds.                         hottest spot in North America,      darkest locales offers mountain-     The stars at night are big and
                                                                 a geologic wonderland only a        and woodland-framed views            bright, deep in the heart of       10. Denali National Park
                             3. Atacama Desert, Chile            two-hour drive from the bright      of the twinkling heavens. Peek       Texas—or, in the case of rugged,   & Preserve, Alaska
                             Chile’s high desert, nestled        lights of Las Vegas.                through telescopes at the hilltop    remote Big Bend, in southwest      The Alaskan wild treats you to
                             along the Andes Mountains,                                              Scottish Dark Sky Observatory.       Texas along the U.S.-Mexico        eye candy with the northern
                             touts what Astronomy magazine       5. Aoraki Mackenzie                                                      border. The park is so dark,       lights (aurora borealis)—curtains
                             deems “the greatest observing       International Dark Sky              7. Alqueva, Portugal                 you’ll have no trouble finding     of colorful light waving across
                             conditions on planet Earth.” See    Reserve, New Zealand                Astrotourism is booming in           the Andromeda galaxy—2.5           the night sky. Peak activity at
                             the Magellanic Clouds (dwarf        Ringed by snow-capped peaks         the country’s rural Alentejo         million light-years from Earth—    the sky’s darkest lasts from early
                             galaxies) from the small town       on New Zealand’s dramatic           region, which delights amateur       with the naked eye.                September till about April 20.
THE BIG PICTURE                                                                                 Where to Stay
                                                                                                                            Club Members can stay at Hilton Grand
                                                                                                                            Vacations Club at Borgo alle Vigne in
                                                                                                                            Selvatelle, Pisa, among the rolling hills of
                                                                                                                            historic Tuscany and close to beautiful
                                                                                                                            beaches, exclusive golf courses and the art
                                                                                                                            of Florence. Choose from one, two or three
                                                                                                                            bedrooms, all with balconies, full kitchens,
                                                                                                                            an outdoor pool and many more amenities.

06                           Italy            Centuries ago, Tuscans built stone
                                              walls around their villages to keep
                                              out invaders; today, many of those
                                              ancient walls still stand, though the
                                              region now welcomes visitors from
                                              all over the world. The best way to
                                              soak up Tuscany’s history and see its
                                              seemingly endless verdant fields is to
                                              meander from town to town, drinking
                                              in the local flavor at the wineries
                                              or exploring the countryside on a
                                              bike. Book your trip for October or
                                              November, during Tuscany’s famed
                                              white truffle season and after the
                                              summer crowds have departed.

                                                                                       Wine tasting isn’t your thing?
                                                                                       Many Tuscan olive oil presses
                                                                                       offer tastings, too. November sees
                                                                                       the freshest selections, pressed
                                                                                       from the new olive harvest.

                                                                                                                              Chiang Mai boasts one of
                                                                                                                              Thailand’s most vibrant
                                                                                                                              night markets, making it
                                                                                                                              the perfect place to pick up
                                                                                                                              souvenirs like parasols.

                                                                                                                          on each side of busy
                                                                                                                          Nimmanhaemin Road are
                                                                                                                          packed with surprises.
                                                                                                                          During the day, wander
                                                                                                                          among the cozy cafés,
                                                                                                                          colorful boutiques and
                                                                                                                          galleries. Khun (Madam)
                                                                                                                          Anchalee, the gracious
                                                                                                                          owner of Srisanpanmai,
                                                                                                                          is rightly proud of her
                                                                                                                          rare antique and con-

            Thailand’s Rose
                                                                                                                          temporary textiles and
                                                                                                                          her personal collection
                                                                                                                          of fine hill tribe clothing.
                                                                                                                          Nimman nightlife is a

              of the North
                                                                                                                          vibrant mix of casual and
08                                                                                                                        well-heeled venues. Take
                                                                                                                          in the sunset views from
                                                                                                                          Rise Rooftop Bar before
                                                                                                                          hitting the street.

                                                Your guide to visiting Chiang Mai                                         Where to Stay
                                                                                                                          Members can choose their
                                                                                                                          home away from home
                                                                                                                          with a two-bedroom suite
     How to Get There             How to Get Around             contestant who dressed       seafood or vegetarian        at Anantara’s Chiang
     Travelers can reach          Tuk-tuks, small auto          as one and won the           variations. Saenkham         Mai Resort. The property
     Chiang Mai from Bang-        rickshaws, are great for      pageant’s best national      Terrace offers the dish      exudes tranquility despite
     kok by bus, overnight        short distances inside and    costume prize.               in a refined Lanna, or       being in the heart of the
     train or plane—which is      out of the city moat, but                                  northern Thai, setting.      city. Bespoke experiences
     the fastest route to this    always agree on a price       What to Eat                  Want to pass for a local?    include private cooking
     city in northern Thailand,   before getting in to avoid    If Chiang Mai had an         The garnishes of pickled     classes with Chef Song-
     with a 75-minute direct      misunderstandings. If         official dish, it would      greens, chopped shallot      pol, one-on-one training
     flight to Chiang Mai         you’re covering a lot of      without a doubt be khao      and fresh-squeezed lime      in muay thai (kickboxing)
     International Airport.       ground, consider hiring a     soi, a combination of soft   juice are not optional.      or cocktails crafted by
     Choose from more than        tuk-tuk driver for the day;   and crispy yellow noodles    Stir them in and add chili   Service 1921’s award-
     10 air carriers, such as     your driver will whisk        in a heady curry broth       oil to taste. And though     winning mixologist,
     Bangkok Airways, which       you from destination to       that traces its roots back   these days you’ll see it     Dr. X. Service 1921 also
     connects Chiang Mai          destination, then wait        to ancient Burma and         on many dinner menus,        boasts a secret dining
     with Bangkok eight times     at a designated place.        Muslim Chinese traders.      don’t order khao soi after   room hidden in plain
                                                                                                                                                             GAVIN HELLIER/STOCKSY

     a day and offers direct      It may not always be the      Crowds at family-run         dark. It’s traditionally     view. Can you find it?
     flights to Myanmar and       smoothest ride, but noth-     favorite Khao Soi Islam      a lunchtime dish.               For future reference,
     the islands of Phuket and    ing says Thailand like a      order classic versions                                    the Hilton Bangkok
     Samui from the capital of    tuk-tuk. Just ask the re-     topped with chicken or       Where to Stroll              has phenomenal dining
     the north.                   cent Thai Miss Universe       beef or more unusual         The soi, or alleyways,       options.
Ask the Resort

                                                                                                   It’s never too early to start planning your escape
                                                                                                   from the cold weather, especially when that
                                                                                                   escape is to Hawaii. We asked Grant Nouchi,
                                                                                                   general manager of The Grand Islander by
                                                                                                   Hilton Grand Vacations Club in Honolulu, what
                        HOW TO                                                                     activities and attractions he recommends Club
                       GET THERE                                                                   Members see during the holidays.

                                                                                                   “In our fall and winter months, some of
                                                                                                   nature’s wonders reveal themselves. It is kohola
                                                                                                   [humpback whales] watching season, which
                                                                                                   generally starts in December and then picks
                                                                                                   up from January through March, and ends
                                                                                                   in May. I would recommend taking a hike up
                                                                                                   Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail—from the trail, you
                                                                                                   can see whales making their way through the
                                                                                                   Kai’wi Channel between Molokai and Oahu.
                                                                                                   During the season’s peak months, you will be
                                                                                                   able to witness pods of whales passing through
                                                                                                   the channel, with some moments of breaching
                                                                                                   the surface in the distance. Don’t forget to
                                                                                                   pack your camera, water and some snacks!

                                                                                                   “Another natural wonder happens at the
                                                                                                   North Shore, where the winter swells of 20-
                                                                                                   to 50-foot waves start to make their presence
                                                                                                   known. From November through December,
                                                                                                   the Vans Triple Crown of Surfing competition
                                                                                                   kicks off, hosting three events on the North         09
                                                                                                   Shore. And then there is the ever-elusive
                                                                                                   Big Wave Invitational, known as ‘The Eddie,’
                                                                                                   which is held at Waimea Bay. It requires waves
                                                                                                   to hit 40 to 50 feet for the competition to
                                                                                                   take place. The waiting period begins with an
                                                                                                   opening ceremony on December 1 and then
                                                                                                   runs until February 28. In its 31-year history,
                                                                                                   the event has only happened nine times, so if
                                                                                                   you are visiting, keep your fingers crossed and
                                                                                                   keep checking the wave reports.”

                        Take in views from the
                        beach—or from the
                        surfboard like Vans Triple
                        Crown 2016 Master’s
                        winner Michel Bourez
                        (above)—without having
                        your sight line spoiled by
                        billboards. Large-scale ads
                        are banned in Honolulu.

                 @   Have a question for a resort? Email it to feedback@clubtraveler.com and we’ll ask the resort manager for you.
                                                                                                           Plugged In

                                                                                                   Bags that do more than carry your
                                                                                                   belongings may be worth the invest-
                                                                                                   ment. Many now feature built-in
                                                                                                   luggage scales, phone chargers and

                                                                                                   other extras. Here are three brands
                                                                                                   to consider exploring.

                                                                                                   Bluesmart One. Its “Smart Lug-
                                                                                                   gage” (pictured below) is a four-
                                                                                                   wheel rolling lightweight carry-on
     Smart devices to pack for your next                                                           with worldwide GPS location, a
                                                                                                   built-in SIM card slot, two charging
     journey, from travel writer Larry Olmsted                                                     ports that can juice up your devices
                                                                                                   six times before needing another
                                                                                                   charge, a built-in luggage scale and
     Passport? Check. Boarding pass? Check.          on-demand streaming, you have no              even remote locking via smartphone.
     Wallet? Check. Add to your list of travel       excuse to not be entertained. Any laptop
     essentials a few new gadgets that will          or tablet will get you connected, but if      Travelpro. This venerable brand
     help make your trips smoother, safer and        you’re looking to upgrade, the Microsoft      that pioneered the roll-aboard
     more enjoyable.                                 Surface Pro 4 (pictured above) saves          carry-on was launched by an airline
                                                     weight and space. It ’s a full-blown          pilot and has long been the choice
     Bag trackers                                    computer masquerading as a tablet, with       of flight attendants, pilots and
     Just a few years ago, if an airline lost your   plenty of storage, an exceptional HD          frequent travelers. Now Travelpro
     luggage there was nothing you could             screen and nine hours of battery life.        is incorporating USB charging ports
                                                                                                   with a removable battery in several
     do. Even worse was if someone grabbed
10                                                                                                 models, from four-wheel spinners to
     your bag and took off. Now, GPS-enabled         Surround-sound headphones                     briefcases.
     trackers allow you to locate your bags          If you want to drown out noise around
     using a computer or smartphone. Some            you, neither regular nor “passive”            Raden. This New York boutique
     function like luggage tags, but, unlike         noise-canceling headphones do the             luggage maker incorporates a char-
     traditional luggage tags, they’re difficult     job. The new Sennheiser PXC 550               ger with two external USB ports that
     enough to remove that they won’t get            Wireless headphones offer SRS surround        can fully charge four phones on one
     torn off or targeted by a thief. Best-          sound for a full-blown movie theater          charge, a Bluetooth radio transmit-
     selling in-bag tracker models include           experience, an upgraded version of            ter that pairs with an app to let you
     the LugLoc and Trakdot models, which            the company’s proprietary NoiseGard           locate your luggage nearby, and a
     are about the size of a pack of cards and       cancellation and wireless connectivity.       digital scale in the handle.
     weigh just a few ounces.                        The Sennheiser PXC 550 are light
                                                     and comfy, fold flat, double as a phone
     A super-slim e-book reader                      headset and feature an unrivaled 30-
     It’s easy to get bored on a long flight,        hour battery life—so no nonstop flight on
     train or bus ride if you haven’t packed         Earth is too long for a single charge.
     enough entertainment. The Amazon
     Kindle Paperwhite e-book reader                 A solar charger
     features beach-ready technology that            If you’re headed off the grid and into the
     lets you read without screen glare,             wilderness, you won’t want to run out of
     even in full sun. If you’re taking a really     juice. One device providing a solution is a
     long trip, the new, thin and super-light        portable solar charger. Consider Anker’s
     Oasis Kindle can run for months with            PowerPort Solar Lite 15W dual port
     only a single charge thanks to a battery        folding charger. Resembling a flexible
                                                                                                                                           COURTESY OF MANUFACTURERS

     integrated into its leather cover.              wallet, this portfolio, much smaller than
                                                     a magazine, unfolds to reveal two thin
     A multitasking tablet                           solar panels. It weighs 12 ounces and can
     With more in-flight Wi-Fi than ever,            fully charge an iPhone or Android device
     services that let you download content          by sunlight in under four hours while
     in advance and airlines offering free           charging a second device simultaneously.

               Ease & Speed
                     News and resources
                   to make travel simpler
            All Aboard
            Amtrak’s recent announcement that it will
            increase its fleet with 28 new Acela Express
            train sets comes as good news for frequent
            vacationers in the Northeast. This next            them. The airline, which handles 120 million    a new train station to connect the airport to
            generation of high-speed trains, which             bags each year, is tracking the bags as well,   SunRail, Central Florida’s commuter train.
            will enter into service in 2021, will come         replacing bar-code hand scanning in hopes
            equipped with one-third more space per             of lowering baggage mishandling by an
            passenger; modern interior design; personal        estimated 10 to 20 percent.                     Happy 1,000, Priority Pass
            outlets and USB ports; improved Wi-Fi; and                                                         Priority Pass added 130 lounges to its
            upgraded food carts, according to the U.S.                                                         program in 2016 and now offers members
            railroad. The new train sets will operate          In the Clear                                    access to more than 1,000 airport lounges               11
            along the Washington, D.C.–New York City–          Clear, the membership service that allows       worldwide. Annual club membership starts
            Boston Northeast Corridor at 160 mph. The          travelers to use a designated lane for          at $99 and has three levels: Standard, which
            trains will be able to go up to 186 mph as         Transportation Security Administration          lets members use lounges for a $27 fee;
            the corridor’s infrastructure is improved,         screening or PreCheck lines, is expanding       Standard Plus, which can be purchased
            according to Amtrak.                               to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International     using Bonus Points and offers 10 free visits
                                                               Airport, Los Angeles International              and $27 visits thereafter; and Prestige,
                                                               Airport, and New York’s John F. Kennedy         which offers unlimited free lounge entry.
            Grab a Ride                                        International Airport and LaGuardia
            After a nice dinner out on the town, or a full     Airport. The service, which costs $179 per
            day’s worth of activities, it’s easier than ever   year, or $155 for Club Members with Elite
            before to find your way back to your vacation      status, uses biometric scanning technology
                                                                                                                  Seat With a View
            home. Thanks to Hilton Grand Vacations             to verify identity, allowing members to skip       For the best mile-high views, here’s where to sit
                                                                                                                  when flying into the following airports.
            Club’s partnership with Uber, Club Members         the physical ID check that precedes security.
            can now book a ride with the car-sharing           (Members still have to go through security.)       San Francisco International Airport.
            service directly from the My Trip screen of        The additions bring the number of airports         Sit on the left side of the plane for views of the
            the mobile Club app. Better yet? You don’t         offering Clear lanes to 22.                        Golden Gate Bridge, or the right to see Alcatraz.
            even have to enter your destination details.                                                          Ronald Reagan National Airport. Choose
            The app comes preset to take you directly to                                                          a seat left of the aisle for views of the National
            your Club.                                         Orlando Expansion                                  Mall, Washington Monument and Lincoln
                                                               Travelers are encouraged to mind the
                                                               dust at Orlando International Airport as it        Los Angeles International Airport.
            App Baggage                                        undergoes expansion. The $1.8 billion south        Seats on the right side will usually showcase
                                                                                                                  downtown, Century City, the San Gabriel
            Delta debuted real-time checked bag                terminal project will add 16 to 21 gates and
                                                                                                                  Mountains and the iconic Hollywood sign.
            tracking on its Fly Delta mobile app. The          is expected to open in 2020. A $1.1 billion
            system uses radio-frequency identification         expansion of the north terminal began two          All Other Destinations. Roll the dice—either
            (RFID) chips embedded in luggage tags,             years ago. Among the changes travelers             way, you’re seeing the world from above, and

                                                                                                                  that’s special whatever the view.
            which allows travelers to keep an eye on           can expect: updated ticket lobbies and
            their bags from the moment they check              baggage systems, a new parking garage and

                                                                               Scope the scene.
                                                                             Keep the imagery simple by
                                                                              focusing on a small palette
                                                                              of colors, repeated textures
                                                                             or uncommon designs found                                                                                                                                          Go manual.
                                                                                in nature. Mountainous                                                                                                                                   Select the camera’s manual
                                                                                landscapes, oceanfront                                                                                                                                  metering mode to ensure each
                                                                              views or rows of a vineyard                                                                                                                             frame is exposed exactly the same.
                     Set it right.                                             successfully translate into                                                                                                                              Variations in exposure settings
             Beginners should tackle bright                                         panoramic shots.                                                                                                                                     make it difficult to later join
               daytime shoots using small                                                                                                                                                                                                    the photos together
             aperture settings. On manually                                                                                                                                                                                               without seeing the edges
             adjustable cameras, start with                                                                                                            Hold steady.                                                                             of each image.
              f16 or f32 and ISO 100 or ISO                                                                                                        For best results use a tripod,
             200 for results with fine-grain                                                                                                     which will steady your camera,
               and sharp detail. On mobile                                                                                                    tablet or smartphone, reducing blur
                devices, choose the pano                                                                                                       and making it easier to line up the
                setting and follow the on-                                                                                                    series of exposures. Pan slowly from
                   screen instructions.                                                                                                       left to right or sky to ground. Those
                                                                                                                                                holding a camera should capture
                                                                                                                                               at least five images of a scene, and

                    Taking It All In
                                                                                                                                                 should stop momentarily while
                                                                                                                                                     panning to capture each
                                                                                                                                                          individual shot.

                        Tips for pro-quality panoramic shots, from photographer Angela Tague

                                                                                                                                                                                                          The only way to truly capture a
                                                                                                                                                                                                          sweeping landscape such as a swath
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of crashing waves, a busy piazza
           Take your best shots.                                                                                                                                                                          or a bustling cityscape is to take a
          Since lighting conditions, clouds and
     shadows can change in an instant, especially
                                                                                                                                                                                                          panoramic shot. Use a basic 50 mm
         during sunrise and sunset, complete a                                                                                                                                                            prime lens on a camera (a wide angle
       series in a minute or two to make the final
       panoramic image—which you’ll assemble
                                                                                                                                                                                                          lens can distort the edges of the
         using digital imaging software on your                                                                                                                                                           images) or choose the pano setting on
      computer or mobile device—look seamless.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          a smartphone or tablet (avoid zoom,
                                                                                                             EUNIKA SOPOTNICKA/SHUTTERSTOCK

         Shoot multiple series and pick the best
      later as you stitch together the photos into                                                                                                                                                        which makes the image less crisp).
      one long, panoramic image. Some cameras
      and smartphones have panoramic settings
        to guide the framing of your succession
         of shots, making this final step a quick,
                   automated process.
                                                                                                                                                                          Are you a pro at panoramas? Email your best panoramic pics to feedback@clubtraveler.com
                                                                                                                                                                          to potentially be featured as a Big Picture in an upcoming issue of Club Traveler.

                                                                                                                                    Sulguni, the cheese in
                                                                                                                                    Georgian khachapuri, is
                                                                                                                                    also known as “pickle
                                                                                                                                    cheese” for its tang.

                                                                                                                                    Tbilisi, Georgia
                                                                                                                                    What’s not to love about chewy,
                                                                                                                                    savory bread filled with creamy,
                                                                                                                                    bubbly cheese, melted, salty butter and
                                                                                                                                    a perfectly cooked egg? Sakhachapure

                                                                                                                                    #1 makes great pizza, but it’s
                                                                                                                                    khachapuri, the city’s specialty, that
                                                                                                                                    shines the brightest. Take a friend,
                                                                                                                                    order the largest size you can handle,

     Exotic Eats
                                                                                                                                    then rip off pieces of the boat-shaped
                                                                                                                                    bread bowl and use them to scoop up
                                                                                                                                    the yummy goodness inside.
                                                                                                                                    Try it: Order acharuli khachapuri at
                                                                                                                                    Sakhachapure #1 (Rustaveli Ave., 5, East
                                                                                                                                    Point Mall, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia)
     Inexpensive dishes you must try, worldwide
                                                                                                                                    Santa Cruz de la

                                                                                                                                                                                 FROM LEFT: MAGDALENA PALUCHOWSKA/ALAMY; TANYA ZOUEV/STOCKFOOD
                                                                                                                                    Sierra, Bolivia
     Traveling the world can be expensive,                                                                                          Need a quick snack? The salteña
                                                                                                                                    (pictured below) is perfect for eating
     but eating well on the go doesn’t need                                                                                         while you explore this walkable,
     to be. From the best bread you’ve ever                                                                                         sky-high city. It looks like an empanada,
     tasted to an unexpectedly rich dessert,                                                                                        but thicker, sweeter dough sets it
     here are off-the-beaten-path, must-                                                                                            apart from the classic Latin American
                                                                                                                                    dish. Traditionally baked with juicy,
     try local dishes that can fill your belly                                                                                      spicy chopped beef, garlic, egg and
     without breaking your budget on your                                                                                           stewed onions, many stands and
     next international journey.                                                                                                    restaurants also offer chicken, pork
                                                                                                                                    and vegetarian versions, so there is
                                                                                                                                    a salteña for everyone.
                                                                                                                                    Try it: Order salteña at Salteñas
                                                                                                                                    Potosinas (Av. Beni 1500, Santa Cruz de la
     Riyadh, Saudi Arabia                       Shah Alam, Malaysia                       Nairobi, Kenya                            Sierra, Bolivia)
     No trip to Saudi is complete without       Natives of coastal Selangor’s state       If you eat nothing else in Nairobi, get
     a taste of kabsa, the national dish.       capital flock to the Cendol Pak Akob      yourself a plate of tilapia pulled from
     From the earthy warmth of allspice         stand in front of the Jamek Raja Tun      Lake Nakuru and deep-fried. Crispy,
     to the tang of black lime, this rice and   Uda mosque. The draw? Cendol, a mix       salty and smoky all at once, Mama
     meat dish—you can find it made with        of shaved ice, coconut milk, palm         Oliech Restaurant prepares the fish in
     chicken, lamb, shrimp and even             sugar, red beans and green rice-flour     the preferred style of the Luo people.
     camel—highlights the unique flavors        noodles. This famous stall uses           Cooked over a wood fire, it’s a
     of this Arabian city. While highly         homemade ingredients to create a          well-priced treat that pairs well with
     spiced, it’s not actually spicy, making    creamy, sweet, rich and refreshing        a side of vegetables and local staple
     this biryani-like dish an easy try for     dessert that’s worth hanging out on       ugali, a dough made of white
     the whole family.                          the sidewalk to eat.                      cornmeal.
     Try it: Order chicken kabsa at Najd        Try it: Order cendol at Cendol Pak Akob   Try it: Order fried tilapia at Mama
     Village (At Takhassusi St., Al Olaya,      (Persiaran Selangor, Seksyen 16, 40200    Oliech Restaurant (Marcus Garvey Road,
     Riyadh 12331, Saudi Arabia)                Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia)            Nairobi, Kenya)
                                        WHAT TO DO

                                                                                                                                                                  In Cabo, travelers
                                                                                                                                                                  will discover not only
                                                                                                                                                                  around 350 days of
                                                                                                                                                                  sunshine a year, but
                                                                                                                                                                  also more striped
                                                                                                                                                                  marlin than anywhere
                                                                                                                                                                  else in the world.


                               Local Perspective
                               Sitting on the southernmost tip of the Baja California         Local resident Roberto Estrada says there’s a lot to do in
                               peninsula in Mexico, Cabo San Lucas—known simply as            Cabo, but the best way to experience the city is to plan ahead
                               Cabo to most—is a prime vacation spot for hitting the beach,   of time. He recommends exploring not only Cabo, which is
                               catching the sunset and making a splash. Perhaps the most      filled with beautiful beaches and many water activities, but also
                               recognizable symbol of Cabo is The Arch, locally known as      the surrounding area. Here are some of his insider tips:
                               El Arco, a unique three-story-tall formation of rugged rocks
                               in the water that attracts tourists and sea lions alike, and   “A beautiful structure right in downtown to visit is the San
                               sits where the Pacific Ocean meets the Gulf of California.     Jose del Cabo Church, which was built on the site of the
                               Club Members can stay just 10 minutes from downtown            original mission founded in 1730 by the Jesuits. We also have

                               at Grand Fiesta Americana Los Cabos All Inclusive              a magical town about an hour from Cabo San Lucas [named]
                               Golf & Spa.                                                    Todos Santos.”

                               @       Need advice from a local? Tell us where you’re going at feedback@clubtraveler.com, and we’ll find someone to ask.

     Dine Around
     Orlando                                            The fun doesn’t end when
                                                        you leave Orlando’s theme
                                                        parks—these local hot spots
                                                        serve up thrills of their own

     DoveCote Brasserie                                 soaked with a moonshine-spiked simple syrup.
     From the chef-owners of the popular                At the bar, sip a flight of the four moonshines
     Ravenous Pig and Swine & Sons comes                served on tap, or try your ’shine mixed into
     their latest project, DoveCote Brasserie in        craft cocktails like the watermelon-infused
     downtown Orlando, a modern incarnation of          Moonshine Mash. Cheers!
     the classic French brasserie. Start with the
     pork terrine or the beef tartare, or go right to   The Osprey Tavern                                    Sip and Savor
     the main event for a croque monsieur or fine       The Osprey Tavern serves up contemporary             Enjoy signature cocktails at your
     herb omelet, for lunch or dinner. Enjoy your       American cuisine in Orlando’s Baldwin                Hilton Grand Vacations Club resorts
16   meal with a glass of grog featuring citrus,        Park neighborhood. Before dinner, sip on a           in Orlando.
     spiced maple, hibiscus milk-washed rum and         Ruby Rose made with vodka, cherry liqueur,
     absinthe.                                          hibiscus, lemon and bitters; or maybe a              Las Palmeras
                                                        Fireside Chat, with bourbon, hazelnut,               It’s hard to worry when you’re
     Homecoming                                         Demerara and bitters, topped off with beef           enjoying a Stress Relief, with Tito’s
     Moonshine on tap. Now that we have your            jerky. At the table, keep it light with the          Handmade Vodka, Gosling’s Black Seal
     attention, allow us to introduce Homecoming:       Ponce Inlet golden tilefish featuring Italian        Rum, orange and cranberry juices and
     Florida Kitchen and Southern Shine at Disney       heirloom carrot, Italian faro and ginger             simple syrup, served on the rocks.
     Springs. Chef Art Smith, a Florida native,         pickled raisins, or go for something heartier
     whips up his favorite Southern classics,           such as the cottage pie served with braised          Parc Soleil
     including fried green tomatoes and his famous      short rib, whipped Yukon gold potatoes,              Try a refreshing taste of summer
     fried chicken, not to mention the Shine Cake,      carrots and peas.                                    year-round at Parc Soleil with the
                                                                                                             Summer Splash: Absolut Citron,
                                                                                                             blueberries, fresh mint and lemonade.
                                                                                              The chef of
                                                                                       known for its fried   SeaWorld
                                                                                        chicken, was once
                                                                                         Oprah Winfrey’s     The luck of the Bermuda Moongate
                                                                                            personal chef.   will be yours when you sip the resort’s
                                                                                                             Moon Gate Mojito, a combination of
                                                                                                             Bacardi Mango, mango purée, fresh
                                                                                                             lime juice and mint leaves with a
                                                                                                             splash of club soda.

                                                                                                             Tuscany Village
                                                                                                             Bacardi Tangerine Rum blended with
                                                                                                             mango and poured atop strawberry
                                                                                                             purée erupts with flavor in the
                                                                                                             Pompeii, a volcanic frozen specialty
                                                                                                             cocktail at Toscana Pool Bar and Grill.

                                                             Capital Ideas
                                                              An insider’s guide to kid-friendly D.C.                                                                     Come face to
                                                                                                                                                                          face with lions
                                                                                                                                                                          and more than
                                                             Heading to the nation’s              spring brings kid-centered To       Eat                                 1,500 other
                                                                                                                                                                          animals at the
                                                             capital this spring?                 Sail Around the Sun, a show that    Sate your appetite and soak up      Smithsonian’s
                                                             Explore the city like a              blends storytelling, film, music    some history at the same time.      National Zoo.
                                                             local with these family-             and dance to illustrate the         Teddy & The Bully Bar is a
                                                             friendly activities.                 changes of the season;              tribute to the 26th president,
                                                                                                  one-man spoken-word show            complete with cowboy-tastic
                                                             Visit                                Mouth Open, Story Jump Out;         faux taxidermy. The seasonal
                                                             With 17 free area museums and        and Peter and the Wolf in           menu sources local produce
                                                             galleries, and even a zoo, the       Hollywood, an adventure story       and includes bison and wild
                                                             Smithsonian Institution offers       told through animation, live        boar for grown-up palates, but
                                                             the ultimate way to entertain        music and theater.                  your little ones will enjoy the
                                                             your entire family. You can                                              house-made cornbread and
                                                             scratch a different itch every       Wander                              fried chicken.
                                                             day: Start with the butterfly        Head to The District by Hilton                                                            17
                                                             garden at the National Museum        Club to meet “George,” an           Recreate
                                                             of Natural History (the garden is    illustrated (and stuffed) eagle     Have several hours to fill?
                                                             free on Tuesdays), say hi to the     with the inside track on the        Head to 1,700-acre Rock Creek
                                                             giant pandas at the National         best places to visit in the city.   Park. With a nature center,
                                                             Zoo, then spring for rides in the    Let him take your family on         planetarium, horse center, golf
                                                             interactive flight simulators ($10   a guided tour of D.C.’s most        course, tennis courts and more,
                                                             per person) at the National Air      famous sites, from the cherry       there is something outdoorsy
                                                             and Space Museum.                    blossom trees to the U.S.           for nearly everyone. Help the
                                                                                                  Capitol and the White House.        rangers feed the snakes, then
                                                             Watch                                Leave time to stop at Olivia        pick up tickets to a free
                                                             Don’t let the serious name           Macaron along the way; one          astronomy program or take
                                                             fool you: The John F. Kennedy        taste of the blood orange,          a horseback riding lesson or a
                                                             Center for the Performing Arts       Fruity Pebbles or Champagne         pony ride. Hike or bike the 32
                                                             has much to offer even the           macarons will show why they         miles of trails, rent a kayak or

                                                             youngest family members. This        were voted the best in the city.    book a space in the picnic grove.

                                                                           5 Tips to Keep Your Kids Engaged While Traveling
                                                                           Involve them. Helping to plan will get          to this must-travel part of the city
                                                                           them excited about the trip.                    (free for Android and iPhone).

                                                                           Create travel journals. Notebooks,              Slow down. Leave time for naps,
                                                                           markers and old-school disposable               snacks and spontaneous play now, avoid
                                                                           cameras will serve you well.                    meltdowns later.

                                                                           Lean on tech. Never underestimate               Stay wisely. Let your hotel help;
                                                                           the power of an iPad full of new apps,          choose a kid-friendly location, like
                                                                           such as NPS National Mall, a free guide         The District.
LONG WEEKEND                                                                                                                              Where to Stay
                                                                                                                                                                Club Members can rest their heads in the mountains at Valdoro
                                                                                                                                                                Mountain Lodge, a Hilton Grand Vacations Club property in
                                                                                                                                                                Breckenridge. Enjoy relaxing evenings with the Rocky Mountains ambience

                                                                                                                                                                as your backdrop and the convenience of driving just an hour and a half to
                                                                                                                                                                spend a day in Colorado’s capital city. Or, use Hilton Honors points to stay
                                                                                                                                                                at one of several cozy Denver properties, such as Hampton Inn & Suites
                                                                                                                                                                Denver-Downtown and Hilton Garden Inn Denver-Downtown, both
                                                                                                                                                                within walking distance of many sights.
                                                                                                                                                                    A minimum stay is required at Valdoro Mountain Lodge. Optimize
                                                                                                                                                                your Points and consider booking your trip in the middle of the week.

                  Denver             3 (week)days in Denver

                     Snug between the Rocky Mountains and expansive plains to the east,                                                                                                                                      Some notables
                     Denver is a mile-high city offering near-constant sunshine (300 days                                                                                                                                    who have passed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             through Union
                     each year!) and countless ways to spend your days.                                                                                                                                                      Station: both
18                     Whether culture, history or scenery is your fancy, there’s a pocket                                                                                                                                   Roosevelts, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Queen of Roma-

                     of Denver ready to welcome you—any day of the week.                                                                                                                                                     nia, Babe Ruth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and Buffalo Bill.
                       Spend a weekday in Denver and explore the state capital with one
                     of these three itineraries.

     Itinerary 1                                 Itinerary 2                                 Itinerary 3
     Spend your day taking in the fresh air.     Denver is known for its microbreweries      Enjoy Denver’s incredible selection
     No matter the season or how you prefer      and live-music venues. And after a day in   of museums without the weekend
     to spend your nature time, Denver has       the great outdoors, you’ve earned some      crowds. Eight of the city’s museums and
     a park, trail or slope for you. Visit the   downtime. The city’s River North area       galleries, as well as the State Capitol,
     city’s acclaimed Red Rocks Park and         (RiNo) has a handful of cozy cafés, craft   reside in the Golden Triangle Museum
     Amphitheatre and hike or bike the 1.4-      breweries and amazing restaurants.          District, making it easy to spend a full
     mile Trading Post Trail, weaving through    Create your own craft brew crawl,           day in this area. If you happen to be in
     massive brick-red rock formations. From     stopping by Epic Brewing Company            Denver on the first Friday of the month,
     the top of the amphitheatre, at more than   and Our Mutual Friend Brewing for           take advantage of free First Friday Art
     6,400 feet above sea level, the Denver      a house-made beer. And when you’re          Tours, which let visitors enjoy local
     skyline is revealed in the valley below,    ready for a nightcap, Larimer Lounge        food and art at participating galleries,
     beckoning you back to recharge at one       and Lost Lake Lounge regularly              museums and artists’ studios—at no cost.
     of the city’s hip neighborhood eateries.    showcase regional and national bands.       Explore the exhibits at the Denver Art
     If you’re a skier or snowboarder, venture                                               Museum, renowned for both its art and
     just 67 miles to Winter Park Resort,                                                    architectural exhibits. Nearby, you’ll find
     where you’ll appreciate world-class                                                     History Colorado, housing nine distinct
                                                                                                                                           EFRAIN PADRO/ALAMY

     runs—and advance-purchase lift tickets,                                                 museums in one—from the Ute Indian
     so you won’t have to wait in line. If you                                               Museum, reopening with a new building
     prefer a leisurely day at the park, spend                                               and exhibitions this summer, to the El
     it at historic Cheesman Park.                                                           Pueblo History Museum.
                                                                                 ome to bustling
                                                                                 Honolulu, fun-and-
     Tropical beaches, sumptuous resorts, superb snorkeling,                     sun Waikiki Beach
     supersized waves and mai tai sunsets await your lei-draped                  and monster
                                                                    North Shore waves, action-
     arrival on the islands of Oahu and Hawaii. Start daydreaming   packed Oahu is the first island
     of your next trip to paradise with our insider guide.          that springs to the minds of
                                                                    many when envisioning the
                                                                    Aloha State. Others may
20                                                                  picture the island of Hawaii,              21
                                                                    nicknamed the Big Island
                                                                    and known for its black-sand
                                                                    beaches, lava-spewing volcano
                                                                    and rural, laid-back vibe.

On the rugged North Shore, Sunset         TOURS AND ATTRACTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Beach and its neighboring Banzai           Both Oahu and Hawaii Island have a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pipeline reef break attract pro surfers    bounty of tour outfitters ready to take
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  from around the world in winter, when      you snorkeling, diving, whale-watching,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the waves can reach as high as 20 feet.    sailing, fishing, kayaking, zip-lining, all-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Spring through fall, head for the North    terrain vehicle riding or soaring above
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Shore’s gorgeous Waimea Bay. Go            the islands on scenic helicopter flights.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  swimming or snorkeling in the clear,         History buffs won’t want to miss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  aquamarine waters.                         Oahu’s Pearl Harbor and the USS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Seeking Oahu beach solitude? Wiggle       Arizona Memorial, which straddles the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  your toes in the powdered sugar-like       submerged hull of the battleship sunk
                                                                                                                      Accurately                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sand of the east shore’s Lanikai Beach,    December 7, 1941. Pay your respects to
                                                                                                                      nicknamed Turtle
                                                                                                                      Beach, Laniakea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  or rent a kayak to explore Lanikai’s       America’s fallen heroes, then tour the
                                                                                                                      Beach attracts                                                                                                                                                                                                              rocky offshore Na Mokulua islets.          retired USS Missouri battleship and USS
                                                                                                                      green sea turtles
                                                                                                                      year-round. Here,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hawaii Island boasts some of the best     Bowfin submarine.
                                                                                                                      it’s easy to spot a                                                                                                                                                                                                         snorkeling in the state. Though often        No rental car? Honolulu’s public bus
                                                                                                                      honu, which means
                                                                                                                      “turtle” in Hawaiian,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  busy, it’s tough to beat Kahaluu Beach     system and a trolley tour company are
                                                                                                                      lying in the sand                                                                                                                                                                                                           Park for its convenient location ( just    easy, economical ways to reach many city
                                                                                                                      and soaking in the
                                                                                                                      sun, especially dur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  south of Kailua-Kona town), abundant       attractions. The Bishop Museum houses
                                                                                                                      ing summer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 tropical fish and shallow, clear water.    an astounding collection of Hawaiian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  While there, keep an eye peeled for        artifacts as well as an interactive Science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sea turtles or book a guided boat tour     Adventure Center for keiki (“children”

                                                                                                                                              THIS PAGE: ELYSE BUTLER. PREVIOUS SPREAD, FROM LEFT: ELYSE BUTLER; DOUGLAS PEEBLES/ROBERT HARDING; PEDEN MUNK/TRUNK ARCHIVES
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to snorkel Kealakekua Bay, home to         in Hawaiian). Tour the lavish Iolani
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Whether you’re on      23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            a rainforest hike or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  dazzling undersea scenery and the          Palace, built in 1882, and walk in the         cruising botanical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            gardens, the plant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  historic Captain Cook Monument spire.      footsteps of 19th-century Hawaiian             life on the islands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   On the Kohala Coast, near a trio of       royalty. No visit to Honolulu is complete      will delight all the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hilton Grand Vacations Club properties,    without exploring the vibrant streets of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  you can lounge in the shade of a kiawe     its historic Chinatown.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  tree at idyllic Waialea Beach. (Tip:         While Hawaii Island isn’t as flush
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Weekdays are rarely crowded.) Hawaii       with traditional tourist attractions,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Island is known for its volcanic rock      it does hold the wonderful, ancient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  black-sand beaches; the most famous        Hawaii archaeological site Puuhonua
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  is palm-lined Punaluu Beach on the         O Honaunau National Historical Park.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  south coast. As it’s a popular stop for    Java hounds will enjoy guided tours
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  tour buses, you won’t be alone here.       and tastings at a handful of Kona coffee

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FROM LEFT: PARANYU PITHAYARUNGSARIT/GETTY IMAGES; GS/GALLERY STOCK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  However, it’s almost guaranteed you’ll     plantations such as friendly Greenwell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  spy sea turtles lazing on the beach.       Farms. And stargazers agree there are

     Oahu,                    nicknamed the
      Gathering Place, is the most populated
      isle in the Hawaiian chain and a
                                                   for sublime solace. You can still indulge
                                                   in plush resorts, delicious restaurants
                                                   and shopping galore, but on an island
                                                                                                   SAND, SURF AND SUN
                                                                                                   Oahu boasts two of the world’s most
                                                                                                   famous beaches. Backed by high-rise
      frequent choice for Hawaii first-timers.
      It’s tough to argue with a place that
                                                   as vast as this one it’s far easier to find
                                                   a secluded beach where the rest of the
                                                                                                   hotels, the soft, white sand of Waikiki
                                                                                                   Beach has been the island’s tourist
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DID YOU KNOW …
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The island of Hawaii is frequently
      rolls stunning natural beauty, big-city      world melts away.                               epicenter since the 1950s. Usually
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          referred to as the Big Island, which is
      sophistication and a rich history all into    Whether you choose Oahu, Hawaii                peaceful waters make this a prime                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      not only a nod to its size, but also a
      one 597-square-mile tropical Eden.           Island or the other major islands, Maui         strand for swimming, novice surfers and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                nickname used to help differentiate the
       Some 190 miles across the sparkling         and Kauai, they’re all magical locales          outrigger canoe rides. Or simply spread                                                                                                                                                                                                                                island from the state? The island is also
      Pacific, Hawaii makes its vacation           that will fill you with the infectious spirit   a towel, slather on the sunscreen and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  home to Papakōlea Beach, one of four
      destination case with ample opportunities    of aloha.                                       enjoy the island’s best people watching.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               green-sand beaches in the world.
few better places on the planet       just 10 miles north, discover the           On Hawaii Island, Hawaii
     for stargazing than the summit        442-foot-tall free-falling Akaka          Volcanoes National Park is
     of dormant Mauna Kea volcano.         Falls in Akaka Falls State Park. In       home to mighty Kīlauea, which        WHERE TO STAY
     For more stargazing, see page 5.      addition, two natural wonders             has been in a continual state of     Club Members can use
                                           top nearly every visitor’s list.          eruption since 1983. If you’re       their membership to stay
     GO NATURAL                             On Oahu, the extinct volcanic            lucky enough to visit during         at this new Hilton Grand
     Away from the beach, both             crater Diamond Head serves as             significant activity when rivers     Vacations Club resort in
     isles are flush with tropical         a dramatic backdrop for Waikiki           of red lava are pouring into         the heart of the action
     botanical gardens, rainforest         Beach. Hike to the crater’s               the sea, you’re in for a thrilling   on Oahu.
     hikes, emerald-green valleys and      760-foot-summit via a 1.6-mile            spectacle. Yet even without
     thundering waterfalls. Your best      round-trip trail. Though fairly           flowing magma, the park does         The Grand Islander by
                                           steep, your effort is rewarded            not disappoint. Fascinating          Hilton Grand Vacations
     bets for these experiences are
                                                                                                                          Club: Steps from the
     the islands’ windward coasts. In      with a glorious 360-degree view           geology, outstanding hiking
                                                                                                                          beaches of Waikiki, the
     Hawaii Island’s case, the town of     of Honolulu, the shimmering               and the primordial red glow
                                                                                                                          newest flower in the
     Hilo is one of the globe’s rainiest   ocean and the west side of the            emanating from the lava-filled       Club’s Hawaiian lei is an
     spots and has the incredibly          island. Arrive early, before              Halemaumau crater make it a          elegant 37-story tower
     lush plant life to prove it. And,     9 a.m., to avoid crowds.                  must-see.                            on the grounds of the
                                                                                                                          Hilton Hawaiian Village
                                                                                                                          Waikiki Beach Resort. Be
                                                                                                                          among the first Members

                                                                                                                          to admire a sunset from
                                                                                                                          the private balcony of
24                                                                                                                        a one-, two- or three-

        MIXED PLATE                                                                                                       bedroom suite, or
                                                                                                                          two- or three-bedroom
                                                                                                                          penthouse—all featuring
            Club and Team Members shared their
          favorite Oahu and Hawaii Island eats with                                                                       fully equipped kitchens
       Club Traveler. Check out some of their picks for                                                                   and sleek, contemporary
                 ono grinds (delicious food).                                                                             decor. Go for a swim
                                                                                                                          in The Grand Islander’s
                                                                                                                          own pool or choose from
     Oahu                         Hawaii Island                                                                           the resort property’s
     Michael Jones loves          Lenna Sikes raves that                                                                  additional four pools.
     The Pig & The Lady in        “the best pizza I’ve ever
     Honolulu’s Chinatown.        eaten” is the Hawaiian-                                                                 Other Oahu resorts:
     Kona Grill in Waikiki’s      style pie at Kona                                                                       • Grand Waikikian by

                                                                                                                                                      FROM TOP: DANITA DELIMONT/OFFSET.COM/ COURTESY OF THE PIG & THE LADY
     International Market         Brewing Co.                                                                             Hilton Grand Vacations
     Place also wins his                                                                                                  Club
     praise.                      Saucy Dogs, in the                                                                      • Hokulani Waikiki by
                                  town of Hilo, is Tammy                                                                  Hilton Grand Vacations
     For Neal Prensky,            McCormick’s go-to spot                                                                  Club
     nothing beats a juicy        for gourmet hot dogs                                                                    • Kalia Suites by Hilton
     cheeseburger with            and lots of bang for the                                                                Grand Vacations Club
     grilled pineapple            buck.                                                                                   • Lagoon Tower by Hilton
     and fried egg from                                                                                                   Grand Vacations Club
     Cheeseburger Waikiki.        Lava Lava Beach Club
                                  is another one to add                                                                   Hawaii “Big Island”
     Lee Ferguson points to       to your list, says Team                                                                 resorts:
     the teriyaki-style “huli-    Member Rob Gunthner.             Bun bo hue, rich                                       • Kings’ Land by Hilton
     huli” chicken dished up      It’s within the Waikoloa         with pork broth,                                       Grand Vacations Club
     by Ray’s Kiawe Broiled       Village and has great            banana blossom
                                                                   and vermicelli                                         • Kohala Suites by Hilton
     Chicken, a roadside          food and views.                  noodles, at The Pig                                    Grand Vacations Club
     stand in the North                                            & The Lady.                                            • The Bay Club at
     Shore town of Haleiwa.                                                                                               Waikoloa Beach Resort
Ask a Club Counselor

                   YOUR MEMBERSHIP
                                                                              In each issue of Club Traveler, a Club Counselor
                                                                              will answer questions about how the Club works.
                                                                              If you have a question you would like to submit
                                                                              to a Club Counselor, email it to feedback@
                                                                              clubtraveler.com and it may be answered in the
                                                                              next issue.
                                                                              What is the best way to check my Hilton
                                                                              Honors points balance and check resort
                                                                              Checking your Hilton Honors points balance on
                                                                              the Club Member website is fast and easy. Simply
                                                                              log in to your Member account and you’ll see
                                                                              your Honors points balance in the lower left-
                                                                              hand corner of the Member Dashboard. We’ve
                                                                              also launched a new availability and booking
                                                                              process that allows you to see availability across
                                                                              multiple properties and unit types in a location,
                                                                              similar to the old Revolution booking engine.
                                                                                               — Emily Holmes, Elite Specialist


                   @   Have a question for a Club Counselor? Email it to feedback@clubtraveler.com and it may be answered in the next issue.
                                                                                                                   Glide past historic towns, and
                                                                                                                   stop in a few, too, on your way
                                                                                                                   to centuries-old vineyards dur-
                                                                                                                   ing a cruise through Bordeaux.

     What’s New                                                                                              New Club Enhancements
                                                                                                             With 2017 came new ways to use your Saved

      With Club?
                                                                                                             Points, simpler ways to convert Hilton Honors
                                                                                                             points and more flexibility when it comes to
                                                                                                             making Home Resort and Club reservations.
                                                                                                                As long as you save your Points by the
                                                                                                             expiration date, they can be used for everything
                                                                                                             except Home Week reservations. You no longer
                            Discover new properties, program                                                 have to plan ahead and deposit next year’s Points

                         enhancements and more destinations                                                  to the following year to retain their value. Nor
                                                                                                             do Club Members need to confirm a hotel stay
                                                                                                             to convert current-year, next-year or previously
     From program changes that make vacation               three-bedroom penthouses with amenities like      Saved Points to Honors points at a 1:20 ratio.
     planning simpler and more efficient to a new          fully equipped kitchens, private balconies, and   (Please note that Members with Elite Plus and
     cruise partner offering more options than ever        washers and dryers.                               Premier status enjoy a 1:25 ratio for immediate
     before, here’s a summary of the exciting news           In the Sunshine State, Las Palmeras, a Hilton   use for current, previously saved and next-year
     2017 has delivered to Club Members so far.            Grand Vacations Club officially opened in early   Points.) Now, Members will be able to convert
                                                           2017. The fourth and most recent Orlando          the number they need and use them how they’d
     New and Improved                                      property underwent an exciting transformation,    like to within the Hilton Honors program.
     Earlier this year, Members said aloha for the first   and now has 226 deluxe one- and two-bedroom          Additionally, for those who have accidentally
26   time to The Grand Islander by Hilton Grand            condominium-style units and well-appointed        selected the nonchangeable option when
     Vacations Club, the newest addition to the 22-        studios. Members will enjoy the spacious lobby,   booking with a Club Counselor and regretted it,
     acre Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu. Soaring     heated outdoor pool, new waterslide and splash    you won’t have to worry about this happening
     above Waikiki’s immaculate white-sand beaches,        pad, whirlpool spa, fitness center, business      again. When making Home Resort or Club
     this 37-story property offers elegant one-, two-      center, conference room, lobby and pool bars,     reservations, your booking will be changeable,
     and three-bedroom suites, or grand two- and           restaurant and more.                              whichever way you book. (Exclusions apply for
                                                                                                             SFX, Anantara, RCI and ClubPartner Perks.)
                                                                                                                Learn more about program changes in the
                                                                                                             Help section of the Club website.

         Get Cruising                                                                                        More in Mexico
         Hilton Grand Vacations Club’s new cruise partner is CruisesOnly, the largest cruise agency in       Mexico’s geography ranges from tropical beaches
         the U.S. Members have special access to a wide variety of deals and perks on luxury cruises         to mountainous desert. Thanks to Club affiliate
         and river excursions to destinations around the world. Through this ClubPartner Perk,
         Members are offered options on all major cruise lines—Disney, Carnival, Royal Caribbean and         Fiesta Americana, Members can reserve vacations
         more—at a “best price guarantee.”                                                                   in this destination haven. And starting in March,
           Speaking of cruises, come August, Members will be experiencing life’s finer things on a           Members gained access to an additional three
         breathtaking Bordeaux journey, a 10-night ClubPartner Perk Grand Adventure river cruise.            resorts: in Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta and
         Sailing on the Garonne and Dordogne rivers aboard the Scenic Diamond, Members will embark           Playa del Carmen. To learn more or to book your
         on an unforgettable trip through the Bordeaux region of France, full of Old World charm.
         Call Hilton Grand Vacations Club’s new cruise partner, CruisesOnly, at 888-492-6683 for             reservation, call a Club Counselor at 800-932-
         more information and to secure your place on this once-in-a-lifetime Members event.                 4482 or worldwide at 407-613-3141.

                                                                                                             FAQ Videos
                                                                                                             Want to know how to achieve Elite Status?
                                                                                                                                                                    COURTESY OF CRUISESONLY

                                                                                                             Interested in finding out more on Cancellation
                                                                                                             Protection? Hilton Grand Vacations Club has
                                                                                                             answers. In fact, to answer some of Members’
                                                                                                             most frequently asked questions, Hilton Grand
                                                                                                             Vacations Club will roll out a series of FAQ videos,
                                                                                                             available in the Help section of the Club website.
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