Fall from the sky Building blocks that - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

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Fall from the sky Building blocks that - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Building blocks that
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How did life on Earth begin? Scientists from the “Heidelberg Initiative for the Origin of Life” have set
about answering this truly existential question. Indeed, they are going one step further and examining
the conditions under which life can emerge. The initiative was founded by Thomas Henning,
Director at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, and brings together researchers
from chemistry, physics and the geological and biological sciences.

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FOCUS_The Origin of Life


                         he great questions of our exis-   However, recent developments are                   The initiative was triggered by the dis-
                         tence are the ones that fasci-    forcing researchers to break down this             covery of an ever greater number of
                         nate us the most: how did the     specialization and combine different               rocky planets orbiting around stars oth-
                         universe evolve, and how did      disciplines. “That’s what we’re trying             er than the Sun. “We now know that
                         Earth form and life begin?        to do with the Heidelberg Initiative               terrestrial planets of this kind are more
             Does life exist anywhere else, or are we      for the Origins of Life, which was                 commonplace than the Jupiter-like gas
             alone in the vastness of space? By ap-        founded three years ago,” says Thom-               giants we identified initially,” says Hen-
             proaching these puzzles from various          as Henning. HIFOL, as the initiative’s             ning. Accordingly, our Milky Way alone
             angles, scientists can answer different as-   name is abbreviated, not only incor-               is home to billions of rocky planets,
             pects of this question. For a long time,      porates researchers from different dis-            some of which presumably offer envi-
             there was a clear division of tasks: astro-   ciplines, but also cooperates closely              ronmental conditions that favor the
             physicists and geophysicists were respon-     with international institutions such               emergence of life as we know it. It is
             sible for studying the universe and Earth,    as the McMaster University in Ham-                 precisely this realization that broadens
             biologists and chemists for studying life.    ilton, Canada.                                     the scope of the Heidelberg Initiative: it
                                                           Precious cargo: meteorites may have brought key chemicals – such as the nucleobases
                                                           adenine, guanine and uracil – to Earth, thereby providing the ingredients for the formation
                                                           of RNA molecules.
Photo: DLR

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Cosmic nurseries: stars and planets form in clouds of gas and dust. The image above shows three such areas: the Omega and Eagle Nebulae and
the Sharpless 2-54 complex (from left). This process of formation not only gave rise to our solar system some 4.6 billion years ago, but also continues
to take place at many locations in space. It is also responsible for producing the red dwarf star Trappist-1, which is located 40 light years from Earth,
and the seven relatively Earth-like rocky planets that have been identified in its system so far (right).

must ask not only how life could have                challenged the study of the astrono-                 istry. This states that the first ever ter-
emerged on Earth but also, more gen-                 mers following the thought: what do                  restrial life forms were based on ribonu-
erally, what conditions are needed for               astronomers understand about biomol-                 cleic acids (RNA). Structurally, RNA
something like this to happen – includ-              ecules – even if they have a deep knowl-             resembles DNA, the information carri-
ing on extrasolar planets.                           edge of astrochemistry? The National                 er of life today: both are made up of
                                                     Academy of Science took a different                  four organic bases, including adenine,
PRAISE AND CRITICISM FOR                             view, however, and awarded the publi-                guanine and cytosine; however, RNA
AN EXCELLENT STUDY                                   cation the 2017 Cozzarelli Prize for its             contains a base known as uracil instead
                                                     “outstanding scientific excellence and               of thymine. In addition, RNA is typical-
Late last year, Thomas Henning and his               originality”. In fact, astronomers can               ly single-stranded – unlike the dou-
colleague Dmitry Semenov, as well as                 indeed contribute to questions of what               ble-stranded structure of DNA.
Ben Pearce and Ralph Pudritz from Mc-                conditions potentially existed when                      Likewise, molecules of RNA can also
Master University, caused quite a stir               the first molecules of life or their pre-            communicate genetic information and
with a publication in which they pro-                cursors were formed – and of how this                perform catalytic functions. In most or-
posed a scenario for the emergence of                came about.                                          ganisms, however, RNA serves as an in-
life on Earth. “As well as recognition                   As a starting point for the study,               formation carrier in a subordinate role
and praise, it also brought us some crit-            Henning and his colleagues applied the               to DNA, only acting as a storage medi-
icism,” says Henning.                                widely used “RNA world” hypothesis                   um in viruses. Did the more complex
                                                                                                                                                            Photo: ESO

    The criticism came from the more                 proposed some 30 years ago by Walter                 DNA therefore evolve from simpler
traditional origins-of-life scientists, who          Gilbert, a Nobel Prize winner in Chem-               RNA molecules or related biopolymers?

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                           In 2009, a chemical experiment by Brit-     Indeed, the nucleobases adenine, gua-       There are almost no remnants of the
                           ish researchers was considered a major      nine and uracil, as well as amino acids,    very early phase in which Earth cooled
                           breakthrough, for it showed that RNA        have been detected inside meteorites.       from a glowing ball into a rocky plan-
                           building blocks can form if certain mol-    These bases are formed from simple          et. Only the presence of tiny zircon
                           ecules are present and react with one       molecules of hydrogen cyanide, carbon       crystals, which could be as much as 4.4
                           another under very specific conditions.     monoxide and ammonia in the pres-           billion years old, suggests that Earth
                           But where were the most favorable con-      ence of water.                              formed a solid crust at quite an early
                           ditions present in nature?                                                              stage. At that time, Earth was exposed
                               For a long time, it has been suspect-   ZIRCON CRYSTALS                             to a much heavier bombardment of
                           ed that life emerged at hydrothermal        INDICATE A SOLID CRUST                      meteorites than it is today, as is demon-
                           vents – so-called black and white smok-                                                 strated by crater statistics for the Moon,
                           ers – on the deep seafloor. However, it     Meteorites have also been found to con-     which received the same onslaught.
                           is unclear whether the nitrogen need-       tain the mineral Schreibersite, which re-   The cosmic projectiles presumably
                           ed for synthesis exists at a sufficient     leases phosphorus capable of forming        brought both water and organic mole-
                           concentration in that environment.          phosphorylated molecules in water –         cules to our planet.
                           Moreover, the substances are diluted by     these too are required for RNA synthe-          Just as little is known about the dis-
                           a steady flow of water, which prevents      sis. Astronomical observations have         tribution of land and water in primeval
                           complex chemical reactions from tak-        shown that all of the necessary precur-     times as it is about the temperature, for
                           ing place.                                  sor materials to form RNA are present in    example, which is a crucial factor in
                               “This is where we come into play,”      the dust discs in which planets form, so    chemical reactions. For this reason, the
Photo: M. Kornmesser/ESO

                           says Thomas Henning. “We asked our-         they must also have been present in the     astronomers calculated models in which
                           selves what other geochemical condi-        solar nebula that gave birth to our solar   they varied key parameters of the devel-
                           tions might have been present to allow      system 4.6 billion years ago. But how       oping crust over a wide range of values.
                           this RNA synthesis to take place.” The      and when did the organic building           Earth at the time undoubtedly had wa-
                           idea is that the most important build-      blocks arrive on Earth? And what did        ter reservoirs with a wide range of siz-
                           ing blocks came to Earth from space.        Earth look like at the time?                es, just as it does now.                 >

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Weak                                                     Heavy
                  rainfall                                                  rainfall

                                UV light
     Meteorites                 0.4 Wm -2                                              Meteorites
     ~ 2-20 cm                                                                         ~ 2-20 cm


       Photodissociation        1-10 m

                                         1-10 m

                                                                                                          The cradle of life: Dmitry Semenov (left)
                                                           Percolation                                    and Thomas Henning from the Max
                                                                                                          Planck Institute for Astronomy have
                                                                                                          outlined a scenario in which various
                                      Dry                          Wet
                                                                                                          reactions once occurred in small, warm
                                                                                                          pools. These reactions led to the
                                                                                                          formation of the first self-replicating
                                            S e a s o n al c y c l e                                      RNA molecules. The diagram on the left
                                                                                                          shows the numerous influences that
                                                                                                          affected chemical compounds in these
                                                                                                          small bodies of water.

Large lakes and seas were presumably                          and then fill up with water again may       strated in impressive fashion, meteorites
unsuitable breeding sites for RNA, be-                        have favored the formation of longer        of this order of magnitude do not make
cause the precursors must be present in                       RNA chains,” says Henning.                  it to the ground unscathed – rather, they
concentrated form in order to react                                                                       break up into many small fragments and
with one another. However, the model                          THE IDEAL RADIUS IS                         fall to Earth over a large area. This means
showed that small pools with a diame-                         BETWEEN 40 AND 80 METERS                    it is possible for tiny pieces, measuring
ter and depth of just a few meters were                                                                   just a few centimeters across, to have
ideal: they were large enough not to dry                      In the model simulations, the research-     landed in the pools. Depending on their
out too quickly, yet small enough to al-                      ers also varied the impact rate and size    size, they would then have released the
low high nucleobase concentrations to                         distribution of the meteorites. If these    nucleobases over a period of several days
accumulate rapidly.                                           are too small, they burn up completely      to months. After that, the nucleotides –
    At the same time, the biomolecules                        in the atmosphere; if they are too large,   and the RNA molecules formed from
were at the mercy of destructive influ-                       they hit the ground with too much ki-       them – would have to be synthesized
ences: in the water, they were endan-                         netic energy. “A radius of between 40       within a few years.
gered by electrolysis and, in the open,                       and 80 meters is the optimum size to             The simulations show that meteor-
by the intensive UV radiation of the                          allow the meteorites to deliver their       ites could have transported a sufficient
sun. Some 95 per cent of UV radiation                         molecular payload to the ground,” ex-       quantity of nucleobases, to small pools
                                                                                                                                                        Graphic: McMaster University

is absorbed by a layer of water just one                      plains Dmitry Semenov, an expert in         on Earth and thereby triggered the for-
meter thick. The optimum scenario                             chemical networks within protoplane-        mation of RNA molecules in at least
seems to be one where the pools expe-                         tary discs and co-author of the study.      one such pool. The RNA world could
rienced seasonal variations in fill level                         This range is two to four times the     have emerged within 200 to 300 mil-
due to rainfall and drying out through                        size of the meteorite that exploded over    lion years from the point at which
evaporation and percolation: “The cy-                         the Russian city of Chelyabinsk in Feb-     Earth’s surface became habitable – that
cles in which shallow pools first dry out                     ruary 2013. As that incident demon-         is, over four billion years ago.

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                                         “Based on what we know about planet           supplied by flashes of lightning. After     has become a Max Planck Fellow: the
                                         formation and the chemistry of the so-        some time, they were able to detect or-     Max Planck Society supports him with
                                         lar system, we’ve proposed a consistent       ganic molecules, including amino ac-        research funding and finances part of
                                         scenario for the origins of life on Earth,”   ids, using a chromatograph.                 his 16-person group.
                                         says Semenov. “Now, the experimental-             Today, however, researchers assume          “In our chemical experiments, we
                                         ists need to work out how life could ac-      that Earth’s primordial atmosphere had      reproduce the conditions stipulated to
                                         tually have emerged under these very          a different composition to that as-         us by the astrophysicists,” says Trapp.
                                         specific early conditions.” In fact, the      sumed by Miller and Urey, containing        The researchers therefore take real me-
                                         nucleobases are just the first step. Oth-     less methane and instead higher levels      teorite material and place it in a reac-
                                         er necessary processes include, for ex-       of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen       tor, where its reactions then produce
                                         ample, the formation of complex RNA-          and water. In these conditions, it was      numerous organic molecules that can
                                         like molecules, cell membranes and            probably more difficult to synthesize       be analyzed using fast chromatograph-
                                         ultimately the DNA-protein world of           the necessary building blocks for RNA.      ic techniques. The results are surpris-
                                         today’s organisms.                                                                        ing: the tiny meteorite particles on the
                                             It is impossible to talk about chem-      GENUINE METEORITE MATERIAL                  nanometer scale act as catalysts for
Photo: Axel M. Quetz/MPI for Astronomy

                                         ical experiments relating to the origins      REACTING IN A REACTOR                       these reactions.
                                         of life without mentioning the famous                                                         Interestingly, substances formed in
                                         Miller-Urey experiment in the 1950s.          The job of investigating how this could     the process then act as catalysts them-
                                         Stanley Miller and Harold Clayton Urey        have been possible falls to Oliver Trapp,   selves, speeding up the production of
                                         placed simple chemical substances             who carried out research at the Univer-     the same or even other substances. The
                                         within a hypothetical early Earth atmo-       sity of Heidelberg before accepting a       reaction enters a state of dynamic im-
                                         sphere inside a reaction vessel. They         professorship at LMU Munich. In order       balance: only the substances that form
                                         then exposed them to electrical dis-          to maintain his productive collabora-       catalytically the fastest are able to accu-
                                         charges in order to mimic the energy          tion with the team in Heidelberg, he        mulate in large enough quantities. “A

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FOCUS_The Origin of Life

                                             sort of chemical evolution takes place,”      pered by a problem that has been hith-
                                             says Oliver Trapp. “The aim is to see         erto unknown – one that affects planets
                                             whether this chemical evolution leads         orbiting cool, low-luminosity stars
                                             to an RNA world.” In these experi-            known as “M dwarfs”. The latest exam-
                                             ments, it has also become apparent that       ples of such planets are Proxima Centau-
                                             a kind of motor is needed to drive the        ri b and Trappist-1d. In these systems,
                                             reactions: the natural light/dark cycle       the habitable zone lies much closer to
                                             of day and night. In other experiments,       the star than is the case with our hotter
                                             Trapp’s group is studying fatty acids         Sun. A potentially inhabited planet will
                                             and the question of how cell mem-             therefore presumably exhibit bound ro-
                                             branes could have formed.                     tation, in which the same hemisphere
                                                 The analysis of chemical reactions        always faces the star, resulting in perpet-
                                             in different conditions requires the use      ual day on one half of the planet and
                                             of high-throughput screening tech-            perpetual night on the other.
                                             niques, which allow Trapp’s laboratory            Computer simulations by a research
                                             to run and analyze chemical processes         group led by Ludmila Carone from the
                                             in 64 minireactors, each with a capaci-       Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in
                                             ty of just 1.5 milliliters. If certain con-   Heidelberg show that a specific air cur-
                                             ditions prove especially promising at         rent forms in the atmosphere of such
Evolution in the lab: working with Harold
                                             this stage, they are then studied in          planets. This current causes the ozone
Clayton Urey in the 1950s, Stanley Miller    greater detail in two-liter reactors. “We     to accumulate in the equatorial region,
(pictured) succeeded in producing organic    jokingly refer to this as our Urey-Miller     while it is practically absent in all oth-
molecules in a reaction vessel – including   2.0,” says Trapp.                             er regions. “If we can’t detect ozone on
amino acids. This famous experiment is
                                                                                           a distant planet, that doesn’t necessar-
today inspiring researchers to carry out
further tests.                               SEARCHING FOR BIOMARKERS                      ily mean there’s no oxygen there at all,”
                                             IN THE ATMOSPHERE                             Carone explains. “We might simply
                                                                                           have looked in the wrong place – and
                                             The reactions are very complex, and           the ozone is hiding elsewhere.”
                                             the researchers are only just beginning           Nevertheless, astronomers are
                                             to address many of the questions. How-        searching for a potential second Earth
                                             ever, Oliver Trapp believes that the          in M dwarf systems too, especially as
                                             emergence of life is inevitable if the        these are much more common than
                                             conditions are right. “I’m even con-          stars that resemble our Sun. The Hei-
                                             vinced that the chemical structure of         delberg Max Planck researchers have
                                             potential extraterrestrial life will close-   also been on a very special planetary
                                             ly resemble that of life on Earth.”           hunt for a good two years now. Work-
                                                                                                                                         Photo: Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego Library

                                                 This also raises the question of          ing with colleagues from other Ger-
                                             whether we will be able to detect the         man and Spanish institutes, they have
                                             activity of life on another planet. The       built an instrument that is studying
                                             corresponding biomarkers are general-         around 300 M dwarfs using the largest
                                             ly considered to be molecular oxygen,         telescope at Calar Alto Observatory in
                                             ozone and methane. However, it is im-         southern Spain and looking out for
                                             portant to bear in mind that the oxy-         signs of rocky planets.
                                             gen concentration on Earth did not                However, the James Webb Space
                                             reach its current value until approxi-        Telescope is another source of great
                                             mately 300 million years ago. That is a       hope for astronomers. Launching in
                                             relatively short time frame in terms of       two years’ time, at the earliest, this suc-
                                             biological evolution.                         cessor to Hubble will travel millions of
                                                 In addition, detecting these sub-         kilometers from Earth on its mission to
                                             stances on an exoplanet could be ham-         explore the universe. One of the prima-

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A gigantic compound eye: the gold-sputtered main mirror of the James Webb Space Telescope has a diameter of six and a half meters and is made up of
                             18 segments. From May 2020, at the earliest, the instrument will scour the heavens and train its sights on distant exoplanets.

                             ry objectives is to study exoplanets. The             SUMMARY
                             Max Planck Institute for Astronomy de-                l   	Today’s life is based on the genetic information carrier DNA. As a forerunner
                             veloped and built key components for                         to this, a world based on the simpler biomolecule RNA could have existed on
                             one of the four measurement instru-                          the early Earth.
                             ments, which goes by the name of                      l   	T he building blocks for RNA might have arrived on Earth inside meteorites.
                             MIRI, and so the Heidelberg astrono-                         Computer simulations suggest that the subsequent synthesis of RNA began
                             mers will have the chance to make                            in pools measuring just a few meters in diameter.

                             some of the first observations using the              l   	Using high-throughput screening, it is possible to test a very large number
                                                                                          of chemical reactions in a short time and thus to narrow down the optimum
                             super telescope.
                                                                                          conditions for the emergence of life.
                                 Like his colleague Oliver Trapp,
                             Thomas Henning is also confident of
                             the existence of life on faraway plan-
                             ets: “Simply by virtue of the enormous                GLOSSARY
                             number of rocky planets in our Milky                  Electrolysis: Splitting of a chemical compound under the action of electrical current,
                             Way – perhaps as many as a billion –                  resulting in the conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy. Electrolysis is the
                             and the knowledge that life emerged                   reverse reaction to that taking place in a battery or fuel cell.
                             very quickly on Earth, I think it’s very              Exoplanet: A planet outside the gravitational field of our Sun but within the gravitation-
                             likely that life exists on other planets.”            al field of another star. Around 3,800 exoplanets are currently known to astronomers.
                             Are we therefore heading for a second
Photo: NASA/Desiree Stover

                                                                                   Nucleobases: Constituents of nucleic acids such as DNA or RNA. DNA contains the
                             Copernican Revolution? “No,” replies                  nucleobases adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine; in molecules of RNA, thymine is
                                                                                   substituted for uracil. They are called bases because they dissolve in water to form
                             Henning, “we’re already in the midst
                                                                                   weakly basic solutions. Adenine and thymine, as well as guanine and cytosine, each form
                             of it.”                                              base pairs, which then combine with the sugar molecule deoxyribose and a phosphate
                                                                                   group to produce the basic backbone of the DNA double helix.
                                 ursprung-des-lebens (in German)

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