Fall 2021 Courses, Excursions, & Service Learning Opportunities for Adults 55+ in the Capital Region - The Pathways Institute for Lifelong Learning

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Fall 2021 Courses, Excursions, & Service Learning Opportunities for Adults 55+ in the Capital Region - The Pathways Institute for Lifelong Learning
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Courses, Excursions, & Service Learning Opportunities
for Adults 55+ in the Capital Region.

                   Fall 2021
                                      C ATA L O G
Fall 2021 Courses, Excursions, & Service Learning Opportunities for Adults 55+ in the Capital Region - The Pathways Institute for Lifelong Learning
Table of
01   Welcome                      04   Virtual-Only Courses

01   Mission & Purpose            09   In-Person Courses

02   General Information          16   Excursions

02   Fall 2021 Important Dates    19   Service Learning Opportunities

02   Registration & Fees          20   Instructor Biographies

03   Virtual Course Information

03   Cancellation & Fees

03   Contact Us
Fall 2021 Courses, Excursions, & Service Learning Opportunities for Adults 55+ in the Capital Region - The Pathways Institute for Lifelong Learning
Welcome from

Dear Lifelong Learners,                               (a sicilian donkey) on September 1! This
                                                      opportunity is made possible through an
In a world that is ever-changing, one of the things   invitation by supporters of Pathways Institute,
that has remained unchanged is your desire to         Bob and Mimi Goodling. Read more on page 13.
continue learning and sharing your knowledge with
others. Despite challenges, this program thrived      Mission & Purpose
over the past year thanks to your willingness to
                                                      The mission of Pathways Institute for Lifelong
adapt, to learn new virtual platforms, and to the
                                                      Learning is to foster with persons 55+ a quest for
outstanding efforts of instructors, volunteers, and
                                                      lifelong learning that enriches the mind and spirit
team members.
                                                      to pursue wisdom, service, and understanding.
This fall we are offering various opportunities to
                                                      Recognizing that adults 55+ have much to
learn and connect with others in the format most
                                                      celebrate, discover, and share, Pathways Institute
comfortable for you - whether from your home, in
                                                      for Lifelong Learning was established by Messiah
the classroom, or in the community.
                                                      Lifeways® to find meaningful use of their talents
We can’t wait to welcome you into                     and abilities and to provide individuals with
our community of lifelong learners!                   opportunities to engage in mental, cultural, and
                                                      spiritual activities promoting their wellness.
                                                      Pathways Institute provides a forum for education
                                                      and lifelong learning through discussion and sharing
                                                      in an open and objective environment. All opinions
and the Pathways Institute Team                       are welcome. Information presented in courses or
                                                      events is for educational and enrichment purposes
                                                      only and is not representative of Pathways Institute
                                                      for Lifelong Learning or Messiah Lifeways.
             Register online at
                                                      Messiah Lifeways Mission
                                                      The Mission of Messiah Lifeways is to
                                                      “responsibly enhance the lives of older adults
    You can also find the registration                with Christ-like love.” Messiah Lifeways’ dream is
     form at the back of the catalog.                 to inspire everyone 55 and better to more fully
                                                      embrace life and not fear growing older, but
                                                      to reimagine the journey of aging as a time of
                                                      purpose, joy, and faith-filled living.
       On the Cover
Melissa Barrow and Ralph Fetrow raise micro-
miniature horses on their farm in Lebanon County,
PA. You can meet Jubie, Red, Pippin, and Lovie
General Information
The Fall term begins September 1 and includes          If you have any questions or concerns about credit
virtual and in-person courses and excursions.          card payments, please contact the Pathways
                                                       Institute office.
Please note that you will need a computer/laptop
or a mobile device (tablet or iPad) and access to      Alternatively, you may fill out the paper registration
email to participate in virtual courses. A camera      form and mail it in to the Pathways Institute office.
and a microphone are recommended if you plan on        For the mailing address, see address in “Contact
joining a course which is a discussion group.          Us” on page 3. You will then receive an invoice
                                                       through the mail. Checks should be made payable
In-person courses and excursions are dependent         to Messiah Home and sent to the Pathways
on gathering conditions at the time of the course      Institute office.
schedule. Enrollment limit for in-person classes and
excursions is subject to change depending on safety                                Community         Discounted
                                                       Registration Options        Member Fee        Fee
guidelines at the time of the courses.

Unless otherwise noted, in-person courses will         MEMBERSHIP                  $110              $85
                                                       selection of up to 8
be held in the Hostetter Enrichment Center at
                                                       virtual or in-person
Messiah Lifeways at Messiah Village located at
100 Mt. Allen Drive, Mechanicsburg. For directions,
please contact the Pathways Institute office
at 717.437.8172.
                                                       PAY P E R C O U R S E       $30 each          $30 each

Fall 2021 Important Dates
July 28             Virtual Kick-off Event             Some courses have additional fees — for admission,
                                                       transportation, supplies, etc. - to be paid in addition
July 29             Registration begins                to the registration fee. The discounted fee under
September 1                                            membership is offered to Messiah Village
                    First day of courses
                                                       residents and BIC members.
November 29         Final day of courses
                                                       The registration fees for Fall 2021 have been
                                                       increased to reflect the adjusted cost of
Registration & Fees                                    living and the growing administrative costs as
To register, please fill out the online registration   programming has expanded and developed. We
form located at ThePathwaysInstitute.org.              remain committed to stewarding resources wisely,
                                                       balancing program sustainability with accessibility
Once you have completed the form, you will have        for participants.
the option to pay online with a credit card, or you
                                                       The course fees are per person, NOT per household.
may mail your payment to the Pathways Institute
                                                       Members of the same household will need to
office with a check made payable to Messiah Home.
                                                       register separately and pay separately. Please
Please designate for Pathways Institute.
                                                       send a check for each person separately.
As a member of Pathways Institute, you will               You will receive an email with information about
receive a 10% discount at the Messiah Village             access for virtual courses (including the Zoom link)
dining venues on class days. Your membership              one business day prior to each course. The Zoom
card must be shown to receive the discount.               link is your unique personal access. Please don’t
Access to dining facilities will be dependent on          share the Zoom details with anyone else. Please
safety guidelines at the time of each course.             check your spam/junk folder if you do not see the
Membership cards are available at the                     email in your inbox. If you don’t receive the email
Pathways Institute office upon request.                   with the Zoom link on the day before the course is
                                                          scheduled, please contact the Pathways Institute
Refunds                                                   office in plenty of time before the start of the
                                                          course so that you do not miss it. Video recordings
Refunds for All Membership Options
                                                          of virtual courses will not be available for viewing
If a refund is requested before the start of the
                                                          at a later date.
term, the membership fee will be refunded
minus a $10 administrative fee.                           You can find more information about setting up
                                                          and using Zoom on ThePathwaysInstitute.org.
Partial refunds for membership options
are not available.                                        Cancellation & Delays
Refunds for Pay-Per-Course Option                         In the event of inclement weather, please call
If a course is cancelled by Pathways Institute,           Messiah Lifeways Resident & Guest Services at
a refund will be given at $20 per each course.            717.697.4666 or the Pathways Institute office at
                                                          717.437.8172 to inquire if an in-person course will
If a person drops a course at least fourteen              be cancelled or delayed. Messiah Village residents
days prior to the course start date, a refund             can also check the campus TV channel (MVTV,
of $20 will be given. If a course is dropped fewer        channel 956, Village Square 2500, Wagner 78) for
than 14 days before the course start date, no             this information. Courses are also subject to change
refund will be given.                                     and/or cancellation for other reasons unrelated to
                                                          weather. If this occurs, those who are enrolled
Refunds for Additional Fees                               will be informed promptly. If possible, the course
If a course is cancelled by Pathways Institute,           will be rescheduled.
a full refund of additional fees - for excursions,
experiential opportunities - will be given.               Contact Us
If a person drops a course at least fourteen days
prior to the course start date, a full refund of               If you have any questions, please contact
additional fees will be given. If a course is dropped                 the Pathways Institute office:
fewer than 14 days before the course start date, no
refund will be given.                                             P AT H W AY S I N S T I T U T E F O R
                                                                     LIFELONG LEARNING®
Virtual Course Information
                                                                         100 Mt. Allen Drive
We will be offering a free introductory session
                                                                       Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
on how to use Zoom on Thursday, August 26. The
Pathways Institute team also offers assistance to                            717.437.8172
anyone experiencing technical difficulties and/or to
those who would appreciate the added support as                     info@thepathwaysinstitute.org
a first-time Zoom user. Please contact the Pathways
Institute office if you would like help with setting up                ThePathwaysInstitute.org
and using Zoom on your computer/device.

Virtual Courses
                                                 strengthened her through tuberculosis and early
                                                 death at age 29. She left behind a grieving husband,
    ZO O M                                       two small children, and a large packet of letters.
    IN T RO D U C TO RY CO U RSE                 The story within the letters became the foundation
    Instructor: Mr. Barry Gordon                 for Fianna’s Story. While participants will follow
                                                 Fianna’s daily life of church, home, and farm, we
                                                 will focus on her experiences in a sanatorium,
    Tuesday, August 26, 2021                     the strange treatments she received, and her
    10:30 am – 12:00 noon                        determination to live her faith. We will follow her
                                                 and her family after she returned home to die
    Virtual on Zoom.                             Participants are encouraged to read Fianna’s Story
    Enrollment Limit: None                       before the class to help discuss lessons that her life
                                                 offers for us. The book is available at Masthof Press
    A free 1 1/2-hour session to help            and Amazon.
    participants join a Zoom meeting and
    learn how to navigate and use key
                                                 M L02- V
    features. New and important updates
    will be included in this session. This       THE IMPERIAL GLORY OF VIENNA
    course does not count towards your           Instructor: Mr. John Maietta
    total number of selected courses.            __________________________________________

                                                 Tuesday, October 5, 2021
                                                 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

History                                          Virtual on Zoom
                                                 Enrollment Limit: None
ML01 -V                                          Home of the waltz and the coffeehouse,
LESSONS IN LIVING AND DYING:                     Sigmund Freud and Hedy Lamarr, Vienna has left
T H E FA I T H F U L L I F E O F F I A N N A     an indelible mark on Western culture. Its grand
BUCHER MEYER                                     palaces, renowned museums, and soaring churches
                                                 delight visitors from around the world. At the same
Instructor: Ms. Nancy Bieber                     time, ordinary Viennese face life with a wonderful
                                                 sense of irony. “The situation is hopeless, but not
                                                 serious,” they say – an outlook that served them
Thursday, September 16, 2021
                                                 well during the traumatic years of Nazi and Soviet
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
                                                 occupation. This course offers a fascinating look
Virtual on Zoom                                  at the glorious past and enduring charms of
Enrollment Limit: None                           Imperial Vienna.

A Pennsylvania woman of the early 1900’s,
Fianna was shaped by the Anabaptist faith that

ML03 -V                                                 to get the war over with as quickly as possible led
                                                        to several weighty and consequential decisions,
THE MAGICAL WORLD OF VENICE                             including the decision to launch a powerful air
Instructor: Mr. John Maietta                            campaign against Germany in February 1945 - a
______________________________________________          campaign that included the air attack on the city
                                                        of Dresden.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm                                       M L05- V
Virtual on Zoom                                         A M E R I C A N W O M E N I N T H E 1950 S :
Enrollment Limit: None                                  W E R E T H E Y A L L J U N E C L E AV E R ?
First settled by migrant fishermen, Venice rose         Instructor: Dr. Susan Rimby
to become a powerhouse of Mediterranean                 ____________________________________________
commerce. Adding luster to its civic glory were the
paintings of Titian, the music of Vivaldi, and the      Wednesday, November 17, 2021
gilded domes of St. Mark’s Basilica. But behind the     2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
dazzling façade, scandal and violence flourished
                                                        Virtual on Zoom
in the shadows. The nineteenth century brought
                                                        Enrollment Limit: None
doom and decay, then rebirth as one of the world’s
top sightseeing destinations. This course allows        Americans typically think of the 1950s as a decade
you to explore – from the comfort of your home –        where women left the World War II labor market
the turbulent history, brilliant culture, and magical   and resumed the roles of wife and mother. But
beauty of Venice.                                       labor market forces, trends in education, and pent-
                                                        up consumer demand propelled many wives and
ML04 -V                                                 mothers back into paid employment. Why did this
                                                        happen? How did it affect employers and families?
                                                        And what were the implications of this trend for
THE END OF THE SECOND WORLD                             the women’s movement?
Instructor: Dr. Tami Biddle
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
                                                        M L06- V
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm                                       O RT H O D OX C H R I ST I A N
Virtual on Zoom
Enrollment Limit: None                                  Instructor: Fr. Timothy Hojnicki
In the summer and autumn of 1944, an array of
German secret weapons began appearing on the            Thursdays, September 23 & 30, 2021
battlefields of Europe. These included the V1 flying    3:00 pm - 4:15 pm
bomb, the Me 262 jet fighter, and, most ominously,
the V2 rocket - the world’s first ballistic missile.    Virtual on Zoom
The Allies had been anxious about the potential         Enrollment Limit: None
appearance of these weapons for years, so their         This course is a follow up to An Introduction to
manifestation on the battlefield seemed like a          the Orthodox Church taught during the Spring
nightmare come true. And it was unclear what else       2021 Term. This two-session course will provide an
the Germans might have up their sleeve - an atomic      overview of the history, purpose, and importance
bomb, perhaps? The desire of the Anglo-Americans        of icons in the Orthodox Christian experience.
Culture, Arts, & Music                                 over time, historical significance, and cultural
                                                       impact. Controversy ensued as often happens with
                                                       any list of excellence. The AFI produced a revised
ML07 -V
                                                       list in 2007, and films were dropped, others added,
HOW CHRISTIAN ART AND                                  some moved up, and others dropped down. This
ARCHITECTURE CAME TO BE                                2007 list will serve as the basis for the course.
Instructor: Dr. Susanna Caroselli
                                                       In Part 1 we will count down from #100 to #51.
                                                       For each film, we will examine the historical and
                                                       cultural context, the impact of each film on the art
Mondays, September 20, 27 & October 4, 2021
                                                       of feature narrative films, and discuss why this film
10:00 am - 11:30 am
                                                       found its way onto this exalted list. Clips will be
Virtual on Zoom                                        shown for each film. Part 2 will be offered in
Enrollment Limit: None                                 Spring 2022.

“Christian” art and architecture didn’t appear         M L9- V
until the middle of the 3rd century, long after the
development of Christian worship and theology.         THROUGH OTHER EYES: AN
What took so long? Or was it there and we just         INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC ART
don’t recognize it? There are fascinating mysteries    Instructor: Mr. John Maietta
in the visual emergence of a new religion in an        ___________________________________________
ancient world, where gods, emperors, magicians,
chameleons, and donkeys could be transformed,          Wednesday, October 27, 2021
and tombs, courtrooms, and laundries could be          2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
converted by Christian creativity. Visit catacombs
and villas to follow the flights of imagination of a   Virtual on Zoom
new faith and its visual expression.                   Enrollment Limit: None

                                                       Sacred calligraphy… oriental carpets… the glittering
ML08 -V                                                domes of the Taj Mahal… the lively details of
T H E G R E AT A M E R I C A N F I L M S : T H E       Persian court painting – all show the beauty and
AMERICAN FILM INSTITUTE’S TOP                          diversity of Islamic art and architecture. Our own
                                                       eyes are accustomed to Western artistic traditions:
100 A M E R I C A N F I L M S ( PA R T 1)
                                                       portraits, landscapes, historical drama, religious
Instructor: Dr. Roger Godin                            allegory. The anonymous craftsmen of the Islamic
___________________________________________            world offer a different perspective on the form and
                                                       function of art. Come with an open mind, and you’ll
Tuesdays, September 21, 28 &
                                                       gain a new appreciation for the achievements of
October 12, 19, 26, 2021
                                                       this brilliant, thousand-year tradition.
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Virtual on Zoom
Enrollment Limit: None

In 1998, the American Film Institute (AFI) polled
over 1,500 artists and film industry leaders to
gather their votes for the top 100 American films of
all time. These “arbiters of excellence” chose from
a list of 400 nominated films. The criteria included
critical recognition, major awards won, popularity

Virtual on Zoom
Literature                                               Enrollment Limit: None

                                                         This session will examine the sometimes smooth
ML10 -V
                                                         and often rocky relationship between science and
TURNING HISTORY INTO                                     government in the debate over public policy goals
HISTORICAL FICTION…OR                                    and their implementation. The use of nuclear
TELLING IT LIKE IT IS                                    weapons in war, the landing of humans on the
                                                         moon, and the vanquishing of disease all exemplify
Instructor: Ms. Kyra Robinov
                                                         the interplay of scientists and politicians in the
                                                         pursuit of public policies. Debates over vaccination,
Tuesday, November 16, 2021                               biotechnologies, and climate change all illustrate
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm                                        the turbulent search for truth and appropriate
                                                         policy action in a time of sharply polarized politics.
Virtual on Zoom
Enrollment Limit: None
                                                         Nature, Science, & Technology
We’ve all got family histories, some more intriguing
than others. But turning our ancestors’ tales            M L12- V
from simple word-of-mouth recollections into a           HOW DID WE GET THE INTERNET
novel that’s descriptive, detailed, and filled with
                                                         RUNNING OUR LIFE?
tension is daunting. Especially when your long
lost relatives are no longer alive and there is little   Instructor: Mr. Barry Gordon
factual information upon which to draw. On the           ___________________________________________
other hand, sometimes the writer prefers to remain
                                                         Tuesday, October 5, 2021
faithful to the actual story rather than embellishing
                                                         11:00 am - 12:00 noon
it to follow a dramatic arc. Author Kyra Robinov
describes the challenge of both recreating the           Virtual on Zoom
survival story of her grandmother Luba in her            Enrollment Limit: None
fictional Red Winter and finding the drama in her
father’s story, which spanned the 20th century           This course will trace the humble beginnings of
and the globe, in her non-fiction                        the internet. We will share the early lucrative years
memoir/biography, HiStory.                               and how they affect how we use our electronics
                                                         today. What are the most popular applications
                                                         and how did they get so popular? And why is the
Contemporary Issues                                      smartphone one of the most loved and hated
                                                         innovations of our lifetime? Bob Rosenshein - a
ML11 -V                                                  guest lecturer from Israel - will join us. Bob is an
SCIENCE AND POLITICS:                                    internet entrepreneur who knows first hand how
EXPLORING THE MIX OF                                     the first companies used this new technology for
KNOWLEDGE AND POWER IN                                   the greater good. He was founder, Chairman, and
                                                         CEO of Answers.com.
Instructor: Dr. Joseph Karlesky

Wednesday, October 20, 2021
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Wellness & Lifestyle                                    M L14- V
                                                        TOURISM AND THE SACRED
ML13 -V                                                 POWER OF PLACE
N AV I G AT I N G T H E M A Z E O F                     Instructor: Dr. Beth Graybill
AMERICAN TV STREAMING                                   ___________________________________________
V I D E O, H U L U , A N D M U C H M O R E              Mondays, November 22 & 29, 2021
                                                        1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
Instructor: Dr. Roger Godin
___________________________________________             Virtual on Zoom
                                                        Enrollment Limit: None
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm                                       Many of us plan our vacations, at least in part, with
                                                        some spiritual or patriotic motivations. It might be
Virtual on Zoom                                         visiting and appreciating the grandeur of a National
Enrollment Limit: None                                  Park, what some have called “Nature’s Cathedrals.”
                                                        It might be visiting a heritage or historical tourism
A confusing array of streaming TV options exist
                                                        park, like Colonial Williamsburg. Or it might be
beyond Netflix, Prime Video, and Hulu. In this
                                                        visiting a memorial, museum or commemorative
session, we will look at the many, many options
                                                        site like the National Underground Railroad
for TV programming available. We will look at
                                                        Freedom Center. This course will look at eco-
what each option provides in terms of content
                                                        tourism and relations with Native American tribal
and viewing choices. We will discuss several
                                                        groups who hold certain sites as sacred.
important issues: how to receive these channels,
costs and options, how to learn about available
programs on these channels, and how to find
reviews of programming to help with making
viewing decisions.

In short, participants will learn how to consider all
these options and make choices that will enhance
their viewing pleasure, ensuring that they don’t
miss out on the wonderful variety of programming
that is available.

In-Person Courses
In-person courses are dependent on gathering            past history will set the stage for Fidel and Cuba’s
conditions at the time of the course schedule.          Future. The good and the bad will be looked at.
Enrollment limit is subject to change depending         Questions will be encouraged as will discussion of
on safety guidelines at the time of the courses.        related topics.

                                                        M L17- P
                                                        F R A N K L I N D E L A N O R O O S E V E LT:
ML15 -P                                                 T H E U LT I M AT E W H E E L E R D E A L E R
M A R Y, M A R Y E X T R A O R D I N A R Y              Instructor: Dr. Glenn Zehner
Instructor: Mrs. Barbara Holliman
                                                        Wednesday, October 6, 2021
                                                        1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm                                       Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
                                                        Enrollment Limit: 28
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
Enrollment Limit: 28                                    Franklin Delano Roosevelt is often listed among
                                                        presidential raters as one of the top ranked
This course is a history of Cunard’s iconic ship,
                                                        presidents of all time for his leadership during
Queen Mary. As one of the most famous and
                                                        the Great Depression and World War II. There is
luxurious ocean liners, she took the rich and famous
                                                        no doubt that he provided inspired words and
back and forth across the Atlantic. Participants will
                                                        actions for Americans when things looked bleak.
learn about the role the ship played during and
                                                        But the spiraling debt, food and gas rationing,
after WWII.
                                                        crippling taxes, covert war activities, and political
                                                        shenanigans were at work by Roosevelt, his
ML16 -P
                                                        advisors, and the president’s many friends. We
CUBA AFTER CASTRO                                       will explore a number of serious decisions made
Instructor: Mr. Robert Terry                            by FDR and his leadership team that left many
___________________________________________             Americans in the dark, yet hopeful, during these
                                                        very challenging times.
Thursdays, September 23 & 30, 2021
10:30 am - 12:00 noon                                   M L18- P
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village            THE LOG KINGDOM
Enrollment Limit: 28                                    Instructor: Ms. Janet Taylor
Who was Fidel Castro and why has he been so
frustrating to the U.S.? A dictator to some, hero to    Monday, October 18, 2021
others and an inspiration for many of the world’s       2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
poor! He drove an independent revolutionary
course for half a century. What’s next for Cuba after   Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
Castro’s death? A look at Cuba’s geography and          Enrollment Limit: 28
The Log Kingdom is a study of the era when log         Religion
houses were paramount in “Mother Cumberland.”
A cabin is very different from a log house; for one    M L21- P
thing they don’t all have fireplaces! Building a
temporary “cabin” could be done, with help, in a       EXPLORING WORSHIP ARTS:
day. Building a log house required knowledge of        A G A L L E R Y TA L K
geometry and precise carpentry. Many log houses        Instructor: Mr. Geoffrey Isley
exist today as the core of a larger house, or hidden   ___________________________________________
under siding.
                                                       Tuesday, September 28, 2021
ML19 -P                                                9:00 am - 10:00 am
S AY I N G S W E U S E E V E R Y D AY,                 Messiah Village Chapel, Messiah Village
WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?                              Enrollment Limit: 28
Instructor: Mr. Lou Thieblemont
                                                       We will explore the arts and worship, how they
                                                       can be worked together as we walk through the
                                                       chapel and discover the banners created by a group
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
                                                       of artists at Grantham Church several years ago.
10:00 am - 11:30 am
                                                       We will talk about planning worship and how the
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village           church can embrace both the arts and the artist as
Enrollment Limit: 28                                   an integral way to communicate spiritual truths that
                                                       transcend words with a visual language.
We use various sayings and phrases in our common
language every day, but what do they mean and          M L22- P
where did they come from? We will also explore
some nautical sayings and look back into where the     C E L E B R AT I N G
word “Okay” came from.                                 COMMUNITY WITH ART
                                                       Instructor: Mr. Geoffrey Isley
ML20 -P                                                ___________________________________________
                                                       Friday, November 5, 2021
Instructor: Mr. Ronald Sollenberger                    12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
                                                       Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
Wednesday, November 3, 2021                            Enrollment Limit: 25
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
                                                       We will use the banners representing core values
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village           of the Brethren in Christ created by Grantham
Enrollment Limit: 28                                   Church as a starting point for creating a multi-
                                                       media artwork unique to Messiah Lifeways. Each
Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn as a
                                                       participant will create a 12 x 12” patch that will
place of religious freedom and toleration. Many
                                                       come together with many other patches to make
different religious sects came to Pennsylvania
                                                       a beautiful artful expression. You may bring along
to practice their religion, beliefs, and customs
                                                       fabric from your life (old clothes or linens) or use
peacefully. One such small group from Europe
                                                       donated fabric from the Messiah Village’s quilt
settled in Lancaster County. They lived as a small
                                                       guild. You may bring your own sharp fabric scissors.
communal society at Ephrata. They prospered
                                                       No previous sewing or art experience is necessary.
over time, emigrated to other counties, but
                                                       Other materials will be provided.
eventually declined.
Culture, Arts, & Music                                his self-taught talents at the piano. Advanced
                                                      study in harmony and composition at the George
ML23 -P                                               Smith College for Negroes led to a profusion of
                                                      original works: Rags, waltzes, marches, dances, one
G R E AT M A S T E R P I E C E S                      serenade, and two operas. But for his acclaimed
OF PIANO MUSIC                                        Maple Leaf Rag, most of them met with dismissal
Instructor: Dr. Charles Seifert                       or distortion from a still prejudicial northern
___________________________________________           society. Ultimately over time, the novelty, structure,
                                                      brilliance, and energy represented in Joplin’s music
Wednesday, September 22 & October 20, 2021            speak to his genius in creating an iconic musical
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm                                     genre, unique in American art history. In this
                                                      course, we will discuss Joplin’s life and play selected
Messiah Village Chapel, Messiah Village               examples of his music on the piano.
Enrollment Limit: 48

Two programs of piano music by great composers        M L25- P
will feature a survey of significant pieces from      THE HISTORY OF
the 16th to the 20th centuries. The first program     AUTOMOBILE STYLING
will include well known pieces from the following
                                                      Instructor: Mr. Whitney Harkleroad
composers: Bach, Purcell, Mozart, Beethoven,
Schubert, Liszt, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Messiaen,
Brahms, and Chopin. As we listen, St. Colombe said,
                                                      Mondays, November 1, 8, & 15, 2021
“We may realize that music exists to say something
                                                      1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
that words cannot say.”
                                                      Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
The second program will include transcriptions from
                                                      Enrollment Limit: 28
opera and sacred music in addition to descriptive
pieces of nature and religious significance. You      We will trace the history of automobile styling
will hear music that evokes memories of birdsong,     from its horseless carriage beginnings through the
poetry, Bible stories, and the musical expression     decades of cultural and technological influences to
of the joys and sorrows we have all experienced       its current state.
during our lives.

ML24 -P
THE LIFE AND MUSIC                                    M L26- P
OF SCOTT JOPLIN                                       ANTHOLOGY OF WOMEN
Instructor: Dr. Craig Jurgensen                       POETS AND HOUSEWORK
                                                      Instructor: Ms. Cheryl Harmon
Monday, October 4, 2021
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
                                                      Monday, October 25, 2021
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village          10:30 am - 12:00 noon
Enrollment Limit: 28
                                                      Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
Born in the backwoods of Texas in 1868 - in the       Enrollment Limit: 28
aftermath of the Civil War - Scott Joplin, African
                                                      Using a poetry anthology called Sweeping Beauty:
American, decided not to labor in the fields but
                                                      Contemporary Women Poets Do Housework,
instead to head north where he would promote
edited by Pamela Gemin, the instructor will             Socrates was an Ancient Greek philosopher who
provide an experience in which participants will        had a profound effect on Western civilization.
see/touch household things that may remind them         Using an approach similar to his Socratic method,
of mothers, aunts, etc. and domestic life. Several      this forum will offer an open round table discussion
poems will be emphasized with performance art           during each session in which all attendees will be
using pots, serving dishes, sheets, etc. as she reads   welcome to contribute to the discussion. A topic
the poems. Time will be allocated for participants      will be selected during each monthly session,
to share with classmates a brief recollection of a      and participants will have the opportunity to share
domestic experience. A variety of special resources     their opinions without interruption. The expected
will be available for participants to explore.          outcome of this unique learning experience is for
                                                        everyone involved to learn and discuss interesting
Contemporary Issues                                     philosophical issues with others on many
                                                        interesting topics in an open and
                                                        respectful environment.
ML27 -P
WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR?                                     M L29- P
Instructor: Mr. Andrew Mashas                           C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D
                                                        P E N N ’ S W O O D S - W H AT
Wednesdays, September 1 & 8, 2021                       DOES THE FUTURE HOLD?
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm                                       Instructor: Mr. Greg Czarnecki
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
Enrollment Limit: 28                                    Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Today, the person next door does not always look        10:00 am - 11:00 am
like us, talk like us, or believe the same things we    Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
do. Various cultures, religions, and worldviews are     Enrollment Limit: 28
part of our everyday lives, and many come to our
shores as refugees fleeing violence and persecution     This presentation will look at the current and
around the world. Christ calls his followers to serve   projected impacts of climate change globally, in
them with love and compassion. Learn more about         the U.S., and here in Pennsylvania. We’ll also look
who refugees are, why they come to seek safety          at ways that we can adapt to those impacts, what
in the United States, and what we can do to make        we need to do to prevent the most catastrophic
them feel welcome and part of our community.            consequences of climate change, the relationship
                                                        between climate change and global pandemics,
ML28 -P                                                 and what you can do to help stop climate change.

R O U N D TA B L E                                      M L30- P
                                                        T H E M O S T I M P O R TA N T
Instructor: Dr. James Logue
                                                        TERRORIST GROUPS
                                                        Instructor: Mr. John Ricca
Mondays, September 13, October 18,                      ___________________________________________
& November 29, 2021
10:30 am - 12:00 noon                                   Thursday, November 4, 2021
                                                        9:30 am - 11:00 am
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
Enrollment Limit: 28
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village            M L33- P
Enrollment Limit: 28
                                                        T R I B O L O G Y: FA C T S O F F R I C T I O N
This lecture will provide information about the most    Instructor: Professor John Luetzelschwab
significant terrorist groups worldwide, including       ___________________________________________
their organizational goals, current leadership,
funding, locations, threat level, and recent actions.   Tuesday, September 7, 2021
                                                        10:00 am - 11:30 am
ML3 1 -P
                                                        Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
C Y B E R AT TA C K S A N D                             Enrollment Limit: 28
                                                        What is friction and what causes a friction force?
Instructor: Mr. John Ricca
                                                        What are anti-lock brakes and how and why do they
                                                        work? How is friction important for artificial joints?
                                                        How do nails and screws hold your house together?
Thursday, November 4, 2021
                                                        Why do ice skates glide on ice? New research shows
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
                                                        that the traditional explanation is wrong. How can
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village            you reduce friction? This course will answer these
Enrollment Limit: 28                                    questions and other applications of friction, like
                                                        toothpaste, for example.
This lecture will provide awareness level
information about the various types of cyber and
electromagnetic warfare, who conducts these             Wellness & Lifestyle
attacks, threat level, and issues for the U.S.
                                                        M L34- P
Nature, Science, & Technology                           Y O U G O T TA L O V E M U S H R O O M S
                                                        B EC AU S E T H E Y LOV E YO U
ML3 2 -P                                                Instructor: Ms. Linda Rand
MEET THE MINIS!                                         ___________________________________________
Instructors: Mr. Ralph Fetrow & Ms. Melissa Barlow
                                                        Thursday, September 2, 2021
                                                        1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Wednesday, September 1, 2021                            Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
11:30 am - 12:30 pm                                     Enrollment Limit: 28
                                                        Additional Fee: $5
Nittany Lawn, Messiah Village
Enrollment Limit: 50                                    This course will provide participants with
                                                        information on the history and health value of the
Meet the Animals. Red, Jubie, and Pippin are micro-
                                                        mushroom. Tasting of various foods that use several
miniature horses. Lovie is a Sicilian donkey. Bay
                                                        different types of mushrooms and recipes will be
is a St. Bernard service dog who also earned her
                                                        available. As always, participants need to remember
Canine Good Citizen designation. Learn about their
                                                        to eat a very lite lunch prior to the course.
histories, special diets, and what they do for fun!

ML35 -P                                                  religious viewpoints. To guide our discussions, we
INTRODUCTION TO PICKLEBALL                               will be using the book Dignity: Its Essential Role in
                                                         Resolving Conflict by Donna Hicks. Participants are
Instructor: Mr. Larry Vittone
                                                         encouraged to read the book prior to the course.

Mondays, September 13, 20, 27 &                          M L37- P
Thursdays, September 23 & 30, 2021                       S TA I N E D G L A S S W O R K S H O P
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
                                                         Instructors: Ms. Jan McKelvey and
Community Room, Messiah Village                          Ms. Lynn Haunstein
Occasional sessions at the Winding Hills Park            ___________________________________________
(weather permitting)
Enrollment Limit: 8                                      Thursday, October 7, 2021
Additional Fee: $15                                      12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

This course will teach you the basics of the game.       Rainbow Vision Stained Glass Studio,
Explanations of the paddles and balls will be            Harrisburg, PA
discussed. You will learn how the game is played         Transportation leaves from the Village Square
and scored. Actual games, using a doubles format         entrance at 12:30 pm.
will be played. You will be coached while playing on     Enrollment Limit: 6
the court. A tennis type shoe is required. Balls and     Additional Fee: $37 (includes
paddles will be provided.                                transportation and workshop fee)
Pickleball requires less running mobility than tennis.   This workshop at Rainbow Vision’s teaching studio
Please consult your physician before registering for     is intended to introduce you to the colorful art of
this program.                                            stained glass and to show you how fun-filled this
                                                         craft is. You will learn a little bit about glass cutting,
ML36 -P                                                  how copper foil is involved in the process, and how
LIVING INTO OUR DIFFERENCES                              to flow solder. At the end of the workshop, you will
                                                         end up with a neat suncatcher ready for hanging.
Instructor: Dr. Warren Eshbach
___________________________________________              This 2-hour workshop includes standing for
                                                         periods of time and sitting on a high stool without
Wednesdays, October 6, 20 &                              back support. Participants will be working with a
November 3, 17, 2021                                     soldering iron and will be cutting glass.
10:00 am - 11:30 am
                                                         Jan McKelvey and Lynn Haunstein have more than
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village:            21 years of experience in working with stained glass.
October 6, 20 & November 17                              They learned the art of stained glass at Rainbow
Galleria Room, Messiah Village: November 3               Vision Stained Glass and have taught many classes
                                                         together over the years.
Enrollment Limit: 15
                                                         The group is expected to return to
This course will examine how we can live better          Messiah Village by 3:30 pm.
together. In an interactive environment, we will
be the teachers and learners together as we
learn principles of dignity and respect toward
others who have different political, cultural, and

ML3 8 -P                                               M L40- P
FOOD AS MEDICINE FOR BETTER                            W H O I S T H AT C A L L I N G A N D
L AT E R Y E A R S                                     Instructor: Ms. Mary Bach
Instructor: Dr. Mary Ann Mihok                         ___________________________________________
                                                       Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Monday, October 11, 2021                               10:30 am - 12:00 pm
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
                                                       Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village           Enrollment Limit: 28
Enrollment Limit: 28
                                                       Do you receive lots of scam calls? How about
Food as Medicine is an old concept that is gaining     robocalls? Are you afraid of having your identity
new credibility. Nutrition research is finding more    stolen? Do you receive solicitations in the mail for
evidence that certain foods act to maintain health     charity contributions or information about lotteries
and treat disease in later life.                       or sweepstakes? Attend this session and learn
                                                       about the latest scams and how to protect yourself.
What should our “food prescription” be? Although       Become informed while entertained!
we have many nutritional needs in common with
others in our age group, we also have individual       M L41- P
reasons for eating or not eating certain foods based
                                                       P U T S O M E F U N I N YO U R F U N E R A L
on the condition of our bodies and our lifestyle.
                                                       Instructor: Mr. Glen Dunbar
In this class, we will look at ways that food works    ___________________________________________
with body systems such as the digestive, immune,
and cardiovascular systems and look at how to          Mondays, November 1, 8, 15, & 22, 2021
choose the eating behaviors you want to change.        9:30 am - 11:00 am

                                                       Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
ML3 9 -P
                                                       Enrollment Limit: 28
                                                       It’s your funeral, so have it the way you want
Instructor: Ms. Linda Henkel and Ms. Joyce Wilder
                                                       it! This course explores death and dying in a
                                                       non-threatening, light-hearted way. It will help
                                                       attendees become comfortable talking about death;
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
                                                       ease the burden on the loved ones; ensure that
10:00 am - 11:30 am
                                                       health care wishes are known; and limit unwanted
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village           financial expenses. The loved ones we leave behind
Enrollment Limit: 20                                   deserve better than a mess to clean up after us, so
Additional Fee: $5                                     let’s have some fun doing what needs to be done.

Come learn how to make a pair of delightful            Participants are encouraged to attend all four
“snow people” from socks. After forming the body,      sessions, do assignments between sessions, and
we will have the added fun of dressing them in hats    share their thoughts, concerns, and plans with
and sweaters to make each snowperson unique. No        other course members.
crafting experience is necessary. This handcrafted
item makes an excellent gift for the person who
has everything.

ML42 -P                                                Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
                                                       Enrollment Limit: 28
Instructor: Ms. Mary Bach                              Tales from the cockpit is a lighthearted look back
___________________________________________            at some of the funny things that happened to the
                                                       instructor while flying all over the world for almost
Friday, November 5, 2021                               40 years. Lou will share stories of things that
10:00 am - 11:15 am                                    happened both on and off the plane, all showing
                                                       what can happen when you least expect it.
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
Enrollment Limit: 25
Do you enjoy playing bingo? How about bingo with
a twist? Come and play bingo with a message. It        M L44- E
is fun and informative, as well, so join me for this
entertaining session. All are welcome, and prizes      WINTERTHUR EXPERIENCE
will be provided.                                      ___________________________________________

ML43 -P                                                Friday, September 10, 2021
                                                       8:00 am - 4:00 pm
H O L I D AY S H O P P I N G                           Transportation leaves from the Village Square
                                                       entrance at 8:00 am
Instructor: Mr. George Dillman
___________________________________________            Enrollment Limit: 16
                                                       Additional Fee: $32 (includes
Tuesday, November 9, 2021                              transportation and admission)
10:00 am - 11:00 am
                                                       Our adventure will begin with seeing highlights of
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village           the garden from a seat on the tram. Learn about the
Enrollment Limit: 28                                   history of Winterthur, and see what’s in bloom on
The holidays are a popular time for online shopping.   this 20-minute narrated tour.
Criminals know this and are primed and ready to        Enjoy a self-guided tour into the entertaining rooms
take advantage of our generosity. They’ve honed        and the premier collection of American decorative
and perfected their skills with ways to gather your    arts. Winterthur galleries highlight America’s history,
personal information, steal your identity, and         cultural heritage, and design through objects from
take your hard-earned money. This presentation         the museum and library collections.
will provide tips for protecting your personal
information while shopping safely online.              After the tour of the rooms, participants will be
                                                       able to purchase lunch at the Pavilion Cafe, located
ML43 -P                                                in the Visitor Center. Following lunch, there will be
                                                       time to explore the gardens and grounds on your
TA L E S F R O M T H E C O C K P I T                   own before departure. The bus will depart from
Instructor: Mr. Lou Thieblemont                        Winterthur at 2:00 pm. The group is expected to
___________________________________________            return to Messiah Village by 4:00 pm.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021
10:00 am - 11:30 am

ML4 5 -E                                             The c. 1886 Mount Tabor AME Zion Church and
INSECTS AND THEIR ECOLOGY                            Cemetery is listed in the National Register of
                                                     Historic places. Located in Mount Holly Springs
Instructor: Mr. Mark Swartz
                                                     Borough, Cumberland County, PA, the church
                                                     was established by formerly enslaved and free
Wednesday, September 15, 2021                        individuals who migrated to the town after the Civil
(Classroom Session)                                  War. The church was the heart of the local African
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm                                    American community. The building is a locally
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village         significant example of vernacular log design.

                                                     In Part I of the course Carmen James - a former
Friday, September 24, 2021 (Field Trip)
                                                     member of the church - will share the history of
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
                                                     the church and the work of Mt. Tabor Preservation
Transportation leaves the Village Square
                                                     Project (MTPP) and show artifacts. The Project
entrance at 12:30 pm
                                                     started in 2016 by a group of descendants,
Enrollment Limit: 16                                 former congregants, residents, and historians.
Additional Fee: $12 (transportation)                 This group of volunteers is dedicated to discovering,
                                                     preserving, and presenting the history of the church
The course will explore the role of insects          and the cemetery.
and other invertebrates in their environment as
well as their intimate relationships with plants.    Part II is a field trip to visit the church and
We will focus on basic invertebrate biology,         cemetery. It will include a tour of the Amelia S.
taxonomy and ecology, as well as plant-insect        Givin Free Library, which is listed in the National
interactions, effects of climate change on insects   Register of Historic Places.
and plants, and basic botany.
                                                     The tour will involve standing and some walking
The course includes a field trip to view fauna and   for about an hour and half. There are no restrooms
wildlife in its natural state. More details on the   on the church site. Restrooms are available in the
field trip will be provided at the time of the       library. The library is ADA compliant.
classroom session.
                                                     *Additional fee includes transportation only.
                                                     Donations to MTTP are welcome at the time
ML4 6 -E                                             of the tour.
CHURCH AND CEMETERY                                  M L47- E
Instructor: Ms. Carmen James                         HERSHEY GARDENS
___________________________________________          ___________________________________________

Part I: Thursday, October 21, 2021                   Friday, September 17, 2021
10:00 am - 11:30 am                                  9:15 am - 1:30 pm
Hostetter Enrichment Center, Messiah Village
                                                     Transportation leaves the Village Square
Part II: Thursday, October 28                        entrance at 9:15 am
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
                                                     Enrollment Limit: 16
Transportation leaves from the Village Square
                                                     Additional Fee: $30 (includes
entrance at 12:00 noon
                                                     transportation and admission)
Mt. Holly Springs, Cumberland County, PA

Enrollment Limit: 16
Additional Fee: $12 (transportation only)
Enjoy a guided tour to explore the heritage and        • Bring bottled water or another
horticulture of Hershey Gardens from its beginnings      drink with a twist-on cap.
in 1937 through today. Following the tour you will     • Bring binoculars. If you do not have binoculars,
have the opportunity to walk among hundreds of           you can rent them at the Visitor Center.
butterflies from around the world at the Butterfly
Atrium. The visit will round out with participants    The group is expected to return to
enjoying free time to wander among the gardens        Messiah Village by 2:30 pm.
at their leisure. Bring your camera!
                                                      M L49- E
The group is expected to return to
                                                      AQUAPONICS TOUR
Messiah Village by 1:30 pm.
ML48 -E
                                                      Instructor: Dr. Rachel Fogle and Mr. Joseph Tetreault
H AW K M O U N TA I N S A N C T U A R Y               Friday, October 8, 2021
___________________________________________           9:20 am - 11:40 am

Friday, September 3, 2021                             Transportation leaves from the
8:45 am - 2:30 pm                                     Village Square entrance at 9:20 am

Transportation leaves from the                        Enrollment Limit: 14
Village Square entrance at 8:45 am                    Additional Fee: $12 (includes transportation)

Enrollment Limit: 16                                  Participants will be introduced to aquaponics,
Additional Fee: $48 (includes transport,              a method of food production that combines
admission, and boxed lunch)                           conventional aquaculture (raising fish) with
                                                      hydroponics (soil-less growing of plants). The
Your adventure will begin at the visitor center       recirculating aquaculture system located within the
where you will learn about natural history, raptor    greenhouse at Steelton-Highspire School District will
identification, migration information and Sanctuary   serve as a living laboratory to learn the importance
guidelines. Participants will then spend time         of balancing the needs of fish and plants.
getting an up-close and personal look at one of
the education raptors. Following the presentation,    Rachel Fogle, Ph.D. and Joseph Tetreault, M.S. will
the group will take part in a guided walk to South    lead the tour. Rachel is an Associate Professor
Lookout. During the walk you will hear about flight   of Biological Sciences and the Lead of Aquaponic
interpretation and local landmarks. A trained         Initiatives at Harrisburg University with a focus on
naturalist will be on hand to announce and identify   providing students authentic experiential learning
approaching birds.                                    opportunities. Joe, with a degree in Agricultural
                                                      Sciences, is the Aquaponics Technician that manages
There will be time for exploring the Sanctuary on     the daily aspects of greenhouse management to
your own followed by a boxed lunch outside, under     maintain overall system health. Student interns will
the roof in the amphitheater.                         also participate, as available, in various aspects of
To make your visit more enjoyable:                    the tour experience.
                                                      Facility is not ADA compliant. The tour will involve
 • Wear sneakers, hiking boots, or                    standing and walking for about one hour.
   shoes with sturdy soles and support.
 • Bring a jacket. It is always ten degrees
   cooler at the top of Hawk Mountain.

Service Learning Opportunities                            ML52- S L
Service Learning Opportunities do not count               NEWBORN KITS FOR MCC:
towards your total number of selected courses.            I N FA N T G O W N S
For more information about these opportunities,           ___________________________________________
please contact the Pathways Institute Office.
                                                          Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), is a worldwide
ML5 0 -SL                                                 ministry of Anabaptist Churches, sharing God’s love
                                                          and compassion for all by responding to basic human
                                                          needs and working for peace and justice. You can
W I L D W O O D PA R K                                    help with this mission project by donating money,
___________________________________________               purchasing and donating fabric, sewing baby gowns,
                                                          and knitting/crocheting baby caps. Newborn Kits are
Saturday, September 11, 2021
                                                          sent to assist mothers in giving their children a good
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
                                                          start in life. MCC distributes these kits to hospitals,
Transportation leaves from the Village Square             clinics, and refugee camps around the world. This is
entrance at 9:30 am                                       an ongoing project utilizing the items that you make
Wildwood Park, Harrisburg, PA                             for the kits!

Enrollment Limit: 16                                      ML53- S L
Additional Fee: $12 (for transportation)
                                                          TA B I T H A’ S – M A K I N G H AT S &
Tucked away in the rolling hills of south central         SCARVES FOR OTHERS IN NEED!
Pennsylvania, Wildwood Park conveniently sits on          ___________________________________________
the edge of suburbia and urban culture. Unique in
its location on the outskirts of Harrisburg, the public   Tabitha’s is a student-initiated Outreach Team
park is a haven for countless species of flora and        of Messiah University students that was formed
fauna natural to our area, some endangered.               around the mission to craft hats and scarves through
                                                          knitting and crocheting. Once completed, the hats
Take this opportunity to work outside and help            and scarves are donated to homeless shelters,
Wildwood’s continued park and habitat enhancement         soup kitchens, and other distribution centers in
projects. Tools and work gloves provided. The event       the Harrisburg area. This special project offers an
will be cancelled in case of rain.                        excellent opportunity for intergenerational activity
                                                          and interaction as well.
ML5 1 -SL
D AY S F O R G I R L S P R O J E C T                      ML54- S L
___________________________________________               VOLUNTEER WITH
                                                          PAT H WAY S I N S T I T U T E
Days for Girls Project provides feminine hygiene          ___________________________________________
care for girls in areas of the world where poverty
is prevalent. You can help by donating money to           Pathways Institute for Lifelong Learning relies
buy supplies, by purchasing and donating fabric, or       upon the expertise, knowledge, and skill of
cutting and sewing shields and liners. Mission Central    volunteers for many facets of the program.
is the organization that is actively “Connecting God’s    We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities
Resources and Human Need.” Your help with this            that provide personal enrichment and help
project will provide shields and liners so that girls     enhance the quality of life for program participants.
can attend school during their menstruation allowing      There are various ways to get involved - serve as a
them to reach their educational goals. This is an         class host, lead groups on excursions, help at events,
ongoing project that you can do in your own home          provide office support, and more.
or at group meetings!
Instructors                                            Ms. Nancy L. Bieber is a spiritual director,
                                                       retreat leader, writer, and retired psychologist.
                                                       She is the author of Decision Making and Spiritual
                                                       Discernment: The Sacred Art of Finding Your Way
                                                       and Fianna’s Story: A True Story of Love, Grief, and
Ms. Mary Bach is a nationally recognized,
                                                       Faith. She and her husband Larry live, as did her
independent Consumer Advocate who, as a
                                                       grandmother Fianna, in rural Pennsylvania. Contact
volunteer, now chairs the AARP Pennsylvania
                                                       Nancy or read her spiritual reflections
Consumer Issues Task Force. A former high school
                                                       at nancybieber.com.
teacher, elected Murrysville Council Woman, and
then Franklin Regional School Director, she serves
                                                       Mr. Greg Czarnecki is the Director of Applied
on the Pennsylvania Utilities Commission Advisory
                                                       Climate Science for the Pennsylvania Department
Council and the Governor’s Council on Reform, and
                                                       of Conservation and Natural Resources, where
has won numerous awards.
                                                       he oversees climate change planning for the
                                                       Commonwealth’s 121 State Parks and 2.2. million
Ms. Melissa Barlow is retired from banking and
                                                       acres of State Forests. He has served on the
international antiques procurement. She has raised
                                                       faculties of Penn State, Gannon University, and
miniature horses for the past 15 years, and has
                                                       Lebanon Valley College and is currently an adjunct
been riding horses all of her life. Many of their
                                                       faculty member at Harrisburg University of Science
mini horses have gone on to become guide or
                                                       and Technology.
therapy animals.
                                                       Mr. George Dillman is the Consumer Outreach
Dr. Susanna Bede Caroselli (A.B. Brown, M.A./
                                                       Specialist with the Pennsylvania Department of
Ph.D. Johns Hopkins) is an art historian who has
                                                       Banking and Securities. George has over 25 years
been a curator and editor at the Frick Collection,
                                                       of speaking and training experience. For the last 15
Detroit Institute of Arts, and LA County Museum of
                                                       years, George has worked for the Commonwealth
Art, and a professor at Yale University and Messiah
                                                       of Pennsylvania speaking at a number of local and
University. She is the author of three books and
                                                       regional events. George’s educational background
many articles on medieval and Renaissance art and
                                                       includes a M.B.A. and a B.Ed.
a frequent speaker on art and religion.
                                                       Mr. Glen L. Dunbar has an M.P.A. from the
Dr. Tami Biddle is Emeritus Professor at the US
                                                       Center for Aging Studies at the University of
Army War College, where she retired as the Elihu
                                                       North Texas and is a Certified Senior Advisor. His
Root Chair of Military Studies. She taught at the
                                                       primary career was as a social gerontologist and
USAWC for 20 years, and was the course director
                                                       policy specialist for State and Federal entities
for the college’s core course “War, Policy, and
                                                       devoted to Aging matters. After retiring, he has
National Security.” Her work focuses mainly on US
                                                       continued his dedication to purposeful aging with
defense policy, foreign policy, and military history
                                                       an encore career of teaching at area colleges and
(the latter with a focus on the 20th century). She
                                                       senior venues.
received her Ph.D. in History from Yale, and prior
to coming to Carlisle Barracks, she was an assistant
                                                       Dr. Warren Eshbach is an ordained minister,
professor in the Joint Program on Military History
                                                       retired Pastor, and former District Executive
run by Duke University and UNC Chapel Hill. Dr.
                                                       Minister in the Church of the Brethren. He has the
Biddle is the author of books, book chapters, and
                                                       following degrees: B.S. from Gettysburg College,
articles on the topics she studies. She is currently
                                                       M.Div. from Lutheran Theological Seminary,
writing a book on the U.S. in the Second World War,
                                                       Gettysburg (now United Lutheran Seminary),
to be published by Oxford University Press.
                                                       D.Min. from McCormick Theological Seminary,
                                                       Chicago, IL. He served as an adjunct Professor at
Lutheran Seminary Gettysburg; Bethany Theological      Mr. Whitney Harkleroad holds a Bachelor of
Seminary, Richmond, Indiana; and was a docent at       Industrial Design degree from Pratt Institute.
the Seminary Ridge Museum.                             He started his career as a designer for the Ford
                                                       Motor Company and went on to work for several
Mr. Ralph Fetrow is a Financial Advisor with
                                                       large consulting design firms and had his own
Insight Advisors, Newtown, PA. He holds degrees
                                                       design company for the last 13 years of a 40-year
in music from Lebanon Valley College and finance
                                                       career. Mr. Harkleroad is married to Susan Dyson,
from Stonier Graduate School of Banking. He also
                                                       who is a retired interior designer, and they live at
is a Certified Financial Planner and Accredited
                                                       Landis Homes.
Investment Fiduciary. On their farm in Lebanon
County, PA, he and his partner Melissa Barlow          Ms. Cheryl Harmon is a graduate of both Temple
raise micro-miniature horses.                          and Drexel Universities, with a B.S. in Education
                                                       and an M.S. in Library Science, respectively. Before
Dr. Roger Godin retired from Franklin & Marshall
                                                       retiring in 2015, Cheryl combined technical and
College in 2016 after more than 30 years of service.
                                                       interpersonal skills at the Department of Education
He taught film and media studies courses at the
                                                       on a team that reviewed school construction
College for over 15 years. He was also an assistant
                                                       projects. As instructor for the Pathways Institute,
Dean of the College and the Dean of Brooks College
                                                       Cheryl has conducted workshops on assembling/
House at F&M. Although Roger’s passion for
                                                       exhibiting collections; Laity Insights into the Bible;
film is widely inclusive, his first love remains the
                                                       and An Invitation to Poetry.
history of Hollywood and the artistic and creative
development of the American Film industry. Dr.         Ms. Linda Henkel is a lifetime crafter. She has
Godin serves on the Advisory Board and chairs the      made many different crafts sold at local craft shows
Curriculum Committee of Pathways Institute in          and donated to nonprofit groups.
Lancaster county.
                                                       Father Timothy Hojnicki is a 2002 graduate from
An “active senior” would be a great way to             the University of Delaware, where he received his
describe Mr. Barry Gordon. After a career in the       B.S. in Family & Community Services. He received
dry cleaning business, Barry has pursued a new         his M.Div. from St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological
career. He is the proud owner of a business entitled   Seminary in 2005. He was assigned to Holy Apostles
SeniorTechTutor.com. He now considers himself a        Orthodox Church in Mechanicsburg in June 2005,
private tutor that uses the latest technology and      where he currently serves as pastor.
translates it to a simple teaching method for almost   He is married and has 4 children.
everyone. His mission is to help people who are
interested in using electronics to enhance their       Mrs. Barbara Holliman is the retired founder
quality of life.                                       and CEO of Holliman Associates, an international
                                                       fundraising consulting firm. Since retirement, Mrs.
Dr. Beth E. Graybill has a Ph.D. in American           Holliman and her husband have traveled extensively
Studies, with research focused on Amish tourism,       in England and Europe making several trips a year.
and has spent the last 10 years teaching at area       They share an interest in history and the arts. As a
colleges. She previously directed the Lancaster        former teacher with a B.S. in Art Education & M.Ed.,
Mennonite Historical Society and has also worked       Barbara enjoys opportunities to share knowledge
for Mennonite Central Committee and Ten                with others.
Thousand Villages. Beth lives in Lancaster city and
joined the Pathways Institute team as a Coordinator    Mr. Geoffrey Isley is a graduate of Messiah
at Landis Homes this spring.                           University and has been a graphic artist for 33
                                                       years. He and his wife Dawn worship at Grantham

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