FALL 2021 COLLECTION - Raincoast Books
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We like to say that we’re the line between roadside souvenirs and fine china. Well designed products that just happen to have a sense of humor. We’re here to turn the things that people didn’t know they wanted, into the things that they can’t live without.
R EM EM B ER US? I mean, we’re pretty unforgettable, right? Right?! Well just in case you forgot… Mike Sayre and Melanie Bridges first worked together co-creating Easy, Tiger; building it into the instantly recognizable and highly successful brand that it was. Then there’s that whole ‘it was’ detail. Well, long story short, they’ve happily joined forces with Galison to create Brass Monkey, a new brand filled with their signature wit and vintage charm. Also, sorry about talking about ourselves in third person. It’s weird.
P S S T: TH I S I S O U R O F F I C E I N TH E W E S T B O T TO M S O F K A N S A S CI T Y ( N O T S O M E R A N D O M R O O M).
D RI N KI NG KIT TO P O F B OX CO M P O N E NTS (N O T TO S C A L E) Consider it a first aid kit for adults. This emergency drinking kit includes everything you need to solve (and/or cause) all of life’s problems. Specifically: a collapsible metal travel cup, glass mini flask, bottle opener, metal straw, and a mini cocktail recipe book to help mix drinks in a crisis. • Includes everything you could possibly need in a crisis* (besides, you know, the actual liquor). • Features a 32-page mini cocktail recipe S I D E O F B OX book that explains how to make some essential drinks. • Comes packaged in a giftable storage box inspired by vintage first-aid kits. I N TH E EVE NT O F S O B R I ET Y • Box measures 8” wide by 6.5” tall (and DRINKING KIT ISBN: 978-0-7353-7061-6 $40.00 2” deep if you’re curious). FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
D RI N KI NG JOU R NAL S PI N E F R O NT O F B O O K Build the bar of your dreams, one drink at a time. This compact drinking journal starts with a simple cocktail (with 2 ingredients), but each consecutive drink adds a new component to your bar...so you’ll always know that you’ll have exactly what you need. Includes recipes for 100s of cocktails, as well as space to write down your drunken million dollar ideas…like ‘finger socks’. • Just start with two basic ingredients (and this book) and build your bar as you...well...drink. • Vintage-inspired spot-varnished hardcover (with color pages throughout). • Features 400 unique pages filled with drink recipes, BA R N O N E trivia, and a running inventory of your bar. DRINKING JOURNAL • Includes space to journal about (and rate) each drink $1 5 . 0 0 as you go. ISBN: 978-0-7353-7060-9 • Book measures 4.3” wide by 5.75” tall. FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
KO OZ I ES O N PAC K AG I N G S H OW N O N C A N PU FF Y VEST KOOZI ES (SET OF TWO) Keep your drinks as insulated as the torsos of every skier in the late eighties. These vintage puffyvest-inspired koozies come packaged in a coordinating pair of two. Each koozie features unique raised rubber editorial and fully adjustable velcro sizing. • Vintage-inspired colorways (in modern water-resistant nylon). • Adjustable sizing to fit a variety of cans. • Features a unique, one-color raised rubber editorial message on each. • Each koozie measures 9.75” wide by 3.75” tall when flat (aka unwrapped). • Comes on peggable packaging for easy, B E E R B L A N KET ISBN: 978-0-7353-7059-3 hangable displays. P U F F Y V E S T KO OZ I E S E T $2 2 . 0 0 FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
CER AMI C FL AS K FRONT OF FLASK B AC K O F F L A S K While this white ceramic swing-top flask is hand- some enough to display, it also just happens to be the perfect size for a coat pocket...you know, so you can take this show on the road (while not driving, of course). • Vintage-inspired ceramic flask with swing-top lid. • Features one-color ‘That’s The Spirit’ lettering on the surface. • Holds 12 oz. of liquid, you know, for drinking. TH AT ’ S TH E S PI R IT CERAMIC FLASK • Measures 3.42” wide by 7.29” tall. $30.00 • We’d hand wash this flask...however ISBN: 978-0-7353-6872-9 you actually do that. FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
FRONT OF SHAKER B AC K O F S H A K E R CO CKTAI L SHA KER Plated in a brushed brass finish, this vintage-inspired glass-bottomed shaker by Brass Monkey (what a coincidence) is the perfect addition to any bar...you know, because you can make drinks in it. I mean, where else would you put it? Bonus: follow the recipe on the back to make our namesake beverage. You’re guaranteed to love it (if you drink enough of them). • Features a (brushed) brass-plated finish. • The glass bottom also functions as a pint glass (for when there’s no time for shaking...just drinking). B R A S S M O N KE Y R E CI P E C O C K TA I L S H A K E R • Bonus: includes the recipe for a Brass $30.00 Monkey cocktail on the back. ISBN: 978-0-7353-7113-2 • Holds 16 oz. of liquor...er, liquids. • Measures 8.5” tall by 3.5” (in diameter). FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
TO P O F B OX D RI N KI NG GAM E SET B O OZ E CLU ES Finally, a game based on what you’re already DRINKING GAME SET good at - watching crappy TV. This drinking game $2 5 . 0 0 includes four shot glasses, an instruction sheet, ISBN: 978-0-7353-7069-2 and 100 cards that describe the common (& weird) things that always happen in TV & movies. So just deal the cards, turn on the TV, and drink. It’s kind of like every other night...but now it’s competitive. • Finally, a way to drink & watch television (competitively). • Includes 100 game cards/reasons to drink. S I D E O F B OX • Comes with four numbered stainless steel shot glasses. • Game instructions are provided (because it would be pretty mean not to). • Box measures 4.6” wide by 4.1” tall (and 2.1” deep if you’re counting). E AC H S H OT G L A S S I S T WO - S I D E D FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
TO P O F B OX GIA NT PL AYI NG CARDS Big cards, for even bigger winnings. These giant (oversized is underselling it) cards come in a rigid paper wrapped box, perfect for display on a coffee table...when you aren’t playing the world’s largest 2 O F TH E game of solitaire. Includes 54 uniquely designed 54 C A R D S cards (that means jokers are included). • Did we mention that these are giant cards? Each one measures 4.5” wide by 7” tall. • Comes in a rigid, coffee-table-worthy storage box (with a pull-out matchbox style tray). • Includes 54 unique cards (including jokers), featuring a bold, vintage-inspired design aesthetic throughout. • Box measures 5.125” wide by 7.5” tall (and 1.75” deep if you’re curious). A BIG DEAL G I A N T P L AY I N G C A R D S • It’s all about the little (well, big in this case) details. $18.00 Everything has been oversized, even the sticker seal ISBN: 978-0-7353-7065-4 on the box. FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
TO P O F B OX P E G G E D CH ES S P I E C ES ( N OT P E R F E C T LY TO CH ESS GAM E SET S C A L E , S O R RY.) With 32 pegged chess pieces and a gamebook TO P O F G A M E B O A R D that a) teaches you how to play and b) makes you look smart, this chess set is perfect for newbies and experts alike. Bonus: everything stores away into the box (that is also the game board), so it’s perfect for traveling. • Features unique ‘peggable’ style chess pieces that fit (and stay put) in the holes of the included chessboard. • Perfect for traveling (or playing during deep-sea fishing expeditions). • Includes a gamebook that teaches beginners how S I D E O F B OX to play...and gives experts something that they N OT E : S E E T H O S E B L AC K C I R C L E S ? T H O S E A R E can make fun of. D I E C U T H O L E S TO H O L D T H E G A M E P I E C E S . • Everything (including the chessboard) packs away into the display-worthy box. S AY Y E S T O T H E C H E S S CHESS SET ISBN: 978-0-7353-7063-0 • Box measures 7.8” square (by 2.8” deep). $30.00 FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
TO P O F B OX WO O D E N B A LL P I E C ES SUDO KU GAM E SET Numbers are boring (sorry, accountants). So this TO P O F G A M E B O A R D reinterpretation of Sudoku uses colored wooden balls instead. Includes 81 balls and a gamebook with hundreds of setups to solve with friends (or by yourself if you’re into that). Bonus: everything stores away into the box (that is also the game board), so it’s perfect for traveling. • Features 81 painted balls that nest into the holes of the included game board. • Perfect for traveling (or playing during mild earthquakes). • Includes a gamebook with hundreds of S I D E O F B OX puzzles to set up and solve...alone or with N OT E : S E E T H O S E B L AC K C I R C L E S ? T H O S E A R E D I E C U T H O L E S TO H O L D T H E G A M E P I E C E S . friends. • Everything (including the game board) packs S U D O KU W I T H S O M E B A L L S away into the display-worthy box. SUDOKU SET ISBN: 978-0-7353-7064-7 $30.00 • Box measures 7.8” square by 2.8” deep. FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
TO P O F B OX O P E N G A M E B O O K (N O T TO S C A L E) TA NG R AM PUZZLE Just like love, this tangram puzzle is kind of complicated...but totally worth it. The enclosed game booklet provides over fourty-two unique puzzles to solve using the included solid puzzle pieces. A heart is just the beginning. I N D IVI D U A L P I E C ES • Features 9 unique shapes in smooth red acrylic, displayed in a heart shape (to start, anyway). • Includes a gamebook illustrating over 42 other puzzles to solve. • Comes packaged in a giftable box (that’s also perfect for a coffee table). S I D E O F B OX • Each shape is 5/8” thick. If this is the detail that sold you, you are an interesting person. ISBN: 978-0-7353-7066-1 • Box measures 4.75” square (by 1.25” deep if you’re curious) AT FI RST SI G HT TA N G R A M P U Z Z L E $2 0 . 0 0 FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
PER PETUAL CALE NDAR TO P- D OW N VI E W O F C A L E N DA R Is it a calendar? Yes. Is it a game? Yes. Is it the perfect way to put off work for a few more minutes? Yes. This perpetual calendar is as challenging as Steve in finance...but way more entertaining. Start each day moving this puzzle around to get the stainless steel balls inside to land on that day’s date, month, and day of the week. It’s literally a new game every day. • Includes three .25” diameter stainless steel balls to mark the day, month, and day of the week...once you roll them there. • Features a black wooden design (with a clear top to keep the balls inside). IT ’ S A DATE P E R P E T UA L C A L E N DA R • Under the acrylic, the four-color artwork $24 . 0 0 highlights the 50 recessed spots for the balls ISBN: 978-0-7353-7073-9 to land. • Calendar measures 4.75” square (and 1” P S S T: T H E B A L L S A R E ‘ T R A P P E D ’ U N D E R T H E C L E A R deep, btw). AC RY L I C TO P S O T H E Y D O N ’ T G E T LO S T. FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
FRONT FRONT M EM O PADS Inspired by the by-gone era of office supplies, these uniquely monochromatic memo pads are made with dyed paper (color all the way through...fancy) and feature glued top edges to make tearing off pages easy. They’re perfect for leaving messages for your coworker who seriously just needs to get a freaking secretary already. • Features vintage-inspired designs on dyed paper (aka: the paper itself is colorized). • Includes 75 pages (of the same design). • Bound to a rigid chipboard backer, so they are, like, rigid • Each pad measures 3.5” wide by 5.5” tall. ISBN: 978-0-7353-7070-8 ISBN: 978-0-7353-7071-5 • They’re pads of paper, what more do you want to know? YO U A R E W E L CO M E G ROW N - A S S P E RS O N M E M O PA D M E M O PA D $6.00 $6.00 FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
W E E KLY PL A N N ER PAD F R O N T O F PA D The perfect compliment to our memo pads, this weekly tear off pad is a great way to fool your co-workers into thinking that you’re actually organized. Inspired by vintage legal pads, this 100-page pad helps you plan out each week at a glance. Then you can rip it off and throw it away, just like it likely deserves. • Inspired by classic legal pads (with a foil-stamped header). • Features a vintage-inspired design. • Includes 100 perforated pages (of the same design). • Bound to a rigid chipboard backer, so P L A N N I N G I S FO R TH E W E E K it’s, like, rigid. W E E K LY P L A N N E R PA D $12 . 0 0 • Pad measures 11.5” wide by 5” tall. ISBN: 978-0-7353-7072-2 FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
SOA P SH E ETS TO P O F B OX P RO BA B LY S O B E R S OA P S H E E T S $1 0 . 0 0 Dirty mind? Check. Clean hands? Well, ISBN: 978-0-7353-7057-9 they better be. Live your life to the fullest (pandemically speaking, anyway) with these portable soap sheets. Just add some water and lather up. • Includes 30 dry soap sheets (until you wet them, that is). B O T TO M O F B OX • Perfect for camping, concerts, and interacting with dirty people. • Unscented...you’re welcome. • Bonus: they’re bio-degradable (you know, like soap). • Package measures 3.375” wide by 2.625” tall (and .1875” thick if you’re wondering). O P E N E D B OX FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
PUZZLE MI NI PUZZLE This mini-puzzle is the perfect way to get your (*ahem*) message across, loud TO P O F B OX and clear. It even comes in a small giftable box, with a place to write your own clever* note on the back. *A c t u a l c l e ve r n e s s n o t g u a r a n t e e d . • 100 piece shaped mini-puzzle. • Features four-color ‘Thinking Of You’ artwork w/ black foil accents. • Completed puzzle measures 7.25” wide by 7.25” tall (psst: that’s a square). • Box measures 3.75” wide by 4.375” tall TH I N KI N G O F YO U (and 1.25” thick btw). MINI PUZZLE $8.00 • Includes a dedicated area to write a ISBN: 978-0-7353-7067-8 personal message on the box FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
PUZZLE MI NI PUZZLE This holiday mini-puzzle is the perfect way to get your message across, loud TO P O F B OX and clear. It even comes in a small giftable box, with a place to write your own clever* note on the back. *A c t u a l c l e ve r n e s s n o t g u a r a n t e e d . • 100 piece shaped mini-puzzle. • Features three-color ‘You Jingle My Bells’ artwork w/ gold foil accents. • Completed puzzle measures 7.25” wide by 6.5” tall. • Box measures 3.75” wide by 4.375” tall YO U J I N G LE M Y B E LL S (and 1.25” thick btw). MINI PUZZLE $8.00 • Includes a dedicated area to write a ISBN: 978-0-7353-7068-5 personal message on the box FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
PUZZLE MI NI PUZZLE This holiday mini-puzzle is the perfect way to get your message across, loud TO P O F B OX and clear. It even comes in a small giftable box, with a place to write your own clever* note on the back. *A c t u a l c l e ve r n e s s n o t g u a r a n t e e d . • 100 piece shaped mini-puzzle. • Features 4-color ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ artwork w/ shiny UV foil accents. • Completed puzzle measures 7.25” wide by 7.25” tall (psst: that’s a square). • Box measures 3.75” wide by 4.375” tall D O N ’ T STO P B E LI EVI N ’ (and 1.25” thick btw). MINI PUZZLE $8.00 • Includes a dedicated area to write a ISBN: 978-0-7353-7115-6 personal message on the box FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
1,000 PI ECE PUZZLE PUZZLE What could be better than hundreds* of detailed vintage ornaments? A non-breakable illustration of them. Harken back to a time when Christmas meant yule logs, chestnuts roasting over an open fire, and hundreds of other traditions that make absolutely no sense anymore. You can put together this 1,000 piece puzzle while you try to figure what exactly a ‘figgy pudding’ is. * F u ll d i s c l o s u r e : we d i d n ’t c o u n t t h e m . T h e r e ’s a l o t . TO P O F B OX • Features a vintage illustration of ornaments done by someone way more talented than us. • Completed puzzle measures 27” wide by 20” tall. • Box measures 10.6” wide by 8.5” tall (and 2” thick btw). FA L A L A L A L A • Minimal puzzle dust. Your human ISBN: 978-0-7353-7114-9 1 , 0 0 0 P I EC E P U Z Z L E dust is your problem, though. $2 0 . 0 0 FALL 2021 CO LLECTIO N
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