Page created by Kyle Deleon
                  BEYROUTH | BEIRUT

                          P R E S S       F I L E

                                A M M A N

    E X H I B I T I O N    –   F E B R U A R Y   3     –    M A R C H    2 3

-   J O R D A N   N A T I O N A L     G A L L E R Y        F O R   F I N E     A R T S

    C U R A T O R   -     P A S C A L E          L E        T H O R E L
BEYROUTH | BEIRUT   T A B L E                    O F           C O N T E N T S

                    01 I n t r o d u c t i o n b y P a s c a l e L e T h o r e l ,
                       Exhibition Curator

                        P      R     E     S     S        R      E     L     E       A   S   E

                    02 THEME & PLAN OF THE EXHIBITION



                    05 PASCALE LE THOREL, CURATOR

                    06 MEDIATION

                        K E Y      D A T E S         &   P R A C T I C A L           I N F O R M A T I O N

                        A B O U T         T H E      E X H I B I T I O N

                    07 CATALOGUE OF THE EXHIBITION

                    08 PRESS VISUALS

                    09 CONTACTS, RATES, ACCESS

B Y   P A S C A L E   L E   T H O R E L ,
E X H I B I T I O N   C U R A T O R

                                            R E M I N D E R , 2 0 1 6
BEYROUTH | BEIRUT                                                                02

            EYROUTH | BEIRUT, whose         perspective was developed, that she
            curation was entrusted to       is alone to bear, on this strange
            me, brings together for the     composite that is the capital of
            first time a large set of        Lebanon.
big-format photographs by the               Her photos are like Beirut, the
Lebanese photographer Fadia Ahmad           partition, the difference, the
dedicated to the city of Beirut and its     ambience. If they often refer to the
inhabitants. This series to which the       history of art and photography, they
artist is devoted since 2003 is certainly   are also those of a human and artistic
the one that is the dearest to her heart,   adventure, which I wanted to share.
although she works in parallel with         Beyond the city of Beirut, where this
other cycles of photography, mainly         event took place for the first time
centered around landscapes and              before it was hosted in Amman, the
portraits.                                  aim is to support a commitment to a
The singularity of the approach of this     territory and an artistic project
photographer, which is part of the          aiming to make contemporary art
international contemporary scene, lies      accessible to the general public.
in the constant dialogue she has with
the city of Beirut that she travels daily
with her camera in order to capture it.
Indeed, Fadia Ahmad, born in exile in
Spain during the Lebanese war, only
became acquainted with the country
of her ancestors in 1991. A special

T H E M E       &    P L A N      O F       T H E

                                                      E X H I B I T I O N

           The exhibition features                  history of art and photography. From
           unexpected photographs of                the wave of Hokusai to the landscapes
           the city of Beirut, allowing             of Courbet, from monochromes and
           viewers to discover in seven             abstracts to the geometric
main sections the details of Fadia                  abstractions of Peter Halley, from the
Ahmad’s daily routine walks that                    chromos of Ed Ruscha to the urban
started in 2003 as she followed an                  architecture of Michael Wolf, from the
itinerary of 10,452 m mirroring the area            photos of graffiti and signals of Peter
of Lebanon, 10,452 sqKm. District after             Klasen to the inscriptions of street
district, house after house, she                    artists.
explores the complexity and humanity
of the city and its people. Her poetic              Sometimes showing traces of war, the
series eloquently captures the                      photos more importantly demonstrate
quintessential details of city life:                the desire of the Lebanese people to
merchants on street corners, grocers,               live and thrive. These photo-paintings,
fishermen, bathers, street artists,                  far from being a documentary on the
collapsed buildings, new construction…              city, are a quest for light and beauty.
                                                    They witness a search for the essence
                                                    of emotion and show poetic instants
Photographs as Paintings                            nestled in the slightest details.

Fadia Ahmad’s photographs are
conceived as paintings, at the image of
the Lebanese capital, with its intricate
layers, its differences and its feel. The
photographs transmit a particular
expression of the Lebanese art
photographer, one that is sensitive
and precise, poetic and humanist. The
photos are in color or black and white,
in large scale, some carefully framed,
others snapped in an instant and
sometimes, just like chromos of a
dreamed-up country that reveals itself
quite differently, presenting fragments
of life through fragments of the city
itself. More than a style, they affirm a
present-day vision, and portray an
artist who refers often to the universal
BEYROUTH | BEIRUT                                                               04

"I decided to follow this itinerary, always the same, to avoid being dispersed.
It is its consistency that allows me to discover, to unite with this city. "

                                                                    Fadia Ahmad

      xhibition Plan                        01 The seashore and the ‘Corniche’
      The exhibition is divided into        The first two rooms of the exhibition are
      seven main parts where the            a vision of a Beirut open to the sea. In
      city of Beirut appears in             the first room, in black and white or in
fragments, and reappear, as in a loop.      color, Fadia Ahmad’s work is articulated
                                            around the fragment and the serial,
On the ground floor, the sea, sporting,      sometimes arranged in triptychs to
beaches and fishermen.                       recompose a new landscape, it shows
                                            the power and strength of nature, the
On the first floor: an urban geography;       waves and the foam gushing out and
architectures - past and present            push us to contemplate this sequence.
confronted; the communities.                The second room is devoted to a
                                            popular Beirut tradition, the fishery on
On the second floor: neighborhood life,      the coast road. The photographer
the train station or time stopped; the      retains the particular colors of the
seashores                                   Mediterranean. Her photographic
                                            paintings capture peaceful,
                                            contemplative, timeless scenes; the
                                            alignments of fishermen and the fine
                                            geometric lines of their long fishing

                                                                      Mazarine, 2017

02 Architectures - past and present          03 The communities
confronted.                                  In this series, Fadia Ahmad gathers an
A large set of photographs is                inventory of religious and civilizational
dedicated to the heart of the city of        presences that could be a summary
Beirut. As we approach the Martyrs           portrait of Lebanon. This is Us shows in
Square, the Solidere neighborhood,           the sky the minaret of the mosque and
and their surroundings, urban                the bell tower of the Saint George
stratifications appear as layers of           Maronite church. A Maronite church
sedimentation of time from ancient           adjoins an Orthodox church, the Roman
times till nowadays. Fadia Ahmad             baths seem indestructible, as well as
stops on the emblems, the stigmata of        the town hall or the Seraglio ...
Beirut civil war; on the concrete            The reconstruction district, Solidere, or
spaceship of the old cinema, riddled         the bronze statue of Rafic Hariri are just
with bullet holes (The Egg), on the          as imposing (The One or the Other)
building in ruins, near Saifi village, on     while a large photographic tableau
the facade of the Holiday Inn, on the        grabs an inscription on a wall and
big mosque that appears in a gigantic        challenges the visitor (God is that you?).
construction site and on locations
where the past and present are
confronted (Before and after;
The plates that define the sectors are
the subjects of an almost abstract
series: a wall, a small piece of yellow or
green wall becomes very important.
Their responses are images of the
abundant creations of street artists.

                 BEFORE AND AFTER, 2018                  THE ONE OR THE OTHER, 2018
BEYROUTH | BEIRUT                                                                06

04 An urban geography                      05 The train station or the
Fadia Ahmad dedicates a series of          time stopped
photographs to the neo-Ottoman or          The Train Station series shows the train
Art Deco houses with the brightly          station cemetery, a huge abandoned
colored facades or the gilded stone        territory (there are no more trains in
features of Mar Mikhael and                Lebanon since the war). Fadia Ahmad
Gemmayze. Far from wanting to              has managed to enter this forbidden
constitute a stereotyped or objective      place, located in the heart of the city,
representation of these architectures,     that is closed to the public and bring
she addresses a very personal              out its poetry and peculiarity.
inventory of these neighborhoods,
considered as a living organism that       The ground is invaded by the
may be endangered, where light and         vegetation, the giant eucalyptus trees,
color reign.                               the rubbers, the ferns, and the lianas.
                                           Locomotives, wagons, car carcasses,
On the second floor: neighborhood life,     sometimes covered with graffiti, are
the train station or time stopped; the     becoming fossilized little by little

              ELECTRICITÉ DU LIBAN, 2018                      TRAIN STATION III, 2018

06 Neighborhood life                      07 ‘Corniche’ and the sunsets
Fadia Ahmad looks at the people of        This series of photographs present
Beirut and the places they visit daily    another vision of Beirut, the city by the
that she describes as "this small city    sea. These photographs could have
which is the amphitheater of a melting    been taken from other shores of the
pot", which is like the modeling of the   Mediterranean or even California. We
new multicultural world. Her artistic     see the families on the beaches, the
outlook is also a silent commentary on    lovers who reinvested in the capital
the political, economic and social        after the war and the sunsets as poetic
situation of Lebanon's capital. Photos    metaphors holding the luminous
like Sans Souci du Passé or The Show      energy of the city of today, reflecting
Must Go On, just like the                 the work of the artist herself.
entanglements of electric wires are
just as eloquent.

            THE SHOW MUST GO ON, 2018                                    L,A,B, 2014
BEYROUTH | BEIRUT                                                                                  08

B   I   O   G   R   A
                        A H M A D
                        P   H   I   C   A   L   R   E   F    E   R   E
                                                                         N   C   E   S

            adia Ahmad was born in 1975                     Fadia Ahmad resorts to photography
            in Alicante, Spain. She returns                 in her artistic practice. She creates
            to Lebanon in 1991, after a long                series of portraits and landscapes
            exile and undertakes studies at                 particularly in Africa, the Middle East &
IESAV in Beirut. Studying film                               Asia. Engaged in humanitarian issues,
production and cinematography, she                          she releases two series, photography &
also masters the art of photography.                        video, about refugees in Lebanon
Moving subsequently to Sub-Saharian                         (Camps; It could be you). The artist
Africa, where she worked at the family                      currently lives and works between
business, she simultaneously pursues                        Beirut & Paris.
her artistic endeavors. She later
returns to Lebanon in 2002, and
undertakes in the following year the
Beyrouth | Beirut series.

         he Royal Society of Fine Arts       collection comprises over 2800 works
         The Royal Society of Fine Arts is   including drawings, paintings,
         a non-profit organization,           sculptures, ceramics, video art,
         founded in Amman in 1979. Its       installations, graphic art and
goal is to promote cultural diversity,       photography, by artists from all around
disseminate artistic knowledge and           the world from the Developing World,
promote contemporary art from                mainly Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin
Jordan, the Arab and Developing              America and Australia. The Director
Worlds. The Royal Society of Fine Arts       General of the Jordan National Gallery
is governed by a Board of Trustees           of Fine Arts is Dr. Khalid Khreis.
headed by its founder HRH Princess
Wijdan Al-Hashemi, PhD. It has an            The National Gallery has a specialized
independent administrative, financial         reference Library of books and
and legal status and derives its budget      periodicals on art and architecture
from donations and grants by                 in different languages and a Graphics
individuals, institutions and                Studio equipped with a printing press.
governments in Jordan and beyond. In         Local and visiting artists conduct
order to achieve its aims, the Royal         classes in printmaking.
Society of Fine Arts relies heavily on
the consistent support of its patrons.       In the Gallery gift shop (Mtjr) visitors
                                             can buy books, postcards,
The Gallery                                  photographs and reproductions from
In 1980 the Royal Society of Fine Arts       the current exhibition and from the
founded the Jordan National Gallery of       Permanent Collection as well as
Fine Arts which is the first and major        selected traditional and modern
art museum in the Middle East. The           handicrafts by Jordanian Artists.
Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts
Compound comprises three buildings            “Jungle Fever” café is located on the
flanking a sculpture park with a              second floor of Building (2). It has a
children’s playground, open-air stage        terrace that overlooks the park of the
and a restaurant. The park where             National Gallery and views of Jabal
cultural and artistic activities are held    al-Weibdeh and the surrounding
in the open air is a model garden for        areas. Its opening hours are from 9:00
water conservation. In 2016 it won the       am till 11:00 pm. The Café offers free
global Gold Award of the Green World         internet service.
Organization in "Sustainability” for
environmental best practice. Since its       Youth Programs
establishment, the National Gallery          In cooperation with the Directorate of
has organized numerous local and             Programs in the Ministry of Education,
international exhibitions, on its own as     the National Gallery organises school
well as in cooperation with other            and university visits, where students
museums and has participated in art          get acquainted with the Permanent
exhibitions, conferences and                 Collection of the museum in addition
symposiums all around the World. Its         to the exhibitions it holds periodically.
BEYROUTH | BEIRUT                                                                            10

A   R   T   I   S   T   I   C   C   U   R   A   T   I   O   N

             rt critic and editor, Pascale              Exhibitions
             Le Thorel has curated                      From 1994 to 2002, Pascale Le Thorel
             numerous contemporary                      was the artistic director of Hall
             art exhibits. She has                      (Congress Palace), patronage space for
recently curated in France the exhibit,                 contemporary art of the Chamber of
Libres Figurations les Années 80, for                   Commerce of the City of Paris.
the Hélène & Edouard Leclerc Fund for
Culture, that will be exhibited in 2021 .               In this capacity, she was the curator of
She is also the author of a monograph                   the personal exhibitions of François
dedicated to the Lebanese painter                       Arnal, Glen Baxter, Ben, Christophe
Shafic Abboud, and the Dictionnaire                      Berhault, François Boisrond, Jose
Larousse des Artistes Contemporains.                    Manuel Broto, Robert Combas, George
                                                        Condo, Jean Daviot, Pierre Dunoyer,
                                                        Dominique Gauthier, Hwang
                                                        Young-Sun, Jean-Olivier Hucleux, Alain
                                                        Jacquet, Lee Kang-So, Peter Klasen,
                                                        François Mendras, Jacques Monory,
                                                        Bernard Rancillac, Ru Xiao-Fan, Peter
                                                        Stämpfli, Claude Viallat, Jacques
                                                        Villeglé. In 2002 to 2006, she was
                                                        responsible for the Propos d'Europe
                                                        exhibitions for the Hippocrene
                                                        Foundation, alongside its founder,
                                                        Jean Guyot, who brought together
                                                        contemporary European artists. From
                                                        2007 to 2010, she was responsible for
                                                        the constitution of the collection, site
                                                        and publications of the Stämpfli
                                                        Foundation in Sitges (Catalonia). In
                                                        2009-2010, she was the curator of the
                                                        Peter Klasen Retrospective at Tri
                                                        Postal in Lille and Klasen and
                                                        Photography for the Rencontres
                                                        Internationales de la Photographie in
                                                        Arles. In 2011, she organized a cycle of
                                                        exhibitions for the Maeght Gallery in
                                                        Paris - Cosmogonies and Landscapes
                                                        (Abu Dhabi, for the French Institute,

then Paris); Bestiary - photographies
(with Robert Delpire); Marc Couturier.
In 2012, she was the artistic curator of
Intelligentsia, between France and
Russia, unpublished archives of the
twentieth century, exhibition of the
French Institute in the framework of
the Russian Season at the Fine Arts in
Paris, in 2014-2015, of the Jacques

Monory exhibition at the Leclerc Fund
in Landerneau; in 2017, Ru Xiao-Fan's
Retrospective exhibition at the Suzhou
Museum (China), In 2017-2018, Libres
Figurations les années 80 for the          M E D I A T I O N    &
Leclerc Fund. In 2019, she was the         G U I D E D   V I S I T S
curator for Fadia Ahmad Beyrouth |
Beirut exhibition at Beit Beirut and for
the Bahrain Pavillon at La Biennale de

                                           The exhibition of Fadia Ahmad
Main publications                          Beyrouth | Beirut at Jordan National
Larousse Dictionary of Contemporary        Gallery of Fine offers programs for the
Artists; Larousse Dictionary of Modern     public. The artist and the curator will
Artists; Picasso au fil des jours           offer guided tours of the exhibition in
(biography, Buchet-Chastel, 2003);         the days following the opening. A
Jacques Monory, (biography,                mediator will be welcoming visitors
Paris-Museums, 2006); Peter Klasen         and offering guided tours (upon
1959-2009, (Actes Sud, 2009); Peter        appointment). Guided visits can be
Klasen and photography (Actes sud,         arranged for groups, schools and
2009); The Stämpfli Foundation              universities.
Collection (City of Sitgès, 2010); Fouad
Bellamine (biography, Skira, 2013);        A wide range of fun learning resources
Shafic Abboud (biography, Skira,            will be made available to students and
2014); Jacques Monory (catalog,            teachers encouraging engagement
Leclerc fund, 2014); Ru Xiao-Fan,          with art and ideas.
Suzhou Museum, 2017; Figurations les
années 80 (catalog, Leclerc fund,           The full program can be found on the
2017).                                     official website: www.fadiaahmad.com
BEYROUTH | BEIRUT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12

                                                                                           C A T A L O G U E

                                                                                           on Beirut and includes text by Pascale
                                                                                           Le Thorel.            FAD IA AHMAD.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 book, in French and English is
                                                                                                                                                                                                 published by éditions Norma.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Comprising of more than 120
                                                                                                                                                                                                 photographs by Fadia Ahmad
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    O F   T H E              E X H I B I T I O N

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Beyrout hI Beirut
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Size:: 246
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Size    246x x305
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nb ofof pages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           pages:: 192
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nb ofof illustrations:
                                                                                                                                            Fadia Ahmad                                                                                           Beyrouth | Beirut                                                                             
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Language:: English-French
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Language      English-French
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Prix public         in the Middle East
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  85 US€
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ISBN:: 9782376660262
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Parution:: September
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               September 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Auteur:: Pascale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pascale Le
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Le Thorel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Diffusion France:: L’entreLivres/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DiffusionFrance                    BLDD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Diffusion Liban:: Antoine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Diffusion USAetetreste
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               monde:  ACC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    : ACC

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  EXHIBITION AT BEIT BEIRUT, BEIRUT,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SEPTEMBER 19 - OCTOBER 19 2019

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         149, rue de Rennes 75006 Paris
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        N O R M A Tél. : 01 45 48 70 96 – Fax : 01 45 48 05 84
                                                                                                                                            Pascale Le Thorel                                                                                               Éditions Norma              ÉDITIONS         Mail : editionsnorma@wanadoo.fr

                                                                                           THE BOOK
                                                                                           Fadia Ahmad lives and works between Beirut and Paris. She has produced series on Beirut and on refugee camps as well
                                                                                           as on the theme of travelling in Africa and Asia. She has been walking her city daily since 2003 along a 10,452-meter
                                                                                           route, a sample of territory related to the surface of Lebanon: 10,452 square meters. Neighborhood after neighborhood,
                                                                                           house after house, Fadia explores the city like Léon-Paul Fargue’s Le Piéton de Paris. “I decided to follow this itinerary,
                                                                                           always the same, so I wouldn’t wander around. It was its immutability that allowed me to discover, to embrace the city”,
                                                                                           she explains.

                                                                                           Capturing street-corner vendors and grocers, parking-lot attendants, fishermen, bathers and street artists, past and future
                                                                                           constructions but also collapsing buildings, Fadia Ahmad expresses the complex cohabitations in the world of today.

                                                                                           Her photographs, conceived like paintings, are in the image of Beirut, of partition, of difference, of her feelings. They are
                                                                                           fragments of a life just as they are fragments of a city.
                                                                                           PASCALE LE THOREL is an art critic, curator and editor. She has recently curated the exhibition Libres Figurations années
                                                                                           80 for the Fonds Hélène et Édouard Leclerc pour la culture. She is the author of a monograph on the Lebanese painter Shafic
                                                                                           Abboud (Skira) and of the Dictionnaire des artistes contemporains (Larousse).
                                                                                                 Fadia Ahmad, Reflections II , 2018

                                                                                                                                                   réalise alors comme un inventaire des présences religieuses et civilisationnelles. This
                                                                                                                                                   is us montre dans le ciel le minaret de la mosquée et le clocher de l’église maronite
                                                                                                                                                   Saint-Georges. La mosquée paraît encore au centre d’un gigantesque chantier, une
                                                                                                                                                   église maronite jouxte une église orthodoxe, les thermes romains semblent indes-
                                                                                                                                                   tructibles tout comme la mairie ou le Sérail…. Le quartier de la reconstruction,
                                                                                                                                                   Solidere, ou la statue en bronze de Rafic Hariri sont tout aussi imposants (The One
                                                                                                                                                   or the Other).
     Gustave Courbet, Le Bord de mer à Palavas (detail), 1854, Montpellier, Musée Fabre.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Break In, 2018.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Orgasm, 2016.

                                                                                                                                                   Arrivée à la mer Méditerranée de son enfance en Espagne, Fadia Ahmad pousse
                                                                                                                                                   l’intensité des couleurs, fait des chromos.
                                                                                                                                                     Au masculin, le chromo est une reproduction (paysage, nature morte, image reli-
                                                                                                                                                   gieuse) qui s’est répandue au XIXe avec les nouveaux moyens de reproduction. Au
                                                                                                                                                   féminin, une chromo (ou chromolithographie) définit un procédé lithographique de
                                                                                                                                                   reproduction en couleurs par impressions successives (quadrichromie) et les épreuves
                                                                                                                                                   obtenues par ce moyen. Les chromos, souvent en plans-séquences, de Fadia Ahmad
                                                                                                                                                   seront donc les deux, féminin et masculin, impressions successives en séquences
                                                                                                                                                   et polychromie intense, saturée et lumineuse du pays rêvé pour lui donner la force
                                                                                                                                                   romantique des paysages de Courbet, de Caspar David Friedrich ou de Gerhard
                                                                                                                                                   Richter. On y retrouve la même idée de décalage et de sublimation utilisée par l’ar-
                                                                                                                                                   tiste américain de la côte Ouest, Ed Ruscha, pour ses séries de chromos de paysages
                                                                                                Ed Ruscha, Not a Bad World, is it?, 1984.

                                                                                                                                                   et de cieux.
                                                                                                                                                     Le long du bord de mer, Fadia Ahmad cherche un semblant d’éternité. Elle pho-
                                                                                                                                                   tographie les amoureux, les pêcheurs, les lignes graphiques de leurs cannes, les
                                                                                                                                                   baigneurs et cet autre endroit intouché, inchangé, le Sporting, le club nautique où
                                                                                                                                                   se retrouvent les familles beyrouthines depuis les années 1960. Les vagues donnent
                                                                                                                                                   lieu à d’autres séquences photographiques, réminiscences d’Hokusai, de Courbet,
                                                                                                                                                   de Turner…, jusqu’à cet autre emblème de Beyrouth qu’est la grotte aux Pigeons.

                                                                                                                                                   En janvier 2019, au sortir de l’exposition Martine Franck à la Fondation Cartier-
                                                                                                                                                   Bresson à Paris, Fadia Ahmad m’a fait part de son ravissement, au double sens du
                                                                                                                                                   terme. Comment pouvait-il y avoir tant de proximité entre leurs recherches, leurs
                                                                                                                                                   photos, les thèmes mêmes qui les retiennent sans qu’elle ait connu son travail ?
                                                                                                                                                   Certainement leur quête d’humanité.
                                                                                                                                                     Martine Franck disait : « J’aimerais me penser comme quelqu’un qui ajoute un petit
                                                                                                                                                   caillou à la cause du Tibet. » Fadia Ahmad comme quelqu’un qui ajoute un petit cail-
                                                                                                                                                   lou à la cause du Liban : « Je veux montrer quelque chose qui n’est pas beau – beau.
                                                                                                                                                   Je suis dans une constante quête de comprendre l’autre, l’histoire, et moi-même
                                                                                                                                                   aussi. Du moins j’essaie. » Elle dit faire « une grande place au sentiment mais aussi
                                                                                                                                                   à la réflexion. Je suis très à l’écoute, très touchée par les gens défavorisés ». Fadia




                                                                                                                                                   Ahmad ajoute ainsi son petit caillou avec les photos de Beyrouth | Beirut , les séries


P   R   E   S   S

01 Ahmad 23, 2018
                    V   I   S   U   A

The old train station is located in the
                                        L   S

                                                03 Beit Beirut, 2018
                                                All the poetry, all the mystery, all the
                                                history of the Yellow House are
district of Mar Mikhael (trains do not
                                                depicted in this photograph which is
circulate in Lebanon since the war).
                                                above all a work on light. Fadia Ahmad
Fadia Ahmad manages to enter this               emphasizes the colors of the golden
place, (that is otherwise closed to the         stone and the almost moiré coatings,
public) and creates the Train Station           the traces of the war, an unexpected
photo series. We discover this gigantic         tree...
abandoned territory, metal carcasses,
rusty, colorful, locomotives, wagons,
overgrown, tattooed with inscriptions.
"Ahmad 23", her last name, speaks to
the artist who sees this image as a
sign, a symbol, a little magic ...

02 Meraki, 2016
The Corniche, the Pigeon’s Rock, and the
agitated sea as seen from the Sporting
Club have given life to this black and white
iconic photograph by Fadia Ahmad.
BEYROUTH | BEIRUT                                            14

04 Alani, 2016
This little girl who is watching the waves
is the emblem of this exhibition. This
photograph in black and white that is
very constructed, framed and poetic
calls for contemplation but also for
effervescence, mirroring the works of
the photographer Fadia Ahmad.

                                             SAINT LOUIS , 2016

05 Monuments
This set of 3 photographs that show the
great mosque of Hariri, a minaret and a
Maronite church testify to a set that the
artist devoted to the presence and
emblems of communities in the capital
of Lebanon. Humanist, deeply
committed to humanitarian
associations, Fadia Ahmad creates her
inventory of religious and civilizational
presences showing cohabitation of
beliefs, commitment but also the
feeling of inadequacy toward the
political and religious scenes.
                                              THE EGG III , 2017

06 Electrical wires                         07 Stairs
What is more disturbing, when               The stairs of the district of Achrafieh
working on a series of images and           are those that Fadia Ahmad do not
fragments than to stop ones lens on         climb, who continues her daily journey
the skeins of electric wires,               by the sea. They are however one of
construction cables, barbed wire, etc.,     the most striking elements of this part
in this incredible muddle that is           of the Beirut territory. Articulation with
another characteristic of this country,     the top of the hills, place of meeting
that is still under construction.           and conviviality, territory of the street
                                            artists, cats, cafés, students...

                          UNTITLED , 2017                                     UP , 2017
BEYROUTH | BEIRUT                                                                    16

08 Hollyday Inn / 09 The Egg                 10 Home
Near the Martyrs Square, Fadia Ahmad         In some ‘hors série’ photos, Fadia
stops on the emblems, the stigmatas          Ahmad retains particular moments,
of the Beirut civil war. On the concrete     which she fixes in time. Thus this
spaceship of the old cinema, riddled         house that collapsed in 2019 near her
with bullet holes (The Egg series). On       home, without any particular reason:
the facade of the Holiday Inn, equally       neither a bomb, nor a gas explosion
marked, and on which intervened              could have caused this significant
street artists to create artistic works      damage. This photo of strangeness
around holes and collapses.                  and exorbitance, is a metaphor for the
                                             wounds that remain open, the fragility
                                             of the city, but also of the fierce will of
                                             the Lebanese people to continue to
                                             live and start again.

                          THE EGG I , 2017

                                                                      FRAGMENTS , 2019
C   O   N   T   A    C   T   S   ,

                                     R   A   T   E   S   ,   A   C   C   E   S   S





T +962 6 463 026


M. +961 79 114 591

yasnoor   Beyrouth_Beirut   www.fadiaahmad.com
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