Page created by Carlos Simon
TIME       ACTIVITY           PRESENTER                     PRESENTATION TITLE
8.30am     Conference registration
9.00am     Welcome to         Wurundjeri Elder
9.15am     Welcome from       Kim Le Cerf,
           Mayor              Mayor Darebin
                              City Council
9.30am     Presentation       Jacynta Fuamatu               Pacific Climate Warriors
                              - 350 Pacific
9.50am     Presentation       David Spratt - Research       Beyond urgent: The
                              Director, Breakthrough        science of climate
                              National Centre for           warming as existential
                              Climate Restoration           risk
10.20am    Presentation       Paul Gilding -                Climate change as a
                              Independent Writer and        global emergency
                              Advisor on Sustainability
10.50 -    Presentation       Philip Sutton - Manager     Climate Emergency
                              and Strategist, Research    Response
                              and Strategy for Transition
11.20am    Morning tea
11.40pm    Panel discussion   Facilitator - Kim             Climate emergency
                              Le Cerf, Mayor                action vs climate change
                              Darebin City Council          action – what is different?
                              Panellists - Philip Sutton,
                              Susan Rennie,
                              Darebin City Council.
                              Luke Taylor Breakthrough
                              – National Centre for
                              Climate Restoration
12:10pm    Presentation       Larissa Baldwin - Senior   Climate Justice in the
                              Campaigner for Aboriginal Climate Emergency
                              and Torres Strait Islander
                              Rights, GetUp!
12.30pm    Lunch

1.15pm     Presentation       Kate Fitzgerald, Director,   Emergency Management
                              Relief and Recovery,         and the Climate
                              Emergency Management         Emergency
2.00pm     Presentation       Brynn O’Brien, Executive     Building Civic Power in
                              Director, Australasian       Capital
                              Centre for Corporate
2.45pm     Panel discussion   Facilitator – Rachel        Mapping Darebin’s
                              Ollivier, Manager City      climate emergency
                              Sustainability and Strategy journey
                              Panelists - Susan
                              Rennie, Gavin Mountjoy,
                              Coordinator, Energy and
                              Adaptation, Darebin
                              City Council and Bryony
                              Edwards Community
                              Action in the Climate
                              Emergency (CACE)
3.30pm     Panel Discussion Facilitator – Tiffany          Climate Emergency
                            Harrison, Executive            Darebin: Who, what,
                            Officer, Climate               why, when and how
                            Emergency Darebin
                            Panelists – Madeleine
                            Brennan, Vanessa Petrie
                            and Adrian Whitehead,
                            Members Climate
                            Emergency Darebin
4.00pm     Afternoon tea
4.15pm     Facilitated        Trent McCarthy, Darebin      Facilitating Action: Ideas,
           session            City Council and Climate     initiatives and innovations
                              Emergency Darebin            from the floor
4.45pm     End Day One presentations

6.30pm -   Evening            Jeremy Heimans,              New Power: Building
8.30pm     Presentation,      founder of GetUp! and        social movements by
           Q&A                author of New Power:         unleashing the power of
                              How Power Works in our       the connected crowd
                              Hyperconnected World

          Panel discussion   Facilitator -              Climate emergency
          Session A          Madeleine Brennan          communications and
                             Climate Emergency          engagement: Different
                             Darebin (CED)              perspectives
                             Panelists - Jane Morton
                             Darebin Climate Action
                             Network, Giselle
                             Wilkinson Breakthrough
                             - National Centre for
9.30am                       Climate Restoration,
                             David Meikeljohn
                             Executive Officer,
                             Northern Alliance for
                             Greenhouse Action
          Presentation       Karen Kiang,               Embracing a Plant-Rich
          Session B          Paediatrician, Royal       Diet: The intersection of
                             Children’s Hospital        environment, agriculture,
                             and Doctors for the        politics, economics, and
                             Environment                health
          Presentation       Angela Rutter,             Moving People to Action:
          Session A          Co-Director,               Communications and
                             Common Cause               engagement solutions
          Presentation       Alex Sangster, Minister    Radical Action at the
10.15am   Session B          of the Word, Fairfield     Heart of Faith: Working
                             Uniting Church; Tejopala   with faith communities to
                             Rawls Community            fight climate apathy
                             Organiser, Australian
                             Religious Response to
                             Climate Change

11.00am    Morning tea
           Presentation      Bronwyn Gresham,            Personal mobilisation in
           Session A         Clinical psychologist and   a climate emergency:
                             volunteer, Psychologists    The role of emotional
                             for a Safe Climate          awareness and
11.15am                                                  psychological skills for
           Presentation      Adrian Morphett,            The benefits of biochar in
           Session B         Principal Environmental     combatting the climate
                             Engineer, Earth Systems     emergency
           Presentation      Katerina Gaita, Director,   Talking climate change
           Session A         Climate for Change          with friends, neighbours,
                                                         family and colleagues!
12.00pm    Presentation      Manny Pasqualini,           Community Power:
           Session B         Principal, Zero Carbon      Scaling our community-
                             Strategy & Programs,        driven response to
                             Moreland Energy             climate change and
                             Foundation                  energy poverty
           Presentation      Sue Hopkins,                Mobilising to take climate
           Session A         Sustainability Manager,     action at work and at
                             University of Melbourne     home (lessons from the
                                                         Green Impact program)
           Presentation      Charles Massy,              The benefits of
           Session B         Farmer, Teacher, Author,    regenerative agriculture
                             Agricultural Innovator      in combatting the climate
1.30pm     Lunch
2.30pm     Workshop          Trent McCarthy,             Workshop: Consolidating
                             Darebin City Council        ideas and developing
                                                         commitments for
                                                         ongoing action
4.30pm -   Closing session   Trent McCarthy,             Closing session
5pm                          Darebin City Council

JACYNTA FUAMATU                               PAUL GILDING
Pacific Climate Warriors                      Climate change as a global emergency
As an activitist through her work as          If climate change poses an existential risk
a Pacific Climate Warrior, Jacynta            to society, what does it mean to have an
uses her voice to elevate stories from        emergency response, technologically
frontline communities impacted by             and politically? How should we act?
climate change. We can learn from
existing communities that are active in       PHILIP SUTTON
the climate movement. The lessons we          Climate Emergency Response
can take from frontline communities           In this presentation Philip will explore
(diaspora communities) not only add           what it will take to deliver maximum
value but also send a powerful message        protection of the climate vulnerable
of solidarity and unity, thus empowering      and the restoration of a safe climate.
culturally diverse communities. It is not     He will sketch an action framework to
an easy task to mobilise a community          cool the planet fast, via zero emissions
to support a cause without investing          and carbon dioxide drawdown, through
quality time in forming relationships         emergency mode action by government,
in them; this builds trust which is           businesses and the community, and
valuable. In this presentation Jacynta        building on key historical case studies
will share some stories and reflect           of large-scale, rapid restructuring of
upon ways we can work in solidarity           economies.
across organisations in our networks to
demonstrate climate leadership.               LARISSA BALDWIN
                                              Climate Justice in the Climate Emergency
Beyond urgent: The science of climate
                                              Aboiriginal and Torres Strait Islander
warming as existential risk                   people are experiencing climate change
                                              now. In this presentation Larissa will
Climate change is already dangerous,          share the experience of climate change
and the projected warming in the wake         as a lived and present reality, and one
of the Paris Agreement in 2015 poses a        that will continue to impact dramatically
threat to human civilisation unless the       as communities are potentially moved
pace and scale of action to decarbonise       off land into urban centres in the future.
society and return to a safe climate is       Climate justice requires attention to
radically increased. This presentation will   these impacts, and for indigenous voices
look at recent observations, projected        to be present in responding to the
warming and impacts on key features           climate emergency.
of the climate system, and analyses
how the understatement of climate
risks has become incorporated in the
communication of scientific research
and in policymaking. Parameters for
returning to a safe climate will be

KATE FITZGERALD                             KAREN KIANG
Emergency Management and                    Embracing a Plant-Rich Diet - the
the Climate Emergency                       intersection of environment, agriculture,
                                            politics, economics, and health
Drawing upon examples from the
disaster relief and recovery sector, this   Unhealthy environments, climate change,
presentation will explore ways we can       and poor diet are major contributors
develop and implement a whole of            to both chronic and acute illnesses.
government and community focused            Changes to the way we produce our
approach to the climate emergency.          food, and the type of food we eat, are
In addition, this paper will extrapolate    urgently required for both human and
from experience in the disaster relief      planetary health.
and recovery sector, elaborating some
guiding principles and lessons learned      ANGELA RUTTER
which can be applied to the climate         Moving people to action -
emergency.                                  Communications & Engagement Solutions
                                            This presentation will focus on insights
BRYNN O’BRIEN                               and results from research undertaken
Building Civic Power in Capital             for Darebin City Council’s Climate
Australia’s superannuation funds            Emergency / Communication and
are now responsible for more than           Engagement Solutions project, using an
$2.6 trillion, with which they invest in    evidence based story structure. Tips on
companies across the country and the        how to apply the research in practice will
world. Through activist shareholdings,      also be covered.
Australian Centre for Corporate
Responsibility seeks to make super          ALEX SANGSTER AND
funds accountable for ensuring a safe       TEJOPALA RAWLS
climate future, by amplifying their         Radical Action at the Heart of Faith:
                                            work within Faith Communities to fight
influence over listed companies. In         climate apathy
this presentation Brynn will explore
strategies for responsible businesses as    Many people of faith feel very
well as opportunities for shareholders      strongly about the climate crisis. This
to use their power to ask companies to      presentation will explore how faith
improve their performance on issues you     communities can demonstrate strong
care about including climate emergency.     climate emergency action. In particular,
                                            examples from the Stop Adani
JEREMY HEIMANS                              campaign will be shared. The workshop
New Power: Building social movements        will include a conversation about Non
by unleashing the power of the connected    Violent Direct Action.
Jeremy will talk about digital activism
and how to use the new model of
power which is open, participatory and
peer-driven – to build a movement,
in this case, a climate emergency
movement. Jeremy’s work is relevant
to many issues and causes for people
wanting to gather support and
BRONWYN GRESHAM                              ADRIAN MORPHETT
Personal mobilisation in a climate           The benefits of biochar in combatting the
emergency: The role of emotional awareness   climate emergency
and psychological skills for engagement
                                             Earth Systems has been engaged with
There is a growing body of evidence          Manningham City Council for the past
on the range of emotional impacts            2.5 years diverting their internal parks
of climate change; both from people          and gardens tree prunnings and green
affected by extreme weather events,          waste from landfill and converting it to
and those coming to grips with the           a carbon sequestring product called
scale and complexity. Yet while people       biochar. Biochar is a true form of carbon
will generally agree climate change          sequestration, locking up the carbon of
is happening, there is a reluctance to       the original tree for 1000 years plus in a
wholeheartedly accept the difficult          stable carbon form. Normally biochar is
news of the scale and urgency of             used for soil applications adding carbon
action required. This talk will share        to poorly performing soils to improve
three common challenging emotional           their performance with increased surface
experiences. A model will be shared          area, water holding capacity, nutrient
to understand the emotional systems          holding capacity and other benefits. In
activated. The word ‘emergency’ will         this presentation Adrian will share the
be explored through reflecting on our        biochar development story including the
personal experiences, to consider the        research which highlights the carbon
meaning and inform application.              sequestration capacity of biochar, the
                                             EPA approval process, the working
                                             relationship with Manningham Council
                                             and lessons learned along the way.

                                             KATERINA GAITA
                                             Talking climate change with friends,
                                             family and colleagues
                                             Social research tells us that most people
                                             process information and form opinions
                                             through conversations with others. How
                                             can those of us who understand the
                                             climate emergency and how humanity
                                             needs to respond have more effective
                                             conversations with those around us
                                             to get them on board too? Climate for
                                             Change has facilitated conversations
                                             in the communities of Melbourne and
                                             now Brisbane with over 5000 people. In
                                             this presentation Katerina will share her
                                             experience as a climate communicator,
                                             reflecting on what has been learned
                                             and the social research that informs the
                                             Climate for Change approach.

MANNY PASQUALINI                             CHARLES MASSY
Community Power – scaling our                The benefits of regenerative agriculture in
community-driven response to climate         combatting the climate emergency
change and energy poverty
                                             As the Earth moves further into
‘Community Power’ has taken off as           the Anthropocene and ongoing
a concept in Australia and provides          destabilization of seven of its eight
a range of ways for communities to           regulating systems, constructive
own, lead, participate in and benefit        solutions seem hard to find in the face
from the renewable energy boom. This         of an ongoing commitment by business
session will explore some of the models      and political leaders to economic
making an impact, and the tools and          rationalism. However, emerging out
resources being created to help drive        of the pack is one field of collective
the sector. The ‘Community Solar Portal’     endeavour providing some exciting
will be given a sneak peek ahead of          solutions to these Anthropocene
its upcoming launch – a web based            problems: that of Regenerative
platform designed to help showcase           agriculture. By healing key landscape
investment model projects, manage            functions, there is now powerful
community investment and provide             evidence (supported, for example,
access to resources such as fit for          by Hawken’s book ‘Drawdown’) that
purpose legals for new community solar       collective regenerative agriculture can
projects.                                    drawdown carbon from the atmosphere
                                             by more than a factor of two compared
SUE HOPKINS                                  to the next best method. In this talk
Mobilising to take climate action at work    Charles will explain the background to
and at home (lessons from the Green          this exciting potential and to possible
Impact program)
                                             future pathways.
The Green Impact program is a change
and engagement program piloted
for the first time in Australasia at The
University of Melbourne in 2017. Learn
how UoM has implemented a program
that gets staff and students working
together to create the change they want
in their departments. Teams can focus
on their strengths and change their
workplace from within. The program
is about ensuring sustainability is
fun and inclusive. In reflecting on the
Green Impact program Sue will share
strategies, tips and innovative ways to
raise awareness about sustainability, and
collaborate, to deliver real change within
complex organisations.

LARISSA BALDWIN                              KATE FITZGERALD
Senior Campaigner for Aboriginal and         Director, Relief and Recovery,
Torres Strait Islander Rights, GetUp!        Emergency Management Victoria
Larissa is from the Widjabul clan of         Kate has led development and delivery
the Bundjalung nation. She currently         of relief and recovery reform across the
leads GetUp’s Aboriginal and Torres          emergency and management sectors in
Strait Islander campaigns and strategy       roles including Director of the Australian
nationally ensuring partnerships with        Government Crisis Coordination Centre
frontline communities and empowerment        and Relief and Recovery Directorate in
of First Nations People to create change.    Emergency Management Australia. Kate
Larissa was also the Co-Founder of           holds a Masters and Bachelor Degree in
Seed - Australia’s first Indigenous youth    Emergency Management from Charles
climate network and was previously the       Sturt University and has studied as an
National Director of Seed. She has 14        International Fellow at the East-West
years experience working in Aboriginal       Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.
controlled organisations across the
social justice and environmental sectors.    JACYNTA FUAMATU
Larissa is passionate about many issues      Melbourne Coordinator, 350 Pacific
facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait          Born and raised in Australia, Jacynta
Islander people and believes in seeking      identifies as both an Australian and
change through self-determination and        Samoan. She has been working in the
grassroots leadership.                       climate movement since 2014 alongside
                                             the Pacific Climate Warriors mobilising
MADELEINE BRENNAN                            communities to demonstrate climate
Committee member,                            leadership on the ground level and in
Climate Emergency Darebin
                                             global talks; from using traditional canoes
Madeleine, a freelance writer, editor and    to bloackade coal ships in Newcastle,
communications strategist has experience NSW, storytelling at the Vatican, and
across the community, agriculture,           using flowers at Cop23 in Bonn, Germany.
sustainability and energy sectors. In her
role with Climate Emergency Darebin, she KATERINA GAITA
applies the ‘think global, act local’ mantra Director, Climate for Change
and is committed to strengthening            Katerina is a climate communicator
community and building resilience            specialising in community engagement.
through positive action.                     Her passion and expertise are in
BRYONY EDWARDS                               helping everyday people understand
                                             the problem and challenges we face
Community Action in the Climate Emergency
                                             in climate change, then inspiring and
Bryony campaigns for safe climate            empowering them to make a difference.
restoration by running as a climate          Katerina has more than eight years’
emergency candidate for Save the             experience in behaviour change and
Planet in state and local government         in project and business management,
elections, and encouraging community         including founding and growing a small
groups to support climate emergency          sustainability business from conception
action though Community Action in            to one with more than 200 clients and
the Climate Emergency. She works in          30 staff over four years.
human services policy, and has lived in
Darebin since 2008.
PAUL GILDING                                TIFFANY HARRISON
Independent writer and advisor              Executive Officer, Climate Emergency
on sustainability                           Darebin.
Paul is an author, corporate advisor        Tiffany is an ecologist who has been
and campaigner for a sustainable            working in the environmental sector for
economy and a global authority on           over 12 years in diverse roles including
the implications of climate change. He      research, policy and planning as well as
works around the world alerting leaders     campaigning and advocacy. She has
– in business, NGO’s, government and        focused on climate change strategy
even the military – to the emerging         and response for the last 6 years, in
global economic and ecological crisis.      particular engaging with the significant
A long-time advocate for emergency          role local governments have in climate
mobilisation in response to climate         action and community engagement.
change, he co-authored the One Degree
War Plan in 2009. His book The Great        JEREMY HEIMANS
Disruption is widely acclaimed, including   Founder of GetUp!, author of ‘New Power:
by Tom Friedman in the New York Times       How Power Works in our Hyperconnected
who wrote Ignore Gilding at your peril.     World’.
                                            Jeremy Heimans is the co-founder
BRONWYN GRESHAM                             and CEO of Purpose, an organization
Clinical psychologist & volunteer,          headquartered in New York that
Psychology for a Safe Climate (PSC)         builds and supports social movements
Bronwyn has 12 years therapeutic            around the world. He is the co-founder
experience largely in public mental         of GetUp!, an Australian political
health settings. She works in community     organization with more members than all
therapy and has interests in holistic       of Australia’s political parties combined.
health including the interconnections       With Henry Timms, Jeremy is co-author
between our wellbeing, the environment,     of the book New Power: How Power
our community and broader contexts          Works in Our Hyperconnected World –
that influences experiences of life. PSC    and How to Make It Work for You.
is a not-for-profit Melbourne based
organisation that acknowledges the
need for strong and urgent action on
climate change and aims to increase
understanding and engagement with
climate change.

SUE HOPKINS                                     CHARLES MASSY
Sustainability Engagement Coordinator           Farmer, Teacher, Author, Agricultural
at the University of Melbourne                  Innovator
Sue has been working in the                     Charles combines management of the
environmental/sustainability space for          family grazing property (Severn Park),
almost 20 years, in particular spending 10      teaching in universities and consulting on
years within tertiary education institutions.   Merino breeding and landscape design.
Before joining The University of Melbourne      He has served as a Director on national
in 2016, Sue worked for Australasian            and international industry bodies
Campuses towards Sustainability, a not for      involving garment manufacture, wool
profit organization engaging universities       marketing, R&D, molecular genetics and
across Australasia. In her current role         genomics. Charles has also engaged
Sue has led implementation of the               in freelance journalism and writing for
Green Impact program, an innovative             many years. His latest book, Call of the
sustainability engagement program,              Reed Warbler: A New Agriculture – A
which has mobilised hundreds of staff and       New Earth (UQP Sept. 2017) explores
students to undertake positive actions to       transformative and regenerative
improve the environmental performance           agriculture and the vital connection
of their workplaces.                            between our soil and our health.

KAREN KIANG                                     TRENT MCCARTHY
Paediatrician, Royal Children’s Hospital,       Councillor, Darebin City Council
                                                Trent was elected to his third Council
Karen is an advocate for children’s             term in 2016. Co-founder of the award-
health, particularly in regard to the           winning Solar Saver program, Trent has
impacts of climate change on children in        led Darebin’s climate policy work over
developing countries and on refugees.           the past decade and is a longstanding
Karen is a member of the Climate                member of the Northern Alliance
Change committee with Doctors for the           for Greenhouse Action. He believes
Environment Australia, and has recently         community leadership is essential in
been part of a working group on climate         responding to the climate emergency.
change with the Royal Australasian
College of Physicians.                          DAVID MEIKLEJOHN
                                                Executive Officer, Northern Alliance
KIM LE CERF                                     for Greenhouse Action (NAGA)
Councillor, Darebin City Council                David has previously worked as a
Cr Le Cerf was elected to Darebin Council       journalist and a behaviour change
in 2016 and is currently serving as Mayor       consultant delivering programs to
of an invigorated new Council featuring         encourage sustainable transport
six women. She is passionate about              uptake, healthier living and reducing
the environment and wants to create             household greenhouse gas emissions.
a sustainable future for generations            NAGA is a network of nine councils
to come, with much of her career                in northern metropolitan Melbourne
being devoted to responding to the              working together on climate change
climate challenge within state and local        He is currently completing a PhD
government. Cr Le Cerf feels a strong           on the responses of Australian local
connection to the local community where         governments to climate change.
she lives and is raising her three children.
JANE MORTON                                 BRYNN O’BRIEN
Convenor, Darebin Climate Action Now        Executive Director, Australian Centre
Jane is a clinical psychologist, who has    for Corporate Responsibility
specialised in values-based treatment for   Brynn is a lawyer and has a background
people with severe emotional difficulties   in human rights, global work and
and a history of trauma. She was the        migration issues. She is an expert on the
lead author of a number of major            UN Guiding Principles on Business and
reports, one of which resulted in the       Human Rights. Her experience traverses
establishment of a state-wide service       both commercial and human rights
for people with borderline personality      law, and she has worked extensively
disorder, and another in the creation of    in the field of human trafficking and
a specialist therapy service for young      slavery in global supply chains. Brynn
people in out-of-home care. Jane is         holds a Master of Laws from Columbia
currently finalising a booklet on how to    University in New York and a Bachelor of
talk about the climate emergency.
                                            Medical Science and Bachelor of Laws
ADRIAN MORPHETT                             with first class honours from UTS.
Principal Environmental Engineer,           RACHEL OLLIVIER
Earth Systems
                                            General Manager City Sustainability
Adrian has over 18 years experience         and Strategy, Darebin City Council
in the energy and carbon sectors.
Adrian was a member of the team that        Prior to her current role Rachel held
developed the CharMaker technology, a       various positions in the community,
commercialised pyrolysis technology for     private and government sectors, both
processing woody biomass to biochar,        nationally and internationally, across
heat, wood vinegar and electricity.         climate, sustainable building, energy and
Creation of biochar diverts green           carbon issues. She was also a lecturer
waste and timber from landfill and/         on Environmental Regulation and Policy
or compost thus sequestering carbon.        at RMIT. The City Sustainability and
Adrian runs a CharMarker unit through       Strategy division includes the following
the Manningham City Council for which       departments: City Development, City
an EPA approval process for organic         Futures, City Safety and Compliance,
certification is underway.                  and Environment and Sustainable
                                            Transport. Rachel is a graduate of
GAVIN MOUNTJOY                              the Australian Institute of Company
Energy and Adaptation Coordinator,          Directors, holds a Master of Finance,
Darebin City Council                        a Graduate Diploma of Public Relations
Gavin has worked in the environment         and a Bachelor of Environmental
sector in local government for 18           Science.
years. In his current role he has led the
award winning Solar Saver program,
delivering solar power to close to 1,000
pensioners and residents in Darebin. He
is also overseeing the expansion of that
program to meet the goal of doubling
solar in Darebin by 2021, by adding
another 18,000 kW of solar. Gavin has led
the change-over of 10,000 streetlights to
energy efficient lights, development of
the Climate Emergency Plan, and helped
to establish and support the Climate                                                13
Emergency Darebin Committee.
MANNY PASQUALINI                            TEJOPALA RAWLS
Principal, Zero Carbon Strategy &           Community Organiser, Australian Religious
Programs, Moreland Energy Foundation        Response to Climate Change (ARRCC)
                                            Tejopala is a member of the Triratna
Manny has worked in conservation,           Buddhist Order. His work on climate
climate, water and environmental            change includes organising within
management projects in Europe, Latin        the global Buddhist community,
America and Australia. Previously, as       coordinating a national energy efficiency
Director, Community Power Agency and        scheme, giving Al Gore’s well-known
project manager of the Community Solar      slideshow presentation, media relations
Toolkit Project, and in his current role,   for the New Zealand Green Party, and
Manny has focused on building a strong      performing stand-up comedy about
and vibrant community energy sector.        the issue. ARRCC is a grassroots
At MEFL Manny is leading development        multi-faith organisation taking action
of innovative approaches to enabling        on climate change, especially on the
greater access to the benefits of clean     Adani coal mine. Tejopala is passionate
energy and sustainable design at a          about rapidly changing the political
range of scales and in collaboration with   environment so that climate policies
industry, community stakeholders and all    become commensurate to both the
levels of government.                       scale and urgency of the problem.
VANESSA PETRIE                              SUSAN RENNIE
CEO, Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE)            Councillor, Darebin City Council
and Committee member,
Climate Emergency Darebin                   Cr Rennie was elected to Council in
                                            2016. She is a long term public health
Since joining BZE in early 2017 Vanessa     campaigner and community activist
has partnered with her team to deliver      for gambling reform and for equality.
Rethinking Cement, the world’s first        Susan works to enhance community
strategy for decarbonising the cement       health and wellbeing, and believes that
industry, the Zero Carbon Communities       we cannot achieve good community
Guide, won Best International Energy        health without environmental health.
Think Tank in the 2018 Prospect Think       Applying this lens, she has become
Tank Awards; and secured BZE’s              a champion for decisive action to
ranking as 50th Best Independent            respond to the climate emergency.
Think Tank in the world. Vanessa has
worked in local and State Government
including in infrastructure planning,
project management, legislative policy
development, major policy reform and
waste and resource recovery strategic
planning. Vanessa is a Director of the
Goulburn Valley Waste and Resource
Recovery Group Board. She has a
Bachelor of Environmental Engineering
(RMIT) and a Masters of Environment
(University of Melbourne).

ANGELA RUTTER                                   DAVID SPRATT
Co-Director, Common Cause Australia             Research Director, Breakthrough
                                                National Centre for Climate Restoration.
Angela’s interest in social change
has shaped her career. As Director              David is a Melbourne businessman,
of Engagement at the Australian                 climate policy analyst and
Conservation Foundation Angela led the          co-founder of Carbon Equity. David has
development of new values-based story           extensive advocacy experience in the
and community engagement strategies,            peace movement and in developing
resulting in a growing and vibrant              community campaign communication
community speaking out for a world              and marketing strategies. He is active
where nature thrives. She has expertise         in the community-based climate
in developing civic leadership, leading         movement and co-authored Climate
Climate Reality Australia for several years,    Code Red: The case for emergency
and works with Leadership Victoria, an          action (2008, with Philip Sutton).
organisation dedicated to creating better
leadership for a better world.                  PHILIP SUTTON
                                                Manager and Strategist, Research and
ALEX SANGSTER                                   Strategy for Transition Initiation
Minister of the Word,                           Philip is a sustainability strategist who
Uniting Church, Fairfield                       has worked on the climate emergency
Alex is actively involved with Australian       approach to action since 2006. His focus
Religious Response to Climate Change.           is on developing strategies that rapidly
Action for justice is at the heart of her       restore a pre-warming safe climate
religious vocation. Alex also works as          through a climate emergency response.
an actor and facilitator with Melbourne         He co-authored Climate Code Red: The
Playback Theatre Company. Alex is               case for emergency action (2008, with
closely involved in the Stop Adani              David Spratt) and in an earlier life was
campaign. Together with Tejopala Rawls          the architect of the pioneering Flora
she was arrested when they blocked the          and Fauna Guarantee Act passed by the
access road to the Adani work site of the       Victorian Parliament.
rail line with a peaceful, multi-faith ritual
of meditation, prayer and song. In April        LUKE TAYLOR
this year she helped deliver a joint letter     Managing Director, Breakthrough - The
from 60 religious leaders across Australia      National Centre for Climate Restoration.
to Adani at their office in Townsville.         Luke has spent over twenty years
                                                working in climate and sustainability
                                                advocacy and communications. He is
                                                deeply committed to the development
                                                and promotion of strategy innovation
                                                and analysis that is essential to deliver
                                                emergency level mobilisation for a safe
                                                climate. Breakthrough is an independent
                                                think tank that develops critical thought
                                                leadership to influence the national
                                                climate debate and policymaking.

ADRIAN WHITEHEAD                              GISELLE WILKINSON
 National Campaign Manager,                    Outreach Manager, Breakthrough -
 Save the planet and Committee member,         National Centre for Climate Restoration
 Climate Emergency Darebin
                                               Giselle is a creative change agent,
 Adrian has been an environmental              author, social innovator and co-founder
 campaigner since 1986, and has been           of Sustainable Living Foundation
 campaigning to reverse global warming         Australia in 1999 and Breakthrough-
 since 2003. He has worked on many             National Centre for Climate Restoration
 successful campaigns, including co-           in 2014. Giselle actively promotes the
 founding Beyond Zero Emissions, Save          personal engagement and societal
 the Planet and Community Action in the        changes needed to reverse global
 Climate Emergency (CACE).                     warming so that all people, species
                                               and future generations may have the
                                               chance to survive and thrive. Having
                                               researched enablers and hurdles to
                                               transformational change at various levels
                                               and documented her experience living
                                               in ‘Emergency Mode’ Giselle is currently
                                               completing her thesis: Mobilising
                                               Whole Communities to Restore a Safe

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