Facts, figures and media pack - Insidethegames

Facts, figures and media pack - Insidethegames
insideworldfootball is the authoritative independent guide
to the business, politics and bid processes behind the sport

       Facts, figures and
          media pack

         If it matters, you’ll read it here.

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   including the key figures of world football
Facts, figures and media pack - Insidethegames
“In this fast paced world it is essential that you have up-to-date knowledge. insideworldfootball provides this and more.”

                                            Ruud Gullit,
                                            Former Dutch Captain, former Chelsea Manager, former President, Holland Belgium 2018 bid committee, double World Footballer of the Year

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Why work with insideworldfootball:

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             “insideworldfootball is the premier source of accurate quality information and commentary for the global football industry.”

              Marcel Schmid,
              CEO and Founder of International Football Arena
“It is important to receive quality information that is well researched and professionally presented. insideworldfootball excels
                                        through writers who really know the business of football.”
                                        Franz Beckenbauer, FIFA World Cup winning captain (1974) and coach (1990), Organiser of the 2006 FIFA World Cup
                                        and former FIFA Executive Committee Member

Duncan Mackay, Editor

Duncan Mackay is the editor of insideworldfootball. He is one of
Britain’s best-connected journalists and during the 16 years he
worked at The Guardian and The Observer he regularly broke a
number of major exclusive stories, including the news that England
and Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand was facing a ban
after skipping a drugs test.
Mackay’s ground-breaking stories were recognised when he was
voted the British Sports Journalist of the Year in 2004 and, in the
same year, won the Sports News Story of the Year. In 2010 he was
named as British Sports Internet Writer of the Year (2009) by the
Sports Journalist Association.
Mackay has attended five football World Cup Finals, his first being in
1974 in Germany.
Mackay regularly appears on Sky News, BBC News 24, BBC World, Sky
Sports News, BBC Radio 5 and CNBC as well as several other radio and
television stations around the world. He has written several books,
including the highly critically-acclaimed Running Scared: How Athletics
Lost its Innocence, Linford Christie, The History of the Olympics and
China Gold: China’s Quest for Global Power and Olympic Glory.

Right: insideworldfootball editor Duncan Mackay
interviews FIFA President Joseph Blatter in Singapore
“When you’re hot-footing from one story to another, insideworldfootball is a priceless resource.”

                                                 Ian Dovaston,
                                                 Sky News Sports Correspondent

Regular contributors to insideworldfootball

             David Owen                                                              Andrew Warshaw                                                         Mihir Bose
             Chief columnist                                                         Chief football writer                                                  Regular columnist
             David Owen is a former Sports Editor of                                  Andrew Warshaw is a former Sports                                      Mihir Bose is an award winning journalist
              the Financial Times. He has covered four                                Editor of The European, the newspaper                                  and author who writes a weekly blog for
               football World Cups and the Athens and                                  that broke the Bosman story in the                                    insideworldfootball that is a “must read”
                Beijing Olympics - not to mention a G7                                  1990s, the most significant issue to shape                            among leading football officials around
                Summit and general elections in three                                   professional football as we know it today.                            the world.
     different countries.                                                       Before that, he worked for The Associated Press               He was the BBC’s first Sports Editor where his job involved
Much of his sportswriting has a business slant and he enjoys            for 13 years in Geneva and London.                                    investigating and analysing sports stories. His major scoops
exceptional contacts with leading international sports                  During a distinguished career, Warshaw has covered no fewer           included revealing how the cost of the London Olympics had
administrators in the football world and beyond. Under his              than seven World Cups, starting in 1982, and is one of the            risen from the original £2.4 billion to £9.3 billion. He covered all
sports editorship, Joseph Blatter, the FIFA President, became a         UK’s most respected writers on the politics of football and the       BBC outlets including the flagship Ten O’Clock News, the Today
much-read FT columnist. Owen, a fluent French speaker, was              corridors of power. He has covered the last three World Cup           programme, Five Live and the website.
also the first British journalist to interview Michel Platini in 2006   bids, providing insightful analysis of England’s failed bid for the   Before joining the BBC, he was the chief sports news
when the Frenchman successfully challenged Lennart Johansson            2006 and 2018 tournaments, South Africa’s dramatic narrow             correspondent for the Daily Telegraph for 12 years where
for the UEFA Presidency.                                                loss to Germany for 2010 and the extraordinary chain of events        he created an innovative weekly column, Inside Sport. He
Since starting to write for insideworldfootball and its sister          both before and after the controversial simultaneous ballots for      also wrote on the editorial pages on such subjects as race,
publication insidethegames, Owen has produced a stream of               the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.                                         immigration, and other social and cultural issues.
compelling and authoritative columns in addition to breaking            A familiar face at important FIFA and UEFA summits and                He has written for nearly all the major UK newspapers, editing
numerous stories. These range from the disclosure that FIFA             football business conferences, Warshaw has an impressive              the Inside Track column of the Sunday Times and several
was considering staging the bidding contests for the 2018               contacts book and enjoys a cordial relationship with many of the      business publications. He has presented programmes for radio
and 2022 World Cups at the same time to the revelation that             game’s movers and shakers. For many years, he has also written        and television, and written over 25 books, including two books
Franz Beckenbauer was being kept awake by a rogue vuvuzela.             news, match reports and features for a raft of market-leading         on Manchester United and one on Tottenham Hotspur. His
Like Beckenbauer, Owen once played on a winning team at                 national and international newspapers and magazines. He is also       most recent book, The Spirit of the Game, published in 2012,
Wembley.                                                                the football politics analyst for talkSPORT, commercial radio         explores how Sport lost its original spirit and how it emerged in
                                                                        station of the year.                                                  the 20th century as the most powerful political and social tool
                                                                                                                                              in the world.

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                                      Niall Sloane,
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