ExxonMobil in Africa Energy for growth

Page created by Victoria Jimenez
ExxonMobil in Africa Energy for growth
ExxonMobil in Africa
Energy for growth
ExxonMobil in Africa Energy for growth
Energy for growth
                                                   Africa is immensely gifted: rich in talent and
                                                   human resources, wide ranging in its beauty
                                                   and diversity, and abundant in natural resources.
                                                   These inherent strengths are unique, and tak-
                                                   en together they offer Africa the chance to build
                                                   a better future.

                  Sustained economic growth is             strongly believes in its future. We   the sale of end products to
                  at the heart of this path and cap-       want to continue our partnership      industry and consumers.
                  turing the full benefit of Africa’s      with Africa to help supply the
                  resources is both a tremendous           energy needed for future growth       With our oil and gas production
                  challenge and a major opportu-           and development. Our commit-          output expected to triple in the
                  nity.                                    ment is reflected in our business     next three years and many other
                                                           presence, with operations in          projects to follow, we will con-
                  ExxonMobil has been present in           most African countries, whether       tinue to invest significantly in
                  Africa for over 100 years and            in exploration and production or      Africa.

    • Has been active in Africa for more than 100 years
    • Is present in most African nations
    • Has a network of almost 2,000 service stations
    • Employs more than 5,000 people directly, and over
      50,000 indirectly
    • Produces oil both on land and offshore with output
      of one million barrels of oil per day - output is
      expected to triple by 2005
    • Generates US $1.5 billion in taxes on retail sales
      per year

                  Safety and health:
                             our primary concern
                  We are working constantly to             fighting the causes of malaria,       every operation in the compa-
                  drive injuries, illnesses and            and distribute insecticide-treat-     ny. But without management
                  operational incidents to zero.           ed bed nets to those most vul-        and employee commitment
                                                           nerable.                              every day, we wouldn’t be able
                  In Africa we are coming ever                                                   to achieve our aim that
                  closer to achieving this goal,           Everything we do is done with         “Nobody Gets Hurt.”
                  despite the problems faced by            safety in mind. Our main tool
                  the naturally challenging envi-          for achieving leading levels of       We don’t stop, however, with
                  ronment. We are investing in             performance is our Operations         our own personnel. ExxonMobil
                  solutions to these problems on           Integrity Management System,          expects our contractors to
                  different levels. For example,           which provides a framework            adhere to the same standards
                  we contribute to basic research          and gives specific guidance for       we set for ourselves.

ExxonMobil in Africa Energy for growth
As with any speculative venture, the quality of the in-
vestment opportunity is a function of the “risk/reward”
equation. Today, ExxonMobil believes that the balance is
firmly tipped in favor of Africa.

ExxonMobil is one of the largest      Over the last five years, Africa
oil producers in Africa, currently    has represented 25% of
concentrating production in five      ExxonMobil resource additions
nations. Today, ExxonMobil par-       worldwide, making it the single
ticipates in production of about      largest region of reserve addi-
one million barrels per day           tions for the company. We are           Older fields, new oil
(gross) in Nigeria, Equatorial        also stepping up production,
Guinea, Angola and Cameroon.          and by 2005 expect to increase        For many years Nigeria’s Ubit field production
Production in Chad is expected        daily production by two million       was limited to 30,000 barrels of oil per day.
to start in 2003. We also have        barrels to just above three million   Then in the mid 1990s, an ExxonMobil 3-D sur-
made discoveries in the               (gross).                              vey unlocked the field’s true potential.
Republic of Congo.                                                          Production was raised to 130,000 barrels per
                                      Major new production fields will      day with estimated proven reserves almost
We are currently participating in     come online between 2003 and          doubling to one billion oil-equivalent barrels.
oil and gas development pro-          2006 including Chad (Doba             ExxonMobil has also launched the East Area
jects with an estimated total cost    block), Equatorial Guinea (Zafiro),   Additional Oil Recovery Project that will reinject
of US $30 billion.                    Angola (Xikomba, Kizomba A,           gas to greatly improve oil recovery from several
                                      Kizomba B, Dalia) and Nigeria         older fields and eliminate routine gas flaring.
                                      (Bonga, Erha and Yoho).

Marketing and   sales:
          a network across the continent
ExxonMobil is one of the leading fuel and lubricants re-
tailers in Africa. Its average 20% market share makes it
one of the established players in most markets where it
is present.

Today, ExxonMobil sells fuel in       in almost every country. Mobil 1
over 30 African nations through       – the world’s leading synthetic
a network of almost 2,000 Esso-       motor oil - is our flagship brand,
or Mobil-branded service sta-         and will become the brand focus
tions. Across the continent, our      for all premium lube bay invest-
full-service stations deliver about   ments. ExxonMobil also has
19 million liters of fuel to over     equity in 12 lubricant blending
one million customers each day.       plants, and 60 distribution cen-        On the Run
                                      ters throughout Africa.
Our lubricants division is a mar-                                           On the Run is a food court at retail stations that
ket leader in Africa supplying                                              encourages “fast service and slow eating.”
hundreds of lubricants products                                             ExxonMobil opened several pilot restaurants in
                                                     Mobil 1
under the two master brands,                         with SuperSynTM        1997 working together with Innscor of Zimbabwe.
Esso and Mobil, for passenger                        is available           Since then, a full alliance has been created to set
vehicles, trucks and industries                      throughout Africa.     up and run food courts all over Africa.

Our presence in Africa:

    The largest ExxonMobil -                    of the pipeline. The project
    operated oil development                    has also led to the upgrad-
    project in continental Africa               ing of the rail system, con-
    is being constructed in                     struction and improvement
    Chad and Cameroon. The                      of 400 miles of road infra-
    US $3.5 billion project un-                 structure and the installation
    locking one billion barrels of
    oil in Chad, has raised the
                                                and repair of many new
                                                                                        West Africa
    hope for significant eco-                                                                       Angola, Cameroon, Chad,
    nomic growth in the country.                                                        Main
                                                                                                 Equatorial Guinea, Ghana,
                                                                                                    Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Senegal
    The project team consulted
    more than 250 international                                                                     Angola, Cameroon, Chad,
    aid, health care, human                                                                         Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria,
    rights and environmental                                                                        Republic of Congo, Sâo Tomé
    groups in the eight years
    preceding development,                                                                          Angola, Cameroon, Chad,
    and tens of thousands of                                                                        Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria
    people expressed their
    views in thousands of con-                                                                      6
    sultation meetings.
    Over 35,000 Chadian and
    Cameroonian nationals have
    been employed during the                                                                        Sales
    development of the oil
    fields, and the construction

                                                                                        Started     Nigeria, 1907

      Identifying the four main regions and the main
      ExxonMobil activities in each of these regions.

            Exploration                               Esso and / or              Lubricants and specialties sales         Aviation fuels and lubricants
                                                      Mobil branded
            Oil and gas production                    service stations           Chemical sales                           Marine fuels and lubricants

            Lubes blending plant                      LPG sales                  Employees

active in over 30 countries

         North Africa
         Presence          Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia




                           Sales                                                                       Proud to be
                                                                                                       ExxonMobil has
                           700                                                                         been part of Africa
                                                                                                       for over 100 years.
           Started         Egypt, 1902                                                                 Operations started
                                                                                                       in Egypt in 1902.

                                         East Africa
                                         Main        Ethiopia, Kenya,
                                         Presence    Mauritius, Reunion




                                                     400                          Back to the class room.
                                                                                  Considerable time and effort is devoted
                                         Started     Ethiopia, 1962               to providing training for our staff.

                                                          Zambia: Help us                 the understanding of how
                                                          Help                            treated bed nets can prevent
         Southern Africa                                                                  the spread of the disease.
                                                         Mobil Oil Zambia has
                  Mozambique, South Africa,              launched a program to            The ExxonMobil Foundation
                     Zambia, Zimbabwe                    distribute insecticide-treated   has pledged to give funds,
                                                         bed nets to pregnant moth-       but the public will be able to
                     1                                   ers and children under five,     help too. For every liter pur-
                                                         the group most vulnerable        chased, a percentage of the
                     150                                 to malaria.                      income will be donated to
                                                                                          the cause.
                                                         The campaign not only aims
                     Sales                               to educate the population
                                                         on the causes and danger
                                                         of malaria, but also to raise

         Started     Malawi, 1950

                                         ExxonMobil Chemical in Africa           bottles, household containers,
                                         can supply a wide range of              pipes and tires.
                                         chemical products ranging from
                                         polyethylene to synthetic rub-          The Chemical division has sales
                                         ber. These products provide the         offices in Egypt, Kenya,
                                         raw materials for thousands of          Morocco and South Africa, but
                                         consumer items like shopping            our products are supplied
                                         bags, greenhouse film, plastic          throughout Africa.

    Aviation fuels and lubricants
    ExxonMobil Aviation started in       with 60% market share. In addi-         a new aviation fuels marketing
    Tunisia in 1904 and has grown        tion, we supply the international       company, called Exelem Aviation
    extensively since. We currently      fuel requirements of a large            (Pty) Ltd, to sell jet fuel in
    supply 6.2 million barrels of jet    number of African airlines              Johannesburg, the largest airport
    fuel per year, giving us an aver-    through our network of over 700         in Africa. Exelem is a joint ven-
    age market share of 25% at 57        airports worldwide.                     ture between ExxonMobil and
    airports located in 27 African                                               Exel, a South African black
    countries. In aviation lubricants,   Our most recent success in April        empowered oil company.
    ExxonMobil is a market leader        2003 has been the formation of

    Marine fuels and lubricants
    The Marine division of fuels and     100 years. With coverage in             not only with the large shipping
    lubricants is by its very nature a   over 60 African ports,                  lines, but also with the local
    global business, and it is one       ExxonMobil is the undisputed            fishing industries.
    that ExxonMobil has been             market leader with 40% market
    closely involved with for over       share. Our main customers are

      Care on the road
    Africa has some serious road         aims to reduce fatalities and
    accident statistics, with a          accidents to zero. Our program
    fatality rate ranging from 50        includes defensive driving
    to 100 times higher than in          courses for all drivers and full
    Europe.                              vehicle compliance with the
                                         corporation's world standards.
    ExxonMobil has rolled out a
    total road safety program that       Drive safely.
                                         Each driver (employee and contractor)
                                         of an ExxonMobil vehicle must pass
                                         the internationally renowned ‘Smith
                                         Defensive Driving Course.’
Responsible business
Contributing to Africa               improve health care services and    seek fairness and expect the
                                     assist in combating malaria.        highest ethical behavior. We will
While Africa brings her valued       They also provide opportunities     advocate the rule of law and be
resources to the table, so too       to small businesses and build       in full compliance with the law
does ExxonMobil strive to con-       local capacity. And they support    ourselves. ExxonMobil opposes
tribute. We want to help develop     infrastructure projects such as     corruption in any form. We are
prosperous, stable communities       bridge construction, power gen-     firmly committed to honest and
and believe that good corporate      eration and fresh water projects.   ethical behavior.
citizenship and best business
practices are among our most         Our Commitment to
important exports. We also con-      Responsible Business Practices
tribute through employment and
training, by generating revenue      ExxonMobil is committed to run-
for governments and by deploy-       ning a business that is responsi-
ing our technology and capital to    ble as well as profitable. How we
unlock the rich oil basins.          achieve results is as important
                                     as the results themselves.

                                     We strongly believe that corpo-
                                     rations have an important role to
                                     play in promoting respect for
                                     human rights. ExxonMobil con-
                                     demns human rights abuses.
                                     We make it clear to all of our          Lead in fuel
                                     employees and contractors - as          phase-out
                                     well as military forces that pro-
                                     vide security to our operations -     The World Health Organization,
                                     that human rights violations will     the World Bank and the United
                                     not be tolerated. Our Standards       Nations Environment Program
                                     of Business Conduct establish         have made the phasing out of
ExxonMobil also has a long tra-      our approach and are consistent       lead in fuel a high priority.
dition of working with the com-      with the spirit and intent of the
munities where we operate. We        principles of the Universal           ExxonMobil has played a pivo-
support numerous projects in         Declaration of Human Rights           tal role securing the Dakar
partnership with local govern-       insofar as they apply to private      Declaration, and agreement to
ments and aid organizations.         companies.                            phase out leaded gasoline in
They help provide electricity and                                          Sub-Saharan Africa by 2005.
water for villages, build schools,   In all our business dealings, we

People:                              and their potential
Wherever we operate, employ-         stations, which provide income      Over the last 10 years many
ment and advancement at              for more than 40,000 families.      of our managers have been
ExxonMobil are based on a                                                promoted from within Africa.
person’s ability to perform.         The level of education of many      For example, in our retail
Wages are fair and competitive,      of our employees is impressive.     operations two thirds of our
and we strive to attract and         But regardless of the high level    senior managers are now
retain superior performers. In       of training they start out with,    African, up from around half
Africa, we employ about 5,000        ExxonMobil’s objective is to        five years ago. Our goal is to
people (97% of whom are              provide continued growth and        further increase these numbers
African) and another 8,900 con-      development opportunities           within the next 10 years.
tractors. This doesn’t include       through training activities and
the personnel at our service         programs.

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COUNTRY OFFICES                                     MAURITIUS                                        TUNISIA                                               EQUATORIAL GUINEA
                                                    Esso Mauritius Ltd.                              ExxonMobil Tunisie                                    Mobil Equatorial Guinea
Fuels Marketing and Lubricants                      Chaussée Tromelin                                Immeuble Enouzha 2                                    Complejo Abayak 4
& Specialties main offices                          P.O. Box 396                                     Rue 8301 Cité Montplaisir                             Carretera Aeropuerto
                                                    Port Louis, Quay D                               1002 Tunis Belvedere                                  Malabo
CAMEROON                                            MAURITIUS                                        Tunis                                                 EQUATORIAL GUINEA
Mobil Oil Cameroon                                  Tel.: + 230 216 4040                             TUNISIA                                               Tel.: + 240 9 4666
B.P. 4085                                           Fax: + 230 240 4042                              Tel.: +216 71 951 510                                 Fax: + 240 9 3596
7 Rue Joffre
Douala                                              MOROCCO                                          ZAMBIA                                                NIGERIA
CAMEROON                                            Mobil Oil Maroc                                  Mobil Oil Zambia Ltd.                                 Mobil Producing Nigeria
Tel.: +237 343 51 00                                23 rue Allal Ben Abdallah                        Mungwi Road                                           Mobil House
Fax: +237 342 28 54/343 51 11                       Casablanca 20000                                 P.O. Box 30431                                        Lekki Expressway
                                                    MOROCCO                                          Lusaka                                                Victoria Island
IVORY COAST                                         Tel.: +212 22 22 41 73/20 16 50                  ZAMBIA                                                Lagos
Mobil Oil Côte d'Ivoire                                                                              Tel.: +260 1 241 926/244 246                          NIGERIA
Route de Petit Bassam                               MOZAMBIQUE                                       Fax: +260 1 244 166                                   Tel.: + 234 1 262 1640/9
15 BP 900 Abidjan 15                                Mobil Oil Mozambique                                                                                   Fax: + 234 1 262 1733
IVORY COAST                                         Avenida 25 de Setembro 1725                      ZIMBABWE
Tel.: +225 21 75 3700                               2 Andar Caixa Postal 207                         Mobil Oil Zimbabwe Ltd.
Fax: +225 21 75 3800                                Maputo                                           Pegasus House                                         Chemical Sales Offices
                                                    MOZAMBIQUE                                       52/54 Samora Machel Avenue
EGYPT                                               Tel.: + 258 1 307 230/231/233                    P.O. Box 791                                          NORTH AFRICA:
ExxonMobil Egypt (S.A.E.)                           Fax: + 258 1 307 232/234                         Harare                                                23 rue Allal Ben Abdallah
1097 Cornish El-Nil Street                                                                           ZIMBABWE                                              Casablanca 20000
Garden City                                         NIGERIA                                          Tel.: +263 4 791 641/8                                MOROCCO
Cairo                                               Mobil Oil Nigeria plc                            Fax: +263 4 790 866                                   Tel.:+212 22 20 93 96
EGYPT                                               Mobil House                                                                                            Fax: + 212 22 20 97 20
Tel.: +20 2 795 48 50/51/52/53/54                   Lekki Expressway
Fax: +20 2 795 49 84/82 21                          Victoria Island                                  Exploration and Production                            1097 Cornish El Nil Street
                                                    P.M.B. 12054                                                                                           Garden City, Cairo
ETHIOPIA                                            Lagos                                            ANGOLA                                                EGYPT
Mobil Oil East Africa Ltd.                          NIGERIA                                          Esso Exploration Angola                               Tel.: + 20 279 54 633
Debre Zeit Road                                     Tel.: + 234 1 262 1640/9                         Rua Rainha Ginga 128                                  Fax: + 20 279 48 326
Woreda 19, Kebele 49,                               Fax: + 234 1 262 1733                            Luanda
House No. 002/69                                                                                     ANGOLA                                                EAST AFRICA
P.O. Box 1365                                       SENEGAL                                          Tel.: + 244 2 333 058                                 PO Box 40719
Addis Ababa                                         Mobil Oil Senegal                                Fax: + 244 2 391 583                                  Mobil Plaza
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Tel.: +251 1 65 11 25                               la Commune de Dakar                              CAMEROON                                              KENYA
Fax: +251 1 65 10 39                                P.O. Box 227                                     Cameroon Oil Transportation Company                   Tel.: + 254 2 334 931
                                                    Dakar                                            179 Rue de La Motte Piquet-Bonanjo                    Fax: + 254 2 339 506
GHANA                                               SENEGAL                                          P.O. Box 3738
Mobil Oil Ghana Ltd.                                Tel.: +221 859 30 00                             Douala                                                SOUTH AFRICA
Mobil House                                         Fax: +221 859 31 00                              CAMEROON                                              ExxonMobil House
25 Liberia Road                                                                                      Tel.: + 44 207 074 1439                               218 Roan Crescent
P.O. Box 450                                        SOUTH AFRICA                                     Fax : + 44 207 074 1411                               Sage Corporate Park North
Accra                                               ExxonMobil South Africa                                                                                Randjiesfontein Midrand
GHANA                                               ExxonMobil House                                 CHAD                                                  SOUTH AFRICA
Tel.: +233 21 664921/4                              218 Roan Crescent                                Esso Exploration & Production Chad                    Tel.: + 27 11 237 4500
Fax: +233 21 664925/669513                          Sage Corporate Park North                        B.P. 694                                              Fax: + 27 11 237 4510
                                                    Randjiesfontein Midrand                          Rue de Bordeaux
KENYA                                               P.O. Box 78043                                   N'Djamena
Mobil Oil Kenya                                     SOUTH AFRICA                                     CHAD
Muthaiga Road                                       Tel.: +27 11 237 4500                            Tel.: + 44 207 074 1439
P.O. Box 64900                                      Fax: +27 11 237 4510                             Fax : + 44 207 074 1411
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Tel.: +254 2 376 78 42
Fax: +254 2 252 656

                                                                   Produced by Public Affairs Africa - June 2003
                                                                      ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical, b.v.b.a.
                                                                       Hermeslaan 2 - 1831 Machelen - Belgium
                                                                                 Tel.: + 32 2 722 4477
                                                                                 Fax: + 32 2 722 4479
                 For more information on ExxonMobil, Esso or Mobil in your country, please contact our country offices or the regional offices or visit www.exxonmobil.com
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