Extracurricular Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 2021 2022 - law.qmul.ac.uk

Extracurricular Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 2021 2022 - law.qmul.ac.uk
Extracurricular Opportunities
for Undergraduate
Students 2021 – 2022

Extracurricular Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 2021 2022 - law.qmul.ac.uk
                Title                                       01
                Title                                       01
                Title                                       01
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                Welcome                                          5
                Part A: what we offer                            6
                Law careers support                              7
                Central careers support                          9
                Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre                   11
                Student societies                                13
                The George Hinde Moot and the Plea               16
                in Mitigation Competition
                Student prizes and awards                        18
                Part B: targeting skills and competencies        22

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Extracurricular Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 2021 2022 - law.qmul.ac.uk
   Welcome                                  The Queen Mary Law
                                            Department is dedicated to
                                            providing you with a range
                                            of innovative, exciting and
                                            enjoyable ways to enhance your
                                            skills, improve your prospects
                                            of employment, and develop
                                                                                We encourage our students to
                                                                                acknowledge the importance
                                                                                of gaining experience in good
                                                                                time, and to start engaging
                                                                                with opportunities from the
                                                                                beginning of their first year
                                                                                with us.
                                            your CV. We include many of
                                                                                University is a time to grow,
                                            these methods in our innovative
                                                                                develop confidence and
                                            optional modules on our
                                                                                also have fun. Many of these
                                            undergraduate programme.
                                                                                activities provide wonderful
                                            We recognise, however, that our
                                                                                opportunities to develop
                                            students have a diverse range of
                                                                                life-long friendships, build
                                            interests and career aspirations.
                                                                                communities and inspire career
                                            Some wish to practise as a
                                                                                choices. Activities are supported
                                            barrister or solicitor; others
                                                                                by a talented pool of our staff
                                            in alternative legal roles. We
                                                                                committed to providing you
                                            also recognise that some of
                                                                                with the best all-rounded
                   Professor Penny Green    our students do not want to
                   Professor of Law                                             educational experience.
                                            work in law at all but will move
                   and Globalisation
                   Head of the Department   into the charitable, human          To help you navigate all the
                                            rights or government sectors.       opportunities we have compiled
                                            Others may wish to develop a        this two-part brochure, which
                                            career in academia. As such,        covers:
                                            we have devised a broad and         a. what we offer, and
                                            wide-ranging programme of
                                                                                b. targeting certain skills and
                                            extracurricular activities both
                                            within our Law Department,
                                            and with the central university     I hope you are able to take part
                                            careers team, so there will be      in as many of these activities
                                            opportunities to suit all paths.    as possible during your time at
                                                                                Queen Mary, and embrace the
                                            We also know the importance
                                                                                rich culture our Law Department
                                            of extracurricular activities
                                                                                offers both inside and outside
                                            in supporting diversity and
                                                                                your academic studies.
                                            inclusion, and in providing
                                            opportunities for all to learn      Professor Penny Green
                                            and gain valuable experience.       Head of Department,
                                                                                School of Law

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Extracurricular Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 2021 2022 - law.qmul.ac.uk
Part A: what we offer                                                           Law careers support

                                                                               There are a number of roles open to our
                                                                               Law graduates and many choose to apply               Law firms and chambers we have
Queen Mary University of London is ranked in the top 20 for                                                                         engaged with include:
                                                                               their degree knowledge directly by taking up
universities targeted by employers. A degree from the School                   legal positions, such as a barrister, solicitor,     • 3 Temple Gardens
of Law provides you with a wide range of transferable skills,                  paralegal and legal adviser. Others decide to        • 25 Bedford Row
making you very attractive to potential employers.                             apply their skills to other sectors, including
                                                                                                                                    • Baker McKenzie
                                                                               public administration and business.
                                                                                                                                    • Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner
                                                                               As a Law Department student, you will have
                                                                               access to a bespoke careers programme                • Covington & Burling LLP
                                                                               which includes:                                      • Herbert Smith Freehills
                                                                               • one-to-one appointments and interview 		           • Hogan Lovells
                                                                               practice with a dedicated Law Careers                • Latham & Watkins LLP
                                                                               Consultant or School of Law Peer Career
                                                                               Coach;                                               • Reed Smith LLP
                                                                                                                                    • Slaughter and May
                                                                               • workshops and events to help you
                                                                               explore your career options, train you 		            • Travers Smith LLP
                                                                               in recruitment and selection methods
                                                                               and provide you with networking 			                There is an annual Law Fair, which will take
                                                                               opportunities; and                                 place virtually between 16:00 – 20:00 on
                                                                               • opportunities to apply for Queen Mary 		         Wednesday 13 October 2021, where you will
                                                                               and external mentoring schemes for the 		          have the chance to meet solicitors’ firms and
                                                                               chance to be mentored by practising 		             barristers’ chambers; and learn more about
                                   I am extremely grateful for the wide        solicitors and barristers.                         work experience, graduate training and
                                   range of opportunities the School of                                                           pupillage opportunities.
                                   Law and the numerous student societies
                                   have offered me. As someone who has
                                   not decided on a specific career path
                                   yet, and was curious to explore as much
                                   as possible, at Queen Mary I could
                                   always find activities that challenged                                                         I am writing to let you know that I am now
                                   me and suited my ambitions and                                                                 a Campus Ambassador for Herbert Smith
                                   various interests, and, most importantly,                                                      Freehills! At interview, I answered two
                                   supportive people willing to help me                                                           competency-based questions the way you
                                   exploit my full potential.”                                                                    taught me. It would not have been possible
                                                                                                                                  without your help.”
                                   Andra Tofan                                                                                    Eva Burkhart
                                   undergraduate Law student                                                                      undergraduate Law student

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Extracurricular Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 2021 2022 - law.qmul.ac.uk
Central careers support

                                                                                            QTaster: gain first-hand insight into          QTemps: a unique opportunity for Queen
                                          Essential websites for information about          different sectors, working environments and    Mary students to gain meaningful work
                                          the legal sector                                  roles across a range of graduate employers.    experience and improve their employability
                                          www.lawcareers.net - news, advice and             You will learn about the day-to-day culture    skills alongside earning money. The roles
                                          profiles of firms and vacancies for those         of different companies, their internship and   are either based on campus or in the local
                                          considering law careers as solicitors or          graduate application processes and e-meet      area and span a wide range of sectors and
                                          barristers                                        their employees. A great way to explore        industries.
                                                                                            your career options and help you make
                                          www.chambersstudent.co.uk - great                                                                EAST: EAST is the Queen Mary student
                                                                                            more informed decisions.
                                          companion to ‘Law Careers’ with articles on                                                      career journey, and is designed to help you
                                          becoming a lawyer in different practice areas     The Student Consultancy Project:               prepare for life after graduation, whether
                                          in the UK and abroad                              an employability programme that places         that be work, study, or launching an
                                                                                            Queen Mary students into mini consultancy      enterprise. EAST consists of four stages:
                                          www.barcouncil.org.uk/careers - a wealth          projects in London-based businesses and        Explore career options, Acquire experience,
                                          for information for aspiring barristers           charities. This provides you with a chance     Show your skills and experience and
                                          www.thelawyer.com/lawyer2b - wide range           to develop your professional skills, CV and    Tell your stories. Visit the Careers and
                                          of advice and insight into the legal profession   networks by working on a real-life business    Enterprise website for more information:
                                          for anyone interested in a career in law          project in a multidisciplinary team.           www.qmul.ac.uk/careers/east
                                          Remember to regularly check QMplus
                                          for law specific career resources

                                       You can book a one-to-one careers                    QTaster gave me the tools and knowledge
              Look out for our         appointment or practice interview by                 to tackle commercial awareness
      weekly law careers newsletter,   contacting the central Careers and                   discussions, which is crucial nowadays to
      which features information on    Enterprise Team on 020 7882 8533 or                  be employable. It has also confirmed the
     upcoming career events both on    emailing careers@qmul.ac.uk.                         areas I would like to work in the future.”
     and off campus, work experience   All undergraduate law career events are              Department of Law
         opportunities and useful      published on the Queen Mary careers                  QTaster participant
      resources to help you develop    website (www.careers.qmul.ac.uk/
         your employability skills     events) and have UG Law in the title.
           and get career ready.       Events can also be found in the events
                                       section on QM Careers Hub.

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Extracurricular Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 2021 2022 - law.qmul.ac.uk
The Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre

QMentoring: receive one-to-one mentoring      Enterprise support: the Enterprise                     I’ve massively enjoyed my last three years at the LAC. I’m really
and careers support with a member of the      team are dedicated to supporting                       grateful that I was chosen to be a part of the team. I just want to
Queen Mary alumni community or a UK-          entrepreneurship at Queen Mary. They                   thank the whole team, past and present, for making me feel so
based professional. This programme can        offer funding opportunities, exciting                  welcomed and supported. Hopefully, I can come back to the LAC
help you to gain insight into an industry     programmes and events and one-to- one                  one day as a supervisor!”
or profession; build your professional        appointments to support you in bringing
network; acquire skills to improve your       your business idea to life.                            Abisola Bishi
chances within the application process                                                               QMLAC Student Adviser
                                              Visit www.careers.qmul.ac.uk/jobs-and-
and find out about and apply for work
                                              experience/ to see the full list of extra-
experience opportunities. Students who are
                                              curricular opportunities.
in receipt of the Queen Mary Bursary will
be prioritised for this programme and it is   There are a wide range of employer
open to students from any undergraduate       engagement events run throughout the
year group.                                   year by the central careers team for those
                                              of you interested in exploring non-legal
                                              careers. These include sectors such as
                                              education, business and finance, media
                                              and not-for-profit. These are published on
             85% of mentees                   the Queen Mary careers website:
          agreed they felt more               (www.careers.qmul.ac.uk/events) and
       confident about their career           can be found in the events section on
                                              Target Connect.
        development as a result of
               QMentoring.                    You can also find a range of career
                                              resources, information and advice on the
                                              Queen Mary careers website

                                              Follow the Queen Mary Careers &
                                              Enterprise team on
                                                 QMUL Careers and Enterprise

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Extracurricular Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 2021 2022 - law.qmul.ac.uk
The LAC was one of the reasons Queen Mary appealed                                               societies
so much to me as a law school, and I was not disappointed at all
once I got involved with it. In fact, it ended up being one of my                                Students are actively encouraged to help
favourite things about coming to university. If I had to choose one                              shape the culture of our extracurricular
thing, what I enjoyed most about being in the LAC is the fulfilment                              activities by forming and running student
of knowing I am helping another person when they are at their                                    societies. Student societies run events,
most vulnerable and have nowhere else to turn.”                                                  undertake student competitions and
                                                                                                 promote extracurricular activities. There are
Matilde Antunes                                                                                  some Queen Mary-wide societies registered
QMLAC Student Adviser                                                                            with the Student Union which you can join
                                                                                                 (www.qmsu.org/clubs-socs/find/), and
Queen Mary University of London is a leader       supervise students. This gives students a      there are others more specific to Law
in the field of Clinical Legal Education.         valuable opportunity to work side-by-side      (www.qmul.ac.uk/law/undergraduate/              Queen Mary Criminal Justice Society
In 2019 we were recognised for our                with lawyers from the City of London.          student-societies/). Societies form when        QMCJS is for all students who have a general
‘Outstanding Contribution to Pro Bono’ in                                                        our students have a particular interest in a    interest in criminal justice. The society aims to
                                                  In addition to our client appointments, the
the LawWorks and Attorney General Student                                                        topic or area. For the coming year 2020/21,     educate people on prominent issues within
                                                  Centre offers a diverse range of student
Pro Bono Awards. In 2020 the Centre was                                                          we have the following student societies;        the CJS and in addition to career and social
                                                  activities which include advocacy at
awarded a national award for Collaborative                                                                                                       events, we also provide a space for students
                                                  tribunals, delivering workshops in prisons     Alternative Dispute Resolution
Teaching Excellence by Advance HE. Our                                                                                                           to be open and expressive, whilst being
                                                  and writing legal blogs.                       (ADR) Society
Legal Advice Centre was formed in 2006 and                                                                                                       challenged to think outside the box.
                                                                                                 Gain exposure to and greater knowledge
engaged 330+ students a year in its activities.   For more information on our legal advice
                                                                                                 of alternative means of dispute resolution,
Its work is in two streams:                       and community projects, please see our                                                         European Law Students’ Association
                                                                                                 with a particular focus on arbitration.
1) As a community Legal Advice Centre we          website: www.lac.qmul.ac.uk.                                                                   (ELSA) at Queen Mary University of
                                                                                                 Improve your negotiation skills, network
invite over 350 clients per year to come into     We publish our annual report each summer                                                       London
                                                                                                 with well-renowned arbitrators, and start
the Centre for an appointment, and receive        here: www.lac.qmul.ac.uk/about/annual-                                                         ELSA QMUL is the local group of ELSA
                                                                                                 working on your commercial career today.
written advice from our Student Advisers          reports                                                                                        for students at Queen Mary University
afterwards. We provide advice in many areas       The QMLAC advertises opportunities to first-   Queen Mary Bar Society                          of London. ELSA inspires and connects
including family law, social welfare benefits,    year students during Welcome Week and          Find out about life at the bar as a barrister,  law students locally, nationally and
landlord and tenant and employment issues.        student places for second and final-year       including the application process, the areas internationally through social, academic, and
2) Through engaging in a variety of               students are advertised by email and on        of practice and the practical realities of work professional opportunities.
community projects aimed at boosting              QM Plus in February or March for the           and finance.
public legal literacy. An example is our SPITE    following year. If you have any questions                                                      Law and Business Society (LaBS)
for Schools project, where teams of students      about the QMLAC, please don’t hesitate to      Queen Mary Commercial Awareness                 Fully affiliated with The School of Law and The
design bespoke workshops for secondary            get in touch at lac@qmul.ac.uk.                Society (QMCAS)                                 School of Business Management, this Society
school students on the illegality of image-                                                      Commercial awareness is a vital skill not just provides events and forums of discussions on
based sexual abuse.                               Follow the Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre on   for lawyers, but for a wide range of other      the intersections between law, business, and
                                                                                                 careers. This Society explores what that        their interplay in other fields.
The Centre has a staffing team of seven               @qmlac                                     means and how to develop it.
(which includes two practising lawyers) and
engages over 120 volunteer lawyers to help            facebook.com/QMLAC

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Extracurricular Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 2021 2022 - law.qmul.ac.uk
Queen Mary Law Society (QMLS)                      Open Law Society                                 Queen Mary Student Advancement Society
QMLS exists to represent all students seeking      The Society supports both law students and       QMSAS aims to propel students to their full
a career in the legal sector. Throughout the       non-law students and introduces them to          potential by helping them garner essential
year, the society offers a multitude of events,    ‘niche’ areas of law. Its main objective is to   skills, many of which fall outside the scope
opportunities, and access points for students      ensure equal access and support in future        of traditional academia. These skills include
at any academic level to gain exposure to all      career prospects.                                networking, argumentation techniques,
possible legal careers – from working for a City                                                    negotiation, public speaking, and many more.
firm to being part of an in-house legal team.      Queen Mary Pro Bono Society (QMPBS)              We aim to achieve this by hosting workshops,
                                                   QMPBS’s primary focus is to increase access      panel discussions, interviews, and other
Lawyers without Borders (Student                   to justice and an understanding of the law       events centred around what it takes to be
Division at Queen Mary University                  itself in a vast array of areas by engaging      successful, whether in business, law, or other
of London)                                         members in placements, volunteering,             sectors.
Part of the wider network of the Lawyers           fundraising, diversity initiatives, and
without Borders international NGO, this            networking opportunities.
society is dedicated to advancing access to                                                         The InterLaw Council
justice, human rights and the Rule of Law                                                           Our Student Societies formed the Interlaw
                                             Senior Status Society                                  Council in 2019. It is a collaborative initiative
through raising awareness and promoting
                                             Geared towards students on the Senior                  which represents a joint endeavour to
pro bono activities.
                                             Status LLB programme, the Society’s aim is             maximise the efficiency of society-organised
                                             to support their members both socially and             events through partnership and cooperation.
Queen Mary Legal Innovation Society
                                             academically throughout their time at Queen            The InterLaw Council operates on behalf
                                             Mary. Many of their members are international          of School of Law affiliated and other legal
Learn about the innovative and dynamic
                                             and have different career objectives from              societies operating within Queen Mary.
legal technology sector and receive valuable
                                             other law students at Queen Mary, so they
insights from members of the profession at
                                             organise some events tailored to those needs.
our events.

Queen Mary Mooting Society                         Queen Mary Interdisciplinary Legal Society
A society dedicated to supporting students         The Queen Mary Interdisciplinary Legal
in developing the long-established skill of        Society is aimed to educate our members
mooting, which is the verbal presentation of       about the ways in which law is linked to
a legal issue or problem. Mooting is designed      numerous disciplines like science, medicine,     The InterLaw Council has been one of the
                                                   psychology, etc. It aims to bring together                                                           Our student societies are supported
to give students the closest experience to                                                          most successful initiatives ELSA QMUL
                                                   those who are interested in understanding                                                            by our careers team which provides
appearing in court.                                                                                 engaged with this year. It has promoted
                                                   and debating the socio-legal elements of                                                             annual training to help them operate as
                                                                                                    a spirit of collaboration between law
                                                   our society. We want to widen our members’                                                           effectively as possible. Topics explored
                                                                                                    societies and has helped us further
                                                   knowledge of these correlations, and for                                                             include;
                                                                                                    improve students’ experiences. We now
                                                   everyone to participate and create a network     speak in one voice and I look forward to            • communicating effectively,
                                                   of multidisciplinary relationships               seeing future generations of societies’
                                                                                                                                                        • writing funding bids,
                                                                                                    executives relying on the strength and
                                                                                                    opportunities the Council has to offer.”            • marketing a society, and
                                                                                                    Member of the European Law Students’
                                                                                                                                                        • managing stakeholder relationships.
                                                                                                    Association (ELSA) at Queen Mary
                                                                                                    University of London

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Extracurricular Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 2021 2022 - law.qmul.ac.uk
The George Hinde Moot and the
Plea in Mitigation Competition                                                                  Queen Mary Law School has a proud culture            •   The Queen Mary team won 1st
                                                                                                and history of mooting. This year, students              place at the Conflict Prevention and
The George Hinde Moot                                                                           have had incredible mooting success.                     Resolution International Mediation
                                                The Queen Mary Plea In Mitigation
There is a rich culture of advocacy and                                                         •   In January 2021 two LLB students,                    Competition in March 2021. Well done
mooting at Queen Mary, both internally and                                                          Joseph Toft and Joseph Hilditch won                  to Jessical Sblendorio (LLM student)
                                                While a moot is focused on law, a plea in
externally. The highlight of the calendar                                                           the Essex Court Chambers English                     and Andra Tofan (LLB Student). Parnian
                                                mitigation is focused on facts. This piece of
is the prestigious year-long mooting                                                                Speaking Union National Mooting                      Mohammadi (LLB student) also won the
                                                advocacy is the final speech delivered by a
competition named after a much-loved                                                                Competition. This was the 5th win                    “Best Mediator” prize.”
                                                defence advocate before a criminal
professor, George Hinde. This culminated                                                            for Queen Mary in this prestigious               •   In July 2021 Rojae Brown, Mara Ionita
                                                defendant is sentenced, pleading leniency.
with its final being held in spring each year                                                       competition. The prize was both a                    and Basanti Mardemootoo won the
                                                Students are trained in the practice of how a
in front of an audience of students and staff                                                       financial award and a mini pupillage for             Nuremberg Moot Court Competition
                                                court determines a criminal sentence, and
from the Department. Over the last three                                                            each student!                                        2021.
                                                the art of persuasive advocacy.
years we have welcomed some of the best
legal minds in London to judge the final:       Once students have received case papers,
                                                they work out the likely sentence and pitch     The Commercial Negotiations                          original and not be under consideration for
Lord Philip, Lord Mance and Lord Hoffmann.
                                                their submissions to the court on a range       Competition                                          publication elsewhere. We accept both long
Students receive training before the            of facts to try and obtain the best sentence    Each year, three of our student societies (the       and short form articles, case or legislation
competition and many practising barristers      possible for the client.                        ADR Society, ELSA and the Law and Business           notes, and book reviews. We are especially
and solicitors assist with judging in the                                                       Society) run a commercial negotiations               keen on articles that are interdisciplinary
initial rounds.                              Each year the school welcomes numerous
                                                                                                competition which undergraduate law and              and place law in its many contexts including
                                             barristers and solicitors to assist with the
The two students running the competition                                                        non-law students can enter. The competition          historical, cultural, technological, economic,
                                             judging and the final takes place in a court
(known as the Moot Master and Moot Mistress) room at the Central London County Court.           allows students to increase their commercial         transnational, and global. You can find advice
advertise how to apply at the beginning of                                                      awareness and negotiation skills.                    on publishing adapted student work and
                                             The winner is offered a Marshalling
each academic year – look out for the email. Placement with HHJ Baucher and HHJ                 Reed Smith Business Skills Programme                 our style guidelines at https://www.qmul.
Look out for other moots organised by the    Freeland QC at the Central London County           Each year Reed Smith LLP run a four-part             ac.uk/law/research/journals/qmlj/. If you
student societies                            Court.                                             series of business skills covering the               are interested in submitting an article, please
                                                                                                essential skills for professional life. These        contact QMLJ-submissions@qmul.ac.uk
                                                The Queen Mary Plea in Mitigation                                                                    and keep an eye out for our annual call for
                                                                                                are sessions that help students to manage
                                                Competition is advertised to students each                                                           papers via our Twitter account:
                                                                                                themselves, their work, their relationships
                                                year in late September or early October via                                                          @QMlawjournal.
                                                                                                and their communication skills. Students
                                                email and QM Plus.
                                                                                                work with professionals from Reed Smith
                                                There are lots more internal and external       LLP to understand how to prepare properly for
                                                advocacy opportunities and competitions         professional life. These are not specific to legal
                                                that are run by our student societies.          practice and can be used in all future careers.
                                                                                                The Queen Mary Law Journal
                                                                                                The Queen Mary Law Journal is an The
                                                                                                Queen Mary Law Journal is a generalist,
                                                                                                peer-reviewed, online and open-access
                                                                                                periodical, aiming to publish high-quality
                                                                                                legal scholarship. Submissions should be

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Extracurricular Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 2021 2022 - law.qmul.ac.uk
Student prizes and awards                                                      Awards for second-year students
                                                                               - The Sweet & Maxwell Prize for the best
                                                                                                                           Re-ImagineLAW – a Queen Mary-
                                                                                                                           sponsored legal careers podcast
                                                                                 overall second-year student               Queen Mary is at the
                                                                               - The Sullivan & Cromwell Prize for best    cutting edge of innovative
                                                                                 contribution to the Law School by a       legal education and
                                                                                 second- year student                      careers advice thanks
                                                                                                                           to our careers service,
                                                                               Awards for final-year students
                                                                                                                           Queen Mary Legal Advice
                                                                               - The Roy Goode Prize for Best Final-Year
                                                                                                                           Centre, Law in Practice Degree Programme,
                                                                                                                           Student Societies and other intiatiaves.
                                                                               - Roger Crane Medal for finalist showing    Queen Mary have partnered with two
                                                                                 academic performance and contribution     prestigious organisations; MyKindaFuture and
                                                                                  to the life of the Law School            Jarred Consulting to compile a student
                                                                               - Outstanding Contribution to the Queen     focused legal education and careers podcast.
                                                                                 Mary Legal Advice Centre (final-year      However busy your schedule is, tune in on the
                                                                                 student)                                  move to hear thought provoking discussions
                                                                               - Outstanding Contribution to a Student-    on current trends in legal education and
                                                                                 Led Activity (final-year student)         student development to help empower you
                                                                               - Outstanding Personal Development          to develop your employability journey.
                                                                                 Throughout a Law Programme (final-        For more information see: https://www.
                                                                                 year student)                             re-imaginelaw.org.uk/. Follow the podcast
                                                                               Many of our prizes are sponsored            on LinkedIn and on Instagram.
                                                                               by law firms and chambers!                  The Buddy Scheme
                                                                                                                           Each year the Department asks progressing
                                                                                Queen Mary Law School has lots             students to act as Buddies for incoming first
                                                                                of scholarships for Undergraduate          year students. They can provide guidance,
                                                                                students. See our website for the full     advice and support to first-year students as
                                                                                list: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/law/          a mentor during their first semester.
Each year, the students who      Students in all years are eligible
                                 - Outstanding Advocate and
get the highest marks in           Communicator of the Year
individual modules are           - The ‘Writing for the Future’ Award
recognised by the Law            - Outstanding Research and Analysis
Department. Many of awards       - The Law Student Award for Outstanding
are sponsored by law               Commercial Awareness
prestigious law firms and        - The Law Student Award for Creative
                                   Legal Innovation
chambers. In addition to these
                                 Awards for first-year students
module awards, there are other   - The Dechert Prize for best overall first-
prizes awarded to students:        year student

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Widening Participation Initiatives             Access to the Bar Award                          Lawyers Volunteering for the Arts              Did you know you can be a Law
Our Law School is committed to striving        The Honourable Society of the Middle             Lawyers Volunteering for the Arts (LVFA)       Student Ambassador?
for students from all backgrounds to have      Temple currently offers paid placements          began life in 2010 when a small group of       Becoming a Law Student Ambassador can
opportunities to enter the profession. As      (which include one week in a set of              interested law firms formed a working          be a deeply rewarding experience, both
such, we offer some specific partnerships to   barristers’ chambers and one week of             group to try and address the legal needs       personally and professionally, in a fun and
assist with this.                              judicial marshalling) to university students.    of low- income arts organisations across       familiar setting with fellow students. Work
                                               The purpose of these awards is to encourage      England and Wales. This scholarship            flexibly around your studies, broaden your
The Career Focus Partnership
                                               able students from disadvantaged and/            will enable a Queen Mary law student to        CV and improve your communication and
Each year, City law firm Fieldfisher offer
                                               or underrepresented backgrounds with             support the LVFA initiative whilst gaining     leadership skills by assisting staff in a range
offer first-year law students on a three or
                                               the potential to be successful barristers        practical experience of the pro bono advice    of paid activities, such as:
four-year LLB from underrepresented ethnic
                                               to make a more informed choice about a           sector and financial support.
backgrounds the opportunity to take part                                                                                                       • helping to deliver our Pathways to
                                               career at the Bar. The award winners will
in the Career Focus Partnership scheme.                                                         The recipient of the LVFA scholarship will        Law programme, which offers an
                                               gain experience of what a career at the Bar
The scheme includes skills sessions, year-                                                      be awarded £1,550, paid in two instalments        introduction to the profession for local
                                               involves. They will get to know practitioners
long mentoring, and a short internship.                                                         of£775. In return for the scholarship, the        year 12 and 13 students from
                                               and judges and have the opportunity to
Successful completion of the internship will                                                    recipient will be expected to support the         disadvantaged backgrounds,
                                               ask for informal advice. This initiative is in
guarantee you a spot in the firm’s vacation                                                     initiative’s pro bono email referral scheme.   • representing the School of Law at
                                               line with public policy that there should be
scheme assessment centre.                                                                       The recipient of the LVFA Scholarship will        recruitment events and improving
                                               greater diversity at the Bar.
                                                                                                undertake three hours of work per week            your presentation skills by sharing your
Fourteen students have participated
                                                                                                over 48 weeks, around their study and work        experiences with prospective students,
in internships with Fieldfisher and
two have gone on to secure training                                                                                                            • welcoming new students during Welcome
contracts, both through this scheme, so        Information on the award scheme will             More information can be found here:               Week, and
we know that it is extremely beneficial to     become available here:                           www.qmul.ac.uk/law/undergraduate/              • giving tours of the campus.
our students.                                  www.qmul.ac.uk/law/undergraduate/                bursaries/lvfa-scholarship
Applications will open in the second           widening-participation/current-
semester (January or February). We hold        students/
                                                                                                  Climate Action Group
a drop-in session with representatives         Don’t forget to look online to see what
from the firm who give students more           Queen Mary Scholarships and Bursaries you          The Department of Law’s Climate
information on how to apply for this           might be able to apply for:                        Emergency Declaration has led to
fantastic opportunity.                         www.qmul.ac.uk/undergraduate/                      a Climate Action Group made up of
                                               feesandfunding/find-a-scholarship/                 students and staff. Look out for emails
                                                                                                  advertising how you can apply to be part
                                                                                                  of the Group and get involved in other
students/career- focus-partnership/
                                                                                                  climate change initiatives.

20 law.qmul.ac.uk                                                                                                                                                              law.qmul.ac.uk 21
Part B: targeting skills
                                                       We recognise that our students might            Inner Temple Library:
                                                       have specific skills that they are looking to   www.innertemplelibrary.com/

and competencies
                                                       improve. Seven regularly cited skills which     Sign up to receive their free daily blog on
                                                       are valuable for law students are:              legal news.
                                                       ✓ commercial awareness,
                                                                                                       QMLAC blog: a project for first-year
                                                       ✓ attention to detail,
                                                                                                       students focused on providing current news
                                                       ✓ people skills,                                stories from the fields of business, arts and
                                                       ✓ communication,                                culture, as well as access to justice matters.
                                                       ✓ research and analysis,                        All articles are written in an easy-to-digest
                           I believe that one can                                                      format, published on the LAC website
                                                       ✓ creative problem solving, and
                           always improve.”                                                            www.lac.qmul.ac.uk/our-legal-blog/ and
                                                       ✓ working under pressure.                       posted on the LAC social media accounts.
                           Student working on the
                           Blog Project at the Queen   (Prospects Website accessed 20.05.2021          The Law Department has a wide range of
                           Mary Legal Advice Centre    www.prospects.ac.uk/jobs-and-work-              subscriptions to law databases, many of
                                                       experience/job-sectors/law-sector/7-            these do a daily digest on the law and are
                                                       skills-for-a-successful-law-career )            used by lawyers in practice.
                                                       We have listed our activities below and         Our subscriptions include; Practical Law,
                                                       other useful external organisations,            Westlaw, LexisNexis and The Lawyer.
                                                       websites and resources that might               Explore the Queen Mary Library website for
                                                       interest our students who want to develop       a full list.
                                                       these skills.
                                                       Commercial Awareness
                                                       Commercial awareness is much broader
                                                       than it might first appear and does
                                                       not just relate to commercial law. It
                                                       involves an ability to stay up-to-date with
                                                       developments within the practice area             Keep up to date with business news
                                                       (relevant to legal careers) or wider sector       and current affairs in general through
                                                       or industry you are interested in. Investing      websites like the BBC www.bbc.
                                                       time in developing your commercial                co.uk/news/business, following
                                                       awareness will help you gain knowledge of         reputable media outlets like The
                                                       how specific companies you are interested         Economist and the Financial Times
                                                       in operate (such as their structure,              on social media and by looking at
                                                       functions, vision and mission), what the key      the news and media sections for
                                                       priorities are for their industry, and recent     individual organisations you may
                                                       developments that may impact their work.          want to work for.

                                                       In addition to joining the Queen Mary             www.lexology.com is also a
                                                       Commercial Awareness Society, there are a         comprehensive source of
                                                       number of resources available to help you         international legal updates, analysis
                                                       develop this crucial skill.                       and insights.

22 law.qmul.ac.uk                                                                                                                      law.qmul.ac.uk 23
Attention to detail                             People skills                                      Communication
This is the ability to ensure accuracy in all   Dealing with others is a difficult skill that we   Communication can come in many forms,          Here are some examples of annual
you do and spot information that others         can help you to develop. Our students work         such as what you say, what you write and       essay competitions:
may overlook. Both legal and non-legal          in teams through our Student Societies, and        your body language. Mooting is a fun way       The Bar Council Law Reform Essay
roles are looking for future employees who      in numerous community-based projects at            to develop your presentation and verbal        Competition
have this skill.                                the Legal Advice Centre.                           communication skills and you can take part     www.barcouncil.org.uk/becoming-a-
                                                                                                   in mooting competitions run on campus          barrister/students-and-graduates/
These are all skills you can pick up simply     At the Legal Advice Centre, students run
                                                                                                   by the Queen Mary Mooting Society, as well     law-reform-essay-competition
from reading additional books or articles       client appointments, work in teams to
                                                                                                   as a number of external ones. Becoming
outside of a module syllabus. You can           deliver workshops to prisoners and school                                                         One Essex Court Times Law Award
                                                                                                   a Campus Ambassador for a law firm
also take part in skills workshops run by       students, and represent clients in welfare                                                        www.oeclaw.co.uk/times-law-
                                                                                                   is also a great way to strengthen your
law firms and organisations like Aspiring       benefits tribunals. All these activities help to                                                  awards
                                                                                                   communication skills.
Solicitors and Bright Network.                  build interaction skills.
                                                                                                   Entering essay writing competitions, writing
You can develop direct legal experience         Other ways to develop your people skills
                                                                                                   for a university magazine or even running
across various areas of law and improve         is through volunteering (eg at a Citizens
                                                                                                   your own blog are can also help to improve
your attention to detail skills through         Advice Bureau) and taking part in pro bono
                                                                                                   your written communication skills.
activities like document reviews, drafting      activities provided by the Queen Mary
contracts and translating legal documents.      Lawyers without Borders Society.
                                                Don’t forget that Student Societies and
                                                the Department of Law host many events
                                                throughout the term. Look out for more
                                                details in the regular UG Law Careers and
          Did you know that                     LEGAL newsletters.
      there is an online platform                                                                           Did you know that
        called Flex Legal which                                                                       the Queen Mary Legal Advice
     connects law students with                                                                         Centre has a project where
    private practices and in-house                                                                    students can represent clients
   legal teams for paralegal roles?                                                                   at the Social Welfare Benefits
        To find out more, visit:                                                                                Tribunal?

24 law.qmul.ac.uk                                                                                                                                                           law.qmul.ac.uk 25
Research and analysis                           Creative problem solving                         Working under pressure
As a law student, you will learn to read        Being a lawyer often involves a lot of           This is something that you will be expected
vast amounts of information, absorb facts,      problem solving, whether this is in a            to be able to do in legal and non-legal
scrutinise material carefully and condense      commercial setting or a social justice           roles. This involves being able to turn
it into something that can be presented         setting (individuals rarely spot legal issues,   around large amounts of work under tight
clearly to others.                              but have life events that need solving). For     deadlines, while staying calm and focused.
                                                example, working with clients at the Queen       You may want to undertake a specific
The key is being able to identify what is
                                                Mary Legal Advice Centre often requires          activity to develop this skill, or perhaps
relevant out of the mass of information and
                                                students to research areas of law which are      being involved in multiple projects means
explain it concisely. Research and analysis
                                                unknown to them and think of practical           you are working under pressure.
are two skills you will develop throughout
                                                and legal solutions that run alongside each
your degree, but there are lots of other ways                                                    In the Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre
                                                other to help the client.
to build these skills.                                                                           students deliver legal advice to a
                                                Additionally, taking part in a Student           professional standard for clients within a
Mooting can help to develop these skills as
                                                Consultancy Project run by the Queen Mary        set timeframe. They have to abide by the
you will be required to do the background
                                                careers service will develop these skills, as    professional codes of practice that govern
work on a legal issue or problem, then
                                                you work alongside others to come up with        barristers and solicitors. This is a great way
orally present it in a mock hearing. Joining
                                                creative solutions to problems presented by      for students to develop their ability to work
a society as part of the executive team
                                                businesses and charities.                        under pressure.
(especially if you are responsible for
overseeing events and marketing) will also      Problem solving can also be developed in
help you develop these skills.                  less formal ways – for example, developing
                                                and structuring a student society, or
                                                working in a team to resolve an issue.
   Every year, LexisNexis runs a Student                                                           The thing I enjoyed the most as a              The Legal Advice Centre has been the
   Associate programme where you act                                                               Student Adviser was the client interview.      most educational, rewarding and
   as a representative on campus for                                                               It taught me how it is to be working           challenging part of my legal education.”
   their online services, advising and                                                             with people. Sometimes it proved
                                                                                                                                                  Elizabeth Andrewartha,
   supporting your fellow students with                                                            challenging, while other times it went
                                                                                                                                                  QMLAC Graduate
   their legal research. You can find out                                                          smoothly and the people I've talked to
   more about this role on their website                                                           were amazing”.
   https://www.lexisnexis.co.uk/                                                                   Ilinca Maria Cojocaru Uleia,
   academic-law/students                                                                           QMLAC Student Adviser

26 law.qmul.ac.uk                                                                                                                                                             law.qmul.ac.uk 27
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