Express who you are in a sustainable way - Ragtrader

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Express who you are in a sustainable way - Ragtrader
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Express who you are in a sustainable way - Ragtrader


     Keen, green,
     fashion machines.
     These are the 10
     leaders pioneering
     solutions in the
     fashion space.


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Express who you are in a sustainable way - Ragtrader
26      JULY / AUGUST 2021                               SUSTAINABILITY                                                            WWW.RAGTRADER.COM.AU


                                                                        our carbon mitigation

                       1   Lucy King
                           Kmart sustainable materials manager
                       Kmart is on a mission to make its apparel
                                                                        strategy is an impor-
                                                                        tant step to support
                                                                        our transition. While
                       offering more eco-friendly. Helping to lead      the purchase of off-
                       the charge is Lucy King, who is respon-          sets and renewable
                       sible for leading the sustainable materials      energy      certifi ates

                       program – supporting the design, buy-            will not distract us
                       ing, sourcing and marketing teams in the         from true reduction
                       delivery of Kmart’s sustainable material         efforts, they mark an
                       commitments including cotton, poly-              important milestone
                       ester, cellulose, wool and timber. Since         in GFG’s journey,”
                       beginning this mission, Kmart has intro-         she said.
                       duced pieces including recycled active-
                       wear, a puffer jacket filled with 100%
                       recycled polyester made from reclaimed
                       materials, sneakers made from recycled
                       materials and organic cotton innerwear.
                                                                        3GroupEloise Bishop
                                                                            Country Road
                                                                                 & David
                       “Fabrications made with recycled materi-         Jones head of sustainability                    heads up the division responsible for devel-
                       als help us to reduce our reliance on our        Supporting Australian cotton farmers has        oping and innovating the business’ prod-
                       planet's natural resources,” King said in        been on the agenda for Country Road             uct. In 2020, the business reported that
                       a Kmart Masterclass. “They also help us          over the past few years. In 2020, the busi-     it had reached its goal of 100% sustain-
                       divert textile waste, as well as plastic, from   ness committed $600,000 to Landcare             able cotton in its range. Kathmandu also
                       going to landfill,” she said.                    Australia, with the funds invested over         recycled 8.2 million plastic bottles in 2020

                                                                        three years towards biodiversity restora-       through the use of Repreve recycled poly-
                                                                        tion projects across Australian farmlands.      ester. While it is proud of these achieve-
                                                                        The first project will be implemented for       ments, Rastogi said that the business is
                                                                        third generation cotton farmers, the Kahl       already looking at the next milestone.
                                                                        family in the Namoi Valley, NSW – a             “Reaching 100% sustainable cotton only
                                                                        region significantly affected by biodiversity   means we are 100% ‘less bad’. Now we
                                                                        loss and in need of restoration. “As one of     need to shift from reducing our impact to
                                                                        Australia’s most iconic brands, we can har-     doing good. The next challenge is to think
                                                                        ness our role in the industry to assist local   about what is beyond sustainability and
                                                                        cotton farmers in protecting soil health,       look at regenerative agriculture,” he said.
                                                                        providing natural habitats for threatened
                                                                        species and improving water quality across
                                                                        river systems,” Bishop said of the project.
                                                                        Going further to support the local cot-
                                                                        ton industry, Country Road brought back
                                                                                                                            Audrey Khaing-Jones
                                                                                                                            and Dean Jones
                                                                        local manufacturing of its Heritage Sweat       They’re the husband-and-wife duo domi-
                                                                        from the 90s this year. The limited-edi-        nating fashion rental in Australia. The

                           Jaana Quaintance-James
                           Global Fashion Group chief
                                                                        tion garment was brought to life through
                                                                        a close collaboration between the brand,
                                                                        Australian cotton farmers and Victorian
                                                                                                                        GlamCorner platform has gone from
                                                                                                                        strength-to-strength this year, expand-
                                                                                                                        ing its services to launch dedicated rental
                       It’s no coincidence that Jaana Quaintance-       manufacturers. “It’s been really exciting to    platforms for brands like Camilla, Spell
                       James has found herself on this list three       see brands like Country Road come back          and David Jones. Customers who order
                       times running. Now heading up Global             to Australian Made and say, ‘we want to         from these dedicated sites experience
                       Fashion Group’s sustainability department,       support Australian industry’,” local manu-      GlamCorner's click to rent journey, which
                       Quaintance-James has steered the business        facturer Julian Collins said.                   sees GlamCorner fulfil, ship, receive back
                       to achieving carbon neutrality across its                                                        and clean the garments. "At GlamCorner
                       operations and outbound deliveries in the                                                        we want to revolutionise the way we con-
                       markets it operates. This includes the
                       use of 100% green energy in all nine
                       of its fulfilment centres in Australia
                                                                                       Manu Rastogi
                                                                                       Kathmandu head of
                                                                                             innovation and
                                                                                                                        sume fashion through rental,” Khaing-
                                                                                                                        Jones said. “Our partnerships with retail-
                                                                                                                        ers allow consumers to enjoy beautifully
                       and New Zealand, Latin America,                               product sustainability             designed and high-quality garments all
                       the Commonwealth of Independent                                While there are many things       while being able to support the circular
                       States and Southeast Asia. While she                          Kathmandu can be recognised        economy and help reduce fashion waste,”
                       was happy to announce the news to                             for – reaching carbon neutral-     she said. Additionally, the business has
                       the market – on World Environment                            ity four years early or partner-    also partnered with Witchery to bolster its

                       Day no less – Quaintance-James                              ing with The Renewal Project to      workwear and essentials offering which has
                       said the business still has a way                            collaborate on a circular map-      seen a 200% increase as COVID restric-
                       to go. “We recognise there is                                    ping project – it is making     tions ease. They land a spot on this year’s
                       much work ahead of us to                                          greener garments which         G-10 list because they’re making circular
                       reduce our footprint and                                           has landed it on the list     fashion not only accessible to consumers,
                       therefore formalising                                               this year. Manu Rastogi      but to retailers too.

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Express who you are in a sustainable way - Ragtrader
WWW.RAGTRADER.COM.AU                                              SUSTAINABILITY                                                       JULY / AUGUST 2021      27


                                                        “We have significantly reduced our elec-

      6  John Condilis
         Nobody Denim chairman
      and co-founder
                                                        tricity use by installing solar panels across
                                                        our buildings and have met two of our
                                                        2025 packaging targets early,” she said.
      “No matter what, the Nobody Denim
      Signature Range will always be made in
      Australia,” is a pledge that John Condilis
      made to his customers and the wider fash-
      ion industry upon relaunch of the Signature
                                                        8Michael  Elias
                                                         Upparel founder and CEO
                                                        Upparel has stopped nearly two million gar-
      Range this year. The investment will see          ments from ending up in landfill through
      Nobody Denim ensure the future of local           its textile recycling programs. The business
      manufacturing, as well as the maintenance         began its mission with a sock recycling pro-
      of jobs and skills in Australia. The relaunch     gram in 2019, which rewarded consumers
      also signalled a move to a more inclusive         for sending their old socks to be upcycled,
      offering too. “The relaunch of the Signature      laundered and donated or transformed into
      Range has seen us make our core product           other garments such as beanies and t-shirts.
      more inclusive with a wider range of sizes        But it wasn’t stopping there, opening a fully
      which we know is important, especially in         recyclable bricks-and-mortar sustainability
      denim,” Condilis said. Alongside the pledge       hub at Westfield Southland in December
      to support local jobs, Nobody Denim has           2020. The entire space was made from recy-
      also demonstrated its commitment to fully         clable materials and encouraged shoppers
      traceable collections, releasing its second       to take home a biodegradable satchel to fill
      traceable collection into its David Jones         with socks for recycling. But still, the busi-
      concession in March this year. Not only           ness was not going to call it a day there. This
      does it give the business oversight of its sup-   year, Upparel expanded beyond upcycled
      ply chain, but also allows customers access       socks and underwear, launching an upcy-
      to this data. “The opportunity to further         cled children's sofa. The sofa, dubbed Flip
      educate shoppers on the importance of             Up, is made in Melbourne from recycled
      transparency in fashion was something we          textiles and plastic bottles. And, in true
      jumped on straight away,” Condilis said.          Upparel style, once families are done with
                                                        their Flip Up, they can notify Upparel and

      7   Erika Martin
          Elk sustainability manager
                                                        it will be picked up from their home to be
                                                        reprocessed into the next product, keep-
                                                        ing the sofa out of landfill. "Everything we
                                                                                                          10    Tui Taylor
                                                                                                                incoming R.M. Williams GM
                                                                                                          of supply chain and corporate
      In its aim to be as transparent as possible,      do today is for the benefit of the next gen-      social responsibility
      Elk has for three years released an annual        eration, so it made sense that our very first     There’s big things in-store for Tui Taylor
      transparency report. Across key sustain-          product was focused on the next genera-           at R.M. Williams, following her six years
      ability pillars including energy, packaging,      tion,” Elias said of the Flip Up.                 at Icebreaker. At the outwear label, Taylor
      materials and social initiatives, Elk high-                                                         spearheaded Icebreaker’s first-ever trans-
      lights three key progress achievements                                                              parency report, disclosing the brand’s sup-
      across each category. Key highlights from
      this year’s report include the generation of
      71MWh of clean, renewable solar power
                                                        9supplyMary Lou Ryan
                                                            Bassike co-founder and director of
                                                                  chain and sustainability
                                                                                                          ply chain, policies, structure and practices.
                                                                                                          And R.M. Williams says a similar approach
                                                                                                          is on the cards. “Ensuring our products are
      on-site, 81% of all packaging and printed         Carbon neutral runway shows at Afterpay           crafted in an ethical and sustainable manner
      items being made from recycled materials          Australian Fashion Week (AAFW) is                 is integral to our values and business strat-
      and 39% of the brand’s buy being made             what’s landed Mary Lou Ryan in the G10            egy,” the brand said. “Our aim is to con-
      up of preferred materials, up from 25%            list this year. For both of its resort 22 and     tinue building a purpose-led supply chain
      in 2019. “The greatest progress was made          winter 21 see-now-buy-now runway shows,           that positively impacts communities in
      within our own operations,” Martin said.          the label assessed each element, working to       which we produce and source from,” R.M.

                                                        offset the greenhouse gas emissions cre-          Williams said. Taylor is one to watch! ■
                                                        ated. Forming part of the business’ larger
                                                        strategy to go carbon neutral, Ryan said
                                                        that the brand had to live its values on the
                                                        runway. “We are continually looking at all
                                                        areas of our business to ensure we make
                                                        responsible choices and do better within all
                                                        facets,” she said. “When activating events at

                                                        such a scale, it sits within our ethos to look
                                                        to reduce and offset the carbon footprint,”
                                                        she said. Additionally, the business is work-
                                                        ing with Forests Alive Tasmania and Brazil
                                                        Amazon Rainforest Project across forest
                                                        protection, implementation and conserva-
                                                        tion activities, scientific research and social
                                                        inclusion within communities.

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