Exploring Semantic Properties of Sentence Embeddings
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Exploring Semantic Properties of Sentence Embeddings Xunjie Zhu Tingfeng Li Gerard de Melo Rutgers University Northwestern Polytechnical Rutgers University Piscataway, NJ, USA University, Xi’an, China Piscataway, NJ, USA xunjie.zhu@ ltf@mail.nwpu.edu.cn gdm@demelo.org rutgers.edu Abstract dataset (Marelli et al., 2014) was created to better benchmark the effectiveness of different models Neural vector representations are ubiq- across a broad range of challenging lexical, syn- uitous throughout all subfields of NLP. tactic, and semantic phenomena, in terms of both While word vectors have been studied in similarities and the ability to be predictive of en- much detail, thus far only little light has tailment. However, even on SICK, oftentimes very been shed on the properties of sentence shallow methods prove effective at obtaining fairly embeddings. In this paper, we assess to competitive results (Wieting et al., 2015). Adi et what extent prominent sentence embed- al. investigated to what extent different embed- ding methods exhibit select semantic prop- ding methods are predictive of i) the occurrence erties. We propose a framework that gen- of words in the original sentence, ii) the order of erate triplets of sentences to explore how words in the original sentence, and iii) the length changes in the syntactic structure or se- of the original sentence (Adi et al., 2016, 2017). mantics of a given sentence affect the sim- Belinkov et al. (2017) inspected neural machine ilarities obtained between their sentence translation systems with regard to their ability to embeddings. acquire morphology, while Shi et al. (2016) inves- tigated to what extent they learn source side syn- 1 Introduction tax. Wang et al. (2016) argue that the latent repre- Neural vector representations have become ubiq- sentations of advanced neural reading comprehen- uitous in all subfields of natural language process- sion architectures encode information about pred- ing. For the case of word vectors, important prop- ication. Finally, sentence embeddings have also erties of the representations have been studied, in- often been investigated in classification tasks such cluding their linear substructures (Mikolov et al., as sentiment polarity or question type classifica- 2013; Levy and Goldberg, 2014), the linear super- tion (Kiros et al., 2015). Concurrently with our re- position of word senses (Arora et al., 2016b), and search, Conneau et al. (2018) investigated to what the nexus to pointwise mutual information scores extent one can learn to classify specific syntactic between co-occurring words (Arora et al., 2016a). and semantic properties of sentences using large However, thus far, only little is known about amounts of training data (100,000 instances) for the properties of sentence embeddings. Sentence each property. embedding methods attempt to encode a variable- Overall, still, remarkably little is known about length input sentence into a fixed length vector. A what specific semantic properties are directly re- number of such sentence embedding methods have flected by such embeddings. In this paper, we been proposed in recent years (Le and Mikolov, specifically focus on a few select aspects of sen- 2014; Kiros et al., 2015; Wieting et al., 2015; Con- tence semantics and inspect to what extent promi- neau et al., 2017; Arora et al., 2017). nent sentence embedding methods are able to cap- Sentence embeddings have mainly been eval- ture them. Our framework generates triplets of uated in terms of how well their cosine similar- sentences to explore how changes in the syntac- ities mirror human judgments of semantic relat- tic structure or semantics of a given sentence af- edness, typically with respect to the SemEval Se- fect the similarities obtained between their sen- mantic Textual Similarity competitions. The SICK tence embeddings. 632 Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Short Papers), pages 632–637 Melbourne, Australia, July 15 - 20, 2018. c 2018 Association for Computational Linguistics
2 Analysis A: The young boy is climbing the wall made of rock. To conduct our analysis, we proceed by generating B: The young boy isn’t climbing the wall made new phenomena-specific evaluation datasets. of rock. Our starting point is that even minor alterations of a sentence may lead to notable shifts in mean- Quantifier-Negation. We prepend the quantifier ing. For instance, a sentence S such as A rabbit expression there is no to original sentences begin- is jumping over the fence and a sentence S ∗ such ning with A to generate new sentences. as A rabbit is not jumping over the fence diverge A: A girl is cutting butter into two pieces. with respect to many of the inferences that they B: There is no girl cutting butter into two pieces. warrant. Even if sentence S ∗ is somewhat less idiomatic than alternative wordings such as There Synonym Substitution. We substitute the verb are no rabbits jumping over the fence, we never- in the original sentence with an appropriate syn- theless expect sentence embedding methods to in- onym to generate a new sentence B. terpret both correctly, just as humans do. A: The man is talking on the telephone. Despite the semantic differences between the B: The man is chatting on the telephone. two sentences due to the negation, we still expect the cosine similarity between their respective em- Embedded Clause Extraction. For those sen- beddings to be fairly high, in light of their seman- tences containing verbs such as say, think with em- tic relatedness in touching on similar themes. bedded clauses, we extract the clauses as the new Hence, only comparing the similarity between sentence. sentence pairs of this sort does not easily lend A: Octel said the purchase was expected. itself to insightful automated analyses. Instead, we draw on another key idea. It is common for B: The purchase was expected. two sentences to be semantically close despite dif- Passivization. Sentences that are expressed in ferences in their specific linguistic realizations. active voice are changed to passive voice. Building on the previous example, we can con- struct a further contrasting sentence S + such as A A: Harley asked Abigail to bake some muffins. rabbit is hopping over the fence. This sentence is B: Abigail is asked to bake some muffins. very close in meaning to sentence S, despite minor differences in the choice of words. In this case, we Argument Reordering. For sentences matching would want for the semantic relatedness between the structure “hsomebodyi hverbi hsomebodyi to sentences S and S + to be assessed as higher than hdo somethingi”, we swap the subject and object between sentence S and sentence S ∗ . of the original sentence A to generate a new sen- We refer to this sort of scheme as sentence tence B. triplets. We rely on simple transformations to gen- A: Matilda encouraged Sophia to compete in a erate several different sets of sentence triplets. match. B: Sophia encouraged Matilda to compete in a 2.1 Sentence Modification Schemes match. In the following, we first describe the kinds of Fixed Point Inversion. We select a word in the transformations we apply to generate altered sen- sentence as the pivot and invert the order of words tences. Subsequently, in Section 2.2, we shall con- before and after the pivot. The intuition here is that sider how to assemble such sentences into sen- this simple corruption is likely to result in a new tence triplets of various kinds so as to assess differ- sentence that does not properly convey the origi- ent semantic properties of sentence embeddings. nal meaning, despite sharing the original words in Not-Negation. We negate the original sentence common with it. Hence, these sorts of corruptions by inserting the negation marker not before the can serve as a useful diagnostic. first verb of the original sentence A to generate A: A dog is running on concrete and is holding a new sentence B, including contractions as ap- a blue ball propriate, or removing negations when they are al- B: concrete and is holding a blue ball a dog is ready present, as in: running on. 633
2.2 Sentence Triplet Generation between S and S + ought to be larger than Given the above forms of modified sentences, that between S + and S ∗ . If the sentence em- we induce five evaluation datasets, consisting of bedding however is easily misled by match- triplets of sentences as follows. ing sentence structures, the opposite will be the case. 1. Negation Detection: Original sentence, Syn- onym Substitution, Not-Negation 5. Fixed Point Reorder: Original sentence, Se- mantically equivalent sentence, Fixed Point With this dataset, we seek to explore how Inversion well sentence embeddings can distinguish sentences with similar structure and opposite With this dataset, our objective is to explore meaning, while using Synonym Substitution how well the sentence embeddings account as the contrast set. We would want the simi- for shifts in meaning due to the word order larity between the original sentence and the in a sentence. We select sentence pairs from negated sentence to be lower than that be- the SICK dataset according to their seman- tween the original sentence and its synonym tic relatedness score and entailment labeling. version. Sentence pairs with a high relatedness score and the Entailment tag are considered seman- 2. Negation Variants: Quantifier-Negation, tically similar sentences. We rely on the Lev- Not-Negation, Original sentence enshtein Distance as a filter to ensure a struc- In the second dataset, we aim to investigate tural similarity between the two sentences, how well the sentence embeddings reflect i.e., sentence pairs whose Levenshtein Dis- negation quantifiers. We posit that the sim- tance is sufficiently high are regarded as eli- ilarity between the Quantifier-Negation and gible. Not-Negation versions should be a bit higher Additionally, we use the Fixed Point In- than between either the Not-Negation or the version technique to generate a contrastive Quantifier-Negation and original sentences. sentence. The resulting sentence likely no 3. Clause Relatedness: Original sentence, Em- longer adequately reflects the original mean- bedded Clause Extraction, Not-Negation ing. Hence, we expect that, on average, the similarity between the original sentence and In this third set, we want to explore whether the semantically similar sentence should be the similarity between a sentence and its em- higher than that between the original sen- bedded clause is higher than between a sen- tence and the contrastive version. tence and its negation. 3 Experiments 4. Argument Sensitivity: Original sentence, Passivization, Argument Reordering We now proceed to describe our experimental With this last test, we wish to ascertain evaluation based on this paradigm. whether the sentence embeddings succeed in distinguishing semantic information from 3.1 Datasets structural information. Consider, for in- Using the aforementioned triplet generation meth- stance, the following triplet. ods, we create the evaluation datasets listed in Ta- S: Lilly loves Imogen. ble 1, drawing on source sentences from SICK, S + : Imogen is loved by Lilly. Penn Treebank WSJ and MSR Paraphase cor- S ∗ : Imogen loves Lilly. pus. Although the process to modify the sen- tences is automatic, we rely on human annotators to double-check the results for grammaticality and Here, S and S + mostly share the same mean- semantics. This is particularly important for syn- ing, whereas S + and S ∗ have a similar word onym substitution, for which we relied on Word- order, but do not possess the same specific Net (Fellbaum, 1998). Unfortunately, not all syn- meaning. If the sentence embeddings focus onyms are suitable as replacements in a given con- more on semantic cues, then the similarity text. 634
refer to the original, Synonym Substitution, and Table 1: Generated Evaluation Datasets Not-Negation versions of the sentences, respec- Dataset # of Sentences tively. For each of the considered embedding Negation Detection 674 methods, we first report the average cosine simi- Negation Variants 516 larity scores between all relevant sorts of pairings Clause Relatedness 567 of two sentences, i.e. between the original and the Argument Sensitivity 445 Synonym-Substitution sentences (S and S + ), be- Fixed Point Reorder 623 tween original and Not-Negated (S and S ∗ ), and between Not-Negated and Synonym-Substitution (S + and S ∗ ). Finally, in the last column, we report 3.2 Embedding Methods the Accuracy, computed as the percentage of sen- In our experiments, we compare three particularly tence triplets for which the proximity relationships prominent sentence embedding methods: were as desired, i.e., the cosine similarity between the original and synonym-substituted versions was 1. GloVe Averaging (GloVe Avg.): The simple higher than the similarity between that same orig- approach of taking the average of the word inal and its Not-Negation version. vectors for all words in a sentence. Although On this dataset, we observe that GloVe Avg. is this method neglects the order of words en- more often than not misled by the introduction of tirely, it can fare reasonably well on some of synonyms, although the corresponding word vec- the most commonly invoked forms of evalua- tor typically has a high cosine similarity with the tion (Wieting et al., 2015; Arora et al., 2017). original word’s embedding. In contrast, both In- Note that we here rely on regular unweighted ferSent and SkipThought succeed in distinguish- GloVe vectors (Pennington et al., 2014) in- ing unnegated sentences from negated ones. stead of fine-tuned or weighted word vectors. 2. Concatenated P-Mean Embeddings (P- Table 2: Evaluation of Negation Detection Means): Rücklé et al. (2018) proposed S ∧ S + S ∧ S ∗ S + ∧ S ∗ Accuracy concatenating different p-means of multiple Glove Avg 97.42% 98.80% 96.53% 13.06% kinds of word vectors. P Means 98.49% 99.47% 98.13% 6.82% Sent2Vec 91.28% 93.50% 85.30% 41.99% 3. Sent2Vec: Pagliardini et al. (2018) proposed SkipThought 88.34% 81.95% 73.74% 78.19% a method to learn word and n-gram embed- Infersent 94.74% 88.64% 85.15% 91.10% dings such that the average of all words and n-grams in a sentence can serve as a high- quality sentence vector. Negation Variants. In Table 3, S, S + , S ∗ re- 4. The Skip-Thought Vector approach fer to the original, Not-Negation, and Quantifier- (SkipThought) by Kiros et al. (2015) Negation versions of a sentence, respectively. Ac- applies the neighbour prediction intuitions curacy in this problem is defined as percentage of of the word2vec Skip-Gram model at the sentence triples whose similarity between S+ and level of entire sentences, as encoded and S ∗ is the higher than similarity between S and S+ decoded via recurrent neural networks. The and S + and S ∗ The results of both averaging of method trains an encoder to process an word embeddings. and SkipThought are dismal in input sentence such that the resulting latent terms of the accuracy. InferSent, in contrast, ap- representation is optimized for predicting pears to have acquired a better understanding of neighbouring sentences via the decoder. negation quantifiers, as these are commonplace in many NLI datasets. 5. InferSent (Conneau et al., 2017) is based on supervision from an auxiliary task, namely Clause Relatedness. In Table 4, S, S + , S ∗ re- the Stanford NLI dataset. fer to original, Embedded Clause Extraction, and Not-Negation, respectively. Although not particu- 3.3 Results and Discussion larly more accurate than random guessing, among Negation Detection. Table 2 lists the results for the considered approaches, Sent2vec fares best in the Negation Detection dataset, where S, S + , S ∗ distinguishing the embedded clause of a sentence 635
Table 3: Evaluation of Negation Variants Table 5: Evaluation of Argument Sensitivity S ∧ S + S ∧ S ∗ S + ∧ S ∗ Accuracy S ∧ S+ S ∧ S∗ S + ∧ S ∗ Accuracy Glove Avg 96.91% 97.99% 97.05% 1.56% Glove Avg 96.17% 99.96% 96.17% 0.00% P Means 98.66% 99.07% 98.49% 0.19% P Means 97.94% 99.98% 97.94% 0.00% Sent2Vec 90.53% 90.59% 86.87% 1.56% Sent2Vec 89.11% 99.80% 89.13% 0.00% SkipThought 71.94% 75.40% 73.11% 22.96% SkipThought 83.44% 95.57% 82.32% 4.71% InferSent 84.51% 88.45% 91.63% 85.78% Infersent 93.70% 97.98% 94.11% 2.24% from a negation of said sentence. equivalent one and Fixed Point Inversion Ver- For a detailed analysis, we can divide the sen- sion. As Table 6 indicates, sentence embed- tence triplets in this dataset into two categories as dings based on means (GloVe averages), weighted exemplified by the following examples: means (Sent2Vec), or concatenation of p-mean a) Copperweld said it doesn’t expect a pro- embeddings (P-Means) are unable to distinguish tracted strike. — Copperweld said it expected a the fixed point inverted sentence from the se- protracted strike. — It doesn’t expect a protracted mantically equivalent one, as they do not encode strike. sufficient word order information into the sen- b) ”We made our own decision,” he said. — tence embeddings. Sent2Vec does consider n- ”We didn’t make our own decision,” he said. — grams but these do not affect the results suffi- We made our own decision. ciently.SkipThought and InferSent did well when For cases resembling a), the average the original sentence and its semantically equiva- SkipThought similarity between the sentence lence share similar structure. and its Not-Negation version is 79.90%, while for cases resembling b), it is 26.71%. The accuracy Table 6: Evaluation of Fixed Point Reorder of SkipThought on cases resembling a is 36.90%, S ∧ S+ S ∧ S∗ S + ∧ S ∗ Accuracy and the accuracy of SkipThought on cases like b Glove avg 97.74% 100.00% 97.74% 0.00% is only 0.75% It seems plausible that SkipThought P-Means 98.68% 100.00% 98.68% 0.00% Sent2Vec 92.88% 100.00% 92.88% 0.00% is more sensitive to the word order due to the SkipThought 89.83% 39.75% 37.28% 99.84% recurrent architecture. Infersent also achieved InferSent 95.53% 94.26% 90.64% 72.92% better performance on sentences resembling a) compared with sentences resembling b), its accuracy on these two structures is 28.37% and 4 Conclusion 15.73% respectively. This paper proposes a simple method to inspect sentence embeddings with respect to their se- Table 4: Evaluation of Clause Relatedness mantic properties, analysing three popular embed- S ∧ S+ S ∧ S∗ S + ∧ S ∗ Accuracy ding methods. We find that both SkipThought Glove Avg 94.76% 99.14% 94.03% 4.58% and InferSent distinguish negation of a sentence P Means 97.40% 99.61% 97.08% 2.46% from synonymy. InferSent fares better at identi- Sent2Vec 86.62% 92.40% 79.23% 32.92% SkipThought 54.94% 84.27% 45.48% 19.51% fying semantic equivalence regardless of the or- Infersent 89.47% 95.12% 85.22% 18.45% der of words and copes better with quantifiers. SkipThoughts is more suitable for tasks in which the semantics of the sentence corresponds to its Argument Sensitivity. In Table 5, S, S + , S ∗ structure, but it often fails to identify sentences to refer to the original sentence, it Passivization with different word order yet similar meaning. In form, and the Argument Reordering version, re- almost all cases, dedicated sentence embeddings spectively. Although recurrent architectures are from hidden states a neural network outperform a able to consider the order of words, unfortu- simple averaging of word embeddings. nately, none of the analysed approaches prove adept at distinguishing the semantic information Acknowledgments from structural information in this case. This research is funded in part by ARO grant no. Fixed Point Reorder. In Table 6, S, S+, S∗ W911NF-17-C-0098 as part of the DARPA So- to refer to the original sentence, its semantically cialSim program. 636
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