EXPLORING READING'S HERITAGE 10 - 19 September 2021 - heritageopendays.org whatsonreading.com

Page created by Hector Elliott
EXPLORING READING'S HERITAGE 10 - 19 September 2021 - heritageopendays.org whatsonreading.com
                  10 - 19 September 2021

EXPLORING READING'S HERITAGE 10 - 19 September 2021 - heritageopendays.org whatsonreading.com
Explore Reading’s heritage as
                                                       1   17 Castle Street Reading
part of England’s annual heritage                     16th century house used as an inn,
                                                      doctor’s residence and surgery. Once
festival, Heritage Open Days,                         owned by a Reading Mayor, who
which celebrates our built,                           promoted the bill to lay the paving slabs
natural and cultural heritage.                        in Reading – the first one was laid outside
                                                      this building in 1785. The building has
                                                      been used as a solicitors practice since
Reading places and people are
                                                      1971. Original items retained include
putting on a range of fantastic                       diamond chimneys, coach and horse
events to showcase some of the rich                   mounting block, shoe carving on the
stories that make Reading such a                      beam timbers. Access to areas not
unique place to live, work and visit.                 normally open to the public during the
This year, the events are a mixture of                working day.
in-person and online only events.                                              SAT 11 SEPT
                                                                               09:30 – 16:30
             In-person                   Online                                Rowberry
                                                                               Morris & Co
                                                                               17 Castle Street,
The theme for Heritage Open Days                                               RG1 7SB
2021 is Edible England so look out
for Reading events showcasing our
amazing local culinary heritage.
                                                       2   Brock Keep
                                                      A tour round the historic former armoury
                     Edible England
                                                      and gatehouse which is now home to
                                                      artist studios and art gallery. Get creative
Given the difficult times in which                    with locally sourced fruit and veg to
we are living with events subject                     make your own prints and sculptures.
                                                      Completed in 1877, the building is a fine
to change, please check
                                                      example of a Victorian keep built to aid
heritageopendays.org before                           recruitment and to increase local pride.
visiting and to check accessibility/
transport information. A number                                       SAT 18 & SUN 19 SEPT
of events have small capacities so
                                                                               11:00 – 18:00
must be booked in advance.
                                                                               Open Hand Open
                                                                               Space Ltd
	All Heritage Open Days                                                       571 Oxford Road,
           events are free to                                                  RG30 1HL
attend, but charity donations are
accepted at some events.

All information is correct at the time of printing.
EXPLORING READING'S HERITAGE 10 - 19 September 2021 - heritageopendays.org whatsonreading.com
3    Caversham Court Allotments                  5 Caversham Road:

A guided tour of the historic kitchen
                                                 An area shaped by Victorian
garden (now allotments) at Caversham
                                                 aesthetics and innovation
Court to see how our diet and gardening          A guided walk around a Victorian
have changed over the centuries. Learn           townscape that still has many traces of
about early varieties of vegetables, fruits      its rich industrial past as well as plenty
and herbs and see how the English diet           of original architectural features. Come
changed over the centuries as new plants         and see an area where department store
came in from all over the world, and             and brick magnates left their mark and the
gardeners adapted their methods.                 bicycles for the British Army’s first cycling
                                                 regiment were made. Approx 60 minutes.
                SAT 11 & SUN 12 SEPT
                                                                  FRI 17 & SAT 18 SEPT
                         Tours at 14:00,
                         15:00 and 16:00                                   11:00
                         Caversham Court                                   Meet at
                         Gardens,                                          The Moderation,
                         Church Road,                                      213 Caversham
                         Caversham,                                        Road, RG1 8BB
                         RG4 7AD

Booking essential:                               Booking essential:
                                                 Walk is also available online:
  4Castle Hill & Coley Heritage                  https://www.youtube.com/
 Walkabout                                       watch?v=8wAZZ7y-9Ls
 A circular walk taking in a lost jam factory,
 mansions and slums, listed buildings,
 Reading FC’s first pitch, lost pubs, brick       6   Celebrate with Father Willis
 making and much more. Plus an easy
                                                 Organ music and chat from the ‘Father’
 to make jam recipe. Donations to local
                                                 Willis organ at The Town Hall. Marking
 charities accepted.
                                                 the centenary of the Berkshire Organist’s
               SUN 12 & WED 15 SEPT              Association with a brand new work
                                                 inspired by music from Reading Abbey,
                          09:30                  which celebrates its 900th Anniversary.
                          Meet at Corner
                          of Coley Place                                   SAT 11 SEPT
                          and Castle Street,
                                                                           13:00 – 14:00
                          RG1 7ST
                                                                           Reading Town Hall,
                                                                           RG1 1QH
 Booking essential:
EXPLORING READING'S HERITAGE 10 - 19 September 2021 - heritageopendays.org whatsonreading.com
Eat, pray, love in Antiquity
     7                                            9    Green Park Wind Turbine
 at the Ure Museum                               See the Green Park wind turbine up
 The Ure Museum and our colleagues               close and personal, find out what
 at the Dept of Classics (University of          it is, what it does, how it works and
 Reading) will post a short video every          experience a few experiments too.
 day to explore food in Antiquity: ancient       Suitable for all age ranges.
 diet, depiction of food in our collection,
 cook-along recipes, and much more!                       FRI 10, SUN 12, SAT 18 SEPT
 By addressing trading routes, written
                                                                        Fri: 19:00
 sources, ancient ingredients and recipes
                                                                        Sun: 16:00
 while exploring the Ure Museum
 collection, we will learn how eating was                               Sat: 17:00
 turned into a ritual that celebrated all                               300 South Oak Way,
 your senses!                                                           RG2 6AD

                  FRI 10 – SUN 19 SEPT
                                                 Booking essential:

                                                  10Hidden Recipes from
                                                 My Ancestral Home by local
                                                 artist Caroline Streatfield
                                                 Recipe tasting and pick up a recipe
 8       Food from the archives                  card from the High Street Heritage
                                                 Action Zone project, plus tours of
Berkshire Record Office brings a culinary        The Pavilion, which used to be and
taste of Berkshire’s past to you online.
                                                 still is a cinema and has the fixings
Take a look at a recipe from Berkshire’s
                                                 from 1929.
past and have a go at making it. Discover
how easy it is to follow a historical recipe.                       SAT 11 SEPT
                                                                       11:30 – 13:30
                 FRI 10 – SUN 19 SEPT
                                                                       LifeSpring Church,
                        Anytime                                        The Pavilion,
                        berkshirerecordoffice.                         143-145 Oxford
                        org.uk/events                                  Road, RG1 7UY
EXPLORING READING'S HERITAGE 10 - 19 September 2021 - heritageopendays.org whatsonreading.com
11High Street Sound Walk –                     13 Landlords and Conservation.
 A Reading of London Street                      A conflict of Interests?
 Artists Aundre Goddard and Richard              Lloyd Turner, of Reading based Turner
 Bentley’s sound walk combines music,            Property, will talk about the challenges
 sound and audio drama to tell the story         of being a landlord who provide homes
 of London Street’s history and community.       for students and professionals in HMOs
 Take your smart phone to London Street          whilst also seeking to conserve and
 (or listen at home) to enjoy a self-guided,     improve, neglected heritage buildings.
 immersive sound walk. ‘A Reading of
 London Street’ is a dream-like journey past                          SAT 12 SEPT
 the Black History Mural and Global Café to                            18:30 – 19:30
 immerse yourself in the evocative sounds
                                                                       The Changing
 that capture the street’s unique identity,
                                                                       Room, Thames
 from the historic Huntley and Addington                               Lido, Napier Road,
 House to the vibrant music of the street’s                            RG1 8FR
 iconic nightspots.
                    FRI 10 – SUN 19 SEPT
                      Listen anytime             Booking essential:
                      https://historic           Eventbrite.co.uk
                      england.org.uk/get-        Voluntary donation optional
                                                   Local Library Treasures –
                                                 Readings A, B, C
                                                 A short film with a food theme looking
12   Look Hear – Oxford Road Tour                at more of the library’s treasures.
                                                 A is for Reading Abbey in its 900th
Experience the unseen culture, character         anniversary (the library is situated on
and heritage of Reading’s Oxford Road from
                                                 its stables and it brewed beer),B is for
a guide with intimate knowledge of the area.
                                                 beer and biscuits (the library has the
To accompany Baker Street Production’s
                                                 in-house magazines for Simonds and
audio project Look, Hear, Oxford Road, this
guided walking tour will take you round a
                                                 Huntley & Palmer) and C is for Cock’s
small section of the Oxford Road and show        Reading Sauce (made not far from the
you its rich heritage.                           current library building).

           SAT 11, THUR 16, SUN 19 SEPT
                         Sat 11: 11:00
                         Thur 16: 10:00
                         Sun 19: 15:00
                         Start/finish: Outside
                                                                 FRI 10 – SUN 19 SEPT
                         the Biscuit Factory,
                         Queens Walk                               Anytime
Booking essential:       RG1 7QE. All Ages.                        Whatsonreading.com
EXPLORING READING'S HERITAGE 10 - 19 September 2021 - heritageopendays.org whatsonreading.com
Look Up to History in Reading
                                                    17 Reading Museum – Inset
Town Centre! A Proposed                             Training: Huntley & Palmers
Heritage Interpretation App                         In this virtual training session aimed at
Joe Doak’s talk will detail how a mobile            school staff, Reading Museum will focus
app(lication) could be developed to                 on the history of the famous Huntley
reveal, interpret and explain the historical        and Palmers biscuit factory and its
and cultural significance of buildings in           connections with the development of
Reading Town Centre. Joe Doak was,                  the town of Reading.
until last year, Associate Professor of                                    THUR 9 SEPT
Urban Planning & Development at the
University of Reading.                                                     16:00 – 17:00
                                                                           (teachers only)
                          FRI 17 SEPT                                      Blagrave Street,
                          18:30 – 19:30                                    RG1 1QH
                          Thames Lido,
                          Kings Meadow
                          Baths, Napier             Booking essential:
                          Road, RG1 8FR             museum.education@reading.gov.uk

                                                      18Reading Museum –
                                                      Object Handling Talk:
Booking essential:                                    Food Through the Ages
Eventbrite.co.uk                                      A 20-minute talk delivered by our
                                                      enthusiastic team and an excellent
                                                      opportunity to handle real objects
16 Reading Museum –                                   from our collection to explore the
Edible Reading                                        importance of food through history,
Join curator Brendan Carr to discover
                                                      from Roman Britain to Huntley and
fascinating facts linked to the history of food
                                                      Palmers biscuits. All ages.
in Reading. Delve into the past of Huntley &
Palmers which made Reading a famous biscuit                              SAT 11 SEPT
producing town and find out what exactly                                   10:00 & 11:00
Cocks Reading Sauce was and how the
                                                                           Blagrave Street,
ingredients were imported from all over the world                          RG1 1QH
– including anchovies from the Caspian Sea!

               FRI 17 & SAT 18 SEPT
                Blagrave Street, RG1 1QH
                Booking essential:
                readingmuseum.org.uk                 Booking essential:
EXPLORING READING'S HERITAGE 10 - 19 September 2021 - heritageopendays.org whatsonreading.com
19   RISC Edible Roof Garden               21   St Mary’s Episcopal Chapel
Above the World Shop and Global café       Find out about the memorials within the
is a small edible roof forest garden       Chapel (plaques and window) and a display
developed to demonstrate sustainability    exploring the origins of Harvest Festival.
and our dependence on plants.              There will be a display of some of the pots
All plants in the garden have an           and bottles found several years ago in a pit
economic use for food, clothing,           within the Chapel.
medicine etc. and come from all over
the world. Demonstration of renewable      FRI 10, SAT 11, THU 16, FRI 17 & SAT 18 SEPT
energy, water harvesting and irrigation
systems.                                                        Fri 10: 10:00 – 14:00
                                                                Sat 11: 09:30 – 17:30
               SAT 11 & SUN 12 SEPT                             Thu 16: 10:00 – 14:00
                       12:00 – 16:00                            Fri 17: 10:00 – 14:00
                                                                Sat 18: 09:30 – 17:30
                       35-39 London
                       Street, RG1 4PS                          14 Castle Street, RG1 7RD

                                            22 Terry’s Edible Reading
20 St Laurence’s Churchyard
Tour                                        Walkabout
Join Barnaby Wheeler (HCC heritage          A guided walk telling the story of the
architect) and Matthew Williams (Reading    food of Reading from pre-Victorian times
Museum) to explore one of Reading’s         to the present. Featuring famous and the
most historic spaces. Discover its links    not so famous, products & manufacturers,
to the foundation and dissolution of        unique restaurants & cafes, plus fascinating
Reading Abbey and hear about the            facts you may not have heard of!
2015 restoration of the historic            Donation to local charities accepted.
churchyard wall and this summer’s
conservation of several ‘at risk’ 18th                        THUR 16 & SAT 18 SEPT
and 19th century chest tombs within the
churchyard.                                                        09:30
                                                                   Start from Queen
                      SAT 11 SEPT                                  Victoria Statue, near
                                                                   Town Hall Square,
                      10:30 – 11:30                                Blagrave Street,
                      Meet at Queen                                RG1 1QH
                      Victoria’s statue

Booking essential:                         Booking essential:
readingmuseum.org.uk                       Eventbrite.co.uk
EXPLORING READING'S HERITAGE 10 - 19 September 2021 - heritageopendays.org whatsonreading.com
The Commons Feast,
 23                                              25The Last Gasometer and
Museum of English Rural Life                     Reading’s Changing Skyline
The Commons Feast is a free, buffet-style        Visit this themed art exhibition
meal of local, seasonal, wild, and foraged       celebrating the ever-changing skyline
fare as part of an artist-led project at         of Reading and bidding a fond and final
The MERL called Commons: Re-enchanting           farewell to the last of our so familiar
the World. The feast event will feature          gasometers. 25 invited artists will
bread made using a collection of over 80         respond in their own styles and media
sourdough cultures gifted by bakers around       to this themed show, appropriately
the world. By inviting you to our shared         exhibited in the Turbine House with
table we hope to awaken food memories            its view down the Kennet to that last
and encourage our guests to share recipes,       gasometer (if it is still there)!
food stories, dining memories, and new
eating experiences. Funded by Arts                             FRI 10 SEP – SUN 26 SEPT
Council England.
                                                                     10:00 – 18:00
                          SAT 18 SEPT                                The Turbine House,
                              12:00 – 15:00                          Riverside Museum
                              6 Redlands Road,                       at Blake’s Lock,
                              RG1 5EX                                Gas Works Road,
                                                                     RG1 3EQ

Booking essential:

 24   Woodley History Walks                        Heritageopendays.org
Two walks through Woodley. The two
Saturday walks look at the old forge,              livingreading.co.uk
historic shops and house in Crockhamwell
Road and the site of Woodley Green Farm.
The two Sunday walks look at St John’s
                                                           f acebook.com/
Church, Cobblers City and its old cottages.
  SAT 11, SUN 12, SAT 18 & SUN 19 SEPT
                    Sat 11/ Sat 18: 10:00
                    Sun 12/Sun 19: 14:00
                    Sat walks start/finish:
                    The Oakwood Centre
                                                      Exploring Reading’s Heritage
                    Sun walks start/finish:           produced by
                    The Bull and Chequers
                    The walks will last for
                    1-2 hours. Limited places.

Booking essential: 07977 034552
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