Explore Potsdam - Potsdam Tourismus

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Explore Potsdam - Potsdam Tourismus
Explore Potsdam

Explore Potsdam - Potsdam Tourismus

Events����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6

City Walk through Potsdam������������������������������������������������������ 7

A Walk for Explorers
Strolling through the historic City Centre������������������������������������ 8

Art by the River
Walk along the River Havel��������������������������������������������������������� 12

Film Tour
Exploring Film Locations by Foot����������������������������������������������� 16

Old Fritz
By Bike through the UNESCO World Heritage���������������������������� 20

Panoramic Bike Tour
Exploring historic Vistas������������������������������������������������������������� 24

Cycling around Lake Templiner See
Bike Trip to the Countryside������������������������������������������������������� 28

Peninsula Hermannswerder
Master Havel Waves by Paddle��������������������������������������������������� 32

Travel inspirations�������������������������������������������������������������������� 36

Service, Imprint������������������������������������������������������������������������ 39
Explore Potsdam - Potsdam Tourismus
Sans, souci.                                    Explore Potsdam
                                                 Immerse yourself in the UNESCO World Heritage
		    Ohne Sorge.
                                                 The palaces and gardens of Potsdam have been a UNESCO World
                                                 Heritage Site since 1990 and are a symbol of the perfect interplay
                                                 between art and nature. Surrounded by stunning World Heritage
                                                 Sites, the city centre and its diverse architecture is a mirror of
                                                 Potsdam’s history of immigration.

                                                 Passing red brick buildings of the Dutch Quarter, fairytale-like
                                                 wooden houses of the Russian Colony Alexandrovka and walking
                                                 across an Italian piazza influenced square (Alter Markt): a city stroll
                                                 through Potsdam can be like a short trip through Europe.

                                                 Potsdam witnessed important events. For example, 2020 marks
                                                 the 75th anniversary of the Potsdam Conference in Cecilienhof
                                                 Palace. The meeting of the three victorious allies marked the end
                                                 of the Second World War, led to the outbreak of the Cold War and
                                                 the division of Europe by the ”Iron Curtain“.

                                                 The ”anti-fascist protective wall“ also led through today’s
                                                 UNESCO World Heritage Site of Potsdam. With the Fall of the Ber-
                                                 lin Wall on November 9 in 1989, thousands of Germans streamed
                                                 across Glienicke Bridge from East to West, from Potsdam to West
                                                 Berlin and the other way round. They celebrated the end of the
                                                 Cold War and, just under a year later, the German Unity.
                    © PMSG SPSG André Stiebitz

                                                 Cecilienhof Palace
Explore Potsdam - Potsdam Tourismus
EVENTS                                                                                                                            CITY WALK
6                                                                                                                                                    7

    Tulip Festival                                                       City Walk through Potsdam
          8.04. – 19.04.2020
                                                                                                                 An entertaining journey through
    Spring is coming to Potsdam! A colourful stage program with                                                  the past – from the Old Market
    German and Dutch folklore, a market with Dutch culinary                                                      through the baroque city centre
    specialities,    flowers   and local handcraft   make   the                                                  with its hidden courtyards, Pots-
    festival a special experience.                                                                               dam‘s „Broadway“ to the Dutch
                                                                                                                             Quarter where the

    Sehsüchte – International Student Film Festival                                                                             tour ends.

              – 26.04.2020

    The international student film festival Sehsüchte takes place in
    Babelsberg focusing on a ”20:20 Vision“. Sehsüchte is one of the     © PMSG André Stiebitz

    largest student film festivals in Europe and an important platform
    for young international film talents.                                    	Apr. to Oct. 2nd and 4th Sat. of the month in English / German
                                                                              11.00 a.m. · Tourist Information Alter Markt

    Fête de la Musique                                                        12 EUR / 10 EUR reduced
                                                                              PMSG · www.potsdam-tourism.com · Phone +49 (0)331 27 55 88 99
          1.06. – 22.06.2020

    With free admission, cultural diversity, music from funk to punk
    and the most beautiful open-air atmosphere, the longest day and
    shortest night is being celebrated.

    Potsdam Palace Night 2020
             – 15.08.2020

    In accordance with ”Les rendez-vous au Park Sanssouci“ the park is

    transformed into a sea of lights on two summer evenings. Artists,
    cuisine and music create a unique ambiance in the middle of the
    UNESCO World Heritage Site.
                                                                         Looking for a private tour through Potsdam and its palaces?

    Christmassy Potsdam                                                  Our Group Travel Office is your partner for advice,
                                                                         organisation and creation of:
          3.11. – 29.12.2020
                                                                         •    ustomised single and multiple day itinerary
    Traditional Christmas markets: Blue Lights in the city centre,       •   City tours by foot, bike and bus (60 guides, 13 languages)
    Advent Market at Belvedere Palace, Bohemian Christmas Market         •    Indor visits of all palaces
    in Babelsberg, Alexandrovka Advent Garden, Sinterklaas Festival in   •     Boat trips, exhibition tours at Museum Barberini and much
    the Dutch Quarter or Star Market at the Kutschstall.                        more
                                                                             You can contact us by e-mail at gruppen@potsdamtourismus.de or
                                                                             by phone +49 (0)331 275 58 50.
Explore Potsdam - Potsdam Tourismus
8                                                                                                                9

                                                                             A Walk for
                                                                             Explorers –
                                                                             Strolling through the
                                                                             historic City Centre

                                                                             This walk takes you through
                                                                             the city centre and seems like
                                                                             a stroll through time. From the
                                                                             main station, the path leads to
                                                                             the island Freundschaftsinsel – a
                                                                             gardening gem by Karl Foerster.
                                                                             From here you can already see
                                                                             the Old Market. With the St
                                                                             Nicholas’ Church, which
                                                                             resembles St. Paul’s Cathedral
                                                                             in London, the Brandenburg
                                                                             Parliament, built on the site of
                                                                             the former city palace, the
                                                                             Potsdam Museum and the
                                                                             Museum Barberini, this square
                                                                             combines an exciting mixture
                                                                             of modernity, culture, art and

     	approx. 2 hrs (or 4.5 hrs)                                            We continue to the square
        approx. 4.5 km (or 9 km)                                             Bassinplatz. The weekly market
                                                                             as well as the St Peter and
       	Potsdam Main Station                                                Paul Church are well worth a
                                                                             visit. The brick red of the Dutch
                                                                             Quarter shines here from afar.
                                                                             Frederick William I, the soldier
                                                                             king, wanted to bring Dutch
                                                                             craftsmen to Potsdam with this
                                           Film Museum Potsdam
                                                                             special architecture. Today you
                                           Memorial Lindenstrasse
                                     3                                       can find small cafés, boutiques
                                           Historic Windmill of Sanssouci
                                     4                                       and the Jan Bouman House
                                           Museum FLUXUS+
                                     5     Museum Barberini
                                                                             here. Afterwards you carry
                                     6     Alexandrovka Museum and
                                                                             on to Brandenburger Strasse,
                                            Café Uschakoff                   affectionately called “Broadway”
                                     7     Museum of Natural Science         by Potsdamers. Or you can
                                     8     Pedales – Bike & Paddle station   extend the walk and visit the
                                     9     Potsdam Museum                    Russian Colony Alexandrovka
                                     10    Restaurant Waikiki Burger         with its special wooden houses.
    Old Market with Potsdam Museum   11    Boat Cruise Weisse Flotte         From this point, it is not far to
Explore Potsdam - Potsdam Tourismus
CITY WALK                                                                                                                           CITY WALK
10                                                                                                                                                      11

     Sanssouci Park. With its artistic
     gardens and the summer palace
     on the wine terraces, it tells the
     story of Frederick II, the Old
     Fritz. Via square Luisenplatz and                                           Museum Alexandrovka
     through the gate Brandenburger
     Tor you get back to Branden-                                                Let your soul wander! In the
     burger Strasse. The way leads                                               garden of the Alexandrovka
     past the canal and the New                                                  Museum, you can enjoy cakes
     Market back to the main station.                                            under old fruit trees and expe-
                                                                                 rience the history of the colony
                                                                                 in the museum.
                                                                                 ➝ www.alexandrowka.de
                                                                          1                                                                         2

                                                                                                                    1 Memorial Lindenstrasse

                                              Tip                                                                   2 Dutch Quarter
     Potsdam Museum –                                                                                               3 Russian Colony Alexandrovka
     Forum for art and                                                                                              4 Sanssouci Palace
     history                              Foundation Memorial                                                       5 Island Freundschaftsinsel
     We present living and contem-
     porary Potsdam history and           The memorial reflects continuity
     special exhibitions about art and    and change of political persecu-
     cultural history. Enjoy our Café     tion and detention from 1933
     Central.                             to 1989.
     ➝ www.potsdam-museum.de              ➝ www.gedenkstaette-lindenstrasse.de

                                                                          4                                                                         5
Explore Potsdam - Potsdam Tourismus
12                                                                                                                                                  13

                                                                                                            Art by the river –
                                                                                                            Walk along
                                                                                                            the River Havel

                                                                                                            With Museum Barberini,
                                                                                                            Potsdam Museum, museum
                                                                                                            FLUXUS+ in Schiffbauergasse
                                                                                                            and Villa Schoeningen on
                                                                                                            Glienicke Bridge, modern art
                                                                                                            has established itself in Pots-
                                                                                                            dam. A created path along the
                                                                                                            banks of the river Havel allows
                                                                                                            one to indulge in local art and

                                                                                                            The sculptures of the “Walk
                                                                                                            of Modern Art“ connect art
                                                                                                            museums along the river Havel.
                                                                                                            In the open-air gallery, artists at
                                                                                                            a total of 8 locations deal with
                                                                                                            the immediate surroundings:
                                                                                                            water and landscape. The route
                                                                                                            leads from the Old Market
                                                                                 	approx. 2 hrs            along the banks of Alte Fahrt to
                                                                                    approx. 6 km            the quarter Schiffbauergasse.
                                                                                                            Here, at the cultural hub of the
                                                                                  	Potsdam Main Station,   city, you can visit Kunstraum
                                                                                    Tram line 93
                                                                                                            Potsdam as well as the museum


     A home for art                    1     Film Museum Potsdam
                                       2     Memorial Lindenstrasse
     The Museum Barberini at Old       3     Museum FLUXUS+
     Market is a crowd-puller and an   4     Museum Alexandrowka
     international art hotspot.               and Café Uschakoff
     The year 2020 is dedicated to     5     Museum of Natural Science
     Monet, Rembrandt and              6     Pedales – Bike & Paddle station
     impressionism.                    7     Potsdam Museum
     ➝ www.museum-barberini.com        8     Restaurant Waikiki Burger
                                       9     Boat cruise Weisse Flotte
                                       10    Huckleberry‘s Float Station
                                       11                                      Herbert Mehler, Spola        Jörg Plickat, Ambos Mundos Two Worlds
                                             Museum Barberini
Explore Potsdam - Potsdam Tourismus

     Instead of walking from the city
     centre, you can also comfort­
     ably use the tram line “Kultur­
     tramlinie 93“ from the cultural
     hub to Glienicke Bridge.

     Villa Schoeningen presents
     internationally renowned artists
     directly on the shore where
     works are shown in changing
     exhibitions within the tower
     villa. The way back is as inspir­
     ing as the art itself. If you want
                                          1     2
     to change your perspective
     here, we also recommend tak­
     ing the water taxi back to the
                                              1 Otto Herbert Hajek,
     harbour. The slightly different
                                                 Dynamic space sign II
     taxi ride connects all locations
                                              2 Armando, The Warrior
     and offers a new view back to
                                              3 Museum Barberini
                                              4 Stella Hamberg, Berserker I

     For all those who would like to          5 Schiffbauergasse
     have the works of art explained          6 Rudolf Valenta, Big Fibonacci
     in expert company, the guided
     tours on foot or by bicycle are

                                          3                                      4



     If you would like to know more
     about art by the river, you can
     book the year round guided
     tour (every 1st Saturday of the
     month from 2pm until 6pm)
     from the Tourist Information
     Centre Old Market.
     ➝ www.potsdam-tourism.com
Explore Potsdam - Potsdam Tourismus
16                                                                                                                                                      17

                                                                                                                     Film tour –
                                                                                                                     Exploring Film
                                                                                                                     Locations by Foot

       	approx. 3 hrs                    More than 100 years of exciting        in Breite Strasse, which belongs    role in the film world: New
          approx. 5 km                    film history can be discovered         to the Film University Babels-      Pleasure Ground, Old Market
                                          in Potsdam. In addition to the         berg KONRAD WOLF, brings            and New Market are present in
        	Potsdam Main Station            Babelsberg film studio, there          the film-making process from        the former Fridericus Rex films
                                          are numerous well-known film           script to film alive. Perfect for   of the 1920s. Otto Gebühr
                                          locations in the city centre and       immersing yourself in film          played the great Prussian king
                                          in the gardens of the palaces.         history. The surroundings of        so realistically that the people
                                          On the way from Old Market to          the museum play an important        of Potsdam greeted him on the
                                          Sanssouci Park, you can follow
                                          on the footsteps of cinema films
                                          and series. The Film Museum

                                          1    Botanical Garden
                                          2    Film Museum Potsdam
     The guided tour „Babelsberg –        3    Memorial Lindenstrasse
     Filmstars, Mansions, World his-      4    Historic Windmill Sanssouci
     tory“ offers further stories about   5     useum Alexandrowka and
     stars like Marlene Dietrich. It           Café Uschakoff
     takes place every 1st and 3rd        6    Museum of Natural Science
     Sunday of the month from May         7    Pedales – Bike & Paddle station
     to October starting at S-Bahn        8    Potsdam Museum
     station Griebnitzsee.                9    Restaurant Waikiki Burger
                                                                                 Orangery Palace
     ➝ www.potsdam-tourism.com            10   Boat cruise Weisse Flotte
Explore Potsdam - Potsdam Tourismus

                                                                       1   2

     street as King Frederick.
                                                                                   1 Film Museum Potsdam
     The St. Nicholas’ Church at
     the Old Market can be seen in                                                 2 Film set SOKO Potsdam

     the film “The Wave“ and the                                                   3 Potsdam‘s City Hall
     new German TV series “SOKO                                                    4 Brandenburger Strasse
     Potsdam“ was shot around the
     Dutch quarter.
                                         Museum in Potsdam‘s
     The brick-red quarter certainly
                                         historic centre
     also looks familiar to children
     as they remember “Lilly the         The Film Museum Potsdam has
     Witch“. Many series fans will       resided at the Marstall stables
     undoubtedly recall Claire Danes     since 1981, right next to the
     from the American TV series         Brandenburg State Parliament
     “Homeland“, where the Dutch         in the historic city centre.
     Quarter becomes Amsterdam.          ➝ www.filmmuseum-potsdam.de
     A detour to the town hall in
     Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse is a must
     for crime fans. The building
     appears in “Polizeiruf 110“ and
     “Pfarrer Braun“.

     It continues to the Sanssouci       Waikiki Burger
     Park, which has served as a
     backdrop several times. Konrad      Aloha & welcome to Waikiki
     Wolf already shot “I was 19“        Burger, the Hawaiian restaurant
     at the New Chambers in 1968         with ALOHA flair, refreshing
     and Hollywood placed the            cocktails and Hawaiian
     Orangery Palace “Around the         soulfood.
     World in 80 Days“ in Istanbul.      ➝ www.waikiki-burger.de
20                                                                                                                                     21

          	approx. 2.5 hrs

            approx. 16 km                                                                          Old Fritz –
           	Potsdam Main Station,                                                                 By Bike through the
             Charlottenhof Station                                                                 UNESCO World Heritage

                                                                                                   On the footsteps of Frederick
                                                                                                   the Great, also locally known as
                                                                                                   the „Old Fritz“, one dives into
                                                                                                   the magic of the world-famous
                                                                                                   palaces and gardens, which
                                                                                                   preserve the splendour of past
                                                                                                   times to this day.

                                                                                                   The cycle tour starts at the Old
                                                                                                   Market, which the Old Fritz
                                                                                                   once had redesigned in the
                                                                                                   style of an Italian piazza. From
                                                                                                   here you pass the Steam Engine
                                                                                                   House, which resembles a
                                                                                                   mosque. Arriving at Sanssouci
                                                                                                   Park, one first feels the breath
                                                                                                   of Italy at the sight of
                                                                                                   Charlottenhof Palace. There,
                                                                                                   one can already notice the
                                                                                                   impressive dome of the New
                                                                                                   Palace. Frederick II used this
                                                                                                   palace as a representative guest
                                                                                                   house and staged it consciously,
                                                                                                   while Sanssouci Palace was his
                                                                                                   very private summer residence.
                                                                                                   In accordance with his wishes,
           Belvedere Pfingstberg
                                                                                                   Frederick‘s grave is now on the
           Biosphere Potsdam
                                                                                                   uppermost terrace of the palace
           Botanical Gardens
     4                                                                                             next to his beloved dogs,
           Film Museum Potsdam

     5                                                                                             where guests regularly lay
           Memorial Lindenstrasse
     6                                                                                             down potatoes.
           Historic Windmill Sanssouci
     7     Huckleberry‘s Float Station
     8                                                                                             The cycle tour continues along
           Museum FLUXUS+                    By bus through the
     9     Museum of Natural Science
                                                                                                   the historic Voltaireweg past the
                                             World Heritage Site                                   Russian colony Alexandrovka
           Museum Alexandrowka and
            Café Uschakoff                                                                         to the New Garden. Fredericks’
     11    Museum Barberini                  Even when it rains, you can                           successor Frederick William
     12    Pedales – Bike & Paddle station   enjoy UNESCO World Heritage                           II created his own summer
     13    Potsdam Museum                    comfortably by bus 695, 605                           residence in a modern classicist
     14    Restaurant Waikiki Burger         or 606.                                               style with the Marble Palace.
                                                                           Steam Engine Building
     15    Boat Cruise Weisse Flotte         ➝ www.potsdam-tourism.com                             The gardener Johann August
BIKE TOUR                                                                                                                               BIKE TOUR
22                                                                                                                                                       23

                                                                         1                                     2                                    3

     Eyserbeck was responsible for                                                                                    1 Museum of Natural Science

                                             Tip                                    Tip
     the design of the New Garden.                                                                                    2 Botanical Gardens
     Following the path one will be                                                                                   3 Cecilienhof Palace
     lead past Cecilienhof Palace,                                                                                    4 Historic Wind Mill
     which became famous as the
                                         A look over the                        Botanical Gardens                     5 Old Market and
     venue of the Potsdam Confer-                                                                                        Potsdam Museum
     ence in 1945.                       windmiller‘s shoulder
                                                                                Tropical climate and lush gree-
     Then it is time to return back      The still producing wind mill          nery: Discover about 10,000
     to the city centre. Particularly    type „Galerieholländer“ with           types of plants from all over the
     the Dutch Quarter with its cosy     old, wind-driven mill technology       world in our greenhouses and
     flair marks a relaxing end to       and museal exhibition part.            outdoor facilities.
     the tour.                           ➝ www.historische-muehle-potsdam.de   ➝ www.botanischer-garten-potsdam.de


     Discover the wildlife of

     Wolf, wisent & wels: Get to
     know native animals and
     discover the diversity of species
     in the state of Brandenburg
     with about 40 fish species in
     the tank.
     ➝ www.naturkundemuseum-
                                                                         4                                                                          5
24                                                                                                                                               25

                                                                                    approx. 2 hrs           Panoramic
                                                                                    approx. 13 km            Bike Tour -
                                                                                  	Potsdam Main Station,    Exploring historic Vistas
                                                                                    Griebnitzsee Sation
                                                                                                             The panoramic bike tour offers
                                                                                                             you the most beautiful views
                                                                                                             of Potsdam and the artistically
                                                                                                             designed parks. You will follow
                                                                                                             on the footsteps of garden
                                                                                                             artist Peter Joseph Lenné, who
                                                                                                             as royal garden director had a
                                                                                                             decisive influence on Potsdam‘s
                                                                                                             garden landscape, and Prince
                                                                                                             Hermann von Pückler-Muskau,
                                                                                                             who designed Park Babelsberg.
                                                                                                             The starting point of the tour is
                                                                                                             Old Market.

                                                                                                             Through the gate Nauener
                                                                                                             Tor you first pass the Russian
                                                                                                             Colony Alexandrovka. Sit down
                                                                                                             under apple trees and enjoy
                                                                                                             the magic of the colony with
                                                                                                             Russian delicacies. From here
                                                                                                             you continue up to
                                                                                                             Pfingstberg hill, which is
                                                                                                             crowned by the Belvedere. King
                                                                                                             Frederick William IV, the
                                                                                                             „Romantic on the throne“
                                                                                                             ordered Belvedere to beeing
                                                                                                             being built. The vistas within
                                                                                                             the park and palace landscape,
           Belvedere Pfingstberg

     2                                                                                                       which extend as far as Pfauen-
           Biosphere Potsdam
     3                                                                                                       insel (Peacock Island) in Berlin,
           Film Museum Potsdam
     4                                                                                                       are deliberately staged.
           Memorial Lindenstrasse
     5     Huckleberry‘s Float Station
     6     Museum FLUXUS+
                                             Pedales Bike & Paddle                                           From Pfingstberg hill the
     7     Museum Barberini                  Station at Griebnitzsee                                         path leads next through the
     8     Museum Alexandrowka and          station                                                         New Garden with Cecilienhof
            Café Uschakoff                                                                                   Palace to Glienicke Bridge. This
     9     Museum of Natural Science         By bike, kayak or stand up                                      famous bridge can be perceived
     10    Pedales – Bike & Paddle Station   board - here is the perfect                                     as a symbol of the Division of
     11    Potsdam Museum                    starting point for your Potsdam                                 Germany. Steven Spielberg shot
     12    Restaurant Waikiki Burger         break.                                                          scenes on location for his film
                                                                               Russian Colony Alexandrovka
     13    Boat Cruise Weisse Flotte         ➝ www.potsdam-per-pedales.de                                    „Bridge of Spies“, which shows

                                        the American-Soviet agent ex-
                                        change of 1962 on this bridge.

                                        Finally, you reach Babelsberg
                                        Park with its impressive palace.
                                        Originally designed by Lenné,
                                        Prince Hermann von Pückler-
     What a view!                       Muskau added a jewel to the
                                        park: the rushing fountains and
     At the Belvedere Pfingstberg       the splashing fountains. From
     you can enjoy Potsdam‘s most       here, the cycle path along the
     beautiful view over the city,      banks of the river Havel leads
     the Havel lakes and look all the   back to the main station.
     way to Berlin!
     ➝ www.pfingstberg.de

                                                                                   1 Glienicke Bridge

                                                                                   2 Belvedere Pfingstberg
                                                                                   3 Biosphere Potsdam
                                                                                   4 Babelsberg Palace

                                        Biosphere Potsdam –                        5 Russian Colony Alexandrovka

                                        365 days of summer

                                        Experience 140 exotic
                                        animal species and 20,000
                                        magnificent plants during
                                        your jungle adventure in the
                                        tropical world of experiences.
                                  1                                            3
                                        ➝ www.biosphaere-potsdam.de


28                                                                                                                                                   29

                                                                             Cycling around Lake Templiner See –
         	approx. 3 hrs

           approx. 20 km
                                                                             Bike Trip to the Countryside
          	Potsdam Main Station,
            Caputh-Geltow Sation,
            signposted with F1                                               This cycle tour around Lake         in the last years, which he spent
                                                                             Templin shows that culture and      in Germany before he emigra-
                                                                             nature go hand in hand in Pots-     ted to the US. During a visit his
                                                                             dam and its surroundings. The       reasons become understanda-
                                                                             Old Market is the ideal starting    ble. Caputh Palace brings over
                                                                             point for the journey into the      350 years of history to life
                                                                             blue. From the dome of the          and it is the oldest preserved
                                                                             St Nicholas’ Church one gets        palace in Potsdam‘s cultural
                                                                             a wonderful view of the entire      landscape dating from the time
                                                                             cityscape. Here, it becomes par-    of the Great Elector Frederick
                                                                             ticularly clear how closely the     William. Before catching the
                                                                             city is connected to the Havel      ferry to Geltow, take a break
                                                                             and its lakes. Passing the main     along the riverbank path. Here
                                                                             station, the path leads along       you can watch hobby captains,
                                                                             the shore of the lake Templiner     swimmers and connoisseurs.
                                                                             See in the direction of Caputh.     The cycle path along the banks
                                                                             Again and again, small bathing      of the river Havel in Geltow
                                                                             spots invite you to linger. You     leads back to the city centre
                                                                             should not miss a detour to         of Potsdam with a first stop at
                                                                             Einstein’s summer residence         the former airship station. As
                                                                             and Caputh Palace. Scientist        the name suggests, airships of
                                                                             Albert Einstein spent a lot of      Count Zeppelin landed on the
                                                                             time in this summer house and       site from 1911 to 1917. “Zep-
                                                                             preferred this place of residence   pelins” were also built here. In


     1    Film Museum Potsdam
                                            Just relax …
     2    Memorial Lindenstrasse
     3    Museum Barberini                  Sail along the Havel waves
     4    Museum of Natural Science         with an adventure float – from
     5    Pedales – Bike & Paddle Station   day charter to night charter
     6    Potsdam Museum                    and float holidays lasting
     7    Restaurant Waikiki Burger         several days.
     8                                                                       Lake Schwielowsee
          Boat cruise Weisse Flotte         ➝ www.huckleberrys-tour.de

     the 1920s, the city of Potsdam
     redesigned the area into a land
     and water sports field. This
     tradition is being continued
     this present day as the location
     finds use as an Olympic base.
     From here the shore path leads
     directly to the city centre.

     If fancied, you can shorten
     this trip back to the centre by
     taking a regional train from
     Charlottenhof station to Pots-
                                                                       1   2
     dam Main Station.

                                                                                   1 Potsdam‘s Harbour

         Tip                                Tip
                                                                                   2 Floating along
                                                                                      Lake Templiner See
                                                                                   3 Riverside in Caputh
                                                                                   4 Einsteinhouse Caputh
     Palace tour by boat                Potsdam by pedal                           5 Caputh Palace

     Discover the city from its         Discover the beauty of
     most beautiful side with the       Potsdam on two wheels.
     boat cruise in Potsdam – with      Everyone will find the right
     round and evening trips            bike at the rental station
     from March to December.            in the main station.
     ➝ www.schifffahrt-in-potsdam.de    ➝ www.potsdam-per-pedales.de


32                                                                                                                                                33

                                                                                                               Hermannswerder -
         	approx. 3 hrs

           approx. 20 km
           Island Freundschaftsinsel
                                                                                                               Master Havel Waves
                                                                                                               by Paddle

                                                                                                               A good starting point for hobby
                                                                                                               captains is the island Freund-
                                                                                                               schaftsinsel at the Alte Fahrt.
                                                                                                               Past the newly built structures
                                                                                                               of the city centre with Potsdam
                                                                                                               Museum, Brandenburg Parlia-
                                                                                                               ment and Museum Barberini
                                                                                                               the paddle tour leads directly
                                                                                                               to lake Templiner See. The view
                                                                                                               falls on the residential devel-
                                                                                                               opment of the Speicherstadt.
                                                                                                               There, the tower of the former
                                                                                                               Royal Prussian Provisioning Of-
                                                                                                               fice that supplied the town with
                                                                                                               grain in the middle of the 19th
                                                                                                               century, stands out. Nearby, the
                                                                                                               Judengraben which has been
                                                                                                               named like this since the 18th
                                                                                                               century leads to the Havel bay
                                                                                                               „Hinterkappe“. This canal was
                                                                                                               named after a Jewish owner of
                                                                                                               a tannery and separates
                                                                                                               Hermannswerder from the

     1    Film Museum Potsdam
                                            Yellow wave
          Memorial Lindenstrasse
     3    Museum Barberini                  On this route, water sports
     4    Museum of Natural Science         enthusiasts and leisure captains
     5    Pedales – Bike & Paddle station   will find the yellow wave as a
     6    Potsdam Museum                    sign for piers in Potsdam.
     7    Restaurant Waikiki Burger         ➝ www.potsdamer-
     8                                                                         Waterscape Lake Templiner See
          Boat cruise Weisse Flotte           brandenburger-havelseen.de

     mainland. You paddle past
     buildings of the Hoffbauer
     Foundation, which unites nu-
     merous educational institutions
     on the island. The Schafgraben
     right by the beach bar of the
     „arcona Hotel am Havelufer“
     still leads water from Sanssouci
     Park into the river Havel today.
     From 1764, the moat was used
     to ship the building materials
     for the New Palace from the
     Havel to the park. Passing the
                                          1   2
     ferry dock, the view wanders
     into Neustadt‘s Havel Bay with
     its striking Steam Engine Build-
                                                      1 Alte Fahrt
     ing in the shape of a mosque.
                                                      2 View of St Nicholas’ Church
     Even today, the water for Sans-
     souci Park is pumped from here                   3 Peninsula Hermannswerder
     into the water basin on Ruinen-                  4 Untere Planitz
     berg hill. The solitary building                 5 River Havel
     of the restaurant „Seerose“,
     built by Ulrich Müther, forms a
     GDR counterpart to the Steam
     Engine Building. At Obere Plan-
     itz, the Havel waves lead you
     over the lake Templiner See and
     Alte Fahrt back to the island




     Potsdam and Branden-
     burg Havel Lakes
     This map offers practical tips for
     all water sports enthusiasts.
     ➝ www.potsdamer-
TRAVEL INSPIRATIONS                                                                                                                                                                                 TRAVEL INSPIRATIONS
36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                37

         BELVEDERE PFINGSTBERG                                           BIOSPHÄRE POTSDAM                                                      MUSEUM BARBERINI                                           MUSEUM FLUXUS+

                                                                                                           © Biosphäre Potsdam, Merkau

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         © museum FLUXUS+
                                             © SPSG, Leo Seidel

                                                                                                                                                                                © PMSG
     UNESCO world heritage: Potsdam’s most                        A trip to the jungle: From the waterfall                               Exhibitions ranging from the old mas-                     Modern art with emphasis on Fluxus,
     beautiful view! The Pfingstberg Ensemble                     via the butterfly house to the under-                                  ters to contemporary art with emphasis                    Wolf Vostell and contemporary art, with
     comprises Belvedere, Pomona Temple &                         water world. Experience exotic animals                                 on Impressionism. Barberini digital,                      a shop and café at the river Havel.
     Lenné-Park with permanent exhibition,                        and plants close up!                                                   including an app and a media wall,
     guided tours & cultural program.                                                                                                    supplements the offer.
     Große Weinmeisterstraße 45a                                  Georg-Hermann-Allee 99                                                 Humboldtstraße 5 – 6                                      Schiffbauergasse 4f
     14469 Potsdam                                                14469 Potsdam                                                          14467 Potsdam                                             14467 Potsdam
     +49 (0)331 200 57 93 0                                       +49 (0)331 550 74 0                                                    +49 (0)331 236 01 44 99                                   +49 (0)331 601 08 90
     www.pfingstberg.de                                           www.biosphaere-potsdam.de                                              www.museum-barberini.com                                  www.fluxus-plus.de

            BOTANICAL GARDEN                                                                                                                MUSEUM ALEXANDROVKA                                           MUSEUM OF
                                                                       FILM MUSEUM POTSDAM
            OF POTSDAM UNIVERSITY                                                                                                            AND CAFÉ USCHAKOFF                                     NATURAL HISTORY POTSDAM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         © NKMP, R. Janiszewsky
                                                                                                                                                                                © N. Felgenhauer
                                             © K. Kläring

                                                                                                           © Leopold

     Experience the diversity of tropical                         Permanent exhibition on the process of                                 The walk-in architectural monument of                     Discover Brandenburg’s fauna on four
     and sub-tropical flora in historical                         film production “Dream factory – 100                                   1826 imparts background insights into                     floors, and marvel at the beauty of local
     greenhouses, open-air facilities free                        Years of Film in Babelsberg”, special exhibi-                          the formation of the colony. Cake can                     fish in the Aquarium. Publicly guided
     of charge, child and family friendly,                        tions, cinema with international guests and                            be enjoyed under the old fruits trees in                  tours, family guided tours, museum
     German-English.                                              live music with the Welte Cinema Organ.                                the Garden Cafe.                                          rally and more.
     Maulbeerallee 2                                              Breite Straße 1                                                        Russische Kolonie 2                                       Breite Straße 13
     14469 Potsdam                                                14467 Potsdam                                                          14469 Potsdam                                             14467 Potsdam
     +49 (0)331 977 19 52                                         +49 (0)331 271 81 12                                                   +49 (0)331 817 02 03                                      +49 (0)331 289 67 07
     www.botanischer-garten-potsdam.de                            www.filmmuseum-potsdam.de                                              www.alexandrowka.de                                       www.naturkundemuseum-potsdam.de

          HISTORICAL WINDMILL                                                HUCKLEBERRY’S                                                 PEDAL-WHEEL STATION AT                                          POTSDAM MUSEUM
              OF SANSSOUCI                                                    RAFT STATION                                                THE POTSDAM MAIN STATION                                      FORUM FOR ART AND HISTORY
                                                                                                           © PMSG André Stiebitz

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         © PMSG André Stiebitz
                                             © Torsten Rüdinger

                                                                                                                                                                                © pedales

     Producing Gallerieholländer (smock                           From day to night charter, and even                                    Discover Potsdam the nicest way: on a lof-                We present Potsdam City history in
     mill) windmill with old, wind-powered                        several days of rafting vacation – these                               ty bicycle and with a fresh breeze in your                a modern and lively style, as well as
     technology and museum exhibition                             rafts are a classic. Escape the daily                                  face. High-quality bicycles, E-bikes and                  special exhibitions on art and cultural
     section.                                                     grind, and relax on the Havel river.                                   cargo bikes. Guided tours Saturdays 10:30                 history, rounded off with our Café
                                                                                                                                         am, as well as advance booking.                           Central.
     Maulbeerallee 5                                                                                                                     Babelsberger Straße 10                                    Am Alten Markt 9
                                                                  Schiffbauergasse 9
     14469 Potsdam                                                                                                                       14473 Potsdam                                             14467 Potsdam
                                                                  14467 Potsdam
     +49 (0)331 550 68 51                                                                                                                +49 (0)331 748 00 57                                      +49 (0)331 289 68 68
     www.historische-muehle-potsdam.de                                                                                                   www.potsdam-per-pedales.de                                www.potsdam-museum.de
TRAVEL INSPIRATIONS                                                                                                                                               EXPLORE POTSDAM VIA APP
38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           39

                                                                                                                                       Potsdam app with insider tipps
                                                                          MEMORIAL FOUNDATION

                                            © Weisse Flotte Potsdam

                                                                                                            © Günter Schneider
     Boating in Potsdam provides the means                            The memorial reflects continuity and
     for discovering the most beautiful side                          change in political persecution and
     of the city – with daily round-trips, line                       imprisonment at this historical site from
     shipping and romantic evening trips.                             1933 through 1989, as well as how they
                                                                      were overcome.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                © PMSG SPSG André Stiebitz
     Lange Brücke 6                                                   Lindenstraße 54
     14467 Potsdam                                                    14467 Potsdam
     +49 (0)331 275 92 10/ -20/ -30                                   +49 (0)331 289 61 12
     www.schifffahrt-in-potsdam.de                                    www.gedenkstaette-lindenstrasse.de

               WAIKIKI BURGER                                                 GARNISON CHURCH

                                                                                                            © Dr. Stephanie Hochberg
                                                                                                                                                          Explore the city with the free app ”Potsdam
                                                                                                                                                          City Tours“. Various tours take you through the
                                                                                                                                                          historical city centre, to palaces and gardens
                                            © Klabuhn

                                                                                                                                                          and reveal hidden places.

     Aloha and a hearty welcome to Waikiki                            This fateful place encourages the

     Burger, the Hawaiian restaurant with                             current discourse: experiencing history
     ALOHA flair, refreshing cocktails and                            and reflecting the present. The main
     Hawaiian soul food.                                              impulse is the idea of peace and recon-
                                                                      ciliation of Coventry.
                                                                                                                                       Publisher                         Photo credits
     Dortustraße 62                                                   Breite Straße 7                                                  PMSG Potsdam Marketing            Titel: PMSG Stephanie Kalz | S. 3, 4, 7,
     14467 Potsdam                                                    14467 Potsdam                                                                                      10, 14, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30,
                                                                                                                                       und Service GmbH
     +49 (0)331 867 45 41 4                                           +49 (0)331 201 18 30                                                                               31 PMSG André Stiebitz | S. 6, 19, 22
     www.waikiki-burger.de                                            www.garnisonkirche-potsdam
                                                                                                                                       Humboldtstraße 1–2                PMSG / SPSG André Stiebitz | S. 6 Günter
                                                                                                                                       14467 Potsdam                     Schneider | S. 9 Potsdam Museum –
                                                                                                                                                                         Forum für Kunst und Geschichte; VG Bild
                                                                                                                                       Concept development, editing      Kunst, Bonn 2018, Foto: Michal Lüder |
                                                                                                                                       PMSG Potsdam Marketing            S. 10 VG Bild Kunst, Bonn 2018, Foto:
                                                                                                                                                                         Michal Lüder | S. 11 Armando, Foto:
                                                                                                                                       und Service GmbH
                                                                                                                                                                         Michael Lüder; courtesy Galerie EIGEN
                                                                                                                                       Design, layout, typesetting       + ART     Leipzig / Berlin,  Foto:    Uwe
                                                                                                                                       Möller Medienagentur GmbH         Walter, Berlin, Potsdam Museum –
                                                                                                                                                                         Forum für Kunst und Geschichte | S. 13

                                                                                                                                       City map                          SPSG / LHP / Reinhardt & Sommer | S. 18
                                                                                                                                       terra press GmbH                  Naturkundemuseum Potsdam, Foto:
                                                                                                                                                                         David Marschalsky, Mühlen­    vereinigung
                                                                                                                                       Print                             Berlin-Brandenburg e. V., Foto: Torsten
                                                                                                                                       Möller Druck & Verlag GmbH        Rüdinger | S. 22 PMSG Nadine Redlich |

     Looking for more travel inspirations?
                                                                                                                                                                         S. 23 SPSG / LHP / Reinhardt & Sommer;
                                                                                                                                       Press Date                        Tina Merkau, Biosphäre Potsdam | S. 31
                                                                                                                                       Februar 2020                      Landeshauptstadt Potsdam Barbara Plate

     We are your Potsdam experts:
     +49(0)331 27 55 88 99
Tourist Information Centres



             platz                                                         tr.                                                                        s

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                                                                     ens                                                                           Po

        rstr.    Brandenburger
                                                  Cha                                                              Platz der

    me                   Tor
 Zim                                                                                                                Einheit
                                                                                                                                                    Am Ka





                                                                                                                                 Am rAkt



                                                                 Baustelle                                               Kirche                                         tr.



                                                                    kirche                                                                                                      Alte F
                                                                                                            Am                                    Potsdam
               Breite Str.                                                            Haus der Neuen Markt                                        Museum
                                                                                      Brandenburgisch-                                                        Freundschafts-
                                              Naturkunde-                             Preußischen          Alter                                                insel
Dampf-                                         museum                                 Geschichte           Markt                                    Museum
                                                                                                                                                    Barberini                                                      Nuthe-
maschinenhaus                                                      auers                         Film-

                                                                                                       Landtag                                               hr





               Havelbucht                                                                                                                           Ne

                                                                 Am Lust

                                                                                   gartenw                               Hafen                                                Babelsberger Str.

                                                                                          all                                          l

                                                                                                                                    ve                                          Potsdam Hbf
                                                                                                                                 Ha                                                          Fr.-List-Str.
             © terra press Berlin · 2018

             0                                                     500 m

       We are Potsdam specialists:
       Potsdam Main Station                                                                                              Alter Markt
       c/o mobiagentur Potsdam                                                                                           Humboldtstraße 2
       Babelsberger Straße 16                                                                                            14467 Potsdam
       14473 Potsdam

           Visit us                                                                                                          Visit us
       Mo – Fr 09:30 – 18:30 Uhr                                                                                         Mo – Sat 09:30 – 18:30 Uhr
       Sat 09:30 – 17:00 Uhr                                                                                             Sun, Holiday 09:30 – 15:00 Uhr
       Sun, Holiday 09:30 – 15:00 Uhr                                                                                    New Year’s Eve: 09:30 – 14:00 Uhr
       closed 01.01. / 24. – 26.12. / 31.12.                                                                             closed 01.01. / 24. – 26.12.

       Service Center                                                                                                        Call us
       +49 (0)331 27 55 88 99                                                                                            Mo – Fr 09:00 – 19:00 Uhr
       info@potsdamtourismus.de                                                                                          Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 – 15:00 Uhr
       www.potsdamtourismus.de                                                                                           closed 24. – 26.12.

       Would you like an individual tour – also on other topics or
       in different languages? Or are you planning a trip around
       an event?
       Our group service will be happy to help you:

       +49 (0)331 275 58 50           Call us
       gruppen@potsdamtourismus.de Mo – Fr 9 am –5 pm

                        Share your travel inspiration with us #explorepotsdam
                     facebook deinpotsdam   twitter deinpotsdam instagram deinpotsdam
                         Listen to the “Dein Potsdam” Podcast for more stories
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