Explore - Northwest Territories Tourism

Page created by Jessie Salinas
Explore - Northwest Territories Tourism
the wonders of
     the NWT!

         general information
Explore - Northwest Territories Tourism
Themed highway                                       Northwest Territories (NWT)
routes legend                                        Highway Routes
                                                     Our highways cover a large area and
   WATERFALLS ROUTE (W)                              offer many different routes, each
   (Highway 1)                                       with unique scenery and camping
   Alberta/NWT border to Enterprise to               opportunities. The highway routes
   Checkpoint at the junction of Highways 1 and 7.   have been assigned themes that
                                                     describe their unique characteristics
                                                     and allow for easier navigation. This
   (Highway 1)                                       guide is organized by routes that take
                                                     you through each of the five regions
   Checkpoint at the junction of Highways 1
   and 7 to Wrigley.                                 of the NWT. For trip ideas, follow one
                                                     of the nine routes listed.
   (Highway 7)                                         Community Services Symbols
   Checkpoint at the junction of Highways 1                        Accommodations                                  Medical Services
   and 7 south to NWT/BC border.
                                                                   Restaurant                                      Police

   GREAT SLAVE ROUTE (GS)                                          Store                                           Airport, Scheduled
   (Highways 2, 5 and 6)                                                                                           Service

   Enterprise to Hay River and Fort Resolution.                    Bank                                            Gasoline

                                                                   Banking Machine                                 Diesel
   (Highway 5)
                                                                   Visitor Information                             Propane

   Junction of Highways 5 and 6 south                              Golf Course                                     Automotive Service
   to Fort Smith.
                                                       Park Services Symbols

   FRONTIER TRAIL (F)                                              Campsites                                       Boat Launch
   (Highway 3)
                                                                   Power at Campsites                              Fishing
   Junction of Highways 1 and 3 to Yellowknife.
                                                                   Washrooms                                       Interpretive
                                                                   Picnic/                                         Staffed Information
   INGRAHAM TRAIL (IT)                                             Day Use Area
   (Highway 4)
                                                                   Kitchen Shelter                                 Wifi
   Yellowknife City Limits to Tibbitt Lake.
                                                                   Showers                                         Trails
   DEMPSTER HIGHWAY (D)                                            Laundry                                         Lookout
   (Highway 8)

   Dawson City, Yukon, to Inuvik, NWT. Spur Road                   Drinking Water*                                 Playground
   from Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk.
                                                                   Dump Station                                    Swimming
   SAHTÚ REGION (H)                                                Firewood                                        Accessibility
   (No Highway)                                                                                                    features
   Norman Wells, Tulita, Deline, Fort Good Hope      * Drinking water only, see page 3 for list of RV water-fill/pump-out stations.
   and Colville Lake.                                The information contained in this guide is offered to you as a matter of interest, and is
                                                     believed to be correct and accurate at the time of printing (2021).
Explore - Northwest Territories Tourism
 Territorial Park Name                Pg #                                  Campground           Cell    Wifi*
                                                                         Picnic/Day Use Area   Service
 60th Parallel Territorial Park                                      5
 Twin Fall Gorge Territorial Park                                    5
 Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park – Alexandra Falls Day Use Area    6
 Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park – Louise Falls Campground         6
 Escarpment Creek Group Camping Area                                 6
 McNallie Creek Territorial Park Day Use Area                        7
 Lady Evelyn Falls Territorial Park                                  7
 Kakisa River Territorial Park Day Use Area                          7
 Sambaa Deh Territorial Park                                         8
 Fort Simpson Territorial Park                                      12
 Blackstone River Day Use Area                                      16
 Blackstone Territorial Park                                        16
 Hay River Territorial Park                                         18
 Little Buffalo River Crossing Territorial Park                     21
 Little Buffalo River Falls Territorial Park                        20
 Queen Elizabeth Territorial Park                                   21
 Fort Smith Mission Territorial Park Day Use Area                   22
 Dory Point Territorial Park Day Use Area                           23
 Fort Providence Territorial Park                                   26
 Chan Lake Territorial Park Day Use Area                            27
 North Arm Territorial Park Day Use Area                            27
 Fred Henne Territorial Park Day Use Area                           28
 Fred Henne Territorial Park Campground                             29
 Yellowknife River Territorial Park Day Use Area                    31
 Prosperous Lake Territorial Park Day Use Area                      31
 Madeline Lake Territorial Park Day Use Area                        32
 Pontoon Lake Territorial Park Day Use Area                         32
 Prelude Lake Territorial Park                                      32
 Hidden Lake Territorial Park                                       32                              *
 Powder Point Territorial Park Day Use Area                         33
 Cameron River Falls Day Use Area/Hiking Trail Access               33                              *
 Cameron River Crossing Territorial Park Day Use Area               33
 Reid Lake Territorial Park                                         33                              *
 Tetlit Gwinjik Territorial Park Day Use Area                       37
 Nataiinlaii Territorial Park                                       37
 Gwich’in Territorial Park                                          39
 Gwich’in Territorial Park – Vadzaih Van Tshik Campground           39
 Gwich’in Territorial Campground                                    40
 Ehjuu Njik Day Use Area                                            40
 Nihtak Day Use Area                                                40
 Jàk Territorial Park                                               40
 Happy Valley Territorial Park                                      41
 MacKinnon Territorial Park                                         46
*Service limited to the gatehouse and/or parking lot only.
Explore - Northwest Territories Tourism
Naturally Spectacular                  parks, quaint churches, traditional
                                       villages, tumbling rapids or roaring
To truly experience the Northwest
                                       waterfalls. You’ll find countless
Territories (NWT), take your
                                       places to camp, fish, view wildlife,
camping gear for a highway
                                       canoe, pick berries, take a photo
driving adventure! Long ribbons
                                       or a hike.
of road without traffic jams or
urban clutter take you through         Northwest Territorial Parks (NWT
vast landscapes with unrivalled        Parks) are owned and operated by
vistas – scenic boreal forests,        the Government of the Northwest
breathtaking waterfalls, mountains,    Territories and most parks are open
plains and valleys. Take your time,    from mid-May to mid-September.
explore. Surround yourself with wild   Most campgrounds are accessible
beauty and the whispers of history.    from the highways.
Immerse yourself in the ancient
heritage of our Indigenous people.     When visiting our parks, please help
                                       preserve the natural habitat for
Discover the comfort and natural       future generations.
beauty of our well-maintained
territorial parks. All along the       Welcome to the
highway, stopping places beckon:       Northwest Territories!
wayside picnic areas, campgrounds,     Have a spectacular visit!

   Visit NWTParks.ca for more info and to reserve a campsite online!

      @NWTParks.ca                         camping season

                                          Opening and closing dates vary.
      @NWTParks.ca                        Check NWTParks.ca for updates.
                                          Dempster Highway Parks:
                                                                                              D. EARLE

                                          June 1 - September 1
                                          Other Parks:
                                          Approximately mid-May to mid-September
                                          Camping Fees*
                                          Tent pads: $15.00 per night
                                          Non-powered sites: $22.50 per night
                                          Powered sites
                                          Fred Henne only: $32.00 per night
                                          All other parks: $28.00 per night
                                          Note: some parks have a maximum stay of 14
                                          days during peak season (June 15 - August 15).
                                          *Fees are subject to a 5% Goods and Services Tax.
Explore - Northwest Territories Tourism
Northern Road Safety                         Other RV Water-fill
                                             and Pump-out Stations
Many highways are paved and
gravel roads are well maintained.            • Hay River Visitor Information Centre
The NWT has one of Canada’s                  • Fort Simpson Visitor Information
largest regions of continuous                  Centre (9401-100th St., water-fill
permafrost, which is constantly                station only)
shifting and settling. This                  • Yellowknife Water-fill Station
sometimes creates dips and                     (on Old Airport Rd., near the corner
bumps in our roads. It is important            of Kam Lake Rd., across from the
to use caution and drive according             Multiplex Arena)
to road conditions.
Driving Tips
• There are significant distances
  between gas stations and other                         attention!
• Keep headlights on at all times.
• Red diamond marker highway                    Ferries and Ice Roads
  signs indicate a significant bump
                                                Some highways are intersected by rivers that
  on the road.                                  must be crossed by ferry in the summer and ice
• Minimize dust and flying stones               road in the winter. The territorial government
  by staying well behind the vehicle            operates a free ferry service during the months
  in front of you and reduce your               that the rivers are free of ice – roughly, from May
  speed when vehicles approaching.              to November. When rivers freeze, ice roads
• Watch for construction                        replace ferries.
• Carry a spare tire and first aid/             River road crossings are not possible during
                                                periods of ice break-up in the spring and freeze-
  emergency road kit.
                                                up in the fall. Please check crossing conditions
• Watch wildlife, especially bison on           and hours of operation in advance.
  Highways 3, 5 and 7.
                                                Additional Travel Info
Park RV Water-fill/Pump-out
Stations *Location provides pump-out only.      Distances on route entries correspond to markers
                                                posted every 2 km along the highways, and are
•   60th Parallel Territorial Park*             estimates only.
•   Blackstone Territorial Park*
•   Fort Providence Territorial Park*           Cell phone coverage in the NWT is limited
•   Fort Simpson Territorial Park*              to the area immediately surrounding major
•   Fred Henne Territorial Park                 communities.
•   Happy Valley Territorial Park               A detailed road map – the NWT Explorers’ Map
•   Hay River Territorial Park                  can be obtained at visitor information centres
•   Lady Evelyn Territorial Park*               or from NWT Tourism or Tourism and Parks,
•   Little Buffalo River Crossing               Government of the Northwest Territories.
    Territorial Park*
•   Prelude Lake Territorial Park*              Telephone: 1 (800) 661-0788
                                                Email: info@spectacularnwt.com
•   Reid Lake Territorial Park*
•   Sambaa Deh Territorial Park*                For updated information on
•   Twin Falls Territorial Park*                NWT Ferries and Highways:
•   Queen Elizabeth Territorial Park            www.inf.gov.nt.ca or 1-800-661-0750
Explore - Northwest Territories Tourism
WATERFALLS ROUTE                     The following territorial
                                                                     campgrounds are located on
                                (Highway 1)                          this route: the 60th Parallel, Twin
                                When crossing the 60th parallel      Falls Gorge, Lady Evelyn Falls and
waterfalls route

                                from Alberta into the NWT,           Sambaa Deh Falls.
                                Alberta Highway 35 becomes
                                NWT Highway 1 and the                Interesting communities to visit
                                beginning of the Waterfalls Route.   along this route are Enterprise,
                                This route extends from the          Kakisa and Jean Marie River.
                                Alberta/NWT border to Enterprise     This route is also known as the
                                then continues to Checkpoint at      Mackenzie Highway, where you
                                the junction of Highways 1 and 7.    will see signs that display the
                                This route features numerous         symbols of a knife and quill. The
                                waterfalls, ranging from small       knife represents our Indigenous
                                and charming to large and            and trapping heritage. The quill
                                spectacular, as well as numerous     symbolizes our history and its first
                                rivers and lakes.                    recording by the famous explorer
                                                                     Sir Alexander Mackenzie, who
                                Territorial campgrounds              visited our area over 200 years
                                along this route are located         ago. The Mackenzie Highway was
                                in wilderness settings. Each         built in 1942 and is named in his
                                campground has unique natural        honour.
                                features and many offer excellent
                                hiking trails, sandy beaches,        Kilometres/Miles reflect distance
                                thundering waterfalls and great      from the NWT/Alberta border.
                                fishing spots.
                      G. SIGL

Explore - Northwest Territories Tourism
The 60th Parallel Visitor                     W1
Information Centre                            60th Parallel
Kilometre 0 (Mile 0)                          Territorial Park

                                                                                                                  waterfalls route
Upon entering the NWT from                    Kilometre 0 (Mile 0)
Alberta, the 60th Parallel visitor
staff will welcome you. The
Visitor Information Centre is
open from mid-May to mid-
                                              Adjacent to the 60th Parallel
September, with free coffee,
                                              Visitor Information Centre,
brochures, maps, fishing licences,
                                              this park has 9 non-powered
camping permits, pay phone,
                                              campsites nestled amongst birch
drinking water and washrooms.
                                              and aspen trees, and a scenic
Indigenous arts and crafts are
                                              picnic area overlooking the
on display and audio-visual
                                              beautiful Hay River.
presentations depict the northern
way of life. Make sure to ask for             W2
your “North of 60” Certificate to
commemorate your journey past
                                              Twin Falls Gorge
the 60th Parallel.                            Territorial Park
                                              Kilometre 72 (Mile 44.7)
                                              This beautiful park includes
      check it out!
                                              Alexandra Falls, Louise Falls and
                                              Escarpment Creek.
  • Look for the historic marker that         ) ATTENTION: There are many natural hazards
    commemorates the completion of the        within the Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park (unstable
    Great Slave Lake Railway.                 cliffs, uneven surfaces, dangerous currents, slippery
  • Take a photograph of the NWT 60th         surfaces). Please exercise caution while enjoying this
    Parallel sign to share your experience.   Territorial Park.
  • View the breathtaking Alexandra and
    Louise Falls from lookouts.
  • Climb the awesome spiral staircase at
    Louise Falls.
  • Stroll the beautiful 2 km/
                                                                                                       C. FIELD

    1.2 mile trail that winds along the Hay
    River Gorge from Alexandra Falls to
    Louise Falls.
  • Learn more about the area from the
    drum shaped interpretive panels.

Explore - Northwest Territories Tourism

                                                                                                                  B. STRAKER
                      Twin Falls Gorge
                      Territorial Park –
waterfalls route

                      Alexandra Falls Day
                      Use Area
                      Kilometre 72 (Mile 44.7)
                                                                          Twin Falls Gorge
                      A dramatically beautiful spot to                    Territorial Park –
                      enjoy a picnic, stroll the boardwalk
                      to Louise Falls or watch Alexandra                  Escarpment Creek
                      Falls tumble 32 metres over the                     Group Camping Area
                      Hay River. View the magnificent                     Kilometre 77.5 (Mile 48.2)
                      falls from either of two viewing
                      platforms a short walk away.
                                                             B. STRAKER

                                                                          There are 12 powered campsites
                                                                          well equipped for group camping
                                                                          as well as space for day use
                                                                          activities. An attractive series of
                                                                          small waterfalls adorn this deep
                                                                          gorge of the Hay River.
                      W2                                                  Enterprise
                      Twin Falls Gorge                                    Kilometre 83.2 (Mile 51.7)
                      Territorial Park –
                      Louise Falls Campground                             Enterprise is the premier
                      Kilometre 74.6 (Mile 46.4)                          community after the 60th
                                                                          Parallel. Located at the junction
                                                                          of Highways 1 and 2, the small
                                                                          hamlet has a population of 102
                      Louise Falls offers 28 powered                      residents. For your convenience
                      campsites surrounded by jack                        there is a gas station just off Hwy 1
                      pines, spectacular flora and                        and if you would like information,
                      400 million year old limestone                      the friendly staff at the local
                      formations along the Hay River                      Hamlet office (on Robin Rd.) are
                      gorge. A unique 138-step spiral                     always happy to welcome you.
                      staircase leads you down the
                      embankment to a viewpoint                           Junction of Highways 1 & 2
                      overlooking the three-tiered                           Kilometre 83.2 (Mile 51.7)
                      Louise Falls. Please note,                          Keep left on Highway 1 to

                      drinking water is provided, but                     continue the Waterfalls Route.
                      the closest RV water-fill station                   Highway 2, to the right, leads to
                      from Louise Falls Campgrounds                       Hay River and Fort Resolution
                      is located at the Hay River Visitor                 (Great Slave Route) and to Fort
                      Information Centre.                                 Smith (Wood Buffalo Route).

Explore - Northwest Territories Tourism
W3                                    warm boulder-strewn river with
McNallie Creek Territorial            many lovely spots for wading
                                      and swimming. The fishing is
Park Day Use Area                     excellent! Northern pike, pickerel/

                                                                                       waterfalls route
Kilometre 119.8 (Mile 74.4)
                                      walleye and Arctic grayling can
                                      often be hooked by casting with
                                      small spoons into the pools at the
A small picnic area with a short      base of the falls.
trail leading to the 17-metre
McNallie Creek Falls. At the

                                                                            C. FIELD
viewing platform, a plaque
explains the origin of the creek’s
name. Look for the cliff swallows
nesting in the ravine walls.

Slave River
Lowlands Overview                     Kakisa
Kilometre 123 (Mile 74.4)             Kilometre 168.5 km (Mile 104.7)

From here you can see the Slave       To reach this small Dene
River lowlands as they roll north     community (pop. 40), follow the
and west to the shores of Great       access road off Highway 1 and
Slave Lake. You can also see the      travel another 5 km/3 miles past
only high-rise building in Hay        the Lady Evelyn Falls campsite
River, which is over 50 km/31.7       road. This picturesque log village
miles away.                           has a convenience store, with
                                      groceries, gasoline and a motel.
Lady Evelyn Falls                     W5
Territorial Park                      Kakisa River Territorial
Kilometre 167.1 (Mile 103.8)          Park Day Use Area
                                      Kilometre 168.8 (Mile 105.1)

Take the access road to the south     Take a break to enjoy a picnic
off Highway 1 for 6.8 km/4.2          or spend the afternoon fishing
miles to the park. This park has      (in season) along the fast-moving
23 powered campsites and Lady         Kakisa River. Watch for trophy
Evelyn Falls are only a short         grayling. Great Slave Lake is
walk away. These dramatic falls       home to the current world record
form a giant curtain of water         Arctic grayling and one of the
as the Kakisa River spills over a     grayling’s favourite spawning

limestone escarpment. A staircase     tributaries of Great Slave Lake is
leads into the gorge at the base      the Kakisa River. Hike the trail to
of the falls. The Kakisa River is a   Lady Evelyn Falls.

Explore - Northwest Territories Tourism
Junction of Highways 1 & 3             W6
                         Kilometre 187.5 (Mile 116.5)        Sambaa Deh Falls
                      Continue west on Highway 1 to          Territorial Park
                      complete the last portion of the
waterfalls route

                                                             Kilometre 325 (Mile 245)
                      Waterfalls Route. Highway 3 is
                      the beginning of the Frontier Trail,
                      which ends in Yellowknife.

                      Bouvier Creek                          The park has 20 non-powered
                      Kilometre 277.4 (Mile 172.5)           campsites. It is located at the
                      In springtime, this creek offers a     junction of Highway 1 and the
                      nice fishing experience, a great       Trout River. The Trout River
                      scenic point and a good place to       (Sambaa Deh in the Slavey
                      look for fossils!                      language) was traditionally an
                                                             important transportation route for
                      Wallace Creek                          the Indigenous populations of the
                      Kilometre 289.4 (Mile 179.6)           area (before and during the fur
                                                             trade). The falls forced travellers
                      A pretty rest spot that offers
                                                             to portage around this dangerous
                      a short 15 minute forest walk
                                                             stretch of water. Hiking trails take
                      north to a small, but sometimes
                                                             you to views of both Sambaa
                      spectacular, waterfall.
                                                             Deh and Coral Falls, with a new
                      Redknife River                         viewing platform that overlooks
                      Kilometre 295.2 (Mile 183.8)           the gorge. Coral Falls is so named
                                                             due to the numerous coral fossils
                      A favourite fishing spot for
                                                             washed down the river each year.
                      pickerel/walleye or Arctic

                      Sambaa K’e                                    check it out!
                      Kilometre 321.3 (Mile 200.1)

                                                                This park has three impressive
                      Looking south, you may see                geographic features:
                      evidence of the winter road               • Sambaa Deh Falls, which are readily
                      that leads 126 km/78 miles to                visible from the bridge that crosses
                      the Dene community of Sambaa                 Trout River.
                      K’e (pop. 85). There is no road           • Coral Falls, which are approximately
                      access to the community in the               1.5 km/1 mile upstream.
                      summer, but air charters are              • The dramatic gorge running along the
                      available from Fort Simpson and              north side of the highway about 0.5 km
                      Hay River. The community is                  west of the bridge.
                      known for its traditional lifestyles      • Good fishing for Arctic grayling and
                      and big fish. The community-run

                      Sambaa K’e Fishing Lodge offers
                                                                • Fossils can be found throughout
                      a rustic fishing experience,
                                                                   this area.
                      with the opportunity to catch
                      lake trout, pickerel/walleye and
                      northern pike.

Jean Marie River                                        Checkpoint
Kilometre 375 (Mile 233)                                Kilometre 413 (Mile 258)
                                                        NO VISITOR SERVICES here.

                                                                                                                             waterfalls route
An access road north of Highway                         Junction of Highways 1 & 7
1 leads 27 km/17 miles to the                              Continue northwest on
community of Jean Marie River                           Highway 1 to travel the Heritage
(pop. 71). There is a small                             Route to Fort Simpson and
community campground here.                              Wrigley. Highway 7, the Liard Trail,
To book a campsite, contact                             leads south to Fort Liard and the
(867) 809-2000. The community                           Alaska Highway.
boasts a number of fine artisans,
                                                        ) ATTENTION: The nearest location for fuel is
some of whom have great skill
in the creation of beautiful crafts                     Fort Simpson (61 km/38 miles). If you are taking the
using moose hair tufting.                               Liard Trail, the next available fuel is at Fort Liard
                                                        (223 km/138 miles).
Jean Marie River Bridge
Kilometre 412 (Mile 256)                                Checkpoint
In spring, the fishing is good here                     Bed and Breakfast
and paddlers use this location                          Kilometre 413 (Mile 258)
as a starting point to reach Fort                       Beautifully located next to the
Simpson via the Jean Marie and                          Jean Marie River Bridge, they also
Mackenzie Rivers.                                       have spots for RVs and tents, as
                                                        well as easy fishing access along
) ATTENTION: As water levels drop, Jean Marie           Jean Marie River in the spring.
River may become impassable. Visit Environment          (867) 695-2953.
Canada’s hydrometric portal for real-time water level   chkpoint@hughes.net.
updates for rivers across the north:
                                                                                                                B. WEILAND


HERITAGE ROUTE                                         Junction of Highway 1
                                   (Highway 1)                                            and Fort Simpson Access
                                                                                             Kilometre 471.3 (Mile 292.9)
                                   This route extends from
hErITaGE route

                                   Checkpoint northwest to Fort                           Highway 1 turns left to take you
                                   Simpson and then on to Wrigley.                        northwest to the community of
                                   You will travel through a beautiful                    Wrigley. Continuing straight will
                                   region of forested hills, mountains,                   take you to the main portion of
                                   and clear lakes and rivers. Outdoor                    the village of Fort Simpson.
                                   activities are within easy reach -
                                   camping, fishing, hiking, canoeing,                    Fort Simpson
                                   rafting and viewing nature.                            Kilometre 471.3 (Mile 292.9)

                                   A community campground is also
                                   available in Wrigley.
                                   Kilometres/miles reflect distance                      Fort Simpson (pop. 1,209) is
                                   from the NWT/Alberta border.                           located at the confluence of the
                                                                                          Mackenzie and Liard Rivers, and
                                   The Lafferty Ferry –                                   is the largest community in this
                                   Liard River Crossing                                   region and the oldest former
                                   Kilometre 456.4 (Mile 283.6)                           trading post on the Mackenzie
                                                                                          River. It is the primary location
                                   This ferry operates daily from                         from which to access the
                                   8:00 a.m. until 11:45 p.m. “on                         Nahanni National Park Reserve
                                   demand” from late May through                          and Nááts’ihch’oh National Park
                                   October. In winter, an ice road                        Reserve of Canada, where the
                                   replaces the ferry.                                    park has its main office.
                                   ) ATTENTION: Crossing the river is not possible
                                   during spring ice break-up and fall river freeze-up.
                                   To check current river crossing conditions:
                                   www.inf.gov.nt.ca or 1-800-661-0750
                                                                                                                              B. WEILAND
                      B. WEILAND

) ATTENTION: Access to Nahanni National Park                           Company (subsequently the
Reserve and Nááts’ihch’oh National Park Reserve is                     Hudson’s Bay Company). The
primarily through air charters, which can be arranged                  “Fort of the Forks” was established
from several communities in the NWT, including Fort                    and was later renamed Fort

                                                                                                                                   hErITaGE route
Simpson, Fort Liard and Yellowknife. Visit the National                Simpson after the first governor of
Park office for more information or                                    the Hudson’s Bay Company.
                                                                       The Mackenzie River was named

                                                          B. WEILAND
                                                                       after Alexander Mackenzie, who
                                                                       was an explorer seeking a route
                                                                       west to expand the fur trade. As it
                                                                       turned out, the Mackenzie River
                                                                       took him north rather than west
                                                                       and opened up a different world
                                                                       to the traders.
Fort Simpson has a nine-hole
golf course, a 32-site territorial                                            check it out!
campground and a very nice
Visitor Information Centre, with a
wealth of displays and historical                                         • Fort Simpson’s Papal Site is now home
information. Local arts and crafts                                          to the largest wooden teepee in the
shops feature traditional Dene                                              world, at 50 ft tall.
                                                                          • Ask about an Historical Walking Tour at
Historically, this area was a                                               the Visitor Information Centre.
primary meeting place for First                                           • “Open Sky Festival” is an annual arts/
Nations prior to contact with                                               music festival generally held the first
European-based traders, explorers                                           weekend in July.
and settlers. During the fur trading                                      • Arrange an air charter to Nahanni
years, this area was an important                                           National Park.
location for the Northwest Trading
                                                                          • A great location for bird-watching
                                                                            and listening to a frog’s chorus! Many
                                                                            different species of birds have been
                                                                            documented in this area and many
                                                                            use the “Snye” as a nesting area. The
                                                                            Snye is a shallow wetland ecosystem
                                                                                                                      B. WEILAND

                                                                            located between the main portion of the
                                                                            community and the southern shoreline
                                                                            of the river. Many species of migratory
                                                                            waterfowl may be seen in season,
                                                                            including tundra swans and snow geese.

H1                                       Martin River
                                   Fort Simpson                             Kilometre 489.9 (Mile 304.4)
                                   Territorial Park                         The one-lane bridge at this
hErITaGE route

                                   Kilometre 474 (Mile 294.5)               location should be taken with
                                                                            great care and reduced speed.
                                                                            Local people often fish here
                                                                            when the pickerel/walleye or
                                   Located at the entrance to Fort          Arctic grayling are active.
                                   Simpson, and at the confluence
                                   of the Mackenzie and Liard               Shale Creek
                                   Rivers, this park has 21 powered         Kilometre 529.5 (Mile 329)
                                   sites, and 11 non-powered sites.         This small creek contains a one-
                                   Services and attractions in the          lane bridge crossing that requires
                                   town are within walking distance,        caution and reduced speed.
                                   including the Papal Site, where
                                   Saint John Paul visited in 1987.         The Johnny Berens Ferry
                                                                            – Nduleh Crossing
                                   Junction of Highway 1                    Kilometre 550.5 (Mile 342.1)
                                   and Fort Simpson access                  The ferry operates “on demand”
                                      Kilometre 471.3 (Mile 292.9)
                                                                            from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from
                                   To complete the Heritage Route,          2 p.m. to 8 p.m. from late May
                                   head northwest 220.5 km/137              through October.
                                   miles to Wrigley.
                                                                            ) ATTENTION: This river crossing is subject to
                                   Kilometres/miles reflect the             extreme high and low water level fluctuations, which
                                   distance from NWT/Alberta                may cause delays. Crossing the river is not possible
                                   border.                                  during spring ice break-up and fall river freeze-up.
                                                                            Check the current river crossing conditions:
                                                                            www.inf.gov.nt.ca or 1-800-661-0750
                                         did you know?

                                      • Water is trucked into most of our
                                        parks – please use wisely.
                      B. WEILAND

Willowlake River                     River Between
Kilometre 625 (Mile 388.4)           Two Mountains
The Willowlake River winds its       Kilometre 652.9 (Mile 405.7)

                                                                                     hErITaGE route
way from the Horn Plateau in the     This river cuts a channel through
east to the Mackenzie River. This    the McConnell Range in the east,
river was historically used by the   on its way to the Mackenzie River.
Indigenous groups from the east      The river has substantial cultural
to bring furs to Fort Alexander,     and historical significance to the
which was located near here.         First Nation groups in the area.
The furs and supplies were then
traded and goods transported to      Wrigley
market via the Mackenzie River.      Kilometre 690 (Mile 428.7)

Mackenzie Valley
Viewpoint                            Wrigley (pop. 153) is the
Kilometre 631 (Mile 392.2)           northernmost all-season access
                                     point along the Heritage Route/
Great view to the south of the
                                     Highway 1. This picturesque
Mackenzie Valley and River,
                                     community overlooks the
meeting with the Willowlake
                                     Mackenzie River, with the Franklin
River. Looking west across the
                                     Mountains in the distance. Most
Mackenzie River and several
                                     of the Dene people in Wrigley live
large islands, you can see the
                                     in log homes and carry on their
Mackenzie Mountains beyond.
                                     traditional livelihoods of hunting,
Looking east you can see the
                                     fishing and trapping. In the winter,
beginnings of the McConnell
                                     the community provides a stop-
Mountain Range, which turns into
                                     over for vehicles driving further
the Franklin Mountain Range a
                                     north on the winter roads to the
little further north.
                                     communities of Tulita, Deline,
                                     Norman Wells, Fort Good Hope
                                     and Colville Lake.
                                                                            M. LYS



                                                                                                                         B. WEILAND
                                  (Highway 7)
                                  This route starts at the NWT/
liard trail

                                  British Columbia (BC) border and
                                  takes you northeast, following the
                                  scenic river valley through Fort
                                  Liard to Checkpoint. It features                Fort Liard
                                  inspiring views of the Liard River              Kilometre 37.6 (Mile 23.4)
                                  and the Nahanni Mountains,
                                  especially at Blackstone Territorial
                                  Park, the only territorial park on
                                  this route.                                     This small community (pop. 615) is
                                  Kilometres/miles reflect distance               located 6.4 km/4 miles west of the
                                  from the NWT/BC border.                         Liard Highway, at the confluence
                                                                                  of the Liard and Petitot Rivers. The
                                  NWT/BC Border                                   view of the rivers and mountains
                                  Kilometre 0 (Mile 0)                            from the access road and the
                                                                                  community is well worth the short
                                  Be sure to check out the                        side trip.
                                  welcome signs!
                                                                                  Fort Liard is considered “the
                                                                                  tropics of the north” as it often
                                         check it out!                            has the warmest weather and
                                                                                  best growing conditions in the
                                                                                  Northwest Territories. This is one
                                     • Home of Acho Dene, renowned for their      of the oldest continuously settled
                                       birch bark and porcupine quill artistry.   areas in the north.
                                     • Visit the Visitor Information Centre and
                                       arts and craft store, which includes 15
                                       flavours of ice cream!
                     B. WEILAND

Muskeg River                         Netla River
Kilometre 46.6 (Mile 29)             Kilometre 115.9 (Mile 72.0)
You will find a turnout with         This area provides an important

                                                                                          liard trail
interpretive signage at north        waterfowl breeding habitat. Great
end. This is a good fishing spot     views of the mountains on the
for pike, pickerel/walleye and       opposite side of the Liard River.
freshwater clams. Frequently, this
area is used as a swimming hole      Nahanni Butte
by local residents.                  Kilometre 138.9 (Mile 86.3)

Hay Lakes Municipal
Campground                           Looking west you will see the
Kilometre 47 (Mile 29)               location of the winter ice road
                                     that leads 22.3 km/13.8 miles to
This municipal campground is         Nahanni Butte (pop. 92). This
located about 4 km/2.5 miles         small Dene community, at the
along the access road to Fort        confluence of the South Nahanni
Liard. Situated next to a small      and Liard Rivers, is accessible in
lake, it has a kitchen shelter and   summer by boat, floatplane or
several campsites.                   wheeled plane. Contact Nahanni
                                     Butte Dene Band to arrange a boat
Liard Valley Viewpoint               taxi (867) 602-2900.
Kilometre 77 (Mile 47.8)

                                                                              G. FRICKE
This rest stop provides a
picturesque view of the Liard
Valley and the mountains in the
Liard Range.

                                     Nahanni National
                                     Park Reserve
                                     Nahanni National Park Reserve,
                                     protects a portion of the Mackenzie
                                     Mountains Natural Region. The
                                     centerpiece of the Park is the South
                                     Nahanni River. Four noteworthy
                                     canyons, reaching 1,000 metres
                                     in depth, line this spectacular river.
                                     At Virginia Falls, the river drops an
                                     incredible 90 metres, nearly double
                                     the vertical drop of Niagara Falls.
                                     The South Nahanni region offers

                                     spectacular hiking opportunities,
                                     mostly by boat from the river
                                     corridor. The majority of visitors
                                     travel to the Park by chartered
                                     float plane via Fort Simpson or
LT1                                      Lindberg Landing
                                   Blackstone River                         Kilometre 154 (Mile 95.7)
                                   Day Use Area                             A road leads west to the small
liard trail

                                   Kilometre 145.9 (Mile 90.7)              homestead of Lindberg Landing
                                                                            on the shore of the Liard River.
                                                                            This location has for many years
                                   There is a small picnic area             been used as a landing site for
                                   between the two bridges.                 travellers on the South Nahanni
                                                                            and Liard Rivers. Rustic cabins
                                   LT2                                      and guest houses are available.
                                   Blackstone                               Reservations are requested.
                                   Territorial Park                         Please email: lindberglanding@
                                   Kilometre 150.3 (Mile 93.4)              hotmail.ca.

                                                                                                               L. ADAMSON
                                   This park has 19 non-powered
                                   campsites in a spectacular setting
                                   rich in historical significance, alive
                                   with abundant wildlife and framed
                                   by stunning mountain views. The          Poplar River
                                   fast flowing Liard River, and its        Kilometre 219.7 (Mile 136.5)
                                   proximity to the South Nahanni
                                                                            Good Arctic grayling and
                                   and Blackstone Rivers, makes this
                                                                            pike fishing.
                                   an excellent start or end point for
                                   canoeists, boaters or anglers. The
                                   visitor information building, built
                                   with local logs, is open from mid-
                                   May to the end of September.
                     S. HARDISTY

GREAT SLAVE ROUTE                               Paradise Gardens
(Highways 2, 5 and 6)                           Kilometre 14 (Mile 8)
                                                This is the largest market gardening
At Enterprise, take Highway 2

                                                                                                   great slave route
                                                area in the NWT. Here, rich soil has
to begin the Great Slave Route.
                                                built up along the banks of the Hay
This interesting drive takes you
                                                River and long summer days make
to two communities located
                                                for good wheat, vegetable and
along the southern shores of
                                                raspberry growing.
Great Slave Lake - Hay River and
Fort Resolution. There are two                  Hay River Golf Course
campgrounds located along this                  Kilometre 25.3 (Mile 15.7)
route: Hay River Territorial Park
and Little Buffalo River Crossing               A scenic nine-hole golf course, with
Territorial Park.                               artificial greens, sprawled along the
                                                Hay River. The clubhouse serves
Kilometres/miles reflect distance               meals and drinks. Licensed facility.
from Enterprise.                                Visitors are welcome.

                                                Hay River
       check it out!                            Kilometre 38 (Mile 23.6)

   • Hay River is the largest shipping centre
     in the north.
                                                Located on Great Slave Lake, the
   • The town has the look and feel of a
                                                community of Hay River (pop.
     seaport, with its tugs, barges and
                                                3,728) began as a mission and
     commercial fishing operations.
                                                fur trade centre in 1858. Water,
   • Get your fishing license and experience    road and rail transportation links
     some great fishing.                        have made Hay River “the hub of
   • Opportunity to visit several arts and      the north”. The Great Slave Lake
     crafts shops.                              Railway ends here. Mackenzie
   • Visit the Fisherman’s Wharf, every         River and Arctic Coast freight
     Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during     barging begins where the Hay
     the summer.                                River meets Great Slave Lake.
                                                                                        C. FIELD


GS1                                                    will bring you to the small Dene
                      Hay River Territorial Park                             village of Kátł’odeeche First Nation/
                      Kilometre 46 (Mile 28.6)                               Hay River Dene Reserve. The village
                                                                             is home to the unique Yamozha
great slave route

                                                                             K’ue Society (Dene Cultural
                                                                             Institute), which has a small craft
                                                                             shop (Open M-F
                      Located on Vale Island right in the                    1-4 pm). There is also a small
                      community of Hay River (follow                         grocery store and gas station
                      signs, it’s about 10 km/6 miles                        located further along the main
                      past the information centre), the                      community road.
                      campground has 43 powered
                      campsites, with nearby wilderness                      A few kms north of the main village
                      and modern amenities. Group                            (keep right on the main road)
                      camping sites are available. This                      you will arrive at the Hay River
                      park offers fantastic swimming on                      Mission Sites National Historic Site
                      the sandy shores of Great Slave                        of Canada. Established in the late
                      Lake, unique viewing of barges                         19th century, the site consists of
                      and fishing vessels plying the                         St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Ste.
                      waters, and great opportunities to                     Anne’s Roman Catholic Church,
                      fish for northern pike. Campsite                       informational panels, the remains
                      A3 at Hay River Territorial Park has                   of a rectory, and associated
                      been designated as wheelchair                          cemeteries containing spirit houses.
                      accessible. To book, contact the
                      Park Manager directly. Contact                         For more information about the
                      information is at www.nwtparks.                        Hay River Mission Sites National
                      ca/contact-us.                                         Historic Site of Canada, visit: http://
                      Junction of Highways 2 & 5                             lieu.aspx?id=12080
                          Kilometre 32.0 (Mile 19.9)
                      When leaving Hay River, turn
                      east onto Highway 5 to reach                                  check it out!
                      Fort Resolution and Fort Smith.
                      Continue south on Highway 2 to
                      return to Enterprise.                                     Great Slave Lake is:
                                                                                • A remnant of an enormous inland sea
                      ) ATTENTION: There are no services between                   scoured out of the Canadian Shield by
                      Hay River and Fort Resolution (156 km/96.9 miles) or         glaciers during the last Ice Age.
                      Fort Smith (268 km/167 miles).                            • The second largest lake wholly
                                                                                   within Canada, with an area of 28,438
                      The Hay River Dene                                           km2/10,980 miles2.
                      Reserve/Kátł’odeeche                                      • The deepest lake in North America at 616
                      First Nation                                                 metres/2,027 feet deep.

                      Kilometre 34.3 (Mile 21.3)
                      Eastbound on Highway 5, turn
                      left immediately after the Hay
                      River Bridge. A 5 km drive north

Junction of Highways 5 &              Fort Resolution
6 (Buffalo Junction)                  Kilometre 90 (Mile 55.9)
   Kilometre 61 (Mile 37.9)

                                                                                                 great slave route
Continue east on Highway 6 to
Fort Resolution to complete the
                                      First located at the mouth of the
last portion of the Great Slave
                                      Slave River, Fort Resolution (pop.
Route. Highway 5 to the south
                                      499) was moved to its present
is the start of the Wood Buffalo
                                      location in 1796. The first settlers
Route, which ends in Fort Smith.
                                      were Cree-Metis. By 1852, Oblate
Kilometres/miles reflect distance     priests had arrived to establish a
from junction of Highway 5 and 6.     mission and school. Treaty 8,
                                      with the Chipewyan, was signed
GS2                                   here in 1900. Fort Resolution was
Little Buffalo River                  a major medical and educational
Crossing Territorial Park             centre until the 1950s. For a
Kilometre 67.3 (Mile 41.8)            taste of northern history and
                                      insight into the Dene way of life,
                                      Fort Resolution is an excellent
Here you will find 20 powered         destination.
sites on the shores of Little
Buffalo River and minutes away
                                             check it out!
from Great Slave Lake. A pleasant
stopping point for fishing, boating
and picnicking, or as a base to
                                         • Fort Resolution is the oldest,
explore nearby Fort Resolution.
                                           continuously occupied modern
                                           settlement in the NWT.
                                         • Information on walking tours of the
                                           town and boat trips to the original
                                           settlement are available at the
                                           Community Council Office.
                                                                                 A. HOUWELLING



                                                                                                                  J. JAQUE
                                       (Highway 5)
wood buffalo route

                                       The Wood Buffalo Route takes you
                                       to the community of Fort Smith
                                       (pop. 2,451) and Wood Buffalo
                                       National Park, the largest National
                                                                                Wood Buffalo
                                       Park in North America.                   National Park
                                                                                Kilometre 97.6 (Mile 61.0)
                                       The Wood Buffalo Route is now
                                                                                A UNESCO World Heritage Site,
                                       paved all the way to Fort Smith.
                                                                                this 44,800 km2/17,300 mi2 park is
                                       Of special interest along this route     the largest national park in North
                                       are the golf course in Fort Smith,       America. Established in 1922,
                                       the salt plains and bison in Wood        the park protects one of the last
                                       Buffalo National Park, white water       remaining free-roaming herds of
                                       rafting and kayaking on the Slave        wood bison (approximately 3,500)
                                       River, and pelicans at the Slave         in the world. There are other park
                                       River rapids!                            attractions, including the last
                                                                                remaining natural nesting ground
                                       There are two campgrounds on             of the endangered Whooping
                                       this route: Little Buffalo River Falls   Crane, the biologically rich Peace-
                                       and Queen Elizabeth Territorial          Athabasca River Delta, extensive
                                       Park, near Fort Smith.                   salt plains that are unique in
                                                                                Canada, and some of the finest
                                       Kilometres/miles reflect distance
                                                                                examples of gypsum karst
                                       from the junction of Highway 2
                                                                                topography in North America.
                                       and 5.
                                                                                Stop at the Wood Buffalo Visitor
                                       Junction of highways, 5 & 6              Information Centre in Fort Smith
                                                                                to learn more about the park
                                       (Buffalo Junction)                       through interpretive displays.
                                          Kilometre 61.0 (Mile 36)
                       J.F. BERGERON

Angus Fire Tower                      WB1
Kilometre 107 (Mile 66.9)             Little Buffalo River Falls
                                      Territorial Park

                                                                                        wood buffalo route
Angus Tower features a giant          Kilometre 214.6 (Mile 133.6)
sinkhole, evidence of the unique
karst topography of this area.
                                      Here you will find six non-
                                      powered sites in a uniquely
Nyarling River Pull Off
                                      picturesque spot. The area was
Kilometre 120.8 (Mile 75.0)
                                      devastated by a forest fire in
This pull off features interpretive   1981, but re-growth has been
displays describing the unique        swift. Now, the area is an ideal
geology of the Nyarling River and     spot to observe and learn how
where the river begins travelling     nature revives and replenishes the
underground.                          land. Relax by a small waterfall
                                      or launch your canoe in the
Wetlands Pull Off                     gorge below. Camping permits
Kilometre 201.4 (Mile 125.9)          are available at the on-site
Follow a short interpretive           self-registration kiosk. Sites are
trail down to a peaceful area         available on a first-come, first-
overlooking habitat similar to        served basis.
that of the whooping crane
nesting area.                         Salt Plains
                                      Overlook Access
Wood Buffalo National                 Kilometre 230 (Mile 143.8)
Park Boundary                         A 13 km/8 mile road takes you
Kilometre 212.2 (Mile 132.6)          to an amazing panoramic view
                                      of the salt plains. For a close-up
                                      view, take the hiking trail down.
                                      There is an interpretive exhibit,
                                      a viewing telescope, picnic area
                                      and outhouses.
                                                                           D. ROBERTS


WB2                                    There are several recreation
                       Queen Elizabeth                        facilities, including a golf course,
                                                              a swimming pool, tennis courts
                       Territorial Park                       and a recreation complex. The
wood buffalo route

                       Kilometre 261.0 (Mile 162.2)           Fort Smith Visitor Reception
                                                              Centre is located at Wood Buffalo
                                                              National Park, headquarters at
                                                              149 McDougal Road.
                       Located just outside of the

                                                                                                               H. EDEN
                       community of Fort Smith, this
                       park has 24 powered campsites
                       and a number of nearby
                       attractions. There are trails
                       around the park and to great
                       views of the Slave River, whose
                       rapids are a world-class venue
                       for white water kayaking and           WB3
                       rafting. Keep your eyes peeled         Fort Smith Mission
                       for summer colonies of white           Territorial Park
                       pelicans in their northernmost         Day Use Area
                       outpost in the world.

                       Fort Smith Visitor Centre              Fort Smith Mission Heritage Park
                       and Wood Buffalo                       is all that remains of the original
                       National Park Office                   151 acre Oblate Catholic Mission
                       Kilometre 264 (Mile 165)               Church, in what is now the center
                                                              of the town. The park provides an
                       Fort Smith                             extensive self-guided tour of the
                       Kilometre 266 (Mile 165.3)             site, with sign boards describing
                                                              various aspects of the history and
                                                              activities of the mission.

                       Fort Smith (pop. 2,451) was
                       once the political capital of the             check it out!
                       Northwest Territories. On the
                       NWT/Alberta border, it is the
                       southernmost community in the             • The Northern Life Museum has extensive
                       NWT and is now known as “The                galleries depicting the traditional
                       Garden Capital of the North”.               lifestyle and activities of First Nations
                       Situated on the shore of the Slave          and Metis people.
                       River, on the original portage route      • The Slave River’s four major rapids –
                       around the Slave River Rapids, the          Cassette, Pelican, Mountain and Rapids
                       town began as a fur trading post            of the Drowned – produce some of the

                       (Hudson’s Bay Company) in 1874,             biggest and best whitewater in the
                       but fur traders travelling down the         world.
                       Mackenzie River had been using
                       the area as a stopover for more
                       than a century.

FRONTIER TRAIL                                                 F1
ROUTE                                                          Dory Point Territorial Park
(Highway 3)                                                    Day Use Area

                                                                                                                frontier trail
                                                               Kilometre 21.2 (Mile 13.2)
Driving north on Highway 3, the
Frontier Trail will take you through
rolling, polished Precambrian rock,                            Located a short way from the
dotted with thousands of clear                                 Deh Cho Bridge, on the south
lakes and rivers.                                              bank of the mighty Mackenzie
                                                               River, which is flowing out of
The Frontier Trail Route is paved                              Great Slave Lake.
all the way to Yellowknife.
                                                               The Deh Cho Bridge –
Interesting communities
to visit along this route are                                  Mackenzie River Crossing
Fort Providence, Behchokò    ˛,                                Kilometre 23.6 (Mile 14.7)
N’Dilo, Dettah and Yellowknife.                                Officially opened on November
Yellowknife, the capital of the                                30, 2012, this 1.045 km/0.65 mile
Northwest Territories, is located                              bridge crosses the Mackenzie
on the north shore of Great Slave                              River near the community of Fort
Lake and offers all the amenities of                           Providence. The Deh Cho Bridge
a southern city.                                               provides visitors and northern
                                                               residents travelling this stretch of
Territorial campgrounds along
                                                               highway with a safe, reliable all-
this route are located at Fort
                                                               weather road. Previously, this road
Providence and at Fred Henne
                                                               was crossed by a ferry or an ice
Park in Yellowknife.
                                                               road during freeze up.
Kilometres/miles reflect distance
from junction of Highways 1 and 3.
                                                                      check it out!
) ATTENTION: Watch for bison on and beside
the highway along this route. Drive with caution.
                                                                  • A gas station, restaurant and an arts
                                                                    and crafts store is located a few minutes
                                                                    after crossing the Deh Cho Bridge, just
                                                                    before the turn off to Fort Providence.
                                                                  • Authentic Tłı˛cho˛ art can be purchased
                                                    C. FIELD

                                                                    in Behchokò˛ at the community’s newly
                                                                    renovated craft store located in the
                                                                    Khon Go Cho Complex, or visit



           C. FIELD

                                                                                                                                          C. MYERS
                                                                                                                               C. MYERS
frontier trail

                      The Mackenzie Bison                                   Fort Providence
                      Sanctuary                                             Kilometre 36.4 (Mile 22.6)
                      Kilometre 25.6 (Mile 15.9)
                      For the next 80 km/50 miles or
                      so, the area of land from the
                      highway east to Great Slave Lake                      This community is 5 km/3 miles
                      is set aside for free-roaming wood                    down an access road west of
                      bison. The bison often roam on                        Highway 3. Fort Providence
                      and around the highway. Keep a                        (pop. 797) is a scenic and historic
                      lookout and use caution if bison                      community located on the banks
                      are on the road. A collision with                     of the Mackenzie River. A Roman
                      an animal can be fatal to both                        Catholic Mission was established
                      parties. Treat these animals with                     in 1861 and Our Lady of Fort
                      respect. They may look slow                           Providence church is a major
                      and docile, but can move with                         landmark. An excellent craft shop
                      amazing speed and aggression.                         features moose hair tufting, a
                      Keep your distance.                                   local specialty.
                                                                            ) ATTENTION: There are no services along
                      F2                                                    Highway 3 for another 224 km/139 miles, so if you are
                      Fort Providence                                       going to Yellowknife, gas up!
                      Territorial Park
                      Kilometre 33.4 (Mile 20.7)
                                                                                     check it out!

                      There are 33 powered campsites,                           • Long history as a trading post and a
                      a group campsite with 10                                    mission to the Dene people.
                      powered stalls, and 11 non-                               • Mission priests once farmed extensively
                      powered day use sites situated on                           in this area.
                      the north bank of the Mackenzie                           • West of town are two historical cairns:
                      River, only a 2 km/1.2 miles drive                          one commemorating Sir Alexander
                      off Highway 3. Enjoy spectacular                            Mackenzie’s 1789 voyage, the other
                      sunsets, great fishing and bird                             acknowledging the contribution of the
                      watching, and the amenities and                             Grey Nuns to the community.
                      attractions of nearby historic Fort


fishing, but fishing is closed May 1

                                                        to June 30 for conservation.


                                                                                                frontier trail
                                                        North Arm Park
                                                        ) NEW CAMPGROUND COMING SOON!
                                                        Kilometre 232 (Mile 144.2)
Access to Whatì
Kilometre 97 (Mile 60.27)
The newly completed Tłı˛cho˛                            Stop here for a great view of
Highway, provides all season                            Great Slave Lake. Be sure to look
access to Whatì.                                        around you – the scenery abruptly
                                                        changes from the rocky Canadian
F3                                                      Shield to Mackenzie Lowlands
Chan Lake Territorial Park                              and is a haven for waterfowl.
                                                        Campground Coming Soon! Visit
Day Use Area                                            our website for details.
Kilometre 123.8 (Mile 77)
                                                        Access to Behchokò
                                                        Kilometre 239 (Mile 148.5)
A picturesque spot for a picnic,
located at the northern end of                          Turn off to the community of
the Mackenzie Bison Sanctuary.                          Behchokò  ˛. No services here.
Wildlife abounds: Watch for bison
on the road, sandhill cranes in the                     Behchokò
vegetation on the road side and                         Kilometre 245 (Mile 152.2)
waterfowl on Chan Lake.

Mosquito Creek
Kilometre 227.3 (Mile 141.2)                            The main community of Behchokò      ˛
No visitor facilities, but a turn off                   (pop. 2,154) is 11 km/7 miles west
leads to a trail going down the                         of Highway 3. The community of
creek. Good pickerel/walleye                            Behchokò   ˛ is the headquarters of
                                                        the Tlicho Region and the largest
                                                        Dene community in the NWT.
                                                        Behchokò   ˛ hosts some large Dene
                                                        cultural events throughout the year
                                   D. BROSHA

                                                        and is located on a river system
                                                        that links the Great Slave Lake and
                                                        Great Bear Lake. The community
                                                        features some unique modern
                                                        architecture that takes design cues
                                                        from the traditional caribou hide
                                                        lodge or teepee. There is a gas bar,

                                                        restaurant, convenience store, bed
                                                        and breakfast, and a craft store with
                                                        local art available for purchase.

Yellowknife Golf Club                            F5
                                  Kilometre 334 (Mile 207.5)                       Fred Henne Territorial
                                  Yellowknife Golf Club is just off                Park Day Use Area
frontier trail

                                  the highway to the north and is                  Kilometre 336 (Mile 208.8)
                                  an 18-hole golf course, with sand
                                  fairways, artificial greens, pro shop
                                  and licensed clubhouse. It is home               A roadside turn-out to the north
                                  to the famous June 21 Midnight                   provides access to this popular
                                  Sun Golf Tournament.Continuing                   recreational area on the shores
                                  along the highway to Yellowknife,                of Long Lake. Here you will
                                  after passing a sandy area on                    find picnic sites, a boat launch,
                                  the right, you will notice several               kitchen shelters, a sandy beach, a
                                  buildings at the end of the airport              playground and change houses.
                                  runway. These are diamond                        Being one of the smaller lakes,
                                  sorting plants. To the left is the               Long Lake warms up enough in
                                  Folk on the Rocks site, a popular                the summer to make it a favourite
                                  summer music festival usually                    place for water activities, including
                                  held the third weekend in July.                  swimming, boating, tubing, water
                                                                                   skiing, windsailing and jet skiing.
                                  Yellowknife Airport
                                  Kilometre 335.6 (Mile 208.5)                     Junction of Highway 3 &
                                  The Yellowknife Airport is situated              Old Airport Road
                                  on the right side of the road                       Kilometre 336.7 (Mile 209.2)
                                  across from Long Lake.                           Turn right onto Old Airport Road
                                                                                   to reach Yellowknife via the
                                                                                   commercial area. Continue left
                                         check it out!                             on Highway 3 a short distance
                                                                                   to reach Fred Henne Territorial
                                                                                   Park access on the left. Continue
                                     • There is an excellent 4 km/                 past the park to reach downtown
                                       2.5 mile hiking trail that starts just to   Yellowknife.
                                       the left of the shower building. This
                                       Prospectors’ Trail will take you around
                                       several fascinating geological features.
                      B. WILSON


                                               B. WILSON
                                                           Kilometre 338.8 (Mile 210.5)

                                                                                                   frontier trail
                                                           Yellowknife (pop. 20,960) is
                                                           a modern city, with shopping
F5                                                         facilities and all the services you
Fred Henne                                                 would expect to find in larger
Territorial Park                                           southern communities.
Kilometre 337 (Mile 209.4)
                                                           Located on the shores of the
                                                           beautiful Great Slave Lake,
                                                           Yellowknife is an unusual
                                                           blend of many southern and
Something for everyone: Choose                             northern cultures. It is a city of
from 75 powered sites and 40                               contrasts, with modern high-rise
non-powered sites (including 9                             towers overlooking the rustic
tent pads). Swim off Long Lake’s                           heritage buildings of Old Town.
sandy beach, hike the 4 km/2.5                             Yellowknife is a modern city that
mile Prospector’s Trail, camp,                             still acts like a small town and this
picnic, canoe, wakeboard or enjoy                          gives the city its unique flavour.
the amenities and attractions of
Yellowknife, located just 3 km/1.8                         There is easy access to fishing,
mile away. This park provides urban                        canoeing, hiking, camping,
convenience in a wilderness setting.                       golfing and nature viewing.
                                                           Annual summer events include
Junction of Highways 3 & 4                                 an arts festival, folk music festival
   Kilometre 337.3 (Mile 209.6)                            and golf tournaments. The
Continue on Highway 3 to reach                             city also features many parks
Yellowknife, turn left to visit                            and playgrounds, a racquet
territorial parks on the Ingraham                          club, curling rink, pool, movie
trail.                                                     theatre and golf course. Many
                                                           well-established outfitters
                                                           and interesting lodges are
                                                           headquartered or serviced out
                                                           of Yellowknife. Tour packages
                                  T. SPENCER

                                                           for all tastes, including fishing,
                                                           sailing or canoeing, are easy to
                                                           For a listing of tourism operators,
                                                           visit https://spectacularnwt.com/
                                                           directory/operators, and to learn

                                                           more about Yellowknife festivals
                                                           and events, check out https://


                                                                                                                                                 D. HORN
frontier trail

                      Thaidene Nëné
                      National Park Reserve                                                             check it out!
                      In 2019, Thaidene Nëné National
                      Park Reserve was established
                      as Canada’s 47th national park.                                               • Visit the many cultural and historical
                      Located at the eastern end of                                                   displays at the Prince of Wales Northern
                      Great Slave Lake, the park is part                                              Heritage Centre museum.
                      of a larger group of protected                                                • Take an informative tour of the
                      areas around the East Arm and                                                   Legislative Assembly Building.
                      Artillery Lake regions. Thaidene                                              • See a local play or an internationally
                      Nëné means ‘Land of the                                                         known singer at the Northern Arts and
                      Ancestors’ in the Dënesųłiné                                                    Cultural Centre.
                      – or Chipewyan – language.
                                                                                                    • Visit nearby Indigenous communities of
                      The spectacular wilderness
                                                                                                      Behchokò˛, N’Dilo and Dettah.
                      characteristics here attract many
                      visitors and local residents each                                             • Many restaurants serve northern foods
                      year for experiences such as                                                    such as locally caught white fish or
                      boating, camping, fishing, berry                                                pickerel.
                      picking and hiking in ‘the land                                               • Visit the local farmers market at City
                      of giants.’ There are numerous                                                  Hall on Tuesdays from early June to
                      adventures just waiting to be had.                                              mid-September.
                                                                                                    • Experience the historic Wild Cat Café in
                                                                                                      Old Town Yellowknife.
                                                                         J. MACKENZIE

                                                                                        B. WILSON

INGRAHAM TRAIL                        Access to Dettah
                                      Kilometre 9.8 (Mile 6.1)
(Highway 4)                           A paved access road leads 11 km/

                                                                             ingraham trail
                                      7 miles south to the small Dene
The Ingraham Trail Route begins in    community of Dettah located on
Yellowknife and extends 70 km/        the shores of the Great Slave Lake.
43.5 miles to Tibbitt Lake. Lakes,
campgrounds, picnic sites and         IT2
boat launches dot this highway. A     Prosperous Lake
beautiful drive, the Ingraham Trail   Territorial Park
Route winds through Precambrian
landscape, with scenic vistas of      Day Use Area
lakes, forest and ancient rock.       Kilometre 19.7 (Mile 12.2)

A variety of outdoor recreation
opportunities are available,          While the park is primarily a boat
including hiking trails, canoeing,    launch, don’t be deceived by the
boating, swimming, fishing and        apparent size of Prosperous Lake
bird watching. This route is paved    as seen from the shores – most of
to Cameron River Crossing.            it is just out of sight and ready to
Camping facilities are available      be explored. Fish for monstrous
at Prelude Lake and Reid Lake         lake trout or launch your canoe
Territorial parks.                    down river to the Tartan Rapids on
                                      the Yellowknife River.
Kilometres/miles reflect distances
from junction of Highways 3 and       IT3
4, just north of Yellowknife.         Madeline Lake Territorial
IT1                                   Park Day Use Area
Yellowknife River                     Kilometre 24 (Mile 14.9)
Territorial Park
Day Use Area                          A small park primarily used as a
Kilometre 7.7 (Mile 4.8)              launching point for canoeists,
                                      boaters and anglers.

This day use park is the first of     IT4
nine parks along the Ingraham         Pontoon Lake Territorial
Trail Route. Located on the
Yellowknife River, the park           Park Day Use Area
is a perfect place to enjoy a         Kilometre 26.4 (Mile 16.4)
picnic or fishing. For the more
adventurous, boat up the river
and into the string of lakes it       A scenic little peninsula jutting

connects to, or downstream into       into Pontoon Lake, this is a perfect
Back Bay and Yellowknife Bay on       spot to fish, picnic or soak up the
Great Slave Lake.                     midnight sun on the granite rocks
                                      framing the shore. Short trails
                                      allow you to get different views of
                                      the lake and watch for wildlife.


                                                                  A. HOUWELING
                                                                                 Hidden Lake
                                                                                 Territorial Park
ingraham trail

                                                                                 3,000 hectares of beauty and
                                                                                 adventure. Hidden Lake is an
                                                                                 undeveloped, water-based
                      IT5                                                        park. Back country camping is
                      Prelude Lake                                               permitted; however, there are
                                                                                 no facilities provided. Access is a
                      Territorial Park
                                                                                 series of rivers and lakes linked by
                      Kilometre 28 (Mile 17.4)                                   short portages. Two day use areas
                                                                                 (Powder Point and Cameron
                                                                                 Falls), service the park and have
                                                                                 picnicking and other facilities.
                      Prelude Lake is a water lover’s
                      dream. The largest developed                               IT7
                      park on the Ingraham Trail, it has                         Powder Point Territorial
                      numerous facilities to enjoy and                           Park Day Use Area
                      79 campsites to choose from (67
                      non-powered and 12 tent pads).                             Kilometre 44 (Mile 27.3)
                      There is a sandy beach where you
                      can enjoy a wide range of water
                                                                                 Powder Point is the main access
                      activities: swimming, canoeing,
                                                                                 into Hidden Lake Territorial Park’s
                      wind surfing and water skiing. The
                                                                                 pristine wilderness. Enjoy the day
                      park’s trail system offers a short
                                                                                 fishing or picnicking at the day
                      stroll to a panoramic view or a
                                                                                 use area, or launch your canoe
                      longer, interpretive hike.
                                                                                 for back country adventure.
                                                                                 Interpretive panels provide
                                                                                 information on the park beyond
                                                                                 visible shores.

                                                                                 Cameron River Falls
                                                                                 Day Use Area/
                                                     B. STRAKER

                                                                                 Hiking Trail Access

                                                                                 Kilometre 45.8 (Mile 28.4)

                                                                                 Located in Hidden Lake Territorial
                                                                                 Park, this day use area provides
                                                                                 access to a 1 km/0.6 mile trail

                                                                                 – a moderately easy 20-minute
                                                                                 walk – leading up and over
                                                                                 rocky outcrops and in and out of
                                                                                 valleys. Hikers are rewarded by
                                                                                 a spectacular view of Cameron

Falls. Benches overlooking

                                                                                       D. BROSHA
the waterfall provide a scenic
picnic or rest spot. For the more
adventurous, follow the trail

                                                                                                           ingraham trail
upstream to a pedestrian bridge
crossing the river.

                                      D. BROSHA
                                                  Reid Lake Territorial Park
                                                  Kilometre 59 (Mile 36.7)

IT9                                               With 74 non-powered campsites
Cameron River                                     (including 11 tent pads), fishing,
Crossing Territorial Park                         swimming, canoeing, hiking, bird
                                                  watching and wildlife viewing,
Day Use Area
                                                  this is a great place to camp and
Kilometre 54.5 (Mile 33.9)                        enjoy the outdoors. It is also an
                                                  excellent base camp for power
                                                  boating or extended canoe
Picnic on the sandy shores of the
                                                  trips into the surrounding lake
Cameron River or walk the short
trail to the Ramparts waterfall
for picture taking and wildlife                   Tibbitt Lake
watching. The base of the falls,
                                                  Kilometre 69.2 (Mile 43.0)
easily reached by the trail, is the
ideal spot to soak up the sun or                  This is the end of the Ingraham
dip a toe into the water.                         Trail and there are no facilities
                                                  here. You may see signs that
                                                  indicate the beginning of the ice
                                                  roads that are used in the winter
                                                  to service the diamond mines.
                                                                                              B. STRAKER


DEMPSTER HIGHWAY                       Completed in 1978, the Dempster
                                                                        is the only public highway in
                                 (Yukon Highway 5 and                   Canada to cross the Arctic Circle.
                                 NWT Highway 8)                         It was named for Sgt. W.J.D.
dempster highway

                                 The Dempster Highway begins            Dempster of the Northwest
                                 40 km/25 miles east of Dawson          Mounted Police who, in the winter
                                 City in the Yukon and ends in          of 1910-11, was sent to search for
                                 Inuvik in the Northwest Territories.   the “Lost Patrol”. Construction
                                 As of November 2017, Dempster          started under Canada’s “Roads to
                                 Highway travellers can drive           Resources” program in the late
                                 an additional 138 km on NWT            1950s, but only 117 km/72.7 miles
                                 Highway 10 to Tuktoyaktuk, NT.         were completed at that time. In
                                 NWT Highway 10 starts in the           the 1970s, work began again as
                                 boreal forest, passing through the     an overland supply route to Inuvik
                                 tree line, onto the tundra, ending     was needed to serve the large-
                                 at the Arctic Ocean.                   scale oil exploration taking place
                                                                        in the Beaufort Sea. Since then,
                                 The new Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk          visitors from around the world
                                 Highway is separate from the           have discovered the phenomenal
                                 Dempster Highway. The Dempster         beauty of this highway and make
                                 Highway stretches 740 km/460           this journey a major focus of their
                                 miles through the Tombstone,           vacation.
                                 Ogilvie and Richardson mountain
                                 ranges and three ecological areas,     Information about the route and
                                 providing the opportunity to view      highway conditions is available
                                 wildlife and enjoy some of the         at the Dempster Delta Visitor
                                 most beautiful wilderness scenery      Information Centre on Front
                                 in the world.                          Street in Dawson City. There is
                                                                        also an interpretive display about
                                                                        the highway at the junction of
                                                                        the Klondike Highway and the
                                                                        Dempster Highway.
                      C. FIELD

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