Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan - March 2016 - Version 1 - City of Gold Coast

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Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan - March 2016 - Version 1 - City of Gold Coast
Broadbeach Core
Business Precinct
Master Plan
March 2016 – Version 1
Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan - March 2016 - Version 1 - City of Gold Coast
Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan - March 2016 - Version 1 - City of Gold Coast
Mayor’s foreword
                                                                         Broadbeach is more than a world-class destination, it’s a world-class experience and we are
                                                                         unlocking its further potential.

                                                                         This document sets the vision for Broadbeach - it will inform future budget spending and the
                                                                         delivery and implementation of development, planning and policy for the precinct.

                                                                         Broadbeach is a family-oriented destination and already one of the most popular places in
                                                                         our city for entertainment and business. Importantly, it will be a significant staging post for the
                                                                         Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games™.

                                                                         With help from Broadbeach’s key stakeholders, our Broadbeach Core Business Precinct
                                                                         Master Plan builds on existing activities, plans and projects so that one of the city’s major
                                                                         tourism, retail, residential and event precincts remains a centrepiece of our city.

                                                                         One of the overarching aims of the plan is to create a ‘pedestrian-focused’ area and provide
                                                                         improved and more convenient connections throughout the entire precinct. To achieve this,
                                                                         some of the key features of the plan include:

                                                                         •   a major upgrade of Surf Parade

                                                                         •   removal of the pedestrian overpass at the intersection of Surf Parade and Victoria Avenue

                                                                         •   further investigation of a pedestrian crossing point on the Gold Coast Highway in front of
                                                                             the Gold Coast Exhibition and Convention Centre.

                                                                         This plan has been developed in light of community feedback. Ongoing consultation about
                                                                         Broadbeach is critical to ensure there is strong community spirit. I would like to thank all those
                                                                         involved in the development of this master plan and I look forward to seeing the realisation of
                                                                         its vision.

                                                                         The best days for Broadbeach are still ahead and this plan will help ensure the area remains
                                                                         a dynamic and exciting neighbourhood to work, live, play and host major events both before,
                                                                         and after, the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games™.

                                                                         Let’s work together and utilise this master plan to unlock the potential of Broadbeach.

                                                                         Mayor Tom Tate
                                                                         City of Gold Coast

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                                         3
Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan - March 2016 - Version 1 - City of Gold Coast
Prepared by
                                                                     Part A – Understanding the context
City Place Making, City Development, Planning and Environment

Level 3, Waterside East, 9 Holden Place, Bundall

P: +61 7 5582 8065
                                                                     1.0 Introduction                 6   4.0 Analysis – street scale                        34
E:                                          1.1 Executive summary                4.1 Streets                                             1.2 Background                       4.1.1 Queensland Avenue
                                                                     1.3 Purpose of report                4.1.2 Surf Parade Queensland Ave to Victoria Ave
Revision History
                                                                     1.4 What is place making?            4.1.3 Surf Parade Victoria Ave to Elizabeth Ave
Revision      Revision date		     Details			        Authorised by
                                                                     1.5 Project stakeholders             4.1.4 Albert Avenue
1			          16 March 2016       Final 			         Patrick Duigan   1.6 Study area                       4.1.5 Main Place/Gold Coast Highway
                                                                     1.7 Background documents             4.1.6 Victoria Avenue and Mall
                                                                                                          4.1.7 Charles Avenue
                                                                     2.0 Vision and character        12   4.1.8 Elizabeth Avenue
                                                                     2.1 Historic overview                4.1.9 Old Burleigh Road
                                                                     2.2 Character                        4.1.9 Gold Coast Highway
                                                                     2.3 Vision                           4.1.10 Margaret Avenue
                                                                                                          4.2 Parks and open space
                                                                     3.0 Analysis – precinct scale   16   4.2.1 Victoria Park

                                                                     3.1 Landmark destinations            4.2.2 Federation Park

                                                                     3.2 Walkability                      4.2.3 Kurrawa/Pratten Park

                                                                     3.3 Pedestrian network               4.2.4 Gold Coast Bulletin Centenary Park

                                                                     3.4 Street permeability
                                                                                                          5.0 Economic status                                62
                                                                     3.5 Cycling network
                                                                     3.6 Vehicular network                5.1 Economic overview
                                                                     3.7 Public transport                 5.2 Economic land use
                                                                     3.8 On-street car parking            5.3 Economic and catchment drivers
                                                                     3.9 Built environment                5.4 Gaps and opportunities
                                                                     3.10 Capital works program
                                                                     3.11 Green open space
                                                                     3.12 Service infrastructure
                                                                     3.13 Precinct events
                                                                     3.14 Precinct safety

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan - March 2016 - Version 1 - City of Gold Coast
Part B – Master plan

6.0 Design statement                                                     64   12.0 Streetscape design                                 82   16.0 Planting palette            110
6.1 Methodology                                                               12.1 Queensland Avenue                                       16.1 Street tree master plan
6.2 Guidelines                                                                12.2 Surf Parade – Queensland Avenue to Victoria Avenue      16.2 Tree species
6.3 Strategies                                                                12.3 Surf Parade – Victoria Avenue to Charles Avenue         16.3 Groundcovers and grasses
6.4 Look and feel                                                             12.4 Albert Avenue
6.5 Opportunities and constraints                                             12.5 Main Place and Gold Coast Highway
                                                                                                                                           17.0 Implementation strategy     112
                                                                              12.6 Victoria Avenue                                         17.1 Short term implementation
7.0 Community consultation                                               70   12.7 Victoria Mall                                           17.2 Mid term implementation
7.0 Stakeholders and community consultation                                   12.8 Charles Avenue                                          17.3 Long term implementation
                                                                              12.9 Elizabeth Avenue
8.0 Design objectives                                                    73   12.10 Old Burleigh Road                                      18.0 Proposed developments       118

                                                                              13.0 Parks and open space                              104
                                                                                                                                           19.0 Broad order of costs        120
9.0 Design proposals                                                     74   13.1 Victoria Park

9.1 Layout and access                                                         13.2 Kurrawa Park
                                                                                                                                           20.0 Conclusion                  122
9.1.1 Proposed pedestrian network
                                                                              14.0 Indicative materials palette                      106
9.1.2 Proposed cycle way
9.1.3 Proposed public transport routes
9.1.4 Proposed vehicular access and parking
                                                                              15.0 Lighting, public art
10.0 Overall master plan                                                 79   and space activation                                   108
                                                                              15.1 Street and park lighting
                                                                              15.2 Decorative lighting
11.0 Key projects                                                        80   15.3 Public art
                                                                              15.4 Space activation

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                                                 5
Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan - March 2016 - Version 1 - City of Gold Coast
Part A – Understanding the context

                                     “If you plan cities for cars
                                       and traffic you get cars and
                                       traffic. If you plan cities for
                                       people and places, you get
                                       people and places.”
                                      Fred Kent
                                      The founder and president of the non-profit organisation Project for Public Spaces.
                                      The organisation is dedicated to creating public places that foster communities.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan - March 2016 - Version 1 - City of Gold Coast
Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1   7
Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan - March 2016 - Version 1 - City of Gold Coast
1.0            1.1 Executive summary
               Broadbeach is the subject of a holistic precinct place making plan,
                                                                                     1.3 Purpose of report
                                                                                     The Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan aims
                                                                                                                                                             Safety – ensuring the
                                                                                                                                                             improvements provide a safe
               which will produce a master plan, in consultation with the area’s     to unlock the precinct’s potential and guide its transformation         environment for all future users of
               business leaders and stakeholders.                                    to become the city’s most vibrant and diverse beachside                 the centre.
                                                                                     neighbourhood and business centre.
               This place based master plan document describes the vision                                                                                    Walkability – creating spaces for
               for the principal activity centre of Broadbeach. It’s a decision      Small scale, incremental improvements at low cost known as              pedestrian traffic.
               making tool which will identify projects for single or multiple       tactical urbanism may be implemented as early action items out
               street improvements, inform budgets and guide decisions for           of a place based master plan, allowing quick, short-term changes        Accessibility – creating spaces
               development assessment. Individual projects for permanent             to be made on the ground, keeping community interest and                which are easily accessible.
               capital works will roll out from these place making documents         momentum, as well as testing ideas for future permanent changes.
               as funding permits.                                                                                                                           Views and vistas – providing
                                                                                     This report has been created to assist Councillors and staff            clear sight lines.
               This document identifies the potentials and constraints within        in making clear, concise decisions for all future projects within
               the precinct and acknowledges the opportunities that will guide       the precinct.                                                           Visual amenity – creating
               recommendations for the future.                                                                                                               attractive places to walk.

               Many of the challenges and the way forward lie in maintaining
                                                                                     1.4 What is place making
                                                                                                                                                             Kerb side allocation – providing
               the unique identity of Broadbeach as a family-oriented centre         Place making refers to a collaborative process in which the public      buildouts for dining and gardens,
               while resolving transport and access conflicts and providing          realm is re-structured to maximise its value and strengthen the         footpath widening.
               infrastructure to improve and activate the streetscape.               connection between people and the places they share. Its focus
                                                                                     is on local community assets with the intention of creating public      Landscaping and irrigation –
               1.2 Background                                                        spaces that are lively and diverse.                                     upgrading planting.

               The previous master plan was developed 10 years ago and with          Place making goes further than promoting great urban design, it         Public art – designing and
               the implementation of the light rail and evolution of the precinct,   facilitates creative patterns of use which recognise the physical,      installing art works to enhance
               there’s a need to investigate how the precinct currently works and    cultural and social identities that define a place and its continuing   and reinforce the centre’s
               explore the future potential of the area.                             development. Large capital upgrade projects are identified in a         individual character.
                                                                                     precinct master plan and will generally include substantial changes
               There have been a number of capital works, maintenance                to the public realm that focus on pedestrian amenity and address        Street furniture – installing
               and renewal projects delivered over the years that lacked an          the following issues:                                                   seating, shelters, bins, bicycle
               overall direction.                                                                                                                            racks, etc.

               The growth of Broadbeach can be attributed to the dominance of                                                                                Parking – balancing the need
               the vehicle. A new focus now needs to be given to the pedestrian.                                                                             for efficient traffic circulation and
                                                                                                                                                             provision of parking.
               The growth of development in Broadbeach has been steady with
               $4 billion worth of private development currently proposed.                                                                                   Lighting – providing feature and
                                                                                                                                                             street lighting.
               Broadbeach is a large town centre and economic driver for the city.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan - March 2016 - Version 1 - City of Gold Coast
1.5 Project stakeholders
Internal consultation

                                                                         $4 billion
Division 10 Office

City Infrastructure

Community Services                                                          WORTH OF PRIVATE
                                                                         DEVELOPMENT CURRENTLY
Planning & Environment
Office of the CEO

Economic Development and Major Projects

Gold Coast Water

Active Travel

Urban Design Team – Heritage Unit

Parks and Open Space

Safe and Livable Communities

Waste Management

Urban Precincts

Local Law

External consultants

Broadbeach Alliance

Broadbeach Advisory Committee

Queensland Police Service

Department of Main Roads and Transport

RPS Australia East Pty Ltd

Local Business Community

Local Community and Visitors

                                                                                 Victoria Mall during the Broadbeach Jazz Festival.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                           9
Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan - March 2016 - Version 1 - City of Gold Coast
1.6 Study area
The total area of the commercial precinct is approximately 100 hectares. The core business
precinct area extends from Elizabeth Avenue to the south, Gold Coast Highway to the west,
Old Burleigh Road to the east and Queensland Avenue to the north.

For the purpose of this master plan, the area   The open space precincts are:
will be divided into the following precincts:
                                                •   Victoria Park
                                                                                                 Gold Coast
•    core business precinct                                                                    Convention and
                                                •   Federation Park
                                                                                              Exhibition Centre
•    commercial precinct
                                                •   Gold Coast Bulletin Centenary Park
•    open space precinct
                                                •   Broadbeach Mall                                                                  Kurrawa
•    major attractions.                                                                                                               SLSC
                                                •   Kurrawa Park.                                                  Oasis
The roads included in this master plan are:     The major attractions in the area are:

•    Queensland Avenue                          •   Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition
                                                    Centre (GCCEC)
•    Surf Parade
                                                •   Pacific Fair Shopping Centre
•    Albert Avenue
                                                •   Jupiters Hotel and Casino
•    Main Place                                                                                 Jupiters
                                                •   Oasis Shopping Centre                      Hotel and
•    Victoria Avenue                                                                            Casino
                                                •   Kurrawa Surf Life Saving Club
•    Charles Avenue
                                                •   Broadbeach Primary School.
•    Elizabeth Avenue

•    Old Burleigh Road.

                                                                                                                             Primary School

                                                     Key                                     Pacific Fair
                                                           Core Business Precinct Boundary     Centre

                                                           Core Commercial Precinct

                                                           Adjoining Commercial Precinct

                                                           Open Space Precinct

                                                           Major Attraction

1.7 Background documents
This master plan is based on a number of documents, with clear
references made to related documents. The list of documents
is as follows:


•   Broadbeach CIP Master plan (2002)

•   2031 Corridor Study (2012)

•   AECOM Broadbeach South Workshop (2012)

•   Draft City Plan (2015)                                                                                                      Version 1   May 2015

•   Landscape Character Study (2013)

•   Safe Night Out Strategy
                                                                         Economic Development
                                                                         Strategy 2013–2023
•   Gold Coast City Strategy                                             Version 2.0 October 2013

•   Walk 2018/CAMS/ Last mile – (2014)

•   Accessible and Inclusive City Action Plan 2014

•   Historical Context Report
                                                                                                         p     byy lifestyle.
•   City Parking Strategy – pilot project for Broadbeach                                            Driven by opportunity.

•   Outdoor dining policy.

Ongoing/future projects

•   Live Sites Report – Commonwealth Games

•   Gold Coast 2018 Venue Precinct Accessibility Strategy

•   Events Planning

•   Pedestrian Priority Zones PPZ for the Gold Coast
    (Surf Parade Case Study)

•   Traffic/Pedestrian Modelling

•   GC 2018 Public Domain Look and Feel Master Plan

•   Complete Street Guidelines for Urban Street Design.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                 11
2.0                    2.1 Historic overview
                       The suburb of Broadbeach consists of a long strip of land
                       located between Little Tallebudgera Creek to the west and
Vision and character
                       the Pacific Ocean to the east. The neighbouring suburbs are
                       Surfers Paradise to the north and Mermaid Beach to the south.

                       The original terrain and sand dunes were flattened by
                       developments and sand mining. The township started to
                       develop its own character with a mix of infrastructure and
                       open space. In the late 1950s Broadbeach attempted to rival
                       Surfers Paradise with the construction of the Gold Coast’s first
                       international hotel. However this was unsuccessful.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Aerial view of Broadbeach, 1978. In the foreground is Kurrawa Surf Life Saving Club and Pratten
                       In the late 1970s developers started investing in Broadbeach as                                                                                                                        Park. Behind the Surf Club is the Broadbeach International Hotel. Pacific Fair Shopping Centre is in
                       the Surfers Paradise sites became scarce and less affordable.                                                                                                                          the left corner. (City of Gold Coast Local Studies Library image LS-LSP-CD185-IMG0003).

                       From that point the suburb has developed and gained three of
                       the Gold Coast’s signature developments:

                       Pacific Fair Shopping Centre

                       Jupiters Hotel and Casino

                       The Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre.

                       The key historical events can be viewed in:

                       •   Broadbeach: An Historical Overview, December 2014.                          Mapofofthe
                                                                                                      Map      theBroadbeach
                                                                                                                              area pre-1900
                                                                                                                                   pre-1900 (Moreton
                                                                                                                                            (Moreton 40
                                                                                                                                                     40 Chain
                                                                                                                                                        Chain map
                                                                                                                                                              map AG2
                                                                                                                                                                  AG2 series
                                                                                                                                                                                      south)                  Aerial view of Lennons Hotel, Broadbeach, Queensland, December 1957. Peter Huddy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              photographer. (City of Gold Coast Local Studies Library image LS-LSP-CD838-IMG0011).

                                                                                    3.         1920s-1970s

                                                                                    The area remained lightly settled through to the early 20th century. It consisted mostly of grassed
                                                                                    sand dunes merging to the west with undulating, stunted banskia and acacia woodland 4 Interest in
                                                                                    developing the coastline between Southport and Coolangatta commenced in the 1920s, driven by
                                                                                    some key changes in Australian society – growing household affluence, increasing car ownership, the
                                                                                    award of paid holidays, and a new fashion, surfing bathing – which collectively encouraged people to
                                                                                    travel to the seaside for holidays. The building of holiday cottages and weekenders boomed. New
                                                                                    seaside estates, linked by a highway, were planned, the first of these being Surfers Paradise and
                                                                                    Main Beach, which began to be developed from 1917.

                                                                                         Queensland State Archives Item ID173304 in-letter 1 January 1932; 10 February 1934.

                                                                                     Broadbeach: an historical overview                                                                        Page 6 of 61

                                    Broadbeach township announced                                            Sand mining of the                                                                    Construction of Lennons
                                    (First 70 lots surveyed)                                                 Broadbeach dunes                                                                      Broadbeach Hotel completed
                                    1934                                                                     1942 – mid 1950s                                                                      1957

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1960                                         1960s

                                                                                                                                                                               Broadbeach State School opened                                                              100 hectare Florida
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Garden Estate creating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1000 allotments
Map of Broadbeach in 1946. (Queensland State Archives Item ID1430461)

                                                                                    Oasis Shopping Centre
Pacific Fair Shopping Village opened                                               and monorail completed                               The Oracle development completed

                                       1977                                                             1989                                                                    2010

                                                                         1986                                                       2004                                                     2014

                                                                         Official opening of Jupiters          Gold Coast Convention and                          Gold Coast Light Rail
                                                                         Hotel and Casino                        Exhibition Centre opened                        commenced operation

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                                                                            13
2.2 Character
Key characteristics of Broadbeach

                                                                                                       “Broadbeach will be characterised by a
“Broadbeach is                                                                                         mix of uses interspersed with residential
distinctly different.”                                                                                 activity and an active townscape,                                                                                emphasising strong urban design and
                                                                                                       distinctive streetscape elements. High-
                                                                                                       rise buildings should be distinguished as
                                                                                                       elegant and purposefully designed iconic
                                                                                                       structures, as well as incorporating mixed
                                                                                                       use development at ground floor and
                                    “The lifestyle of Broadbeach                                       podium level.
                                    is one of a village in a resort                                    All streets will be distinguished through
                                    setting with an uninterrupted                                      street trees and overall design to achieve
                                    stretch of beautiful golden sand,                                  an urban landscape character that
                                    creating the picturesque backdrop                                  promotes activity on the street, provides
                                    of Broadbeach.”                                                    a vibrant and functional pedestrian
                                                                                                       environment and frames and enhances
                                                                                                       view and street corridors. These corridors
                                                                                                       will lead people between destinations and
                                                                                                       provide an easy, shaded, safe and legible
                                                                                                       experience of the area.”
                                                                                                       Gold Coast Planning Scheme 2003 – LAP

     “Offering a unique village-                                        “Home to one of Australia’s
     like atmosphere, vibrantly                                         largest retail centres,
     sophisticated lifestyle and                                        Broadbeach provides only
     a relaxed ambience.”                                               the best in retail therapy.”                                  

2.3 Vision
Our vision for Broadbeach
Broadbeach is an integral part                  This transformation is a unique
of the Gold Coast experience for                opportunity for the city to
tourists, locals and commercial                 maximise enjoyment of the streets,
enterprise. It’s seen as a family               so they can be walked safely
oriented and safe environment                   at anytime of day or night, add
and characterised by highrise                   vibrancy to the area and support
apartments and mixed use                        the local economy.
precincts including tourist
                                                New activities may include
accommodation, restaurants,
                                                extended outdoor dining
serviced offices, recreational
                                                opportunities, street vending,
opportunities, varied retail outlets
                                                creative or cultural activities,
and businesses.
                                                or simply improve the comfort
It’s renowned for its festivals,                of pedestrians and encourage
cultural life and sporting events.              people to interact and enjoy the
However, portions of the precinct               public places.
are looking tired, outdated and
                                                Permanent streetscape
require revitalising.
                                                improvements may include fixed
This Master Plan aims to                        items such as public seating,
reinforce Broadbeach as the                     lighting and street trees or
premier destination for locals and              temporary elements such as
visitors as the event, dining and               moveable furniture, outdoor
commercial precinct of the city                 dining, and street vending. This
where more people choose to live,               strategy identifies principles
work, invest and spend time.                    and opportunities relating to
                                                these elements, and makes
Public open spaces, such as
                                                recommendations for the design
Victoria Park, Federation Park,
                                                of the precinct as well as policy
Broadbeach Mall and Kurrawa
                                                and projects to contribute to the
Park, will be transformed to
                                                ongoing use and experience of
provide great amenity and support
                                                the precinct.
first class recreational, cultural and
social activities.                              Broadbeach will support the local
                                                community in recreation, social,
The streetscape will be improved
                                                shopping and business needs, offer
to become quality pedestrian
                                                visitors a memorable experience
boulevards. The shared zones
                                                and create a desire to return.
and laneways will be activated to
encourage people of all ages to
enjoy live music and public art and
provide for an exciting choice of
outdoor dining venues.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1               15
3.0                              3.1 Landmark destinations
Site Analysis – Precinct scale
                                                                                                                      Broadbeach Mall

                                                                                                                      Surf Parade

                                                       Potential                                                      (ground floor retail)
                                                        Centre                                                        Major destinations

                                                    Gold Coast
                                                  Convention and
                                                 Exhibition Centre

                                                                            1                         Kurrawa
                                                                                      Shopping         SLSC


                                                   Hotel and

                                                                                                                                     Pacific Fair Shopping Centre opened its doors in mid
                                                                                                                                     1977 with Kmart and Coles being the original anchor tenants
                                                                                                 Broadbeach                          and it became the largest shopping centre in the Southern
                                                                                                   Primary                           Hemisphere. It’s well connected to the broader Gold Coast
                                                                                                   School                            market by the public transport network and at the completion of
                                                                                                                                     its current $670m redevelopment will add over 50,000m2 of retail
                                                 Pacific Fair                                                                        space, including the new David Jones and Woolworths stores,
                                                   Village                                                                           and an additional 1300 car parks (6500 in total).

                                                                     Light rail/bus

                                                                                                                                    PEOPLE VISIT BROADBEACH
                                                                                                                                                                     OF BROADBAECH
                                                                                                                                                                                              OF BROADBAECH
                                                                                                                                    PER WEEK                         RESIDENTS WALK           HOUSEHOLDS HAVE
                                                                                                                                                                     TO WORK                  NO CAR

  Oasis Shopping Centre is on the site of Lennons Broadbeach             Jupiters Hotel and Casino has been operational for almost                The Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (GCCEC)
  Hotel – Broadbeach’s first development in 1956. The centre             30 years and was Queensland’s first casino. Spread over                  opened in June 2004 as Queensland’s third convention centre
  consists of three levels and over 100 stores anchored by               seven acres, it includes bars, restaurants, conference facilities,       and Australia’s largest regional convention centre. It’s home
  Woolworths. There are over 1000 car parks within the complex           theatres and ballrooms, a hotel and casino, making it an action          to local and national sporting and special events, concerts,
  and it’s home to the Oasis Monorail which connects the                 and entertainment destination. Jupiters Hotel and Casino is              seminars and exhibitions. With significant growth predicted
  shopping centre to Jupiters Hotel and Casino.                          linked to Oasis Shopping Centre by monorail.                             in the national and international business tourism market, the
                                                                                                                                                  GCCEC will further enhance Broadbeach’s profile.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                                                                             17
3.2 Walkability                                                                                                3.3 Pedestrian network
                                     Broadbeach is one of the most walkable suburbs on the
                                     Gold Coast according to with a score of 79,
                                     meaning most errands can be accomplished on foot.

                                     From any location in Broadbeach, residents and visitors are
                                     no more than 150 metres away from open green space and
                                     300 metres from the creek or beach.

                                     A light rail station is approximately 100 metres from Surf
                                     Parade – the heart of Broadbeach; another stop is in front of
                                     Pacific Fair Shopping Centre.

                                     According to Broadbeach Alliance’s ‘Path Intelligence
                                     Weekly Report’, Broadbeach is host to approximately
                                     200,000 visitors a week.

                                     ‘Gold Coast City Transport Strategy 2031’ aims to increase
                                     all daily walking trips across the city by 1.9 per cent and
                                     cycling by 4.1 per cent over the next 16 years.
                                     The City Parking Plan 2015 advises that approximately 16
                    100m             per cent of households in Broadbeach have no car and that
                                     15 per cent of the more than 4600 residents walk to work.


                                                                                      Major route

                                                                                      Secondary route

                                                                                      Raised walkway

                                                                                      Arcade linkage

                                                                                      Pedestrian crossing


                                                                                      Traffic lights/signals

3.4 Street permeability
Pedestrian accessibility and permeability in Broadbeach                                            A recommendation derived from the 2002 Broadbeach Master
is restricted. Vehicular movement throughout the precinct                                          Plan was the concept of a beach to creek initiative, which
dominates pedestrian movement and restricts the ability for                                        looked at greater connectivity, permeability and accessibility
users to make their way from one destination to another with                                       through Broadbeach.
ease (e.g. the high number of roundabouts facilitate vehicular
                                                                                                   From Queensland Avenue to Margaret Avenue, the east - west
movement but significantly impede pedestrian movement).
                                                                                                   orientation of streets is favourable to this concept. However,
This may be attributed to the 1950s -1960s boom times
                                                                                                   the permeability of most of these streets is restricted due to
where development was driven by the growing popularity of
                                                                                                   buildings acting as barriers. Only Queensland Avenue, Elizabeth
motor vehicle.
                                                                                                   Avenue and Margaret Avenue allow beach to creek permeability
There is a pedestrian disconnect with the parks within the                                         for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.
core precinct.
                                                                                                   Moreover, these three streets connect the Gold Coast Highway
The Gold Coast Highway essentially splits the activity                                             to Old Burleigh Road providing informal and non-designated
destinations of Jupiters Hotel and Casino, Gold Coast                                              pedestrian access to Kurrawa/ Pratten Park and the beach.
Convention and Exhibition Centre and Pacific Fair Shopping
                                                                                                   There is an opportunity to strengthen the beach to creek
Centre from the Broadbeach core business precinct.
                                                                                                   initiative through Victoria Avenue and Victoria Mall by increasing
Internal pedestrian arcades within shopping centres add                                            the pedestrian connectivity at the Surf Parade/Victoria Avenue
to the pedestrian network of Broadbeach and ease the                                               intersection and an improved, realigned pedestrian crossing at
permeability issues.                                                                               Old Burleigh Road into Kurrawa Park and the beach.

The quality of footpaths around newer developments
(Oracle, Aria, Wave etc.) is adequate; however the remaining
sections are outdated with varying types of finishes and
require upgrading.

For all issues relating to Disability and Discrimination Act
(DDA) and equitable access refer to the document Gold Coast
2018 Venue Precinct Accessibility Strategy.

                                                                                                              Major avenue with ‘beach-creek’ connection

                                                                                                              East-west orientation

                                                                                                              North-south orientation

                                                                                                              Major north-south avenue



Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                                  19
3.5 Bicycle network                                                                           3.6 Vehicular network
                      The perimeter of the Broadbeach core business precinct is already
                      well connected via on-road and off-road cycleway as well as the
                      existing Oceanway.

                      Within the precinct perimeter, the bicycle network and connections
                      are not clearly identified, bicycle parking is inadequate and there
                      are no designated bike sheds providing a protected place to park
                      a bicycle to continue a journey via public transport or shop, dine or
                      work. Bringing a single bicycle or multiple bicycles as a family into
                      the centre of the precinct remains a challenge. However, there is
                      a bike shed located just outside the precinct at Broadbeach south
                      light rail station.

                      Enhancing opportunities for the on-road cycleway along Surf
                      Parade and Victoria Avenue West would offer a route directly
                      into the centre of the precinct. The provision of bike sheds and/
                      or designated bicycle parking racks in accessible locations would
                      encourage additional use of the bicycle as a mode of transport to
                      and from the precinct.

                                 On road cycleway

                                 Off road cycleway


Broadbeach was built on the idea of a car friendly environment,
therefore the movement network is highly favoured towards
vehicles with a high number of roundabouts, large intersections,
wide traffic lanes, two-way streets and slip lanes.

The vehicular entry point into Broadbeach has arguably always
been Victoria Avenue (as the traffic count data suggests). However,
since the opening of the light rail system, the pressure on Victoria
Avenue has eased as vehicles can now enter Broadbeach from the
Gold Coast Highway/Elizabeth Avenue intersection. Traffic count
data provides evidence of reduced traffic in Victoria Avenue since
construction of the light rail.

Another traffic change initiated by the light rail system is the closure   Traffic counts
of the left turn from Queensland Avenue to Gold Coast Highway.
                                                                                                                              Traffic   Speed                       Speed
Vehicular traffic is now directed along the Gold Coast Highway side                    Street                  Date
                                                                                                                           direction     km/h
                                                                                                                                                Traffic direction
lane, past Main Place shops and on to Victoria Avenue (left turn
                                                                                                            01/12/10     9505 east         35        7707 west         38     17,212
only on to Victoria Avenue).
                                                                                                            27/11/11     7758 east         36        7841 west         40     15,599
                                                                                  Victoria Avenue           04/08/12      8715 east        38        8572 west         38     17,287
                                                                                                            01/02/13     8644 east         37        8927 west         37     17,571
                                                                                                            20/08/13     7289 east        N/A        6982 west        N/A     14,271

                                                                             Gold Coast Highway (north)     26/11/11   19,224 north        62     21,248 south         55     40,472
                                                                             Gold Coast Highway (south)     26/11/11   22,686 north        62     21,464 south         59     44,150

                                                                                 Surf Parade (north)      01/01/2003    6844 north         34       5413 south         34     12,257
                                                                                                            25/11/11    4810 north        N/A       4671 south        N/A       9481
                                                                                                            10/08/12    4916 north        N/A       5073 south        N/A       9989
                                                                                 Surf Parade (south)
      Key                                                                                                   01/02/13    5222 north        N/A       6263 south        N/A     11,485
                                                                                                             20/8/13    4457 north        N/A       5837 south        N/A     10,294
            Gold Coast Highway
                                                                                                            04/08/12      2111 east        48        2305 west         49       4416
            Main routes into the precinct                                       Queensland Avenue         01/02/2013     2356 east         46        2069 west         48       4425
                                                                                                            20/08/13     1769 east        N/A        1678 west        N/A       3447
            Secondary route

            Permeability barrier                                                 Old Burleigh Road        01/06/2004    4305 north         44       2921 south         43       7226

            Existing roundabout intersection
                                                                                  Charles Avenue            26/08/11     2735 east         39        2870 west         40       5605

            Existing traffic signal intersection
                                                                                                          26/11/2011     1304 east         33         801 west         32       2105
            Potential street activity                                                                     04/08/2012     1589 east         46         890 west         42       2479
                                                                                  Elizabeth Avenue
                                                                                                            01/02/13             N/A       42                N/A       40       2776
            Significant ingress/egress point
                                                                                                            20/08/13     1493 east        N/A         809 west        N/A       2302
            Significant driveway

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                                                  21
3.7 Public transport
                       Based on the timetables available from Translink, between 9am
                       and 10am on any weekday, a total of 22 buses travel through Surf
                       Parade. This equates to a bus frequenting this street approximately
                       every three minutes.

                       During this same time period, statistics obtained from Path
                       Intelligence Ltd weekly reports, reveal over 8000 visitors or
                       pedestrians frequent the area. The high frequency of buses and
                       other vehicles combine to affect the amenity of pedestrians using
                       the precinct.

                       The existing bus system plays an important role in connecting
                       locals and visitors from Broadbeach to other attractions throughout
                       the city. It also provides an alternate mode of transport for locals
                       and visitors from the south and west to dine, shop, play or attend
                       major events within the precinct where the light rail is not yet
                       available. Bus stops are located centrally at Victoria Park and a
                       short walk to the connecting Broadbeach North light rail station.

                       Opportunities exist to improve pedestrian and dining amenity
                       along Surf Parade through further investigations into alternate
                       bus routes with potential for additional bus stops located on Old
                       Burleigh Road; providing direct access for public transport users
                       to the Kurrawa Park amenities, Kurrawa Surf Life Saving Club
                       and the beach.
                                                                                              Translink bus travelling south along Surf Parade.

                                  Light rail route

                                  Bus route 705*:
                                  Every 10 –15mins from 6am –10.30pm, 7 days a week.
                                  Reduced frequency before 6am

                                  Bus route TX2*:
                                  10 –15mins between 8am – 11am Northbound
                                  10 –15mins between 2pm – 7pm Southbound

                                  Bus route TX3*:
                                  10 –20mins between 8am – 11am Northbound
                                  10 –15mins between 2.30pm – 6pm Southbound

                                  Translink bus stop

                                  Light rail station

                                  * Information retrieved from Translink bus timetables
                                    and network map. Effective Monday 21 July 2014.

3.8 On-street carparking
                                                                         The map adjacent outlines existing opportunities for on-street car
                                                                         parking in the core precinct of Broadbeach.                              City Parking Plan 2015

                                                                         As of January 2015, just under 50 per cent of the more than 300          The ‘City Parking Plan 2015’ recognises Broadbeach as a
                                                                         on-street car parking bays are paid parking.                             very popular destination for both pedestrians and vehicles.
                                                                                                                                                  As 50 per cent of bays are paid car parking, available
                                                                         Over 10,000 off-street car parking bays are currently available in       on-street car parking is in demand.
                                                                         Broadbeach. The Oasis and Pacific Fair shopping centres cater for
                                                                         nearly 70 per cent of that number.                                       This plan “...harnesses the potential of new parking
                                                                                                                                                  technologies, complemented by best practice policy to
                                                                         While the network of Person With Disability (PWD) car parking            improve the convenience and availability of parking and
                                                                         within Broadbeach appears to have an even spread of bays                 provide a legible and transparent pricing mechanism. The
                                                                         throughout the precinct, the two most pedestrian-populated               Plan ensures that parking is available in the right place, at the
                                                                         streets, Surf Parade and Charles Avenue, are without designated          right time and the right price.”
                                                                         PWD car parking bays.
                                                                                                                                                  The plan also recognises the demands for better and wider
                                                                         There are existing on-street car parking bays which interrupt            footpaths, outdoor dining opportunities and streetscaping/
                                                                         pedestrian movement by creating ‘pinch points’ which force               landscaping.
                                                                         pedestrians away from desired lines and restrict opportunities to
                                                                         widen the footpaths.

                                                                                    Two hour timed car parking bays

                                                                                    15 minute car parking bays
                                                                                                                                              An example of on-street car parking creating pinch-points for pedestrian movement on Surf Parade.

                                                                                    Loading zone

                                                                                    Two hour paid car parking bays

                                                                                    Translink bus/private coach zone

                                                                                    PWD car parking bays

                                                                                    Taxi ranks

                                                                                    One hour paid car parking bays

                                                                                    Unrestricted car parking bays

                                                                                    Secure taxi rank - time restricted
                                                                                                                                              An example of on-street car parking creating pinch-points for pedestrian movement on Queensland Avenue.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                                                                                                                  23
3.9 Built environment                                                                            3.10 Capital works program
                        The built environment of Broadbeach has changed immensely
                        over the past 15 years as the area has become more popular with
                        tourists and locals alike due to easy accessibility to services and                                  10
                        public transport.

                        The Broadbeach terraces (two storey walk-ups) are distinctive
                        residential buildings from the 1960s and 1970s. These buildings
                        characterise the streets south of Elizabeth Street and offer great
                        place making attributes, such as greater passive surveillance, site
                        history and variety to the recently built developments. The more
                        recent developments include luxury highrise towers and resort
                        developments, with many being over 20 storeys in height.
                        The ‘Broadbeach Local Area Plan’ under the ‘Gold Coast 2003
                        Planning Scheme’ describes the Broadbeach core business area as:                                                 6

                        “...developed to promote the consolidation of commercial and retail
                        activities in the core area, while intensifying residential and active
                        mixed use development during the day and evening.                                            8               2
                        Commercial enterprises, particularly restaurants, outdoor dining,
                        retailing, entertainment and ancillary land uses are promoted at
                        ground level in this precinct.                                                                                       3
                        Development within this precinct should promote the Broadbeach
                        Streetscape Framework Plan to establish a strong local
                        streetscape character framed by high quality built forms...”
                        The centre of activity within the commercial core precinct has
                        also moved over time as a result of new developments. Main
                        Place was the ‘go to’ spot of the 1960s and 1970s before Oasis
                        Shopping Centre and Victoria Mall rose to prominence in the
                        late 1980s. Surf Parade in the early 2000s, became the place
                        to be seen as the restaurant business boomed, which now has
                        expanded south to Oracle.

              Main Place
              2017-2018 Roads surface, pavement and kerbs

              Charles Avenue
              2016-2017 Roads surface, pavement and kerbs

              Philip Avenue
              2015-2016 Roads surface, pavement and kerbs

              Margaret Avenue
              2015-2016 Roads surface, pavement and kerbs
              Margaret Avenue/Surf Parade intersection signalisation
              Footpath widening northern side of road

              Surf Parade
              2016-2017 Streetscape upgrade, (Commonwealth
              Games /Maintenance Asset renewal project) Pedestrian
              Priority Zone Project

              Victoria Mall
              Commonwealth Games project

              Kurrawa Park
              Commonwealth Games project

              Sewer pump station
              2016-2017 upgrade to pump station to accommodate for
              future population growth

              Footpath works
              City of Gold Coast project. Widening of footpath and some
              streetscape works to Surf Parade between Victoria Avenue
              and Elizabeth Avenue

              Surf Parade (north)
              Footpath widening from Queensland Avenue to Chelsea Avenue

       11     Surf Parade (south)
              Footpath widening from Margaret Avenue to Elizabeth Avenue

            For more information about upcoming projects,
            contact City of Gold Coast on 1300 465 326.

                                                                           Oasis redevelopment on Surf Parade. Image courtesy of City Place Making.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                25
Kurrawa/Pratten Park – City recreation park.                             Federation Park – Local recreation park.                                    Victoria Park during Blues On Broadbeach 2014.

3.11 Green open space
Kurrawa/Pratten Park is the dominant park within the precinct,               Usage of precinct parks                                                 Open space ratio
with high activity use during the week and on the weekend. It’s the          Kurrawa/Pratten Park caters for a large number and variety of           New York City (NYC) has a goal of achieving 2.5 acres
most iconic park within Broadbeach and is host to a number of                users and is promoted as a location for passive recreation, festivals   (10,117 metres squared) per 1000 persons.
different events throughout the year.                                        and special events. It also has permanent features such as the all
                                                                                                                                                     According to (demographic information and
Federation Park and Victoria Park are similar in size and both               abilities playground which caters for people with disabilities.
                                                                                                                                                     statistics online service), at the time of the 2011 ABS census,
are relatively quiet with low activity use. Victoria Park is used for        Victoria Park has very low patronage considering its key                Broadbeach had a population of 4,614 persons.
major events such as Blues on Broadbeach. The limited pedestrian             location within the commercial precinct. According to statistics
permeability and access to these parks may affect user activity.                                                                                     To match the desirable open space NYC ratio, Broadbeach
                                                                             approximately 12 per cent of all visitors to the Broadbeach core
                                                                                                                                                     requires an open space network of approximately 46,680 metres
Gold Coast Bulletin Centenary Park is categorised as                         precinct visit Victoria Park spending just over 30 minutes per visit.
                                                                                                                                                     squared. Currently Broadbeach’s open space totals 165,893
amenity space. With a major highway, arterial road and a                     It could be suggested that these figures do not give an accurate
                                                                                                                                                     metres squared which is nearly four times that of NYC’s goal.
natural water course bordering this park, activity use is low                account of actual usage as pedestrians may only be using the
and is usually associated with pedestrians walking to and from               public facilities and bus stops on Victoria Avenue and Surf Parade
other destinations.                                                          which abut Victoria Park.

Parks and open space assets officer                                          Although no usage statistics are available for Federation Park,
                                                                             from visual inspections, usage is seen as restricted to
Several key open space issues were discussed with Broadbeach                 professionals on work breaks and a small number of residents
Alliance in May 2011 by a City officer. Some of these issues included:       from neighbouring accommodation.
•    over-embellishment could affect the usability of parks                  Nearly 100 per cent of usage of Gold Coast Bulletin Park is
                                                                             pedestrians walking through from one destination point to another.
•    opportunities to decrease traffic accessibility and promote
     pedestrian access by increasing footpath width to include more          Open space connectivity
     trees and grassed areas                                                 There is a great opportunity for people to connect with the
•    alliance with Education Queensland for community use of                 parklands which are within walking distance from residential
     school ovals                                                            towers, office and shops, and transport nodes.

•    sacrificial/temporary open space - community gardens in                 The strength of the ‘green connectivity’ (or green linkage) of the
     proposed development sites, reclaiming of parking bays.                 open space network however, is poor, restricted by the barriers of
                                                                             vehicular carriageways and lack of established trees and garden
                                                                             beds in connecting streets.

                                                                                                                   Value of land based on recent sale of City
                                                                                                                   land of $3,000,000* for 1138m2
Gold Coast Bulletin Centenary Park – amenity space.
                                                                                                                   *Figure derived from Gold Coast Bulletin
                                                                                                     1             article, 14 September 2014

                                                                                                                   Kurrawa/Pratten Park
                                                                                                                   Category   - City Recreation Park
                                                                                                                   Area       - 123,981m2
        Gold Coast Planning Scheme 2003                                                                            Use        - High
        The intent for public open space in Broadbeach Local Area Plan                                             Owner      - City of Gold Coast
                                                                                                                   Value      - $326,813,916*
        in the Gold Coast 2003 Planning Scheme aims:                                     3
                                                                                     4                             Federation Park
        “To retain and improve existing open space areas, and to                                                   Category   - Local Recreation Park
                                                                                                                   Area       - 5000m2
        facilitate a wide range of active and passive recreation                                                   Use        - Low
        opportunities consistent with the needs of the tourist and                                                 Owner      - City of Gold Coast
                                                                                                         1         Value      - $13,200,000*
        residential catchments they serve...
                                                                                                                   Victoria Park
        The small parks also offer opportunities for passive recreation                                            Category   - Local Recreation Park
        and for the staging of festivals and special events, in                                                    Area       - 5112m2
                                                                                                                   Use        - Low
        association with the adjacent commercial areas. These                                                      Owner      - City of Gold Coast
        opportunities are to be protected...                                                                       Value      - $13, 500,000*

        It’s intended to create a pedestrian link along the Little                                                 Gold Coast Bulletin Centenary Park
                                                                                                                   Category   - Amenity Space
        Tallebudgera Creek corridor to provide recreational access                                                 Area       - 17,300m2 (usable space 8350m2)
        and pedestrian connectivity between the different precincts.                                               Use        - Low
                                                                                                                   Owner      - City of Gold Coast
        Riparian vegetation is also intended to be preserved,                                                      Value      - $45,600,000*
        rehabilitated where required and enhanced within this                                                                 (usable space $22,000,000)

        waterway corridor.”                                                                                        Moya Egerton Park
                                                                                                                   Category   - Amenity Space
        At the time of writing, the City Plan 2015 has been released and                                           Area       - 14,500m2
                                                                                             5                     Use        - Moderate
        these parks will be guided in part by an overriding Open Space
                                                                                                                   Owner      - QLD State
        Zone Code which looks at favourable outcomes based on land                                                 Value      - N/A
        use, character and built form, among others.
                                                                                                                   Gold Coast Convention Centre
                                                                                                                   Category   - Open Space Linkage
                                                                                                                   Area       - 10,389m2
                                                                                                                   Use        - Low
                                                                                                                   Owner      - Private
                                                                                                                   Value      - N/A

        Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                   27
3.12 Service infrastructure
The following maps outline the extensive network of service infrastructure in
                                                                                                               Water                                                        Stormwater
Broadbeach. The earliest recorded underground service (potable water main)
still in operation was installed in 1950 along the Gold Coast Highway. Some
points of interest include:

•     Asbestos cement is found in a majority of the potable water and sewer mains
      as many of these pipes were installed in the 1970s and 1980s, however,
      newer pipes are made from PVCU (sewer) and CLDI (water).

•     During early works of the light rail project, some of the underground service
      infrastructure was upgraded. Locations of upgrades were limited to areas in
      the light rail corridor.

•     Overhead power lines still dominate some of the key streets of Broadbeach
      such as Queensland Avenue and Elizabeth Avenue, which has a significant
      effect on street and pedestrian amenity.

Above ground power vs underground power
The photos above show the difference in street amenity between overhead
and underground power lines. Overhead powerlines restrict significant tree
selection and footpath widening.                                                                               •   majority of pipes installed in 1975, with the earliest   •   pipes installed from 1968
                                                                                                                   installed in 1950                                        •   newer pipes installed as late as 2011
                                                                                                               •   latest upgrade in 2009 on Queensland Avenue              •   pipe sizes range from 150 – 1500mm
    NOTE: The information on this map was obtained from Dekho software program on 25/08/14. As this is a
    desktop analysis, it is recommended a full detailed survey is undertaken prior to any construction works
                                                                                                               •   DIA size of pipes range from 100 – 600mm                 •   depths range from 0.8m – 4.4m
    to determine locations and condition of underground services more accurately.                              •   majority asbestos cement mains.                          •   made from reinforced concrete.

Energex                                                                  Sewer                                              APA Gas
                                                                                                                                                                                           Core Business Precinct

                                                                                                                                                                                           Commercial Precinct

                                                                                                                                                                                           Open Space Precinct

                                                                                                                                                                                           Potential street activity



                                                                                                                                                                                           Overhead Energex line

                                                                                                                                                                                           Underground Energex line



                                                                                                                                                                                           Gas main

                                                                                                                                                                                           High pressure steel gas main

•   majority of power underground in the core precinct area (blue)       •   pipes installed from 1975                      •   gas pipes 1990 – 2002
•   lack of street lights in Surf Parade (Queensland Avenue to           •   newer pipes installed 2010                     •   some pipes were installed without commission dates
    Victoria Avenue)                                                     •   depths range from 0.76m – 4.97m                •   high-gas mains: 32 – 90 DIA
•   network of 11Kv and low voltage power.                               •   majority of pipes made from asbestos cement.   •   high-pressure steel main: 90 – 100 DIA.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                                                                                 29
3.13 Precinct events
Blues on Broadbeach is a free music
festival that started in 2002 and has won
a number of event awards. It spans four
days and nights and is unique as it feeds
on the village-like atmosphere and relaxed
ambience of the precinct.

This yearly event is held on the streets and
parks of the business precinct including
Surf Parade, Victoria Avenue, Victoria Park
and Broadbeach Mall.

Although this event is hugely successful,
                                                                 Blues on Broadbeach, 2015. Image courtesy of Broadbeach Alliance.
the streets and parks could be better
designed to accommodate the event by
providing a safer and more comfortable
experience for visitors and locals.              1

Broadbeach Jazz is a weekend event that
occurs in August. It includes a number                   4               Key
of entertainment activities throughout
Broadbeach for all ages and features a                                          Major Attractions
number of outdoor stages, a host of street                                      Broadbeach Jazz – August
entertainment and eclectic street markets.                   3
                                                                                Broadbeach Country Music Festival – June

                                                                                Blues on Broadbeach – May

     Busking locations                                                          Broadbeach Markets

     •   eastern end Broadbeach Mall                                            Opera in the Park – October

     •   mall area adjacent to access stairs                                    Busking locations

     •   Broadbeach Mall Stage                                                  Other events
     •   boardwalk                                                              Convention Centre
                                                     2                          All year concerts, exhibitions, sporting, sales, conventions
     •   old Stage area western end of Mall
         adjacent to Niecon Plaza entry                                         Victoria Park
                                                                                All year used as additional space for all events
     •   Wave corner (corner Surf Parade and
         Victoria Avenue)                                                       Kurrawa Park
                                                                                All year concerts, marathons, sporting events
     •   corner Surf Parade and Albert Avenue.
                                                                                Victoria Mall
                                                                                All year used as additional space for all events

                                                                                Jupiters Hotel and Casino
                                                                                All year concerts, conventions, casino

Country Music festival 2014. Image courtesy of Broadbeach Alliance

                                                                                                                                              Country Music Festival 2015. Image courtesy of Broadbeach Alliance.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                                                                       31
Broadbeach at night from T.E. Peters Drive.

3.14 Precinct safety
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
(pronounced Sep-Ted) is a crime prevention strategy which outlines
how physical environments can be designed in order to lessen the
opportunity for crime.

CPTED guidelines consider design and use, identifies which
aspects of the physical environment affect the behaviour of people
and then uses these factors to allow for the most productive use of
space while reducing the opportunity for crime. This might include
changes to poor environmental design such as street lighting and

From a community safety perspective, it would be desirable to
increase the level of lighting consistently throughout the core
commercial precinct. As one of the city’s key entertainment
precincts, a high quality lighting strategy and outcome is
recommended to improve safety and amenity as well as reinforce
the festive theme and vibrancy after hours.

To improve safety and amenity, Main Place laneway could be used
for an artistic lighting project as well as encouraging businesses
to increase active frontages on this lane rather than retaining its
current ‘back of house’ status.

Increased access to public toilets is often raised as a need. There’s
currently a heavy reliance on public toilets located in Victoria Park
and Kurrawa Park as well as the shared private toilets which are
not always centrally/conveniently located, open or safe to access
late at night.

Safety Camera Network

The network has good coverage of central Broadbeach with
cameras monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week which
features a direct communication link to police. There are currently
50 operational cameras in Broadbeach. Maps of camera locations
are available on our website at                Examples of CCTV cameras located throughout the Broadbeach precinct.


Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                          33
4.0                            4.1 Streets
                               4.1.1 Queensland Avenue
                               Queensland Avenue, in its present state, has limited pedestrian amenity and place making opportunities, however it does have the potential to be one of Broadbeach’s best streets. Its
Site Analysis – street scale

                               importance to Broadbeach business centre, Kurrawa Park and beach cannot be underestimated and it’s an entry gateway for the high number of visitors coming from the north. Queensland
                               Avenue has a wide road reserve that borders the business precinct and links the Gold Coast Highway to the beaches. Streetscape improvements will reinforce it as a major pedestrian and
                               cycling link to Kurrawa Park and the beach.


                                                                                                                                       SURF P
                                                                                                                                                     5   FEDERATION PARK

                                                                                           E AVEN

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                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                    6

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                5                   PRATTEN
                                               GOLD C


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           OLD BU
                                                                                                                             SURF P

                                    Key                                                                                                                           New development                                  Frequency of vehicular use
                                                                                                                                                                  • Residential and commercial with allowances     • High frequency of vehicular use along
                                          High amenity planting                                        Overhead power lines                                          made for public car parks                        Old Burleigh Road

                                          Pedestrian access                                            Outdoor dining                                             • Plans indicate street front activation and
                                                                                                                                                                     designs of high pedestrian amenity            Independent commercial premise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Cafe adds to the amenity of the street
                                          Formalised pedestrian crossings                              Active street front
                                                                                                                                                                  Pedestrian access                                • Helps breakdown the private/public
                                          Informal pedestrian crossing points                          Public/private boundary                                    • Minimal width for pedestrian access               boundary by providing an active interface
                                                                                                       (vegetated, wall interface)                                • No road shoulder space due to grade
                                          Change in topography levels                                                                                                change and private interface landscaping      Visual axis and vista
                                                                                                       Public/private boundary                                                                                     • High quality vista looking north from
                                          Exposed to high levels of solar access                                                                                  Pedestrian desire lines                              roundabout north along Old Burleigh Road
                                                                                                       (no defined boundary)
                                                                                                                                                                  • Informal walking track through landscaping     •       Distant views to Q1 as a focal point framed
                                          Strong winds from the east
                                                                                                       Public/private boundary                                       to entry of Convention Centre                         by a stand of Norfolk Island pine trees
                                          On road car parking restricts                                (Wall interface – lacks amenity)
                                                                                                                                                                  Entry to Broadbeach centre – roundabout          Light rail station
                                          pedestrian flow
                                                                                                                                                                  • Key focal point for vehicular entry into
                                                                                                                                                                      Broadbeach centre, the park and beach        Informal crossing point
                                                                                                                                                                  • Existing planting does not reflect the beach   • Crossing point visually ‘sneaks up’ on
                                                                                                                                                                      side character of Broadbeach or provide an       vehicles sweeping into Queensland Avenue
                                                                                                                                                                      appropriate entry statement to the area

Looking west towards Gold Coast Highway from the Phoenician                              Looking west at Federation Park                Failed street tree
Wide footpath with active shop fronts provides adequate pedestrian amenity.              Existing Norfolk Pines provide a comfortable   Tree species is not suitable or consistent
However, there are points where the pedestrian travel route is disjointed as a result    microclimate and shade. The narrow             with other trees on the street.
of 90 degree parking which interrupts pedestrian flow.                                   footpath restricts pedestrian movement.

Looking west towards Surf Parade                                                         Looking west at Federation Avenue intersection                                              Looking east at Federation Avenue
Surface treatment is consistent with existing palette and healthy planting softens the   There is a lack of pedestrian amenity through this section of Queensland Avenue. The        There is poor pedestrian amenity. Overhead power lines restrict street tree planting.
corner. However, the footpath is cluttered with outdoor dining at the intersection.      footpath is narrow and the surface treatment needs an upgrade. The tree planting also       Public/private interface boundary is not aesthetically pleasing and minimal width to the
                                                                                         fails to provide adequate shade and isn’t consistent with original master plan species.     footpath impedes pedestrian movement.
                                                                                         There is no edging around the tree which lessens the appeal of the streetscape.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                                                                                                                                          35
4.1.2 Surf Parade (Queensland Avenue to Victoria Avenue)
Surf Parade is the dominant pedestrian street in Broadbeach with
approximately 200,000 visitors a week. The street is filled with outdoor
dining and other commercial activities, which combined with the avenue                                                                                                             VENU
                                                                                                                                                                        NSL   AND A
of trees brings a human scale to the area. The eastern side of Surf Parade                                                                                         QUEE

is relatively new and contemporary whilst the streetscape elements on the
western side of the road are outdated.                                                                                                                                                                          3

There is no clear pedestrian thoroughfare along either side of the
street as a number of physical elements obstruct the footpaths. Surf
Parade offers protection from the wind and shelter from other weather
conditions. Acoustic levels in Surf Parade are high as a result of the high
frequency of buses and loading trucks.

Large intersections are more conducive to vehicular movement than
pedestrian movement and are not visually appealing.                                                                                                                                                 3                 1


     Key                                                                                                                                                                                                4           ALBE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         RT AV

           Exposed to high levels of noise                 Streetscape – Aria development                    Visual axis/vista
                                                           • Design caters for high pedestrian amenity       • A nice vista/visual axis to Kurrawa Park
           Outdoor dining                                                                                        is realised upon entering Surf Parade
                                                           • Build outs for street trees allow increased
                                                               pedestrian circulation space                      from Phoenician arcade which connects
           Active street front                                                                                   to Main Place
                                                           • Awnings over the path bring a ‘human scale’
           Formalised pedestrian crossings                     to the space                                  Pedestrian barrier                                                                 3
                                                           • Commercial activity allows private/public       • The absence of pedestrian access across
           Pedestrian access/Informal crossing points          interaction                                      Victoria Avenue on the western side of
                                                           • Artwork on building adds interest to               Surf Parade creates a disconnect between
           Pedestrian access barrier                           Surf Parade                                      activity zones
                                                                                                             • Pedestrian access across Victoria Avenue on
           Surface grade change                            Streetscape – Wave development
                                                                                                                the eastern side of Surf Parade is not clear
                                                           • Design caters for high pedestrian amenity          and relatively dangerous                                                7                       2
           Artwork on Aria
                                                           • Large expanse of pedestrian circulation
                                                                                                             Pedestrian bridge
                                                               space reduces footpath congestion

           Mature street trees                                                                               • Outdated pedestrian bridge with limited use.
                                                           • Awnings over the path bring a ‘human scale’
                                                                                                                Adds to the visual clutter of this intersection

           Pedestrian circulation space                        to the space whilst also protecting patrons

                                                               from the weather                              Phoenician development
           Outdated shop signage facing Surf Parade        • Commercial activity allows private/public       • The form/shape of the building creates a white
                                                               interaction                                      wall along the western side of the street
           Low wall at intersection – visually                                                                                                                                                                                       U  E
                                                           High pedestrian activity                          Angled car parking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          RIA   AVEN
           displeasing                                                                                                                                                                                              VICTO
                                                           • Large numbers of pedestrians and outdoor        • Angled car parking protrudes into footpath
                                                              dining activity has created footpath              space affecting pedestrian circulation in                           E
                                                              congestion in these areas                         the area                                                   RIA A
                                                                                                                                                                                                5           6

Looking south down Surf Parade at the Albert Avenue intersection                            Looking north along Surf Parade from Victoria Avenue                                    Looking north to Surf Parade from Victoria Park
The frequency of delivery vehicles that exit Albert Avenue and head south to the busy       The intersection has wide lanes and a large expanse of asphalt. The pedestrian bridge   There is a lack of pedestrian connectivity and permeability from Surf Parade to Victoria
intersection of Surf Parade and Victoria Avenue is high. This is due to a large number of   is dated and adds to the visual clutter of the area.                                    Park, reinforcing the idea that vehicles dominate the precinct.
loading bays located on the southern side of Albert Avenue.

Looking east towards Kurrawa Park from Phoenician Arcade                                    Looking north towards Queensland Avenue and Federation Park                             Looking south towards Victoria Avenue
This is a pleasant entry to Surf Parade with a focal point of Kurrawa Park. There’s         Outdoor dining ‘tents’ and parking bays create visual clutter and disrupt pedestrian    Outdoor dining ‘tents’ create visual clutter and disrupt pedestrian movement in Surf Parade.
potential to strengthen the visual axis and connection to the park.                         movement in Surf Parade.

Broadbeach Core Business Precinct Master Plan – March 2016 – Version 1                                                                                                                                                                                                             37
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