Exhibitor Information - succeet

Page created by Alicia Robles
Exhibitor Information - succeet
The New Trade Show of the Insights Industry

                                                      Status: December 2020, changes possible

 Exhibitor Information

Premium Partners   Cooperation Partner
                                                                             +49 7151 / 90 383 90
Exhibitor Information - succeet
The New Trade Show of the Insights Industry

Same same - but different                                                    The hybrid event succeet21 consists of two strong pillars:

                                                                             The presence event: since the former Research & Results no longer exists, we have
New - and yet very familiar, that's what we wanted to achieve when we        developed a new event in compliance with the current hygiene regulations.
thought about a new trade show for the insights industry. We wanted to       Essentially, this means more space for the attendees to comply with the distance
enrich proven trade show elements with new, innovative formats.              rules.

The covid-19 pandemic is not the reason, but "only" the occasion for our     The virtual event: this is the answer to possible travel restrictions and opens up new
new concept. Our approach also had to reflect the digitization of our        visitor groups through digital presentation formats. Take this opportunity to present
industry, which brings with it new methods, market players and also          your current topics in April and make new contacts that you can meet in person at the
changed demand/customer structures.                                          presence event in autumn.

We have also done our utmost to optimize cost structures for you by          We realize this hybrid exhibition, presentation and meeting concept in close
offering more space and an additional digital platform.                      cooperation with professional IT companies, proven software tools and the Munich
                                                                             Order Center (MOC) of Messe München.
We think we have succeeded in doing all this.
                                                                             Use our trend-setting platform. See for yourself how you can generate new leads and
In the end, however, it is not our opinion that counts but your              maintain existing contacts.
judgement. We look forward to hearing from you, your feedback, your
suggestions and, of course, to seeing you again soon - in April 2021 at
the latest.                                                                  Heinrich Fischer                          Simone Waller-Klink
                                                                             Managing Partner                          Managing Partner

                                                                                                                                             +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                                                                                                                             info@succeet.de          2
Exhibitor Information - succeet
Fast Facts

The new trade show of the insights industry
                                                        Up to                            4.200 m2
                                                      10.000 m2                           Halls Area
                                                      Total Area

                         Lower Costs                                                                     3
                                                                      57                                 Conference
                                                                    Break-out                            Rooms
                         Wider Reach
                                                          2                              Presentation
                                                       Exhibition                          Formats
                                                       Center          MOC
                         Greater Effect
                                                                           40 h                        720 h
                                                                           Live                     Online
                                                                        (virtual +            (including archive
                                                                        presence)                   month)
  One time - Any place        One time - One place
     Virtual event              Presence event                                       High
   April 14-16, 2021          October 27 - 28, 2021                                  Cost Efficiency
    digital platform             MOC Munich

                                                                                             +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                                                                             info@succeet.de        3
Exhibitor Information - succeet
The Customer Journey at a Glance

  Company/      Brochure                 Text-/    Preliminary discussion/    Technical          Presentation
Product Video                         Video Chat         clarification        Discussion
                           Networ-                                                                                   Business
                            king                                                                                     Success

             Virtual                                                                        Presence
                                                        Make                               Trade Show
         Exhibition Stand
                       Whitepaper/                                                  Networking          Intensive
    Career Offers/     Professional Web Presentation                                                    Workshop
  Job Advertisements      Article   live/pre-recorded

                                                                                                          +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                                                                                          info@succeet.de        4
Exhibitor Information - succeet
The Trade Show Concept
                                                         Unpredictable times require flexible formats. Therefore, the trade show succeet21
                                                         consists of two complementary presentation formats

Presence event (27–28/10/2021)                            Virtual event (14-16/04/2021)

The hall layout of the presence exhibition is             This will be set up for 3 days in April on a digital fair and presentation platform and offers the exhibitors the
specially adapted to the current hygiene                  possibility to present their companies by means of digital contents. The digital exhibition and presentation
regulations.                                              platform is the basis of the event: In a closed online portal, to which attendees gain access by registering,
                                                          exhibitors present themselves on virtual exhibition stands and provide content and information in digital
It will take place in Hall 4 of the MOC (Munich           form:
Order Center), which has a decisive advantage: it is
connected via a staircase in the foyer to Atrium 4        Short profiles, white papers, product videos, image films, links to websites and further offers, career
on the first floor, where the conference rooms and        opportunities, contact information, contact form, text and video chat and much more.
the show/breakout rooms are available.
                                                          In addition, the exhibitor has the opportunity to book web presentations, which can be presented live as part
In addition to their exhibition stands, exhibitors        of the online conference program or accessed as video. After the 3 live days, the virtual event will remain
can also hold presentations there for smaller and         open for attendees until mid-May.
larger groups. All conference rooms are well
ventilated and large enough to implement the              The main purpose of the virtual event is to give access to the current offering of the insights industry to
required hygiene concept. For hall 4, a stand             attendees who cannot attend the presence event due to travel restrictions. It is not positioned as a
concept was developed in cooperation with the             replacement, but as a supplement to the presence trade show. The virtual event can be booked separately
supervisory authorities and the Munich Trade Fair         by those exhibitors who cannot travel. All exhibitors at the presence event will receive a digital stand
Centre, which guarantees compliance with the              included free of charge.
distance regulations and enables a safe meeting of
the trade show participants.                              If the presence event cannot take place due to possible covid-19 restrictions, the virtual event serves as a

Virtual event live from April 14 to 16, 2021 (can also be visited in the archive until mid-May)
Presence event on October 27 and 28, 2021 at the MOC Munich                                                                                         +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                                                                                                                                    info@succeet.de           5
Exhibitor Information - succeet
Target Groups
                                                    succeet21 is the international trade show of the insights industry with the
                                                    following target groups:

Visitor target groups                                                Exhibitor target groups

Current and potential clients and buyers of projects, services and   ▪   Market Research Agencies (full service)
products:                                                            ▪   Field Organizations
                                                                     ▪   Viewing Facilities
▪   Insights Managers                                                ▪   Data Analytics Companies
▪   Corporate Market Researchers                                     ▪   Online Panel Providers
▪   Marketing Specialists                                            ▪   Data Collection / Evaluation and Visualization Services
▪   Data Analysts                                                    ▪   Software Providers
▪   Managing Directors                                               ▪   Hardware Providers
▪   Agency Market Researchers                                        ▪   Customer Experience Research
▪   Product Managers                                                 ▪   Business Intelligence
▪   …                                                                ▪   Market Intelligence
                                                                     ▪   B2B Research
                                                                     ▪   Pharmaceutical Research
                                                                     ▪   POS Research
                                                                     ▪   Associations / Organizations

                                                                                                                                   +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                                                                                                                   info@succeet.de        6
Exhibitor Information - succeet
Overview of Costs and Services
                                                         When booking a stand at the presence event, a stand at the virtual event is
                                                         included free of charge. You will find all details on the following pages.

                Presence event October 27-28, 2021                                                     Virtual event April 14-16, 2021

Performance                                     Prices in EUR                                 Performance                                 Prices in EUR

Registration                                                                                  Registration
                                                    500                                                                                        300
Fee                                                                                           Fee
Physical             Individual Stand        Individual Stand             Standard Stand      Virtual               Exhibition Stand large           Exhibition Stand small
Exhibition              from 20 m2              12 - 19 m2                     12 m2          Exhibition                 10 widgets                        5 widgets
Stand                   430/m2 (1)              430/m2 (1)                   3,390 (1))       Stand                          3.390                            2.520
Virtual              Exhibition Stand        Exhibition Stand
                                                                   Exhibition Stand small     Optional additional services
Exhibition                large                   large
                                                                           320 (1)
Stand                     390 (1)                 390 (1)                                                                Up to 2 Web
                                                                                              Web Presen-                                             1 Web Presentation
Optional additional services                                                                                             Presentations
                                                                                              tation live (2)                                                890
                                                                                                                           890 each
Construction                   -                     -                                        Web Presen-                Up to 2 Web
                                                                           all-inclusive                                                              1 Web Presentation
Package                                                                                       tation pre-                Presentations
                                                                                              recorded (2)                 790 each
                          Up to 2
Live                                          1 Presentation              1 Presentation
                       Presentations                                                          Video Chat                     Can be integrated free of charge
Presentation                                       890                         890
                         each 890                                                             Tool                           Exhibitor bears costs for chat tool
                    Up to 2 Workshops          1 Workshop                  1 Workshop         Text Chat                      Can be integrated free of charge
                        3 x 45 min.            3 x 45 min.                  3 x 45 min        Tool                      Chat tool can be provided by the organizer
                         each 590                  590                          590           (1) When booking a stand at the presence event, a stand at the virtual event is
                                                                                                  included. Only the agency service of EUR 390 (large stand) or EUR 320 (small
Break-out                 All day                 All day                    All day
                                                                                                  stand) will be charged.
Room                       890                     890                        890             (2) A maximum of 2 web presentations can be booked for the large exhibition
                                                                                                  stand and 1 web presentation for the small exhibition stand.
All prices in this price list are subject to VAT at the statutory rate.
The General Terms and Conditions of Business at www.succeet.de apply.                                                                              +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                                                                                                                                   info@succeet.de               7
Exhibitor Information - succeet
Costs and Services
                                                                      The following formats are available for exhibitors to book.
                                                                      The below booking rules apply:

For exhibitors at the presence event:                                                                                             For exhibitors at the virtual event:

When booking a stand at the presence fair, a digital presentation area is included in the price:                                  The virtual event can be booked without presence event

▪ When booking an individual exhibiton stand, the large digital presentation area (up to 10                                       The offered additional presentation formats (web
  widgets*), value EUR 3,000, is included*                                                                                        presentations live and web presentations pre-recorded)
                                                                                                                                  can only be booked when booking a large or small digital
▪ When booking a standard exhibition stand, a small digital presentation area (up to 5 widgets*),                                 exhibition stand. The offer is limited.
  value 2,200, EUR is included*
                                                                                                                                  An exhibitor with a small digital stand can book one web
The offered presentation formats (live presentations, intensive workshops, meeting rooms for                                      presentation, an exhibitor with a large digital stand can
individual programs) can only be booked when booking an exhibition stand. Since the offer is limited,                             book two web presentations. Additional bookings are
an exhibitor can only book each of these presentation formats once. Exhibitors with a stand area of                               possible if there are still capacities available after the
20 m² or more can book each presentation format twice. Additional bookings are possible if there are                              registration deadline.
still capacities available after the registration deadline.

Furthermore, the exhibitor at the presence event has the opportunity to book one web presentation
(when booking a standard stand) or two web presentations (when booking an individual stand of
>20m²) at the virtual event.

*The support service of the advertising agency ANTARES in the amount of EUR 390 (large digital presentation area) or EUR
320 (small digital presentation area) is charged additionally. A widget corresponds to a link within the EXPO-IP platform (e.g.
brochure stand with several PDF documents).

                                                                                                                                                                     +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                                                                                                                                                     info@succeet.de           8
Costs and Services of the Presence Event

Registration fee                                            EUR 500                               Presentations:

Services: Entry in the trade show catalog, proportional attendee advertising, entry in the        Exhibitors can book the following additional presentation formats for in-depth attendee information:
digital search catalog
                                                                                                  Live Presentation (duration 30 min)                                             EUR 890
Exhibition Stands:
                                                                                                  Three conference rooms, each approximately 250 m², are available at the trade show, in which live
Individual Stands can be booked from a size of 12 m²:                                             presentations can be held in rotation. Each conference room can accommodate about 40 to 50 people,
Price per m² stand space                          EUR 430                                         subject to the rules of distance.
                                                                                                  Services provided by the organizer: Conference room (incl. seating, presentation technology, technical
                                                                                                  support), pre-registration via the organizer's website, application in the exhibition catalog
Standard Stands with 12 m²
Price                                                       EUR 3.390                             Intensive Workshop (3 lectures of 45 min in a row)                              EUR 590
Stand construction package                                  EUR 900
                                                                                                  A sufficiently large number of smaller conference rooms (break-out rooms), each with a size of
The standard stand areas have a width of 3 meters and a depth of 4 meters. As a rule,             approximately 69 to 75 m², are available at the trade show, in which live presentations can be held in
these cannot be designated as corner stands due to legal requirements. On request, a              rotation. Each conference room can accommodate about 10 to 15 people, subject to the rules of
stand construction package can be booked for 900 EUR, which includes the following                distance. The Intensive Workshop format is defined by 3 presentations of 45 minutes each in succession,
services: Side and rear walls white, overall height 250 cm, carpeting anthracite, 1 power         which can be booked either in the morning or in the afternoon. The total usage time of the conference
socket, 1 conference table with transparent protective wall, 4 upholstered chairs black,          rooms is 3 hours.
1 brochure stand, fascia 150 x 30 cm (incl. 15 letters), standard power (3kW), assembly           Services of the organizer: seminar room incl. tables and seating, pre-registration via the organizer‘s
and disassembly.                                                                                  website, application in the exhibition catalog.

General notes: The price refers to the pure exhibition space and does not include stand           Meeting Room for Individual Program (per day)                                   EUR 890
construction or additional costs. Each exhibitor is responsible and liable for the stand
construction. All legal regulations and guidelines must be observed. Upon request, our            At the event there are a sufficient number of conference rooms (break-out rooms), each with a size of
contractual partner MEPLAN GmbH offers a variety of inexpensive rental systems                    about 69 to 75 m², which can be used by exhibitors to present an individual program. These conference
(www.meplan.de). All details can be found in the Conditions of Participation and in the           rooms can be booked by the exhibitors on a daily basis. Each conference room can accommodate about
"Exhibitor Service Booklet 2021". These documents are an integral part of the contract            10 to 15 people, subject to the rules of distance. Services provided by the organizer: seminar rooms incl.
and are available for download on the website www.succeet.de or can be sent on                    tables and seating, pre-registration via the organizer's website, application in the exhibition catalog.

General notes for all presentations:
▪ Attendees must register in advance for all                 ▪ The organizer can reject unsuitable topics                                                        All prices subject to legal value added tax
  presentations. The decision on the admission of            ▪ The exhibitor is responsible for the contents of his presentations.
  attendees is made by the exhibitor.                        ▪ One presentation format can be booked per exhibitor. From a
▪ The exhibitor has the opportunity to present topics of       stand space of 20 m² two presentation formats can be booked.
  his choice.                                                  Further bookings are possible if there are still capacities available                                            +49 7151 / 90 383 90
▪ Proposals for topics must be submitted to the organizer      after the registration deadline on 30/06/21                                                                                                     9
  by 11/08/2021.
Costs and Services of the Virtual Event
                                                             The virtual event can be booked without the presence event. Booking deadline is on 29 January, 2021. Topics have
                                                             to be submitted by 12 February, 2021. Exhibitors are free to submit their topics, however, the organiser is entitled
                                                             to reject unsuitable topics.

Registration Fee                                                       EUR 300                    Web Presentation live                               EUR 890
Services: Entry in the digital trade show catalog, proportional visitor advertising, entry        Services: Up to 30-minute live presentation via GoToWebinar, introduction of
in the digital search catalog                                                                     the speaker (with photo) and the topic in the dashboard of the exhibition
                                                                                                  platform, technical support before and during the event, speaker test run,
Large Digital Stand (up to 10 widgets)                               EUR 3.390                    provision of all information and a short video on the GoToWebinar tool,
Services: Unlimited, non-exclusive right of use of the EXPO-IP standard graphics (5               scheduling, briefing of the speaker by means of a small training session with
trade show stand templates in Photoshop format) including functionality of the virtual            screen transmission, functional test with the speaker
trade show stand
                                                                                                  Web Presentation pre-recorded                      EUR 790
Small Digital Stand (up to 5 widgets)                                EUR 2.520                    Services: Up to 30-minute presentation, introduction of the speaker (with
Services: Unlimited, non-exclusive right of use of the EXPO-IP standard graphics (5               photo) and the topic in the dashboard of the exhibition platform, technical
trade show stand templates in Photoshop format) including functionality of the virtual            support before and during the event, test run, provision of all information for
trade show stand                                                                                  the production of the video, scheduling, coordination, handling and
Services included for exhibition stand large and small:
Provision of an exhibitor information sheet with all necessary information (technical             Text Chat Tool free of charge
data sheet). Collection of all required data and follow-up of contents including checking         Service: Integration of a text chat tool. Any text chat tool that generates a link
the data for completeness, coordination of the final stand by phone or e-mail. Creation           (for example tawk.to) can be integrated
of exhibitor stands based on the supplied stand templates, integration of the individual
graphics, contact data, texts and content supplied by the exhibitors into the EXPO-IP             Video Chat Tool integration free of charge (recommended for optimal
system. The following formats are possible: PDF files, links, images. Link to vote. Data          trade show experience) Costs for chat tool must be paid by the exhibitor
handling, upload of the adapted standard graphics into the EXPO-IP system, data                   Service: Integration of a video chat tool provided by the exhibitor or
transfer, 1 correction phase. Integration of a text chat (e.g. tawk.to), integration of a         recommended by succeet. Any video chat tool that generates a link can be
text and/or video chat tool provided by the exhibitor. Placement of the chat at the               integrated.
exhibition stand. These services are provided by the advertising agency ANTARES,
which we have commissioned. www.antares-werbeagentur.de

              All prices subject to legal value added tax                                                                                                 +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                                                                                                                                          info@succeet.de              10
Facts & Figures of the Presence Event

Venue                                                                     Event date
Munich Trade Fair Centre GmbH                                             October, 27 and 28, 2021
MOC Event Center
Lilienthalallee 40                                                        Opening hours for attendees
80939 Munich - Germany                                                    Wednesday, 27 October, 2021 from 9.00 to 18.30
www.moc-muenchen.de                                                       Thursday, 28 April, 2021 from 9.00 to 17.30

The MOC Event Center is a division of Messe München. Under one roof       Admission fees
there are attractive exhibition halls, conference and event rooms.        For trade show attendees, admission is free of charge on both days of the event.
Maximum flexibility and functionality, the unique ambience, the central
location, the exemplary infrastructure, service and professional teams    Exhibition halls and conference rooms
characterize the MOC. The MOC Event Center Munich has everything it
takes to give an event exclusivity and guarantee exhibitors a coherent    The exhibition takes place in hall 4
trade show appearance.                                                    The conference rooms are located in the foyer to hall 4 and in atrium 4 on the 1st
The MOC Event Center is easy to reach:
by car via the direct freeway connection to the A9                        Set-up times
(1,500 underground parking spaces are available in the building)          Tuesday, 26 October, 2021, 8.00 to 24.00 h
by cab 20 minutes from Munich airport
by subway twelve minutes from the city center                             Dismantling times
                                                                          Thursday, 28 October, 2021, 17.30 to 24.00 h

                                                                                                                                         +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                                                                                                                         info@succeet.de        11
Facts & Figures of the Virtual Event

The EXPO-IP platform is an attractive and efficient platform for digital     A digital trade show ideally consists of the following elements:
events and digital trade fairs and one of the most powerful systems on       ▪ Start screen/entrance/visualized lobby
the market. It has been tried and tested many times and works reliably       ▪ Overview of the exhibitors (hall plan, short profiles)
because it is hosted in an ISO-certified data center in Germany              ▪ Agenda of the organizer
(certification according to ISO/IEC 27001:2013). A number of digital         ▪ Exhibition stands where media is published:
trade fairs have already been successfully realized on this platform (see    ▪ Videos hosted on YouTube, image galleries, download centers, documents, white
references).                                                                    papers, case studies, brochures, data sheets, offering competitions (by integrating
                                                                                external websites), possibility to integrate chat systems (text chat, video chat),
With the EXPO-IP platform it is possible to organize digital events -           integration of contact forms
consisting of exhibition stands and web conferences - which can be
visited with a PC, tablet or smartphone and web conferences can be           Further information:
followed live.                                                               www.expo-ip.com

Brochures, whitepapers, videos, image galleries and live demos, which        Here you can go directly to the EXPO-IP Download-Center:
are provided directly at the exhibitors' virtual stands, provide all the     www.expo-ip.com/expo-ip-demo-videos
information on their service portfolio. Contacting the speakers at the
web presentations or the exhibitors is very easy via text chat, video chat   references:
or the classic telephone.                                                    www.expo-ip.com/referenzen

This makes the Expo-IP platform ideal for acquiring new leads and
enables easy networking.

                                                                                                                                            +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                                                                                                                            info@succeet.de           12
Exemplary Exhibition Stand Templates
       the EXPO-IP Platform

                                   +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                   info@succeet.de        13
Your Organizer

                                                                         Booth booking
The trade show succeet21 is organized by succeet GmbH for the insights
                                                                         Phone: +49 7151 / 90 383 90
industry. The owner team - Heinrich Fischer and Simone Waller-Klink -
                                                                         email: info@succeet.de
has many years of experience in market research, media and marketing.
Heinrich Fischer was a co-organizer of the trade show Research &
Results and Simone Waller-Klink worked for it for many years.

succeet GmbH
Im Baumstückle 45
71334 Waiblingen

     +49 7151 903839-0                                                   Heinrich Fischer                  Simone Waller-Klink
     info@succeet.de                                                     Managing Partner                  Managing Partner
                                                                         heinrich.fischer@succeet.de       simone.waller-klink@succeet.de

Managing Directors:
Heinrich Fischer, Simone Waller-Klink

Status: December, 2020
Changes possible

                                                                         Petra Beißwanger                  Alexandra Frank
                                                                         Sales DACH                        Sales International
                                                                         petra.beisswanger@succeet.de      alexandra.frank@succeet.de

                                                                                                                                   +49 7151 / 90 383 90
                                                                                                                                   info@succeet.de        14
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