Exemption of intragroup transactions following Act 5/2021 of 12 April

Page created by Carol Nichols

Corporate & Commercial

Exemption of intragroup
transactions following Act
5/2021 of 12 April
The concept of related party transactions,
the general elements of the exemption
or authorisation rules and the new rules
on exemption or authorisation of intragroup related
party transactions (Art. 231 bis LSC) are analysed

Reader (Associate Professor) of Corporate & Commercial Law, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Academic Counsel, Gómez-Acebo & Pombo

1.   Introduction

     Spanish legal scholars are divided between             The amendment of the Companies Act (“LSC”)
     those who deny and those who affirm the                by Act 5/2021 has therefore not sought to pro-
     legitimacy of pursuing the group’s interest at         vide a comprehensive regulation of intragroup
     the sacrifice of subsidiary companies through          transactions, including material control or
     the application of the doctrine of “compensa-          comprising substantive or substantive control,
     tory advantages”, vaguely recognised in our            but rather, within the framework of the rules
     law by the Judgment of the Supreme Court               governing directors’ duty of loyalty (as an
     of 11 December 2015. At the time, we argued            addendum to Art. 231 LSC), simply introduces
     that, in the current state of affairs, the safest      for the first time in our legal system a body
     solution for operators was to adopt Group              of rules for the authorisation of intragroup
     Regulations to properly channel contracting            transactions, specifically designed to pro-
     within the group, an instrument of corporate           tect the position of external shareholders of
     governance that today seems to us to be                companies (controlling or controlled) within
     essential.                                             groups (horizontal or vertical). If there are no

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external shareholders, there is no conflict of      ropean Parliament and of the Council of 17
    interest and, therefore, there is no need for       May 2017 amending Directive 2007/36/EC
    any exemption (Art. 529 vicies (2)(a) LSC).         as regards the encouragement of long-term
                                                        shareholder engagement, which has its own
    In accordance with the new regulation, the          objectives and is not susceptible of extended
    directors appointed by the controlling compa-       application (Art. 529 vicies LSC).
    ny in its controlled companies, despite being
    related to the parent company (Art. 230(1)          In the general part, the reference to related
    (e) LSC), may participate in the approval of        transactions must be deduced from the rules
    related party transactions (“subject to conflict    governing directors’ duty of loyalty in the
    of interest”), the approval of which falls to the   event of a (direct or indirect) conflict of in-
    governing body of said controlled companies.        terest, where the prohibition on carrying out
    By the application of the general rules, this       transactions with the company (Art. 229(1)
    prevents such decisions from remaining in the       (a) LSC) extends to carrying out transactions
    hands of the representatives of the external        whose beneficiaries are persons related to
    shareholders in the governing body because          the directors (Art. 230(2) LSC). Consequent-
    only they would offer the independence              ly, related party transactions are those be-
    required by law to exempt a related party           tween the company and its directors or be-
    transaction (Art. 230(2) LSC). On the other         tween the company and persons related to
    hand, if their decision or vote was decisive in     the directors (listed in Art. 231 LSC), when
    approving the transaction, rules are provided       the director or related party is in a situation
    for the shifting of the burden of proof in lit-     of direct or indirect conflict of interest with
    igation that could (potentially) be initiated       the company. The scope to be given to the
    by external shareholders indirectly harmed          concept of “indirect” conflict of interest (dis-
    by this type of conduct, whether to challenge       cussed by our legal scholars) is fundamental
    resolutions or to hold directors liable, so that    in all this regulation, as well as the applica-
    their position is significantly strengthened.       tion in financial terms and in accordance
                                                        with its purpose of the rule describing the
    Prior to analysing the new legal regime, the        connections or associations of related par-
    interpretation of which on some points has          ties.
    not been evident to us, we have considered
    it appropriate to devote a couple of sec-           To the above, it can be added that these are
    tions to recalling the concept of related party     transactions carried out in the sphere of com-
    transactions and the bases of the general           pany management and not company transac-
    procedure to exempt these transactions, as          tions. This is deduced from the same provision
    we believe that this serves as a basis for a        that prohibits them and leaves out “ordinary
    better understanding of the specific rules to       transactions, carried out under standard con-
    exempt intragroup transactions.                     ditions for clients and of scarce significance”
                                                        (Art. 229(1)(a) LSC). It can also be deduced
2. Concept of related party transaction                 from the central role of the governing body
                                                        in the procedure for exempting or author-
    The Companies Act only offers a concept of          ising these transactions: only when there is
    related party transactions in the regulation        a high risk of harm to assets (value of more
    of listed companies, resulting from the trans-      than ten percent of the company’s assets) will
    position of Directive (EU) 2017/828 of the Eu-      the general meeting intervene. Finally, the

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harmlessness of the transaction is analysed       As far as the rules on the conferring of
    by reference to “company assets” and it is        powers are concerned, the intervention of
    required that the transactions be approved        the general meeting is only required either
    “under market conditions”.                        because of the special nature of the deci-
                                                      sion to be taken (external remuneration,
    Capital transactions or transfsers of assets in   prohibition of competition, financial assis-
    the context of amendments to the articles of      tance to shareholders - not intra-group) or
    association or structural changes involving       because of the extraordinary value of the
    the intervention of the general meeting,          transaction (ten percent of the company’s
    where the assignment of assets occurs pre-        assets).
    cisely as an effect of such a resolution of the
    shareholders, are not related transactions.       In these cases, two types of rules are ac-
    It is possible that in the negotiation of this    tivated to protect minorities from the de-
    type of transaction (e.g. the premium to          cisions of the majority. The prohibition
    be paid in a capital increase through the         on voting will only apply to transactions
    offsetting of claims or through cash contri-      between the company and the director -
    butions), a duty of abstention may arise for      shareholder (Art. 190(1)(e) LSC and Judg-
    directors who are in a situation of (direct or    ment of the Supreme Court of 2 February
    indirect) conflict of interest. However, such     2017) and not to transactions between the
    a duty does not exist in the procedural part      company and parties related to the direc-
    of the transaction, since it would otherwise      tors, unless the related party is a share-
    not be possible to carry it out (e.g. drafting    holder and the transaction consists of pro-
    of reports, convening of meetings, etc.).         viding financial assistance (Art. 190(1)(d)
                                                      LSC). Challenges to exemption or authori-
    The related party transaction par excellence      sation resolutions passed with the majority
    would be the approval of the remuneration         support of shareholders involved in a con-
    of directors with executive functions, but        flict of interest (e.g. the shareholders rep-
    it also falls outside this scope because it       resented by the director on the body) will
    comes under the company’s own regulations         be resolved by shifting the burden of proof
    (Arts. 217, 249(3) LSC).                          regarding harm to the company’s best in-
                                                      terest under the terms of Art. 190(3) LSC.
3. General exemption or authorisation pro-
   cedure                                             In all other cases, given that these are
                                                      transactions carried out within the frame-
    The general procedure for the authorisa-          work of the management of the com-
    tion of related party transactions is com-        pany, the competent body is the body
    posed of rules on the allocation of pow-          in charge of that management, pro -
    ers between the different bodies of the           vided that the independence of the di-
    company and rules that seek to ensure             rectors granting the authorisation can
    that said transactions are harmless for the       be guaranteed. If such independence
    company’s assets, that they are carried out       is not guaranteed, the general meet-
    under market conditions and that the ex-          ing must be called upon to authorise
    emption procedure itself is transparent.          the transaction.

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The authorisation or release from the obliga-       principal. The first line of Art. 231 bis(4)
    tions arising from the duty of loyalty pursu-       LSC therefore provides that transactions
    ant to Art. 230 is a non-delegable power of         between the company and its controlled
    the board of directors (Art. 249 bis(c) LSC),       companies (or simply “investees” as es-
    which means that they must be decided               tablished in Art. 529 vicies(3) LSC) are
    jointly in any other form of pluralistic organ-     not considered to be subject to a con-
    isation of the governing body ( joint and sev-      flict of interest, because the conflict lies
    eral directors, joint directors).                   with the directors in their capacity as
                                                        representatives of the parent company
    Transactions carried out without complying          in the governing body of the controlled
    with the exemption procedure shall be void for      companies.
    violation of the law, which shall render them
    unenforceable, unless ratified at the general       As we shall see, one of the main develop-
    meeting of the company, without prejudice           ments in this special scheme to exempt
    to the liability of the directors and, where        intragroup transactions is the exemption
    applicable, of related parties, in accordance       of the representatives of the parent com-
    with the general rules of tort liability (Art.      pany from their duty to abstain in the
    1902 of the Civil Code).                            controlled company.

4. Special features of the authorisation or             4.1.1. Transactions within the remit of
   exemption of intragroup transactions                        the general meeting

    4.1. The exemption in the controlled company               The intervention of the con-
                                                               trolled company’s general meet-
        The risk of private profit extraction in               ing will be necessary for those
        groups will normally be at the expense                 transactions carried out with its
        of the subsidiaries and in the interest                controlling company or other
        of the parent company or other compa-                  group companies (normally sis-
        nies in the group (“upstream” transac-                 ters) which are of an extraordi-
        tions). For this reason, mechanisms for                nary nature, either for qualitative
        the protection of external shareholders                reasons, such as management
        are established in the corporate organi-               decisions which are a “natural”
        sation of the controlled company where                 matter of the general meeting
        the very presence of directors appoint-                (intragroup financial assistance
        ed by the controlling company implies                  is not, as can be deduced from
        the existence of such a risk (Art. 231 bis(1)          Art. 162 LSC), or for quantitative
        to (3) and 231(1)(e) LSC).                             reasons, as the amount or val-
                                                               ue of the transaction (or of the
        The directors of the controlling company               total of all the transactions pro-
        in their capacity as such do not have a                vided for in a framework agree-
        conflict of interest in their decisions re-            ment or contract) exceeds the
        garding controlled companies (or invest-               threshold of ten per cent of the
        ees), since, in relation to those decisions,           company’s total assets (Art. 231
        they are managing the assets of their                  bis(1) LSC).

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Normally, the powers of the gen-       case of joint and several or joint
                 eral meeting will be determined        directors, by consensus.
                 by the value of the transaction,
                 to be calculated on the basis of       Directors who are connected to
                 the individual balance sheet (not      and represent the controlling
                 the consolidated balance sheet),       company may participate in de-
                 given that the aim is to protect       cision-making (simple organisa-
                 the external shareholders of the       tional structure) or vote on resolu-
                 company in question (against           tions (board of directors) aimed
                 the rule provided for listed com-      at approving the transaction. In
                 panies under Art. 529 tervicies(2)     exchange for this derogation of
                 LSC). In addition, the aggrega-        a protective rule of a preventive
                 tion formulas provided for listed      nature (the prohibition on voting
                 companies should be applied in         in Art. 228(c) LSC), a protective
                 order to avoid circumvention of        rule is established that operates
                 the rule (arg. Art. 529 tervicies(1)   a posteriori. This is the shift of
                 LSC).                                  the burden of proof of harm to
                                                        the company’s best interest in
                 In the event that the exemption        the event of a challenge or of the
                 resolution is passed at the gen-       unlawfulness of conduct in the
                 eral meeting, the controlling          event of liability claims for harm
                 company with which the trans-          to the company’s estate, if the
                 action is carried out may vote on      vote of these directors was deci-
                 the approval-authorisation res-        sive for the approval of the trans-
                 olution, since the prohibition on      action or decision (Art. 231 bis(2)
                 voting on exemption resolutions        LSC).
                 applies only to the shareholder
                 who is also a director and not to      Unlike what is generally the case
                 the shareholder affected, except       for exemption resolutions, the
                 in financial assistance resolu-        approval or exemption of intra-
                 tions that cannot be traced back       group transactions entered into
                 to the group’s internal financing      in the ordinary course of business
                 policy, which is outside the remit     and concluded under market con-
                 of the general meeting (Art. 190.1     ditions may be delegated to di-
                 d) LSC in connection with Art.         rectors with executive functions
                 162 LSC).                              or to the company’s senior man-
                                                        agement, who must decide on
            4.1.2. Transactions within the remit of     them under their responsibility
                   the governing body                   and without the cover of the com-
                                                        pany’s business judgment rule
                 The exemption of ordinary intra-       (Art. 226(2) LSC). In this case, an
                 group transactions is a matter for     internal procedure must be im-
                 the governing body which, as a         plemented to periodically assess
                 general rule, must take the deci-      whether the transactions can be
                 sion in plenary session or, in the     considered ordinary transactions

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and whether they have been con-                                   must also be approved by the competent
                    cluded under market conditions                                    body of the controlling company as per
                    (Art. 231 bis(3) LSC).                                            the nature or value of the transaction
                                                                                      (Art. 231 bis(4) LSC).
     4.2. Exemption in the controlling company
          (“downstream” transactions)                                                 This is a logical and sensible rule, although
                                                                                      it raises some problems of application.
            As noted in the previous section, the in-                                 The concept of “relevant shareholder”
            tragroup transaction exemption rules                                      and the “rules on related party transac-
            are designed to protect the interests of                                  tions” are only recognised by law in the
            external shareholders of group companies                                  sphere of listed companies, so it could be
            against the risks of extraction of private                                thought that this provision only applies by
            profits for the benefit of the controlling                                reference to listed controlled companies
            company and to the detriment of the                                       to protect the external shareholders of
            controlled company.                                                       unlisted controlling companies (Art. 529
                                                                                      vicies(3) LSC is already applicable to
            However, it is possible that the direction                                listed controlling companies, in broader
            of such unlawful profit extraction is re-                                 terms).
            versed and it is the controlled company
            that seeks to benefit at the expense of                                   In our opinion, if the aim is to have a
            the controlling company (“downstream”                                     complete system in the area of closely
            transactions). The lawmaker has consid-                                   held companies, this solution should not
            ered that there will be a high risk of this                               be imposed. The references to closely
            happening when in the controlled compa-                                   held companies should be adapted and
            ny (beneficiary) a “relevant shareholder                                  it should be understood that the trans-
            is a party with whom the company could                                    action should (also) be exempted in the
            not carry out the transaction directly                                    controlling company (with external part-
            without applying the rules on related                                     ners) when any of the parties listed in
            party transactions”. In this case, in order                               Art. 529 vicies(1) LSC has a shareholding
            to protect the external shareholders of                                   in the controlling company that is not
            the controlling company, the transaction                                  insignificant (3% or more).

Disclaimer: This paper is provided for general information purposes only and nothing expressed herein should be construed as legal advice or

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