2018 SPONSORSHIP DECK - Up Here festival

2018 SPONSORSHIP DECK - Up Here festival
2018   SPONSO
2018 SPONSORSHIP DECK - Up Here festival
In 2015, Up Here festival was launched in Sudbury, Ontario, inspired by the idea that
 art can transform a community. Thousands of partners, volunteers and passionnate
 individuals answered the call and helped create Northern Ontario’s newest festival.

  Since then, Up Here festival has left a legacy of 24 new murals around Sudbury,
      presented hundreds of musical acts in unique locations, and is growing
              into one of Canada’s most anticipated indie-arts events.

  24 NEW MURALS                     42 CONCERTS                    6000+ PEOPLE

2018 SPONSORSHIP DECK - Up Here festival
 Up Here is a public art and emerging music festival
in the weird and wonderful city of Sudbury, Ontario.


2018 SPONSORSHIP DECK - Up Here festival
                We are a non-profit community art organization called We Live Up Here formed in
                    2012. We’ve created books, public art, and cultural happenings that have
                              engaged thousands and impacted thousands more.

   WE LIVE UP HERE                       YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL                        2ND BOOK LAUNCH                                 UP HERE
          BOOK / 2012                             MURAL / 2013                   BOOK LAUNCH EVENT / 2014                   FESTIVAL / SINCE 2015

  In 2012, a couple of friends got      We’ve completed 20 murals around           The launch of our second book        Our inaugural festival was launched
together to collaborate on a project      town. Our most prominent piece        “We Live Up Here Vol. 2” was a true      in 2015 to great fanfare. Up Here
that aimed at showcasing Sudbury’s      stands 20 feet tall and 50 feet wide.     carnival. Over 800 people passed          festival has since mobilized
 photography scene. We called on         Sudbury is beautiful, but has some       through the century old theatre          our community, transformed
Sudburians to send us their photos.         self-esteem issues. This mural         that night to celebrate with art       Downtown Sudbury, and left a
  We saw 1200 photo submissions            helped build community pride,         installations, live DJs, local bands    public art legacy that will live on
 from 300 photographers, and the          inspire love for our ever-evolving     and surprises galore. In front of a                 for decades.
 book sold out in less than a week.     core and added a little colour to our    packed venue, we announced that
                                               award-winning winters.             we were creating a new festival.

                                       SO NOW WHAT? LET’S KEEP IT UP.

2018 SPONSORSHIP DECK - Up Here festival

                                            MUSIC IS THE HEARTBEAT.
                                                                           INSTALLATIONS  INTERACTIVE ART.

Artists and muralists from Sudbury      After a week of mural painting,       Giant arts installations glow in the streets
  and elsewhere add brand-new          spellbinding concerts by some of     and parks. Its intent: to connect and inspire.
 murals to the walls of Downtown       Canada’s hottest emerging artists     Installation artists from across the country
 Sudbury that serve as a legacy for     help us celebrate an emerging       help us transform the urban landscape into
           years to come.                        cultural scene.                       an interactive art gallery.

2018 SPONSORSHIP DECK - Up Here festival

                                                      CENTRAL PLAYGROUND & OUTDOOR BAR
                                                      This is the main meeting place. A giant
                      ELM   ST                        geodesic dome, art installations, outdoor bar
                                                      and DJs transform an intersection into an
                                                      artistic playground where curious folks of all
                                                      ages conglomerate during the festival.

                                                      MURALS COMPLETED SINCE 2012
                                                      Since 2012, 22 new works of public art
                                                      were completed by local, national and

                                                      internationally renowned artists.


                                                      POTENTIAL MURAL LOCATIONS
                                 BRADY   ST           We are in talks with plenty of property
                                                      owners to bring some of their walls to life.
                                                      We’re getting pretty good at matching up
                                                      stellar artists with stunning walls.
             N   ST
                                                      OUR LOCAL VENUES
                                                      Our formula uses local venues to present
                                                      incredible live music and art. New venues
                                                      will be added in 2018, and of course many
                                                      other pop-up shows and surprises.

2018 SPONSORSHIP DECK - Up Here festival
“For years we’ve been a part of the team behind
Up Here festival. They’ve just infused this great
 energy into the city. It is a unique opportunity
 for our team and our paint. It is really exciting
       for us to be a part of this project.”
                     SPONSOR SINCE 2015

2018 SPONSORSHIP DECK - Up Here festival
2017 2018

        6,100      FESTIVAL ENTRANCES           8,000+
        18-35          AGE GROUP            18-34 (66%)

           SOCIAL REACH
8,500     WE LIVE UP HERE & UP HERE FACEBOOK               10,000
8,000     WE LIVE UP HERE & UP HERE INSTAGRAM                9,500
4,500      WE LIVE UP HERE & UP HERE TWITTER              5,500
 1M+            TOTAL REACH & IMPRESSIONS                     1.3M+

         14            MURALISTS               12
         39              BANDS                 45
        125           TOTAL ARTISTS             150
         15           UP HERE TEAM             20
        100            VOLUNTEERS              120
         12              VENUES                13

2018 SPONSORSHIP DECK - Up Here festival
                   Like you, we are looking for strategic partners to help us reach our goals.

   This is a unique opportunity to reach your target audience, build strong community ties for your business
         and be intimately associated with one of the fastest growing indie-arts events north of Toronto.

PRESENTING                                     POWER UP PROJECT                                  DIGITAL
SPONSOR                                        SPONSOR                                           SPONSOR
$15,000                                        $6,000                                            $5,000

PAINT                                          FAMILY DAY                                        INSTALLATION
SPONSOR                                        SPONSOR                                           SPONSOR
$10,000                                        $5,000                                            $5,000

GRAND                                          EQUIPMENT                                         PRINT
SPONSOR                                        SPONSOR                                           SPONSOR
$10,000 OR 3X $3,500                           $5,000                                            $2,500

NORTHERN SERIES                                DOME                                              CRATER
SPONSOR                                        SPONSOR                                           SPONSOR
$7,500                                         $5,000                                            $2,500

POP-UP                                         MURAL                                             COMMUNITY
SPONSOR                                        SPONSOR                                           SPONSOR
$7,500                                         $5,000 / 6 AVAILABLE                              $1,000
2018 SPONSORSHIP DECK - Up Here festival
                                                              WHAT YOU GET
PRESENTING                                                    ºº Your company presents Up Here 2018

SPONSOR                                                       ºº Your company’s logo will be joined to the Up Here 2018 logo

                                                              ºº Your company’s logo prominently displayed in the concert hall of the
                                                                 main venue (Grand Theatre)

                                                              ºº Your company’s logo will be displayed at all festival’s official venues
We only have one best friend, and it would be you.               (signage at entrance)
Your partnership is exclusive and your company would
                                                              ºº Your company’s logo prominently displayed at the top of UpHere.com
be the official presenter of Up Here.
                                                              ºº Your company’s logo prominently displayed on the festival posters
                                                                 (1,000 copies)
                                                              ºº Your company’s logo prominently displayed on Up Here flyers (10,000


Your brand will be intimately associated with

everything Up Here related and will gracefully                ºº Your company’s name will be mentioned in all radio ads

accompany all of the promotional materials. Your

                                                              ºº Your company’s logo on all tickets and passports
partnership will help us pay artists, transform venues,

                                                              ºº Logo & link in the Up Here app (1200+ downloads)

turn downtown Sudbury into a playground and
ultimately ensure Up Here’s success. You’ll also have         ºº Logo on Facebook profile image
access to all of the venues, festival grounds, the VIP        ·· Logo on festival recap video (100,000+ people reached)
lounge, and surprise events.
                                                              ·· Logo on all newspaper ads

Aside from being meaningfully associated with                 ·· Opportunity to say a few words during the official launch
Northern Ontario’s newest festival, what will you
                                                              ·· 10 All-Access Passports
receive out of it? Here’s what we look forward to
offering you:                                                 ·· 10 extra tickets for the VIP lounge at the Grand Theatre for the Opening
                                                                 Night Concert on Friday

                                                              ·· Shout-out on social media (to 10,000+ engaged followers) upon
                                                                 confirmation of partnership, during the lineup launch, during the week of
                                                                 the festival, and after the festival is complete

                                                              ·· Shout-out from the Grand Theatre Main Stage on Saturday night before
                                                                 the headliner takes the stage

                                                              ·· Loads of love and support!

                                                              ºº   E X C LU S I V E TO T H I S PAC K AG E


GRAND                                                              WHAT YOU GET
                                                                   ºº Your company becomes the presenting sponsor of the main
                                                                      concerts on Friday, Saturday or Sunday nights at the century-
                                                                      old Grand Theatre in downtown Sudbury
The century-old Grand Theatre is home to Up Here’s most
                                                                   ºº Your company’s logo will be displayed elegantly in the Grand
memorable concerts by some of Canada’s hottest up-and-coming          Theatre
                                                                   ·· Opportunity to say a few words during the official launch

THIS IS YOUR STAGE                                                 ·· 12 tickets to the concerts held at the Grand Theatre on Friday,
                                                                      Saturday and Sunday night
During three nights, the theatre is transformed into a carnival
                                                                   ·· Access to the VIP lounge at the Grand Theatre for the Opening
of wonder where curiosity and discovery run rampant, and              Night Concert on Friday
where thirsty audiences share intense moments with some of
                                                                   ·· 6 All-Access Passports
the country’s most established and inspiring musicians. This all
happens because of you.                                            ·· Logo on all newspaper ads for concerts at the Grand Theatre

                                                                   ·· Your company’s logo will appear on UpHere.com
Want a little scoop on which headliners will be taking the stage
on which night? Get in touch with us, and we’ll spill some         ·· Your company’s logo will appear on the festival posters (1,000
beans and set the stage for you.
                                                                   ·· Your company’s logo will appear on Up Here flyers (10,000 copies)
Aside from having your brand associated with the presentation
                                                                   ·· Your campany’s name will mentioned on the official Facebook
of the festival’s most anticipated acts, your company will
                                                                      event pages for the three main concerts at the Grand Theatre
receive these great perks:
                                                                   ·· Your company name will be displayed in the official Up Here app

                                                                   ·· Shout-out on social media (to 10,000+ engaged followers) upon
                                                                      confirmation of partnership, during the lineup launch, during the
                                                                      week of the festival, and after the festival is complete

                                                                   ·· Loads of love and support!

                                                                   ºº   E X C LU S I V E TO T H I S PAC K AG E


NORTHERN SERIES                                                       WHAT YOU GET
                                                                      ºº Your company is the exclusive presenter of the 7 concerts of
                                                                         the Northern Series

                                                                      ºº Your company’s logo will be displayed in the Northern Series
We believe in showcasing the mind-blowing talent from up                 concert venues
here, and if you do too, then this is for you.
                                                                      ·· Opportunity to say a few words during the official launch
PRESENT THE NORTH                                                     ·· 6 All-Access Passports

During the festival, you will be the exclusive presenter of a         ·· 6 extra tickets for the VIP lounge at the Grand Theatre for the
                                                                         Opening Night Concert on Friday

series of 7 intimate and free concerts with 7 up-and-coming
artists with strong Northern Ontario connections. Due to              ·· Your company’s logo will appear on UpHere.com

the free nature of these concerts held daily between 5 and 7          ·· Your company’s logo will appear on the festival posters (1,000

PM, venues are packed at capacity. Who doesn’t want to be                copies)
associated with success?                                              ·· Your company’s logo will appear on Up Here flyers (10,000 copies)

Your brand will be proudly supporting artists associated with         ·· Your campany’s name will mentioned on the official Facebook
Northern Ontario, and your company’s name and logo will                  event pages for the three main concerts at the Grand Theatre
gracefully be on all of the promotional materials for the series.     ·· Your company name will be displayed in the official Up Here app
Your partnership will help us showcase northern talent. You’ll
                                                                      ·· Shout-out on social media (to 10,000+ engaged followers) upon
also have access to all of the venues, festival grounds and VIP          confirmation of partnership, during the lineup launch, during the
lounge on Friday night.                                                  week of the festival, and after the festival is complete

                                                                      ·· Loads of love and support!
Aside from having your brand associated with Up Here and the
support of Northern talent, here’s what we look forward to
                                                                      ºº   E X C LU S I V E TO T H I S PAC K AG E
offering you:


POP-UP                                                               WHAT YOU GET
                                                                     ºº Your company becomes the exclusive sponsor of 6 pop-up
                                                                        shows throughout the festival

No one can keep a secret, and everyone loves surprises. The          ºº Your company’s logo will be displayed elegantly where the
                                                                        pop-up shows take place
Pop-Up Concerts have quickly become one of the signature
experiences at Up Here festival. They are announced through          ·· Opportunity to say a few words during the official launch
the official Up Here app and occur spontaneously throughout          ·· 6 All-Access Passports
the downtown core between official events.
                                                                     ·· 6 extra tickets for the VIP lounge at the Grand Theatre for the

                                                                        Opening Night Concert on Friday
                                                                     ·· Your company’s logo will appear on UpHere.com

As the Pop-Up Sponsor, your brand will be the jack-in-the-box
                                                                     ·· Your company’s logo will appear on the festival posters (1,000

of the festival. Your company will be responsible for those             copies)

spontaneous magical concerts in back alleys, in cracks between

                                                                     ·· Your company’s logo will appear on Up Here flyers (10,000 copies)
buildings and in parking lots that has become a huge part of Up

Here’s appeal.                                                       ·· Your company name will be displayed in the official Up Here app

                                                                     ·· Shout-out on social media (to 10,000+ engaged followers) during
These surprise shows will be announced through push                     the lineup launch and during the week of the festival when an-
notifications on our festival app 30 minutes before they start          nouncing the pop-up shows on social media, and after the festival
and scheduled between other major events (for example, as               is complete

people leave one main venue to head towards another, a free          ·· Loads of love and support!
pop-up show is awaiting them in a parking lot on the way).
                                                                     ºº   E X C LU S I V E TO T H I S PAC K AG E
These unconventional concerts are clearly presented by
your company’s brand. This sponsorship option is ideal for a
company with a savvy social media presence.

Aside from having your brand associated with the element
of surprise at Up Here, your company will receive these great


FAMILY DAY                                                          WHAT YOU GET
                                                                    ºº Your company becomes the exclusive sponsor of Up Here
                                                                       Family Day in Memorial Park

We strongly believe in organizing an accessible event for the       ºº Your company’s logo will be displayed on the site during the
                                                                       Family Day
whole community. Up Here’s big free Family Day takes place on
Saturday afternoon in Memorial Park with family activities, live    ºº Your company presents 3 free concerts in Memorial Park
                                                                       during Family Day
concerts, a kids zone, guided tours of the 20+ murals downtown
and live entertainement for the whole community.                    ·· Your company’s sponsorship will be acknowledged during the
                                                                       official launch

IT’S ALL IN THE FAMILY                                              ·· 4 all-access passes to the festival

Back again this year, cardboard boxes are transformed into a        ·· 6 tickets to the main concert at the Grand Theatre on Friday night
mini village and kids are invited to grab some paint brushes and    ·· Access to the VIP lounge at the Grand Theatre for the Opening
create mini-murals.                                                    Night Concert on Friday

                                                                    ·· Your company’s logo will appear on UpHere.com
Emerging artists from both Northern Ontario and from
across the country take the Family Day stage and provide free       ·· Your company’s logo will appear on the festival posters (1,000
entertainment to hundreds of festival goers.
                                                                    ·· Your company’s logo will appear on Up Here flyers (10,000 copies)
Your brand will be proudly supporting artists associated
with family fun, and your company’s name and logo will              ·· Your company name will be displayed in the official Up Here app

gracefully be on all of promotional materials for the event. Your   ·· Your campany’s name will mentioned on the official Facebook
partnership helps us create a big family day that’s free for the       event pages for the Family Day
whole community.                                                    ·· Shout-out on social media (to 10,000+ engaged followers) during
                                                                       the lineup launch, during the week of the festival, and after the
Aside from having your brand associated with Up Here, here’s           festival is complete
what we look forward to offering you:                               ·· Loads of love and support!

                                                                    ºº   E X C LU S I V E TO T H I S PAC K AG E


DOME                                                                  WHAT YOU GET
                                                                      ºº Your company becomes the exclusive sponsor of the Dome on
                                                                         the street

The giant geodesic dome has become the main gathering place           ºº Your company’s logo will be displayed at the entrance of the
                                                                         Dome throughout the festival
for friends and family between festival events. With an outdoor
urban bar, live DJs and large scale art installations, the 30 foot    ºº Your company is associated with the festival’s main site and
                                                                         its programming
dome is one of the festival’s main attractors.
                                                                      ·· Your company’s sponsorship will be acknowledged during the
THE CENTRE OF IT ALL                                                     official launch

                                                                      ·· 4 all-access passes to the festival
We have many venues, but the Dome is festival’s central venue.
For three days, the Dome becomes the main gathering place to          ·· 6 tickets to the main concert at the Grand Theatre on Friday night
grab a drink between shows, enjoy the outdoor ambiance set by         ·· Access to the VIP lounge at the Grand Theatre for the Opening
DJs’ live spinning, interact with large scale art installations on       Night Concert on Friday
the street and maybe even host a pop-concert or two.                  ·· Your company’s logo will appear on UpHere.com

Your partnership will help us transform the street and ensure         ·· Your company’s logo will appear on the festival posters (1,000
Up Here’s success. Your brand will be proudly presenting the
Dome and its ambitious programming. Your company’s logo               ·· Your company’s logo will appear on Up Here flyers (10,000 copies)
will appear at the entrance of the Dome.
                                                                      ·· Your company name will be displayed on the official Up Here app

As the Dome sponsor, you’ll also have access to all of the festival   ·· Shout-out on social media (to 10,000+ engaged followers) during
venues and events. Aside from having your brand associated               the lineup launch, during the week of the festival, and after the
                                                                         festival is complete
with Up Here, here’s what we look forward to offering you:
                                                                      ·· Loads of love and support!

                                                                      ºº   E X C LU S I V E TO T H I S PAC K AG E


MURAL                                                               WHAT YOU GET
                                                                    ºº Your company becomes the exclusive sponsor of one of the
                                                                       new murals completed during Up Here

                                                                    ºº Your company’s logo will be displayed on site while the
As a Mural Sponsor, you will be responsible for the creation of a
                                                                       muralist is at work
brand new public art piece.
                                                                    ºº Your company’s logo will be displayed on a plaque on the
LEAVE A MARK                                                           new mural upon mural completion that will remain there for
                                                                       years to come

In the weeks leading up to the festival, muralists are hard at      ·· Your company’s sponsorship will be acknowledged during the
work on their murals drawing thousands to downtown Sudbury.            official launch
We are looking for passionate companies or organizations to         ·· 4 all-access passes to the festival
leave a legacy in our downtown core.
                                                                    ·· 6 tickets to the main concert at the Grand Theatre on Friday night
We believe that public art has the power to transform the way       ·· Access to the VIP lounge at the Grand Theatre for the Opening
we view and interact with our city by bringing people together         Night Concert on Friday
and connecting us with our urban landscape. If you believe this     ·· Your company’s logo will appear on UpHere.com
as well, read on.
                                                                    ·· Your company’s logo will appear on the festival posters (1,000
Your brand will be proudly associated with the creation of a
new public art piece. Your logo will be associated directly with    ·· Your company’s logo will appear on Up Here flyers (10,000 copies)
the mural on a descriptive plaque that will remain their for
                                                                    ·· Your company name will be displayed in the official Up Here app
years toc ome.
                                                                    ·· We will give your company a shout-out on social media (to
Aside from having your brand associated with Up Here and the           10,000+ engaged followers) upon completion of the mural, and
                                                                       after the festival is complete
transformative power of public art, your company will receive
the following perks:                                                ·· Loads of love and support!

                                                                    ºº   E X C LU S I V E TO T H I S PAC K AG E


DIGITAL                                                            WHAT YOU GET
                                                                   ºº Your company presents the official Up Here app on iOS and

                                                                   ºº Your company’s logo will be displayed elegantly on the first
The official Up Here app is a cornerstone of the festival
                                                                      page of the official Up Here app
experience. Festival goers recieve the notifications for pop-up
concerts, dive into the festival lineup, discover public art and   ·· Your company’s sponsorship will be acknowledged during the
                                                                      official launch
keep connected with friends throughout the event.
                                                                   ·· 4 all-access passes to the festival
CONNECT WITH PEOPLE                                                ·· 6 tickets to the main concert at the Grand Theatre on Friday night

As Digital Sponsor, your company is the presenting sponsor of      ·· Access to the VIP lounge at the Grand Theatre for the Opening
the official Up Here app that was installed on more than 1200         Night Concert on Friday
devices in 2016.                                                   ·· Your company’s logo will appear on UpHere.com

Aside from having your brand associated with the official Up       ·· Your company’s logo will appear on the festival posters (1,000
Here app, your company will receive some of the following
perks:                                                             ·· Your company’s logo will appear on Up Here flyers (10,000 copies)

                                                                   ·· Shout-out on social media (to 10,000+ engaged followers) during
                                                                      the lineup launch, during the week of the festival, and after the
                                                                      festival is complete

                                                                   ·· Loads of love and support!

                                                                   ºº   E X C LU S I V E TO T H I S PAC K AG E


INSTALLATION                                                               WHAT YOU GET
                                                                           ºº Your company is the exclusive sponsor of the interactive art
                                                                              installations presented at Up Here

                                                                           ºº Your company’s logo will be displayed on the site of the art
Installation art is giant art pieces that call to be interacted
with. They blink, they flash, and they add a level of wonder to
festival. Installations transform vacant spaces into beautiful             ·· Your company’s sponsorship will be acknowledged during the
                                                                              official launch
temporary art galleries. Installation art is our fairy dust.
                                                                           ·· 4 all-access passes to the festival

                                                                           ·· 6 tickets to the main concert at the Grand Theatre on Friday night

As Installation Sponsor, your company will present over 7 large-           ·· Access to the VIP lounge at the Grand Theatre for the Opening

scale art installations presented at Up Here all-night art crawl.             Night Concert on Friday

Inspired by Nuit Blanche, various installations artists create
                                                                  I M      ·· Your company’s logo will appear on UpHere.com

large scale interactive pieces in and around downtown Sudbury              ·· Your company’s logo will appear on the festival posters (1,000

and transform the way festival goers view and interact with our
city and our urban landscape.                                              ·· Your company’s logo will appear on Up Here flyers (10,000 copies)

                                                                           ·· Your company name will be displayed in the official Up Here app
Aside from having your brand associated with the presentation
of large scale installation art throughout downtown Sudbury,               ·· Shout-out on social media (to 10,000+ engaged followers) during
                                                                              the lineup launch, during the week of the festival, and after the
your company will receive some of the following perks:
                                                                              festival is complete

                                                                           ·· Loads of love and support!

                                                                           ºº   E X C LU S I V E TO T H I S PAC K AG E


CRATER                                                              WHAT YOU GET
                                                                    ·· Your company’s sponsorship will be acknowledged during the
                                                                       official launch

So you want to help out support Sudbury’s newest festival but       ·· 6 tickets to the Opening Night Concert at the Grand Theatre on
                                                                       Friday night
don’t have the means to go all out? This sponsorship package is
for you!                                                            ·· Access to the VIP lounge at the Grand Theatre for the Opening
                                                                       Night Concert on Friday

HAVE AN IMPACT                                                      ·· Your company’s logo will appear on UpHere.com

Crater Sponsors will help ensure Up Here’s success. Your brand      ·· Your company’s logo will appear on the festival posters (1,000
will be intimately associated with everything Up Here related and
will gracefully accompany most of the promotional materials.        ·· Your company’s logo will appear on Up Here flyers (10,000 copies)
Your partnership will go towards all aspects of the festival from   ·· Your company name will be displayed in the official Up Here app
paying artists to transforming venues and turning our downtown
                                                                    ·· Shout-out on social media (to 10,000+ engaged followers) during
into an art playground.                                                the week of the festival, and after the festival is complete

In exchange for your contribution, your company will receive the    ·· Unlimited free high-fives!
following perks:


COMMUNITY                                                      WHAT YOU GET
                                                               ·· 2 tickets to the Opening Night Concert at the Grand Theatre on
                                                                  Friday night

Community Sponsors help ensure Up Here’s success.              ·· Access to the VIP lounge at the Grand Theatre for the Opening
                                                                  Night Concert on Friday

HELP US BUILD COMMUNITY                                        ·· Your company’s logo will appear on UpHere.com

                                                               ·· Your company’s logo will appear on the festival posters (1,000
Your brand will be intimately associated with everything
Up Here related and will gracefully accompany most of the
promotional materials. Your partnership will go towards all    ·· Your company’s logo will appear on Up Here flyers (10,000 copies)

aspects of the festival from paying artists to transforming    ·· Shout-out on social media (to 10,000+ engaged followers) after the
venues and turning our downtown into an art playground.           festival is complete

                                                               ·· Unlimited free high-fives!
In exchange for your contribution, your company will receive
the following perks:

 Let’s chat about how we can help each other out.

                Maggie Frampton
       Partnerships & Community Engagement
                   705 923-9920

                Christian Pelletier
             Festival Founder & Director
                    705 626-5621


                   “A DIY Tourism Campaign for Sudbury.”
                               THE TORONTO STAR

           “Up Here’s programming is fresh and boundary pushing.”
                                 CHART ATTACK

“A Cultural Renaissance in Sudbury. [We Live Up Here] has done more than any
 multi-million dollar campaign to bolster a sense of pride among its residents.”
                               THE SUDBURY STAR

        « Un festival qui n’a décidément rien à envier aux plus grands. »
                                  BARON MAG
“Up Here is a perfect example of how a city can be
lifted and transformed by an infusion of young, creative
people contributing their talents to make a place better.
  Copy Copy Printing has supported the Up Here team
 since the beginning because we believe that our city is
 made better when art, music and community-minded
people are brought together to celebrate through public
 art and emerging music. And the fantastic energy that
these young people bring to our downtown? We love it!”
                        SPONSOR SINCE 2015

You can also read