EXECUTIVE GLOBAL MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT 2021 - Class Directory Management - London ...

EXECUTIVE GLOBAL MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT 2021 - Class Directory Management - London ...

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EXECUTIVE GLOBAL MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT 2021 - Class Directory Management - London ...
Nancy Baltouna                                                                                 Cleveland G. Barclay III
Nationality: Greek                                                                             Nationality: American
Current Location: London, UK                                                                   Current Location: New York, USA
Current Job Title: Space Planning and Analysis Manager                                         Current Job Title: Director, Global Rights
Current Company: London School of Economics and Political Science                              & Digital Distribution
                                                                                               Current Company: A+E Networks
My name is Nancy and I am from Greece         I am ready for the next step – more
(you cannot miss my very Greek accent).       responsibility and strategic outlook – and       I double-majored in Political Science and
I moved to London five years ago to do        I believe that the EGMiM will be a catalyst      Sociology during my undergrad academic
an MSc in Social Policy and Development       for professional and personal growth             career. However, I’ve been working in
at the LSE. Before that, I worked with        and will help me fill the knowledge gaps         the media industry for the last 15 years
non-governmental organisations as             I have on corporate management (I also           handling global licensing of media
an Advocate for the Greek Council             rely on my brilliant classmates to make          content for an international cable network.
for Refugees and in Organisational            this a dynamic and utterly enriching             When I am not at work, I enjoy raising my
Effectiveness with ActionAid Greece.          experience!).                                    two daughters (ages 7 and 3) and in my
                                                                                               spare time (which seems non-existent
I am passionate about social equity and,      When I don’t talk about space utilisation,       at times), I like to read and hopefully
to spice things up, in my MSc I focused       I love trying new things: samba band,            someday finish writing a best-selling novel
on the role of the private sector in social   storytelling, street dance, being a tourist in   that I can then turn into a blockbuster
welfare. Having fallen in love with London,   London or anywhere cheap airline tickets         multiple Oscar-winning screenplay.
I decided to stay and explore the (semi)      can get me.
private sector, so I started an internship                                                     In the meantime, I would like to develop
at the Property Management Team at                                                             my management skills at my day job so
the LSE. Four years later, I am the Space                                                      that I can segue my career into business
Planning and Analysis Manager, having                                                          development where I can apply academic
an overview of the space management                                                            theories to my ideas and present them
and allocation in the School and proudly                                                       to upper management. I’m also looking
working on the Estates 2030 Strategy.                                                          forward to getting the necessary tools in
Re-engineering processes to increase                                                           order to find new and innovative ways
the Organisation’s effectiveness, data                                                         to monetize the company’s content
crunching to assist decision-making and                                                        and maximize our revenue, which will
change management to achieve buy-in                                                            require new thinking and bold ideas.
from all-level stakeholders have become                                                        This is of particular interest to me as each
my new passions!                                                                               media company tries to get a foothold
                                                                                               in a fragmented media landscape due to
                                                                                               digital disruption. With this program, I am
                                                                                               hoping to gain the know-how to figure out
                                                                                               how I can make an impact at my company
                                                                                               by being a step ahead of our competitors,
                                                                                               keeping in pace with technology while
                                                                                               at the same time anticipating future
                                                                                               challenges of the industry.
EXECUTIVE GLOBAL MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT 2021 - Class Directory Management - London ...
Nicola Bleasby                                  Cecilia Borgatti                            Vladimir Cebotari
Nationality: Canadian                           Nationality: Brazilian and Italian          Nationality: Moldova, Republic of
Current Location: London, UK                    Current Location: São Paulo, Brazil         Current Location: Chisinau, Republic
Current Job Title: On sabbatical                Current Job Title: Finance Specialist       of Moldova
Current Company: Deutsche Telekom AG            Current Company: Ab InBev                   Current Job Title: Member of the
I have held leadership roles in the areas       I am a 30 years old Brazilian woman who     Current Company: Parliament of Moldova
of strategy, business development,              has graduated in economics 9 years ago
and management within Deutsche                  and since that time has been working        I have a license in law, an Executive
Telekom – in both headquarters and              at Ab InBev. I started as an analyst,       MBA and a not accomplished MSc
operating subsidiaries. After 20yrs+ of         become a supervisor, one year later was     in Air Transport Management (not
working across Europe in different roles        coordinator and later on manager and        accomplished because of professional
& countries I am taking some time off           today national Specialist. In 8,5 years I   reasons, being appointed in a top
to reflect on my experience and figure          moved 5 times, worked in two different      governmental position that required my
out what I want to do next. I like hiking,      regions, developed trainees, wrote          entire dedication).
running & cycling. My “kick” is high-altitude   process optimization and now I’m willing
hiking in remote destinations.                  to broaden my experience.                   I am a person with good managerial
                                                                                            experience as operating manager,
                                                Due to my education background I enjoy      developer, investor as well as public
                                                being with my family gatherings. I love     official, having starting my activity as a
                                                to cook, specially fresh and homemade       lawyer, then holding different positions in
                                                pasta that I learned from my grand          business entities and public institution,
                                                grandmother. Like many others, I also       developing my own businesses with a
                                                like to watch movies and series.            team of inspired and dedicated fellows.

                                                I plan to make a change in my career        My free time is dedicated to my family,
                                                from now on and the programme will          sports, reading and movies.
                                                be the bridge to my next step.
                                                                                            The EGMiM could be a perfect opportunity
                                                                                            to extend my knowledge, relationship
                                                                                            network, to gain new experiences and with
                                                                                            all that to contribute to the maximum to
                                                                                            my country and the teams I work with.
EXECUTIVE GLOBAL MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT 2021 - Class Directory Management - London ...
Robert Claire                                   Charlotte Dicker
Nationality: American                           Nationality: British
Current Location: San Francisco, USA            Current Location: London, UK
Current Job Title: Software Engineer            Current Job Title: Vice President
Current Company: Pinterest                      Current Company: State Street Global
I am a software engineer with over
19 years of experience working with             I have worked in relationship management
a number of technology and financial            roles in the asset management industry
companies, primarily in Silicon Valley.         for 9 years with the past 5 of those
I have worked for Pinterest for the past        spent at State Street Global Advisors,
6 years, with my current focus being in the     working predominantly with Investment
data engineering function. My main areas        Consultants. The role includes elements
of expertise is in data engineering and         of strategy, marketing, product
analysis, cloud computing and distributed       development, investment writing and
systems. I am passionate about working          sales. I hold a BA in History and a French
to develop pathways to technology               Business Diploma.
careers for those from non traditional
and diverse backgrounds.                        Outside of work, I practice a lot of yoga
                                                which I also occasionally teach. I like to
I studied History at the California State       travel and explore the history and culture
Polytechnic University in San Luis Obisbo,      of other countries and I am particularly
and worked briefly in computer animation        looking forward to the trips to Bangalore
before I started my career in software          and Beijing as part of the programme.
                                                I intend to use the programme to change
As a student of the some of the                 career direction slightly. I am currently
technological, economic and geopolitical        looking to focus more on the social
trends that shape our world, I am thrilled      impact of investment through either
to be participating in the EGMiM program        impact investing or philanthropy however
and excited to broaden my perspectives          I am also open minded to the fact that
and understanding of the factors that           this may change as the programme
drive opportunity and risk in a global          progresses.
environment. I am particularly looking
forward to working alongside and
learning from a very international and
accomplished cohort.

I aspire to use what I have learned from this
program to be a more informed advisor and
investor in the technology space.

Outside of work, I prize spending time with
my family. As time permits, I am an avid
mountain biker, SCUBA diver and reader.
EXECUTIVE GLOBAL MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT 2021 - Class Directory Management - London ...
Simon Fritschi                                                                              Tyler John Gieseke
Nationality: Swiss                                                                          Nationality: American
Current Location: Zurich, Switzerland                                                       Current Location: Minneapolis, USA
Current Job Title: Senior Financial Controller                                              Current Job Title: Associate Editor
Current Company: responsAbility Investments AG                                              Current Company: Abdo Publishing

As a trained banking professional, I am       My ambition is either to move into a CFO      I am an associate editor at Abdo
well experienced in the financial industry.   role or launch a consultancy to supporting    Publishing in Edina, Minnesota, USA.
I am particularly interested in alternative   companies to access the full potential of     At Abdo, we publish nonfiction books
and development investments. The last         the corporate finance function. I strongly    targeted to primary and secondary
10 years, I have worked in controlling        believe that the corporate finance function   school libraries as well as fiction for
functions with a strong focus on financial    can bring the greatest value to companies     primary school students. Before working
planning, analysis and advisory. I have       when it has access to the most relevant       at Abdo, I did some freelance reporting
worked for Raiffeisen (Swiss retail           data and is fully integrated into strategic   for a technology blog and interned for
bank), UBS Asset Management and I am          decision-making. I expect the program         a summer at the Minneapolis/St. Paul
currently employed by responsAbility          to challenge my current knowledge and         Business Journal.
Investments; one of the forerunners in        experience through the curriculum and the
impact investing. I have studied Business     combined experience of my international       I graduated in 2016 with a bachelor’s
Administration with a focus on Banking &      cohort. I hope to broaden my professional     degree in journalism and economics from
Finance at the Zurich University of Applied   focus and have a memorable time.              the University of Minnesota. During my
Science in Switzerland and I am a CFA                                                       undergraduate studies, I was very active
charterholder.                                                                              with the campus newspaper and was a
                                                                                            reporter, associate editor, and editor in
I very much like to spend time with my                                                      chief. Another highlight of my college
friends and family while doing some                                                         years was the opportunity to conduct
outdoor activities. Growing up very close                                                   original research regarding behavioural
to a ski-lift, made me a very passionate                                                    game theory.
skier. In summer I like to go hiking,
running, cycling/mountain biking, playing                                                   Outside of work, I enjoy tennis, piano,
tennis and football. I have taken several                                                   singing, and meditating. During the
long breaks to explore the world and                                                        famous Minnesota winters, I enjoy both
go travelling.                                                                              cross-country and downhill skiing.

                                                                                            With the skills and connections gained
                                                                                            through this master’s programme, I hope
                                                                                            to be more effective and advance in my
                                                                                            current company and take a step toward
                                                                                            a potential doctorate degree in the social
                                                                                            or behavioural sciences.
EXECUTIVE GLOBAL MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT 2021 - Class Directory Management - London ...
Corey Green                                   Alejandro Lopez Miranda
Nationality: American                         Nationality: Argentine / Spanish
Current Location: London, UK                  Current Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina / London, UK
Current Job Title: Global Operations          Current Job Title: Head of Content
Director, Risk Consulting                     Current Company: Grupo Vi-Da
Current Company: Aon
                                              I am a senior media executive with more        Outside of work I’m really passionate
I was educated in Economics in the United     than 10 years of experience in broadcast       about traveling and knowing different
States at the University of Arizona before    TV, advertising and digital media. I studied   cultures. Football is also of big interest for
entering the risk field for Aon in New        television production, journalism, and         me, since I’ve been raised in Argentina and
York. I spent a number of years in a client   also have a bachelor’s degree in Digital       almost everyone plays it. Finally I consider
facing consulting role before moving to a     Communications from Universidad                myself a news-junkie, so I try to read and
relationship management focused role.         Católica Argentina.                            watch as much of the news as I can to
In time, my interests shifted to helping                                                     stay updated on local and global issues.
the organization grow from an internal        I worked as a producer for many years
operations and strategy perspective.          at Canal 13, Canal 9, and Televisión           Hopefully doing the EGMIM will allow me
I moved to London in 2018 to take up          Pública in Argentina. After that, I designed   to acquire new managerial skills and give
a global operations role for Aon’s risk       digital communication strategies for           me a global business perspective.
consulting business where I remain            media companies and multinational
today. Outside of work, I enjoy spending      brands. During that time I was hired as a
time with my wife, exploring London and       consultant for very well known advertising
traveling throughout Europe.                  agencies such as Grey and Webar
I hope to use the EGMIM to learn
additional leadership skills (interpersonal   At present I am the Head of Content
and commercial) and ultimately leverage       at TKM (from Grupo Vi-Da) the most
those skills to progress my career with       recognized digital media outlet aimed
my current company.                           for millennials in LATAM, based in
                                              Argentina but with a regional audience.
                                              I led the company’s transformation into
                                              an innovation and experimentation media
                                              hub that was able to captivate young

                                              I was recently awarded with innovation
                                              funding from Google and Facebook to
                                              develop news-related audiovisual projects,
                                              and created a success case that is
                                              studied as an example of innovation for
                                              local news.
EXECUTIVE GLOBAL MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT 2021 - Class Directory Management - London ...
Kai Lu                                        Lakshmi Maithel                              Eve Lise Mamane
Nationality: Singaporean                      Nationality: American                        Nationality: Israeli
Current Location: Chongqing, China            Current Location: London, UK                 Current Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
Current Job Title: Manager                    Current Job Title: Business Development      Current Job Title: Director of Growth
Current Company: CapitaLand Limited           Manager                                      Current Company: Guesty
                                              Current Company: Repositive
My first name is Kai, a married 33-year-old                                                Prior to joining LSE, I completed a
Singaporean with a supportive wife and        I have a Bachelor’s in Economics from UC     degree in International Relations at the
two lovely daughters. One just turned 3       Berkeley and Master’s in Biotechnology       Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel.
in July 2019, the other just 8 months old.    from the University of Pennsylvania.         I then started my career in high-tech,
After graduating in 2011 with a Master’s in   My work experience includes three years      working first at Wix.com for two years,
Chemical Engineering (Honours Class 1)        on the solution sales team at Elsevier       and then at Fiverr, before joining Google
from the University of Birmingham, United     followed by two years as Program Director    and moving to Ireland in 2017 where I was
Kingdom, my professional career took          for GenomeAsia 100K where I added            based until my appointment as Director
me from being a resident in Singapore         partners to the non-profit consortium in     of Growth at Guesty in Autumn 2019.
to living in the perspiration inspiring       order to generate more genomic data
Oman, then moving on to experience the        on Asian populations. I am currently         Outside of work, I love reading, cooking,
pre-Modi era of India, before settling in     the Business Development Manager             going to the beach (that’s the Tel Aviv
mountainous Chongqing, one of the four        at Repositive, a start-up based in           effect) and enjoying a pint with close
municipality cities in China, for the past    Cambridge, UK committed to increasing        friends (that’s the Dublin effect)!
five years. I’m currently with CapitaLand     the discoverability of biological data to
                                                                                           I hope the EGMiM will help me broaden
Limit, one of Asia’s largest real estate      enable medical research. In this role, I
                                                                                           my management skill set and well
developers, working on a USD 3.5 billion      lead the expansion of the Cancer Models
                                                                                           accompany the career path I am currently
integrated development that is Raffles        Platform – the largest directory of
                                                                                           on. Most importantly, I hope to meet a
City Chongqing. It is the single largest      preclinical oncology models. My goal in
                                                                                           fantastic group of people from around
investment in China made by a Singapore       the LSE EGMiM programme is to develop
                                                                                           the globe with diverse expertise, so I can
company. At present I’m heading its           the management skills necessary to build
                                                                                           both learn from all and share my own
new business division, focusing on the        a sales team for the next stage of growth
                                                                                           knowledge and experiences.
experiential, media and tourism aspects       at Repositive.
of the development.
                                              Though I was born in India and raised
My personal interest has always been          in the US, I am now based in London.
cars, cars and more cars.                     Outside of work, I volunteer with Asha for
                                              Education, a charity supporting education
Being able to attend the EGMiM
                                              initiatives in India by raising funds for
programme at LSE will fulfil one of my
                                              underprivileged schools and creating
life-long dreams I had since I was a
                                              awareness of challenges to further
student, which is to be an apprentice at
                                              economic development. In addition,
one of the world’s top business schools.
                                              I enjoy attending dance performances
Unquestionably, with the LSE brand,
                                              and theatre productions as well as
knowledge and network gained, I will be
                                              reading books on topics ranging from
better equipped to achieve my career
                                              zoology to psychology.
aspirations and be a role model for my
two daughters to emulate when they
come of age.
EXECUTIVE GLOBAL MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT 2021 - Class Directory Management - London ...
Samuel Matarasso Marcuschamer                                                              Rebecca McLerie
Nationality: Mexican                                                                       Nationality: British
Current Location: Mexico City, Mexico                                                      Current Location: Dubai, United
Current Job Title: Chief Innovation Officer                                                Arab Emirates
Current Company: L&M Consulting                                                            Current Job Title: Partner
                                                                                           Current Company: Clyde & Co LLP
Samuel Matarasso has a B.A. in                The Executive Global MSc in Management
Economics, and a B.S. in Political            will help Samuel to improve his leadership   Originally from England, I have been living
Sciences, both from Instituto Tecnológico     skills to help his company to expand to      in Dubai for over 11 years.
Autónomo de México, he graduated with         new markets in Europe and Asia. After
honors and obtained an honorific mention      the Masters, Samuel wants to create          I am a partner in an international law firm,
for his thesis work on labor productivity.    new opportunities for his community in       Clyde & Co LLP which is headquartered in
Samuel is a serial entrepreneur, he           the technology area and continue a path      the UK, and I co-head the MEA employment
has founded and led two consulting            of entrepreneurial innovation with social    law practice. I primarily advise companies
companies: LyM Consulting aims to             responsibility.                              on their HR issues across the Middle East,
develop innovative digital technologies to                                                 which frequently requires swift action to
improve agricultural production through                                                    manage a crisis or to protect a company’s
strategic alliances with universities                                                      reputation. This can range from advising
and research centers. L’orticello aims                                                     clients on ways to protect their confidential
to help small farmers to implement                                                         information, advising on bullying and
good agricultural practices and new                                                        harassment complaints, and appearing
technologies to reduce their costs and                                                     in the Dubai International Financial court
environmental impacts while improving                                                      on behalf of a client in a dispute for
their productivity.                                                                        non-payment of bonus or defending a
                                                                                           decision to dismiss an employee for gross
Samuel started his career in 2012 as a                                                     misconduct. A professional highlight in
Business Analyst in Agropark, one of the                                                   the past year has been drafting the new
largest high-tech greenhouse clusters in                                                   employment law for the Dubai International
Latin America. Since then, Samuel evolved                                                  Financial Centre (coming into force on
into a key manager and became a partner                                                    28 August 2019).
in 2016.
                                                                                           My first degree was a BA (Hons) in Law and
Samuel has practiced judo since 2000.                                                      Business and having worked as a lawyer for
He won the Mexican Judo Championship                                                       almost 20 years I am now coming back to
six times in a row from 2004 to 2009.                                                      the study of business through the EGMiM
Samuel is deeply concerned about climate                                                   at a time in my career when my interest
change and sustainable development.                                                        is moving from “doing” the law to the
He is also an advocate against animal                                                      “business” of law. I am particularly looking
mistreatment. Since he was a student,                                                      forward to learning about some of the
Samuel has collaborated with several                                                       theories in management and leadership.
causes and initiatives.
                                                                                           Outside of work, I enjoy spending
                                                                                           weekends at the beach with my family
                                                                                           and I try to make time to go to the gym or
                                                                                           for an occasional run.
EXECUTIVE GLOBAL MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT 2021 - Class Directory Management - London ...
Aun Merchant                                  Yaseen Mohammed
Nationality: American                         Nationality: Indian
Current Location: Orlando, FL USA             Current Location: Hyderabad, India
Current Job Title: Senior Manager             Current Job Title: Director, Programs
Current Company: PwC                          Current Company: Joveo

I currently work as a management              I graduated in computer applications and        I spend most of my time with family
consultant within the financial services      have been in the tech industry for over         and kids and do go out with friends
advisory practice at PwC, specializing in     16 years.                                       occasionally. I love visiting historical and
areas of treasury and risk management.                                                        natural places in the wild and sporadically
In my role, I advise CFOs and CROs of         I started my journey as an Engineer later       listen to random music.
global financial institutions mainly in       holding multiple positions and now as
Asia, Europe and North-America on a           Director, Programs; having worked in India,     I plan to study general management and
variety of topics some of which include,      Singapore, and China; with experiences          want to develop my knowledge to build
enterprise wide data strategy, funding        principally in delivering e-commerce,           on my skill sets to explore opportunities,
and liquidity strategies to achieve an        business transactional services, online         so I can eventually contribute towards
optimal balance sheet structure and           gambling, sports betting, PC, console           my entrepreneurial and social interests.
financial performance, Target Operating       gaming, public-sector initiatives, pre-sales,   I am keen on microeconomics to create
Model design, Regulatory compliance           CRM, and digital recruitment Ad platforms       social development chances in emerging
and enterprise architecture. Prior to         development.                                    markets.
consulting, I worked as an investment
                                              I have successfully managed cross-              I am looking forward to the many LSE
banking where I worked on a variety of sell
                                              functional teams, agile implementations         relations, learning from my faculty, peers
side and buy side engagements across
                                              for launching products, change                  in the class, for a lifelong affiliation,
the aviation, healthcare, and consumer
                                              management incubations, managing                their diverse experiences, brilliance, and
sectors. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree
                                              strategic investment budgets, PMO               influences to shape desired outcomes.
in Business majoring in Finance from the
                                              and have run several portfolio projects
University of Florida.
Outside of work, I am an avid golfer, a
                                              I am interested in international politics and
cricket enthusiast, and enjoy reading
                                              relationships between countries; I would
books on a variety of topics. Most of all,
                                              love to negotiate in conflict resolution
I enjoy spending time with my wife and
                                              situations to bring world peace!
daughter, reading and traveling. With the
EGMiM program, I hope to complement
my treasury and risk background as well
as my analytical skills with an in-depth
understanding of other management
functions, along with the socio-economic
forces shaping the global economy to
further develop as a global professional
and leader.
EXECUTIVE GLOBAL MASTER'S IN MANAGEMENT 2021 - Class Directory Management - London ...
Prasanna Mohan                                  Yorshan Naidoo
Nationality: Indian                             Nationality: New Zealand, South African
Current Location: Abu dhabi, United             Current Location: Floreal, Mauritius
Arab Emirates                                   Current Job Title: Pilot
Current Job Title: Regional Director –          Current Company: Air Mauritius
Middle East
Current Company: Sulzer                         I am an airline pilot presently flying for      I intend to use the skills and knowledge
                                                Air Mauritius on the Airbus A330 aircraft.      of the EGMiM programme to grow in
I am a Mechanical Engineering a childhood       I have just over 21 years experience as         the business/ management side of the
dream that I went ahead to pursue at            a pilot. I fly the long and medium range        aviation sector globally and enhance my
the midst of a software wave that was           routes. Previous to this, I flew for South      development in entrepreneurial field.
sweeping India as it was my strong belief       African Airways on the Airbus A340/330.
that manufacturing forms the fundamental        Prior to starting my airline career, I was
backbone of any economy.                        a pilot in the military. I served in both the
                                                South African and Royal New Zealand Air
I am currently the Regional Sales Director      Forces. I learnt to fly in the South African
for Sulzer Pumps based out in Abu dhabi,        Air Force. I later joined the Royal New
UAE and a rich exposure to International        Zealand Air Force and then returned to
market having worked in Europe and              South Africa to finish my military career.
Middle-East for the past 10-12 years.           I flew in the maritime and transport lines
                                                on many different types of aircraft in
Love reading books, movies, tennis and
                                                a variety of different roles. I was also
obviously playing cricket (claim to be an
                                                an instructor pilot and trained ab-intio
all-rounder). I love driving my car and last
                                                students and was then appointed to head
but not least to try spend some quality
                                                up the training section of a transport
time with my little princess whenever
                                                squadron as Training Co-ordinator.
                                                I represented the the Airline Pilots
The experience gained in managing an            Association (ALPA) of South Africa in
organisation is considerable and the            the security portfolio. Before I joined
personal growth achieved reflected this         the military, I attended the University
effort. At the same time, I also sensed a       of Hawaii on a tennis scholarship. I am
gap and need to gain better understanding       also presently developing 2 different
to translate my thoughts into structured        businesses.
ideas and streamlined processes that will
                                                Outside of flying, I am a family man.
help in achieving desired results. I realised
                                                My wife Mamtha and our daughters Maya
the need for right kind of education to
                                                (4 1/2) and Yara (6 months) ensure that
help me strike the right balance and utilise
                                                there is never a dull moment at home and
my managerial experience to its fullest
                                                keep our lives exciting and busy as they
potential. I strongly felt, a Masters in
                                                grow. I enjoy sport in general and keep fit
management with focus on current global
                                                by going to the gym. I am an avid reader.
economics would help accelerate my
growth and shape me into a management
professional with virtually unlimited
Andrew Naylor                                                                             Ruth Orbach
Nationality: British                                                                      Nationality: British
Current Location: Singapore                                                               Current Location: London, UK
Current Job Title: Director, Central Banks and Public Policy                              Current Job Title: Monitoring, Evaluation,
Current Company: World Gold Council                                                       Accountability, and Learning
                                                                                          Technical Lead
I have worked in public policy/ strategy        I graduated from the LSE in 2006 (BSc     Current Company: Save the Children
roles for the last twelve years both for a      Government and History) and it is great   International
consulting firm and now in-house at the         to be back!
World Gold Council – the international                                                    I’ve worked in the not-for-profit sector
market development organisation for             .                                         for 10 years, most recently at Save the
the global gold industry. My focus at the                                                 Children International. In my current role
WGC is on developing gold’s role in the                                                   I work to develop an IT-based solution
international financial system including                                                  to improve data, analytical, and process-
the G20/ FSB regulatory reform agenda,                                                    based implementation for emergency
opening up new markets for institutional                                                  response, health, education, and child
and retail gold investment, and developing                                                protection programming. Prior to this
our ESG and sustainable/ green finance                                                    I worked with CARE International,
strategy. Before my current role I worked                                                 specialising in monitoring and evaluation,
for a UK-based public affairs consultancy.                                                based in Tanzania and working across
Initially in London before moving to Asia in                                              East, West, and Southern Africa. I hold
2010 to establish the firm’s regional office.                                             a B.A. in International Relations from
                                                                                          Brandeis University.
Outside of work I enjoy being outdoors
– sailing, cycling, and hiking. I’m slowly                                                I am excited to join this year’s cohort
working my way through the RYA                                                            to enhance my understanding of the
Yachtmaster scheme and one day hope                                                       interconnectivity between global markets
to be competent enough to sail home to                                                    and local businesses. I’m looking forward
the UK when I eventually return. I also                                                   to applying this knowledge to support
enjoy classical music and comedy.                                                         small and medium scale enterprises
                                                                                          to positively and sustainably empower
I’m very much looking forward to                                                          communities on a global level. Outside of
learning about and discussing global                                                      work and classes you can find me running
management and enterprise trends.                                                         around a football pitch, dancing like crazy,
I’m particularly interested in emerging                                                   or cooking up a storm, wine glass in hand.
markets development, global trade issues,                                                 Failing this, you can find me seeking out a
and the emergence of new international                                                    good story at the local pub, or cheering on
architecture. My motivation for joining                                                   Manchester United.
this programme is to develop a broader-
based management skillset and an
international perspective of enterprise
and organisational development.
Gregory Perret                                  Disha Selarka                               Jordan Shaw-Young
Nationality: French                             Nationality: Indian                         Nationality: Canadian
Current Location: Geneva, Switzerland           Current Location: Mumbai, India             Current Location: Toronto, Canada
Current Job Title: Analyst                      Current Job Title: Founder and Director     Current Job Title: Director of Strategic
Current Company: Crescendo Capital              Current Company: Giftract                   Accounts
                                                                                            Current Company: Tanium
I graduated from Ecole Hôtelière de             I graduated with a Bachelors in
Lausanne in 2003 with a BSc in International    Information Technology. Fresh out of        I completed my MA Philosophy in 2008,
Hospitality Management. I then started          school, I started my own website called     and upon discovering that “philosopher”
my career as a cost controller for Sheraton     www.giftract.com which is about             isn’t an easy career to pursue in the
and then as a Food and Beverage Manager         creating Gifts that Interact in the form    21st century, have been working in the
for Sofitel for three years in Philadelphia.    of personalised APPs and games.             cybersecurity industry ever since.
My role consisted in managing the overall       I have also undergone leadership            My hobbies change regularly, but I’m
Food and Beverage operations for the            training by my mentor on Chanakya’s         currently occupied with biking, darts,
hotel as well as implementing cost control      Arthashastra model.                         travel, and reading my way through the
measures. I then quit to pursue an MSc in                                                   Hemingway List.
Finance from EDHEC Business School in           Outside of work, I love to paint and I
                                                am also certified in the same. I create     I’m very much looking forward to working
Nice. Upon graduation, Crescendo Capital,
                                                canvases using oil and acrylic mediums.     on an interesting dissertation at the
S.A., a Geneva-based multi family office
                                                Apart from that I am an avid reader and     conclusion of the programme, ideally
hired me as an Analyst. Since then, I have
                                                also an adventure sports enthusiast.        focusing on the theory of the firm with
been working alongside the team and the
                                                One of my favourites is white water river   some practical input from my background
partners to develop the company’s activities
                                                rafting.                                    in cybersecurity and political theory.
and to evolve it from an entrepreneurial
                                                                                            I’ll also be looking forward to absorbing as
venture to becoming a global player.
                                                The reason I have chosen the EGMiM is       much as possible from this undoubtedly
My main role within Crescendo consists
                                                because it allows me to go to LSE, get      talented EGMiM cohort.
in the funds’ selection, analysis
                                                a masters to broaden my management
and monitoring as well as portfolio
                                                skill set and keep my business without
                                                having to choose between the two. (a
Outside of work, you will find me either        choice I had to make 2 years ago when I
in a dojo practicing and occasionally           was accepted to another program here)
teaching karate or in a kitchen cooking for     My goal is to improve the performance
friends or family. Since this year, I am also   of my business and become a better
engaged within an association financing         entrepreneur. My long term goal is to
and developing humanitarian projects            further grow my father’s company – Acma
helping disadvantaged populations and           Computers Ltd. along with my brand,
children living in developing countries         Giftract side by side.
especially in Vietnam.

The EGMIM program will allow me to
equip myself with the necessary skills,
tools and knowledge to embrace the
changes that are affecting us in order to
orientate my career in the coming years.
Balnur Shonatayeva
Nationality: Kazakh
Current Location: Atyrau, Kazakhstan
Current Job Title: Business Finance Support Supervisor
Current Company: Tengizchevroil LLP

I am a certified accountant (ACCA) and        My personal interests seem to vary
Lean Sigma Black Belt with 8 years            significantly (from bowling to charity)
of hands-on experience in the fields          over the years but some that are constant
of accounting, finance and project            include public speaking, attempting to
management. I graduated from KIMEP            write poems, running, and photography.
University in Kazakhstan with a BSc in
accounting and management. Currently          I believe the programme will help me to
working in a joint venture between the        further progress my career by providing
US, Russian and Kazakhstani oil majors        a big picture view, trends and best
– Tengizchevroil; spent two years in          practices in the world and a solid
Manila, Philippines on an early career        network to learn from.
development assignment in Chevron’s
finance shared services.

Leader of the Women’s Employee
Network, which is focused on empowering
and developing talent to drive individual
and business success, and co-lead of the
Inclusion Council, with a mission to create
an inclusive culture to inspire everyone to
bring their best selves to work every day.

Descendant of nomads from the majestic
steppes of Kazakhstan, I identify as a
millennial third culture kid, who is shaped
and influenced by different cultures –
went to a Russian school in Kazakhstan
and American school in Aberdeen,
Scotland. Hence my love for travel, I spend
most of my spare time exploring new
countries and embracing the diversity
of cultures.
Ashutosh Shukla                                                                             Tim Sidiropoulos
Nationality: Indian                                                                         Nationality: Greek / American
Current Location: London, UK                                                                Current Location: Chicago, USA
Current Job Title: Technical Packaging Manager, EMEA                                        Current Job Title: Financial Services
Current Company: GlaxoSmithKline                                                            Consultant
                                                                                            Current Company: Accenture
I hold Bachelor of Engineering in              I know the skills I will develop over this
Biotechnology and Master’s degree in           course will help me in achieving my long-    I studied Economics and Finance at
Packaging Technology. Over the last 7+         term professional goal of leading a global   Loyola University Chicago. I have worked
years at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), I have         multi-billion-pound organization.            in financial services for over 5 years and in
grown from a Packaging Intern at the                                                        consulting for over 4 years.
R&D Office in India, to being a member         Outside of work, I enjoy travelling and
of the Extended Leadership Team at             exploring new cultures, cooking, writing     I enjoy reading, spending time outdoors
the Global Manufacturing site in Ireland,      hindi poems, listening to global political   (particularly by the lake), connecting with
and now as the Technical Packaging             analysis/news.                               friends and family, and sports (notably
Manager for Europe-Middle-East-Africa                                                       basketball and soccer, or futbol).
(EMEA) region at GSK HQ in London.
                                                                                            I am looking to add another layer of
In my current role as the Technical
                                                                                            credentiality to myself, and I believe this
Packaging Lead, I am responsible for
                                                                                            is an excellent approach to doing so.
managing the Packaging Supply Chain
of 13 Contract Manufacturers (CMs),
2 Internal GSK Global Manufacturing
sites. I have also taken on the extra
responsibility to perform the Supplier
Relationship Management (SRM) for a
Contract Manufacturer (CM), handling
end to end supply chain related activities.

From the EGMiM programme at LSE,
I am looking forward to gaining rich
understanding of theoretical concepts
and its applications in areas like Financial
Management, Marketing, Strategy,
M&A, Organizational Behaviour and
Change Management through the lens
of changing geopolitical and economic
dynamics. I also believe that formal
management education at one of the
best schools in the World, which focuses
on the “Causes of Things”, will be a great
learning experience.
Aleksander Simoski                                                                            Yasmin Solomon
Nationality: German                                                                           Nationality: American
Current Location: Dusseldorf, Germany                                                         Current Location: New York, USA
Current Job Title: Manager, Management Consulting                                             Current Job Title: Chief of Operations
Current Company: PwC                                                                          Current Company: Drawing Booth

I hold a BSc in business administration and    After my MSc I continued my education with     I have a Bachelor of Arts in English from
an MSc in Finance from the Business and        the CFA charter as to round off my finance     the University of Connecticut and a
Information Technology School in Germany.      and accounting background. With the LSE        Master’s of Library Science from the City
During my studies, I had also stays in         EGMiM programme, I want to discover            University of New York. At present I serve
London and Paris for my terms abroad.          about management and leadership in an          as Chief of Operations for Drawing Booth,
I went on to start my career at                international context. I want to understand    a live-art experiences and event activation
PwC in Germany within the Capital Markets      the rationales behind the decision making      company, and as an Adjunct Professor
and Accounting Advisory Services unit.         carried out at organisations. I look forward   of Library Science at Queens College
The assignments I have worked on include       to collaborate with a diversely talented       in New York. Previously as Curriculum
financial accounting transformations as        cohort and learn to lead with vision and       Coordinator at the Sports and Arts in
well as M&A and capital markets driven         purpose.                                       Schools Foundation (since rebranded as
transactions. Whilst at PwC, I have worked                                                    New York Edge) I created extra-curricular,
on multiple international assignments with                                                    hands-on academics for New York City
listed companies in more than 20 countries                                                    public schools and as Creative Assistant
on four different continents. I am currently                                                  for Yin Mei Studio I developed dance-
based in the Dusseldorf office but have                                                       theater performances and cross-cultural
also worked in the Shanghai office in China.                                                  educational programming for New York
Recently I transitioned to Management                                                         and Chinese universities.
Consulting where my focus of work is
                                                                                              When not working, you will find me
rather on organizational and process related
                                                                                              reading, illustrating, hiking, ballroom
challenges within the finance function
                                                                                              dancing, and spending time with friends
(Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Tax) and
                                                                                              and family. Looking towards the future,
its impact on a business.
                                                                                              I see the Executive Global Master’s
Outside my professional universe, I like                                                      in Management as an opportunity to
to run, spend time with friends and travel                                                    develop lasting and genuine professional
the world. I am passionate about Formula                                                      relationships, and acquire meaningful
1 and tennis and try to visit races and                                                       learning experiences. For me, it is a unique
tournaments as often as possible.                                                             route and a future investment in skills and
                                                                                              resources towards the creation of new
                                                                                              experiential, socially-conscious, and
                                                                                              value-adding ventures in arts, technology
                                                                                              and education.
Vugar Suleymanov                              Raja Raman                                       Nicolle Szapiro
Nationality: Azerbaijani                      Nationality: Swedish-Indian                      Nationality: Colombian
Current Location: Baku, Azerbaijan            Current Location: Bangalore, India               Current Location: Bogota, Colombia
Current Job Title: CEO                        Current Job Title: Director / Head of            Current Job Title: Co-owner & CIO (Chief
Current Company: Qazax Cement                 Development Center                               Innovation Officer)
Plant LLC                                     Current Company: Planview India                  Current Company: Interiority

In 1991-1996 graduated from the Law           I am a Computer Science Engineer with            My academic background is in Business
faculty of Baku State University. In 2008     over 20 years of experience in the IT            Management, with a lot of emphasis in
graduated LLM Corporate Law from              industry, working for startups, and highly       design and marketing. My employment
the Nottingham Trent University, UK.          scalable enterprise software companies.          has been varied but has mostly revolved
In 2009 attained Graduate Diploma in          My international experience spans across         around fashion, design, retail and turn-
Law from Nottingham Law School. In            India, Sweden, and the US. I currently           around strategy. I have done some free-
2010 attained legal professional course       work for Planview in Bangalore handling          lance consulting, directing government
of Corporate Pathway from the                 the general operations of the subsidiary,        and B2B/B2G organizations, and finally
Nottingham Law School. In 2011-2015           which I established back in 2012.                I decided to open my own business, an
held a number of senior management            My primary interests and responsibility          interior design concept-store with the
positions at Ateshgah insurance               are into Product Development – building          goals of national and regional expansion.
Company. Starting from 2015 had               world-class Engineering teams and
proceeded to work in executive positions      creating innovative software.                    My interest outside of work are reading,
at Akkord Industrial Construction                                                              especially thrillers and historical novels.
Investment Corporation. Since 2018 is         Outside of work, I play drums. I like            I love to exercise, hike and nature trails.
the Member of Supervisory Board in            to be outdoors with my family. I also            I also love to try new foods, experimental
Akkord ICIC. From 2018 until now is           take the time to travel with them to             restaurants and so forth.
CEO of Gazakh Cement Plant LLC.               different countries. My wife and I are very
                                              interested in learning about other cultures      I plan to use this programme to broaden
Love reading, traveling, photography, sport   and their food. I enjoy reading books.           my skills, knowledge and networks.
and socializing. Would like to implement      The ones related to Social-Psychology,           I want to keep an open mind about my
the knowledge which I will get from the       Physics, or autobiographies are some of          expectations, as I’ve learned that it is
program to apply in my current business       my favourites.                                   better to consider everything as a new
in cement plant and also apply these skill                                                     possibility. Even though managing a
in my daily management routine. I need        I believe the intellectual context at LSE will   business is exhilarating, I think I enjoyed
to develop my knowledge in strategic          hone my leadership acumen in the areas of        corporate work better, so I hope this
management up to new level.                   (a) S
                                                   trategic decision making to enhance        programme can help me improve my
                                                  product innovation and                       opportunities and give me a more
                                                                                               competitive edge.
                                              (b) Organizational dynamics (both micro
                                                  and macro) to realize the full potential
                                                  of my organization.

                                              Also, I hope the general management
                                              curriculum will make me more versatile
                                              in handling other essential facets of
Haimi Tefera                                     Gideon Titi-Ofei                              Duygu Toksozlu
Nationality: South African                       Nationality: Ghanaian                         Nationality: Turkey
Current Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia          Current Location: Accra, Ghana                Current Location: Izmir, Turkey
Current Job Title: Junior Advisor to the         Current Job Title: President/CEO              Current Job Title: Planning and Cost
Special Initiative on Jobs Programme             Current Company: Accra Business School        Control Manager
Current Company: Deutsche Gesellschaft                                                         Current Company: Renaissance Heavy
für Internationale Zusammenarbeit                I have a master’s degree in Governance        Industries
                                                 and Leadership. Since then I have been
I studied Civil Engineering at the University    working in a senior management position       After graduating from the university
of Cape Town for my first degree, and            in the training and higher education sector   with an engineering degree, I have been
thereafter did a master’s in Complex             and as a senior clergyman.                    working for the last 11 years in globally
Systems Engineering (formerly known                                                            well-known EP&C clients in the oil and
as Industrial Engineering) at Paris-Saclay       I have an interest in mentoring the next      gas industry in seven different countries.
University. I’ve worked in bio-fuels,            generation of leaders and spend most          I have managed a multi-cultural team for
waste management, water engineering              of my time outside work providing             many years as a planning and cost control
and stewardship in the private sector.           mentoring for young people in leadership.     manager. In my last project, I have led a
I now currently work with the German             My hobbies include football and church        650 million USD project. I have developed
government in Ethiopia on job creation           activities.                                   for the project cost control system in
strategies and initiatives, including                                                          my latest company, Renaissance Heavy
                                                 As the President and CEO of Accra
attracting foreign investors to the country                                                    Industries, has brought me the 2016
                                                 Business School I am hopeful that
and improving investment conditions                                                            REXA award in the individual category
                                                 the knowledge gained and ideas and
within the country.                                                                            (Renaissance Construction ranks 36th
                                                 experiences shared on the programme
                                                                                               in Engineering New Record’s “Top 250
Outside of work, I am currently part of the      will sharpen my leadership skills and
                                                                                               International Contractors 2018 List”).
World Economic Forum’s Global Shaper’s           shape my leadership character to
                                                                                               They have also supported me with
Community in Addis Ababa and am                  improve on my leadership.
                                                                                               leadership and mentorship programmes
leading the call for a total plastic bags ban                                                  offered to potential future leaders.
in Ethiopia. I also enjoy travelling, learning
new languages (currently working on my                                                         I am interested in travelling, doing yoga
German), hiking and scuba diving. I plan                                                       and meditating, reading a book and
to use the LSE EGMiM programme to help                                                         technology & science magazines also
me transition from my role in investment                                                       I’m curious about behavioral science.
in Ethiopia in the development sector to
managerial role in the private sector.                                                         I want to continue my career in the
                                                                                               financial industry. I am planning to develop
                                                                                               my skills in the financial and leadership
                                                                                               areas and share my experiences with
                                                                                               other female engineers in the industry.
Rose Wan                                       Thomas Wycislo                                     Haotian Xu
Nationality: Australian                        Nationality: German                                Nationality: American
Current Location: Sydney, Australia            Current Location: Frankfurt, Germany               Current Location: Washington DC, USA
Current Job Title: Economics Manager           Current Job Title: Team Head Asset                 Current Job Title: Associate
Current Company: Origin Energy                 Management Retail North & Central                  Current Company: Booz Allen Hamilton
I studied a Bachelor of Commerce               Current Company: Allianz Real Estate               I graduated from Williams College with
(majoring in Finance) at the University of                                                        Bachelor’s in History and Economics.
New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.          Following on from my degree in                     Since then, I’ve obtained industry
I have worked in various corporate             architecture, I today head up the retail           certifications in Design, Project
finance/valuation roles over the past          Asset Management team at Allianz Real              Management, and Data Analytics. I have
decade, ranging from an investment             Estate in Northern and Central Europe.             worked for Booz Allen Hamilton for the
banking analyst at JP Morgan to now            My personal evolution from studying                past six years.
working as an Economics Manager in             architecture towards working in the
the Solar & Business Energy team               financial sector of real estate was possible       I am passionate about movies, traveling,
at Origin Energy in Australia (one of          after a traineeship at a financial advisory        finding good food, and spending time
Australia’s largest energy companies).         firm in 2008 followed by several years of          with friends. I run a movie theater review
                                               transaction experience. Subsequently,              site, and sit on the board of a non-profit
I love travelling and food (I have both a      I transitioned further into Asset                  in Kenya benefitting widows.
travel and food blog). In addition, I like     Management when offered the chance
long-distance running (I recently trained                                                         I plan to gain understanding of business
                                               to join the London-based team at TIAA-
for a half-marathon) and I enjoy hiking.                                                          strategy and foundational knowledge
                                               Cref Asset Management. As much as I
                                                                                                  to accelerate my career growth, as well
                                               enjoyed living in London (including the
I would like to learn and develop the skills                                                      as broadening my global network to
                                               rich variety of cultures and people), after
and knowledge necessary to become an                                                              eventually transition to the entertainment
                                               a few years I moved back to my native
effective leader and manager. I believe                                                           industry as an entrepreneur.
                                               Germany to join my current employer.
the LSE EGMiM programme will provide
me with these foundations to help me           Outside of work, I spend as much time
progress and succeed in my career.             as possible with my family and friends.
                                               I also find inspiration in travelling, visiting
                                               new places and meeting new people.
                                               Even though I have never worked as an
                                               architect, I still hold a passionate interest in
                                               architecture and design in general. Sports,
                                               especially long distance running help me
                                               to stay in shape and clear my mind.

                                               I look forward to broadening my
                                               management skills at LSE, meeting the
                                               EGMIM community and benefitting from
                                               the different experiences of my fellow
Feng-Ger Yu
Nationality: Taiwan
Current Location: Madison, USA
Current Job Title: Systems Engineer
Current Company: Philips Healthcare

I studied computer science and software
engineering in UC Berkeley a little before
it was fashionable to do so. Then many
years later, after I have gotten experience
in the workplace, I pursued a degree in
systems engineering, which is the study
of large engineering endeavors through its
interactions with the rest of the world and
the interactions amongst its constituent
parts, and just enough about leadership
to whet my appetite.

My work experience took me through a
prime integrator for government projects,
to GE Healthcare, to Philips Healthcare.
Because my background is in engineering,
I have been known to talk like an
engineering textbook.

Outside of work I have picked up many
hobbies over the years, just enough to
sharpen my curiosity and before fatigue
sets in. I consider martial arts -- mainly
traditional Chinese ones -- cooking, ball
room dancing, and photography as active
hobbies. I kayak, too, about once a year
(does that count?). For fun, I play board
games with friends and shoot pool once
in a while.

EGMiM provides the last pieces of the
puzzle I seem to be working on with
my studies. The last pieces include
management, teams, organizations,
and social sciences on one side; and
about business, economics, finance,
and markets on the other side.
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