Page created by Eugene Warner
Volume 9, Issue 6                                      June 27 - July 3, 2019

                                                 UAE’S COUNTRY BRAND
                                                 UP BY 3 POINTS Page 6


                                                 UNIQUE REHAB CENTER IN CEBU OPENS
                                                 FOR RECOVERING DRUG ADDICTS


                                                 Etihad suspends operations over

                                        Page 4   Hormuz Strait, Oman Gulf

                                                 GCC & THE WORLD
                                                  UAE PUBLISHERS’ WORKSHOP HIGHLIGHTS
                                                  BUSINESS VALUE OF RESEARCH AND DATA

                                                 BUSINESS & FINANCE
                                                  THE FIRST TIME I CONQUERED BENGUET

                                                 TRAVEL & LEASURE
                                                  MUSK: TESLA PICKUP TRUCK BETTER
                                                  THAN F150, OUTPERFORM 911

                                                 GEARS & WHEELS
                                                 F1: LEWIS HAMILTON WINS THE FRENCH
                                                 GRAND PRIX

June 27 - July 3, 2019
2                                                           EDITOR’S PAGE                                                     kabayanweekly.com

                                                          FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK
                                                          PHILIPPINES IS OURS AND SO ARE THESE                    But even before this Code of Conduct can be
                      PUBLISHER                           ISLANDS                                               ratified, there is already a centuries old tradition
     -------------------------------------------------                                                          of the seas called Good Samaritan vessel. Ships
                                                            With the recent incident of a Filipino fishing      at sea are expected to rescue and assist lives that
     -------------------------------------------------    vessel being rammed by a Chinese ship, the            are in peril. The Chinese’s boats abandonment
                DOMINIC SAMPANG                           territorial dispute of the West Philippine Sea is     of the Filipino fisherman puts in question the
                GRAPHIC DESIGNER                          again on the headlines.                               viability of the proposed Code of Conduct.
     -------------------------------------------------      The blatant disregard for life on the part of the     Wielding the biggest stick in the disputed
                  BERT Q. FIELDAD                         Chinese and the subsequent rescue by                  area, China is unafraid to clash with its smaller
     BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER                         Vietnamese fishermen is a little splice of a bigger   neighbors as they have done so in the past.
     -------------------------------------------------    picture. We, from smaller countries, have to play     More than forty clashes have occurred in the
               ORLANDO A. GAYETA                          nice while the big bully in the neighborhood just     South China Sea since 1988 and in the process,
                  SALES MANAGER                           do as it wishes to do without regard and fear of      consolidated Beijing’s gain in the area.
                                                          the consequences.                                       It has also employed low-key tactics such as
     REPORTERS/CONTRIBUTORS                                 The ramming incident happened on what is            menacing air and sea maneuvers, skirmishes,
                                                          known as the Recto Bank. The area has tradition-      and the swarming of fishing and militia vessels
             LALIEBETH P. PETANCIO                        ally been a fishing ground for Filipino fisherman.    to deny access to the disputed territory.
      -------------------------------------------------   Recto Bank is 85 nautical miles from Palawan            Filipino fishermen complained of having their
                JULIUS NOEL SUELO                         and is within the country’s 200-mile exclusive        small wooden boat blocked by hulking steel
      ----------------------------------------------      economic zone (EEZ).                                  Chinese vessels from entering some rich fishing
               AISHA M. FERRER, RN                          Filipino fisherman has observed a rise in the       areas.
      -------------------------------------------------   number of foreign fishing vessel in the area            In 2016, the UN-backed Permanent Court of
               HECTOR S. SANTILLAN                        starting in 2014. This occurrence is seen             Arbitration based in The Hague had awarded
      -------------------------------------------------   alongside with China’s militarization of the West     the Philippines sovereign rights over Recto
              CHRISTIAN U. BURGOS                         Philippine Sea by building bunkers, airstrips and     Bank, Panganiban (Mischief) Reef off Palawan
                                                          garrisons along with the deployment of bomber         and Ayungin Shoal.
              ARLENE P. MARIPOSQUE
                                                          and fighter planes on at least seven disputed           China chooses to ignore the ruling and instead
                                                          islands.                                              touted centuries old maps to bolster its claim.
      The first and leading Flipino weekly news             President Rodrigo Duterte was expected to             Kabayan, we learned in school that the
    publication catering to more than 850,000             push for the completion of the South China Sea        Philippines is composed of 7,107 islands. Do we
    Flipinos in the UAE as target readership. It is       Code of Conduct among competing nations in            want to rewrite our textbooks to say, 7,100? Let’s
    the main communications platform for                  the recent ASEAN summit in Bangkok. Efforts to        ask PRRD. He might have a quirky answer as he
    variousUAE and Philippine government
    agencies that brings about a considerable             craft the code started in 2002 in order to ease       always has to difficult questions. Let’s hear what
    impact on the lives of Filipinos based in this        regional tensions.                                    he’s got to say this time.
    region. Circulation in the entire UAE is
    pegged at 50,000 copies. All copies are
    properly distributed and given out for free.
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    do not necessarily reflect the newspaper's
    views, unless otherwise stated.
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           P.O. Box 233996, Dubai, U.A.E
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June 27 - July 3, 2019
  4                                                                     MAIN STORY                                                    kabayanweekly.com

                                                                             Staff Report

THE General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners         Landmark Group said she was ecstatic when she and           if the visas will have to be revoked or not.
Affairs (GDRFA) has so far provided a total of 400          members of her family got hold of their gold cards.           “If the business of these investors fails, their case
golden residency visas that the UAE to select group of        “Honestly, it’s been incredible. I want to personally     would be look into closely. We will not revoke their
people, including investors, business pioneers and          thank the leadership of the UAE and Major General Al        visas right there and then,” stressed Al Marri.
leaders. The Directorate has been working on 6,800          Marri because they have been so amazing through it.           Gold card holders are allowed to make unlimited
gold card applications from 70 countries.                   They’ve been so quick. We couldn’t be happier, really.      number of travels in and out of the country. They can
  The announcement was made by Major General                UAE is home for us,” said in another interview with KW.     also extend their stay outside the UAE for more than six
Mohammad Al Marri, director-general of GDRFA, at a            On the issue of visa expiry and renewal, Major Gener-     months, which normally invalidates a residence visa.
press conference on June 25 at the GDRFA – Dubai            al Al Marri told members of the press that the gold card      Individuals with an estimated investment of AED100
headquarters, attended by about 100 Gold Card               is good only for 10 years and has to be renewed.            billion in the UAE are expected to benefit from this
holders coming mostly from the business sector.               "The gold card is renewable after 10 years because        program of the UAE government by the end of the
  The first batch of visa holders was mostly consisted of   there are medical insurance and other procedures that       year.
investors who have lived in Dubai for over 10 years and     have to be done in between. So long as they still satisfy     Alongside the 10-year Gold Card visa, a 5year long
have a significant contribution to the UAE’s economy.       terms and conditions and are still in the same activity,    term visa is also available for small time investors and
The immediate family members of the car holders also        the visa will continue,” Director Al Marri explained.       businessmen, doctors, specialists and outstanding
got their golden residency visas.                             “There are no other conditions to apply for the Gold      secondary students with general average of 95
  “It’s a great honor and it makes you feel even more       Card. We do not look at the nationality, age, and color     percent or above, while university students need to
that you part of this country,” Michael Chalhoub,           of applicants’ skin. All of us are human beings. Being in   have a grade of 3.75 and above to qualify.
owner of Sport360, one of the leading sports media          a country of tolerance, all of these don’t matter,” he        Executive managers with a monthly salary of
platforms in the Middle East, told KW.                      added emphatically.                                         AED30,000 and above are also eligible for the
  Michael is the son of Patrick Chalhoub, Chief Execu-        The Major General also stressed that in the event that    long-term visa. ham/KW (Photos by Arlene P.
tive of Chalhoub Group of companies.                        their businesses fail within the validity period, the       Mariposque)
  Meanwhile, Nisha Jiagtani, Group Director of              directorate will review their cases first before deciding
           June 2724- July
                      - 30,3,2019
                                                - SPECIAL REPORTS -
                                                    MAIN STORY                                                       5

Major General Mohammad Al Marri, director-general, General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA)
June 27 - July 3, 2019
6                                                                    UAE NEWS                                                  kabayanweekly.com


THE Abu Dhabi Court of First Instance hasrecently
sentenced a man to 15 years in jail after he was
found guilty of stealing AED600 million after being
fired from the bank that he used to work for.
  After learning about his termination, the convict-
ed man used his position in the bank to access the
system and transfer the amount from the bank to
various bank accounts outside the country, a
report from the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department

                                                          UAE’S COUNTRY
  The former bank employee carried out the
transfers during the evening hours after the
bank's electronic system had been shut down for
the day.

                                                       BRAND UP BY 3 POINTS
  The employee had programmed the system
insuch a way that the transfer transactions to
foreign bank accounts would becompleted the
following morning after the bank reopens.
  Airport police caught the erring bank employee,
just as he was about to flee the country.
  He was successfully stopped by airport police        THE UAE's country brand rating has jumpedthree               The Ruler of Dubai added, “We will stay in the race to
from leaving the country the day before his arrest,    places, ranking 16th among 75 countries, while still      improve attractiveness of our country in all fields."
after his name and the unified number matched          Dubairanked among the most influential cities,              Moreover, the FutureBrand ranked Dubai as the 11th
with those of a person wanted by Police for a          according to the FutureBrand Country Index (FCI)          most influential city, despite dropping one place. The
bounced check case.                                    2019 released on Tuesday, June 25.                        emirate still rated as more powerful than other mega
  He settled his check case on the same day, and         In the Middle East, UAE retained its top position in    cities such as Singapore, Delhi, Brussels, Los Angeles,
booked a flight to a country that has no extradition   the index, followed by Kuwait (28th), Saudi Arabia        Seoul, Istanbul, Sydney, Toronto and Rome.
treaty with the UAE, the following day.                (30th) and Oman (31st) among other GCC countries.           Japan has retained its top position whileNorway
  His jail sentence was, however, reduced to seven       His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al              jumped four places to second position and Switzer-
years on appeal.                                       Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the         land slipped one rank to third place.
  He and his accomplices were also ordered to          UAE and Ruler of Dubai, commended UAE's new                 Other top 10 countries include Sweden, Finland,
return AED9.9 million to the bank.                     ranking on his Twitter account.                           Germany, Denmark, Canada, Austria and Luxem-
  All the accused will be deported after serving         "I've been briefed today on the FutureBrand Country     bourg.
their jail terms. (Source: Kahleej Times)              Index 2019, which measures the attractiveness of 75         The ranking was based on the rating of the country's
                                                       countries in terms of visitors, accommodation, invest-    prestige of products, environmental efforts, civility of
                                                       ment and stability. The UAE is ranked first in the Arab   nationalpolitics and its attractiveness. ham/KW /
                                                       world and 16th in the world,” Sheikh Mohammed             (Photo source: WallPaperAccess)
June 27 - July 3, 2019
                                                                            UAE NEWS                                                                                  7

                                                                                                                          Abu Dhabi
                                                                                                                        Police nab 80

ABDULRAHMAN bin Subaih Al Suwaidi former                     - which are exclusive only to its leading members.
member of the international terrorist organization,            “The Brotherhood’s modus operandi to gain popular
Muslim Brotherhood has revealed in a television              support and sympathy, it launches charity projects
interview aired on Saturday, June 22, that the group         such as building mosques and digging wells in careful-
Yemeni Twitter handles (tweeters) he called ''merce-         ly selected regions, with the aim of winning popular
naries'', to carry out a major conspiracy to damage the      support in these areas and securing votes in political,
stability of Arab communities.                               parliamentary and union elections in these countries,
  “Its insults and fabrications on social media as well as   and achieve its malicious goals,” he narrated in the
calls to stand against the UAE’s state resolutions and       interview.
policies and its efforts to encourage opposition will          “The people affected most negatively are ordinary
lead the organization’s members to betray their              citizens who, unsuspecting, supported the organiza-
nations,” Al Suwaidi said in the interview broadcast         tion by donating to causes with catchy slogans, such
simultaneously on all Abu Dhabi and Dubai television         as "Doing Good" and "Reward",” he added.
channels and on Sharjah TV.                                    Al Suwaidi also revealed that the steps taken by the     ABU Dhabi Police have arrested 80 suspects of
  Al Suwaidi, who was pardoned by UAE President His          UAE and several friendly countries to counter the
                                                                                                                        being phone scammers in the past six months.
Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan after he         Muslim Brotherhood and its ideology had dealt a
was convicted of being a member of the organization,         ''painful blow'' to the organization, which encouraged     The suspected fraudsters’ modus operandi
said the organization had directed its members,              its members, whether institutions or individuals, to       include asking people for their personal details
including himself, in the UAE to encourage several           attack the country and its symbols, to demonstrate         after telling them they won big prizes.
Yemenis to insult the UAE and its symbols on Twitter         their loyalty to the organization, even if it is against     The suspects use several techniques to defraud
between the years 2012 and 2013.                             their nations’ interest.                                   people, the police said, with some pretending to
  He said they were given names of Yemeni Twitter              Regarding his reason for disowning the Muslim            be bank employees and would call victims to ask
handles (tweeters) and instructed them to provide            Brotherhood, Al Suwaidi said, "Three major reasons         them for their pin codes and steal their money
money and new mobile phones. The “mercenaries”               made me rethink what I was involved in. The first is       from the victims’ bank accounts.
will be the ones who will support re-tweet insulting         alienation, especially as I was always hiding, which         Victims were made to believe their bank details
messages against the Emirates and its symbols.               affected my family and friends."                           would be used to transfer them their winnings,
  Al Suwaidi pointed out that the organization’s               He also noted that discovering the lies of the organi-   only to find out later that their bank accounts
involvement in a major conspiracy to damage the              zation’s slogans was also a decisive factor, before        have been emptied.
stability of Arab communities, have caused many              narrating the incident about his arrest in Indonesia and
                                                                                                                          Some alleged hoaxers would send links of fake
members and sympathizers to “defect” after realizing         how he said, the organization had abandoned him.
their social media accounts contained details of               "We lived under a delusion. The organization lied to     bank websites to their victims’ email of
conspiracies to destroy countries and threaten their         its members by telling them that it will support them      WhatsApp, with instructions to update their
stability.                                                   under all circumstances, but that did not happen," he      personal information to avoid having their
  “The organization demanded complete allegiance             added.                                                     banking services from being disrupted.
and absolute obedience from its members, and                   His other major reason for leaving the terrorist           Authorities continue to warn the public from
highlighted their betrayal to their nations and their        organization was the civilized and humane treatment        falling for such scams, urging people never to
effects on the region,” he added.                            by the UAE authorities he received during his arrest       give their bank details to just anyone and report
  Al Suwaidi said, most of Muslim Brotherhood’s              until the time he was pardoned.                            suspicious messages send to their mobile phones
members and sympathizers are not informed and are              Al Suwaidi said to his 30 years of experience with the   or emails, immediately. hga/KW
kept in the dark about the organization’s real agendas       Muslim Brotherhood as an eye-opener.
June 27 - July 3, 2019
8                                                          THE PHILIPPINES                                                    kabayanweekly.com


                                                     Duterte appoints controversial
                                                    Cebu Police chief, as new PCSO head
                                                    PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte recently announced the            Osmeña due to the rise in the number of riding-in-tan-
                                                    appointment of Cebu City Police Director Royina             dem killings in the city.
                                                    Garma as the new general manager at the Philippine            In his text message to Rappler, Osmena said Garma is
                                                    Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO).                          the worst police chief in 30 years. She was suspected
                                                      Garma replaces Alexander Balutan, who was fired by        to have control over legal and illegal numbers games
                                                    Duterte over allegations of corruption.                     which earns up to PHP800,000 a day.
                                                      "Balutan has been out, si Garma ang papalit doon            “Now it's like the thief being put in charge of a vault.
THE Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has          (Garma will replace him there)," Duterte told reporters     Anyway, good riddance," added Osmena.
released a recent advisory warning the public       at the premier of the movie Kontradiksyon.                    Garma is also included in a formal complaint of
against buying and taking unregistered food           Garma, who has been in the service for 24 years said      lawyer Jude Sabio, for allegedly overseeing and
supplements.                                        she applied for early retirement to take up the post as a   supervising death squad operations in Davao City's
  FDA Advisories No. 2019-155 and 2019-158,         civilian.                                                   war on drugs when Duterte was mayor. Sabio
said the agency's post marketing surveillance         Garma has been embroiled with controversy when            represents Davao Death Squad whistleblower Edgar
show 11 food supplements are being sold to the      she feuded with outgoing Cebu City Mayor Tomas              Matobato.
public without a Certificate of Product Registra-
  The advisory stressed that since these unregis-
tered food supplements have not gone through
the evaluation process of the FDA, the agency
                                                       Senator-elect Bato favors public execution
cannot guarantee their quality and safety.            IN HIS usual straightforward manner, Senator-elect
                                                      Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa told reporters he will push
  The following products have no Certificate          for a law that would uphold public execution of
of Registration from FDA:                             drug traffickers by musketry, if the death penalty
Vitacio Maca Root Extract complex (500mg)             will be restored in the Philippines.
Doctor’s Best Best Probiotic 20 billion cfu             “‘Yung public [execution], gawing public. ‘Yung
Probiotic Pearls Women’s Digestive & Yeast            gawing katakot-takot yung ginagawa yung firing
Balance                                               squad sa plaza [dapat] covered by the media.
Puritan’s Pride Chewable Chlorophyll with             Covered live,” Dela Rosa, told reporters after the
natural spearmint flavor                              Private Security Industry Summit 2019 in Camp
Scivation Xtend BCAAs (mango flavor)                  Crame on June 26.
Natural Stacks Ciltep for Mental Performance            However, the former PNP Chief said, he will not
dietary supplement                                    allow the execution of small-time drug peddlers
DRFormulas Hairomega                                  and users in his version of the death penalty bill.
DHT’s DHT blocker with biotin dietary supple-           “Ang aking bersyon ng death penalty is for drug
ment                                                  trafficking. Ito yung mga drug traffickers na nagpa-
Keto 2000 dietary supplement                          pabaha ng shabu sa ating bansa,” Dela Rosa said.
Bust Maxx dietary supplement                            He will prioritize the restoration of death penalty
Nature’s Nectar bone builder with calcium             only for drug lords, he reiterated.
dietary supplement                                      Dela Rosa said, despite the fact that government
 Plump Bust breast enlargement capsule natural        continues its war on drugs, shabu are still being
  “All concerned establishments are warned not        peddled on the streets that is why the creation of a
to distribute violative food supplements,” said       new law on drug trafficking is an urgent matter for
the FDA advisory.                                     him as a new legislator.
June 27 - July 3, 2019
                                                                   THE PHILIPPINES                                                                                       9

GLOBE Telecom has recently turned over to the Cebu         building. By turning over this drug rehabilitation         Cebu has about 50,000 drug offenders who have
provincial government the first-of-its-kind drug           center to the Cebu provincial government, we hope to      surrendered at the end of 2017, representing 2
rehabilitation and treatment center in Pinamungajan,       show our strong support to the administration’s efforts   percent of the total provincial population of 2.94
Cebu in support of the Duterte Administration’s            to rehabilitate victims of drug addiction and bring       million.
national agenda to help former victims of drug abuse       about positive changes to our society.”                    There are currently two rehabilitation facilities in
recover from addiction and become productive                 Called the New Life Center, the rehabilitation center   Cebu located in Argao and Mandaue City but an
citizens.                                                  building sits on a 2,600 square meter property owned      additional drug rehabilitation facility will help address
  With the continuous success of the President’s war       by the Municipality of Pinamungajan under the             the growing need for treatment and care for victims.
against illegal drugs, our country needs more              jurisdiction of the Cebu provincial government.            The Philippines, under the Duterte administration,
establishments like this to extend holistic care to          The center can accommodate 106 beds to serve            has aggressively launched several campaigns to
patients. This way, we can help them in the recovery       former drug dependent patients in Cebu and nearby         address drug-related problems due to the high
process and in their reintegration back to their respec-   provinces who need quality and comprehensive              number of Filipinos addicted to illegal drugs such as
tive communities,” said outgoing Cebu Governor             treatment.                                                shabu, marijuana, rugby, solvent, cocaine, ecstasy,
Hilario Davide III.                                          It has a separate male and female ward and a psychi-    among others. The Dangerous Drugs Board estimated
  Yoly Crisanto, Globe Chief Sustainability Officer and    atric ward composed of 18 single rooms for extreme        the number at about 3.7 million in 2016. gac/KW
SVP for Corporate Communications, on the other             cases.                                                    (Contributed photos)
hand, said: “We are one with the government in nation
June 27 - July 3, 2019
10                                                   GCC & THE WORLD                                                      kabayanweekly.com

            15 people died after 7-storey
Earthquake building collapses in Cambodia
    rocks                                                                                                     FIFTEEN people died and many others are

                                                                                                              missing when a seven-story building has
                                                                                                              collapsed in the coastal city of Sihanoukville in
                                                                                                              Cambodia. At least 24 others have been reported
                                                                                                              injured - several critically - as the search for the

                                                                                                              missing continues, said officials.
                                                                                                                The building, which is under construction was
                                                                                                              owned by a Chinese company. Four people have
                                                                                                              been arrested over the collapse, including the
                                                                                                              Chinese building owner, the head of the
                                                                                                              construction firm and the contractor. A Cambodi-
 THE small community in Petrolia in Northern                                                                  an landowner has also been taken in for question-
 California was rocked by a magnitude 5.6                                                                     ing, BBC reported.
 earthquake on Saturday evening, June 22, the                                                                   About 1,000 people contributed to a rescue
 US Geological Survey reported.                                                                               effort, which involved using saws to cut steel
   The tremor was estimated to have a depth of                                                                beams in order to move piles of rubble from the
 9.4 km (5.8 miles).                                                                                          site.
   There was no immediate report of damages or                                                                  Sihanoukville has been transformed by the
                                                                                                              construction of Chinese hotels and casinos, in
                                                                                                              recent years.
   Petrolia is part of Humboldt County with an                                                                  Photo caption: Panoramic view of Sihanoukville,
 estimated population of a few hundred people.                                                                Cambodia where a 7-storey building collapses
                                                  Coastal view of Sihanoukville, Cambodia where a
 Located in 407 km north of San Francisco, the    7-storey building collapses causing the death of 15         causing the death of 15 people, injuring 24 and
 sleepy town is situated in a wilderness area     people, injuring 24 and many others missing.                many others missing. (Source: howdoitgo.asia)
 frequented by earthquake activities. jns/KW      (Source: YouTube)

                                                   Etihad suspends operations
                                                  over Hormuz Strait, Oman Gulf

                                                 ETIHAD Airways has recently announced it is                our own risk assessments to ensure that our standards
                                                 suspending operations through Iranian airspace over        are not compromised,” Etihad said in an official
                                                 the Straits of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman, following      statement.
                                                 the decision of the US Federal Aviation Administration       The second largest airlines of the United Arab
                                                 on June 22, to restrict US airline operations in           Emirates (UAE) will use alternative flight paths on a
                                                 Iranian-controlled airspace.                               number of routes to and from Abu Dhabi until further
                                                   Etihad consulted the UAE General Civil Aviation          notice.
                                                 Authority and other UAE airlines to evaluate the US          “These changes will cause delays on some depar-
                                                 action, before coming up with the decision to suspend      tures from Abu Dhabi, due to increased congestion in
                                                 operations.                                                available airspace, and will increase journey times on
                                                   “The safety of our passengers and staff is the highest   some routes,” the statement said.
                                                 priority for Etihad Airways, and we are continually          The airlines said it will provide updates of affected
                                                 engaging with regulatory authorities and conducting        flights on its global website. jns/KW
June 27 - July 3, 2019
                                                                 GCC & THE WORLD                                                                                       11


                                                                                            HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister
                                                                                            and Ruler of Dubai received the winning trophy for Blue Point from Queen
                                                                                            Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom at this year’s Royal Ascot.

GODOLPHIN’S Pinatubo has broken the two-year-old             Blue Point made history at Royal Ascot after claiming      On the second day of the racing week, H.H. Sheikh
course record in the Listed Chesham Stakes to claim         the title of King’s Stand Stakes on the opening day of     Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s
the title. The racehorse, named after a volcano in the      the racing festival.                                       Raffle Prize won the Queen Mary Stakes (Group 2) title.
Philippines, is one of the winning UAE horses in             H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid received the               Also, H.H. Sheikh Rashid bin Dalmouk Al Maktoum’s
Britain’s most popular race meeting.                        award from the Duke of Cambridge Prince William            Move Swiftly claimed the Duke of Cambridge Stakes
  His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al                amidst cheers from crowds.                                 (Group 2) prize. On the same day, H.H. Sheikh
Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of         Another win for UAE horses on Royal Ascot’s fifth day     Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s Afaak snatched the
Dubai, has expressed satisfaction with the achieve-         went to Defoe after storming the finish line to take the   Royal Hunt Cup (Heritage Handicap) title.
ments of UAE horses at the Royal Ascot horse race.          Hardwicke Stakes (Group 2) title.                           During the third day at Royal Ascot racecourse, H.H.
  The Vice President himself received the winning            In the Jersey Stakes (Group 3), Godolphin’s Space         Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al
trophy from Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom        Blues came in second.                                      Maktoum’s Dee Ex Bee came in second in the Gold
after another Godolphin’s pride Blue Point, ridden by        Achievements by UAE horses continued since the            Cup (Group 1) race. (Source: WAM) / (Photo Sourc-
James Doyle and trained by Charlie Appleby, galloped        beginning of this year’s Royal Ascot as H.H. Sheikh        es: darleyeaurope.com/mediaoffice.ae)
to victory and claimed the Diamond Jubilee Stakes           Ahmed bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s Addeybb won the
(Group 1) title.                                            Wolferton Stakes title on the first day.

                   ILO TURNS 100 YEARS OLD THIS YEAR
OVER 6,000 delegates from around the world have
gathered at the recently concluded 108th Internation-
al Labor Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to find
solutions to the challenges of the future of the world of
work, and celebrate the Centenary of the International
Labor Organization.
  UAE’s Minister of Human Resources and Emiratiza-
tion, Nasser bin Thani Al Hamli, have met with his
counterparts from Morocco, Rwanda, Ghana, Ethiopia
and Uganda, on the sidelines of the conference, which
opened on 10th June, 2019.
  Al Hamli and the African Ministers explored the
cooperation between the UAE and these countries in
areas of work and manpower. They also discussed the
agenda of the ILO conference, which focused on the
future of work and social justice.
  The reality of the UAE job market, Emiratization
programs, UAE employment policies and labor regula-
tions as well as employer-employee work relationship
were also discussed during the ministers’ meetings.
  The ministers also stressed on the importance of
boosting strategic government partnerships with the
UAE to ensure that worker's rights are guaranteed
throughout the temporary employment contract.                 UAE’s Minister of Human Resources and Emiratization, Nasser Bin Thani Al Hamli (5th from L) with his
                                                              counterparts from Africa in the recent International Labor Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.
oag/KW / (Source: WAM)
June 27 - July 3, 2019
12                                                       HEALTH & WELLNESS                                                       kabayanweekly.com

 Beware of killer fruits
    and vegetables
                                                                 By Aisha M. Ferrer, RN

 FRUITS, like vegetables are the best sources of         deaths of children from this region in India because       Normally, when there is a drop in the blood sugar
 vitamins and minerals. This is what’s taught in         eating lychees. The children were undernourished,        level, the liver which stores glycogen will start to
 every household and reinforced by teachers of           or some missed their meals when they ate unripe          release sugar to balance it out. But if there is not
 health and science subjects in schools. In the age of   lychees. Doctors said, they developed acute              much sugar reserves in the body, as in the case of
 internet, same message is conveyed through              encephalitis syndrome that involves inflammation         these malnourished children, only the toxins will be
 mainstream and social media platforms.                  of the brain.                                            released thereby impairing the glucose synthesis
   To eat fruits and vegetables is also most probably      What is lychee and why is it branded a killer fruit?   which will eventually lead to dangerously low
 the most common recommendation in the world of            Lychee is a tropical tree that bears a translucent     blood sugar levels and consequently brain inflam-
 health and wellness.                                    white, fleshy fruit with a floral smell and fragrant,    mation.
   Researches are done in a timely manner as to the      sweet flavor. The skin is rough but can be removed         These outbreaks are not limited to India.
 real benefits of fruits and vegetables to the health    easily. China is the main producer of the fruit          Outbreaks of similar acute neurological illnesses
 and wellbeing of an individual and the significance     followed by India and some other Southeast Asian         have also been reported from lychee-growing
 of being a vegetarian or a vegan.                       countries.                                               areas of Bangladesh and Vietnam.
   Little do we know that behind these new studies         A study conducted by the US Centers for Disease        Are all fruits and vegetables safe?
 and researches, there are controversies that            Control and Prevention (US CDC) along with its             "The idea that all-natural things are good for you
 emerge as to the extent of benefits or health           Indian national counterpart revealed that the            is rubbish. We are eating fruits and vegetables that
 hazards of fruits and veggies to the human body.        mortality of the encephalitis outbreak is attributed     potentially contain bad things. (Many) plants were
   For example, every year since 1995, an outbreak       to the toxins found in unripe lychee fruits.             not put here for our benefit but to protect
 in Muzaffarpur- India’s largest lychee-producing          Most of the fatalities came from poor families         themselves from predators " said Peter Spencer,
 region- hundreds of children are being hospital-        where the children are already malnourished.             professor of Neurology and Occupational Health
 ized for brain diseases that are linked to toxins in    Malnutrition or missed dinner coupled with the           Sciences at Oregon Health and Science University
 lychees. They present themselves in the hospitals       toxins present in unripe lychees when ingested will      as quoted by CNN.
 with fever, convulsions and seizures.                   cause abnormally low blood sugar levels or
   Just recently, CNN reported that almost 50 new        hypoglycemia.
June 27 - July 3, 2019
                                                               HEALTH & WELLNESS                                                                                   13

        Let us check the list of fruits and vegetables below:
   Potatoes                                                                                  Red kidney beans
     Who would have thought that the well-loved                                                Named because of its resemblance to the kidney and
   potatoes are equally dangerous to one’s health?                                           its color, red kidney bean is a variety of the common
   Potatoes are starchy, tuberous crop and are consid-                                       bean with its own classifications. They are commonly
   ered currently as the fourth most largest food crop in                                    used as integral part of the cuisine in most countries
   the world.                                                                                including Asia and America.
     Solanine, the toxic chemical found not just in                                            When uncooked, these beans contain phytohemag-
   potatoes but also in peppers, eggplants and                                               glutinin, a toxin that can cause nausea, vomiting and
   tomatoes, is a natural pesticide that protects the plant.                                 diarrhea which occur just after three hours after
   This toxic chemical increases with photosynthesis,                                        ingesting it.
   making the green part of the potato plant and tuber                                         Worry not though, as this toxin is easily destroyed by
   likely to be more dangerous when ingested or                                              heat. The US Food and Drug Administration recom-
   consumed.                                                                                 mend boiling the beans for at least 30 minutes to
     Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, stomach                                         completely destroy the toxins.
   pain, hallucinations and even paralysis. However, you                                       You are what you eat. An adage that is significantly
   need to eat a whole lot of potatoes to get sick or die.                                   true. Eating proper food for good health starts with
   Also avoid all its green parts.                                                           proper food selection, processing and preparing

                                 Star fruit (Balimbing)                               consumed by those with kidney problems.
                                  This fruit that derived its name from its shape       Eating this fruit regularly by those already
                                 and abound in Asia may cause adverse effects in      renal-impaired may lead to star fruit toxicity
                                 some people due to its high oxalate content.         which may cause neurological problems that
                                 While it is used as herbal remedy to people with     include hiccups, confusion, seizures and even
                                 normal functioning kidneys, it can be fatal if       death.

Cassava                                                     But be very careful when ingesting it because it can   slow heart rate, low blood pressure, loss of
 Cassava is a root crop like sweet potatoes. Today,       be poisonous when not processed properly as the          consciousness, and cardiac arrest.
more than 80 countries throughout the tropics grow        raw cassava contains cyanide. Cyanide poisoning is         Processing of cassava involves a mix of fermenta-
cassava, and it is the third most important source of     so sudden with early symptoms of headache,               tion, peeling, drying and cooking to detoxify the
calories feeding more than 800 million people             dizziness, fast heart rate, shortness of breath, and     tubers.
around world.                                             vomiting. This may then be followed by seizures,
June 27 - July 3, 2019
14                                                    BUSINESS & FINANCE                                                     kabayanweekly.com


                                                      Norm Gilsdorf, president for Honeywell, High Growth Regions, Middle East, Russia and Customs Union
 FACEBOOK is set to launch its own crypto

                                                     UAE, SAUDI COMPANIES VIEW
 currency dubbed “libra” in about a dozen
 countries in the first quarter of 2020.
   According to the BBC, chief executive and
 founder Mark Zuckerberg has already met

                                                       INTERNET OF THINGS AS
 with the governor of the Bank of England and
 sought legal advice from the U.S. Treasury on
 the currency.
   Although it remains unknown about how

                                                    CRITICAL TO GROWTH – SURVEY
 Facebook would move into the crypto curren-
 cy space, it is expected to be integrated into
 WhatsApp, as reported by Bloomberg last
   Last Friday, the social networking giant had     A NEW report by Honeywell (NYSE: HON), the global          combination of hardware, software, analytics and
 formed a new finance-tech company in               technology leader, has revealed two-thirds of              cyber security, these companies are poised to realize
 Switzerland, called Libra Networks, which will     medium-to-large organizations in the UAE (68               the gains Industry 4.0 has to offer,” added Gilsdorf.
 manage the crypto currency with Facebook           percent) and Saudi Arabia (66 percent) believe               Increasing the performance of operations was
 Global Holdings listed as a stakeholder in legal   Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies are      highlighted as a main benefit by survey respondents
 filings.                                           critical to business operations, or will become critical   currently leveraging IIoT solutions in both countries
   Reuters reported the company intended to         in the next five years.                                    (UAE 50 percent and Saudi Arabia 51 percent). Time
 focus on block chain and payments.                   Honeywell partnered with You Gov and IDC to launch       savings came in second as a key benefit (UAE 48
   Block chain, the distributed ledger technolo-    the “IIoT Market Spotlight – UAE & Saudi Arabia” study,    percent and Saudi Arabia 50 percent) and increased
 gy on which virtual currency is built, is a        which analyzes the views of approximately 250 C-level      revenues came third (UAE 28 percent and Saudi Arabia
 decentralized, encrypted and chronological         executives at companies in the UAE and Saudi Arabia        38 percent).
 record of transactions stored online. Coins are    across the buildings and cities, transport and logistics     As part of its commitment to advancing digital
 stored in digital wallets and traded online        and industrial sectors.                                    transformation in the region, Honeywell, a Fortune
 among users—without a traditional bank.              A total of 248 interviews were conducted in the UAE      100 technology company, has launched two innova-
   About a year ago, the company appointed          (120) and Saudi Arabia (128), with respondents who         tion and knowledge-exchange hubs in the UAE in the
 former PayPal executive David Marcus to            hold leadership roles, ranging from presidents,            past year.
 begin exploring opportunities with block           vice-presidents and general managers to C-Suite and          The Company will also open a new training and
 chain, the technological underpinning for          director-level leaders and department heads.               knowledge-sharing hub for IIoT technologies in
 crypto currency. Since then, several outlets         The results were then analyzed and compiled by IDC,      Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, representing continued signifi-
 have reported that the company has been            a leading global IoT analyst house.                        cant investment and commitment to digitalization
 building its own digital currency, which users       The report features insights from interviews with        efforts.
 will be able to store, trade, and exchange for     executives to gauge their perceptions, degree of             The Honeywell Masdar Innovation Center in Abu
 regular currency, in part through Facebook         implementation and investment outlook on IIoT-en-          Dhabi and the Honeywell Technology Experience
 apps including Messenger and WhatsApp.             abled technologies and digitalization initiatives within   Center in Dubai are designed to encourage collabora-
   The report adds that Facebook is also            their organizations.                                       tion and engagement between stakeholders and
 planning physical ATM-like machines where            “Digitalization initiatives and Industrial Internet of   facilitate the co-creation of industry-specific solutions
 users can buy the currency.                        Things technologies are revolutionizing the way            through the adoption of IIoT technology.
   Building an easy way for Facebook’s more         companies across the Middle East operate, by                 The Company also established the Honeywell
 than 2 billion users to pay for things and         connecting disparate systems across industrial             Industrial Cyber security Center of Excellence in Dubai
 exchange money between countries could             operations to derive previously untapped information       last year, a pioneering technology center that tests and
 help the company diversify beyond advertis-        that can drive new growth,” commented Norm                 demonstrates process control network vulnerabilities
 ing, which today accounts for nearly all of its    Gilsdorf, president for Honeywell, High Growth             and threats, trains regional customers with real-time
 revenue.                                           Regions, Middle East, Russia and Customs Union             attack simulations and provides advanced customer
   Facebook’s ad model has faced criticism          about the survey.                                          consultations.
 from privacy advocates, lawmakers and the            “Our survey reflects a strong and growing appetite to      In the Middle East for more than 60 years, Honey-
 press for the ways it collects and uses detailed   embrace digitalization across UAE and Saudi Arabia.        well’s solutions blend physical products with
 information about users. jns/KW / (Photo           Our customers are generating more data from increas-       advanced software to create value for customers while
 source: The Block - Crypto)                        ingly connected operations, and are asking for             supporting long-term national development visions
                                                    technologies to aggregate this data and convert it into    and economic diversification across the region.
                                                    insights that drive profitability. Through the right
June 27 - July 3, 2019
                                                              BUSINESS & FINANCE                                                                                        15

A FULL-DAY workshop on research and data conduct-
ed by the Emirates Publishers Association (EPA) in
collaboration with The Nielsen Company yesterday,
saw a gathering of over 35 publishers and other
industry professionals at the Sharjah Publishing City
Free Zone (SPCFZ).
  How research and data can boost in the UAE’s book
industry was the central focus of this workshop; a
concept that EPA is introducing to the local publishing
market based on their groundwork, which shows
publishers in the UAE can hugely benefit by
implementing data aggregation and survey research
to aid the discovery and purchase, distribution and
sales measurement of their products.
  Rashid Al Kous, Executive Director of EPA, has urged
publishers to cooperate with the Nielsen Group by
offering active assistance to their research and data
gathering process, emphasizing that the project’s
outcome will be key to not only tracking sales, but
compare their month-on-month growth and have a
clear picture of their market standing, locally and
  “Individual statistical data that will be received from
publishers will be absolutely confidential. They will not
be individually disclosed, but used to generate
collective UAE market performance projections and
reports, and guide publishers to take informed
production and sales decisions,” Al Kous said.
  The workshop is a starting point of this new EPA
project, which aims to establish a complete database        stakeholders.                                              publishing industry.
of the UAE publishing market that will be the basis for       The preliminary discussions among publishers have          Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, Vice President
their partner, Nielsen Group, to begin developing a         closed with a mutual understanding of the scope of the     of the International Publishers Association (IPA) who
customized BookScan service for the UAE market, to          project and an agreement about the next steps that         has led the efforts to advance the publishing industry
fulfill the needs of local publishers and other             will be implemented to bring BookScan to the UAE’s         in the UAE, founded EPA in 2009 under an initiative.

                                                             UAE courts? – Mabel                                      lack of funds – Josephine
                                                               The initial remedy is for you to send a demand           The bank can file a criminal case against you for
                                                             letter to your husband pursuant to Article 272 (1) of    issuing a check without sufficient funds pursuant to
                                                             the Civil Code, as amended by Federal Law No. 1 of       Article 401 of the Penal Code, to wit:
                                                             1987.                                                      “A punishment of confinement or a fine shall be
                                                               Should your husband fail to provide support            inflicted upon any person who, in bad faith draws a
                                                             despite several demands from you, a legal case can       check without existing or withdrawal provision, or
                                                             be initiated against him before the UAE Family           who after issuing the check, withdraws all or part of
                                                             Courts. You can also request his employer to make        the fund to that the balance becomes insufficient to
                                                             direct monthly payments to you out of his salary.        settle the amount of the check, who orders the
                                                               Penalties for missing a support payment can send       drawee not to pay check or deliberately makes or
           ATTY. BARNEY ALMAZAR                              one up to a year in prison, pursuant to Article 330 of   signs the check in such a manner as to prevent it
                                                             the Penal Code. Furthermore, UAE jurisprudence           from being paid. xxx”

        ASK ATTY. BARNEY                                     considers it a crime against the family if the father
                                                             refuses to pay alimony and child support. This is of
                                                             course without prejudice to the filing executory
                                                                                                                        By issuing dishonored check, the court may order
                                                                                                                      your imprisonment or payment of a fine. If you have
                                                                                                                      a pending criminal case, you will be prohibited from
   DEMAND FOR CHILD SUPPORT                                  reliefs before the Philippine Courts.                    leaving the UAE.
    Atty. Barney, my husband left me and my son
   for another woman. From that day, he never sent           CRIMINAL CASE FOR DISHONORED CHECK                        Editor’s note: Atty. Barney is a Director at the
   a single Dirham to help me raise our son. I have           Atty. Barney, I owned a salon in Dubai where I          Commercial Department of Gulf Law in the
   been sending him messages through WhatsApp                am based. I gave a check of AED200, 000 to one           Middle East, Philippines and United Kingdom.
   and Facebook, asking him for child support, but           of my suppliers. Due to lack of cash flow I was not      Readers may email their questions to
   he just ignored all my messages. What should I            able to honor the check. What will be the conse-         barney@gulflaw.info; or visit www.gulflaw.info
   do? Can I file a case for child support before the        quence if the check will be dishonored due to            or call +971 55 8650 248 for further information.
June 27 - July 3, 2019
 16                                                        BUSINESS & FINANCE                                                      kabayanweekly.com

                                                                                                                       DUBAI SMARTPRENEUR
                                                                                                                       WINNER INTRODUCES
                                                                                                                          DENARRI CASH

                                                                                                                       Jon Edward Santillan, developer and owner
                                                                                                                       of Denarii Cash, talks to his audience during

                                                                                                                       its recent product launch.

                                                                                                                       DUBAI-BASED Filipino Jon Edward Santillan,
                                                                                                                       developer and first prize winner of the 4th Dubai
                                                                                                                       Smartpreneur Competition of the Dubai Chamber

  USD11,000 DUE TO
                                                                                                                       of Commerce and Industry last April 30, has
                                                                                                                       recently launched Denarii Cash a fintech solution
                                                                                                                       app that helps Filipino Overseas Workers (OFWs)
                                                                                                                       send money to their loved ones in the Philippines.
                                                                                                                         Philippine Consul General Paul Raymund Cortes
                                                                                                                       joined Santillan at the launch to tackle the

                                                                                                                       perennial issue of lowering transaction and
                                                                                                                       exchange costs relative to remittances.
                                                                                                                         In his remarks, Consul General Commending
                                                                                                                       Denarii's initiative said, “Solutions founded on
                                                                                                                       advances in information technology are necessary
                                                                                                                       to respond to the challenge of the nexus between
BITCOIN is back in the news as crypto currencies are      with the backing by a basket of real-world currencies        remittances and housing, banking and financial
seeing a major resurgence following the crash of 2018     and a consortium of companies including Visa,                institutions, investments, and financial education
which saw its peak at USD20,000 in early 2018.            MasterCard, PayPal and Uber.                                 and entrepreneurship.”
  Bitcoin surged to a near 16-month high above              Calling bitcoin’s rise a “blast from the past”, OANDA        He also lauded Denarii Cash for raising the
USD11,000 recently, overshadowing showings across         analyst Craig Erlam said the Facebook crypto currency        profile of the Overseas Filipino for winning at the
stock, foreign exchange and commodity markets and         launch seemed to be “legitimizing the industry” which        4th Dubai Smartpreneur Competition and as
breathing new life into the sector.                       had come under scrutiny after the bitcoin fell 80            finalist at the Mohammad Bin Rashid Fund
  Bitcoin reached USD11,251.21, surpassing                percent from its peaks.                                      Initiative.
USD10,000 for the first time since March last year, as      “Bitcoin is very much back in the headlines, as the          “These, I said, were proof of the OF's growing
the crypto currency sector got a huge boost from          crypto currency surged through USD10,000 for the             technical expertise in innovative and 21st century
Facebook’s unveiling of its own digital unit Libra,       first time in more than a year and reminded us all of the    solutions to migration and development
analysts said.                                            good old days of late-2017,” Erlam said.                     concerns,” said Cortes.
  “The strong resurgence in the bitcoin price is mainly     “Bitcoin volatility is likely to persist, with USD12,000     Santillan and Denver Chua, both Filipino
due to the renewed mainstreaming interest in crypto       and USD15,000 as the next two critical resistance            entrepreneurs, founded the startup business in
currencies and the technology which underlines            levels,” said OANDA senior market analyst Edward             early 2017. The cofounders have left their compa-
them,” Naeem Aslam, analyst at trading group Think        Moya.                                                        ny to put up the USD100,000 project. gac/KW
Markets, said.                                              Bitcoin has risen about 20 percent this month alone        (Photo courtesy of CG Paul Cortes)
  “Projects like Facebook’s Libra have provided much      but is still well off record levels near USD20,000 seen at
needed tailwind for this space,” he added.                the end of 2017.
  The social network plans to launch Libra next year,
June 27 - July 3, 2019
                                                                           LIFESTYLE                                                                                    17


    WE ALL know that children require exercise to           conscious citizens. They will also learn sustainable      responsible citizens of the future.
    develop physically and mentally. We also know that      living.                                                     Every activity at the summer camp draws inspira-
    contact with nature is essential to their healthy         This summer let your children gain a hands-on           tion from nature, such as baking brownies using a
    development – body, mind, spirit.                       experience nature and celebrate its richness of           solar oven and designing electric cars.
     Research studies show that nature increases            nature at the The Sustainable City Summer Camp.             They will also explore ways to make art with food,
    youth creativity, reduces stress, and helps kids who      In a creative, engaging and inspiring environ-          learn to grow plants, among other things.
    suffer from attention-deficit disorder.                 ment, your children will take part in a range of            Contact info@beitfann.ae or 04 589 6991 for
     In general, when children and adults connect with      fun-filled activities that enhances their curiosity       more details and registration.
    nature, they will become environmentally                and teach them build skills to help them become

                           RELAX, IT’S JUST SUMMER
RISING temperatures don’t mean that you stay                 Where to find this kind of cool offer? Biggles in         20 years, known for its excellent food and live
indoors and miss out on fun all summer. There are          Millennium Airport Hotel Dubai has for their ‘Beat the      entertainment.
many ways to beat Dubai’s summer heat!                     Heat’ summer promotion.                                       This award-winning British bar decorated in WWII
  You could chill out with friends with a bucket of          This special summer offer is from 15th June to 16th       aviation-themed memorabilia an ideal venue for night
refreshing 6 ice-cold bottled hops and a platter of        July 2019 from 12pm to 2am.                                 entertainment. It is also a sports pub with 17 screens
snacks for just AED199.                                      Biggles has been Dubai’s favorite British pub for over    for ultimate viewing of your favorite sports. oag/KW
June 27 - July 3, 2019
18                                                          SHOWBIZ BUZZ                                                      kabayanweekly.com

KOREAN ACTOR, PARK BO GUM MEETS FANS IN MANILA      FAMOUS Korean dramatic actor, Park Bo Gum, has                After the BTS number the 26-year-old admitted his
                                                    recently visited the Philippines, for the last leg of his   close friend and BTS member KimTaehyung, common-
                                                    Asian tour, in a fan meeting dubbed “Good Day” in SM        ly known as “V”, taught him the song's choreography.
                                                    Mall of Asia Arena where he was enthusiastically              He even gamely gave in to the fans’ request to dance
                                                    welcomed by thousands of fans.                              “Bombastic”, which he performed while promoting
                                                      The six-foot tall actor-model opened the event with       “Love in the Moonlight” in 2016.
                                                    his rendition of Day 6’s song “I Like You” to the delight     At the end of the show, all fans were treated to a
                                                    of his fans who endured hours to get inside the concert     "hi-touch" session with Bo Gum. They also received
                                                    venue.                                                      free posters and a letter from the actor as a simple
                                                      Three lucky fans have their chance of a lifetime when     souvenir of the event.
                                                    they were selected to act scenes with Park from his           The actor, a devout Christian, later posted a video
                                                    latest drama “Encounter”.                                   message on the Facebook page of local fans club Park
                                                      He also performed some Korean hit songs hits              Bo Gum Philippines.
                                                    “Bounce”, “Through The Night” and “Celebrity”;                "My fans in the Philippines, it was really a good day in
                                                    English song “I Will Be Here” and the Pinoy hit song        Manila so thank you for coming and thank you for your
                                                    “Nasa Iyo na ang Lahat”.                                    time for me. It was really a Good Day! God bless you
                                                      Fans joined him as he sang the soundtracks from his       all!”
                                                    hit drama “Love in the Moonlight” such as “Swallowing         Bo Gum is a graduate of Musical Theater at Myongji
                                                    My Heart” of B1A4’s Sandeul and his own single “My          University in South Korea.
                                                    Person”.                                                      The gentle mannered actor soared to stardom for his
                                                      Fans swooned as the South Korean heartthrob hit the       roles in “Love in the Moonlight”, “Reply 1988”, “Hello
                                                    dance floor with hot K-Pop hits such as TWICE’s “What       Monster”, and “Encounter”. (Source: PNA) / (Photo
                                                    is Love” and BTS’ “Boy with Luv”.                           source: wallpapercave.com)


THE entertainment industry is still reeling from
the death of veteran actor Eddie Garcia, yet
another one of its icons has fallen.                           ALDEN RICHARDS VISITS
                                                                ABS-CBN COMPOUND
  Renowned jazz artist Jacqui Magno, has passed
away on June 21 at the age of 65 after having
been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
  Magno, a member of Circus Band in the 70’s
died at the University of the East Ramon Magsay-
say (UERM) Memorial Hospital, pep.ph report-           KAPUSO actor Alden Richards has visited                  some digital shoots)," he said.
ed.                                                    ABS-CBN on June 25, for some promotional                   Kathryn also brought Alden to the Star Cinema
  As Circus Band, Magno shared the stage with          activities for Hello, Love, Goodbye, a movie by Star     office, where a priest who also offered prayers for
Basil Valdez, Hajji Alejandro, Tillie Moreno, and      Cinema that he co-stars with actress Kathryn             the movie’s success blessed them.
Pat Castillo. The group was famous in the local        Bernardo.                                                  Afterwards, the duo had a photo op and intimate
entertainment circuit in the 70s.                       Kathryn personally welcomed and accompanied             lunch with Star Cinema Managing Director Ms.
  In one of her previous interviews, Magno never       Alden for brief tour of the ABS-CBN compound.            Olivia Lamasan.
expected she would end up as a professional             In an interview with ABS-CBN News, Alden said             On June 14, Star Cinema released the teaser of
singer. “Never in my wildest dreams,” she              that it was not his first time to visit the building.    the movie. The film’s director Cathy Garcia-Molina
quipped.                                                "Medyo surreal na nandito ako ngayon (It feels          is currently in Thailand for its postproduction.
  The legendary singer’s last performance before       surreal for me to be here). Nandito kami ni Kath to        Hello, Love, Goodbye was shot in Hong Kong and
she took her last bow was at a 2016 concert            shoot mga video plugs and yung mga digital shoot         will be shown in cinemas on July 31. (Source:
where she reprised her signature solo number           (Kath and I are here to shoot our video plugs and do     pep.ph)
“Bridges." oag/KW
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