Page created by Joel Mejia
Christmas 2018

Excellent service
Yorkshire’s finest
Brexit ahead
                                      Our Head of Private Client, Elaine Lightfoot, continues to receive numerous instructions from clients
                                      wishing to set up Lasting Powers of Attorney or to update existing arrangements. Here she explains
                                      the benefits.

                                     Plan for the Future
                                      For many clients,          of chosen attorneys          People often have            care staff are well versed   practice to ensure that
                                      drafting a Lasting         or are attracted by          firm views on aspects        in the advantages of         any misconceptions
                                      Power of Attorney is       the flexibility of the       such as life-sustaining      clients having such LPAs     are nipped in the bud.
                                      their first experience     Lasting Power of             treatment and for them,      in place.
                                                                                                                                                        LPAs can be drawn up
                                      of any sort of power       Attorney for Property        understandably, it is
                                                                                                                           The process itself is        at relatively little cost
                                      of attorney. However,      and Financial Affairs,       important to have a legal
                                                                                                                           straightforward but          when compared with
                                      recently, I have found     including the ability        document drawn up
                                                                                                                           clients benefit from         the alternative of a
                                      many instructions          to include preferences       appointing the correct
                                                                                                                           being able to discuss        Court of Protection
                                      received are from          and instructions             people to make such
                                                                                                                           the options available        application if a person
                                      clients who entered        relating to, for             choices if the need arises
                                                                                                                           to them in detail with       no longer has capacity
                                      into Enduring Powers       example, management          in the future. Many
                                                                                                                           me and the team. We          and is therefore unable
                                      of Attorney pre 2007       of discretionary             such instructions come
                                                                                                                           can give guidance on         to enter into an LPA.
                                      but now find such          investments following        from GP and care home
                                      documents fall short       the loss of capacity.        referrals where medical/     how such LPAs work in
                                      of their requirements.
                                                                 I have also seen an
                                      Whilst there is not        increase in clients           Partner Elaine Lightfoot heads our
                                      always the necessity       wishing to draw up            Private Client team.
                                      to update the power        LPAs for Health and           Her areas of expertise      sizes and complexities,
                                      of attorney from the       Welfare matters with          include Wills,              together with Lasting
                                      old style EPA, many        a greater awareness of        Trusts, Settlements,        Powers of Attorney and
                                      clients wish to update     the difficult decisions       Inheritance Tax             Court of Protection
                                      their instructions in      families and loved ones       Planning, the               matters. Elaine also
                                      respect of their chosen    may face in the future        Administration of           advises in respect of care
                                      attorneys to often         if the donor is unable        Estates and Trusts of all   home fees planning.           Elaine Lightfoot
                                      add a larger group         to make such choices.

                                     Senior Partner Peter McCormick has been reappointed to the national sports dispute resolution body

                                     Sport Resolutions
                                     He will be a member of      the organisation:            an expert, speedy            court-based litigation.      operates the National
                                     the Sport Resolutions       Commercial; Professional     and cost-effective           It provides sport-           Anti-Doping Panel
                                     (UK) Panels of              Football; and Discipline     alternative to internal      specific arbitration and     (NADP) and National
                                     Arbitrators and             and Integrity.               appeals processes and        mediation services and       Safeguarding Panel (NSP).
                                     Mediators for a further
                                     three-year term.            Sport Resolutions (UK) is
                                                                 an independent, not-for-
                                     The appointment means       profit, dispute resolution
                                     that he will continue       service for sport in
                                     to Chair arbitrations. In   the United Kingdom.
                                     addition he has been        Established by the main
                                     appointed to three          stakeholder groups in
                                     expert panels within        sport, it aims to provide

                                      CONTENTS                           P3 Merry Christmas
                                                                         P4 What the Guides say
                                                                                                             P6 Yorkshire Young Achievers
                                                                                                             P10 Drive safely
                                                                                                                                                  P11 Brexit implications

  As 2018 draws to a close, I am delighted to report another busy and positive year for McCormicks.

  Christmas and New Year Greetings
  In January we                of department, Partner          26th anniversary of          of Brexit become ever
  appointed our new            Heather Roberts.                the Yorkshire Young          more apparent, early
  head of Corporate and                                        Achievers Awards with        signs are that it should
                               The head of our
  Commercial, Partner                                          some fantastic winners,      be a positive year for
                               Family Team, Stephen
  Jon Healey, who many                                         who you can read             our lovely region, which
                               Hopwood, has been
  of you will have now                                         about in this issue, and     will play host to the
                               made a Partner to
  met. So busy has                                             added to our own list of     2019 UCI World Cycling
                               reflect his commitment
  the department now                                           Awards with two more         Championships, with
                               both to achieving the
  become, we added                                             this month.                  all of the races finishing
                               best possible outcomes
  to the team with the                                                                      in our home town of
                               for our Family clients          We have also won praise
  appointment of Emily                                                                      Harrogate.
                               and to the practice.            for our work in the
  Steed just six months
                                                               leading guides to the        We also look forward
  later.                       Brian Nuttney’s
                                                               legal profession which,      to the 16th anniversary        Peter McCormick
                               qualification as a
  We have also boosted                                         again, you can read          of the Theakston Old
                               Solicitor has further                                                                       My colleagues and I
  our Commercial                                                                            Peculier Crime Writing
                               added to the strength           more about in this issue.                                   wish you a very merry
  Property department,                                                                      Festival and to England’s
                               of our General and                                                                          Christmas and a happy,
  again reflecting its                                         While 2019 will              biggest agricultural
                               Corporate Crime and                                                                         healthy and successful
  work levels, with the                                        undoubtedly bring            show, the Great
                               Risk team.                                                                                  New Year!
  appointment of Tiffany                                       challenges for us all, not   Yorkshire Show, both of
  Jackson to assist head       We have marked the              least as the implications    which the firm supports.       Peter McCormick OBE

“Excellent Service” Rewarded
 The “excellent service”       continued excellence.           North Yorkshire-based        described as having            Society. Heather Roberts
 offered by McCormicks         Peter McCormick is              practices as the only        “exceptional customer          is recommended for
 has been recognised in        also ranked in the elite        Harrogate practice           service”, Agriculture and      commercial property
 the newly-published UK        “Leading Lawyers” list          recommended in eight         Estates, where it has an       matters; Philip
 Legal 500, one of the         as a Leading Individual         areas of law, namely EU      “excellent” agricultural       Edmondson for handling
 leading guides to the legal   in Sport in both London         and Competition, Crime       and rural affairs team,        disputes; and Jon Healey
 profession.                   and the Yorkshire and           (Fraud), Crime (General),    Charities and Not-for-         for corporate and
 The firm is praised for its   Humber, with clients            Contentious Trusts and       Profit, Family, Private        commercial matters,
 expertise and service in      referring to him as “the        Probate, Sport, Dispute      Client (Personal Tax, Trusts   particularly in relation to
 the editorial covering a      god of sports law”, whilst      Resolution: Mediators and    and Probate), Commercial       shooting estates. Head of
 number of different legal     Head of Commercial              Professional Discipline.     Property, Property             the Private Client team
 disciplines, including        Litigation, Partner Philip      Chambers UK                  Litigation, IT and Telecoms    Elaine Lightfoot is another
 Dispute Resolution,           Edmondson, is listed as a       recommends both Peter        and Intellectual Property.     name to note.
 Agriculture and Estates,      “Next Generation” lawyer        McCormick and Neil           Chambers commends              UK Legal 500
 IT and Telecoms and           in Sport.                       Goodrum in its rankings.     the firm for Sport, being      Well-regarded agricultural
 Intellectual Property.        The UK Legal                    Peter McCormick said: “It    the only North Yorkshire       practice based in
 Published the same week       500’s individual                is gratifying to have won    firm to win a national         Harrogate, providing
 as Chambers UK 2019,          recommendations cover           these recommendations        ranking, Agriculture and       clients with full rural
 the two leading guides        10 lawyers, including all       from publications which      Rural Affairs, Crime and       property and tax planning
 make 47 individual            eight Partners, at the          carry out research both      Mediators.                     services. Acts for a
 recommendations for           firm across 18 different        with our clients and with    What the Guides Say            number of large landed
 lawyers at the firm in 22     disciplines, for all of which   our fellow professionals     Agriculture and Estates        estates on a wide range
 areas of law.                 the firm as a whole is          and the whole team is        and Rural Affairs              of matters including
                               ranked.                         delighted to have achieved   The “excellent” agriculture    acquisition, disposal,
 The UK Legal 500 singles
 out both Senior Partner       McCormicks is                   such a great result.”        and rural affairs team         voluntary registration
 Peter McCormick OBE           recommended in the              The firm also wins           at McCormicks is led           and diversification. Also
 and Consultant Neil           London section of the           recommendations from         by Senior Partner Peter        represents clients in
 Goodrum in its new Hall       guide for its work in           the UK Legal 500 for its     McCormick, who has             disputes. Key specialism
 of Fame, which highlights     Professional Discipline,        work in Corporate and        significant charity law        in work involving shooting
 individuals who have          Sport and for Mediators.        Commercial, Dispute          experience. McCormick          estates. One client says:
 received constant praise      It has again led the            Resolution/Commercial        continues to be instructed     “There’s no messing
 from their clients for        way for Harrogate and           Litigation, where it is      by the Royal Horticultural     around and no frills at         P3
                                     straight to the point and
                                     give you quick responses.”
                                     Head of practice Peter
                                     McCormick is a trusted
                                     adviser to significant
                                     estates and shooting
                                     businesses in Yorkshire.
                                     He is well known for his
                                     expertise in this area.
                                     Chambers UK                    Senior Partner Peter McCormick   Heather Roberts                Jon Healey                    Elaine Lightfoot

                                     Charities and
                                     Not-For-Profit                 both families and                heads McCormicks’              tenant disputes, fraud,       infringe competition law
                                     Managing Partner               professionals in complex         Corporate Crime and            partnership litigation and    by preventing third party
                                     Peter McCormick leads          disputes. Peter McCormick        Risk department which is       shareholder disputes.         ownership of players,
                                     the charities practice         heads up the practice            highlighted for its strength   Clients also praise Philip    and representing it in a
                                     at McCormicks and              and has significant              in defending commercial        Edmondson, who “is a          complaint brought to
                                     continues to act as Trustee    expertise acting for             and white-collar fraud         genuine professional”.        the EC by FIFPro alleging
                                     for several organisations.     executors, trustees and          allegations. The team          Recent work includes          that certain elements of
                                     Leveraging the firm’s          potential beneficiaries of       recently acted for an          acting for the Premier        the way the international
                                     strength in the sport          very significant estates         individual accused of fraud    League in a challenge         transfer market operates
                                     sector, the practice’s         and trusts. Other key            involving investment           to its ban of third-party     are anti-competitive
                                     clients include the            names to note in this            monies, in a case              ownership of footballers’     and breach European
                                     Premier League Charitable      area include Litigation          involving complex multi-       economic rights; Rudding      law. Leeds United FC,
                                     Fund and the Football          department head Philip           jurisdictional issues. In      Park, Leeds United FC,        Cleveland Process Designs,
                                     Foundation. The team           Edmondson and Elaine             another work example the       GMI Construction Group        Harrogate International
                                     has recently advised the       Lightfoot, who leads the         team is representing an        and Oracle Finance are        Festivals and Plantagenet
                                     former on several matters      Private Client group.            individual who allegedly       also clients. UK Legal 500    Media are also clients.
                                     including on a sponsorship     UK Legal 500                     defrauded suppliers            Dispute Resolution:           Philip Edmondson is a key
                                     agreement with Barclays                                         throughout Yorkshire           Mediators (London)            name to note.
                                                                    Corporate and                    in missing trader fraud
                                     Bank. Clients also include                                                                     Formerly an equity partner    UK Legal 500
                                                                    Commercial                       proceedings involving
                                     Harrogate International        McCormicks is “highly                                           at McCormicks (where          Family
                                     Festivals, the John                                             multiple defendants.           he remains a Consultant),
                                                                    renowned for its sporting        UK Legal 500                                                 McCormicks Family
                                     Strutt Centre for Parrot       expertise” with a client                                        CEDR Chambers’ Neil           practice, headed up by
                                     Conservation and the War       roster including Leeds           Crime: General                 Goodrum “remains              Stephen Hopwood,
                                     Memorials Trust. Head of       United FC and the Premier        In Harrogate, McCormicks’      unflappably calm even         handles a range of matters
                                     Private Client group Elaine    League; Senior Partner           Corporate Crime and            in the face of seemingly      including financial and
                                     Lightfoot regularly advises    Peter McCormick leads the        Risk unit, headed up by        intractable positions taken   divorce proceedings,
                                     charity clients and is a key   relationship with the latter     Geoffrey Rogers, has           by parties; he continues      domestic abuse cases
                                     name to note, in addition      and recently advised it          experience defending           to question and probe         and children law matters.
                                     to Heather Roberts for         on the commercial issues         clients in the full            and eventually excellent      The practice is currently
                                     property advice.               relating to club takeovers       spectrum of serious            results are achieved”.        instructed by a father in
                                     UK Legal 500                   and financing work. Jon          criminal allegations and       Goodrum recently              complex Children Act
                                                                    Healey heads the practice;       prosecutions. The team is      mediated a dispute            proceedings involving
                                     Commercial Property
                                                                    his expertise encompasses        representing individuals       involving a personal injury   litigation relating to
                                     Heather Roberts heads          acquisitions and                 facing allegations of          claim for psychiatric         parental alienation
                                     the department at              disposals, joint ventures,       kidnap, attempted              injury sustained during       syndrome. The practice
                                     McCormicks and is noted        shareholders agreements,         murder, as well as drug        employment; and assisted      is also representing a
                                     for her retail expertise,      reorganisations,                 charges. Peter Minnikin        with an agency fee dispute    respondent in a financial
                                     commercial lettings            restructurings and               and senior associate           between a professional        remedy case valued at
                                     work, site acquisitions        commercial contracts.            Sara Morgan are names          sportsman and his former      £3m, this matter includes
                                     and developments, and          Other highlights include         to note, particularly for      agent. UK Legal 500           consideration of trusts,
                                     landlord and tenant            advising the Premier             firearm and regulatory                                       family businesses and
                                                                                                                                    EU and Competition
                                     matters. Highlights            League Charitable                offences, and professional                                   intervening parties on
                                                                                                                                    Peter McCormick leads
                                     included acting for            Fund on a joint venture          regulatory work,                                             behalf of the company.
                                                                                                                                    the team at McCormicks,
                                     Yorkshire Agricultural         project with the Premier         respectively.                                                UK Legal 500
                                                                                                                                    which counts the
                                     Society, assisting Leeds       League and BBC                   UK Legal 500                   Premier League as a key       Intellectual Property
                                     United FC with property        Children in Need, and
                                                                                                     Dispute Resolution/            client; recent highlights     Clients of McCormicks
                                     issues relating to its         acting on a sponsorship
                                                                                                     Commercial Litigation          include representing it       “are spoilt at all levels
                                     stadium and training           agreement with Barclays
                                                                                                     McCormicks’ “excellent”        in an arbitration against     thanks to the truly
                                     ground, and acting for         Bank; assisting the
                                                                                                     practice has “exceptional      Leyton Orient relating        excellent service that the
                                     the Premier League on          Isthmian League with
                                                                                                     customer service” under        to its decision to allow      firm provides”. Jon Healey
                                     matters surrounding the        its restructuring and
                                                                                                     the leadership of Senior       West Ham United to use        leads the department
                                     redevelopment of its           corporate governance
                                                                                                     Partner Peter McCormick,       the Olympic Stadium           which is prominent in the
                                     London headquarters.           issues and acting for
                                                                                                     whose “excellent ability       and claims that the           sport and media sectors.
                                     UK Legal 500                   Harrogate International
                                                                                                     and knowledge of the           decision was in breach        In a recent highlight, the
                                                                    Festivals on its corporate
                                     Contentious Trusts and                                          sport sector really sets       of competition law,           team advised the Premier
                                     Probate                                                         him apart”. The group          defending it in an EC         League Charitable Fund
                                                                    UK Legal 500
                                     McCormicks’ contentious                                         is also active in the          complaint brought by          on data protection issues,
                                     tax, trusts and estates        Crime: Fraud                     insolvency space and           Doyen Sports alleging that    trade mark licences and
P4                                   team regularly represents      Geoffrey Rogers                  handles landlord and           the Premier League rules      a sponsorship agreement
Philip Edmondson              Geoff Rogers                    Peter Minnikin                Sara Morgan                   Stephen Hopwood

with Barclays Bank. Other     on a broad spectrum             and dilapidation claims.      multiple sponsorship          members of the public
work includes acting for      of issues. Leveraging           Recent highlights             contracts, and handled        with obtaining firearms
Harrogate International       the firm’s sport sector         include acting for the        governance issues,            certificates. Other clients
Festivals on multiple         expertise, the team is          John Strutt Centre for        sponsorship work and          include McLaren F1 Team,
sponsorship agreements        instructed by the Premier       Parrot Conservation in        commercial transactions       Yorkshire County Cricket
with its lead sponsors        League to advise on trust       two boundary disputes;        for the Isthmian Football     Club and the Leeds
Theakston and WH Smith,       structures to protect           representing Leeds United     League. The firm also acts    Rhinos. UK Legal 500
assisting the Premier         young players wealth.           FC in disputes relating to    for The Ryman League,
League with operational       The team also advises           Elland Road Stadium and       McLaren Formula One,          Sport (UK-wide)
and IP issues surrounding     estates and high net            the training ground at        Yorkshire County Cricket      Yorkshire practice
the company’s website         worth individuals on tax        Thorp Arch, and handling      Club, Leeds Rhinos RLFC       providing expertise
including the Fantasy         and inheritance planning.       a lease renewal dispute       and a number of shoot         in a range of matters
League facility, and          Elaine Lightfoot heads the      for a retail property.        proprietors. Other key        including contentious
handling trade mark           team and works closely          The Premier League is         figures include Philip        and non-contentious
registrations for Cleveland   with Commercial Property        also a key client for the     Edmondson, who is the         football work, continuing
Process Designs. Leeds        Partner Heather Roberts.        firm; name partner Peter      key name for litigation,      to be a principal adviser
United FC, Rudding Park       UK Legal 500                    McCormick leads the           and corporate specialist
and Plantagenet Media                                                                                                     to the Premier League,
                              Professional Discipline         relationship.                 Jon Healey. UK Legal 500
are also clients.                                             UK Legal 500                                                with additional clients
                              (London)                                                      Sport (London)                in shooting and cricket.
UK Legal 500                  McCormicks’ practice            Sport (Yorkshire and
                                                                                            Well known for its            Involved in grassroots
IT and Telecoms               includes advising               the Humber)
                                                                                            “longstanding history” in     football development
The “high-quality, quick      accountants on                  McCormicks “sits at
                                                                                            sports law, McCormicks        and provides experience
and efficient service”        disciplinary proceedings        the top of the list
                                                                                            is said by some clients to    in arbitration and
provided by McCormicks        brought by both the             for a reason” thanks
                                                                                            be “by far the leading firm   mediation. Advises on a
is led by Jon Healey and      Institute of Chartered          to the “unparalleled
                                                              experience” of Peter          as regards representing       broad range of corporate
includes the “always          Accountants for England                                       major football bodies”;
fabulously reassuring”        and Wales and the               McCormick; “the god                                         and commercial issues,
                                                              of sports law” according      the Premier League is its     including sponsorship,
Peter McCormick. Clients      Association of Chartered                                      most prominent client.
are primarily based in        Certified Accountants.          to clients, McCormick is                                    governance issues and
                                                              “totally unflappable and      Other sports in which
the sport, media and          Peter McCormick OBE                                                                         insolvency. A client
                                                              commercially astute” with     the team is experienced
entertainment sectors         is a sports regulatory                                                                      comments: “They have
                                                              “a wealth of knowledge        include rugby, boxing,
with examples including       specialist, who also                                                                        a good commercial
                                                              and experience in the         athletics, horseracing
the Premier League,           regularly represents                                                                        understanding of sport
                                                              football world that simply    and motorsports. “Highly
Leeds United FC and           solicitors and firms of                                                                     and have always been
                                                              can’t be matched”. The        intelligent” name partner
Plantagenet Media. The        solicitors that are the                                                                     able to resource what I
                                                              Premier League is a key       Peter McCormick
team has IT retainers with    subject of investigations                                                                   wanted.” Another notes:
                                                              client for the team; recent   is “thoughtful and
Welcome to Harrogate          or prosecutions by the                                                                      “They face up to the
                                                              work includes advising        pragmatic”, and widely
and the Premier League        Solicitors Regulation                                                                       actual issues and they’re
                                                              it on the approvals           regarded as “a giant in
Charitable Fund; it also      Authority; Peter Minnikin
                                                              process in applying the       football-related law”;        very good at dealing
advised Cleveland Process     has developed a
                                                              Owners’ and Directors’        he is chief adviser to the    with clients. It’s a very
Designs on the licensing      portfolio of disciplinary
                                                              Test when a club takeover     Premier League, advising      good team all the way
of multiple software          work including
                                                              or acquisition occurs,        it on regulatory matters,     down.” Peter McCormick
programs, assisted            medical practitioners,
                                                              defending it in litigation    corporate due diligence,      receives praise from
P4 Software with its          physiotherapists and work
                                                              against Doyen Sports          ownership issues,             market sources for his
acquisition of rights in      for the agricultural charity;
                                                              relating to allegations       licensing, insolvency,        “common sense and
bespoke shipping and          and senior associate Sara
                                                              that the league’s banning     real estate and dispute       pragmatic approach.” He
logistics software and        Morgan is particularly
                                                              of the third party            resolution. Other football    advises several high-
represented Gareth Harris     focused on registered
                                                              ownership of players is       clients include Leeds
Limited in a dispute          pharmacists.                                                                                profile clients, including
                                                              anti-competitive, and         United FC, Harrogate
relating to a partnership     UK Legal 500                                                                                the Premier League, on
                                                              assisting it with West        Town AFC and Walsall
agreement, website URL                                                                                                    a range of corporate,
                              Property Litigation             Ham United’s move to          FC. Outside of football,
ownership and database                                                                                                    commercial and litigation
                              Philip Edmondson and            the London Stadium. The       shooting is a particular
rights. UK Legal 500                                                                                                      matters. Market sources
                              Heather Roberts jointly         department also assisted      strength: the team advised
Private Client: Personal      lead the practice at            Leeds United FC with          the Gamekeepers’ Welfare      say: “He really does
Tax, Trusts and Probate       McCormicks, which               contractual arrangements      Trust on employment           know football rules and
McCormicks frequently         handles landlord and            with its manager and          matters, acts for the         regulations inside out
represents private clients,   tenant work, property           coaching team, acted          proprietors of 23 grouse,     and is also exceptionally
trustees, beneficiaries,      management issues,              for the Premier League        pheasant or partridge         commercial.”
attorneys and deputies        shooting lease mandates         Charitable Fund on            shoots, and assists           Chambers UK                       P5
Eight young stars from across the region were recognised for their talent

                                     and determination at the 26th Yorkshire Young Achievers Awards at
                                     Leeds United’s Centenary Pavilion.

                                     Young Achievers
                                     at Awards                                                                       The full line up of winners was:
                                                                                                                     Personality of the Year, sponsored by Rudding Park
                                                                                                                     Nile Wilson of Leeds
                                                                                                                     Nile has a host of medals to his name, starting even
                                                                                                                     before he graduated to senior level. This year has
                                                                                                                     seen him add to his tally with five more medals at
                                      Multi medal-winning Leeds gymnast Nile Wilson was named                        the Commonwealth Games in Australia, with gold
                                      Personality of the Year in front of more than 330 guests, while the            in the men’s artistic team all-around, the individual
                                      Youngster of the Year title went to a young Mirfield girl triumphing in        all-around and the horizontal bar and silver on the
                                      taekwondo after losing both legs as a baby.                                    rings and parallel bars.
                                      The Awards, sponsored by McCormicks, mark the achievements of young
                                      people in eight categories, from the Arts to Sport, and are organised by the   Youngster of the Year, sponsored by GMI Property
                                      Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation which has now raised more than            Maisie Catt, nine, of Mirfield
                                      £1.25m to support young people in Yorkshire.                                   At just five months old, Maisie contracted meningitis
                                      Peter McCormick said: “By complete chance, we had five different sports        and then septicaemia, leading to amputation of
                                      recognised across the eight categories of the Awards which shows how           both her legs. When she saw her brother Finlay at his
                                      important sport can be in terms of helping young people to achieve their       Taekwondo classes she was keen to have a go. She has
                                      full potential in a variety of different ways. We heard some great stories     done so well in her new sport that she has been picked
                                      about all our winners, including what it takes to be a young achiever in the                    for a national GB Taekwondo
                                      arts and in business and about how overcoming adversity helps to produce                          Para-Poomsae academy squad,
                                      some truly inspiring winners.                                                                       an elite training
                                      “These Awards are also our main fundraiser of the year and none of this                             programme.
                                      would be possible without the support of our sponsors and our guests,
                                      many of whom have been with us almost since the beginning.”
                                      As well as marking the achievements of this year’s winners, the Awards also
                                      saw the presentation of a grant cheque to Support Dogs which provides
                                      assistance dogs for young people with autism. 2015 Personality of the
                                      Year Bailey Matthews brought the audience up to date with his recent
                                      achievements, while 2017 Personality Lizzie Jones presented the Youngster
                                      of the Year Award.

 oungster of the Year Maisie Catt receives her award from last year’s
                                                                             Yorkshire Young Achievers Awards Personality of the Year Nile Wilson receives his award from Simon Mackaness of
Personality of the Year, Lizzie Jones, on behalf of sponsors GMI Property.   sponsors Rudding Park, left, and Awards Chairman Peter McCormick OBE.

Achievement in the Arts, sponsored by Barclays                               recipe for a natural, cruelty-free, vegan lip scrub and balm and producing it at
Amara Okereke of Adel, Leeds                                                 home, which she then sold at local craft fairs and Barnsley market. She turned
                                                                             over £50,000 in 2017 and won the UK Young Trader of the Year title last year and
Amara has made history by becoming the first black
                                                                             was named the top young entrepreneur by Transferwise this year.
actress to play the role of Cosette in Les Misérables
and is currently starring in the production at the
                                                                             Achievement in Sport, sponsored by Leeds United Football Club
Queen’s Theatre West End of London. So successful
has she been that in September she won Best Actress                          Ellen Buttrick of Leeds
in a Musical in the Stage Debut Awards and she has                           Ellen was inspired to take up her sport by seeing people rowing on Roundhay
just been shortlisted for the Broadway World award                           Park Lake, close to her home in Leeds. During her time at Northumbria University
for Best Actress in a Musical.                                               she was diagnosed with juvenile macular degeneration, an inherited eye disorder
                                                                             resulting in gradual sight loss, which is currently incurable.
Achievement in Management and Enterprise,                                    She joined the GB Para-rowing squad earlier this year and at her first ever
sponsored by The Wetherby Whaler Group                                       international race with the Para-rowing team in September her team took the gold
Rose Dyson of Silkstone, Barnsley                                            medal in the mixed coxed four in the World Rowing Championships in Bulgaria.
Rose started her own business, Pura Cosmetics, at
                 the age of 15 and now, just three
                     years later, has been recognised
                      as one of the most promising
                       CEOs in the country. She
                       started out with investment
                          of just £25, creating a

                                                                                    Achievement in the Arts winner Omara Okereke’s singing coaches, Susan Lees and Helen Leaf, receive the
                                                                                    Award on her behalf from Martin Gerrard of Barclays.

                                                                                         Achievement in Education, sponsored by Positive Tax Solutions
                                                                                          Devan Witter of Market Weighton
                                                                                        Devan Witter was bullied at school, both physically and verbally, with
                                                                                        his teachers unsure how to help. He set up his own anti-bullying project
                                                                                      and went on to create a website of information for teachers about
                                                                                   bullying and how to tackle it.
                                                                               He now works for East Riding Voluntary Action Services which champions
                                                                              and supports the voluntary and community sector and is Social Action Leader
                                                                               (Hull) for its Volunteen project. He is one of the youngest recipients of the
                                                                                British Empire Medal and was invited to a Buckingham Palace garden party
Bailey Matthews and Duncan Wood                                                  this summer.                                                                                                     P7
Unsung Hero,
                                     sponsored by
                                     Lunchbox Theatrical
                                     Cameron Osburn of
                                     Cameron was born with
                                     Cerebral Palsy which
                                     gave him physical
                                     challenges to overcome
                                     as he grew up. He joined
                                     a junior football club,
                                     never missing a training
                                     session but rarely being
                                     selected for the team, so        Rose Dyson receives the Achievement in Management and Enterprise Award
                                                                       from Janine Murphy of The Wetherby Whaler.
                                                                                                                                                                   chievement in Education winner Devan Witter is presented with his Award
                                                                                                                                                                  by Stephen Burwood on behalf of Positive Tax Solutions
                                     he turned his attention
                                     to Silat, a martial art. His talent shone through and he became both the first
                                     junior and adult black belt. In turn, he taught others, including adults, giving him
                                     the satisfaction of watching them improve.
                                     His early love of football never left him, however, and when he was 15, he found
                                     Cerebral Palsy football and started playing for the North East and Yorkshire team.
                                     He then set up his own project. Adversity United is a Harrogate-based football
                                     team for disabled under 12s. Cameron worked tirelessly to connect with local
                                     businesses, including Harrogate Town FC.

                                     Special Award, sponsored by Walsh Taylor
                                     Jessica Mayho of Cononley
                                     Jessica first came to the Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation’s notice as a grant
                                     recipient, receiving support to fund her training in her aim to become Britain’s
                                     best hammer thrower. Since then, she has supported the Foundation in a number
                                     of ways, including helping to launch the Awards on more than one occasion and
                                     always being happy to meet sponsors and supporters at events.
                                     This year she took silver at the British Athletic Championships with a season’s best
                                     throw, hot on the heels of becoming the North of England Senior Hammer Throw
                                     Champion 2018.                                                                                                               Kate Ellis of Walsh Taylor presents the Special Award to Jessica Mayho

                                       chievement in Sport winner Ellen Buttrick receives her Award from Eddie
                                      Gray on behalf of sponsors Leeds United.                                             James Cundall of sponsors Lunchbox Theatrical Productions presents the Unsung Hero Award to Cameron Osburn

                                       ersonality of the Year Nile Wilson and previous winner Bailey Matthews capture the experience for Nile’s
                                      YouTube channel.
 P8                                                                                                                                                               Kathryn McCormick, Belinda and David Richmond
 epresenting Emmerdale were, in front from left, Alfie Clarke, Gabrielle Dowling, Amelia Flanagan, Daisy Campbell and
R                                                                                                                              T ristan Andjell, Harry Phillips, Karen Phillips, Claire Andjell and
Seb Dowling and behind, from left, Fiona Clarke, Rachel Flanagan, Alison Campbell, Louise Dowling                               Andrew Phillips

Chris Hassell, Claire Hassell and Ron Miller                                        Peter Arnold, Gill Arnold, Denise Stroud, Col Alan Roberts, Richard Stroud and Avi Shivtiel

Graham Howes, Annette Howes, Phillip Murphy, Margaret Baker, Roy Tate, Jill Tate, Janine Murphy and Bill Baker                 Jess Mayho, Peter McCormick, Sonia Jones

Liz Green, Carol Bridgestock and Mandy Taylor                                       Martin Atkinson, Julie Atkinson, Marie Griffiths, Geraldine Riley, Bernadette Scatchard, Adam Gale-Watts and Mike Riley

 n stage are, from left, Richard Stroud, Nile Wilson, Duncan Wood,
Lizzie Jones, Peter McCormick, Christine Talbot and Eddie Gray.                     Emily Steed, Tiffany Jackson, Will Bates, Elaine Lightfoot and Heather Roberts

The Stroud family
The rules on drugs and driving cover not only illegal drugs

                                     but prescription medicines as well. Solicitor Sean Wilson
                                     from our Criminal department explains the implications.

                                     Stay Safe
                                     “Anyone who gets             of Cannabis and                continue to drive
                                     behind the wheel while       Methylamphetamine,             provided that:
                                     under the influence of       Ketamine, MDMA
                                     drink or drugs is putting    (ecstasy), Heroin and
                                     lives at risk-and we         LSD. The legal limits of       They are taking them in
                                                                  these drugs are set at a       accordance with their          Sean Wilson is a Consultant
                                     will not tolerate”, so
                                                                  low level, but this limit      prescription and the           Solicitor working in the Criminal
                                     states the strap line on
                                                                                                 advice of their medical
                                     North Yorkshire Police’s     is said to have “sufficient
                                                                                                 professional, and
                                     website. Whilst the drink    tolerance to allow for
                                                                  accidental exposure”                                          He is a former dental surgeon, who retrained as
                                     laws and limits have                                         2
                                                                  according to the Crown                                        a lawyer following a car crash in his late 20’s. He
                                     been around for some                                        Their driving is not
                                                                  Prosecution Service.                                          obtained a Master of Law from Leeds University
                                     considerable time, there                                    impaired.                      in 1996, completing the Legal Practice Course in
                                     is a relatively new law      Whereas alcohol can
                                                                                                 If convicted of the            1997. He started as a Trainee Solicitor with Geoff
                                     in force relating to drug    be detected in blood
                                                                                                 offence the punishment         Rogers in Harrogate in 1998. He was admitted as
                                     driving.                     for 10-12 hours, in the
                                                                                                 is a minimum one-              a Solicitor in July 2002.
                                                                  case of Cocaine it is
                                     Before 2 March 2015          detectable for one to          year ban for a first           He appears regularly in the magistrates’ courts
                                     there were no statutory      two days, Heroin 12            offence. Those with            and police stations to represent clients in the full
                                     limits for levels of drugs   hours and Cannabis for         previous convictions or        range of criminal and motoring offences.
                                     in the body that were        up to two weeks. This          convictions for drink-
                                     prohibited. Prosecutions                                    driving in the past 10         He instructs and works closely with Counsel
                                                                  means that even the
                                     were based on a field                                       years can expect a             in Crown Court matters on a regular basis. He
                                                                  occasional user could
                                     impairment test and                                         minimum three-year             has represented clients charged with the most
                                                                  fall foul of these new
                                     the accused standard                                        ban. In addition, the          serious offences involving violence, historic sexual
                                     of driving as witnessed,                                    court could impose an          offences, sexual offences, serious fraud and
                                                                  The medicines for              unlimited fine and/or six      dishonesty offences.
                                     usually by the police.
                                     That all changed with        which levels have              months’ custody. The           He is a former Chairman and Vice Chairman of
                                     two sets of regulations      been set include               degree of impairment of        the UK Airsoft Sites Governing Body and was
                                                                  Diazepam, Methadone,           driving and presence of        involved in protracted
                                     brought into force in
                                                                  Temazepam,                     other drugs and alcohol        negotiations with the
                                     2014 and 2015.
                                                                  Amphetamine and                are aggravating features.      Home Office in respect
                                     The regulations set          Morphine. In respect                                          of the ‘airsoft defence’
                                     the levels for eight         of these the limits                                           provisions of the Violent
                                     illegal drugs and nine       have been set where                                           Crime Reduction Act
                                     medicinal drugs.             they exceed normal                                            2006. He also advises
                                     The eight illegal            prescribed doses. This                                        the UK Airsoft Retailers
                                     drugs are Cocaine            means the vast majority                                       Association in relation
                                     and its metabolite,          of people prescribed                                          to firearms law.            Sean Wilson
                                     the metabolites              these medicines can

                                      McCormicks has been named as UK Sports and Media/Entertainment Law Firm of the Year by the corporate magazine news site, ACQ.

                                                                  Sporting Firsts
                                                                  Senior Partner Peter          of the Year by the same      follow hot on the heels       Corporate and
                                                                  McCormick has also            publication.                 of four regional titles for   Commercial;
                                                                  been named UK                                              the firm earlier in the       Commercial Litigation
                                                                  Sports and Media/             The Awards were part of      year, for Sport, Media        and Private Client.
                                       Peter McCormick            Entertainment Lawyer          ACQ Global Awards and        and Entertainment;
P 10
The full implications of Brexit were still unclear as we went to press. Here our Head of Corporate and

                                                                                                                                                       W W W. MCCORM ICKS-SOLICITORS .COM
Commercial, Jon Healey, and Head of Commercial Litigation, Philip Edmondson, consider the implications
for commercial contracts.

Implications of Brexit for Contracts
With just a few short         Review of Contracts            transition period ends,
                                                                                           Partner Philip Edmondson
months before we are          Few of us will have the        currently envisaged as
                                                                                           is Head of our Commercial
told that we will have left   time to review every           31 December 2020?
                                                                                           Litigation team and
the EU, there are many        single contract that our
                                                              lexibility                  has received personal
potentially thorny legal      business has entered
                                                             How flexible is that          recommendations in the
issues to be considered       into. Prioritising will be
                                                             contract? For example,        independent UK Legal 500
when reviewing                key. That prioritisation
                                                             if the contract can be        and Chambers guides.
existing contracts or         process can be
future-proofing new           determined by the Brexit       terminated on short
                                                                                           He has a wide range of
agreements in a UK only       response plan and be           notice, that might            experience across a large
or cross-border business-     driven by the following        provide a useful escape       spectrum of commercial         Philip Edmondson
to-business context.          thoughts and questions.        route but raises the risk     litigation work, including
                                                             that the counterparty         claims involving breach of contract, sports disputes,
Prepare to Succeed            ◗B
                                usiness changes             might also terminate.         insolvency, professional negligence, partnership
The starting point is          Which contracts will          Similarly, are there any      disputes, landlord and tenant, dilapidations claims,
to ensure you have a           necessarily be affected       minimum purchase              HM Land Registry and matters with multi-
thorough understanding         by the business’              commitments under             jurisdictional elements.
of the commercial              overall response to           the contract or is it an
implications of Brexit for     Brexit? Could this            “at will” arrangement?        Philip has worked for a large variety of clients ranging
your particular business.      mean that particular                                        from PLCs and large private co mpanies to family
Every business should          agreements or classes        The contractual audit          businesses and individuals. He is also experienced
consider its own               of agreements need to        should likely need to          in using appropriate forms of alternative dispute
particular circumstances       be novated, amended          address a selection of the     resolution to try to resolve disputes quickly and cost
based on factors               or terminated? For           following issues:              effectively, wherever possible.
such as its location,          example, if the business     ◗D
                                                              oes the agreement
regulatory environment,        intends to relocate           contain territorial
the location of its key        some of its operations,       references to “the            Are sales subject to          ◗ I s there a hardship
customers and suppliers        will that mean contracts      EU”?                          Incoterms and, if so,          clause?
and the make-up of its         related to the previous       If so, will that include      which Incoterm?                Is there any clause
workforce. This process        location of the business      the UK after Brexit? This                                    which deals with which
should help us all to          need to be transferred        will depend on how has       ◗W
                                                                                            ho is responsible            party should bear the
create a plan in relation      or terminated?                the EU been defined.          for customs                    burden of increases
to each issue which                                          It will be important          clearance?                     in costs of supply,
                                rexit changes
clearly identifies:                                          for many commercial           Who will pick up the           fluctuations in interest
                               Even where the Brexit
                                                             agreements.                   cost and expense of            rates or exchange rates,
  he extent to which          response plan does
                                                                                           managing this process?         and other changes to
 a business may have           not directly affect a        ◗ I n what currency           Are sales subject to           factors that the parties
 to change as a result         contract, Brexit itself       must payments be              Incoterms and, if so,          took into account when
 of Brexit.                    may still have an             made?
                               impact. The likely issues                                   which Incoterm? What           they made the deal? If
  he key risks and                                          Who bears the risk of         impact might customs           so, could it be triggered
                               to consider are set out       change in exchange
 opportunities.                                                                            control have on agreed         by Brexit?
                               below. This should help       rates during the term
This process is primarily a    identify those contracts                                    service levels and
                                                             of the contract? Are                                        ◗W
                                                                                                                           hat effect will a
matter of understanding        most likely to be most                                      delivery timetables?
                                                             the prices fixed in a                                        force majeure clause
the commercial                 affected by Brexit.           particular currency and      ◗A
                                                                                            re there data                have?
implications for your                                        is there a mechanism          transfers from                 Do you want to
                              Existing contracts should
business but there are                                       to vary the charges in        the EU to the UK?              provide specifically
                              be assessed by reference
also likely to be many                                       light of any changes to       If so, will Standard           that Brexit (or any of its
                              to their term and
legal considerations.                                        exchange rates?               Contractual Clauses or         consequences) will not
We recommend that                                                                          other mechanisms be            be deemed to be a force
a contractual review          ◗T
                                erm                        ◗W
                                                              ho pays tariffs?
                                                                                           needed to ensure those         majeure event?
should be carried out          Will that contract            Could the provision           transfers can continue
to support and inform          still be in force on 29       of goods or services                                        ◗W
                                                                                                                           ill a material
the commercial plan.           March 2019, the date          become subject to                                            adverse change
It may be that your            when, barring some            additional tariffs, either   ◗W
                                                                                            ill Brexit result in         clause apply?
business needs to instruct     dramatic change of            in relation to exports        any tax changes?               For example, a lender is
a solicitor to amend           events, the UK will           to and imports from           Will Brexit result in          usually unable to rely on
template contracts             cease to be a member          the EU, or to and from        changes to the tax             an MAC clause on the
and ensure relevant            of the EU? If the UK          countries with which          treatment of payments          basis of circumstances
issues are considered          enters into a transitional    the EU has a trade deal?      under the contract, for        it knows about when
and covered in future          arrangement, will it still    Who would pick up the         example changes to the         it enters into a lending
contract negotiations.         be in force when the          costs of those tariffs?       way VAT is applied?            agreement. Continued over    P 11
        re the laws                    the UK and whether the      loss of recognition

                                                                                                                                                             W W W. MCCORM ICKS-SOLICITORS .COM
                                                                                                Partner Jon Healey is the
       applicable to                    UK includes Northern        of professional
                                                                                                Head of the Corporate and
       performance of the               Ireland.                    qualifications for those
                                                                                                Commercial team. Jon has
       agreement likely to                                          personnel will be
                                      redictable events                                        advised on a wide range
       change?                                                      relevant.
                                        Are there any                                           of corporate transactions,
       Consider what laws are
                                        specific events for        ◗E
                                                                     xchange rates             including acquisitions and
       likely to change and
                                        which the parties           Draft payment               disposals of companies and
       what impact that might
                                        feel confident about        provisions which            businesses, takeovers, joint
       have on the agreement.
                                        providing specified         make it clear which         ventures, shareholders’
       For example, is there                                                                                                     Jon Healey
                                        consequences? If so,        party will bear the         agreements, group
       a danger that one
                                        include clauses which       risk of exchange rate       reorganisations, share buybacks, share capital
       party may have to bear
                                        define the trigger event    fluctuations.               reductions and equity investments and divestments.
       additional costs in order
                                        and the consequence.                                    He has considerable experience of drafting, reviewing
       to comply with post-                                        ◗D
                                                                     ata protection            and negotiating a wide range of commercial contracts.
       Brexit legal changes?        ◗S
                                      upply of goods               Will personal data be
                                        Consider pricing            transferred from the        Jon acts for a broad range of clients, including national
      Future contracts
                                        formulae to vary prices     EU to the UK? If so,        and international corporates, SMEs, individuals,
      In preparing and
                                        in the event of changes     Standard Contractual        shareholders, private equity funds, management
      negotiating future
                                        to tariffs. Consider        Clauses or other            teams, charities and the Premier League.
      contracts businesses
                                        who is responsible for      mechanisms will be
      should ensure the                                                                         Jon’s experience includes a significant period
                                        customs clearance and       needed to ensure those
      following issues are                                                                      practising as a corporate and commercial lawyer in
                                        the potential impact        transfers can continue
      addressed, where                                                                          New Zealand and he has undertaken secondments
                                        delays in customs           lawfully post-Brexit.
      relevant.                                                                                 to the in-house legal teams of several large
                                        clearance might have
                                                                     ermination                multinational corporates.
        arties                         on delivery times.
       Consider location of the                                     For greater flexibility
                                      upply of services            consider including
       parties to the contract.                                                                 largely unaffected              judgment against the
                                        Consider if the supplier    a termination for
       Is there any advantage in                                                                by Brexit. However,             counterparty after Brexit
                                        will be permitted to        convenience clause,
       ensuring the parties are                                                                 enforcing an English            or opting for arbitration.
                                        continue to supply          with a short notice
       both in the UK or EU?                                                                    judgment in a member
                                        services after Brexit.      period, or a specific                                     If you have any
        efinition of EU                Consider if loss of                                     state could be more           additional queries on
                                                                    Brexit termination          difficult after Brexit and
       and UK                           freedom of movement                                                                   how your contracts
                                                                    clause.                     a conservative approach
       Make sure that territorial       will have an impact on                                                                might be affected by
       references to the EU             personnel who need         ◗D
                                                                     isputes                   might involve taking          Brexit, Jon and Philip
       make it clear whether            to travel to provide        English law and the         local law advice on           can be contacted on
       or not the EU includes           services. Consider if       English courts will be      the ability to enforce a      01423 560630.

      OUR                           •                              • Insolvency and
                                                                                               •	Employment
                                                                                               • Family &
                                                                                                                              •	Insolvency and
      EXPERTISE                                                    • Intellectual Property        Matrimonial                •	Intellectual Property
                                                                   • Partnership and          • Children                    •	Media and
      McCormicks offers the                                           Company Law             • Matrimonial                     Entertainment
      full portfolio of legal       •	Charities &                 • Regulatory and
                                       Community                                               •	Insolvency &                •	Mediation and
      services to all forms of                                         Disciplinary                                               Arbitration
                                    • Charities                                                    Bankruptcy
      organisation including                                       •	Crime                                                   •	Regulatory and
                                    • Not For Profit                                           •	Mediation &
      businesses, charities                                        • General Crime                                               Disciplinary
      and sporting bodies,          •	Corporate &                 • Corporate Crime,         •	Property                    •	Reputation
      together with private            Commercial                      Fraud and Risk
                                                                                               •	Agriculture and                 Management
      individuals. The firm         •	Acquisitions and            • Dispute Resolution
                                                                                                   Estates                    •	Sponsorship
      offers expertise in all          Disposals                       and Litigation
                                                                                               •	Commercial Property         •	Sport
      areas of corporate            • Banking and Finance          • Commercial Disputes
      and commercial work                                                                      •	Development and             •	Tax, Trusts, Wills &
                                    • Commercial                  • Mediation and
                                                                                                   Regeneration                   Estates
      whilst maintaining a             Agreements                      Arbitration
      commitment to the                                                                        •	Residential Property        •	Agriculture & Estates
                                    • Competition and             • Partner/Shareholder
      personal client in               EU Law                          Disputes                •	Sport, Media &              •	Care of the Elderly
      areas such as rural           • Corporate Crime,            • Property and                 Entertainment              •	Tax and Trusts
      property, tax, trusts,           Fraud and Risk                  Construction            •	Employment                     Disputes
      probate, family               • IT and Data                 •	Reputation               •	IT and Data                 •	Trust and Tax Planning
      matters and crime.               Protection                      Management                  Protection                 •	Wills and Probate

         Wharfedale House, 35-37 East Parade, Harrogate,
         North Yorkshire, HG1 5LQ. T: 01423 530630 F: 01423 530709
         enquiries@mccormicks-solicitors.com www.mccormicks-solicitors.com
         PARTNERS: Peter McCormick OBE • Geoffrey Rogers • Philip Edmondson
         Jon Healey • Stephen Hopwood • Elaine Lightfoot • Peter Minnikin • Heather Roberts
         CONSULTANT: Neil Goodrum
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