Excellent Electrochemical Energy Storage - Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) - Helmholtz-Institut ...
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www.hiu-batteries.de Efficient batteries are the most important key to success of the Energiewende and the electro- mobility
Facts & Figures Name Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) Electrochemical Energy Storage Founded 2011 Executive Director Prof. Dr. Stefano Passerini Über uns Board of Directors Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fichtner (vice director), Prof. Dr. Joachim Ankerhold, Prof. Oliver Kraft, Prof. Dr. Arnulf Latz, Dr. Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Managing Director Dr. Heribert Wilhelm Postal Address Helmholtzstraße 11, 89081 Ulm Staff Total: 139 (August 2019) Principal Investigators: 23 Scientists: 42 PhD Candidates: 59 Administration: 15 Professors: 3 Staff in Karlsruhe: 24 Staff in Ulm: 115 Partners Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Ulm University German Aerospace Center (DLR) Center for Solar Energy and Hydro gen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
www.hiu-batteries.de HIU makes Ulm the leading The Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) is de- battery center dicated to the study and development of the next and future generations of elec- in Germany trochemical energy storage concepts. Effi- cient batteries are the most important key to success of the energy transformation – Energiewende – and of electromobility. At HIU, an international team of approxima- tely 120 scientists is conducting fundamen- tal research to further develop the sustain- able energy storage for both, stationary and mobile use.
About us HIU was founded in January 2011 by the By bringing together the unique exper- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). As tise of each of these four partners, HIU a member of the Helmholtz Association, is well-positioned to achieve in the medi- KIT initiated the new institute in collabo- um and long term a substantial progress ration with the Ulm University and further in energy storage research. Through the strengthened battery research in Ulm. Also integration of basic and applied research two strong associated institutions, the Ger- under one roof, HIU has the ability to make man Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Cen- a significant contribution to a societally ter for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research relevant problem of guaranteeing the sup- Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) were integra- ply of energy from renewable sources. ted as partners.
www.hiu-batteries.de Energy from intermittent re- while also being lighter, lon- newable resources has to be ger lasting, safer, and cheaper. stored as it cannot always be used immediately. Similarily, To reach these aims, HIU com- electric vehicles have to have bines the knowledge of four an onboard storage of the leading research organiza- electrical energy required for tions under one roof. Unlike driving. The most efficient so- any other research institute in lution for this requirement are Germany, it – together with batteries that can effectively the expertise of its partners – store and release electrical covers virtually every aspect of energy with very little losses. battery research. HIU addresses the basic is- Perspectively, the HIU strives sues of electrochemical stor- to combine excellent basic age and, on the basis of new research with the real-world knowledge, develops funda- needs. At the same time, it mentally new materials and expands its Young-Reseracher cell concepts. Fellowship program to inte- The aim of HIU is to develop grate highly qualified young sustainable electrochemical scientists in this strategical im- energy storage with higher portant field for research and capacity and greater efficiency industry.
Aims & Strategies Batteries with higher capacity, greater efficiency, being lighter, longer lasting, safer and cheaper
Research The currently most important battery types that are promi- type of rechargeable high-per- sing candidates for innovations. formance batteries is the lithi- These post-lithium batteries are um-ion battery. On one hand, based on sustainable elements, the maximum storage capaci- such as sodium, magnesium or ty of conventional lithium-ion aluminum. The currently most batteries is nearly reached. promising technology is the so- However, the extraction of the dium-ion battery. constituents of such batteries, such as cobalt, graphite, and For this purpose, experimenta- lithium, represents a challenge, lists and theorists work closely as it is associated with high en- together at HIU to achieve im- vironmental impact, a scarcity provements in the development of resources exists or the corres- of materials as well as in battery ponding deposits are located in architecture. In HIU‘s laborato- authoritarian states. ries, battery cells made of diffe- rent combinations of materials Scientists at HIU conduct funda- are tested to precisely determi- mental research into lithium-ion ne their energy density, lifespan, batteries for their further optimi- and performance. The smallest zation. To enhance performance details, such as the behavior and sustainability, new storage of newly added elements, can concepts are indispensable. Re- have an enormous influence on search at HIU therefore focuses the processes of battery char- on next generation lithium-me- ging and discharging. tal batteries and entirely new
www.hiu-batteries.de HIU‘s unique structure is also reflected in its Board of Directors: it includes a representative from each partner. As the governing body of HIU, it meets regularly, takes important strategic de- cisions, and is responsible for external relations and the assessment of the Ins- titute’s performance. Research at HIU is organized into the five areas electrochemistry, materials, theory, systems, and methods, which in turn are divided into various research groups. These are led by renowned scientists who are also head of insti- tutes or research groups at one of the four partner institutions. Furthermore, HIU has also defined four interdiscip- linary topics – metal deposition, inser- tion materials and electrode structure, lithium-based conversion materials, and batteries beyond lithium – which enable and foster collaborative rese- arch. In addition, two Young Investiga- tor Groups work on topics related to electrochemistry. HIU benefits greatly from the expertise of its four partner organizations
www.hiu-batteries.de Within the framework of the demic education, development, Excellence Strategy launched by and technology transfer. CELEST the federal government and the is a platform to enhance commu- states, KIT, Ulm University, ZSW, nication and to coordinate and and Gießen University successfully further develop joint activities acquired the cluster of excellence with other universities, research “Energy Storage beyond Lithium institutions, and industry in Ger- – New Concepts for a Sustainable many and abroad. With its 29 Future.” HIU played a leading role partner institutes working in the in the proposal phase and during area of electrochemical energy the seven-year funding period, storage, CELEST represents the HIU will receive annually a part biggest research platform of this of the allocated funding of up to kind in Germany. seven million Euros. HIU has also been a major contri- In addition, HIU is partner of butor to the outstanding KIT acti- the Center for Electroche- vities in the topic of „Electroche- mical Energy Storage Ulm- mical Energy Storage” within the Karlsruhe (CELEST), established Helmholtz Association. This top 1st January, 2018, that facilitates rating was awarded only to three new joint efforts in research, aca- out of 15 research units.
Excellence Largest research platform for electrochemical energy storage in Germany
Legal Notice: Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) Helmholtzstraße 11 89081 Ulm T +49 731 50 34013 F +49 731 50 34009 www.hiu-batteries.de Twitter @HelmholtzUlm Photo Credits p. 1 © Daniel Messling/ HIU p. 2,8,12 © Amadeus Bramsiepe/ KIT p. 4,6,10 © Elvira Eberhardt/HIU p. 14 © Martin Duckeck Date: August 2019
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