Examining Misinformation and Disinformation Games Through Inoculation Theory and Transportation Theory

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Examining Misinformation and Disinformation Games Through Inoculation Theory and Transportation Theory
Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2023

                  Examining Misinformation and Disinformation Games
                 Through Inoculation Theory and Transportation Theory

                    Lindsay D. Grace                                         Songyi Liang
                   University of Miami                                   University of Miami
                   L.Grace@Miami.edu                                     sxl1399@miami.edu

                       Abstract                           access to information is at an unprecedented level, the
     Media misinformation and disinformation              ability to discern good information from bad has not
continue to threaten the foundation on which              kept pace. Evidently, the information superhighway as
scientific, political, and other socially relevant        the Internet was once known, conveys a lot of bad
decisions are made. This paper examines games             information (Floridi, 1996). The result is a variety of
designed to serve as interventions for changing           literacy interventions, curricula, and social impact
player’s behaviors in misinformation and                  campaigns aimed at increasing people’s ability to tell
disinformation media. It analyzes the games formally      good information from bad. These include media-
through two common communication intervention             specific initiatives such as the News Literacy Project
theories for behavior modification and education:         (https://newslit.org/), the Media Literacy Project
inoculation theory and transportation theory. The         (https://medialiteracynow.org/) and efforts by specific
media theories are first framed in the context of games   nations (Nemr & Gangware, 2019) and international
generally, then they are applied across six research      non-governmental organizations to help combat this
focused games ; Harmony Square, Bad News, Fake It         problem.
To Make It, Factitious and FakeYou!. The work offers           The societal risks of confusing good information
theory-informed observations and recommendations          from bad abound. They range from large-scale
to support improved efficacy for existing and future      political radicalization (Bennett & Livingston, 2020;
playable media.                                           Piazza, 2022, Johnson, 2018) to poor decision-making
                                                          for personal health (Swire-Thompson & Lazer,
Keywords: communication theory, disinformation            2019). Recognizing that these risks are unlikely to
games, misinformation games, game design, fake            decline, researchers have attempted to embrace a more
news                                                      widespread address. A myriad of prior interventions
                                                          were created to address specific types of
                                                          misinformation in health (Walter, Brooks, Saucier, &
1. Introduction                                           Suresh, 2021) environment literacy (Fjællingsda,
                                                          2021) and mass communication (Shekter-Porat, 2019).
     At the end of the 20th century, the optimism of      Current approaches aim more widely at addressing
pervasive access to knowledge supported by the            general information competencies that can be applied
Internet abounded (Ernest III, 2004). In the 21st         to a variety of domains. Essentially, these efforts focus
century it has become apparent that pervasiveness has     on helping their users develop persistent skills in
also supported a plague of misinformation and an          distinguishing useful information from the myriad of
ability to easily amplify disinformation (Forbes,         poor information sources.
2002). The result is mass confusion about even the             Fundamentally, these harmful information
most basic of facts (Kata, 2010). As has been the case    sources can be described as misinformation or
with complex problems of the past (Anderson, Gentile,     disinformation. Disinformation is typically used to
& Dill, 2012), a variety of game designers have aimed     describe sources that aim to provide inaccurate or
to help address the problem through play. The result      misleading information by design. As Nemr and
is a myriad of theories and playful interventions that    Gangware demonstration, disinformation and its
aim to improve media literacy (Literat, Chang,            research trajectory are often linked to political
Eisman, & Gardner, 2021). and even inoculate players      propaganda and military strategies aimed at disrupting
from misinformation and disinformation (Roozenbeek        societies, communities, and morale (2019).
& Van Der Linden, 2019).                                  Disinformation is typically focused on misleading
     Investigations and investments in combatting         information broadcast intentionally to mislead.
disinformation and misinformation have increased
(Biloš, 2019). The fundamental dilemma is that while

URI: https://hdl.handle.net/10125/103204
978-0-9981331-6-4                                                                                      Page 4691
(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Examining Misinformation and Disinformation Games Through Inoculation Theory and Transportation Theory
Misinformation, alternatively, is focused on the     theories serve as a critical lens to examine the
misinterpretation of accurate information or the          theoretical aims of persuasive media content. The
unintentional spread of unreliable sources or data.       examination, or in some cases the application, of these
Where disinformation is focused on intent,                theories, demonstrates an opportunity to apply the
misinformation       is    typically      focused    on   lessons learned from previous work into the distinct
interpretation. Disinformation is designed to mislead,    practices of game design. While many of these
and misinformation can be a product of design,            theories were not developers specifically for games,
misunderstanding, or incorrect interpretation of          they offer perspectives on behavior change efficacy
reliable information.                                     for media consumers. Hence the researchers chose two
     These failures in understanding can result from a    communication theories commonly applied to
variety of issues of interpretation caused by             behavior change interventions,                these are
insufficiently understanding of numeracy, logical         transportation theory and inoculation theory.
fallacy, and other common challenges. This worry               These theories were selected for their
over interpretation forms the core foundation for         pervasiveness across a variety of behavior change
literacy-focused interventions to combat both             objectives and the age. These are widely published
disinformation and misinformation. From a                 and applied theories in behavior change through
misinformation perspective, improving abilities in        communication, neither distinct to games and
numeracy, reasoning, logic, and others are expected to    interactive media, nor contrary to them. They are
help avoid misinterpretation of fact.                     theories that can be both applied to games that have
     From a disinformation perspective, understanding     been produced and to the future of games as a
the strategies commonly used to spread disinformation     medium.
is expected to prevent the efficacy of detecting fake          This research aims to analyze six games from the
news. Simply, identifying the characteristics of either   lens of these theories to understand how these designs
is expected to decrease their impact on society           may or may not be working. In short, instead of
(Verstraete, Bambauer, & Bambauer, 2021). Hence,          treating each game as a discrete design uniquely
literacy-focused solutions aim not to identify sources    tailored to the goal of eliciting change, this paper aims
for disinformation and misinformation but instead to      to examine how these games intersect with previous
provide people the ability to adapt to a changing media   research      in     applying      communication-driven
environment to understand their characteristics.          change. It is hoped that by identifying the ways in
Literacy strategies aim to improve identification to      which these games adopt elements of common
lessen the impact of both misinformation and              communication theory, a collection of generalizable
disinformation on society.                                observations may result in further effective
     These identification strategies are often based on   development.
some guiding principle or core concept. The acronym,           This effort is particularly instrumental in helping
V.I.A., for example, is used in new literacy contexts.    to unify somewhat disparate efforts in addressing a
It describes verifiability, independence, and             large-scale      systemic      problem.    Given      that
accountability as crucial news elements that are          disinformation and misinformation pervade the
unlikely to misinform or disinform. It is frequently      worlds’ most significant problems, from climate
used to describe the democratic leaning characteristics   change to health, seeking generalizable patterns from
that differentiate journalism from misleading or          the effective design and development of such games
propagandist information sources. Other efforts focus     seems valuable. In short, this is an effort to take two
on similar core concepts, such as source tests and        common theories in behavior change through
logical fallacy, visual rhetoric examinations, clear      communications and create a kind of Venn diagram of
language identification, etc. These core concepts often   successful overlap. It is a way of interpreting a variety
serve as the foundation for misinformation and            of individualized efforts toward the singular goal of
disinformation interventions.                             identifying patterns for continued, generalizable
     Much like interventions in other media, game-        success for future developers. It does so by applying
based interventions for mis and disinformation are        theoretical frames to existing, popular game designs
often based on these guiding concepts used to specific    offering patterns from the lens of each of the popular
communication strategies. These strategies are not        theories.
always formally employed but often offer common                In the least, a foundational examination of the
intervention strategies applied to new playable media     overlap of theoretical frames and game design
forms.                                                    intention should prove useful for future development
     Communication theories abound on the pragmatic       in this domain. Instead of starting from no frame, the
approaches to solicit healthy behavior change. These

                                                                                                       Page 4692
Examining Misinformation and Disinformation Games Through Inoculation Theory and Transportation Theory
hope is that this literature will provide a formal frame     context that helps situate the in-game challenges
from which to start.                                         within a narrative construct. Common narrative
                                                             situations in this context might include being a fake
1.1 Transportation Theory Overview                           news detective (Junior, 2020), working as a reporter
                                                             balancing sensualism with an appeal (Trial Day, 2020)
      Transportation theory is a common strategy. The        or even creating a fictitious town with characters who
core tenets of transportation theory emphasize how an        are subject to the player’s fake news (Roozenbeek &
engrossing narrative situation can shape the attitudes       van der Linden, 2020).
and interests of the person consuming the media                   It is also worth noting that while not all games
(Green, Brock & Kaufman, 2004). It is typically              offer a narrative frame, it has been argued that
framed as providing a conforming set of values. From         narratives are innately constructed as part of play
the theory, a foundation of empathetic storytelling can      (Grace, 2019). From such a perspective, players might
result in persuasive sentiments toward the relatable         construct a narrative about the value of their work in
subject of that media. Simply, the viewer, player, or        games and its effects. The more traditional narrative as
other witness to the media can be transported to the         an explicit element of the player’s experience is
values, likes and dislikes of the story’s portrayals.        emphasized for this analysis.
These are largely understood as either empathetic or              It is reasonable to scale an understanding of
mental imagery.          Compelling examples of              narrative elements toward this broader definition but
transportation theory in media research range from the       ignore the value of characters in storytelling and
specifics of sun safety (Andersen et al. 2017) to the        engaging media, which such perspectives tend to
general efficacy of using emoji in text messages             underemphasize.
(Willoughby & Liu, 2018).
      Transportation theory provides a theoretical           1.2 Inoculation Theory Overview:
framework to understand the persuasive effects of
entertainment media (Green et al, 2004).                          The second communication theory to consider is
Transportation refers to allowing people to be fully         Inoculation Theory. While transportation theory aims
immersed in one narrative world or story by                  to change perspectives, inoculation theory aims to
experiencing high cognitive and affective engagement         protect people from persuasive content. The analogy is
levels. This transportation can then change                  like the medical use of inoculations. Inoculation
individuals' values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors in    theory is a resistance model, offering a strategy that
the real world by aligning with those implied by media       employs repeated exposure to a weakened version of
products (Green et al, 2004). In theory, people are          counterarguments, which can motivate the individual
more likely to change their opinions when transported        to develop counterarguments consistent with his or her
into a compelling story because of the narratives'           pre-established attitude (McGuire & Papageorgis,
power to persuade implicitly or explicitly. The effect       1961). Thus, in theory, strengthening an attitude
of transportation has been determined in both health         against future attacks. In the context of mis and
communication, social issues, and consumer contexts          disinformation, it employs repeated exposure to either
(Van Laer et al., 2014) contexts. For instance,              as a means of inoculating users from the threat.
narrative videos have been identified as playing a                Core to appropriate implementation is three
significant role in encouraging viewers to take breast       components:         threat,       refutation,       and
cancer screening and smoking cessation (Williams et          counterargument. The threat is simply the
al, 2011). Given some video games' narrative                 acknowledgment that existing attitudes or beliefs are
emphasis and high visual appeal, transportation effects      vulnerable to change. Refutation requires exposure to
are worthy of further examination.                           or reasonably facile construction of counterarguments
      Compelling characters also serve as an important       to the threat. The trio of threat, refutation, and
part      of      narrative      quality,     facilitating   counterargument are structured in the media
transportation. Furthering this foundation, Van Ler et       inoculation in a dose that is both refutable and
al. (2021) adds that an individual must empathize with       arguable.
the characters and that the story must be imaginative             In the most uncomplicated games, the threat of
to engage its audiences. While little has been discussed     mis or disinformation offers the first of these three
about this theory formally applied to game design in         elements. Offering players, the ability to identify and
academic literature, the core concepts are evident in        eliminate these threats repeatedly moves such work
designer intentions. For many games, including the           toward the refutation and counterargument
ones examined here, the player is provided with either       components. In more complex implementations, such
an empathetic role to play or provided with a narrative      as the work of Roozenbeek and Sander van der Linden

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Examining Misinformation and Disinformation Games Through Inoculation Theory and Transportation Theory
(Roozenbeek & Van Der Linden, 2020) threat,                providing the player a responsibility bestowed through
refutation and counterargument are woven into the          the title and some non-player characterizations.
narrative. Inherent to an inoculation approach is a             Harmony Square also relies on contextual
reliance on the time-dependent development of              familiarity by assuming that players are familiar with
counterarguments. It’s important to note that much         seeking , crafting, and spreading information via social
like medical inoculation, it takes people time to          media. This, in theory, should increase transportation
process inoculation messages and generate the              through accessibility and involvement. Players are not
inoculation effect.                                        only given a role, but they are also given a scenario
                                                           that contains narrative elements familiar to them. A
2 Game Selection:                                          Harmony Square player should have experience
                                                           spreading information via social media.
     The researchers identified 17 playful experiences,         For these reasons, Harmony Square shares
produced between 2017 and 2022, specifically focused       attributes with other communications media that is
on misinformation or disinformation. 13 of the games       likely to employ transportation theory effectively. It is
were produced with affiliation of a college or             reasonable to interpret, and as evidenced in their own
university researcher. The remainder were produced         research (Roozenbeek & Van Der Linden, 2020),
primarily by a governmental organization (e.g., the US     recognizes that players are engaged emotionally and
Department of State’s Harmony Square), media               cognitively in the game’s fiction. It is an appropriate
organizations (e.g., the British Broadcasting              setup for transportation facilitated attitudinal shifts.
Corporation’s iReporter) and even an individual (e.g.,          However, there is one complication. The player’s
Amanda Warner’s Fake It To Make It). A subset of           empathies are set opposite the researcher’s goals.
these had at least one peer-reviewed publication           Instead of aligning the protagonist of Harmony Square
outlining design decisions and media intervention          to thwarting the spread of disinformation, the player
strategies by the producing team.                          practices the behavior of disrupting democracy
     The list was further narrowed for games, lacking      through disinformation. This runs contrary to the
a wide release, publicly playable versions, or             empathetic elements of transportation theory. In
produced as a student thesis. The six remaining games      practice, the game is better structured to train future
were chosen as a representative remaining balance of       disinformation spreaders through the narrative, its
gameplay experiences(e.g., short to long, producing        characters, and the player's role.
organizations, geographic origin, digital and non-              This is further emphasized by the feedback loop
digital, single, or multiplayer). The complete list of     of successful play. The humor of the game’s
games reviewed, links to the play and their instructions   experience, including the reactions of non-player
are available at a website maintained by the               characters and scoring as positive feedback, increases
researchers, https://journalismgames.org/.                 through the discord sown. The better the player
                                                           spreads disinformation, the more they are rewarded
                                                           and the more narrative they receive. The most
3 Game Analysis by Theory:                                 pronounced moment begins the game, where the
Transportation Theory                                      player must accept the role as Chief Disinformation
                                                           Officer to continue. The game’s dialogue (as shown in
3.1 Transportation Theory: Harmony Square                  figure 1) does not allow the player to continue without
                                                           accepting this role.
      Harmony Square is explicitly designed around the
narrative fiction of the player as Chief Disinformation
Officer. The player’s goal, to create chaos in the
fictitious town of Harmony, is the central player
objective. It is witnessed through the responses of a
variety of non-player characters who both provide
game feedback and progress the narrative.                         Figure 1: Harmony Square game screens.
      As such, this design meets the fundamental
characteristics of a transportation theory-informed             Further, the empathetic attachment necessary for
design. There is a straightforward narrative, characters   transportation theory is toward those who share
with which to experience the narrative, and an effort      disinformation, not those who are adversely affected
toward the engaging story.          It also relies on      by it. The player’s role is not one of burden but instead
imagination and offers an empathetic inroad by             one of honor and a source of joy. No negative

                                                                                                        Page 4694
repercussions are associated with assuming the roles        tasks are wrapped in light fiction, which provides the
and responsibilities of spreading disinformation.           status of the player’s credibility and total number of
     This is particularly important when considered in      followers in a simulated environment. Each player's
the context of transportation theory’s reliance for         selection affects one of two foci, followers and
counter arguing. At the start of the game, had players      credibility.
been offered roles on either side of the disinformation          The fiction of Bad News is not nearly as
dichotomy, the game may have supported counter-             developed as its subsequent project, Harmony Square.
arguing more completely. A negative relationship to         From this perspective, it offers less opportunity for
the player’s goals could also be followed by                effective     transportation.     There      is    little
employing other narrative techniques like negative          characterization, save for the language’s tone provided
consequence or backstory. Lucas Pope’s Republia             through in game prompts. Although it intends to create
Times (2011), for example, tasks the player with a          a social media platform allowing players to imagine
somewhat similar responsibility, but indicates that the     generating influence on their followers, participants
player is doing this work because their family will         are not assigned with a particular character or role to
suffer otherwise. The entertainment of spreading false      play during the game. Therefore, the narrative is only
information is thus backgrounded with negative              embellished by informing players that game actions
associations and dissociated from innocent fun.             have consequences. Players can of course imagine the
                                                            effect to their followers, but generally this narrative
                                                            only hints that the game actions have consequences.

     Figure 2: Republia Times narrative frame for
                starting the game                                   Figure 3. Bad News game single screen

     To apply transportation theory more comfortably,            While the narrative elements of Bad News fail to
this game might benefit from a design in which the          apply well to transportation theory, it does do well to
player is protecting its fiction from the threat of         offer a perspective useful in transportation theory’s
disinformation instead of creating it. It might also        notion of counterarguing. The game’s structure often
become more effective through additional                    creates dichotomies from which the player chooses.
opportunities to discuss the game experience among          They may choose to play to an audience’s fear or
players. Whether facilitated or encouraged through          anger, to launch attack ads or fact-focused critique.
reflecting community conversation, such discussions         This range is useful in helping players frame
may assist its counter-argument deficiencies. In the        counterarguing elements. The game provides a frame
least, it should help increase the player’s time spent in   from which counterarguing is highlighted.
the game world. This should allow players to engage              Bad News also suffers from a similar tension to
more consistently in the narrative, allowing more           Harmony Square. The player’s empathies are framed
overlap between the game’s fiction and the real world.      toward the producers of disinformation rather than
Multiple episodes of the experience encouraging more        those who are negatively affected by it. Therefore, it is
profound character development and further                  subject to the same opportunities for improvement
investment in the game’s narrative may assist               present in Harmony Square. For better application of
transportation.                                             transportation theory, it’s obvious that a richer
                                                            narrative could bolster the efficacy of this game. While
3.2 Transportation Theory: Bad News                         the narrative world of Bad News is relatively simple,
                                                            it does not require additional graphics to improve the
     Bad News follows a similar structure as Harmony        narrative experience.
Square. Designed via collaborations with several of
the same researchers, it tasks players with producing
and disseminating disinformation while gaining an
online following and maintaining credibility. These

                                                                                                         Page 4695
3.3 Transportation Theory: Fake It to Make                  what’s true and what’s not, by using their best
It                                                          evidence to win them over” (Literat, 2021).
                                                                 The fiction is somewhat maintained by mental
      Fake It To Make It begins with character selection    images conjured by players who work through the
and matching those characters to a goal. It attempts to     evidence-building experience and observe the
visualize progress and personify the creation of            illustrations on the front of the card deck. When the
misinformation source. Like other games, the player’s       personifications and light fictions are removed, the
empathies and goals are aligned with the producers of       core scenario remains a simulation designed to impart
misinformation and other fakes sources. In the game         the various layers of journalism and news literacy
success and failure are tied to financial success and       strategies.
little of the discord produced through the player’s
actions are shown. Hence one side of the fiction is
perpetually apparent to the player – the side of the
producer. What’s missing is the narrative of the effect
on the world consuming the media produced. For these
reasons the game does well to affirm transportation
theory through empathies for misinformation content
producers. The player’s role play is both an emotional
and logical journey toward acquiring money.
                                                                      Figure 5. LAMBOOZLED! card game
However, this simulation develops an understanding
entirely focused on the production and leaves little
space for understanding the effect of content
consumers. It helps players understand the elements of      3.5 Transportation Theory: Factitious
fake news production but requires them to invert this
understand to convert the knowledge into                         Unlike the aforementioned games, Factitious is an
consumption habits. As is common with some games,           outlier from this lens. The goal of digital games is
the experience is like sharing a recipe for poison and      simply for players to immediately discard news they
then asking those who learned the recipe to detect it in    consider fake or keep news they really believe. They
the non-game world.                                         complete these actions with a left (discard) or right
                                                            (keep) swipe for each article presented. The game
                                                            offers no narrative or characterizations, and instead
                                                            simple tasks the player with this challenge. The game
                                                            is relatively bereft of elements for transportation
                                                            theory. The game offers neither narrative nor
                                                            character. This obvious lack of narrative precludes the
                                                            games from inclusion.
                                                                 Just as Lamboozled is the only analog game in
                                                            this analysis, Factitious is the only game that evades
                                                            narrative entirely. Players are only given feedback on
                                                            their progress and the ratio of correct and incorrect
            Figure 4. Fake It To Make It game
                                                            decisions. Unlike the other games, players are not
                                                            given any backstory to the task. Experientially, this is
3.4 Transportation Theory: Lamboozled                       also the shortest gameplay experience of the set.
                                                            Games of Factitious last 2-3 minutes, where the other
     As an analog card game, the game’s core narrative      games are often 20 or more minutes.
is an imaged construct.         With little character
development, the primary narrative element is the
fictional backstory of the world affected by the game.
This reads primarily as a lure to situation the game
experience. The designers write in the ruleset that it is
a “deck-building card game set in the fictional sheep
town of Green Meadows -- where, as the game’s
tagline reads, ‘some news stories just want to pull the
wool over your eyes!” (Literat, 2021). Players aim to                       Figure 6. Factitious Game
“help the sheep citizens of Green Meadows figure out

                                                                                                        Page 4696
3.6 Transportation Theory: FakeYou!                         reactance when they encounter a persuasive attempt
                                                            (Compton & Pfau, 2009). Research suggests that
     FakeYou!, like Harmony Square, is available in a       players are allowed to expose themselves to the
multilanguage format, but offers pacing and narrative       weakened versions of manipulation techniques from a
simplicity similar to Factitious. Game players are          fake news producers’ perspective, which can motivate
expected to create a credible headline for a certain        them to reflect and generate psychological antibodies
newspaper article image, which distinguishes                against misinformation (Roozenbeek & Van Der
FakeYou! from other games. In addition, participants        Linden, 2020). Given the active engagement game
should figure out the correct headline of an image by       playing requires, the inoculation process may enhance
choosing one of three options, where one headline is        memory retention and increase the longevity of the
the original headline of the newspaper article, and the     inoculation effect.
others are given by two opponents (Clever et al, 2020).          Previous inoculation research indicates two
The research authors describe this as a learning by         primary limitations, including scholarship mainly
doing or learning by playing strategy.                      focused on conferring attitudinal resistance against
     Like Factitious, the narrative case is not obvious     specific issues (Compton & Pfau, 2009), and the
with FakeYou! However, unlike Factitious, the               refutation was traditionally presented in a passive
opportunity for narrative exists as a product of the        manner (Roozenbeek & Van Der Linden, 2020).
three-player structure of the game. The transportation      Harmony square addresses these two issues
theory may be applied to the narratives constructed by      particularly. Harmony Square aims to achieve a
players among themselves or in the narrative implied        border cognitive resistance against the manipulation
by successive fake headlines produced by a player. In       tactics rather than adopt an issue-based inoculation,
short, a player can construct a themed set of headlines     which also aligns with the concept of the blanket of
that in sequence tell a story and perhaps even follow a     protection effect in the inoculation interventions,
narrative arc. A clever player may employ this strategy     which deserves further examination. Under the
to mix truth with lie, propelling the potential for         framework of inoculation theory, instead of presenting
transportation theory. Ultimately however, without          the perceived threat component in a clear and
rules guiding such behavior, such a trajectory does not     straightforward way, individual players are granted
obviously align the game with the benefits of               plenty of freedom to interpret and understand the
transportation theory.                                      dangerousness of fake news and misinformation by
                                                            breaking the Harmony Square on their own. Such
                                                            design is wise enough to balance the gameplay and
                                                            educational effects.

                                                            4.2 Inoculation Theory: Bad News

                                                                 The Bad News game is a free social impact game,
                                                            allowing players to learn about six common
                Figure 7. FakeYou! Game                     techniques for creating misinformation. This game
                                                            intends to encourage individuals to create and
4. Game Analysis by Theory: Inoculation                     maintain their own fake news empire by producing
Theory                                                      and disseminating disinformation while obtaining an
                                                            online following and credibility at the same time (Bad
4.1 Inoculation Theory: Harmony Square                      News, 2018). Being an early project that tackles the
                                                            two limitations of a traditional inoculation treatment,
     This game intends to present the tactics and           Bad News incorporates an active and experiential
manipulation strategies that fake news producers            component to motivate a player to build cognitive
commonly use to realize their political goals. In the       resistance against misinformation on social media. It
context of the application of the inoculation theory, the   also sheds light on later interventions, taking Harmony
game did a great job in creating the weekend dose of        Square as an example.
the informational “virus” by exposing individuals to
those tactics and strategies. Moreover, the humor           4.3 Inoculation Theory: Fake It to Make It
appeal has been used wisely, offering a greater
opportunity for the sufficient delivery of inoculation          Fake It To Make It is also a social impact game
(Roozenbeek & Van Der Linden, 2010), and                    about fake news, allowing participants to disseminate
increasing intervention effects by decreasing people’s      misinformation on social media and obtain social

                                                                                                       Page 4697
impact through techniques such as purchasing bots and       the analogy of the theory, the potency of the
manipulating the audience’s emotions. The game              inoculation varies widely depending on both the player
developer intended to design a game with persuasive         and their card deck experience.
power to change players’ behavioral, attitudinal, and            However, one strength with such design is that
belief changes regarding fake news after playing the        players, as teachers or as peer learners, can potentially
game. Although the game does not adopt the                  adjust inoculation for each player (e.g., the right
inoculation theory as its theoretical framework, it         potency for the right person).           This dynamic
shares very similar structure with Harmony Square           adjustment, which may occur naturally through non-
and Bad News. All of these provide a space for people       digital play, is worth noting as an inoculation theory
to identify and gain an understanding of common             opportunity for digital designers.
themes and techniques utilized in the spread of false or
misleading news stories (Urban, Hewitt & Moore,             4.5 Inoculation Theory: Factitious
     This work analyzes the game guided by                       Factitious aims to train players toward the skills
inoculation theory. By exposing people to those             needed to identity unreliable news sources. It is built
commonly used strategies of creating and                    upon fundamental habits of good news literacy (Grace
disseminating misinformation, players are enabled to        & Hone, 2017). In terms of inoculation theory, it aims
get the weakened versions of fake news “virus,” which       to repeatedly expose players to both real and fake news
can motivate them to reflect and generate                   sources to help inoculate them. It does so by aiming
psychological antibodies against misinformation. The        for the middle of the spectrum, providing articles that
game excels in more complete narrative elements and         are hard to discern real from fake, without practicing
higher playability, which has been proven to attract        basic skills like identifying typos, checking website
players to come reengage with the game. The repeated        domains, and evaluating article sources. It exposes the
exposure will enhance the inoculation effects.              player to misinformation sources in small doses and
     Unlike Harmony Square and Bad News, Fake It            provides immediate feedback about the player’s
To Make It does not highlight the negative                  success and failures. From this perspective, it applies
consequences of producing and disseminating                 inoculation theory relatively bluntly. Unlike other
misinformation. This includes causing political chaos       games, there is no narrative or characterizations to
(which Harmony Square demonstrates). Obscuring              complicate the players’ relationship with the media.
this effect likely decreases its persuasive and             Instead, the player is given a very simple exposure to
inoculation effects. In this context, participants only     what can roughly be estimated as a dose of about 50%
enjoy the pleasure of completing missions but do not        misinformation or disinformation articles and another
understand the severe consequence of exposure to            50% legitimate news. This small dose exposure is
massive amounts of false information. This likely           compliant with inoculation theory, seemingly built
hampers further reflection and persuasive efficacy. For     with the theory in mind. However, the research
example, a prior study indicated that participants felt     literature (Grace & Hone, 2019) never references
satisfied to see that their manipulation techniques         inoculation theory.
realized the desired goals and knew that they could
play people successfully (Urban et al, 2018).               4.6 Inoculation theory: FakeYou!
     Fake It To Make It aims to allow the player to be
more aware of how and why fake news is written and               FakeYou adopts the theoretical framework of
disseminated. It also aims to help the player be more       inoculation theory to build cognitive resistance against
critical about the information they encounter in the        misinformation. Since players are both author and
future. Given these aims, it is evident that more           validator, identifying the concept aims to advance the
thorough application of inoculation theory may serve        inoculation effect by shifting player roles within a
as an excellent fit to guide future improvement.            short time. Players are both creator and consumer in
                                                            this multiplayer game. Guided by inoculation theory,
4.4 Inoculation theory: Lamboozled                          the threat component is exposing players to fake
                                                            headlines created by other players. The threat is clear
     Lamboozled is distinct in that much of the             because players have been asked to generate their own
inoculation benefit is a product of both the randomness     misinformation a few minutes prior. This ideally
of a card-draw and in the variability of interaction with   means players will be exposed to the negative
other players. This means that unlike games that have       consequence of spreading misinformation. With
a more structured experience, the inoculation effect        shifting goals between deceiving and recognizing it is
may vary greatly play session to play session. To use

                                                                                                         Page 4698
conceivable the game goals could reward players for         Just as a popular game may inspire a fondness for its
tricking other players.                                     characters, it may also inspire disdain for them. Given
     This game requires at least three players to start a   the importance of emotion in shaping counter
new game, serving as one unique feature                     arguments it’s important to recognize this potential in
differentiating it from the inoculation games               games as well. Personification of other characters
previously described. Each player is asked to compete       affected by the player may help with this.
with the other two since players will get a higher score         It is also clear that while multiplayer experiences
if they fool other players. Fooling other players is        offer opportunities to replay, they also make the design
capable of increasing players’ engagement and further       vulnerable to unexpected consequences. Without
motivating them to process the inoculation treatment        careful mitigation through rulesets or software
actively. It is also potentially problematic in that        algorithms, different experiences may have counter-
players are practicing the skill of spreading mis and       productive outcomes. Likewise playing toward the
disinformation. The goal is a push-pull between             media intervention’s aim or against it may shape
exposing others to being fooled and protecting oneself      efficacy. While it may seem more engaging to be the
from such tricks. In theory, getting involved in this       spreader of misinformation, there may be better
interdependent process of creating and discerning fake      efficacy via inoculation and transport theories in
news headlines, players spontaneously generate              preventing spread.
counterarguments and build up cognitive resistance               The researchers did not aim to be exhaustive, but
against disinformation.                                     instead      to    offer    foundational     intervention
                                                            communication theory and game design.                This
5. Conclusion                                               intersection, between the thirty or more years of
                                                            communication theory in intervention with the more
     The core goal of this work was to understand how       than 30 years of impact-driven game design, is perhaps
examining games through a theoretical lens might            overdue. It is hoped that such analysis is useful to
shape an understanding of design efficacy, focus            future researchers aiming to understand how
design decisions, and improve impact. While no              communication theory applies to interventions in
existing game thoroughly applies each of these              media consumption. There are clearly benefits and
theories a few basic suggestions become apparent.           drawback from such perspective. It is hoped that this
     For all designers balancing efficacy often relies      work offers designers and other researchers a
on a combination of narrative fiction and repeated          jumpstart or even templated framework from which to
engagement. This is where length of play complicates        start new work. Future work will apply excitation-
narrative aims. If a narrative takes too long to develop,   theory (Zillmann, 2008), to the theories referenced and
it may be hard to get players to reengage with the          expand the analysis across the growing number of
media or complicated to design long-term engaging           misinformation and disinformation games. It may also
narratives. In short, if it takes 5 minutes to inoculate,   apply these theories to a new game design.
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