Evolving Together for Twenty Years - September 13-15, 2021 - mycrowdwisdom.com

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Evolving Together for Twenty Years - September 13-15, 2021 - mycrowdwisdom.com
Evolving Together for Twenty Years
         September 13-15, 2021
Evolving Together for Twenty Years - September 13-15, 2021 - mycrowdwisdom.com
Evolving Together for Twenty Years
Wespay believes that accomplishing the industry’s Faster            CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS
Payments goals is important and that we can do this together!           Pre-Conference Workshop:
This year's Payments Symposium will address the challenges
                                                                       3.6 AAP & APRP, NCP pending
experienced and lessons learned via an expert panel discussion.
We will investigate options like contactless payments, FedNow,                  Symposium:
RTP®, Nacha’s Meaningful Modernization, and Nacha Certify. We          8.2 AAP, 5 APRP, NCP pending
will go through regulatory updates, probe the recent ABA Fraud
Survey, and much more.

There will be something for everyone, and our virtual environment       LEARNING TRACKS
will make participation easy, interactive, and fun.
                                                                            GENERAL SESSION

                                                                           RULES & COMPLIANCE

                                                                       INNOVATION/FASTER PAYMENTS

                                                                           BUSINESS SOLUTIONS

                                                                         FRAUD/RISK MANAGEMENT

2021 Payments Symposium
Evolving Together for Twenty Years - September 13-15, 2021 - mycrowdwisdom.com
Pre-Con • Monday, September 13, 2021
*All times are PT

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Wespay Today
Wespay Staff
Your hosts Connie LaChance, Jim Petkovits and Patty
Presta set out to redefine the payments news landscape with
this lively and original reporting on pressing payments news
stories and interviews with important industry figures. See
how financial institutions react when they are confronted with
dilemmas that require them to act or make important decisions
that will impact their bottom line. Find out just how well family
members of the Wespay staff understand the responsibilities
of their loved ones. In addition, our Emerging Payments
Reporter, Mark Dixon, will walk viewers through the hottest
trends in emerging payments. Also featuring Dal Bolt, Jenny
Johnson, Amy Morris, and Jackie Pagan.
Breaks at 1:50 PM and 2:50 PM.

2021 Payments Symposium
Evolving Together for Twenty Years - September 13-15, 2021 - mycrowdwisdom.com
Agenda • Tuesday, September 14, 2021                                                                   LEARNING TRACKS:
                                                                                                                                                  RULES &
                                                                                                                                                                   FASTER PAYMENTS
*All times are PT

 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM     Power of Persuasion: Unleashing Your Super Power
 KEYNOTE               Jeff Tippett, Jeff Tippett Enterprises, LLC

 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM     Opening Remarks
                       Bill Schoch, President & CEO, Wespay

 9:30 AM – 10:20 AM    Payments Roadmap: An Executive’s Perspective
 GENERAL SESSION       Joe Hussey, Head of N.A. Payables & Receivables Product Management, JPMorgan Chase, Managing Director, North America Payables and Receivables, JPMorgan Treasury Services and Chair of
                       the Nacha Board of Directors

 10:20 AM – 10:35 AM   Break with Friends and Exhibitors
 10:35 AM – 11:25 AM   The Evolution of ACH Authorization            Contactless and QR Codes                             Building Bridges with Artificial                 PCI DSS Assessment Best Practices
 CONCURRENT SESSIONS   Connie LaChance, AAP, NCP, APRP, VP           Jennifer Stadler, PaymentsFirst                      Intelligence (AI)                                and Future Changes
                       Education & Training, Wespay; Chris                                                                Manish Nathwani, Shazam                          Gary Glover, VP of Assessments, Security
                       Selmi, AAP, CRCM, SVP, Risk & Regulatory                                                                                                            Metrics
                       Compliance, Wespay

 11:25 AM – 11:40 AM   Break with Friends and Exhibitors
 11:40 AM – 12:30 PM   What is ISO 20022 and How Does                The Value of a Data-Driven Digital                   DeMYTHifying Your Payments                       Emerging Fraud Trends
 CONCURRENT SESSIONS   it Affect Me?                                 Experience for Safer and Smarter RDC                 Strategy                                         David Schneiderman, Senior Solutions
                       Nanci McKenzie, AAP, APRP, Executive          Beverly Dobesh, AAP, CFE, Fraud                      Mark Dixon, AAP, APRP, NCP, VP Payments          Consultant, Nice Actimize
                       Vice President, Compliance and Business       Investigations Operations Department,                Strategy, Wespay; Jane Wallace, Wallace
                       Relationships, Affirmative Technologies       American Airlines Credit Union and Xan               Consulting
                                                                     Kasprzak, Customer Experience Director,
                                                                     Enterprise Payments Solution, Jack Henry &

 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM    Lunch
 1:30 PM – 2:20 PM     Modernizing Canadian Payments - A             Lend Like Square: Strategies to                      The Impact of COVID-19 In the                    Third-Party Sender Risk Assessments:
 CONCURRENT SESSIONS   Vision for the Canadian Payments              Harness the True Power of Payments                   Adoption of Electronic Banking – A               What You Need to Know
                       Ecosystem                                     Jorge Sun, CEO and Co-Founder,                       Rollercoaster Ride…                              Jenni Giguere, AAP, NCP, AVP Risk and
                       Robyn King, Industry Relations Director,      LendingFront                                         Nell Campbell-Drake, AAP, VP Strategic           Regulatory Compliance, Wespay; Jim
                       Payments Canada                                                                                    Business Relations, FRB Atlanta                  Petkovits, AAP, APRP, NCP, VP Education,

 2:20 PM – 2:30 PM     Break with Friends and Exhibitors
 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM     FinTech Showcases: LendingFront, Laru & Wespay Advisors, Larky, and Sherpa Technologies

2021 Payments Symposium
Session Descriptions • Tuesday, September 14, 2021
*All times are PT

9:30 AM – 10:20 AM                                                             options for card issuers through contactless cards and digital issuance.       11:40 AM – 12:30 PM                                       Sponsored by
                                                                               Join us to learn more about how your financial institution will benefit from
Payments Roadmap: An Executive’s Perspective                                   new EMV options.                                                               What is ISO 20022 and How Does
During this informative keynote, Mr. Hussey will discuss how legacy and        Jennifer Stadler, VP Strategy, Marketing and Communications, CPP,              it Affect Me?
newer/faster payments systems layer each other and where to expect             PaymentsFirst; additional panelists TBA                                        You have probably heard of ISO 20022 but have questions on what it is, how
shifts. He will also share his perspective on how the payments                                                                                                it may affect you and your position or your customers and members, and
industry is responding to a declining economic outlook and how that may                                                                                       why it is so important in the protection of data privacy. This session will
influence payment systems innovation.                                          10:35 AM – 11:25 AM                                           Sponsored by
                                                                                                                                                              discuss the answers to these questions without getting into the technical
Joe Hussey, Head of N.A. Payables & Receivables Product Management,            Building Bridges with Artificial                                               weeds of the standardized format.
JPMorgan Chase, Managing Director, North America Payables and                  Intelligence (AI)                                                              Nanci McKenzie, AAP, APRP, Executive Vice President, Compliance and
Receivables, JPMorgan Treasury Services and Chair of the Nacha Board                                                                                          Business Relationships, Affirmative Technologies
                                                                               This session explores how artificial intelligence provides opportunities
of Directors
                                                                               for community institutions and financial technology service providers to
                                                                               partner. We’ll show you how those partnerships can help your institution       11:40 AM – 12:30 PM                                        Sponsored by
10:35 AM – 11:25 AM                                         Sponsored by       use the rich data and enhanced computing power of AI in pursuit of a
                                                                               leading-edge consumer experience.                                              The Value of a Data-Driven Digital
The Evolution of ACH Authorization                                                                                                                            Experience for Safer and Smarter
                                                                               Manish Nathwani, Shazam
The global pandemic has changed card acceptance
behavior at the point of sale. The contactless
environment provides a safer, more secure option when making a purchase.       10:35 AM – 11:25 AM                                          Sponsored by      Improving the digital experience is front and center for RDC. What are the
During this session, topics include the background of EMV, the importance                                                                                     industry trends for embracing a data-driven RDC digital experience? We
                                                                               PCI DSS Assessment Best Practices                                              will discuss the value of integrated data passed to and from the solution
of data encryption, understanding QR codes, and the new enhanced
options for card issuers through contactless cards and digital issuance.       and Future Changes                                                             providers necessary to provide the best user experience while mitigating
Join us to learn more about how your financial institution will benefit from   This presentation will share some tips and best practices for making your      risk. Learn how Customer data is passed in real-time from the OLB/Mobile
new EMV options.                                                               PCI DSS assessment go smoother. You will learn what to expect from your        app provider to the RDC solution. Learn how RDC status data is passed
                                                                               auditor and what are the biggest problems seen when trying to achieve PCI      in real-time back to the OLB/Mobile app for in-app messages or SMS text
Connie LaChance, AAP, NCP, APRP, VP Education & Training, Wespay;
                                                                               compliance and suggestions for how to best overcome them. Also provided        updates on the deposited item. Learn how the deposit data is passed
Chris Selmi, AAP, CRCM, SVP Risk & Regulatory Compliance, Wespay
                                                                               will be a quick preview of the expected PCI DSS 4.0 changes that will be       in real-time to BSA/AML partners to increase the AI evaluation of out of
                                                                               released Q1 of 2022.                                                           pattern customer activity. Learn how the deposited check account status
10:35 AM – 11:25 AM                                         Sponsored by
                                                                                                                                                              is integrated into the RDC experience to influence the funds available for
                                                                               Gary Glover, VP of Assessments, Security Metrics
QR Codes and Contactless Cards                                                                                                                                real-time posting to the core mitigating risk and improving the CX.
                                                                                                                                                              Beverly Dobesh, AAP, CFE, Fraud Investigations Operations
The global pandemic has changed card acceptance
                                                                                                                                                              Department, American Airlines Credit Union; Xan Kasprzak, Customer
behavior at the point of sale. The contactless
                                                                                                                                                              Experience Director, Enterprise Payments Solution, Jack Henry &
environment provides a safer, more secure option when making a purchase.
During this session, topics include the background of EMV, the importance
of data encryption, understanding QR codes, and the new enhanced

2021 Payments Symposium
Session Descriptions • Tuesday, September 14, 2021
*All times are PT

11:40 AM – 12:30 PM                                          Sponsored by       1:30 PM – 2:20 PM                                              Sponsored by       1:30 PM – 2:20 PM                                           Sponsored by

DeMYTHifying Your Payments                                                      Lend Like Square: Strategies to Harness                                           Third-Party Sender Risk Assessments:
Strategy                                                                        the True Power of Payments                                                        What You Need to Know
Here’s the situation: You’re a small to medium sized financial institution,     In the post-COVID economy, demand for business                                    Over the years, Nacha’s rules regarding whether
your competitors are rolling out new services, and your senior leadership       loans is poised to be high. Yet, most banks and credit unions struggle to         Third-Party Senders are required to conduct an ACH Risk Assessment has
team asks you for a payments strategy. Now what? What are your                  extend capital in a way that is convenient, efficient, and profitable. It turns   been somewhat ambiguous. This year, Nacha has been working to modify
considerations for determining what to do first, how to incorporate             out, though, that the solution may be in your payment processing solution.        the rules to make it explicitly clear that Third-Party Senders must complete
customer input, what are some helpful tools that you can use, and how to        A small but growing number of banks and credit unions are leveraging the          a Risk Assessment of its ACH activities in the same manner that financial
measure success? In this highly interactive session, we will address the        data captured by their payment processor to assess business cash flow             institutions are required to. But Third-Party Senders are different from
five key myths about payment strategies, and provide practical insights for     and to issue pre-approvals for business capital, with the ability to sign         financial institutions. What is the appropriate scope of a Risk Assessment
you to create and maintain a smart plan that adapts to the fast-changing        contracts and disburse capital in under 24 hours. Partnerships-such eBay          for a Third-Party Sender? What guidance can financial institutions give
payments environment.                                                           and Stripe-show that community banks and credit unions don’t always               their Third-Party Sender customers on who and how they should be
Mark Dixon, AAP, APRP, NCP, VP Payments Strategy, Wespay; Jane                  have a role in the movement of money, but it’s more than just payment             conducted? This session is designed to do a thorough examination of ACH
Wallace, Wallace Consulting                                                     processing that’s at stake. With Square, Stripe, Amazon, and others,              Risk Assessments for Third-Party Senders to help them understand what
                                                                                all offering merchant cash advances, the entire relationship with small           documentation they may already possess that can be included in their
                                                                                businesses is up for grabs.                                                       assessment, what documentation they may need to create a new, and ideas
11:40 AM – 12:30 PM                                          Sponsored by
                                                                                                                                                                  for how financial institutions can guide their Third-Party Senders through
                                                                                Jorge Sun, CEO and Co-Founder, LendingFront
Emerging Fraud Trends                                                                                                                                             the ACH Risk Assessment process.
Fraud is an ongoing challenge for all types of                                  1:30 PM – 2:20 PM                                              Sponsored by       Jenni Giguere, AAP, NCP, AVP Risk and Regulatory Compliance,
business sectors. Fraudsters are constantly                                                                                                                       Wespay; Jim Petkovits, AAP, APRP, NCP, VP Education, Wespay
looking for new opportunities that we need to discover, and adapt to. In        The Impact of COVID-19 In the Adoption
this session, Debbie will share her expert insights on trending, as well as     of Electronic Banking – A Rollercoaster
common, fraud threats targeting financial institutions, retail and commercial   Ride…
banking customers. As we all integrate effective behavioral analytics and
                                                                                The COVD-19 pandemic has changed the behavior of consumers in their
machine learning solutions, we also need to understand what fraudsters are
                                                                                payment preferences and led businesses to expand its suite of electronic
doing by sharing fraud trends.
                                                                                offerings. This has reshaped how many in the payment services space
David Schneiderman, Senior Solutions Consultant, Nice Actimize                  operate today. The shift to a more digital experience has created “ups
                                                                                and downs, along with a queasy ride”, in volume trends for some payment
1:30 PM – 2:20 PM                                            Sponsored by       instruments. Will this digital preference be the new norm, and if so, how will
                                                                                institutions continue to evolve to retain and attract?
Modernizing Canadian Payments - A
                                                                                Nell Campbell-Drake, AAP, VP Strategic Business Relations, FRB Atlanta
Vision for the Canadian Payments
Where are payments headed in Canada? From the launch of Canada’s new
high-value payments system, Lynx, to the accelerated evolution of digital
payments trends, the Canadian payments ecosystem is evolving rapidly.
Robyn King, Industry Relations Director, Payments Canada

2021 Payments Symposium
Agenda • Wednesday, September 15, 2021
*All times are PT

 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM     Opening Remarks
                       Bill Schoch, President & CEO, Wespay

 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM     Nacha “State of the Union”
 GENERAL SESSION       Jane Larimer, President and CEO, Nacha

 9:30 AM – 9:40 AM     Break with Friends and Exhibitors
 9:40 AM – 10:30 AM    Recent Developments in Electronic Payments Law
                       Erin Fonte, Partner, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP, Hunton, Andrews, Kurth, LLP and Jeanette Hait Blanco, General Counsel, Nacha

 10:30 AM – 11:20 AM   Preparing for 24/7/365 Processing
                       Moderator: Joe Hussey, Head of N.A. Payables & Receivables Product Management, JPMorgan Chase, Managing Director, North America Payables and Receivables, JPMorgan Treasury Services;
                       Glenn Wheeler, VP IP Services and Faster Payments Product Manager, Catalyst Corporate FCU; Eric Nelson, AAP, APRP, NCP, Payments Assistant Manager, Keypoint Credit Union; Andrew Artz,
                       JPMorgan Chase

 11:20 AM – 11:30 AM   Break with Friends and Exhibitors
 11:30 AM – 12:20 PM   The Faster Payments Roadmap: Where We Are Now, and a Look Ahead
                       Moderator: John Curtis, AAP, APRP, NCP, SVP, Education, Wespay; Steven Jung, Regional Sales Director, Federal Reserve Bank, San Francisco; Steve Ledford, The Clearing House; Ryan Riveland, Sr.
                       Director of Market Solutions, Early Warning

 12:20 PM – 1:00 PM    Lunch
 1:00 PM – 1:50 PM     No Limits
                       Craig Vaream, Advisor, Speaker and Investor

 1:50 PM – 2:00 PM     Closing and Prize Giveaway

2021 Payments Symposium
Session Descriptions • Wednesday, September 15, 2021
*All times are PT

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM                                                                  10:30 AM – 11:20 AM                                                             1:00 PM – 1:50 PM
Nacha “State of the Union”                                                         Preparing for 24/7/365 Processing                                               No Limits
The ACH Network continues to rapidly evolve to support innovation and              As payments systems, both old and new, expand 24/7/365 processing is            What do you do when life tosses unexpected challenges? According to
emerging business models. Join Jane Larimer, CEO of Nacha for a look at            changing the way we manage our operations, run our systems, and handle          Craig Vaream, you create your own goals to keep moving forward and
the state of the ACH Network in 2021 and beyond. The session will give             exceptions. We have assembled a panel of experts that will share their          breakthrough so-called limitations. To commemorate 25 years as a type 1
a preview of ongoing and upcoming Nacha initiatives to further develop             experiences and discuss the implementation and execution of continuous          diabetic, Craig chose to conquer two “summits” – a marathon and a climb
the capabilities of the ACH Network. As the modern ACH Network thrives,            and extended processing. Whether you are considering using RTP, Zelle, or       of Mount Kilimanjaro. This decision and challenge changed him immensely.
there are a wealth of use cases you might never have thought of for both           push to card, or, perhaps looking at originating Same Day ACH, you will gain    Whether it’s dealing with health issues or a desire to experience more out of
traditional and Same Day ACH.                                                      insightful knowledge from those who have lead the industry to continuous        life, Craig’s story will help create lasting inspiration.
Jane Larimer, President and CEO, Nacha                                             processing.                                                                     Craig Vaream, Advisor, Speaker and Investor
                                                                                   Moderator: Joe Hussey, Head of N.A. Payables & Receivables Product
9:40 AM – 10:30 AM                                                                 Management, JPMorgan Chase, Managing Director, North America
                                                                                   Payables and Receivables, JPMorgan Treasury Services; Glenn Wheeler,
Recent Developments in Electronic Payments Law                                     VP IP Services and Faster Payments Product Manager, Catalyst
Erin Fonte, Partner, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP and Jeanette Hait                    Corporate FCU; Eric Nelson, AAP, APRP, NCP, Payments Assistant
Blanco, General Counsel, Nacha                                                     Manager, Keypoint Credit Union; Andrew Artz, JPMorgan Chase
Staying up-to-speed with the often-changing and complex developments in
the legal and regulatory framework surrounding payments can be daunting,           11:30 AM – 12:20 PM
and understanding the implications to an organization’s electronic payments
activities (including ACH) is crucial. Participants in this session are provided   The Faster Payments Roadmap: Where We Are Now, and a
with a review of significant legal issues raised by current developments           Look Ahead
in electronic payments law, including recent developments to the Nacha             As the U.S. forges into a new era of Payments, it seems to be all about
Operating Rules. Topics covered in this session will include: select Nacha         making them faster. Real-Time Payments, FedNow, Zelle and even
Rules Updates; overview of overdraft fee class action cases involving              Cryptocurrencies. Where are we going with this and what must we consider
ACH transactions; overview of major ruling in wire transfer error case;            when reviewing our payments roadmap? In this session, our panel of experts
CFPB enforcement action against BrightSpeed for knowingly processing               will provide an update on use cases, strategy and what financial institutions
payments for companies engaged in internet-based technical-support                 should anticipate and prepare for in this ever-changing environment.
fraud; and update on Fed’s proposed changes to Fed Operating Circulars
                                                                                   Moderator: John Curtis, AAP, APRP, NCP, SVP, Education, Wespay;
and Regulations related to real-time payments.
                                                                                   Steven Jung, Regional Sales Director, Federal Reserve Bank, San
                                                                                   Francisco; Steve Ledford, The Clearing House; and Ryan Riveland, Sr.,
                                                                                   Director of Market Solutions, Early Warning

2021 Payments Symposium
Thank You to our Sponsors & Exhibitors!
                                                                      Triple Crown Sponsors
                          Diamond                                  Sapphire                               Emerald                          Ruby

                                              Platinum                                 Gold                             Exhibitors

                                                                        Individual Sponsorships
 Fraud & Risk     Innovation &      BUSINESS           BANK          WINTHROP,       OF THE WEST      AND ADVISORS      FinTech     ADVISORS         FinTech     TECHNOLOGIES
Track Sponsor   Faster Payments       GROUP          Rules Track       SHAW &        Exhibitor Game    Accreditation   Showcase      FinTech        Showcase        FinTech
                 Track Sponsor       Business         Sponsor       PITTMAN, LLP                        Recognition     Sponsor     Showcase         Sponsor       Showcase
                                  Solutions Track                   Lunch Sponsor                                                    Sponsor                        Sponsor

    2021 Payments Symposium

2021 Payments Symposium
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