Evidences for the existence of the ultimate regime in supergravitational turbulent thermal convection

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Evidences for the existence of the ultimate regime in supergravitational turbulent thermal convection
Evidences for the existence of the ultimate regime in supergravitational turbulent
                                                                                    thermal convection

                                                                          Hechuan Jiang,1, ∗ Dongpu Wang,1, ∗ Shuang Liu,1 and Chao Sun1, 2, †
                                                              Center for Combustion Energy, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of MoE,
                                                               and Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, 100084 Beijing, China.
                                                       Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, 100084 Beijing, China.
                                                                                                  (Dated: October 5, 2021)
                                                                   What is the final state of turbulence when the driving parameter approaches to infinity? For
                                                                thermal turbulence, in 1962, Kraichnan proposed a so-called ultimate scaling dependence of the
                                                                heat transport (quantified by the Nusselt number Nu) on the Rayleigh number (Ra), which can be
                                                                extrapolated to arbitrarily high Ra. The existence of Kraichnan ultimate scaling has been intensively
arXiv:2110.01224v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 4 Oct 2021

                                                                debated in the past decades. In this work, using a supergravitational thermal convection system,
                                                                with an effective gravity up to 100 times the Earth’s gravity, both Rayleigh number and shear
                                                                Reynolds number can be boosted due to the increase of the buoyancy driving and the additional
                                                                Coriolis forces. Over a decade of Ra range, we demonstrate the existence of Kraichnan-like ultimate
                                                                regime with four direct evidences: the ultimate scaling dependence of Nu versus Ra; the appearance
                                                                of turbulent velocity boundary layer profile; the enhanced strength of the shear Reynolds number;
                                                                the new statistical properties of local temperature fluctuations. The present findings will greatly
                                                                improve the understanding of the flow dynamics in geophysical and astrophysical flows.

                                                                      INTRODUCTION                                  comes puzzling. At Ra & 1011 , the compensated heat
                                                                                                                    transport Nu · Ra−1/3 decreases or levels out with Ra in
                                                     Thermally driven turbulent flows ubiquitously occur            some studies [12, 14, 15, 18, 20] while it increases in oth-
                                                  in meteorological [1], geophysical [2, 3] and astrophysi-         ers [13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22]. For numerical simulations,
                                                  cal [4, 5] flows and large scale industrial processes [6].        limited by the power of supercomputers, three dimen-
                                                  A paradigm for modeling the thermally driven turbulent            sional direct numerical simulations (DNS) can only reach
                                                  flows is Rayleigh-Bénard convection (RBC) (see [7–10]             Ra = 2×1012 for a moderate aspect ratio between the di-
                                                  for reviews), which is a layer of fluid confined between          ameter and height of the convection cell [23], which does
                                                  two horizontal plates heated from below and cooled from           not show the transition to the ultimate regime. For both
                                                  above. The direction of gravity is the same as the tem-           experiments and simulations, it is notoriously difficult to
                                                  perature gradient. In those aforementioned natural phe-           arrive at very high Ra while keeping other parameters
                                                  nomena, the driving strength of the flow is extremely high        to be constants. Recently, signatures of the transition
                                                  and far beyond the accessible regime in the lab scales.           to ultimate regime have been reported in the experimen-
                                                  A powerful approach for the investigation of these nat-           tal studies of traditional RBC using a large cylindrical
                                                  ural phenomena and industrial processes using labora-             sample [17].
                                                  tory experiments is to find the asymptotic laws that can             In this work, we explore the ultimate regime of ther-
                                                  enable us to extrapolate the laboratory findings to the           mal turbulence in a supergravitational thermal convec-
                                                  unattainable parameter regimes in the natural and in-             tion system through rapid rotation. An annular cylinder
                                                  dustrial systems. One example of such asymptotic laws             subject to a radial temperature gradient has been used
                                                  is on the dependence of the Nusselt number Nu (dimen-             to study baroclinic waves, zonal flow and convection in
                                                  sionless convective heat flux) on the Rayleigh number             the low Ra regime [24–34]. Here, we exploit the rapidly
                                                  Ra (dimensionless strength of driving buoyancy) in the            rotating system to study high Ra thermal turbulence.
                                                  limit of intense thermal forcing. In 1962, Kraichnan pre-
                                                  dicted as Ra increases, thermal convection will reach an
                                                  ultimate state with Nu ∝ Ra1/2 (ln Ra)−3/2 ∝ Raγ [11],                    EXPERIMENTS AND SIMULATIONS
                                                  which yields a steeper effective scaling exponent (γ >
                                                  1/3, and asymptotically approaches to 1/2) as compared               In order to study the ultimate thermal turbulence,
                                                  to the scaling exponent (γ . 1/3) in the classical state          we propose to use a supergravitational system (Annu-
                                                  before the transition, where the turbulent transport is           lar Centrifugal RBC, ACRBC) (sketched in figures 1
                                                  limited by laminar boundary layers (BLs).                         (a,b)), which is a cylindrical annulus with cooled inner
                                                     In the past 40 years, tremendous amount of efforts have        and heated outer walls under a rapid solid-body rotation
                                                  been put into to search for this ultimate scaling in high         [35, 36].     The direction of centrifugal force (effective
                                                  Ra regimes [12–22]. For the reported experimental re-             gravity) is the same as the temperature gradient, which is
                                                  sults, most Nu(Ra) measurements are consistent below              consistent with classical RBC. The details about the ex-
                                                  Ra ' 1011 − 1012 , while the situation at larger Ra be-           periments and direct numerical simulations can be found
Evidences for the existence of the ultimate regime in supergravitational turbulent thermal convection

  (a)                                        (b)                        ω             (c)

                                                                                      Ro -1
                                                          Ro                                   1                     EXP-water
                                                      L                                       0.1                    3D-DNS-Pr10.7
                                                                        Ri                                           2D-DNS-Pr4.3

                                             H                                        (d) 20
                                                                  z   r φ
                                                                  O                            5

                                                                                                10 5   10 7   10 9    10 11     10 13

FIG. 1: Experimental configuration and explored parameter space. (a) A photograph of the annular convection cell. (b)
Schematical diagram of the system, which defines the coordinate frame and geometric parameters. (c) Phase diagrams of Ro−1
and Ra, where solid symbols and open symbols denote the experimental data and numerical data, respectively. We have also
performed numerical simulations with negligible Coriolis force at Ro−1 = 10−5 (not shown here). (d) Phase diagrams but in
the Pr − Ra plane.

in Method section below.                                        formed 72 experiments and 67 numerical simulations in
   The flow dynamics in ACRBC are determined by the             total. The details about the experimental and numerical
following control parameters, namely the Rayleigh num-          cases are documented in the Suppl. Mat. Combining ex-
ber                                                             periments and simulations, the range of Rayleigh number
                                                                explored here extends almost six and a half decades, i.e.
                   1 2
            Ra =     ω (Ro + Ri )β∆L3 /(νκ),              (1)   from 106 to 3.7 × 1012 . In experiments, the Earth’s grav-
                   2                                            ity, lids and inhomogeneity of centrifugal force have been
the inverse Rossby number                                       already studied in [35], which shows that their effects on
                                                                Nu are negligible.
           Ro−1 = 2(β∆(Ro + Ri )/(2L))−1/2 ,              (2)

the Prandtl number Pr = ν/κ, and radius and aspect ra-                       RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
tios η = Ri /Ro , Γ⊥ = H/L and Γk = 2πr/L. Here β, ∆,
ν and κ are the thermal expansion coefficient, the tem-            Figure 2 (a) shows the obtained Nu as a function of Ra
perature difference between hot and cold walls, the kine-       from experiments and numerical simulations. For most
matic viscosity and the thermal diffusivity of the working      experiments, the measurement lasts at least 4 hours af-
fluid, respectively. The key response parameter is Nusselt      ter the system has reached statistically stationary state
number N u = J/Jcon = −JRo ln η/(α∆), where J, Jcon             (for the detailed measuring procedure, see Suppl. Mat.).
and α denote the total heat flux, the heat flux through         Since two kinds of working fluids are used in the experi-
pure thermal conduction and thermal conductivity, re-           ments, the difference in Prandtl number should be taken
spectively.                                                     into account. As previous study suggested that Nu has
   According to the definition of Rayleigh number, we can       a weak dependence on Pr in this Pr range [4, 10.7] and
effectively push Ra to higher values through increasing         the scaling law can be written as Nu ∼ Pr−0.03 [37–39],
rotation rate ω of the system and increasing β/(νκ) of          therefore all Nu data, including the data at Pr ≈ 10.4
the working fluid. The range of rotation rate of the sys-       (Novec 7200) and the data at Pr ≈ 4.3 (water), are cor-
tem is from 158rpm to 705rpm, which corresponds to an           rected with Nu/(Pr/4.3)−0.03 to coincide with the data
effective gravity [5g,100g]. The Earth’s gravity does not       for water at 40◦ C. It is evident that the experiments for
play an important role in the current parameter regime          Novec 7200 and water and numerical simulations are all
(see [35] for detailed discussion) Next to the classical de-    in an excellent agreement. In the range of Ro−1 from
gassed water at around 40◦ C, we use Novec 7200 (3M Inc.        9 to 58, the data sets show a consistent dependence of
Engineered Fluid) at around 25◦ C as the working fluid,         Nu on Ra. To better demonstrate the local scaling ex-
which has roughly 14.4 times of β/(νκ) as compared with         ponent, figure 2 (b) shows the same plot as figure 2 (a)
water. The properties of the Novec 7200 engineered fluid        but in a compensated way. In ACRBC, an effective scal-
are listed in Suppl. Mat. for reference.                        ing of Nu ∝ Ra0.27 is observed when Ra < 1010 , and
   The explored parameter space of experimental and nu-         the scaling exponent is close to the value found in two-
merical studies is shown in figure 1 (c). We have per-          dimensional (2D) RBC [40, 41] where the viscous BLs

    (a)                                                                                       (c)
                          Nu~Ra0.27          DNS Pr4.3 Ro -1 = 58
           1250           Nu~Ra 0.4
                                             DNS Pr4.3 Ro   -1
                                                                 = 25
                          Water Ro -1 = 58   DNS Pr4.3 Ro -1 = 18
                          Water Ro -1 = 44   DNS Pr10.7 Ro -1 = 16
                          Water Ro -1 = 33
               250        Water Ro -1 = 25

                          Water Ro -1 = 22

                          Water Ro -1 = 18
                                                                         Novec Ro -1 = 29
                50                                                       Novec Ro -1 = 22
                                                                         Novec Ro -1 = 16                               rms
                                                                                                                              ~ Ra-0.13
                                                                         Novec Ro = 12
                                                                                                                              ~ Ra-0.36
                                                                         Novec Ro -1 = 10.5
                10                                                                                   0.002
                                                                         Novec Ro -1 = 9

    (b)         0.1                                                                           (d)
                                                                                                                  Re crit
                                                                                                                          = 420
               0.08                                                                0.04

  Nu / Ra1/3


                                                                                              Re s
                                                10 10                   10 11
                                                             Ra                                         20                                           3D DNS (ACRBC)
                                                                                                                                                     3D DNS (ACRBC)
               0.04                                                                                                       Res ~Ra 0.41 (Pr = 4.3)    2D DNS (ACRBC)
                                                                                                                                                     EXP (Classic RB)
                                                                                                         5                Res ~Ra 0.38 (Pr = 10.7)   DNS (Classic RB)

                      10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10 10 11 10 12 10 13                                            10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10 10 11 10 12 10 13
                                                  Ra                                                                                      Ra

FIG. 2: Global heat transport, temperature fluctuation and shear Reynolds number. (a) Nusselt number Nu as a function of
Rayleigh number Ra; (b) the compensated plots of Nu/Ra1/3 versus Ra; (c) the normalized r.m.s. of temperature fluctuation
θrms in the bulk region versus Ra; (d) the shear Reynolds number Res as a function of Ra. In panel (a), the solid lines are
the best fittings of the experimental and DNS data in ACRBC at two different regimes. To eliminate the weak influence of Pr
difference, Nusselt numbers are corrected with Nu/(Pr/4.3)−0.03 [37–39]. The inset shows the enlarged part near the transition
Ra. In panel (d), the extrapolations of the fitting of DNS results for water (Ro−1 =18 and 58) and Novec (Ro−1 =16) indicate
that the BL becomes turbulent (Res = 420, dashed line) at Ra ' 1011 . Shear Reynolds numbers from experiments [45] and
from DNS [46] in classical RBC system are also plotted for comparison.

are laminar. Note, in the current system, the flow has a                                        which results in a locally higher Nu? As shown in figure
quasi-2D structure at the current Ro range (Ro−1 > 9)                                           15 in Suppl. Mat., the Nu for the steep scaling regime
for Nusselt number measurements [35]. The findings of                                           is much higher than the Nu extrapolated for the case at
classical state regime in ACRBC give independent sup-                                           Ro−1 = 10−5 , in which the flow has a three-dimensional
port for the previous results on RBC [16, 42] and Taylor-                                       state, indicating that the enhancement of local scaling
Couette turbulence [43, 44].                                                                    exponent should not be attributed to the change of flow
   Once the Ra increases beyond 1010 , the system en-                                           state from two-dimensional to three-dimensional. It sug-
ters a transition regime with local effective scaling ex-                                       gests the physical reason might be that the transition Ra
ponent γ of Nu ∝ Raγ increasing from γ = 0.27 to                                                to the ultimate regime in ACRBC is lower than that in
γ > 1/3 as evident from the arc bottom in the compen-                                           the traditional RBC (to be discussed below).
sated plot. Surprisingly, following the transition regime,                                         The normalized root-mean-square temperature fluctu-
there is a steep scaling regime with a local scaling ex-                                        ation θrms in the bulk region as a function of Ra is illus-
ponent γ = 0.40 ± 0.01, which spans more than one                                               trated in figure 2 (c). It is evident that there is a transi-
decade from Ra ∼ 1011 to Ra = 3.7 × 1012 . This steep                                           tion in the variation trend of θrms vs. Ra at exactly the
scaling exponent is consistent with the prediction for                                          critical Rayleigh number Ra∗ ' 1011 where the Nu scal-
Nu(Ra) in the ultimate regime with logarithmic correc-                                          ing changes. The obtained scaling θrms ∼ Ra−0.13±0.02
tions Nu ∝ Ra1/2 (log Ra)−3/2 [11].                                                             for Ra < Ra∗ is consistent with previous studies for the
   What is the reason for the enhanced Nu scaling? Could                                        classical RBC [12, 14, 47], while it gives a notably steeper
this be due to the transition of the flow structure from a                                      scaling with θrms ∼ Ra−0.36±0.05 when Ra > Ra∗ . The
two-dimensional flow state to a three-dimensional state,                                        bulk temperature fluctuation is suggested to be domi-

     1000                                                                             Ra = 10 7        |u| + = (1 / 0.44) ln(r + ) + 0.1
                                                                                      Ra = 10 8
                                                                             10       Ra = 1.16 10 9
                                               Ra = 10 7
      500                                                                             Ra = 4.7 1010
                                               Ra = 10 8

                                                                                      Ra = 10 11

                                                                                      |u| + = r +
              -2        -1        0        1          2         3
         10        10        10       10         10        10                     10 -1        10 0    10 1          10 2          10 3
                                  Ro -1                                                                r+
FIG. 3: Reynolds number Re = Urms L/ν as a function of              FIG. 4: Mean boundary layer velocity profiles in wall units
Ro−1 at Ra = 107 and 108 for Pr = 4.3.                              at different Ra, Ra = 107 − 4.7 × 1010 (Ro−1 = 18, 58 and
                                                                    Pr = 4.3) and Ra = 1011 (Ro−1 = 16 and Pr =10.7), u+
                                                                    for velocity and r+ for wall distance. The dash-doted lines
nated by contributions of detached plumes from the BLs              show the viscous sublayer behavior |u|+ = r+ and log-layer
[12]. This change of the scaling exponent of θrms versus            behavior |u|+ = (1/κ) ln(r+ )+B with κ = 0.44 and B = 0.10.
Ra in the Kraichnan-like ultimate regime indicates the
significant change in the properties of the BL where the
plumes are emitted.                                                 ing of the shear Reynolds number in rapidly rotating
   The next key question is that why the transition                 ACRBC, we show in figure 3 how the Reynolds num-
Rayleigh number (Ra∗ ∼ 1011 ) is three orders of mag-               ber Re = Urms L/ν is influenced by rapid rotation. The
nitude lower than that in the traditional RB system                 dependences of Re with Ro−1 at two specified Rayleigh
(Ra∗ ∼ 1014 )?                                                      numbers, Ra = 107 and 108 , demonstrate a consistent
   The key ingredient of the transition from classical              behavior that Re first increases with Ro−1 and then
regime to ultimate regime is the change of BL proper-               saturates, showing that under rapid rotation the flow
ties, i.e. the transition from laminar BL to turbulent              strength is enhanced, which will yield a larger shear
one [11, 48, 49]. The properties of BL critically depend            Reynolds number Res and promote the transition of lam-
on the shear Reynolds number. A typical value for the               inar viscous BL to be turbulent. Regarding the scal-
onset of turbulence is Recrit
                           s   ≈ 420 [50]. We now ana-              ing of Res with Ra, we consider the force balance of the
lyze Res as a function of Ra in the current system and              BL flow based on the momentum transport equation in
compare it to that in the classical RBC system. It is               the large scale circulation plane. For traditional RBC,
difficult to directly measure the shear Reynolds num-               the balance of the inertial term ~u · ∇~u and the viscous
ber from the experiments due to the rapid rotation and              term ν∇2 ~u gives the classical scaling of the viscous BL,
very small scale of the BL. Fortunately, we can evalu-              λu /L ∼ Re−1/2 and Res ∼ Re1/2 . Whereas in ACRBC,
ate Res using the DNS data. Figure 2 (d) shows the                  when rotation is rapid enough such that the Coriolis
calculated shear Reynolds number, Res = U λu /ν, based              force 2~ω × ~u plays an important role in the BL flow, one
on the DNS results, here U is the maximum of tempo-                 would expect a balance between the Coriolis force and
rally and spatially averaged azimuthal velocity, λu the             the viscous force, which results in a new scaling behav-
viscous BL thickness estimated with the commonly used               ior, λu /L ∼ Re−1/3 and Res ∼ Re2/3 . Together with the
‘slope method’ [51]. As shown in figure 2 (d), the shear            effective scaling law Re ∼ Ra0.55 , the new scaling gives
Reynolds number monotonously increases with Ra with                 rise to the scaling law Res ∼ Ra0.37 , close to the observa-
an effective scaling around Res ∼ Ra0.41±0.01 for Pr =              tion in figure 2 (d). The detailed derivation of Res ∼ Ra
4.3 and Res ∼ Ra0.38±0.01 for Pr = 10.7. These scaling              scaling can be referred to the Suppl. Mat. Thus, the
exponents are much larger in the current system than                dominance of Coriolis force yields the steep scaling of
that in the classical RBC. The magnitude of Res is also             Res with Ra and thus results in the early transition of
much larger than that in the classical RBC. It already              ACRBC to the ultimate regime at Ra∗ ∼ 1011 .
arrives at the critical shear Reynolds number of 420 [50]              Figure 4 shows the temporally and spatially aver-
at Ra ' 1011 , whereas the shear Reynolds number at the             aged azimuthal velocity profiles in wall units for differ-
same Ra in the classical system is around 80 [45, 46].              ent Ra from DNS. In wall units, the mean azimuthal
   To understand the large magnitude and steep scal-                velocity |u|+ is normalized by the friction velocity uτ =

   ν∂r hui |Ri ,Ro , and radial position r+ is normalized by   ther verify this transition to ultimate regime of thermal

the viscous length scale δν = ν/uτ [52]. The profiles of       turbulence.
viscous sublayer (|u|+ = r+ ) and Prandtl-von Kármán
type BL (|u|+ = (1/κ) ln(r+ ) + B [53] are also plotted
for comparison. We show that when Ra is small, the pro-                               METHODS
file behaves as the laminar Prandtl-Blasius type. With
increasing Ra, the BL profile progressively approaches                                Experiment
towards a Prandtl-von Kármán (logarithmic) type. At
Ra = 4.7 × 1010 and 1011 , a logarithmic range is no-             Since the experimental setup has already been de-
table over one decade of r+ , which is an essential indica-    scribed detailedly in [35], here we just provide some main
tion of the emergence of turbulent BL. The inverse slope       features associated with our study. As sketched in figure
κ = 0.44 of the obtained logarithmic law is quite close        1 (a), the experiments are conducted in a cylindrical an-
to the typical von Kármán constant κ = 0.41 despite the        nulus with solid-body rotation around its vertical axis.
different flow configurations. The parameter B = 0.10 is       The cylindrical annulus consists of two concentric cylin-
different from the classical Prandtl-von Kármán value for      ders, which are machined from a piece of copper to keep
canonical turbulent BLs over smooth walls, which may           dynamically balanced. To prevent oxidation, the surfaces
attribute to the finite values of Ra reached in the DNS        of cylinders are electroplated with a thin layer of nickel.
and the complicated interactions between velocity shear,       As shown in figure 1 (b), the inner radius of the outer
unstable thermal stratification, the Coriolis force, and       hot cylinder is Ro = 240mm, and the outer radius of the
curvature effect in ACRBC. Nevertheless, the fact that         inner cold cylinder is Ri = 120mm, resulting in a gap
the velocity profile shows the typical characteristics of a    of width L = Ro − Ri = 120mm and a radius ratio of
turbulent BL illustrates the onset of turbulence in the        η = Ri /Ro = 0.5. The cylindrical annulus with a height
BL flow. Unfortunately, higher Ra simulation has not           of H = 120mm is sandwiched by a plexiglass lid and a
been achieved in the present study. Above analysis gives       teflon bottom, hence resulting in an aspect ratio in the
an indication that the strong shear and Coriolis effects       large scale circulation plane 6 . Γk = 2πr/L . 12 and
induced by rapid rotation promote the BL transition to         in the plane perpendicular to the large scale circulation
the turbulent Prandtl-von Kármán type [36].                    Γ⊥ = H/L = 1. These cylinders and end plates are fixed
                                                               together and leveled on a rotary table, which can rotate
                                                               at a modulated speed (ω). Here, we note that since the
                    CONCLUSIONS                                end surfaces of ACRBC are flat and the boundary con-
                                                               dition on the cylindrical surfaces is no-slip, zonal flow is
   By means of dramatically increased driving force and        very weak in the present study [25, 27–30]. Thus, it is
strong shear induced by rapid rotation, the transition to      considered that the rotating convection and non-rotating
the Kraichnan-like ultimate regime of thermal convection       convection are roughly similar in terms of flow dynam-
is observed in an annular centrifugal Rayleigh-Bénard          ics and transport mechanism. A high-precision circulat-
convection system. We have performed extensive experi-         ing bath (PolyScience Inc., AP45R-20-A12E) pumps cold
ments and numerical simulations to study the heat trans-       circulating water to maintain a constant temperature of
port and flow dynamics in ACRBC from classical regime          inner cylinder, and four silicone rubber film heaters sup-
to ultimate regime. For Ra . 1010 , Nu(Ra) is consis-          plied by a DC power (Ametek Inc., XG 300-5) are con-
tent with classical RBC as expected. For Ra & 1011 , the       nected in series and attached to the outside of the outer
measured local effective Nu scaling exponent γ increases       cylinder to provide a constant and uniform heating. For
to 0.40, spanning more than one decade of Ra range,            high-precision thermal experiments, special measures are
which testifies the possible transition to ultimate regime.    taken to minimize the heat exchange between the system
As a response to the transition to ultimate regime, the        and the surroundings. Note that the temperature differ-
dependence of temperature fluctuations on Ra demon-            ence in our experiments is small (from 2K to 20K) and the
strates different scaling behaviors before Ra∗ and beyond      Oberbeck-Boussinesq conditions are well satisfied [54].
Ra∗ . The steep Ra-dependence and elevated amplitude
of shear Reynolds number lead to a smaller transition
Rayleigh number Ra∗ at which the shear Reynolds num-              Governing equations and numerical simulations
ber crosses Res = 420. Approaching the transition Ra∗ ,
the mean velocity profile has a log layer spanning over           The parameter definitions are shown in figure 1(b). We
one decade of r+ in wall units. In view of these above         employ the Boussinesq equations to describe the fluid
evidences, it could be concluded that transition to the        flow, which are commonly adopted in the theoretical, nu-
Kraichnan-like ultimate state of thermal convection has        merical and experimental studies of thermal convection
been realized using supergravitational thermal convec-         [7]. The dimensionless Boussinesq equations in the ro-
tion system. Of course, more studies are needed to fur-        tating reference frame [55] are expressed as:

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