Event Greening Managing Waste, Recyclables, & Organics at Events & Festivals

Page created by Veronica Thornton
Event Greening

Managing Waste,
   Recyclables, & Organics
       at Events & Festivals
Thanks to the extra-                   More than 700 festivals                 This guide will help event
ordinary efforts of                    and events are held in                  organizers get a handle
government at both the                 Nova Scotia every year,                 on waste management.
provincial and municipal               and much of the waste                   Individuals and
level and the dedicated                from these public                       organizations are
participation of residents,            gatherings is composed                  encouraged to reproduce
Nova Scotia is a world                 of materials that are                   this guide; however,
leader in recycling and                banned from disposal.                   the content cannot
composting.                            Just as residents already               be modified and/or
                                       do in their homes, waste-               republished without
                                       resources from public                   the written permission
                                       events should be managed                of RRFB Nova Scotia.
                                       under the principles of
                                       waste reduction, reuse,
                                       recycling, and composting.

Development of this guide is a result of the effort and cooperation of RRFB Nova Scotia and the Bluenose Atlantic
Coastal Action Program (Bluenose ACAP).
RRFB Nova Scotia is a not-for-profit organization that administers certain components of the province’s Solid Waste-
Resource Management Strategy. RRFB Nova Scotia works with municipalities, government, and industry to ensure that
Nova Scotians receive the maximum environmental and economic benefits associated with waste management and
resource recovery. Contact RRFB Nova Scotia at 1-877-313-RRFB (7732) or visit www.rrfb.com.
Bluenose ACAP is a non-profit charitable organization that promotes restoration, enhancement, and conservation of
the ecosystem through research, education, and action.

Nova Scotia is proud to host a wide variety of festivals and events throughout the year, from neighbourhood
suppers at community halls and churches to larger celebrations for residents and tourists. Regardless of the size of your
event, following these 5 steps to “green” your event can provide a better environment for the public to enjoy.
For the purpose of this guide, event greening shall be defined as integrating waste reduction, reuse, recycling,
and composting principles and programs into the event.

Research and Planning                                                                                          2
         Identify your stakeholders and collect information about waste management practices in your area.

Partnerships                                                                                                   6
         What to consider when contracting vendors and waste management service providers.

Communication                                                                                                  8
         Promote and publicize the greening of your event.

Monitoring                                                                                                     9
         Things you will need to do during the event.

Clean-Up and Evaluation                                                                                       10
         Wrapping up after the crowds have gone home.

Checklist                                                                                                     11
Quick Tips                                                                                                    12

We hope that you will find this guide useful as you work on making your own event
an example to the rest of the province and the world!

Research & Planning

     Successful events are generally the        Identify Composting and Establish a Waste -
     result of careful research and planning
     that begins long before the event is
                                                Recycling Programs in   Resource Management
     scheduled. The fact that you are           your Region             Committee
     reading this guide shows that you are      All municipalities in Nova Scotia        Establishing a Waste–Resource
     aware of this important principle.         have composting and recycling            Management Committee to
     The following are some consid-             programs in place, but programs can      coordinate the greening of your
     erations to help you put the decision      vary in terms of what materials are      event allows for responsibilities to
     to green your event into action.           accepted, how materials are collected,   be shared according to strengths and
                                                and how waste from special events        interests and will help to generate
     Identify your                              is managed.                              ideas and solutions. To determine the
     Stakeholders and the                                                                size of your committee, consider the
                                                RRFB Nova Scotia Can Help
     Role they can Play                         You Get Started!
                                                                                         size of your event and the tasks you
                                                                                         plan to undertake.
     Stakeholders are individuals,              Call the toll-free Recycling Help
     organizations, businesses or               Line at 1-877-313-RRFB (7732) for Tips for a Successful
     community groups that might                the name and number of a Regional Waste Management
     have an interest in your event.            Waste Reduction Coordinator
     Your stakeholders can help with            serving your municipality. Regional
     the organization of a green event,         Coordinators can provide you with • All committee members should have
     so you should determine early on           important information about           a good understanding of the waste
     who they are and identify what role        recycling and composting programs     management goals of the event and
     they might be able to play. Your           in your area and help you find        of the waste management practices
     stakeholders may include the               composting and recycling facilities   of the host community.
     following: local waste/recycling/          and haulers.                        • All major stakeholders should be
     organics hauler(s), municipal/regional
                                                                                      invited to have a representative on
     waste reduction coordinators, event
                                                                                      the committee.
     sponsors, local citizens, vendors,
     service providers and local environ-
     mental organizations or community
     groups. Identifying your stakeholders
     early will help you establish priorities
     for greening your event and make the
     job easier.

2    1-877-313-RRFB (7732)
Assign a Waste                           Identify Goals
Reduction Coordinator                    One of the first activities of the
One individual should be assigned        Waste–Resource Management
the role of Waste Reduction              Committee is to identify overall goals
Coordinator for the event. This          and objectives for the greening of the
individual should have strong            event. What does the Committee            The Mahone Bay Wooden
                                         hope to achieve by greening the
organizational and communication                                                   Boat Festival is an annual
skills, a solid understanding of local   event? It is important to include all
area waste management programs and       stakeholders in devel-oping a policy to   celebration of the community’s
practices, and be committed to the       ensure that all needs are addressed.
                                         Goals might include financial,
                                                                                   history of ship building that
goals of the Waste–Resource
Management Committee.                    environmental, and political              attracts thousands of visitors
For Smaller                                                                        to the South Shore of Nova
                                         Sample Goals
Events/Festivals                         The Mahone Bay Wooden Boat
                                                                                   Scotia every year. In 2000,
Community suppers, garden parties,       Festival set the following goals as       the Festival Committee hired
weddings and other small gatherings      part of its event greening policy:
can also benefit from event greening.                                              an Event Greening Coordinator
                                         • Use education, reuse, recycling and
Although you may not need to
                                           composting to reduce the amount         to help make the event as
establish a committee, you still need
                                           of waste sent for disposal.
the support of those involved to                                                   waste-free as possible. As a
successfully reduce waste at your        • Ask food and beverage vendors
event. There may be less waste to          to use compostable, reusable or
                                                                                   result of cooperation between
manage at smaller events, but it still     recyclable containers, or provide       municipal representatives,
takes planning.                            appropriate supplies to them.
                                                                                   festival organizers, and the
                                         • Raise the awareness of organizers
                                           and participants about waste            public, the Festival successfully
                                           management issues and the
                                                                                   recycled or composted over
                                           establishment of a green event
                                           through displays, flyers and            80% of the waste generated at
                                                                                   the event by using the principles
                                         • Provide a 3-stream waste station
                                           for compostables, recyclables,          in this guide.
                                           and garbage.

                                                                                           w w w. r r f b. c o m       3
Research & Planning

     Identify Potential Waste Identify Disposal                       Determine the Waste
     Materials                     Options and Alternatives Separation System for
     Another important task of the Once you have identified potential the Event
     Waste–Resource Management                 waste materials, consider each one      The Waste–Resource Management
     Committee/ Coordinator is to              individually to determine disposal      Committee/Coordinator will need
     determine what waste materials will       options and possible alternatives.      to research and determine what type
     be generated at the event and what        Your Regional Waste Reduction           of waste separation system will be
     other waste might arrive at the event     Coordinator will be able to help you    appropriate for the event. Waste
     from surrounding businesses or            assemble this vital information.        receptacles can be purchased, rented,
     activities. Establish a list of waste     Contact RRFB Nova Scotia for the        borrowed, or constructed and can
     products, and if possible, identify       name of a Regional Waste Reduction      range from complex designs to a
     each material and the quantity that       Coordinator serving your area.          simple row of individual containers.
     will be produced.                                                                 When planning a waste station for
                                               Think About:
     You might consider contacting                                                     your event, be sure to consider your
     organizers of other similar-sized         • Is the material banned from
                                                                                       budget, anticipated quantities and
     events for advice. Vendors attending        disposal?
                                                                                       types of waste, and the durability of
     your event may also be able to help       • Is the material recyclable?           the system.
     estimate waste quantities by providing      Compostable? Reusable? Subject
     estimates of expected sales of food                                               Important Considerations:
                                                 to a deposit/refund?
     and beverages.                                                                    • Each waste stream should be
                                               • Could a recyclable, compostable, or
                                                                                         represented by a specific colour:
     Important Considerations:                   reusable product be used instead of
                                                                                         blue for recycling, green for
     • Will food or beverages be served?         a disposable product?
                                                                                         organics, and black for garbage.
       If so, what type of beverage            • Could packaging be reduced or
       containers and utensils will be used?                                           • The shape of each slot is key:
                                                 eliminated by changing how a
                                                                                         narrow for paper, round for
     • What types of containers/packaging        particular product is served?
                                                                                         recycling, square for garbage
       are likely to arrive at your site?      • Could a particular waste item be        and rectangle for organics.
     • Are there other businesses in the         eliminated from the event through
                                                                                       • A lid on the organics container will
       area that may inadvertently               an event policy?
                                                                                         prevent contamination.
       contribute waste to your site?
                                                                                       • Containers should have slanted tops
     • What activities will occur at your                                                so that waste will not be left on top.
       event and what waste products will
       be produced?                                                                    • Place recycling, composting and
                                  To view a wide variety of waste                        garbage containers side by side. This
                                                                                         will lessen the likelihood of all
                                  receptacles, visit RRFB Nova
                                                                                         material getting thrown into the
                                  Scotia’s website at www.rrfb.com,                      same container.

                                  and click ‘resources’.
4    1-877-313-RRFB (7732)
Signage For Waste                         Cost Recovery
Stations                               If budgets are tight, here are a
• Use simple and clear signs that show couple of ideas for recovering some
  people what goes in each container. of the costs associated with greening
  Use graphics with minimal text.      your event.

• Signs should be located at eye-level,   • Vendor Stewardship - The
  preferably on the top (back) of the       majority of waste produced on site
  container.                                often comes from vendors, so have
                                            them share the responsibility for
• For larger events, you should             some of the expenses related to
  consider training volunteers to           waste management. Costs could be
  educate visitors about proper             incorporated into booth/vendor fees
  waste separation and the system           or could be calculated as a separate
  your event is using. This will help       charge based on the quantity of
  reduce contamination in the               waste generated.
  different containers.                                                            The Deposit/Refund System can
                                         • The provincial Deposit/Refund
• RRFB Nova Scotia sells colourful         System applies to all ready-to-serve    be used to encourage volunteer
  bilingual signage for public waste       beverage containers sold in Nova
  containers. The signs are suitable for                                           organizations to assist with the
                                           Scotia (excluding milk). Collect
  indoor and outdoor use and are           redeemable beverage containers          greening of your event.
  available at cost. Contact RRFB          separate from other recyclable
  Nova Scotia for more information.        containers (or separate them after
                                                                                   Community-based clubs and
                                           the event) and take them to one         groups may be interested in
                                           of over 87 Enviro-Depots across the
                                           province for a 5 cent refund. Nickels   assisting with your waste
                                           can quickly add up to dollars that      management efforts in exchange
                                           can be applied to waste management
                                           costs. Contact RRFB Nova Scotia         for the refunds collected on
                                           for the location of an ENVIRO-
                                                                                   redeemable beverage containers.
                                           DEPOT™ near the event.

                                                                                           w w w. r r f b. c o m      5

    Volunteers and Staff                      Waste Haulers                            Check out the Directory of Solid
                                                                                       Waste, Reuse, Recycling and
    Volunteers and staff are important to     Depending on the size of your event,
                                                                                       Composting Contacts on the website
    the overall success of greening your      you may have to contract a local
                                                                                       of the Nova Scotia Department of
    event. Volunteers and staff, who are      hauler to collect recyclables,
                                                                                       Environment and Labour
    properly trained in responsible waste     organics, and garbage from the event.
    management practices, can encourage       Once you have determined the types
                                                                                       for information about haulers and
    visitors to participate in greening the   and quantities of waste expected, you
                                                                                       facilities serving your area, and/or
    event. To be effective, volunteers and    should contact a hauler to make the
                                                                                       ask your Regional Waste Reduction
    staff should understand the Waste-        necessary arrangements.
                                                                                       Coordinator for some help identi-
    Resource Management Committee’s
                                              As front-line service providers in the   fying possible partners. Contact
    goals and be included in the planning.
                                              waste management industry, haulers       RRFB Nova Scotia for the name
    For larger events, it may be helpful      have experience that might help you      of a Regional Coordinator serving
    to provide special shirts for your        plan the greening of your event.         your area.
    volunteers so that they are easily        During your discussions with a
                                                                                       For smaller events, waste volumes
    recognizable to people looking for        potential hauler, explain the goals of
                                                                                       may not justify waste pick-up or
    waste separation information.             your initiative. Haulers may be able
                                                                                       storage bins. In this case, trucking
                                              to provide you with helpful
                                                                                       the recyclables, organics, and
                                              information about the types of
                                                                                       waste directly to your local waste
                                              collection containers best suited to
                                                                                       management facilities may be
                                              your event, setting up waste stations,
                                                                                       more financially feasible. At
                                              and other related aspects of waste-
                                                                                       smaller events you may find that
                                              resource management. Your hauler
                                                                                       curbside collection is acceptable.
                                              could be a valuable member on the
                                                                                       In this case, you will need to have
                                              Waste-Resource Management
                                                                                       a place to store your materials until
                                              Committee for the event.
                                                                                       collection day. Contact your local
                                                                                       municipality for details.

6   1-877-313-RRFB (7732)
Important Considerations                 Vendors and Service                      Some ideas for
                                                                                  encouraging waste
• What materials does the hauler         Providers                                reduction at the source:
  collect? Garbage? Recyclables?
                                         Most festivals or events include
  Organics?                                                                     • Encourage vendors to use dishes
                                         participation from food, beverages,
                                                                                  and utensils that are compostable,
• How does the hauler charge? (It        and merchandise vendors. Although
                                                                                  recyclable or reusable (e.g. paper
  generally costs more to take waste     vendors and service providers may not
                                                                                  plates instead of foam plates).
  for disposal than it does to take      be confirmed in the early stages of
  organics to a compost facility, or     planning, potential suppliers should   • Discourage the use of unnecessary
  recyclables to a recycling facility.)  be told that your event will be green.   disposable items such as plastic
                                         By communicating your intentions         straws and stir sticks.
• Will the hauler pick up and
  transport waste, recyclables, and      early, you will help develop a         • Discourage single-serve containers
  organics directly from your site?      constructive partnership and increase    for food and condiments (e.g., milk,
                                         the likelihood of getting products and   cream, sugar, ketchup, mustard).
• Will the hauler empty and/or collect services that will complement the
                                                                                  Serve these products in jugs, bowls,
  waste, recyclables, and organics after goals of your event greening.
                                                                                  or bulk dispensers.
  regular working hours?
                                                                                • Purchase and sell beverages in store-
                                                                                  bought recyclable/refundable/refillable
                                                                                  containers where possible.
                                                                                  • Purchase products with recycled
                                                                                    content (e.g., napkins made of
                                                                                    recycled paper).

                                                                                                     w w w. r r f b. c o m   7

    Promoting the greening of your event    During the Event                       Ideas For Promoting the
    will help gain public participation
    toward your goals and provide an
                                            • Make sure that the public is aware   Greening of Your Event
                                              of why you are greening the event    • Send out a news release to local and
    opportunity to teach others about the
                                              and what waste separation system       regional newspapers, and television
    importance of waste reduction. As
                                              has been put in place.                 and radio stations.
    with all aspects of organizing an
    event, communication must begin         • Encourage participation by           • Contact your local radio station and
    early in the planning process and         acknowledging the support of           set up a radio interview.
    continue throughout the event.            vendors, service providers, and
                                              the general public.                  • Produce a special brochure or flyer
    Before the Event                                                                 for the event.
    • Make sure that vendors, service       After the Event                        • Design a web page and link it to
      providers, and people involved        • Communicate with vendors, service      provincial waste management sites
      in other aspects of planning the        providers and event organizers         such as www.rrfb.com and
      event are aware of your waste           about your event greening              www.gov.ns.ca/enla/emc/wasteman
      reduction goals.                        achievements.
                                                                                   • Post information on community
    • Inform local and regional media of    • Communicate with local and             bulletin boards and at public places.
      your intentions. Your efforts to        regional media about some of the
                                                                                   • Promote your goals - acknowledge
      green your event will make a great      success stories from the greening
                                                                                     public participation by making
      news story.                             of your event. How much waste
                                                                                     announcements at the event.
                                              was diverted through recycling and
    Call RRFB Nova Scotia for the
                                              composting? Was public partic-       • Put up posters at the event.
    name of a Waste Reduction
                                              ipation high?                          Laminate signs and posters to
    Educator in your area. The educator
                                                                                     ensure durability and to keep them
    may be available to set up a display
                                                                                     in good condition for future use.
    at your event highlighting waste
    management programs and help
    visitors understand why you have
    chosen to green the event.

8   1-877-313-RRFB (7732)

All the effort you put into planning      On-Site Storage                             Pick Up and Delivery
for the event needs to be taken one
                                          If you are collecting and storing your      For larger events, pick-up and delivery
step further – putting the plan into
                                          waste, recyclables, and organic             services will need to be arranged in
action! Try to develop a team to share
                                          materials on site, you will need            advance. Arrange to have event staff
the responsibilities during the event –
                                          storage bins. Some haulers or               on-site to direct the hauler to the
perhaps members of the Waste-
                                          municipal waste management                  location of the containers. Set a
Resource Management Committee
                                          authorities will rent carts, bins, or       collection schedule and have a
or a group of volunteers will be
                                          dumpsters. Prior to delivery, the event     contact number in case the bins
available to help.
                                          committee must decide on the best           fill up faster than anticipated.
Things To Do During                       location for the containers. They
                                                                                      For smaller events, make
                                          should be kept close enough to the
the Event                                                                             arrangements to have recyclables,
                                          site so that waste, recyclables, and
• Monitor waste stations regularly.                                                   organics, and waste transported
                                          organics can be transferred easily, but
  If possible, post volunteers at waste                                               off-site, if necessary, until regular
                                          far enough away so that they don't
  stations to ensure that waste is                                                    collection day.
                                          interfere with event activities. It is
  placed in the right receptacle.         important that your hauler has easy
• Empty waste, recycling, and             access to the bins so that, if necessary,
  organics containers as needed.          they can be emptied during the event
  Emptying containers may be easier       with minimal disturbance to                        Remember – litter breeds litter!
  and less disruptive if you line         participants.                                      If waste stations and litter
  containers with bags. Check with        Separate storage containers will
  your Regional Waste Reduction                                                              are not monitored and
                                          be required for the different types
  Coordinator about the the types of      of waste. Have the materials separated             managed during the event,
  bags and liners that are accepted by    according to the recycling guidelines
  facilities in your region.              of your municipality. There should
                                                                                             people will be less inclined to
• Keep your event litter free.            be at least one large storage bin or               separate their waste.
  Occasional sweeps of the site should    cart for every type of material
  be conducted for litter or misplaced    (garbage, recyclables, and organics).
  waste.                                  The number of bins will vary with the
                                          type of event, the amount of waste
• Publicize waste management
                                          expected, and the frequency of pick-up.
  practices at the event. Encourage
  participation by making announce-       Alternatives to
  ments and advertise that the event      Storage Bins:
  is “green” on event promotional         If your budget is tight, you can use
  materials.                              alternative storage bins such as fish
                                          tubs, apple crates or steel barrels.

                                                                                                          w w w. r r f b. c o m   9
Clean-Up & Evaluation

        Event sites should be left as clean and   Determining Waste
        undisturbed as they were prior to the
        event. Conduct a thorough sweep of
                                                  Diversion Rates
        the event site for litter or misplaced    If event organizers are interested in
        materials. Remove all temporary           quantifying the amount of waste
        structures such as waste receptacles      diverted from disposal, you will need
        and replace any original structures.      to weigh the materials collected.

        Clean all bins and carts prior to         To determine your rate of
        storing or returning them. Use a non-     diversion you need to do the
        toxic environmentally friendly cleaner    following:
        (dish soap works well) and a long         • Keep an accurate count of the
        handled brush or mop to clean them.         number of bags used during the
        As with any event or activity, all          duration of the event. Keep track
        the hard work you put into it should        of the different waste streams
        be assessed to help guide the greening      separately (garbage, recycling,
        of your next event. A written report        organics).
        should include contact information        • Record the weight of several
        for everyone involved in planning the       bags of each waste material to
        event, descriptions of what worked          get an average or approximate
        and what did not, and a list of             weight per bag.
        recommendations for improvements.
                                                  • Weight per bag x total no. of bags =
        Look at each of the goals the
                                                    Total weight of that type of waste.
        Waste–Resource Management
        Committee set for the greening of the     • Total weight of recyclables + total
        event. What progress was made               weight of organics = Total waste
        towards achieving these goals? How          diverted from disposal.
        much waste was diverted from
        disposal through recycling and
        composting efforts? Was litter                                                     Every 350 kg (770 lbs)
        successfully managed at your event?                                                diverted is equivalent to the
                                                                                           approximate amount of waste
                                                                                           disposed of by one Nova Scotia
                                                                                           resident in one year!

10      1-877-313-RRFB (7732)

Event Greening Checklist

     Identify stakeholders and the role they can play

     Contact your Regional Waste Reduction Coordinator
     (Call RRFB Nova Scotia at 1-877-313-RRFB (7732) for more information)

     Collect information about recycling, composting, and other waste management programs in your area

     Establish a Waste–Resource Management Committee

     Appoint a Waste Reduction Coordinator

     Identify your greening goals

     Identify potential waste materials

     Identify disposal options and alternatives

     Design a waste separation system for the event

     Choose suitable collection containers for garbage, recyclables, and organics

     Communicate with vendors and service providers

     Publicize your plans through local and regional media

     Monitor waste stations and collection during the event

     Evaluate your achievements

     Acknowledge support of all stakeholders and organizers

     Promote your successes.
                                                                                           w w w. r r f b. c o m   11
Quick Tips

     Quick Tips for Reducing                  • Limit the amount of potential waste     • Recycle redeemable beverage
                                                at events by adopting purchasing          containers at Enviro-Depots.
     Waste and Litter at                        practices that limit packaging.
                                                                                        • Donate leftover materials to other
     Public Events
                                              • Avoid unnecessary services and            organizations.
     • Keep signs and posters simple. Do        production of materials.
       not use logos or dates so that signs                                             • Call RRFB Nova Scotia for the
       can be reused at future events.        • Discourage single-serve containers        name and number of a Regional
                                                for food and condiments. Serve            Waste Reduction Coordinator
     • Use graphics with minimal text to        them in bulk dispensers, or bowls         serving your municipality. Regional
       illustrate where waste should go.        (milk, sugar, ketchup).                   Coordinators can provide you with
     • Set up a drop-off box for event-                                                   important information about
                                              • Plan in advance: buy what you need
       related flyers, posters and other                                                  recycling and composting programs
                                                and return what you do not use.
       paper products, on or near the                                                     in your area and help you find
       event site. Flyers can be reused       • Avoid materials, supplies or              composting and recycling facilities
       or recycled.                             equipment that are hazardous,             and haulers.
                                                wasteful and non-recyclable.
     • Use reusable dishes and cutlery or
       compostable paper plates and cups.     • Recycle waste materials such as
                                                paper, plastic, and glass through
     • Borrow equipment and materials           curbside programs or at local
       if possible.                             recycling facilities.
     • Colour code your containers: blue      • Purchase and sell beverages in store-
       for recycling, green for organics, and   bought recyclable/refillable
       black for garbage.                       containers where possible.
     • Use different slot shapes to indicate • If possible, have your waste stations
       material types: narrow for paper,       made out of recycled materials
       round for bottles, square for garbage   and/or constructed locally.
       and rectangle for organics.

12   1-877-313-RRFB (7732)
For more information about RRFB
                                                                                 Nova Scotia and the programs that
                                                                                 have helped make Nova Scotians
                                                                                 recognized leaders in waste-resource
                                                                                 management, please contact us:

                                                                                              RRFB Nova Scotia
                                                                                              14 Court Street, Suite 305
                                                                                              Truro, Nova Scotia
                                                                                              B2N 3H7
    Environment and Labour                                                                    1 877 313 RRFB (7732)
www.gov.ns.ca/enla/emc/wasteman   Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper                www.rrfb.com
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