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R U K AV I N A E T A L .   G E N E T I C S T R U C T U R E O F P O T E N T I A L B O S N I A N M O U N TA I N H O R S E   219


Dunja Rukavina1*, Belma Kalamujić Stroil2, Adaleta Durmić-Pašić2, Mirela Mačkić-
Đurović3, Senka Babić4, Atifa Ajanović5, Naris Pojskić2

 Department of Biology, University of
Sarajevo-Veterinary Faculty, Sarajevo,                 ABSTRACT
Bosnia and Herzegovina
 University of Sarajevo-Institute
for Genetic Engineering and
                                                       The focus of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity and
Biotechnology, Sarajevo, Bosnia and                    population structure of potential Bosnian mountain horse and to
                                                       determine the possible sources of undoubtedly autochthonous
 University of Sarajevo-Faculty
of Medicine, Center for Genetics,                      germplasm using microsatellite markers. Genomic DNA was
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina                       extracted from the whole blood collected from 61 potential
 Department of Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases, University of                     Bosnian mountain horse specimens divided into three groups
Sarajevo-Veterinary Faculty, Sarajevo,                 according to the population of origin and genotyped by using
Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Department of Chemistry,                              17 specific microsatellite markers. Existence of higher genetic
Biochemistry and Physiology,                           variability was obtained in Group 1 and 3. Group 2 showed
University of Sarajevo-Veterinary
Faculty, Sarajevo, Bosnia and                          genetic specificity as well as high level of heterogeneity. An
Herzegovina                                            increased inbreeding coefficient was detected in Group 1 and
*Corresponding author:                                 3 (0.1678 and 0.1813, respectively). Deviation from Hardy-
Prof. Dr. Dunja Rukavina                               Weinberg equilibrium was noticed in Group 1 and 3. Analysis of
Department of Biology, Veterinary
Faculty, University of Sarajevo,                       molecular variance showed that from all genetic variation, 5%
Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina                        was among populations, 14% among individuals and 81% within
Zmaja od Bosne 90, 71000 Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina                                 individuals. Results of the fixation index showed moderate level
Phone: +38733 729 100                                  of genetic differentiation among groups (5.1%). The results of
ORCID: 0000-0002-7523-2813
Email: dunja.rukavina@vfs.unsa.ba
                                                       pairwise differences showed clear genetic differentiation among
                                                       Group 2 and other observed groups. Analyses of admixture
Original Submission:
08 February 2021
                                                       model showed that second cluster consist almost all individuals
                                                       from Group 2, since other clusters consists individuals from
Revised Submission:
09 April 2021                                          two other observed groups. Factorial Component Analysis has
Accepted:                                              confirmed results of admixture model. Group 2 has indications
15 April 2021                                          the most genetically characteristics of autochthonous Bosnian
How to cite this article                               mountain horses. Results of genetic diversity and F statistic data
Rukavina D, Kalamujuć Stroil B,
Durmić-Pašić A, Mačkić-Đurović M,                      indicate that in the gene pool of Group 1 and 3 is present a part
Babić S, Ajanović A, Pojskić N. 2021.                  of the gene pool of other breeds.
Evaluation of the genetic diversity
and population structure of potential                  Keywords: Autochthonous breed, genetic diversity, gene pole,
Bosnian mountain horse based on
microsatellite markers. Veterinaria,                   genetic structure, microsatellites
70(2), 219-27.

220      VETERINARIA            VO L . 7 0 • I S S U E 2 • 2 0 2 1

      INTRODUCTION                                                   assessment of genetic diversity of livestock (Semik
                                                                     and Zabek, 2013). The designation and number of
      The only autochthonous horse breed in Bosnia                   microsatellites that should be used in genotyping
      and Herzegovina is Bosnian mountain horse                      depend on the variability of the breed under study,
      (Bosnian pony, Bosnian and Herzegovinian                       as well as the characteristics of each locus and
      mountain horse). In our country, this breed has                is still a matter of discussion (Moshkelani et al.,
      been selectively bred since 1900s, and today                   2011).
      is well adapted to ecological and geographical
                                                                     In this study, 17 specific microsatellite markers,
      conditions of the region it inhabits (Žiga and
                                                                     currently recommended by International Society
      Telalbašić, 2009). Bosnian mountain horse has
                                                                     for Animal Genetics (ISAG) (ISAG, 2014), were
      been created by crossing between the Asian wild
                                                                     employed in order to evaluate the genetic diversity
      horse (Equus caballus prsewalskii) and the tarpan
                                                                     and population structure of potential Bosnian
      (Equus caballus gmelini) for a long time. It is
                                                                     mountain horses, and to determine the possible
      believed that with the arrival of the Turks in the
                                                                     sources of undoubtedly autochthonous germplasm.
      area of our country during the Ottoman Empire,
      oriental stock has been introduced to the breed
      (Žiga and Telalbašić, 2009). Bosnian mountain                  MATERIAL AND METHODS
      horse is a “warm-blooded” horse breed and, based
      on its appearance, it belongs to the ponies (weight            Genomic DNA was extracted from the
      is 250-350 kg, height at the withers and a short               whole blood collected from 61 specimens
      range from 135 to 145 cm, straight back, sloping               morphologically described as Bosnian mountain
      quarters, wide and deep chest muscular neck,                   horse. The specimens were divided into three
      with long sloping shoulders) (Dekic et al., 2014).             groups according to the population of origin:
      This breed is used for light draft, light farm work,           Group 1 = 28 individuals (Bosnian mountain
      pack and riding and is very surefooted on a terrain            horses from Herzegovina region); Group 2 = 20
      unsuitable for motor vehicles (Dekic et al., 2014).            individuals (Bosnian mountain horses from the
      It is important to evaluate the genetic diversity              stud „Borike”) and Group 3 = 13 individuals
      and population structure of potential Bosnian                  (Bosnian mountain horses from the other parts
      mountain horse in order to develop conservation                of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Blood samples (3
      programs. This population has small contribution               ml) were collected from v. jugularis using the
      to the global diversity, but should be maintained              sterile venipuncture needles and EDTA vacuum
      because of other values, such as cultural value or             containers.
                                                                     Isolation of genomic DNA was done according to
      The most commonly used class of genetic markers                the modified protocol for the isolation of DNA from
      for genetic diversity studies in livestock are                 the human blood by salting-out method (Miller et
      microsatellites (Fornal et al., 2013; Semik and                al., 1988). Modified protocol: 3 ml of blood; 10 ml
      Zabek, 2013). Microsatellite loci constitute an                of Lysis buffer; 4 ml of PBS; 4 ml of Kern-lysis
      informative source concerning population history,              buffer; 150 μl of 20% SDS; 100 μl of protease and
      structure and genetic diversity. Polymorphism of               0,5 ml 6 M NaCl. The concentration of isolated
      microsatellites still plays an important role in the           DNA was determined by spectrophotometry, using
R U K AV I N A E T A L .   G E N E T I C S T R U C T U R E O F P O T E N T I A L B O S N I A N M O U N TA I N H O R S E         221

UV mini - 1240 (Shimadzu) spectrophotometer.                              RESULTS
Improved StockMarks® Equine Genotyping Kit
(Applied Biosystems), designed for simultaneous                           All equine microsatellite markers reported in the
amplification of 17 horse microsatellite markers,                         study were amplified successfully. Number of
was used for the analysis of nuclear DNA                                  detected alleles (AN), expected heterozygosity
polymorphism. PCR was performed according                                 (HE), observed heterozygosity (HO), polymorphic
to the manufacturer’s protocol. PCR products                              information content (PIC), inbreeding coefficient
were analyzed on an ABI PrismTM 310 Genetic                               (F) and deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Analyzer. Sizing of the amplified fragments was                           (HWE) are given in Table 1.
performed using GeneMapper ID v3.2 software.                              In Group 1 the mean number of alleles was 8.5882
Number of different alleles (AN), polymorphic                             and varied from 5 (HTG6) to 13 (ASB17). The
information content (PIC) (Botstein et al.,                               observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.4643
1980), observed heterozygosity (HO), expected                             (HTG7, LEX3) to 0.8929 (CA425) with mean of
heterozygosity (HE) (Nei, 1987), inbreeding                               0.6757, while the expected heterozygosity ranged
coefficient (F) (Weir, 1996) and deviation from                           from 0.5134 (HTG6) to 0.8756 (ASB17) with mean
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) (Guo                                     of 0.7949. Deviation from HWE was found in eight
and Thompson, 1992) were calculated using                                 loci. The mean value of inbreeding coefficient was
POWERMARKER 3.25 (Liu and Muse, 2005).                                    0.1678 (Table 1). The mean number of alleles in
The same software was used for calculating                                Group 2 was 5.5880, varied from 3 (HTG7) to 10
genetic differentiation (FST) as well as pairwise                         (ASB17). The observed heterozygosity ranged from
FST (Weir, 1996). To determine genetic variation                          0.1360 (HMS3) to 0.9090 (ASB2) with mean of
among populations, among and within individuals,                          0.6310, while the expected heterozygosity ranged
AMOVA analysis was performed within                                       from 0.4410 (HMS7) to 0.8530 (ASB17) with mean
PowerMarker v 3.25 (Liu and Muse, 2005).                                  of 0.6900. Deviation from HWE was found in three
                                                                          loci, while the mean value of inbreeding coefficient
STRUCTURE v.2.3.3 software was used for
                                                                          was 0.0770 (Table 1). In Group 3 the mean number
population structure analysis (Pritchard et al.,
                                                                          of alleles was 6.7647 and varied from 2 (HMS1) to
2000). Estimation of the most likely K (ΔK) value
                                                                          12 (ASB17). The observed heterozygosity ranged
was performed according to Evanno et al. (2005)
                                                                          from 0.1538 (HTG6) to 0.9231 (HMS3) with
using STRUCTURE HARVESTER software (Dent
                                                                          mean of 0.6290, while the expected heterozygosity
and von Holdt, 2012). Burn-in period was 100,000
                                                                          ranged from 0.1450 (HTG6) to 0.8698 (VHL20)
with 200,000 iterations. Concerning the genetic
                                                                          with mean of 0.7334. In five loci was detected
divergence of analyzed populations, the Factorial
                                                                          the deviation from HWE and the mean value of
Correspondence Analysis (FCA) was performed
                                                                          inbreeding coefficient was 0.1813 (Table 1).
within the Genetix 4.05 software (Belkhir et al.,
1996–2004).                                                               Based on all observed parameters, the highest
                                                                          microsatellite diversity in Group 1 showed ASB2
                                                                          locus, in Group 2 HMS2 locus and in Group 3
                                                                          locus VHL20. Locus HTG6 was the least diverse
                                                                          in Groups 1 and 3, while HMS7 locus was the least
                                                                          diverse in Group 2.

Table 1. Number of detected alleles (AN), expected heterozygosity (HE), observed heterozygosity (HO), polymorphic information content (PIC),
inbreeding coefficient (F) and deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) at 17 microsatellite loci in Bosnian mountain horses

                                  Group 1*                                   Group 2**                                        Group 3***

  Locus     AN     HE       HO        PIC     F      HWE    AN      HE      HO     PIC      F      HWE     AN      HE       HO       PIC       F      HWE

 VHL20      9     0.82    0.643      0.801   0.233    0      4     0.706   0.545   0.653   0.227   0.13    10     0.8698   0.8462   0.8564   0.0671   0.06

  HTG4      8     0.701   0.821      0.668   -0.15   0.86    5     0.728   0.864   0.678   -0.19   0.4     6      0.7189   0.8462   0.6866   -0.138   0.922

  AHT4      9     0.856   0.786      0.839    0.1    0.03    6     0.752   0.818   0.71    -0.09   0.23    7      0.7811   0.7692   0.7511   0.0551   0.257

  HMS7      8     0.802   0.607      0.776   0.26    0.14    5     0.441   0.455   0.409   -0.03   0.35    6      0.784    0.8462   0.7511   -0.039    0.1

  HTG6      5     0.513   0.536      0.489   -0.03   0.34    4     0.604   0.591   0.527   0.022   0.48    3      0.145    0.1538   0.1399   -0.021    1

  AHT5      8     0.772   0.607       0.74   0.231   0.02    6     0.698   0.727   0.65    -0.04   0.65    8      0.8225   0.6923   0.7999   0.197    0.374

  HMS6      6     0.784   0.714      0.752   0.107   0.67    6     0.701   0.591   0.651   0.158   0.61    5      0.6893   0.3846   0.6425   0.4737   0.013

  ASB23     10    0.824   0.63       0.802   0.254   0.02    5     0.595   0.545   0.554   0.083   0.19    7      0.7899   0.2308   0.7633   0.7273    0
                                                                                                                                                              VO L . 7 0 • I S S U E 2 • 2 0 2 1

  ASB2      10    0.859   0.821      0.844   0.062   0.1     8     0.803   0.909   0.777   -0.13   0.49    7      0.8343   0.8462   0.8133   0.0258   0.202

 HTG10      9     0.867   0.786      0.852   0.111   0.23    8     0.79    0.55    0.761   0.304   0.02    9      0.8402   0.5385   0.8212   0.3935   0.002

  HTG7      7     0.816   0.464       0.79   0.446    0      3     0.615   0.639   0.536   -0.04   0.63    6      0.784    0.5385   0.7511   0.3488   0.003

  HMS3      8     0.824     0.5      0.805   0.409    0      6     0.707   0.136   0.673   0.807    0      7      0.7959   0.9231   0.7675   -0.121   0.334

  HMS2      9     0.853   0.75       0.837   0.139   0.29    7     0.825   0.864   0.801   -0.05   0.23    7      0.7959   0.6923   0.7703   0.1692   0.062

  ASB17     13    0.876   0.714      0.864   0.202   0.03   10     0.853   0.591   0.837   0.308    0      12     0.8195   0.7692   0.8028   0.1011   0.816

  LEX3      10    0.837   0.464      0.821   0.46     0      4     0.681   0.545   0.617   0.199   0.12    8      0.8284   0.3846   0.8062   0.5636     0

  HMS1      7     0.722   0.75       0.692   -0.02   0.29    4     0.584   0.682   0.52    -0.17   0.37    2      0.497    0.6154   0.3735    -0.2    0.605

  CA425     10    0.789   0.893      0.761   -0.11   0.19    4     0.64    0.682   0.58    -0.07   0.88    5      0.6716   0.6154   0.6293   0.1233   0.506

  Mean      8.6   0.795   0.676      0.772   0.168          5.59   0.69    0.631   0.643   0.077          6.765   0.7334   0.629    0.7015   0.1813

*- Bosnian mountain horses from Herzegovina region; **- Bosnian mountain horses from the stud „Borike”; ***- Bosnian mountain horses from the other parts
of Bosnia and Herzegovina
R U K AV I N A E T A L .   G E N E T I C S T R U C T U R E O F P O T E N T I A L B O S N I A N M O U N TA I N H O R S E     223

Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA test)                               STRUCTURE HARVESTER software showed
showed that of the total genetic variation 5% was                         2 clusters (K=2). MCMC analyses (admixture
among populations, 14% among individuals and                              model) showed that the second cluster included
81% within individuals (Figure 1).                                        almost all individuals from Group 2, while other
                                                                          clusters included individuals from the two other
                                                                          observed groups (Figure 2). Factorial Component
                                                                          Analysis (FCA) has confirmed MCMC results
                                                                          (Figure 3).

                                                                          1- Group 1; 2- Group 2; 3- Group 3

  Figure 1 Results of Analysis of Molecular                               Figure 2 Results of MCMC analysis (admixture
  Variance (AMOVA test)                                                   model)

The results of pairwise differences (pFST) for all
tested groups are presented in Table 2. Group 2
showed the differentiation compared to the Group
1 (0.318) and Group 3 (0.374). Differentiation
between Group 1 and 3 was 0.141.

                                                                          Figure 3 Results of Factorial Component Analysis
Table 2 Results of pairwise differences (pFST) for                        (FCA)
all tested groups

  GROUP           GROUP            GROUP
    1               2                3
    0.318               -
    0.141           0.374                -
224      VETERINARIA             VO L . 7 0 • I S S U E 2 • 2 0 2 1

      DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION                                       locus ASB17 was also the most variable.
                                                                      The average HE in Groups 1 and 3 indicated the
      In this paper, we carried out evaluation of the genetic
                                                                      existence of higher genetic variability in these
      diversity and population structure of potential
                                                                      populations. The greatest differences between
      Bosnian mountain horses and determination of the
                                                                      HO and HE in our study were observed for LEX3
      possible sources of undoubtedly autochthonous
                                                                      (Group 1 and 3) and HMS3 (Group 2) loci. The
      germplasm using microsatellite markers.
                                                                      same loci showed the highest deviation from HWE
      Indicators of microsatellite diversity, reported in             and inbreeding coefficient as well as substantial
      the literature for other horse breeds, mostly ranged            heterozygote deficit. According to Galov et al.
      from 3.3 to 10.7 for number of alleles, from 0.45 to            (2013), highly significant deviation from HWE
      0.78 for HO and from 0.47 to 0.875 for HE (Canon                combined with substantial heterozygote deficit
      et al., 2000; Juras and Cothran, 2004; Solis et                 is likely to indicate a locus-specific genotyping
      al., 2005; Behl et al., 2006; Plante et al., 2007;              problem due to null alleles. The larger disproportion
      Di Stasio et al., 2008; Shasavarani and Rahimi-                 between observed and expected heterozygosity
      Mianji, 2010; Silva et al., 2012; Fornal et al., 2013;          was found in Group 1 and 3. Berber et al. (2014)
      Berber et al., 2014; Jiskrova et al., 2016; Jemmali             reported that larger disproportion between
      et al., 2017; Seyedebadi and Sofla, 2017). Results              observed and expected heterozygosity could be
      of microsatellite diversity for all investigated                an indicator of conversely population subdivision
      groups are consistent with the results published in             reduction or within population, inbreeding.
      previous researches.
                                                                      Genetic markers with PIC values higher than
      It was found that the number of detected alleles                0.5 in population genetic analysis are normally
      and heterozygosity levels in Group 2 were within                considered to be informative (Shasavarani and
      the range for Arabian horse (Rukavina et al., 2015)             Rahimi-Mianji, 2010). Mean PIC values in all
      and Thoroughbred horse populations (Rukavina et                 investigated groups included in our study were
      al., 2016), while the same observed parameters in               above this level. Botstein et al. (1980) reported
      Group 1 and 3 showed higher values than in “pure”               that when the expected heterozygosity was above
      breeds observed in the mentioned studies.                       0.6 and PIC above 0.5, they s were considered the
      Common and simple measure of genetic diversity                  markers with high diversity. Therefore, chosen
      is the number of alleles per loci. In some cases,               markers used in this study, are appropriate for the
      number of alleles per loci may be more informative              analysis of genetic diversity.
      than genetic heterozygosity. The differences                    Deviation from HWE in Group 1 was found in
      among breeds, populations and their mean number                 eight loci, in Group 2 in three and in Group 3 in
      of alleles could depend on the analyzed number of               five loci. Possible causes for disequilibrium in
      alleles, number of samples as well as the population            Group 1 and 3 were small population size and
      structure. In our study, the lowest mean number of              inbreeding. According to Putnova et al. (2019),
      alleles was observed in Group 2. In all investigated            the deviation could be explained by the effects of
      groups, locus ASB17 showed the highest number                   inbreeding, random influences, individual stallions
      of alleles. In Lithuanian (Juras and Cothran, 2004),            and selective breeding. Statistically significant
      Hucul (Fornal et al., 2013), Halla (Seo et al., 2016)           deviation from HWE detected for only three loci
      and Tunisian horse breeds (Jemmali et al., 2017)                (HTG10, HMS3 and ASB17) in Group 2 supports
R U K AV I N A E T A L .   G E N E T I C S T R U C T U R E O F P O T E N T I A L B O S N I A N M O U N TA I N H O R S E          225

the starting assumption that there is no inbreeding                       gene pool of Group 1 and 3 is present a part of the
among the animals in the observed group.                                  gene pool of other breeds, and that these groups
                                                                          probably cannot be treated as a complete purebred.
An increased inbreeding coefficient was detected
                                                                          Clear differentiation of Group 2 compared to other
in Group 1 and 3 (0.1678 and 0.1813, respectively).
                                                                          investigated groups is not a product of inbreeding
High level of inbreeding coefficient in these groups
                                                                          or an increase in heterozygosity. Also, almost all
could be due to small sample size, or could indicate
                                                                          of the analyzed loci in Group 2 were in Hardy-
shortage of heterozygote. Inbreeding coefficient
                                                                          Weinberg equilibrium.
values for Group 2 (with mean of 0.0770) did
not differ significantly from zero, and indicate no                       If we consider that the level of inbreeding in Group
shortage of heterozygotes in investigated group.                          2 was the lowest, and that almost all of the loci
                                                                          are within Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, almost no
The results of AMOVA test indicate a differentiation
                                                                          admixture, as well as the lowest, but relatively high
among investigated groups of horses. Results of
                                                                          level of genetic diversity compared to the observed
the Fixation index (FST) (5.1 %) (data not shown)
                                                                          groups, we can conclude that the individuals from
showed a moderate level of genetic differentiation
                                                                          Group 2 show the most probable characteristics
among groups, and indicated differentiation
                                                                          of autochthonous Bosnian mountain horses. In
among tested groups. Value of FST, obtained in this
                                                                          support of the above, significant data indicate a
study may indicate the presence of the gene flow
                                                                          carefully bred Bosnian mountain horses from the
between investigated groups. Also, our results of
                                                                          stud „Borike”. Most likely, it shares the highest
AMOVA test and FST were similar and demonstrate
                                                                          percentage of genetic similarities with the original
differentiation among      tested groups, which
                                                                          gene pool of autochthonous Bosnian mountain
probably couldn’t be treated as one population.
                                                                          horses. Other investigated groups did not show
Intermediate levels of gene flow may be due to the
                                                                          these characteristics. Obtained results suggest that
absence of homozygosity, or the presence of gene
                                                                          in the gene pool of Group 1 and 3 is present a part
flow between groups may be due to their common
                                                                          of the gene pool of other breeds, and that these
origin. The values of the genetic differentiation
                                                                          groups probably cannot be treated as a complete
of 10% are typical for differentiation between
                                                                          purebred. The obtained results can be very useful
geographically isolated populations of horses as
                                                                          to breeders as well as for the development of
well as within the different breeds (Zabek et al.,
                                                                          conservation programs and management strategies
                                                                          in order to protect and preserve our autochthonous
Results of pFST showed genetic differentiation                            breed.
between Group 2 and other observed groups.
Higher inter-group genetic differentiation, observed
among the Group 2 and other investigated groups,                          CONFLICT OF INTEREST
indicates that the Group 2 is differentiated in
relation to Group 1 and 3.                                                The authors declare that there is no conflict of
It is noteworthy that Group 1 and 3 showed greater                        interest.
genetic variability than Group 2, probably because
of its wide genetic base. Our results of microsatellite
diversity and F statistic data indicate that in the
226       VETERINARIA                VO L . 7 0 • I S S U E 2 • 2 0 2 1

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    Cilj našeg istraživanja jeste procijeniti genetičku raznolikost i strukturu populacije potencijalnog
    Bosanskog brdskog konja te odrediti moguće izvore nesumnjive autohtone germplazme korištenjem
    mikrosatelistkih markera. Genomska DNA je ekstrahovana iz pune krvi 61 potencijalnog Bosanskog
    brdskog konja. Uzorci su podijeljeni u tri grupe prema porijeklu populacije i genotipizirani
    korištenjem 17 specifičnih mikrosatelistkih markera. U grupama 1 i 3 je dokazano postojanje veće
    genetičke raznolikosti. Grupa 2 je pokazala genetičku specifičnost, kao i visok stupanj heterogenosti.
    U grupama 1 i 3 je dokazan povišen koeficijent inbridinga (0.1678 i 0.1813). Odstupanje od Hardy-
    Weinbergovog ekvilibrija je uočeno u grupama 1 i 3. Analiza molekularne varijance je pokazala da
    se od svih genetičkih varijacija, 5% odnosi na varijacije među populacijama, 14% među jedinkama i
    81% unutar jedinki. Rezultati indeksa fiksacije su pokazali umjereni stepen genetičke diferencijacije
    među grupama (5.1%). Rezultati razlika među parovima su pokazali jasnu genetičku diferencijaciju
    između grupe 2 i ostalih opserviranih grupa. Analize modela mješovitog porijekla jedinki su
    pokazale da drugi klaster čine skoro sve jedinke iz grupe 2, dok ostale klastere čine jedinke iz
    druge dvije opservirane grupe. Faktorijalna analiza korespondencije je potvrdila rezultate modela
    mješovitog porijekla. Zaključak je da grupa 2 posjeduje većinu genetskih karakteristika autohtonog
    Bosanskog brdskog konja. Rezultati genetičke raznolikosti i F statistički podaci ukazuju da su u
    genskom fondu grupa 1 i 3 prisutni dijelovi genskog fonda ostalih pasmina.
    Ključne riječi: Autohtona pasmina, genetička raznolikost, genski fond, genetička struktura,
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