EV Charging Solutions - Supercharged Solutions to Enhance Safety, Efficiency, and Reliability - Littelfuse
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EV Charging Solutions Supercharged Solutions to Enhance Safety, Efficiency, and Reliability EV Infrastructure Users must independently evaluate the suitability of and test each product selected for their own specific applications. It is the User’s sole responsibility to determine fitness for a particular system or use based on their own performance criteria, conditions, specific application, compatibility with other parts, and environmental conditions. Users must independently provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize any risks associated with their applications and products. Littelfuse products are not designed for, and may not be used in, all applications. Read complete Disclaimer Notice at littelfuse.com/disclaimer-electronics. REV0921
Types of electric vehicle charging stations AC Level 1* AC Level 2* DC Fast Charger* Wireless Chargerǂ Basic home Home and public Public and commercial Home and public installation installation installation installation (Mode 1 or Mode 2)** (Mode 3)** (Mode 4)** Voltage Voltage Voltage Power levels 120 V AC, 1-phase 208 V–240 V AC, 1-phase 380 V–600 V AC, 3-phase WPT1 − 3.7 kW 250 V AC, 1-phase 250 V AC, 1-phase WPT2 − 7.7 kW 480 V AC, 3-phase 480 V AC, 3-phase WPT3 − 11 kW Current rating Current rating Current rating Grid to battery efficiency 12 A–16 A (32 A for 3-phase) 12 A–80 A DC output (up to 400 A) 94% at a 10″ ground clearance Charging time Charging time Charging time Vehicle ground clearance 8–12 hours*** 4–6 hours*** 30 mins*** 100−250 mm (3.9″ to 9.8″) * As defined by SAE J1772 ǂ As defined by SAE J2954 ** As defined by IEC 61851-1 Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 2 *** Charge time dependent on vehicle’s battery capacity and charge acceptance rate
Global electric vehicle charging equipment market Market trends and drivers Rapid growth of EV Charging at ~36% CAGR 50 Increasing production of electrified vehicles: estimated 6 million vehicles in 2019 growing to 40 million vehicles in 2025 need for higher efficiency 40 Million units 7.3 million chargers are active across the world (as of 2019), of which, nearly 30 6.5 million are private chargers, 0.6 million are public slow chargers, and 0.26 20 million are public fast chargers 10 Currently, more than 70% of the charging is done at home. Convenience, cost- efficient, and a variety of support policies are the main driving. 0 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Majority of charging to occur at home or workplace during a span of several hours (AC charging) bidirectional topologies is needed for smart grid EV charging equipment, by type, in 2019 Limited charging grid capacity in most regions Emergence of combo ESS+PV with DC charger 1% 2% 7% Increasing voltage and power output of DC chargers for fast charging 500 V to 800 V Low-power DC charging solution in residential/campus will replace the AC charging solution to make charging faster (20 kW DC versus 7 kW AC) 90% DC charger create a need for improved safety and additional components, such as advanced liquid-cooled cables, substations, and energy storage systems AC Level 1 AC Level 2 DC Charging Wireless Charging Source: IEA Report Global EV Outlook 2020; DC Fast Charging; Modor Intelligence; Statista Report; Littelfuse estimates Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 3
AC charging station 1 Service Access Panel 4 User Interface ⚫ Reed Sensor ⚫ TVS Diode Array ⚫ Polymer ESD Suppressor 1 4 2 Input Protection 5 Communication ⚫ Fuse ⚫ TVS Diode Array ⚫ MOV 5 ⚫ Reed Relay ⚫ GDT ⚫ TVS Diode 2 6 6 Charging Plug 3 Auxiliary Power Supply ⚫ Temperature Sensor ⚫ PPTC ⚫ Reed Sensor ⚫ Schottky Diode ⚫ SIDACtor® + MOV 3 7 AC Relays/Contactor 7 ⚫ Contactors & Relays Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 4
Click on the product series in the table below for more info AC charger functional block diagram Technology Product series AC output 1 7 High-current Fuse AC 606 (Primary protection) input Power Output Input AC relays/ Current Surge protection distribution SPD Type 2 protection contactors sensor (Primary protection) unit Fast-acting or Time lag Fuse 1 314, 324, 215 (Secondary protection) Metal-Oxide Varistor TMOV, UltraMOV 2 6 Gas Discharge Tube CG2, CG3 Auxiliary Charging plug TVS Diode AK6, 1.5SMC power supply Controllers position/temp PPTC LVR** 2 Schottky Diode DST, DSA, DSB 3 4 5 SIDACtor + MOV Pxxx0FNL + UltraMOV Access panel TVS Diode Array AQ24CAN, SM712 Communication User interfaces Wireless sensors 3 Reed Relay HE3600 TVS Diode Array SP1026 CAN Bus 4 Polymer ESD XGD10402 Legend: 5 Reed Sensor 59060, 59045 Power PPG, USW, Data Temperature Sensor 6 Glass Coated Thermistor Reed Sensor 59060, 59045 HCC 1 & 2 Pole, Contactors or 7 Relays HCC 3 & 4 Pole, HCD, or SCO1*, SCO2* *Please contact Littelfuse sales for more details **Only used in case of Linear transformer Note: Other Littelfuse solutions may be suitable depending on design-specific requirements Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 5
Click on the product series in the table below for more info Features and benefits of Littelfuse solutions Technology Function in application Product series Benefits Features High-current Fuse Primary over-current protection of EV Enables robust yet compact design; can operate in Rated voltage @ 500 VAC; 40−63 A rating available; 606 (Primary Protection) equipment extreme temperature environment small footprint Surge protection Withstands high-energy transients to prevent 20 kA nominal interrupting rating and 50 kA maximum Protects from power fluctuations or surges SPD Type 2 (Primary protection) disruption, downtime, and degradation interrupting rating Fast-acting Fuse Overcurrent protection of auxiliary power Reduces customer qualification time by complying with In accordance with UL Standard 248-14; available in 314, 324, 215 (Secondary Protection) supply third-party safety standards such as UL/IEC cartridge and axial lead format 1 Reduces customer qualification time by complying with High energy absorption capability: MOV GDT in series with TMOV protects the TMOV, UltraMOV third-party safety standards such as UL/IEC 40–530 J (2 ms); integrated thermal protection auxiliary power supply unit from voltage Small form-factor allows for compact High energy absorption capability; GDT transients induced by lightning CG2, CG3 system design small form-factor; low leakage current Protects power line from transient surge Good clamping and fast response time for High power TVS 8/20 µs rating from 1−20 kA in axial- TVS Diode AK6, 1.5SMC transient high-energy transient protection lead or SMT form factor Protected linear transformers from damages Fast time to trip; offers boards space savings; reduces Line voltage ratings of 120 and 240 VAC; low PPTC LVR** due to mech overloads, overheating, etc. customer qual time by complying with UL/IEC resistance; holding current up to 2 A; compact size Reduces switching losses; increases system High surge capability; negligible reverse recovery 2 Schottky Diode Used for rectification DST, DSA, DSB efficiency, reliability and thermal management current; Tj = 175 °C Enhancing surge protection for auxiliary Good clamping and fast response time for 3 kA, 8/20 µs surge capability to help protect AC lines SIDACtor + MOV Pxxx0FNL + UltraMOV power supply high-energy transient protection from harmful transient surges. Meets ESD protection levels specified under IEC 61000- Protects CAN, Ethernet, RS-485 bus from Ensures reliability of the equipment without TVS Diode Array AQ24CAN, SM712 4-2; ISO10605; ESD, EFT, and voltage transient performance degradation 3 low leakage current and clamping voltage Low power switching with up to 2500 V Low power consumption; galvanic isolation; Miniature single in-line package; external magnetic Reed Relay HE3600 isolation immune to environmental effects shield option TVS Diode Array SP1026 Smaller form-factor and multi-line protection enables SP1026 has high ESD robustness for touchpads; 4 Polymer ESD Protects ICs from ESD through display XGD10402 ease of design XGD10402 has ultra-low capacitance for I/O Well suited for usage in high-moisture and Robust in end application; mount directly into PCB; 5 Reed Sensor Access panel for position sensing 59060, 59045 no standby power requirement contaminated environments; molded stand-off to allow board washing PPG, USW, Offers high accuracy; high reliability; Linear relationship between temp and resistance; temp Temperature Sensor DC contacts hotspot detection Glass Coated Thermistor excellent stability at high temperatures range -50 °C to +500 °C 6 Robust design; well suited for usage in high-moisture Hermetically sealed, magnetically operated contacts; Reed Sensor Charging plug position sensing 59060, 59045 and contaminated environment certified tor use in NA and Europe Predetermined life cycle for application to minimize HCC 1 & 2 Pole, Long electrical life; High surge capability; Certified for cost; high electrical and thermal conductivity; good Contactors or Safety cutoff on the grid (power network) to HCC 3 & 4 Pole, HCD use in North America, Europe and Asia 7 Relays prevent abnormal current supply. resistance to oxidation for longer life PCB mount capable; higher flexibility for designers; Low heat generation and low coil power consumption; SCO1*, SCO2* compact design; performance to meet regulatory UL/IEC compliance Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 6
DC charging station 1 Service Access Panel 6 Power Distribution Unit ⚫ Reed Sensor 1 ⚫ Fuse 6 2 User Interface 7 Input Protection 2 ⚫ TVS Diode Array ⚫ Fuse ⚫ Polymer ESD Suppressor 7 ⚫ Surge Protection Device ⚫ TVS Diode 3 Communication 8 ⚫ Current Transformer ⚫ AC Earth Fault Relay ⚫ TVS Diode Array 3 10 4 Rectification & PFC 8 DC Output Protection ⚫ SiC/Si MOSFET 4 ⚫ ⚫ DC Fuse ⚫ Rectifier Diode/Module ⚫ HVDC Contactor ⚫ Gate Driver ⚫ Earth Fault Relay ⚫ Temperature Sensor 9 5 5 Rectification & PFC 9 Auxiliary Power Supply ⚫ SiC/Si MOSFET 10 Charging Plug ⚫ Fuse ⚫ Rectifier Diode/Module ⚫ MOV, GDT, SIDACtor® + MOV ⚫ Gate Driver ⚫ Temperature Sensor ⚫ Si MOSFET ⚫ Temperature Sensor ⚫ Reed Sensor ⚫ Rectifier Diode Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 7
Click on the product series in the table below for more info DC charger functional block diagram Technology Product series Rectifier & power High-Frequency DC output factor correction converter 1 AC Fuse (PDU level) JLLS, JLLN 1 2 4 8 10 Overcurrent protection AC Overload PSR, L50QS, L75QS input Power Bridgeless, Output (Primary protection) Input Full bridge, & distribution vienna or protection resonant short-circuit 2 Surge protection unit boost stage SPD Type 2 protection (Primary protection) TVS Diode AK6, 1.5SMC Si MOSFET PolarTM Rectifier and Schottky Diode DMA, DST, DSA, DSB 3 5 9 11 AC Fuse Auxiliary DC earth-fault 314, 324 Gate drivers Gate drivers 3 (Secondary protection) power supply protection Metal-Oxide Varistor TMOV, UltraMOV 6 Gas Discharge Tube CG2, CG3 Current and voltage 12 SIDACtor + MOV Pxxx0FNL + UltraMOV monitoring Charging Plug Controllers Rectifier Diode DMA Position/Temp 7 Rectifier Module MDD, VUO, MDNA AC earth-fault SiC/Si MOSFET/ 4 Discrete IGBT LSIC1MO/X2-Class/XPT protection 13 14 15 Diode LSIC2SD, DHG, DSEI Access panel Wireless Communication User interfaces Temperature Sensor USUR1000, KC sensors 5 Gate Driver IXDN609, IX4351NE CAN Bus 6 Current Transformer SE-CS30 Note: Power converter topologies may differ based on 7 AC Earth-Fault Relay SE-704 Legend: design-specific requirements. Power Note: Other Littelfuse solutions may be suitable depending Data on design-specific requirements. Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 8
Click on the product series in the table below for more info Features and benefits of Littelfuse solutions Technology Function in application Product series Benefits Features AC Fuse Provide fast-acting overload and short Reduces damage to equipment caused by heating Extremely current-limiting; Small footprint 1 (PDU Level) circuit protection. JLLS, JLLN and magnetic effects of short circuit currents; 200 kA interrupting rating Overcurrent protection Lower I2t performance allows for quick response to Protects semiconductor devices PSR, L50QS, L75QS 550–1300 VAC, 500–1000 VDC, 40–2000 A (Primary protection) protect devices from higher heat energy Surge protection Protects from power fluctuations or Withstands high-energy transients to prevent 20 kA nominal interrupting rating and 50 kA 2 (Primary protection) surges SPD Type 2 disruption, downtime, and degradation maximum interrupting rating Protects power line from transient surge Good clamping and fast response time for High power TVS 8/20 µs rating from 1 kA to TVS Diode AK6, 1.5SMC transient high-energy transient protection 20 kA in axial-lead or SMT form factor Low RDS(ON) and Qg; avalanche rated; international Si MOSFET High-speed switching PolarTM Easy to mount; space-savings; high power density standard packages; low package inductance Rectifier and Schottky Provides output rectification in auxiliary Low forward voltage drop; high-frequency operation; DMA, DST, DSA, DSB Improves power supply unit efficiency Diode power supply high junction temperature AC Fuse Overcurrent protection of auxiliary Reduces customer qualification time by complying In accordance with UL Standard 248-14; 314, 324 (Secondary protection power supply with third-party safety standards such as UL/IEC available in cartridge and axial lead format 3 Reduces customer qualification time by complying High energy absorption capability: MOV GDT in series with TMOV protects the TMOV, UltraMOV with third-party safety standards such as UL/IEC 40–530 J (2 ms); integrated thermal protection auxiliary power supply unit from voltage High energy absorption capability; GDT transients induced by lightning CG2, CG3 Small form-factor allows for compact system design small form-factor; low leakage current Enhancing surge protection for auxiliary Good clamping and fast response time for 3 kA, 8/20 µs surge capability to help protect AC SIDACtor + MOV Pxxx0FNL + UltraMOV power supply high-energy transient protection lines from harmful transient surges. Small footprint; multiple package options Low leakage current and forward voltage drop; Rectifier Diode DMA Converts AC line voltage supplied to the (high voltage, isolated, and standard packages) improved thermal behavior; high robustness drive to DC Package with DCB ceramic; very low forward Rectifier Module MDD, VUO, MDNA Compact design, better electrical isolations 4 voltage drop and low leakage current SiC/Si MOSFET/ Boost converter for high-frequency LSIC1MO/X2-Class/XPT Optimized for high-frequency applications Ultra-low output capacitance and on-resistance Discrete IGBT switching in the PFC circuit Diode LSIC2SD, DHG, DSEI Reduces switching losses; increases efficiency High surge capability; negligible IRR; Tj 175 °C Temperature Sensor Temp sensing for semiconductors USUR1000, KC Rapid thermal response and long-time reliability UL recognized; temperature range: -40−125 °C Quick turn-on and turn-off of MOSFETs/IGBTs; 9 A peak current; low propagation delay time; 5 Gate Driver Controls the switching MOSFETs/IGBTs IXDN609, IX4351NE eliminates the need for separate supply low output impedance Specifically designed for low level detection; 6 Current Transformer Offers ground-fault detection and SE-CS30 flux conditioner is included to prevent saturation Turns ratio 600:1 and current rating 30:0.05 A protection No calibration; low level protection and system Microprocessor-based; adjustable pickup (10 mA-5 7 AC Earth-Fault Relay SE-704 coordination; low maintenance A); Adjustable time delay (30 ms−2 s) Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 9
Click on the product series in the table below for more info DC charger functional block diagram Technology Product Rectifier & power High-Frequency DC output factor correction converter LSIC1MO, X-Class, SiC or Si MOSFET 1 2 4 8 10 X2-Class, HiPerFETTM AC Overload input Power Bridgeless, Output LSIC2SD, DHG, distribution Input Full bridge, & 8 Diode protection vienna or DSEI unit resonant short-circuit boost stage protection Temperature Sensor USUR1000, KC 9 Gate Driver IXDN609, IX4351NE DC Fuse PSR, SFPJ 3 5 9 11 Auxiliary Gate drivers Gate drivers DC earth-fault 10 Diode DMA, DHG, DSEI power supply protection HV DC Contactor DCNxx 6 Current and DC Earth-Fault Relay SE-601 voltage 12 11 monitoring Charging Plug Earth Reference Module SE-GRM Controllers Position/Temp 7 PPG, USW, Temperature Sensor AC earth-fault Glass Coated Thermistor, 12 protection 13 14 15 Reed Sensor 59060, 59045 Access panel Wireless Communication User interfaces sensors 13 TVS Diode Array AQ24CAN, SM712 TVS Diode Array SP1026 14 Polymer ESD XGD10402 CAN Bus Note: Power converter topologies may differ based on Legend: 15 Reed Sensor 59060, 59045 design-specific requirements. Power Data Note: Other Littelfuse solutions may be suitable depending on design-specific requirements. Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 10
Click on the product series in the table below for more info Features and benefits of Littelfuse solutions Technology Function in application Product series Benefits Features LSIC1MO, X-Class, SiC or Si MOSFET Optimized for high-frequency applications Ultra-low output capacitance and on-resistance High-frequency switching and X2-Class, HiPerFETTM rectification LSIC2SD, DHG, 8 Diode DSEI Reduces switching losses; increases efficiency High surge capability; negligible IRR; Tj 175 °C Semiconductor temperature UL recognized; wide range of temperature: Temperature Sensor USUR1000, KC Rapid thermal response and long-time reliability measurement -40 °C to 125 °C Quick turn-on and turn-off of MOSFETs; 9 A peak current; low propagation delay time; 9 Gate Driver Controls the switching MOSFETs IXDN609, IX4351NE eliminates the need for separate supply low output impedance Lower I2t performance allows for quick response to DC Fuse Protects semiconductor devices PSR, SFPJ 550–1300 VAC, 500–1000 VDC, 40–2000 A protect devices from higher heat energy CHAdeMO standard requires safety Compact design; low turn-on loss; High voltage options; very low forward voltage drop; Diode DMA, DHG, DSEI 10 diode for secondary protection lower power dissipation small form factor Wide range of capabilities–can switch from 10’s of The main contactors connect and Allows a low-voltage signal to switch the contacts HV DC Contactors DCNxx amps to 1000’s of amps, and 10’s of volts to 1000’s disconnect the DC charging unit for a high voltage signal of volts DC Earth-Fault Relay Offers low-level ground-fault protection. SE-601 Provides a wide range of low-level protection; Adjustable pickup (1–20 mA); adjustable time delay 11 Ground-fault current is sensed using a adjustable trip delay allows quick protection or (50 ms–2.5 s); CSA certified, UL Listed (E340889), Earth Reference Module Ground-Reference Module SE-GRM delayed response CE (European Union), C-Tick PPG, USW, Offers high accuracy; high reliability; Linear relationship between temp and resistance; Temperature Sensor DC contacts hotspot detection Glass Coated Thermistor, excellent stability at high temperature temp range -50 °C to +500 °C 12 Robust design; well suited for usage in Hermetically sealed, magnetically operated Reed Sensor Charging plug position sensing 59060, 59045 high-moisture and contaminated environment contacts. Certified tor use in NA and Europe Meets ESD protection levels specified under IEC Protects CAN, Ethernet, RS-485 bus Ensures reliability of the equipment without 13 TVS Diode Array from ESD, EFT, and voltage transient AQ24CAN, SM712 performance degradation 61000-4-2; ISO10605; low leakage current and clamping voltage TVS Diode Array SP1026 Smaller form-factor and multi-line protection 14 Polymer ESD Protects ICs from ESD through display XGD10402 enables ease of design Low capacitance of 1.0 pF per I/O Robust design; well-suited for usage in Hermetically sealed; magnetically operated 15 Reed Sensor Access panel for position sensing 59060, 59045 high-moisture and contaminated environment contacts; certified for use in NA and Europe Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 11
Wireless charging station 1 Service Access Panel 6 Input Protection 7 Power Distribution Unit ⚫ Reed Sensor ⚫ Fuse ⚫ Fuse ⚫ Surge Protection Device 2 User Interface ⚫ TVS Diode ⚫ Current Transformer ⚫ TVS Diode Array ⚫ AC Fault Relay ⚫ Polymer ESD Suppressor 3 Communication ⚫ TVS Diode Array 1 4 Rectification & PFC 3 7 ⚫ SiC/Si MOSFET ⚫ Rectifier Diode/Module 2 ⚫ Gate Driver ⚫ Temperature Sensor 4 8 5 High-frequency Converter 8 Auxiliary Power Supply 5 6 ⚫ SiC MOSFET ⚫ Fuse ⚫ Gate Driver ⚫ MOV, GDT, SIDACtor® + MOV ⚫ Temperature Sensor ⚫ Si MOSFET ⚫ Rectifier Diode Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 12
Click on the product series in the table below for more info Wireless Charger Functional Block Diagram Technology Product Rectifier & power High frequency Wireless factor correction converter Power Transfer 1 AC Fuse (PDU level) JLLS, JLLN Overcurrent protection 1 2 4 8 1 PSR, L50QS, L75QS AC Outp Inpu (Primary protection) Bridgeless, Impe- Output input Power utPower Input vienna or Full bridge, dance t 2 Surge protection distribution Transmission SPD Type 2 protection boost resonant Matching (Primary protection) unit Coils stage Network TVS Diode AK6, 1.5SMC Si MOSFET PolarTM Rectifier and Schottky Diode DMA, DST, DSA, DSB 3 5 9 2 Auxiliary AC Fuse Gate Gate 314, 324 power (Secondary protection) drivers drivers 3 supply Metal-Oxide Varistor TMOV, UltraMOV Gas Discharge Tube CG2, CG3 6 Current and SIDACtor + MOV Pxxx0FNL + UltraMOV voltage 12 Rectifier Diode DMA monitoring Access panel Controllers Rectifier Module MDD, VUO, MDNA sensors 7 SiC/Si MOSFET/ AC earth- 4 Discrete IGBT LSIC1MO/X2-Class/XPT fault protection Diode LSIC2SD, DHG, DSEI 10 11 Temperature Sensor USUR1000, KC Wireless User Communication interfaces 5 Gate Driver IXDN609, IX4351NE 6 Current Transformer SE-CS30 CAN Bus 7 AC Earth-Fault Relay SE-704 Note: Power converter topologies may differ based on Legend: Note: Other Littelfuse solutions may be suitable depending design-specific requirements. Power on design-specific requirements. Data Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 13
Click on the product series in the table below for more info Features and benefits of Littelfuse solutions Technology Function in application Product series Benefits Features AC Fuse Provide fast-acting overload and short Reduces damage to equipment caused by heating Extremely current-limiting; Small footprint 1 (PDU Level) circuit protection. JLLS, JLLN and magnetic effects of short circuit currents; 200 kA interrupting rating Overcurrent protection Lower I2t performance allows for quick response to Protects semiconductor devices PSR, L50QS, L75QS 550–1300 VAC, 500–1000 VDC, 40–2000 A (Primary protection) protect devices from higher heat energy Surge protection Protects from power fluctuations or Withstands high-energy transients to prevent 20 kA nominal interrupting rating and 50 kA 2 (Primary protection) surges SPD Type 2 disruption, downtime, and degradation maximum interrupting rating Protects power line from transient surge Good clamping and fast response time for High power TVS 8/20 µs rating from 1 kA to TVS Diode AK6, 1.5SMC transient high-energy transient protection 20 kA in axial-lead or SMT form factor Low RDS(ON) and Qg; avalanche rated; international Si MOSFET High-speed switching PolarTM Easy to mount; space-savings; high power density standard packages; low package inductance Rectifier and Schottky Provides output rectification in auxiliary Low forward voltage drop; high-frequency operation; DMA, DST, DSA, DSB Improves power supply unit efficiency Diode power supply high junction temperature AC Fuse Overcurrent protection of auxiliary Reduces customer qualification time by complying In accordance with UL Standard 248-14; 314, 324 (Secondary protection power supply with third-party safety standards such as UL/IEC available in cartridge and axial lead format 3 Reduces customer qualification time by complying High energy absorption capability: MOV GDT in series with TMOV protects the TMOV, UltraMOV with third-party safety standards such as UL/IEC 40–530 J (2 ms); integrated thermal protection auxiliary power supply unit from voltage High energy absorption capability; GDT transients induced by lightning CG2, CG3 Small form-factor allows for compact system design small form-factor; low leakage current Enhancing surge protection for auxiliary Good clamping and fast response time for 3 kA, 8/20 µs surge capability to help protect AC SIDACtor + MOV Pxxx0FNL + UltraMOV power supply high-energy transient protection lines from harmful transient surges. Small footprint; multiple package options Low leakage current and forward voltage drop; Rectifier Diode DMA Converts AC line voltage supplied to the (high voltage, isolated, and standard packages) improved thermal behavior; high robustness drive to DC Package with DCB ceramic; very low forward Rectifier Module MDD, VUO, MDNA Compact design, better electrical isolations 4 voltage drop and low leakage current SiC/Si MOSFET/ Boost converter for high-frequency LSIC1MO/X2-Class/XPT Optimized for high-frequency applications Ultra-low output capacitance and on-resistance Discrete IGBT switching in the PFC circuit Diode LSIC2SD, DHG, DSEI Reduces switching losses; increases efficiency High surge capability; negligible IRR; Tj 175 °C Temperature Sensor Temp sensing for semiconductors USUR1000, KC Rapid thermal response and long-time reliability UL recognized; temperature range: -40−125 °C Quick turn-on and turn-off of MOSFETs/IGBTs; 9 A peak current; low propagation delay time; 5 Gate Driver Controls the switching MOSFETs/IGBTs IXDN609, IX4351NE eliminates the need for separate supply low output impedance Specifically designed for low level detection; 6 Current Transformer Offers ground-fault detection and SE-CS30 flux conditioner is included to prevent saturation Turns ratio 600:1 and current rating 30:0.05 A protection No calibration; low level protection and system Microprocessor-based; adjustable pickup (10 mA-5 7 AC Earth-Fault Relay SE-704 coordination; low maintenance A); Adjustable time delay (30 ms−2 s) Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 14
Click on the product series in the table below for more info Wireless Charger Functional Block Diagram Technology Product Rectifier & power High frequency Wireless factor correction converter Power Transfer SiC MOSFET LSIC1MO 1 2 4 8 1 8 AC Impe- Outp Inpu Temperature Sensor USUR1000, KC Power Bridgeless, input Input vienna or Full bridge, dance utPowert distribution Transmission unit protection boost resonant Matching Coils 9 Gate Driver IXDN609, IX4351NE stage Network 10 TVS Diode Array AQ24CAN, SM712 TVS Diode Array SP1026 11 Polymer ESD XGD10402 3 5 9 2 Auxiliary Gate Gate power drivers 12 Reed Switch 59060, 59045 drivers supply 6 Current and voltage 12 monitoring Access panel Controllers sensors 7 AC earth- fault protection 11 10 Wireless User Communication interfaces CAN Bus Note: Power converter topologies may differ based on Legend: design-specific requirements. Power Data Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 15
Click on the product series in the table below for more info Features and benefits of Littelfuse solutions Technology Function in application Product series Benefits Features High-frequency switching and Ultra-low output capacitance and SiC MOSFET LSIC1MO Optimized for high-frequency applications rectification on-resistance 8 Temperature Semiconductor Temperature Rapid thermal response and long-time UL recognized; wide range of temperature: USUR1000, KC Sensor measurement reliability -40 °C to 125 °C Quick turn-on and turn-off of Controls the switching 9 A peak current; low propagation delay 9 Gate Driver MOSFETs/IGBTs IXDN609, IX4351NE MOSFETs/IGBTs; eliminates the need for time; low output impedance separate supply Protects CAN, Ethernet, RS-485 Meets ESD protection levels specified under Ensures reliability of the equipment without 10 TVS Diode Array bus from ESD, EFT, and voltage AQ24CAN, SM712 performance degradation IEC 61000-4-2; ISO10605; low leakage transient current and clamping voltage TVS Diode Array Protects ICs from ESD through SP1026 Smaller form-factor and multi-line protection 11 Polymer ESD display XGD10402 enables ease of design Low capacitance of 1.0 pF per I/O Robust design; well suited for usage in Hermetically sealed; magnetically operated 12 Reed Switch Charging plug position sensing 59060, 59045 high-moisture and contaminated contacts; certified tor use in NA and Europe environment Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 16
Select standards for EV charging equipment Standard Title General Scope Region Various parts of this standard cover general requirements, along with IEC 61851 Series Electric Vehicle Conductive Charging System Global AC chargers and DC chargers specifically. Plugs, Socket-Outlets, Vehicle Connectors and Vehicle Inlets - IEC 62196 Series Standards for charging plugs, sockets, and connectors. Global Conductive Charging of Electric Vehicles Various parts of this standard cover general requirements for wireless IEC 61980 Series Electric Vehicle Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Systems Global charging systems, along with specific technology-based requirements. Various parts of this standard cover general requirements, along with GB/T 18487 Series Electric Vehicle Conductive Charging System China AC chargers and DC chargers specifically. GB/T 20234 Series Connection Set for Conductive Charging of Electric Vehicles Standards for charging plugs in China. China Electric Vehicle and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conductive Physical, electrical, functional and performance standard for charging North SAE J1772* Charge Coupler plugs in North America. America Interoperability, electromagnetic compatibility, EMF, minimum Wireless Power Transfer for Light-Duty Plug-In/Electric Vehicles North SAE J2954* performance, safety and testing for wireless chargers in North and Alignment Methodology America America. Safety standard for supply equipment (charging stations, cord sets, power outlets, etc.) in North America. Tri-national standard for U.S., North UL 2594 Standard for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Canada, and Mexico (known as CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 280 in Canada America and NMX-J-677-ANCE in Mexico). UL 2202 Standard for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging System Equipment Safety standard for electric vehicle charging equipment U.S. * J1772TM and J2954TM are registered trademarks of SAE International Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 17
Additional information can be found on Littelfuse.com Explore the world of Littelfuse with the electronics eCatalogs (http://electronicscatalogs.littelfuse.com/) EV Charging Application Guide Circuit Protection Catalog Click on images to open the Power Relay & Control Catalog catalogs Integrated Circuits Catalog Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 18
Local resources supporting our global customers Mount Prospect Madison Bremen Chicago Lampertheim Troy Essen Champaign Lauf Rock Falls Amsterdam Deventer Beijing Burlington Wuxi Saskatoon Suzhou Kaunas Shanghai Chippenham Kunshan Legnago Tsukuba Rapid City Tokyo Beverly Dongguan Shenzhen Fremont Hong Kong Seongnam San Sebastian Milpitas Seoul Round Rock Charneca de Caparica Taipei Long Beach Chu-pei Piedras Negras New Delhi Taguig Matamoros Lipa City Muzquiz Singapore Manaus São Paulo Legend Sales R&D Manufacturing Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 19
Partner for tomorrow’s electronic systems BROAD COMPLIANCE AND PRODUCT PORTFOLIO REGULATORY EXPERTISE An industrial technology manufacturing To help customers in the design company empowering a sustainable, process to account for requirements connected, and safer world set by global regulatory authorities APPLICATION TESTING EXPERTISE CAPABILITIES Our engineers partner directly with To help customers get products to customers to help speed up product market faster, we offer certification design and meet their unique needs testing to global regulatory standards GLOBAL GLOBAL CUSTOMER SERVICE MANUFACTURING Our global customer service team is High-volume manufacturing that is with you to anticipate your needs and committed to the highest quality ensure a seamless experience standards Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 20
This document is provided by Littelfuse, Inc. (“Littelfuse”) for informational and guideline purposes only. Littelfuse assumes no liability for errors or omissions in this document or for any of the information contained herein. Information is provided on an “as is” and “with all faults” basis for evaluation purposes only. Applications described are for illustrative purposes only, and Littelfuse makes no representation that such applications will be suitable for the customer’s specific use without further testing or modification. Littelfuse expressly disclaims all warranties, whether express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to determine suitability for a particular system or use based on their own performance criteria, conditions, specific application, compatibility with other parts, and environmental conditions. Customers must independently provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize any risks associated with their applications and products. Read complete Disclaimer Notice at littelfuse.com/disclaimer-electronics. Littelfuse.com Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 21
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Types of electric vehicle charging stations ■ As defined by SAE J1772 ■ As defined by IEC 61851-1 AC Level 1 AC Level 2 DC Fast Charger ▪ 120V AC, 1-phase, 12 A or 16 A max. ▪ 208 V-240 V AC, 1-phase, ≤ 80 A max. ▪ 380 V-600 V AC, 3-phase input; continuous current continuous current DC output Mode 1 (AC) Mode 2 (AC) Mode 3 (AC) Mode 4 (DC) ▪ 250 V AC, 1-phase, ▪ 250 V AC, 1-phase, ▪ 250V AC, 1-phase, 32A max. ▪ AC or DC input supply, cord or permanently 16 A max. -OR- 32 A max. -OR- -OR- connected, with control pilot & shock protection 480 V AC, 3-phase, 480 V AC, 3-phase, 480 V AC, 3-phase, 32 A max. 16 A max. 32 A max. ▪ Permanently connected to AC supply with ▪ Cord with no pilot or ▪ Cord with control control pilot & shock protection auxiliary pilot & shock connections protection ▪ Delivers AC power from the wall socket to ▪ Delivers AC power from the electrical supply to ▪ Delivers DC power, bypassing the vehicle’s vehicle’s on-board charger vehicle’s on-board charger on-board charger ▪ Typically takes 8-12 hours* to charge fully ▪ Typically takes 4-6 hours* to charge fully ▪ Typically provides 80% charge of fully depleted depleted battery depleted battery battery within 30 minutes* * Charge time dependent on vehicle’s battery capacity and charge acceptance rate Littelfuse, Inc. © 2021 23
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