EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP-Providing for your family and future generations

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EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP-Providing for your family and future generations
                                                                        AND CITIZENSHIP –
                                                                    Providing for your family
                                                                      and future generations

                                                                                     BREXIT –
                                                                     The End of the Beginning

                                                                         UPDATES FROM OUR
                                                                         Global Office Network

EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP-Providing for your family and future generations
CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                      SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52

3 | C
     EO’S REPORT – by Gerry Kelly,		                                                                                                        4 | F
                                                                                                                                                  ROM THE CHAIRMAN – by Howard Bilton,
            Chief Executive Officer of the Sovereign Group                                                                                                Chairman of the Sovereign Group

5 |          Sovereign Corporate Services –                                                  7 |           overeign Private Client Services
                                                                                                           S                                                                            9 |        overeign Retirement Planning
             increasing in substance                                                                       – safe, sustained growth in a                                                          – 2020 vision
                                                                                                           fast changing world

11 |            hina’s new foreign investment
               C                                                                              14 |             ong Kong 2019 – a turbulent
                                                                                                              H                                                                         18 |        ingapore – steady as she
               law                                                                                            year                                                                                 goes!

11 |            yprus – tax residency and
               C                                                                              15 |             auritius recognised as
                                                                                                              M                                                                         19 |        outh Africa relaxes policy on
               trusts                                                                                         compliant with EU tax good                                                           loop structures for individuals
                                                                                                              governance principles
12 |            ibraltar – the gateway to the
               G                                                                                                                                                                        20 |        verview of the Middle East
               UK                                                                             16 |             alta positions itself as the
                                                                                                              ‘Blockchain Island’                                                       21 |        MART funds – Smarter than
13 |            rowth and Evolution for
               G                                                                                                                                                                                   the average Experienced
               Sovereign in Guernsey                                                          17 |             ortugal – The World’s
                                                                                                              P                                                                                    Investor Fund
                                                                                                              Leading Destination

22 | EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP – Providing for your family and future generations

25 | B
      REXIT – the end of the                                                                 26 | S
                                                                                                    AF REPORT – Making things                                                          28 | CONTACT AND INFORMATION
               beginning                                                                                      better!

®Sovereign Media (IOM) Limited 2020                                                                                                                                                     Editor       Christopher Owen
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,        Design       Joanne Bae
recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Sovereign Group. The information provided in this report does not constitute advice and no responsibility will be
accepted for any loss occasioned directly or indirectly as a result of persons acting, or refraining from acting, wholly or partially in reliance upon it.                              Printer      Asia One Printing

EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP-Providing for your family and future generations
CEO’S REPORT                                                                                                         SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52

CEO’s Report
Gerry Kelly                                                             A positive approach has been seen in almost all the jurisdictions
Chief Executive Officer                                                 where Sovereign is located, whether in Europe, Asia, the Middle
The Sovereign Group                                                     East or Africa. All have followed the EU and OECD guidance on
                                                                        new substance requirements, but there is still scope for selecting
                                                                        one or more jurisdictions as a result of the changes enacted.

I n most jurisdictions in which we operate, the trust and
  corporate services industry is now used to being challenged on
several fronts by international pressure. Initially, plans to enforce
                                                                        Typically, the new laws include requirements to manage the
                                                                        business and conduct ‘Core Income Generating Activities’ (CIGA)
economic substance rules caused industry-wide alarm. It was             locally, as well as guidance on the numbers and experience of
even feared that the very future of several international financial     local staff and overall expenditure in the jurisdiction. This has led
centres was in doubt.                                                   to the threat of sanctions receding and in some cases previously
                                                                        blacklisted countries have been reinstated.
This has not happened and, as we review how economic
substance has been implemented across the world, the process            Mauritius, for example, has taken active steps to radically
has not proved as negative as first thought. Perhaps a more             overhaul its previous company law regime in order to comply with
reasonable outcome may result. I am certainly of this view and          new economic substance requirements. New rules now govern
am increasingly optimistic about the way forward.                       its international company sector – the Global Business Licence
                                                                        regime – where companies become licensees and are presented
The dash by a number of low tax jurisdictions to introduce new          with clear guidelines relating to substance. These include both
legislation began in earnest following the publication of new           the number of suitably qualified persons who may carry out the
substance guidelines by both the EU and the Organisation for            CIGA locally and whether such work can be outsourced to a local
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Both were                 management company.
seeking to impose new global standards so that low-tax countries
were prevented from attracting profits from elsewhere without           Banking in the same jurisdiction as a company’s place of
any corresponding economic activity – real local substance –            incorporation is an increasingly important consideration in future
being proven.                                                           planning. Over 20 banks operate in Mauritius and, in addition
                                                                        to traditional banking services, they offer a range of specialised
The EU drew up a blacklist of jurisdictions that had not yet            services ranging from custodial services to cross-border activities.
introduced economic substance legislation, while the OECD’s
BEPS project set out a range of business activities, including          Sovereign is committed to ensuring that its corporate clients meet
several typically offered by the low-tax jurisdictions such as          substance rules. As a group, we now employ close to 500 staff in
headquarters activities, financing, leasing, insurance, shipping        over 20 offices worldwide. A growing proportion of these staff are
and holding structures.                                                 fully qualified and boast legal, accounting and banking expertise.

Most affected jurisdictions started implementing new rules              The recent opening of an office in Riyadh is a demonstration of
by 2018 and this effort is ongoing. As a result of innovative           Sovereign’s commitment to the Middle East, our fastest growing
legislation by many, the most negative effects have, in the main,       regional market. Saudi Arabia is an exciting new market and
been avoided. In fact, recently issued guidance has shown that          Sovereign is now well placed to assist international companies with
not as many companies will be adversely affected as was feared.         all their market entry and growth requirements.

Readily available solutions will allow international business           Economic substance is of growing importance but the feared
owners to ensure they remain compliant with the new rules, but          consequences have not materialised. Sovereign can provide
professional advice should be sought at an early stage. With our        reliable, professional advice on these matters from the outset;
global presence, Sovereign is able to provide solutions through         readers should contact their local office for a ‘no obligation’
one or more of our offices, depending on specific circumstances.        discussion without delay.
This may involve re-domiciling part or all of an existing structure
but the costs and management time involved should be
considered money well spent to ensure compliance.

EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP-Providing for your family and future generations
FROM THE CHAIRMAN                                                                                                 SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52

From the Chairman
By Howard Bilton, Chairman of the Sovereign Group

R   ecent times have not been easy for those of us who live and
    work in Hong Kong. Last year we had the protests. Now we
have, like many other places, the coronavirus. We recognise the
                                                                        signed between Hong Kong and Mainland China for the reciprocal
                                                                        recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial
                                                                        matters. The commencement date is not yet announced.
motives of the demonstrators but we question some of their
methods. For the moment they remain silent, possibly because            Litigation in China is fraught with difficulties. The strength of
of the virus.                                                           Hong Kong is that UK law applies for at least another 30 years
                                                                        so anyone investing into China via the tax-efficient Hong Kong
Hong Kong remains well placed to deal with the new virus.               route can now litigate in Hong Kong under UK law and then
Remember, we were previously affected by swine flu and then             execute that judgment in China with little further procedure.
SARS. The authorities here took immediate action over COVID-19          This is a massive advantage.
and seem to have it under control but the situation obviously
changes on a daily basis. Our sympathies go to all affected.            The other matter dominating the news around the world has
                                                                        been Brexit. By the time you read this, the UK will have formally
Despite this, we remain confident in Hong Kong’s long-term              left the EU with a withdrawal deal. The easy bit is over. Now for
future and it appears that investors share this sentiment. There        the trade negotiations. The removal of some of the uncertainty
are a record number of listings scheduled for the Hong Kong             has already had an impact. It seems that house prices in London
Stock Exchange this year, no reduction in the number of new             are again on the march and commentators are predicting the
companies coming to Hong Kong (despite many of them seeking             biggest annual rise for a considerable time. That may or may not
reassurances) and our Hong Kong office had one of its busiest           be a good thing, but it is certainly an indication of the renewed
years ever.                                                             confidence of investors in London and the UK.

In our view, civil unrest is almost always caused by economic           It also now appears that the Trump administration and China may
factors. In Hong Kong over one million people live below the official   be starting to settle their differences over trade and row back on
government poverty line. That is both a surprise and a disgrace for     the damaging tariff war. As someone once said: “Now this is not
one of the richest cities in the world. We continue to try and assist   the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps,
through the Sovereign Art Foundation which has now raised over          the end of the beginning.” If this proves to be the case, it will be
US$9 million that we have used to help disadvantaged children           relief all around and more good news for Hong Kong.
around the region and in Hong Kong in particular.
                                                                        Pressure on offshore financial centres (OFCs) to improve
Thanks to all SAF supporters for assisting our efforts in helping       transparency and stop abusive tax practices continues to mount
to make Hong Kong a better and fairer place, not least through          but there are still many legitimate ways to structure your affairs
our ‘Make it Better’ programme which offers empowering                  offshore to reduce tax. OFCs can still play a big part in that. The
learning activities to children from the lowest income families         end is not nigh and never will be! All onshore countries continue
and those with special educational needs. Of course we can’t            to encourage us to save through our pensions, to insure our lives
solve all the social problems in Hong Kong or elsewhere, but that       and give to charity. Using these ‘products’ – often offshore – can
should not and does not stop us doing what we can.                      result in large and legitimate tax savings. You know where to
                                                                        come if you wish to explore available opportunities.
Hong Kong’s importance as the gateway to China was further
strengthened on 1 January last year when an arrangement was
EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP-Providing for your family and future generations
INSIDE SOVEREIGN - CORPORATE SERVICES                                                                             SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52

               This ensures that they have real
               economic substance in the place where
               they are incorporated and can operate
               safe in the knowledge that they are
               in full compliance with their local and
               international obligations.

Sovereign Corporate Services – increasing in substance
By Nicholas Cully, Group Sales Director

A   s with any business, a new year brings
    new opportunities, new challenges
and new focus. After a particularly tough
                                             These three ‘pillars’ are now clearly
                                             defined on the homepage of our new
                                             website, which was launched at the end of
                                                                                            generating activity in its place of residence
                                                                                            and have adequate people, premises and
                                                                                            expenditure in its place of residence.
2018, 2019 proved to be busier than ever:    2019, and the Corporate Services section
the ongoing administrative burdens           shows just how far Sovereign has evolved       There are two key stages to establishing
imposed by the US Foreign Account Tax        from the days when simply registering          how an entity might be impacted by
Compliance Act (FATCA), OECD Common          and administering companies was often          substance regulations in any given
Reporting Standard (CRS) and the EU’s        the sum total of our involvement. So,          jurisdiction. Firstly, is the entity in scope of
General Data Protection Regulation           what has led to this change?                   the new law, and secondly, if it is in scope,
(GDPR), were further exacerbated by                                                         does it meet the substance requirements?
the arrival of the OECD’s new economic       Even before the substance rules were           We have significant experience in
substance rules. These have led to a         introduced in 2018, substance was              gathering and reporting company data
significant shift in focus for Sovereign     becoming more and more important               and are helping our clients understand
and our competitors.                         and the OECD, the US and the EU were           and respond to the new legislation.
                                             collectively cracking down on ‘tax havens’
At the start of the last decade, our core    and ‘harmful tax practices’, even going so     In preparation for these changes over
business was the setting up of offshore      far as to put a number of jurisdictions on     many years, Sovereign’s advice to clients
companies and trusts for individuals         a so-called ‘blacklist’.                       has developed and has focused more on
and companies who were looking to                                                           ‘onshore’ jurisdictions where companies
structure their assets in the most tax-      The economic substance requirements            are set up to trade and provide services
efficient way. Fast-forward 10 years and     vary depending on the actual activity of the   rather than simply for business or personal
Sovereign’s business has diversified into    company. In general economic substance         structuring purposes. We are now setting
three key business strands – Corporate       includes a requirement for the company         up more onshore companies than offshore
Services, Private Client Services and        to be directed and managed in its place        companies in places such as the UAE, China
Retirement Planning.                         of residence; to conduct core income-          and Saudi Arabia, and an ever increasing
EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP-Providing for your family and future generations
INSIDE SOVEREIGN - CORPORATE SERVICES                                                                               SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52

number of our clients are trading entities    As we travel the globe looking for new          a far more attractive proposition for
from the US, the UK, South-East Asia and      opportunities, we have also seen a big          international businesses. As the country
Europe that are looking to expand their       increase in interest in the residency           continues to open up, we see a huge
businesses into new markets.                  and citizenship by investment (RCBI)            opportunity for companies looking to
                                              schemes. Last year saw the launch of our        invest there but also for Saudi-based clients
Inevitably these clients want Sovereign       RCBI division, which provides clients with      that are looking to benefit from our other,
to set up their company for them, but         assistance in applying for and obtaining        more private client-focused products.
increasingly they are also relying on us      residency, or ultimately citizenship, in
to provide them with ongoing assistance       Portugal, Malta, Cyprus and Gibraltar.          With the development into new markets
in respect of their accounting, payroll,                                                      and the increase in the amount of
labour and immigration, HR consultancy        Whether we are contacted through our            administration and compliance work
and insurance requirements. This ensures      corporate services, private client or           required to onboard a company, we see
that they have real economic substance        retirement planning strands, this is a          that the move towards ‘onshore’ business is
in the place where they are incorporated      fantastic ‘add on’ because so many clients      set to continue. And with this development,
and can operate safe in the knowledge         in certain parts of the world find that their   our compliance systems and procedures
that they are in full compliance with their   existing citizenship or residency doesn’t       have become increasingly important in
local and international obligations.          provide them with sufficient flexibility        ensuring that both our existing and new
                                              when it comes to their ability to travel.       clients can meet the regulatory changes
Naturally, this move onshore has also led     As the RCBI market has become more              with the minimum of disruption.
to a shift in our client demographic. We      competitive, these schemes have become
are now receiving more enquiries from         increasingly affordable and are no longer       We are also seeing an increase in the
East and West Africa and have undertaken      restricted to the high net worth segment.       amount of collaboration between our
business development trips in the past        In Portugal, for example, the purchase of       offices, as our clients become more global.
year to Rwanda, Kenya, Ghana and              a property for €250,000 offers residency        Often, a client will require the assistance
the Cote d’Ivoire. Only a few years ago       and visa-free access to the EU.                 and services of multiple offices, whereas
these markets were virtually unknown                                                          in the past they would more commonly
to Sovereign but we have quickly come         A further development in the last year has      have dealt with one. This is a sign of
to the realisation that there are a lot of    been the opening of our office in Riyadh,       the times and is extremely positive for
businesses in these vibrant regions that      Saudi Arabia. Traditionally, Sovereign          our business. As a result of this shift we
are looking to expand into the Middle and     clients have looked to the United Arab          have also seen Gibraltar-based Sovereign
Far East. There is huge potential in other    Emirates, and Dubai in particular, to           Insurance Services and Sovereign Wealth
parts of the world too – South America        establish regional headquarters, but with       expand into Malta and Dubai respectively
and Central Asia spring to mind – and our     the opening of Saudi Arabia through             in order to be able to service clients from
products and services are well suited to      Mohammad bin Salman’s ‘Vision 2030’             more than one location. Substance is
assist clients in these emerging regions.     initiative, the Kingdom has become              here to stay and so are we.

EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP-Providing for your family and future generations
INSIDE SOVEREIGN - PRIVATE CLIENT                                                                                  SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52

Sovereign Private Client – safe, sustained growth in a fast
changing world
By Victoria Kent-Baguley, Tax Counsel

W     ith the advance of technology,
      communications and international
co-operation, the world is said to be
                                                and overseas jurisdictions – to hold
                                                assets and investments in a way that will
                                                help to grow wealth now and preserve it
                                                                                                Sovereign Group of companies hold over
                                                                                                30 professional licences around the world,
                                                                                                which are testament to our high standards,
getting smaller. This is certainly true in      for future generations.                         knowledge and professionalism.
the international tax sphere. To help fight
against tax evasion and protect the integrity   While some clients are based only in a          Last year, Sovereign Trust (Hong Kong)
of tax systems, governments around the          single location, many are international         became one of the first firms to be
world have introduced new information           families with assets and family members         formally licensed as a Trust or Company
gathering and reporting requirements.           spread across different countries.              Service Provider (TCSP) under Hong
                                                Sovereign has broad experience in               Kong’s newly-created licensing regime.
Data sharing between countries reached          managing trusts and estates with                Sovereign has been lobbying the relevant
unprecedented heights in 2019, while            complex structures involving assets and         authorities for many years to introduce
compliance requirements are increasing          beneficiaries in multiple jurisdictions,        licensing in Hong Kong to ensure that
and penalties are becoming tougher.             as well as the legal, tax and compliance        standards within the industry are
Fiscal transparency is here to stay and         issues that arise when the laws of several      consistent and in accordance with best
the major headache now faced by tax             jurisdictions may apply.                        international practice.
authorities is how to process effectively
the volume of data coming their way.            Sovereign’s founding vision was for             This commitment was recognised at the
                                                a trust company that was focused                influential International Adviser Global
Sovereign Private Client Services provides      on safe, sustained growth, balancing            Financial Services Awards in 2019, when
trustee services, wealth management and         competitiveness with the maintenance            Sovereign was named as ‘International
succession planning to internationally          of best professional practice. We review        Retirement Provider’ of the year – for the
mobile families and entrepreneurs.              our products and services and make              second time – as well as being shortlisted
Directly represented in over 20 locations       improvements for the benefit of our clients     in the ‘International Trust and Estate
worldwide, the group’s main administration      on an ongoing basis, while continuing to        Planning Firm’ and ‘Best International
centres are in Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Isle of    invest in our systems and in training for       Retirement Product’ categories.
Man and Dubai. Other Sovereign offices          our staff to ensure that they are up-to-
are strategically located across Europe, the    date with the latest laws and regulations.      In 2019, Sovereign has launched a new
Middle East, Asia and Africa.                                                                   UK Corporate and Trustee Services
                                                We are committed to ensuring that               Centre to operate alongside its existing
Sovereign designs and implements                Sovereign and its clients always remain         UK Pensions Services Centre on the
structures  –   trusts,  foundations,           in full legal and fiscal compliance in a fast   Wirral Peninsula in North West England.
companies and funds in both domestic            changing regulatory environment. The            Sovereign Corporate & Trustee Services
EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP-Providing for your family and future generations
INSIDE SOVEREIGN - PRIVATE CLIENT SERVICES                                                                        SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52

(SCATS) will incorporate and administer
UK     companies,     including    Family
Investment Companies (FICs), as well as
providing trustee services to UK trusts.

These new UK services will complement
our Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)
and Small Self-Administered Scheme
(SSAS) administration capabilities in the
Wirral and add to Sovereign’s growing
footprint in the UK.

UK limited companies can be used for
a variety of domestic and international
trading activities, regardless of the
beneficial owners’ place of residence.
UK companies are generally taxed at
significantly lower rates than individuals
and partnerships, and shareholders also
benefit from limited liability status. The
UK has signed over 130 double tax treaties,
the largest treaty network in the world. As
a result, UK companies are highly effective
as holding vehicles, enjoying reduced
or even zero withholding tax (WHT) on
dividends paid from overseas subsidiaries.

A FIC can provide an alternative to a trust
by enabling parents to retain control                                    We review our products
over assets whilst accumulating wealth
in a tax-efficient manner and facilitating
                                                                         and services and make
future succession planning. FICs are also                                improvements for the benefit
highly effective vehicles for domestic and
foreign individuals to invest in the UK                                  of our clients on an ongoing
property market. With careful planning,                                  basis, while continuing to invest
it is possible to structure an investment
company in such a way that it resembles                                  in our systems and in training
a trust but without giving rise to the
punitive tax charges.
                                                                         for our staff to ensure that they
                                                                         are up-to-date with the latest
The international regulatory landscape
saw a lot of changes in 2019 and this                                    laws and regulations.
will continue in 2020. European Union
member states had until January 2020
to implement the Fifth Anti-Money
Laundering Directive (AMLD 5), the
latest in the EU’s arsenal for combatting
financial crime. The UK intends to
implement the Directive despite Brexit.
                                              a ‘legitimate interest’, which includes       implemented in domestic legislation
The Fourth Anti-Money Laundering              “preventive work in the field of anti-money   by 1 July 2020 but provides for
Directive (AMLD 4) placed a requirement       laundering, counter terrorist financing and   implementation with retrospective effect
for companies and taxable trusts to obtain    associate predicate offences undertaken       from 25 June 2018. These rules therefore
and hold information on their beneficial      by non-governmental organisations and         effect arrangements currently in use.
ownership and to register this information    investigative journalists.”
with a central national register. This                                                      DAC6 introduces a notification obligation
register is accessible to competent           These changes mean that trustees in           on intermediaries (and in certain cases
authorities, Financial Intelligence Units     particular will face substantial investment   taxpayers) in relation to certain cross-border
(FIUs) and obliged entities for customer      in terms of operations, systems, processes    arrangements that represent “potentially
due dligence purposes.                        and time to enable them to obtain the         aggressive tax planning” and provides for
                                              relevant information, complete initial        the exchange of that information between
AMLD 5 expands the scope of the               registrations, maintain accurate and up-      member states. It is designed to provide
beneficial ownership register to include      to-date records and comply with ongoing       tax authorities with early knowledge of tax
all trusts, regardless of whether they        reporting requirements.                       avoidance arrangements so they can be
incur a tax consequence, and also to                                                        swiftly countered.
any legal arrangement that is similar to      The EU has also introduced an additional
a trust. AMLD 5 requires public access        level of disclosure designed to detect        These regulatory developments will cause
to data on the beneficial owners of legal     potentially aggressive tax planning           further procedural and administrative
entities such as companies, but not trusts.   with an EU cross-border element. The          changes for Sovereign and its clients, but
Instead, members of the public wishing        requirements come from European               they will not cause concern. As the sector
to access trust data need to demonstrate      Directive (DAC6), which needs to be           evolves, so do we.
EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP-Providing for your family and future generations
INSIDE SOVEREIGN - RETIREMENT PLANNING                                                                        SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52

               Sovereign has committed substantial
               capital expenditure to introduce a new
               state-of-the-art pension administration
               system across the organisation in 2020.
               This will be a market leading software
               system that includes web portals for
               members, introducers and employers.

Sovereign Retirement Planning – 2020 Vision
By Claire Du Feu, Sovereign Pensions

2   019 proved to be another busy year
    for Sovereign’s retirement planning
business, both in building on our
                                              saw the implementation of new pension
                                              rules in the UK, Guernsey and Malta.
                                              In both our roles as pension product
                                                                                           One of Sovereign’s underpinning values
                                                                                           is its commitment to investing in the
                                                                                           training and development of its staff. We
successful product launches of 2018 and       providers and as professional trustees,      recently arranged for 43 senior members
in gearing up for a substantial programme     Sovereign continues to work closely          of our international team to attend a
of investment for 2020 and beyond.            with all relevant industry bodies and        training programme organised by the
                                              regulators, to ensure full compliance with   Institute of Directors. This included an
The breadth and depth of Sovereign’s          legislation and regulation and to provide    in-depth examination of the key duties,
service provision was recognised at the       optimal customer service and peace of        roles and legal responsibilities of board
influential International Adviser Global      mind to our clients.                         members, as well as the board’s role in
Financial Services Awards 2019, where                                                      corporate governance and strategy.
Sovereign was again named as ‘International   To protect our members’ interests, we
Retirement Provider’ of the year. Beating     have recently introduced a commission        In 2020 Sovereign plans to launch its own
off stiff competition, Sovereign was          cap to limit the amount that investment      in-house training programme for pension
singled out for its “innovation, continued    advisers are permitted to earn from a        administration staff under the ‘Sovereign
investment, service and commitment to         member’s pension. This is also designed to   Academy’ brand, which is designed to
the industry sector”.                         align the international market place with    ensure that technical excellence and
                                              that of the UK and the retail distribution   knowledge is embedded across the
The regulatory environment in which we        review (RDR) commission regime, which        whole business. The programme will
operate continues to evolve. In 2019 we       came into force at the end of 2012.          draw from both external consultants, as
EUROPEAN RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP-Providing for your family and future generations
INSIDE SOVEREIGN - RETIREMENT PLANNING                                                                                SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52

well as Sovereign’s in-house specialists,
covering all areas of retirement planning

At the same time, Sovereign has
committed          substantial     capital
expenditure to introduce a new state-of-
the-art pension administration system
across the organisation in 2020. This
will be a market leading software system
that includes web portals for members,
introducers and employers. This will
mean Sovereign can readily comply with
the data-driven nature of the industry,
while also enhancing the experience for
its clients and introducers alike.

Sovereign’s pension business made
a number of acquisitions in 2019,
and more are planned for 2020. The
market is undoubtedly consolidating as
increased regulation, capital investment
requirements and distribution costs have
put pressure on smaller, owner-managed
businesses. Sovereign continues to grow
and now has more than 15,000 pensions
under administration.

Sovereign Pension Services (UK), which
conducts Sovereign’s UK SIPP and SSAS
administration business, joined the UK         which employers can enrol their employees         which is marketed in conjunction with the
government-backed STAR initiative in           from 2021. Employers who already provide          Isle of Man offering, as well as its varied
2019. This aims to improve industry            their employees with a pension scheme             range of personal pension arrangements.
standards while reducing pension transfer      may be able to continue with their current        As Sovereign broadens its range of
times for defined contribution pension         arrangement if the scheme qualifies and           retirement planning solutions beyond
schemes. Participating firms benefit           the level of contributions that the employer      trust and contract-based QROPS, our
from greater certainty when dealing with       is making is consistent with the required         Malta office will further be launching
other providers, leading to fewer queries      contribution rates that the government            a scheme for local employers based in
and reduced administration costs, while        will apply.                                       Malta that will leverage the experience
consumers will benefit from better                                                               and technical knowledge of our staff to
communication, uniform standards and           Employers may also decide not to opt              administer local corporate plans. Our
improved transparency.                         into the States’ default secondary pension        Gibraltar team also now operates as
                                               scheme and instead either establish their         trustee for more than ten local employers’
Regulated by the UK Financial Conduct          own qualifying scheme or join an existing         pension schemes, including a number of
Authority, the UK administration business      qualifying scheme that is offered by a            high profile gaming companies.
is already a member of the Pensions Scams      regulated provider.
Industry Group (PSIG) and the Association                                                        Our fully compliant and highly competitive
of Member Directed Pension Schemes             Sovereign is a specialised and experienced        retirement planning products – both
(AMPS). It is also a subscriber to the ORIGO   pension provider that is fully regulated by the   personal and occupational pension
pension transfer system. Participation         Guernsey Financial Services Commission            schemes for the local and international
in such industry initiatives underlines        for the formation and management of               markets – continue to be serviced by
Sovereign’s commitment to the sector           pension schemes. We have positioned               our specialist administration teams
and its desire to conduct its business with    ourselves to provide cost-effective and           from administration hubs in Gibraltar,
customer outcomes at the forefront.            tax-approved retirement solutions to suit         Guernsey, IOM, Malta and the UK.
                                               the specific needs of Guernsey-based
There has been increased focus across          employers in satisfying the secondary             Our dedicated retirement planning
a number of jurisdictions on the               pensions requirements. These include              international   business    development
introduction of ‘secondary pensions’           multi-employer occupational pension               team continue to provide a technical
legislation as governments seek to meet        plans, bespoke occupational pension plans         ‘on the ground’ support network to our
the challenge of state pension provision       and multi-member retirement annuity               introducers from our international office
for an ageing demographic. Such regimes        trust schemes.                                    network throughout Europe, Africa, the
are similar to the UK’s ‘auto-enrolment’                                                         Middle East and the Far East.
regime, introduced in 2012, which made it      All such solutions are approved by
compulsory for employers to enrol eligible     the local Guernsey Revenue Service                Sovereign’s retirement planning products
workers automatically into an occupational     and therefore qualify for tax relief for          remain underpinned by our focus on
pension scheme. Employers are also             individual contributions, as well as for          ‘adding value’ through in-house access
required to contribute to these schemes.       deductions for contributions paid by an           to technical, legal, fiscal, investment, and
                                               employer. This expansion of the product           wealth planning specialists. Sovereign
In Guernsey, the current expectation is that   range, complements our Guernsey                   Retirement Planning continues to prosper
the Guernsey States will make available a      office’s existing occupational offering to        and grow, investing in staff, systems and
default secondary pension scheme into          international (non-Guernsey employers),           business for the future.
OFFICE REPORTS                                                                                                    SOVEREIGN REPORT
                                                                                                                     SOVEREIGN REPORTNO.50

                                                                                                in a different format. We do see that the
                                                                                                outbreak is pushing the government to a
                                                                                                more digital approach which we applaud.
                Any move to level the playing                                                   China is a market where there has
                field should have a positive                                                    always been a substantial local company
                                                                                                advantage, so any move to level the
                impact on foreign companies’                                                    playing field should have a positive
                ability to do business in China                                                 impact on foreign companies’ ability
                                                                                                to do business in China and be more
                and be more successful.                                                         successful. Now that the law is in effect,
                                                                                                foreign investors will have to wait and see
                                                                                                how it will actually be implemented over
China’s new foreign investment law                                                              the next 12 months.

                                                                                                The US and China signed what they billed as
Mark Ray                                       The FIL seeks to level the playing field         a preliminary trade agreement on 15 January
Managing Director                              between foreign and domestic companies           2020 in an attempt to lessen trade tensions
Sovereign (China) Ltd                          in regards to applying for licences (Article     that have weighed on global markets. It
                                               30) as well as participating in government       echoes many of the issues addressed by
                                               procurement projects (Article 16), two           the FIL, including criminal penalties on

S  ince joining the World Trade
   Organisation in 2001, China has faced
substantial criticism from the international
                                               substantial hurdles previously facing
                                               foreign invested enterprises in China.
                                               Article 15 provides that foreign investors
                                                                                                anyone caught stealing commercial secrets
                                                                                                and a broad commitment for China to
                                                                                                stop pressuring US companies to share
business community and governments             should be given equal opportunity to             technology with local joint-venture partners
in respect of its lack of IP protection,       participate in the formulation of standards.     and for the Chinese government to stop
forced technology transfers and failures to                                                     supporting or directing Chinese firms to
implement fair market policies.                In terms of managing foreign investment,         buy up strategic technologies by acquiring
                                               Article 4 states that the government             foreign companies.
At the end of 2019, the National People’s      should use China’s Negative List to ensure
Congress passed the new Foreign                that foreign investors are treated on a par      The Trump administration said the
Investment Law (FIL), which is a new           with domestic investors during the initial       key new element was the enforcement
guiding document to govern foreign             stages of setting up. The Negative List is       mechanism. Rather than rely on a slow-
investment in China. It pledges to “build      a comprehensive list of restrictions on          moving World Trade Organisation dispute
a market environment of stability,             foreign investment determined by the             system, the new agreement enables the
transparency, predictability, and fair         State Council.                                   US to impose tariffs or other measures
competition” for foreign investors and                                                          within 90 days if officials decide China is
was brought into force on 1 January 2020.      The FIL contains measures (Article 20) to        breaking its promises.
                                               protect foreign investments from arbitrary
The FIL replaces several other laws            expropriation. However, it also provides that
governing foreign direct investment –          the state may, under special circumstances,
the Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises           expropriate or requisition the investment of
Law (also known as the Foreign-Capital         foreign investors for the public interest. Any
Enterprises Law), the Sino-Foreign Equity      such actions must be in accordance with
Joint Ventures Law and the Sino-Foreign        legally prescribed procedures and offer “fair    Cyprus – tax
Contractual Joint Ventures Law – with the      and reasonable compensation”.
purpose of accelerating market opening                                                          residency and trusts
reforms and eliminating inconsistencies        There are still a number of significant
in the enforcement of laws.                    questions attaching to the new law. For
                                               example, it defines foreign investment as        George Ayiomamitis
Since 1 January 2020, all WFOE’s and JV’s      “investment activity directly or indirectly      Managing Director
have been simply categorised as Foreign        carried out by foreign natural persons,          Sovereign Trust (Cyprus) Ltd
Invested Enterprises (FIE’s). This includes    enterprises or other organisations”.
investors originating from Hong Kong,          It is unclear precisely what “indirect
Macau and Taiwan.                              investment” means. This and other areas               Cyprus is at the forefront
                                               of ambiguity may provide local authorities            of best practice in the
The new law seeks to address many              with scope to interpret the law and make
common complaints by foreign investors,        implementation less consistent and                    area of trusts. It is a
such as explicitly banning forced technology   transparent for foreign investors.                    reputable international
transfers and includes provisions to protect
foreign investors’ IP and commercial secrets   Although the new law is seen as a positive            financial centre with very
from their joint venture partners.             step, it is not yet certain whether the               attractive opportunities
                                               new provisions will simply be ‘on paper’
Article 22 explicitly bars Chinese JV          or if they will actually be enforced,
                                                                                                     for setting up and
partners from stealing IP and commercial       providing meaningful change to the                    operating a trust.
secrets from their foreign partners and        business environment. Foreign investors
also prohibits government officials from       will need to wait and see to determine
using administrative measures to pursue
forced technology transfers. Article
39 further makes government officials
                                               what practical implications the new law
                                               will have. Moreover due to the current
                                               outbreak of COVID-19, some changes
                                                                                                W     hether it is clients with concerns
                                                                                                      about the continued uncertainty
                                                                                                over the manner of the UK’s exit from the
criminally liable if they do so.               will be implemented quicker, slower or           EU or clients with concerns about political
OFFICE REPORTS                                                                                                        SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52

or economic stability in other parts of the     offer a strong tradition of enforcing
world, we have seen a marked increase in        trusts, an English common law system,          Gibraltar – the
inquiries about the options for personal        a high reputation for trust business and
tax residency in Cyprus.                        favourable taxation for trusts.                gateway to the UK
Residence is probably the most widely           Cyprus is at the forefront of best practice
used criterion for the taxation of              in the area of trusts. It is a reputable       John Blake
individuals by governments around the           international financial centre with very       Managing Director
world, but the rules vary considerably          attractive opportunities for setting           Sovereign Trust (Gibraltar) Ltd
from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.              up and operating a trust. The recently
                                                amended International Trusts Law of
Why Cyprus? Besides the lifestyle,              Cyprus builds on the well-established               The recent Gibraltar-
climate, sophisticated infrastructure           English principles of equity and has                UK DTA is a major
and highly educated, cosmopolitan               created one of the most attractive trusts
population, there are also a number of          legal frameworks in the world.                      milestone that reflects
significant tax benefits associated with                                                            how serious Gibraltar
being resident in Cyprus – particularly         The original Law restricted the availability
for individuals who opt to become non-          of Cyprus International Trusts (CITs) such          has become in its
domiciled tax residents.                        that neither a settlor nor any beneficiary          ambition to trade with
                                                could be a permanent resident of Cyprus.
There is no tax on worldwide dividend           This was inconsistent with the EU principle
                                                                                                    leading economies.
and interest income for non-domiciled           of free movement of persons and capital,
individuals for 17 years, no tax on gains       and these restrictions were therefore
arising from the disposal of investments –
shares, bonds, etc. – and no withholding
tax on the repatriation of income as
                                                relaxed, together with the prohibition
                                                on ownership of immovable property in
                                                Cyprus, when the Law was amended.
                                                                                               T   hese are interesting times for
                                                                                                   Gibraltar. The transformation has
                                                                                               been underway for a number of years, but
dividends, interest and royalties. Cyprus                                                      in recent times the ‘Rock’ has emerged
has no estate duty, wealth tax, gift tax or     The procedure for establishing a CIT           as a serious and mature player on the
inheritance tax.                                trust is now straightforward and can be        world stage, and one that continues to
                                                arranged in a relatively short period of       punch well above its weight. Not only has
There are many further advantages to            time. The settlor and the beneficiaries        Gibraltar been effectively recognised by
relocating to Cyprus and establishing tax       must not be tax residents in Cyprus during     Spain, for the first time in its history, but
residency – the tax incentives for expatriate   the year preceding the year of creating a      it has also entered into its first double
employees taking up residence in Cyprus,        CIT and at least one of the trustees must      taxation agreement (DTA), with the UK.
for instance. There is a 50% income tax         be a permanent resident of Cyprus.
exemption of remuneration from any                                                             Whilst Gibraltar’s tax regime is highly
office or employment in Cyprus that             The Cyprus International Trust is now          competitive – like most small jurisdictions
exceeds €100,000 per annum, applicable          the structure of choice for non-resident       that have to fight to survive in the wider
for 10 years, for an individual who was not     settlors. Succession, heirship or other        world – it may come as a surprise that
previously tax resident in Cyprus.              laws applicable in foreign jurisdictions       Gibraltar is ranked as far down as 28th
                                                do not affect the validity of a CIT or the     in the Tax Justice Network’s Corporate
These are just some of the benefits that        transfer of property to the trustee of a       Tax Haven Index 2019, below many of the
Cyprus has to offer but it is the timeframe     CIT. The settlor has the right to reserve      leading industrial nations including the
for the tax residency that will really grab     many powers, while a CIT can now last          UK (ranked 13th), Belgium (16th), China
your attention. In 2017, Cyprus amended         for an indefinite period and the income        (19th), France (22nd), Germany (24th),
its Income Tax Law to provide that an           can be accumulated without limitations.        USA (25th) and Spain (27th).
individual who is physically present in         The law governing a CIT can be changed
Cyprus for more than 60 days in a year          to another foreign law.                        It is positive that the Gibraltar Socialist
of assessment and does not reside in any                                                       Labour Party won the recent election,
other single state for a period exceeding       CITs are widely employed in what may be        retaining power for a third term. This reflects
183 days can elect to be tax resident in        loosely termed ‘family situations’ but also    a politically stable environment, where the
Cyprus in that tax year. Known as the           in commercial and business transactions        economy is thriving and the relationship with
‘60-day rule’, applicants are required only     and as a vehicle for charitable and other      the UK is becoming ever closer. Gibraltar
to declare their intention to reside within     purposes. The CIT is now one of the best       is Sovereign’s home and we are certainly
the tax year of the application.                available options worldwide and it is          optimistic about the future – so much so
                                                worth mentioning that Sovereign Group’s        that we are making a further commitment to
Since the initiation of the 60-day rule,        office in Cyprus is fully licensed to act as   Gibraltar by investing in larger premises.
Sovereign has seen a sharp increase             a professional trustee.
in the interest of individuals choosing                          The regulatory landscape in which
Cyprus for tax residency purposes. Brexit                                                      we operate is becoming ever more
has certainly played a role to this, but                                                       challenging. Initiatives such as FATCA
other reasons like high rates of income                                                        (US Foreign Account Tax Compliance
tax in applicants’ home countries have                                                         Act), CRS (OECD Common Reporting
also triggered this interest.                                                                  Standard) and DAC6 (EU Mandatory
                                                                                               Disclosure Regime) reflect a new age
Many different countries worldwide                                                             of transparency and substance that
have enacted trust legislation but when                                                        individuals and firms such as ours can
establishing a trust it is essential that                                                      either embrace or ignore at their peril.
the legislation should be up-to-date,
including contemporary trust concepts,                                                         Sovereign supports such initiatives. For
and that the jurisdiction should also                                                          some time we have been providing clients
SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52                                                                                                      OFFICE REPORTS

with the support and services to create         this fast-moving area of business.            permanent staff and one contractor in
real economic substance. Sovereign has                                                        Guernsey.
developed a compelling suite of corporate       There are now 13 FinTech businesses
services to assist the entry, growth and        operating as licensed DLT providers in        During 2019 we saw this pattern repeated
sustainability of businesses in all major       Gibraltar, with numerous applications in      with further diversification of services and
international finance centres.                  the pipeline. This may not sound a lot, but   product development resulting in increased
                                                in Gibraltar the number of DLT providers      new business. This has been complemented
These include structuring employee benefit      now equals that of licensed investment        by targeted acquisitions of small local books
packages and incentive plans for attracting     managers, auditors and banks, and             of business, which we have successfully
and retaining key staff, accounting services,   exceeds that of e-money institutions.         integrated into the business.
payroll, bespoke insurance packages,
corporate and personal pension plans,           As we continue through 2020, we               Until recently, the bulk of our client
obtaining local licences and permits, and       can foresee further recognition and           base and business under administration
assisting with executive relocation.            understanding of blockchain solutions         was international, but in the past year
                                                and Sovereign is well positioned to offer     Sovereign has developed and launched
Historically it was not in Gibraltar’s          a range of services to assist FinTech         new products specifically for the domestic
interest to pursue double taxation              business to establish in Gibraltar, from      market in Guernsey. These include a
agreements, but that has now changed.           initial consultation to providing full        multi-member pension arrangement that
So the recent Gibraltar-UK DTA is a             corporate services assistance.                has proved successful, attracting more
major milestone that reflects how serious                        than 50 Guernsey-resident members
Gibraltar has become in its ambition to                                                       since its establishment in 2018.
trade with leading economies. More are
now likely to follow.                                                                         Sovereign is also now providing corporate
                                                                                              services to Guernsey employers, including
Despite the sombre mood in Gibraltar                                                          payroll services for local companies and
immediately after the 2016 UK referendum        2019 – Growth and                             their resident employees. We are further
on EU membership, the attitude to Brexit                                                      promoting       our    multi-jurisdictional
is now extremely positive. We expect            evolution for                                 service capacity to other local corporate
business to increase post-Brexit. Gibraltar                                                   service providers (CSPs) that have clients
truly will be the location of choice for        Sovereign in Guernsey                         requiring services from other jurisdictions
European (and non-European) businesses                                                        in which they cannot assist directly.
to establish in to access UK markets.
                                                Stephen Hare                                  Looking forward, the most significant
Likewise, the UK and Spain signed a tax         Managing Director                             development in the Guernsey pensions
agreement that is designed to provide           Sovereign Trust (Channel Islands) Ltd         industry for many years fast approaches
clarity for businesses and individuals that                                                   with the introduction of the new
straddle the two jurisdictions. Under the                                                     ‘Secondary Pensions’ regime anticipated
agreement, individuals and companies in
Gibraltar will have to pay taxes in Spain
if they conduct most of their business
                                                S  overeign Trust (Channel Islands)
                                                   reached a significant milestone in 2019;
                                                it has now been operating in Guernsey
                                                                                              in 2022. This will be a compulsory
                                                                                              workplace pension system that is similar
                                                                                              to the UK’s ‘Auto-Enrolment’ regime,
there. It was a highly significant milestone    for ten years. During that time we have       introduced in 2012, which made it
because it was the first bilateral treaty       enjoyed periods of rapid growth but also      compulsory for employers to enrol their
over Gibraltar in more than 300 years.          faced challenges that have required us        eligible workers into a pension scheme.
                                                to develop new products and services
Unlike the vast majority of service providers   in order to maintain growth and stay          Sovereign will be launching specific
in Gibraltar, Sovereign has a global            competitive. It is a tribute to Sovereign’s   products to cater to this opportunity,
footprint. This enables us to service mobile    versatility that we now employ 43             having already diversified its offering in
multi-nationals and individuals on a global
basis. Our offices across Europe, Asia,
Africa and the Middle East do not act as
separate ‘silos’. Rather they work together
to offer a truly cross-border service.

Finally,    Gibraltar’s      purpose-built
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)                            The range of products and
framework has now been in effect
since 1 January 2018. One of the first                         services that we can provide
pieces of legislation of its kind globally,
the framework has been designed to
                                                               is now more extensive than
provide an efficient, safe and innovative                      ever and includes personal and
regulatory framework for firms that use
DLT – also known as ‘blockchain’ ¬– for                        corporate pension plans for
the transmission or storage of value
belonging to others.
                                                               both local and international
                                                               companies, end of service benefit
The framework positions Gibraltar as a
jurisdiction that facilitates innovation,                      solutions, trusts, foundations,
whilst ensuring it continues to meet its                       managed companies, corporate
regulatory and strategic objectives and
understands the modern need for robust                         payroll and much more.
and speedy interaction with regulators in
OFFICE REPORTS                                                                                                         SOVEREIGN REPORT NO.52

recent times to include the provision of                                                         have achieved an overall compliant result
corporate pension plans, in addition to             Hong Kong 2019 –                             in the current round of FATF evaluation.
personal pension schemes. This is expected
to further strengthen Sovereign’s domestic          a turbulent year                             In line with increasing regulation in Asia,
service offering and local client base.                                                          the business of Trust and Corporate
                                                                                                 Service    Providers     (TCSP)     became
The range of products and services                  Marcel Treurnicht                            licensable in 2018. One year into the new
that Sovereign Guernsey can provide                 Legal Counsel                                regime 6,812 TCSP licences have been
is now more extensive than ever and                 Sovereign Trust (Hong Kong) Ltd              issued, including Sovereign Trust (Hong
includes personal and corporate pension                                                          Kong) Ltd. The authorities have also
plans for both local and international                                                           successfully prosecuted three companies
companies, end of service benefit solutions,
trusts, foundations, managed companies,
corporate payroll and much more.
                                                    2  019 was undoubtedly a tumultuous
                                                       year for Hong Kong. The first half of
                                                    the year was stable if somewhat subdued,
                                                                                                 and three individuals for carrying on
                                                                                                 a trust or company service without a
                                                                                                 licence, and four individuals for knowingly
                                                    with modest economic growth between          or recklessly providing false information
We also look forward to the proposed                0.5% and 0.6%. Tensions between the          to the Registrar of Companies.
introduction of a Limited Liability Company         US and Mainland China over trade and
(LLC) structure in Guernsey following a             technology led to an economic slowdown       In addition, one TCSP licensee has been
public consultation to gauge the level of           in Asia. Even so the unemployment rate       disciplined for failing to verify customers’
demand and potential economic benefits,             in Hong Kong remained steady and the         identities and failure to identify beneficial
which concluded in September 2019.                  property market remained buoyant.            owners. This prompt action by the
                                                                                                 authorities indicates a resolve to enforce
LLCs offer legal personality and limited            Unfortunately the economy contracted         the new TCSP regulations with an emphasis
liability in a tax transparent structure with, in   sharply by 2.9% in the third quarter         on the existing AML and CTF Ordinances.
many jurisdictions, the opportunity to elect        due to widespread protests after
to be taxed in the same way as a corporation.       the government tried to introduce a          In more good news for the TCSP industry,
LLCs are commonly used in the US as                 controversial bill enabling extradition      the Court of Final Appeal handed down a
structures for trading businesses, holding          to China. Particularly hard-hit were the     ruling on the important case of Zhang
vehicles and special purpose vehicles in            tourism, retail and catering industries.     Hong Li and Another v DBS (Hong Kong)
finance and investment structures.                                                               Ltd and Others on 22 November. The
                                                    Protest    activity  decreased    before     basic facts of the case are that a company
The US LLC is recognised as providing               district council elections were held on      called ‘Wise Lords’, which was owned by
a flexible hybrid structure, combining              24 November and the voting day was           a trust, made investments into high risk
features of both US corporations and                calm and peaceful. There was a record        financial products in the years leading up
partnerships. An LLC may be formed for              turnout of 71% of registered voters          to 2008. These investments were largely
any lawful business purpose, or activity,           and Democrats took 17 out of 18 seats,       funded with credit.
whether or not for profit.                          which was widely seen as a vote of ‘no
                                                    confidence’ in the HKSAR government.         When the global financial crisis struck in
In the past 12 months, Sovereign                    Chief Executive of Hong Kong Carrie Lam      2008, the investments collapsed leading
Guernsey has also developed solutions               said the government would “seriously         to large losses. Parties to the trust then
aimed at corporate clients in the Gulf              reflect” on the election results and, for    began proceedings against the trustee
Cooperation Council (GCC) region, to                now, an uneasy peace prevails.               (DBS) and the corporate director of Wise
assist with making provision for end-                                                            Lords for breach of duty in respect of
of-service liabilities and/or to provide            Meanwhile on 4 September, the Financial      failure to intervene in the investments.
a centralised plan to accommodate                   Action Task Force (FATF), a global inter-
employer and employee savings.                      governmental body set up to combat           The trust deed contained so-called
                                                    money     laundering     and   terrorism     ‘anti-Bartlett’ clauses, which provide for
We have also seen an increase in the                financing, issued its Mutual Evaluation      trust-owned companies to be managed
number of individuals, particularly UK              Report for Hong Kong, China 2019, which      independently by relieving the trustee
residents, looking to relocate to Guernsey.         followed a comprehensive review of Hong      from any duty to enquire into or interfere
Sovereign is in a position to offer entry           Kong’s anti-money laundering (AML) and       in the management of underlying
services to those relocating to the island,         counter-terrorist financing (CTF) regime.    companies within a trust structure when
at both the personal and corporate level.                                                        an investment manager is appointed.
                                                    Overall the report was positive and Hong
We are now celebrating the fifth year of            Kong’s AML/CTF regime was assessed           The Court of First Instance and the Court of
the Sovereign Art Foundation Students               to be compliant and effective – the first    Appeal both found that the trustees could
Prize. In these five years we have seen             jurisdiction in the Asia-Pacific region to   not rely on the anti-Bartlett clauses and
the competition go from strength to
strength, with increased interest from
the local education community and an
excellent standard of entries annually.
                                                                   Hong Kong’s AML/CTF regime was
The competition has also grown in                                  assessed to be compliant and
terms of support from local businesses,
with a number of sponsors enabling                                 effective – the first jurisdiction in the
its continued growth. This year’s prize
featured the first auction of artworks
                                                                   Asia-Pacific region to have achieved
submitted into the competition. We are                             an overall compliant result in the
proud to able to promote the Foundation
and support this worthy charity.                                   current round of FATF evaluation.
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