European Commission - Daily News

Page created by Edith Lowe
European Commission - Daily News

Daily News 13 / 05 / 2022
Brussels, 13 May 2022
Ukraine: EU is stepping up support to sexual and gender-based violence survivors
Today the Commission announces €1.5 million for a dedicated project to support the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) in assisting women and girls in Ukraine by providing sexual and
reproductive health services. Funding will target essential supplies and equipment, including
emergency kits for pregnant women. In addition, two mobile healthcare units for emergency
obstetric and newborn care, will be established. The funding is part of the EU's overall €243 million
in humanitarian aid in response to Russia's war in Ukraine which comes on top of in-kind assistance
to the country via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The announcement comes as Commissioner for
Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič and Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides,
are meeting with the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in
Conflict Pramila Patten to discuss how to support the survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.
Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič said: “History has shown time and time again
that women bear the brunt of wars and conflicts, and the war in Ukraine is no different. With conflict-
related sexual violence on the rise, we must recognise the impact this ruthless war has on the most
vulnerable populations. Together with the UN we will work hand in hand to protect women and girls
in Ukraine. The EU has just signed a contract with the United Nations Population Fund to provide
immediate humanitarian response for women and girls in Ukraine, including survivors of sexual and
gender-based violence, with access to sexual and reproductive health response services. This also
includes lifesaving medical care. Also, I want to remind Russia that using rape as a weapon of war is
a violation of international humanitarian law in its gravest form, and will not go unpunished.”
Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, said: “The mounting and credible
allegations of rape and sexual violence used during the Russian invasion of Ukraine are extremely
alarming. We are also very worried about the increasing risks of human trafficking and sexual
exploitation. Such horrendous crimes can have devastating effects on the physical and mental health
of the victims. This is why we are working to ensure that access to medical care for those fleeing
Ukraine in the EU also includes mental health, adapted to the needs of women who have experienced
trauma and gender-based violence. Through the EU's solidarity system for medical transfers we can
transfer victims of conflict related sexual violence and provide them with the care they need. Our
priority is to provide care for the victims, and to ensure that the perpetrators of these horrendous
war crimes are brought to justice.” Russia's illegal invasion has caused around 7.7 million people to
be internally displaced in Ukraine, and over 6 million people that fled the country, the vast majority
of them being women and children. (For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578;
Daniel Puglisi - Tel.: +32 229 69140)

Digital finance: Commission marks launch of the Fintech Challenge for Ukraine
The European Commission will hold on Monday a virtual conference to mark the launch of the Fintech
Challenge for Ukraine. The Fintech Challenge for Ukraine is an international coding competition that
will take place online in June 2022. Companies and individuals from all over the world are invited
to develop technological solutions that will provide assistance to Ukrainians in their daily lives,
enable the provision of everyday services to companies, and support the recovery of Ukraine. The
Fintech Challenge for Ukraine will consist of idea workshops and a hackathon, i.e. a coding
competition to develop technological solutions for a given problem. The winners will be announced in
Brussels at the end of June. The Fintech Challenge for Ukraine is organised by the European Digital
Finance Association (EDFA) in cooperation with the Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovative
Companies (UAFIC). It is financed by the European Commission (DG FISMA).
Commissioner McGuinness will open the launch event on Monday 16 May with a keynote speech.
Eva Kaili, Vice President of the European Parliament, Maryna Lazebna, Minister of Social Policy of
Ukraine, and Kyrylo Shevchenko, the Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine, will also give
speeches. This will be followed by an overview of the Fintech Challenge by the UAFIC and EDFA.
More information is available on the conference webpage. (For more information: Arianna Podesta –
Tel.: +32 229 87024; Aikaterini Apostola – Tel.: +32 229 87624)

Des astronomes soutenus par l'UE révèlent la première image du trou noir au cœur de notre
Les astronomes, soutenus par des subventions de l'UE destinées à la recherche, ont dévoilé hier la
première image du trou noir supermassif au centre de notre propre Voie lactée. Cette image fournit
des indices précieux sur le fonctionnement de ces géants, qui sont censés résider au centre de la
plupart des galaxies. Elle participe également à confirmer, à nouveau, la théorie de la relativité
générale d'Einstein. L'image, dans une résolution sans précédent, a été produite par Event Horizon
Telescope (EHT), une collaboration scientifique mondiale dans le cadre de laquelle les scientifiques
financés par le Conseil européen de la recherche (CER) ont joué un rôle clé. Auparavant, les
chercheurs avaient vu des étoiles orbites autour de quelque chose d'invisible, compact et très massif
au centre de voie lactée, et ils soupçonnaient l'existence d'un trou noir. Cette nouvelle image est la
première preuve visuelle directe que cet objet, connu sous le nom de Sagittarius A *, est en réalité
un trou noir. Cette découverte sensationnelle fait suite à la publication en 2019 de la toute première
image d'un trou noir dans la galaxie plus éloignée appelée Messier 87. L'effort scientifique a été
rendu possible grâce à l'ingéniosité de plus de 300 chercheurs issus de 80 instituts du monde entier
qui, ensemble, forment ce réseau EHT. Avec la National Science Foundation (Fondation nationale
pour la science) des États-Unis, le CER a apporté un soutien crucial par l'intermédiaire du projet
BlackHoleCam, d'un montant de 14 millions d'euros. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, l'UE a
également soutenu le développement et la modernisation des grandes infrastructures de télescope
essentielles au succès du projet EHT, en investissant plus de 30 millions d'euros dans RadioNet.
Outre le CER, l'UE finance la recherche spatiale par l'intermédiaire du programme Horizon Europe, en
mettant l'accent, entre autres, sur le renforcement de la compétitivité du secteur spatial de l'UE et
l'accès des acteurs de l'UE à l'espace. De plus amples informations sont disponibles dans le présent
communiqué de presse du CER. (Pour plus d'informations: Johannes Bahrke – Tél.: +32 229 58615;
Marietta Grammenou – Tél.: +32 229 83583)

Police cooperation: the Commission proposes signature and conclusion of an international
Agreement with New Zealand
Today, the Commission adopted two proposals for Council Decisions, enabling the signing and
conclusion of an Agreement which will allow to exchange personal data between Europol and New
Zealand. The Agreement will allow the transfer of personal data from Europol to the New Zealand's
competent authorities in fighting serious crime and terrorism. At the same time it will guarantee a
high level of protection of fundamental rights, including through the necessary data protection
safeguards. The EU and New Zealand agreed on reinforcing law enforcement cooperation in the
aftermath of the Christchurch attacks in March 2019. Once the proposals are approved by the
Council, the Agreement will be sent to the European Parliament for its consent. (For more
information: Anitta Hipper - Tel.: +32 229 85691; Laura Bérard – Tel.: +32 229 55721; Ciara
Bottomley – Tel.: +32 229 69971)

Global response to COVID-19 and beyond: Commission steps up funding to vaccination roll-
out in Africa
The European Commission has announced its intention to step up funding to accelerate the roll-out
and uptake of vaccines and other COVID-19 tools in Africa, with a further €400 million in support.
The Commission also foresees a €427 million ($450 million) contribution to the Global Pandemic
Preparedness Fund to support efforts to prevent and better respond to future pandemics. In response
to the changed supply-demand situation of COVID-19 vaccines, the EU is adapting its efforts by
supporting the most efficient use of the available doses. Ensuring equitable access to non-vaccine
tools remains essential, as does enhancing the resilience of health systems to prepare for the next
pandemic. The support pledged yesterday, as part of Team Europe's Global Response, intends to
further these objectives. President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said: “The supply of
vaccines must go hand in hand with a speedy delivery, especially in Africa. The priority today is to
make sure that every dose available is administered. And because we know that the best answer to
any potential future health crisis is prevention, we are also stepping up support to strengthen health
systems and preparedness capacities.” Commissioner for International Partnerships,
Jutta Urpilainen, said: “The pandemic has evolved and the vaccine supply has stabilised, thanks in
part to the generous financial and in-kind contributions of Team Europe to COVAX. We have heard
our African partners: the challenge now is to accelerate the roll-out and uptake of vaccines on the
ground, and to respond to other needs of the COVID-19 response, including therapeutics,
diagnostics, and health systems. We will therefore adapt our response to help countries tackle the
pandemic through tailored support and be prepared for the future.” During the second COVID-19
Summit, President von der Leyen and President Biden also reaffirmed their commitment to the
U.S.-EU Agenda for Beating the Global Pandemic, Vaccinating the World, Saving Lives Now and
Building Back Better, initiated at the first COVID-19 Summit in September 2021. In their joint
statement, they describe ongoing EU - U.S. cooperation and shared goals in the areas of vaccine
equity and shots in arms; strengthening global supply chains and manufacturing; improving the
global health security architecture; preparing for future pathogen threats and risks; and research and
development for new vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics. You can read more in the press release
(For more info: Ana Pisonero +32 2 295 43 20; Gesine Knolle +32 2 295 43 23)

Union européenne de la santé : un rapport de la Commission constate que les droits des
patients en matière de soins de santé transfrontaliers sont bien protégés mais que des défis
La Commission européenne a publié un rapport sur les droits des patients dans le cadre de la
directive sur les soins de santé transfrontaliers, ainsi qu'une évaluation de son impact dix ans après
son adoption. Le rapport confirme que la directive a garanti l'égalité de traitement de tous les
patients de l'UE lorsqu'ils sont traités dans un autre pays de l'UE, et qu'elle a prévu le
remboursement partiel ou total des coûts des soins de santé transfrontaliers. Le rapport a également
constaté que la directive pourrait contribuer à réduire le très important arriéré de traitements de
routine non urgents, qui ont été reportés en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19, là où des capacités
de soins de santé inutilisées peuvent exister de l'autre côté de la frontière. Stella Kyriakides,
commissaire à la santé et à la sécurité alimentaire, a déclaré : « La pandémie de COVID-19 a montré
l'importance de la solidarité européenne transfrontalière en temps de crise. Il est encourageant de
constater que la législation européenne remplit son objectif, à savoir faciliter l'égalité de traitement
et l'accès à des soins de santé sûrs et de qualité pour les patients de l'UE dans toute l'Union. Nous
allons maintenant prendre des mesures pour relever les défis restants et faire en sorte que tous les
patients puissent faire pleinement usage des droits aux soins de santé que leur confère la législation
européenne. Garantir une coopération européenne solide en matière de soins de santé
transfrontaliers est un élément important de notre action visant à construire une Union européenne
de la santé forte, au service de tous les patients. » La reconnaissance des prescriptions dans toute
l'UE et le droit des patients à l'information sur les soins de santé transfrontaliers sont une autre
preuve de l'intérêt de la directive, qui a particulièrement bien réussi à renforcer la coopération
européenne en matière de soins de santé dans le domaine des maladies rares. Les réseaux
européens de référence aident des milliers de patients souffrant de maladies complexes rares ou à
faible prévalence. En outre, les habitants des régions frontalières bénéficient grandement de la
coopération régionale structurée en matière de soins de santé dans les situations d'urgence et pour
les soins de santé planifiés, grâce au partage des établissements de santé. Plusieurs régions ont
présenté des exemples de bonnes pratiques de coopération structurée entre les administrations de la
santé, les assureurs et les prestataires de soins de santé qui travaillent ensemble par-delà les
frontières pour surmonter les différences entre les systèmes de santé nationaux et répondre aux
besoins des patients. Cependant, les patients continuent de rencontrer des difficultés lorsqu'ils
cherchent à se faire soigner à l'étranger, principalement en raison de l'application inégale de la
directive par les pays de l'UE, de procédures administratives lourdes et d'informations trop
complexes sur les meilleures options de soins de santé transfrontaliers disponibles. Le rapport peut
être consulté ici. Voir L'Europe est à vous sur les droits des patients en matière de soins de santé
transfrontaliers. (Plus d'informations : Stefan De Keersmaecker - Tél : +32 229 84680 ; Darragh
Cassidy - Tél : +32 229 83978.)

Investment Plan for Europe supports Estonian dairy producer to expand production and
promote sustainable agriculture
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a €29 million loan with dairy producer E-Piim
Tootmine in Estonia to support the construction of a dairy plant. The EIB investment is backed by the
 European Fund for Strategic Investments, the main pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe. The
new plant will partially replace some ageing manufacturing facilities and expand significantly the
existing production capacity, whilst also adding a fourth production facility. It will for instance
process milk from its cooperative members into high value-added dairy products such as hard and
semi-hard cheese (gouda and cheddar) and pasteurised cream. The investment will also support
sustainable agriculture. The company promotes sustainable animal rearing among its cooperative
members, who are its milk suppliers. Furthermore, the company implements a zero-net carbon
company programme, targeting zero net carbon emissions by 2040 and a reduction of 55% by 2030,
including with its milk suppliers. Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Janusz
Wojciechowski, said: “I welcome this agreement between the EIB and Estonian dairy producer E-
Piim, which will help to build a sustainable and animal-friendly food system. The financing will
enable E-Piim to modernise its infrastructure, promote sustainable animal rearing, and reduce its
emissions by 2040. This is in line with our environmental ambitions.” The Investment Plan for Europe
has so far mobilised €546.5 billion of investment, benefitting over 1.4 million small and medium-
sized businesses. A press release is available online. (For more information: Veerle Nuyts - Tel.: +32
229 96302; Flora Matthaes - Tel.: +32 229 83951)

Agriculture : la Commission approuve une nouvelle indication géographique de Suède
La Commission a approuvé l'ajout du « Wrångebäcksost » de Suède dans le registre des appellations
d'origine protégée (AOP). Le « Wrångebäcksost » est un fromage produit à partir de lait de vache
frais entier biologique non pasteurisé provenant de la région Guldkroken. La qualité du lait et le
régime alimentaire des vaches laitières, constitué d'herbe et de plantes de pâture de la région, revêt
une importance cruciale pour les caractéristiques du « Wrångebäcksost » et son arôme légèrement
aigre, avec des notes animales et lactées. Le savoir-faire relatif au procédé de fabrication et au
traitement ultérieur du fromage s'est transmis de générations en générations. Le
« Wrångebäcksost » est aujourd'hui toujours fabriqué artisanalement selon la recette originale. Cette
nouvelle appellation vient s'ajouter à la liste des 1577 produits agricoles déjà protégés et disponibles
dans la base de données eAmbrosia. Plus d'informations en ligne sur les systèmes de qualité et sur
notre portail GIView. (Pour plus d'informations: Miriam Garcia Ferrer – Tél.: +32 229 99075; Thérèse
Lerebours – Tél.: +32 229 63303)

State aid: Commission approves €93 million Flemish scheme to support uncovered fixed
costs of companies affected by the coronavirus pandemic
The European Commission has approved a €93 million Flemish scheme to support the uncovered
fixed costs of companies affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The scheme was approved under the
State aid Temporary Framework. The aid, which will take the form of direct grants, will provide
support for the uncovered fixed costs incurred by the beneficiaries. The scheme will be open to
companies of all sizes active in all economic sectors, except the financial one. In order to be eligible,
companies must have suffered a decline in turnover (i) of at least 40% (excluding VAT) over 2021;
and (ii) of 60% (excluding VAT) in at least two separate quarters of 2021, compared to the
corresponding periods in 2019. The eligible beneficiaries will be entitled to receive an aid amount up
to a maximum of 10% of the turnover recorded during the relevant corresponding periods in 2019,
up to €2 million per company. The purpose of the scheme is to address the liquidity needs of the
beneficiaries and to help them continue their activities during and after the pandemic. The
Commission found that the Flemish scheme is in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary
Framework. In particular, the aid (i) will not exceed €12 million per company; and (ii) will be
granted no later than 30 June 2022. The Commission concluded that the measure is necessary,
appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State, in
line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. On this
basis, the Commission approved the measure under EU State aid rules. More information on the
Temporary Framework and other actions taken by the Commission to address the economic impact of
the coronavirus pandemic can be found here. The non-confidential version of the decision will be
made available under the case number SA.102421 in the State aid register on the Commission's
competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved. (For more information:
Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Boskalis by HAL
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole
control of Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (‘Boskalis') by HAL Investments B.V. (‘HAL'), both of the
Netherlands. Boskalis is a global maritime service company mainly active in dredging, offshore
installation and offshore transport. HAL is a global investment company, active in a variety of sectors
including the maritime sector, tank storage and media. The Commission concluded that the proposed
acquisition would raise no competition concerns, because of its limited impact on the market. The
transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is
available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case
number M.10706. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.:
+32 229 90526)

Commissioner Breton in Finland to discuss defence and industrial policy
Today, Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, is in Finland to meet public authorities and
for visits on industrial sites, academic and research institutes. This morning, the Commissioner met
the Minister of Economic Affairs, Mika Lintilä, to discuss industrial policy, bioeconomy and raw
materials. Together with the Minister, the Commissioner attended a seminar on “Innovative
Bioeconomy – Future Strategies and Solutions”. After the seminar, he visited the VTT Technical
Research Centre of Finland, one of the EU's leading research institutions, that notably works on new
bio-based products and circular economy solutions and quantum research. In the afternoon,
Commissioner Breton will visit the company Stora Enso, a manufacturer using biomass to create
component for batteries for electric vehicles. He will meet the Minister of Transport and
Communications, Timo Harakka, to touch upon digital files like cybersecurity and 5G. Commissioner
Breton will also visit the Guard Jaeger Regiment of the Finnish Defence Forces and the National
Defence University, based on Santahamina Military Island. To conclude the visit, the Commissioner
will exchange with the Minister of Defence, Antti Kaikkonen. (For more information: Sonya
Gospodinova – Tel.: +32 229 66953; Federica Miccoli – Tel.: +32 229 58300)

Commissioner Wojciechowski participates in the meetings of the G7 ministers of
On 13 and 14 May, Commissioner for agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski is in Stuttgart to
participate in the meetings of the G7 ministers of agriculture. They will discuss the consequences of
the Russian aggression in Ukraine and how to secure global food security, as well as the pathways
towards sustainable food systems and agricultural trade and agri-food supply chains. Commissioner
Wojciechowski will have the opportunity to hold bilateral meetings, including with German minister
Cem Özdemir to discuss the impact of the war on markets and prices, and the state of play on the
CAP Strategic Plans, with Canadian minister of agriculture Marie-Claude Bibeau and also with Japan
minister Arata Takebe. The Commission keeps monitoring the situation on food security closely and
its impact on farmers and consumers, following up on its Communication presented on 23 March on
the topic. (For more information: Miriam Garcia Ferrer – Tel.: +32 229 99075; Thérèse Lerebours –
Tel.: +32 229 63303)

Commissioner Vălean visits Berlin at the beginning of next week to address current and
future transport issues
Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport, will be in Berlin as of Monday 16 May until Wednesday.
On her first day of the visit, she will attend the Joint Meeting with the Transport and EU Affairs
Committees at the Bundestag, where discussions will focus on the current transport issues resulting
from to the unjustified Russian invasion of Ukraine and the challenges for the transport sector to
become more sustainable. She will also meet Dr. Richard Lutz, CEO of Deutsche Bahn, to discuss
how to make rail more attractive for passengers, especially when it comes to cross-border and long-
distance journeys. On Monday evening, she will meet several youth organisations to discuss young
people's views on the future of mobility, its obstacles and opportunities On Tuesday, Commissioner
Vălean meets Volker Wissing, Federal Minister for Transport. Their discussions will focus on
decarbonisation of road transport, the transport files of the Fit for 55 package and the trans-
European transport networks. Following the meeting, Commissioner Vălean and Minister Wissing will
visit, together with Pete Buttigieg, US Secretary of Transportation, the Berlin Central Railway Station,
which is one of the main reception hubs for people fleeing the war in Ukraine. Commissioner Vălean
will hold a press briefing on Tuesday morning at the Representation of the European Commission in
Germany where she will notably present the upcoming contingency plan in the field of transport. You
can follow the press conference live on EbS. For more information: Adalbert Jahnz – Tel.: +32 229
53156; Anna Wartberger – Tel.: +32 229 82504)
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